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Warning Against False Prophet- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Warning Against False Prophet- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

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In this broadcast, Pastor Peterson O. Abu warns about the rise of false prophets, false apostles, and false teachers in the last days. He emphasizes that many people will be deceived by these individuals who claim to be connected to Jesus. Jesus himself warned his disciples to be cautious and not be deceived by these false prophets. Pastor Abu urges Christians to be discerning and not fall victim to the deception of these false teachers. He highlights the importance of knowing the Word of God and not being swayed by popular opinion or trends. He also mentions that these false prophets will focus on earthly success rather than leading people towards eternal salvation. It is crucial for believers to be vigilant and discerning in order to avoid falling into the traps of these false prophets. Welcome to the Renewal Life Christian Fellowship broadcast with Pastor Peterson O. Abu, an apostolic and teaching ministry where believers are discipled and developed to be established in the fullness of the stature of Christ. For inquiries or counsel, please contact us via these numbers, plus 234-802-671-9577 or plus 234-081-024-21675 or plus 234-807-599-6218 or email us via renewalchristoutreach at gmail.com. You can also follow us on Facebook and YouTube. May you encounter God as you listen to this life changing word. We are coming with strange doctrines, strange belief systems, strange operations and manifestations. And because we are living in a time where the believers do not care to know by what spirit a man is operating, by what spirit is a man functioning. And everything that is being sold to us or is being shared to us, you see Christians patronizing every preacher. We have many false pastors on social media, the people that God has not called and yet they have run into the ministry of the world. We have many false teachers, we have false brethren, we have false apostles. And these people sometimes they have climbed the pinnacle of fame. Some of them are already popular, some of them are already trending, some of them they have the motivational teaching or the motivational speech or the motivational words that they can use to casual a man into believing that they are from God. And I fear the Lord will be wanting us to examine this so as for us to have proper understanding that in these last days there will be false prophets. Jesus while speaking to the disciples, while he was explaining to them concerning things relating to the end of the age. He told them in the book of Matthew 24 verse 4 and 5. Here was what Jesus said. And Jesus answered and said unto them, take ease that no man deceive you. Now this is a word that Jesus brought to disciples. Disciples that Jesus had taken years to mentor, to train and to prepare. Jesus said although I have used three years to prepare you, to mentor you, to teach you, but then if you don't take ease you can still be deceived. So Jesus told the disciples, is it take ease that no man deceive thee. Take ease that no man deceive you because the devil is a deceiver and there are men who through cunningly devised fables can deceive you into believing things that God has not commanded. We are living in the last days as Jesus gave the prophecy that we have false prophets, we have false apostles, we have false teachers and I fear for many of us that are questing to no more revelation. There are many people here that are questing for remorse. There are many people that are questing. They are questing for remorse. They want to follow the trendy pastor, the trendy apostle, the trendy teacher, the trendy prophets and many of these people are being intermingled with falsehood, with false doctrine. Jesus speaking to the disciples, he said take ease that no man deceive you. Don't allow anybody to deceive you because there are deceptions that can dam the soul of a man. So Jesus was speaking to them, he said take ease, you must watch, you must be careful, you must carefully design that no man deceive you. Take ease that no man deceive you. Verse 5 For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ, and shall deceive many. Now, many shall come to deceive many. Many shall come to deceive many. Jesus didn't say that few shall come to deceive many, no. He said many shall come and they shall deceive many. They will deceive the Christians who doesn't want to submit to discipleship. They will deceive the Christians who doesn't want to submit to training. They will deceive the Christians who doesn't want to submit to the instructions of God's Word. They will deceive that believer who has not yet given himself or herself to the total edge of the scripture. They will deceive that man, that brother, that sister who has not yet met the Word of God, a final authority over his life, over her life. Verse 6 For many shall come in my name. Many shall pretend to be of me. Many shall pretend that they have relationship with me. Many shall pretend that they are connected to me. Many shall pretend to be associated with me. And through their pretentious exhibition, they will succeed to deceive the gullibles. They will succeed to deceive all those who are not designing. So Jesus said that in the last days, the first prophet shall be many and the deceived ones shall be many. Now understand that Jesus was laying down a background because he had told them before that this is how you will know that by their fruit you shall know a first petition. But Jesus said that in the last days there shall be many deceivers that shall deceive many people. Verse 7 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. Many shall come in my name, saying, I am a prophet of the Lord, and shall deceive many. Many shall come in my name, saying, I am an apostle of the Lord, and shall deceive many. Many shall come in my name, saying, I am a teacher of God's Word, and shall deceive many. There will be many that will open churches, open buildings, worship centers, and they shall deceive many. We are in the last days and there are a lot of first prophets in these days. If you are not careful as a Christian, you will fall victim of these first prophets. You will fall into their hands. You will become a victim of their deception, warning against first prophets. Let us go to verse 2, verse 11. Matthew chapter 24 verse 11. And many first prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And many first prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. I want you to take note of the word many. Because if you are still a Christian that is looking for popular opinion, then you will likely be deceived. Because it is many that shall be deceived, not few. If you are still a Christian that is looking for how many people support what you believe. Because when we are teaching you the word of God, you begin to compare us with the popular ministers and what the majority are practicing the Christian do. And you say, if the majority of believers are doing this, sir, why are you against it? Have you forgotten that the Bible says that many shall be deceived? Many shall be deceived. Why would many be deceived? Why is it that Jesus was stressing on many? Why was Jesus making emphasis on the word many? Why was Jesus so interested in the word many? Why was many the right word that Jesus could use in explaining to them? Because when he was telling them that many shall be deceived, Jesus was saying that the numbers of deceivers in the last days, they shall be much. We are living in a strange time, you have to be very careful if you must end up well. So in Matthew chapter 5, let us look at the reason why Jesus made emphasis on the word many. Matthew chapter 5, I read from verse 13. I beg your pardon. Matthew chapter 7, I beg your pardon. Matthew chapter 7, I read from verse 21. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Verse 22, Many will say unto me, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out demons, devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I prophesy unto them, I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Depart from me, ye that practice iniquity. Now, if we move further, we can go to verse 15 or verse 13. Let us go to verse 13. Matthew chapter 7 from verse 13. Because we want to look at the reason why Jesus was stressing on the word many. Why was Jesus making emphasis on that word many? Why was Jesus so interested in using the word many that in the last days there shall be many false prophets who shall deceive many? Jesus even gave a prophecy of the activities of the prophets. Jesus said, I am prophesying that in the last days false prophets shall deceive many. So now we want to look at the reason why Jesus stressed, why he made emphasis, why Jesus was so concerned on this word many. In Matthew chapter 7, I read from verse 13. Answer ye in that in at the straight gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. And many, you see the word there again, and many there be which go in the earth. When we talk about false prophets, we talk about the broad way preachers. We are the broad way preachers and we are the narrow way preachers. In the broad way teachings, many find delight in buying into the doctrines. The broad way teachings are teachings that glorify the flesh. The broad way preachers are preachers that are lower than the standard of God's infallible word. The broad way preachers are preachers that mutilate the verdict and the truth of God's word. So Jesus said, in the last days there shall be false prophets who shall succeed to deceive many. Now understand that when Jesus said that many shall be deceived, he came back, remember he has told them of the broad way preachers. He said, answer in at the straight gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. And many, you see the word there again, and many there be which go in the earth. When we talk about false prophets, false apostles, false preachers, we are talking about the broad way preachers. We are talking about the broad way apostles. We are talking about the broad way evangelists. We are talking about the broad way prophets. They can tell you what you put on as your underwear, but they will not tell you the way to heaven. They can teach you on things that can lead to success on earth, but they do not know the high way of holiness. They do not know the demands that makes a man to spend eternity with God in heaven. So God is saying to us that there shall be broad way preachers who will succeed to deceive many in the last days. So God is speaking to you right now that this is the activities of the last days. Why will there be many that will buy the doctrine of false preachers? It is because number one, the doctrine of false apostles, the doctrine of false prophets, the doctrine of false preachers excludes the cross. Excludes the cross. Jesus said, if anyone will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and walk with me. So you will discover that these preachers do not emphasize the power of the cross in the Christian life. And that is why you will see Christians who have not yet been changed and yet they are in the church. Unchanged believers in the arts of God. Unchanged believers even on the pulpit of God. The Bible says that in the last days the false prophets shall succeed in deceiving many. In deceiving many. Why will they be able to deceive many? They will take away cross from their tissues. Today we see Christians who argue with God and who fight and resist the spirit of God that is convicting them of their sins. When you shake the arts of God, the daughters of Jezebel have cloned the church and they are sitting on the pulpit and the pew. When you shake the church, arm lovers and thieves are not succeeded to be appointed as ministers in the arts of God. People whose life has not yet been broken and been touched by the spirit of God. They are not in the arts of God carrying out evil atrocities from the pulpit to the pew. They shall be false prophets. Broadway preachers who will make the narrow way discouraging to believers and they will set up other ways. The ways that God never requires. The ways that is not the ways of God. Jesus said I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. No man cometh to the Father except through me. They will make the way of Christ to become the way of the population so it accommodates more people. And some of you, you are members of such a church. Broadway preachers that the pastors to the choristers. Everybody fornication going on. Fornication from the pulpit to the pew. Fornication among the choristers. Fornication among the pastors. Fornication adultery taking place in the church of God. And it is not the emphasis. Holiness is not the emphasis. Righteousness is not the emphasis. You see people living like animals in the arts of God. People that are possessed with the spirit of God. Pastors sleeping with choristers. Choristers sleeping with members. The church has become a place of slum as seen the people whose life has not yet been regenerated. False prophets. This is a Broadway church. The Broadway church. This is a Broadway church. And the Bible says many shall be found there. Many not few. Many shall be found there. Read verse 15. The Bible says in verse 15. Matthew chapter 7 verse 15. Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. They are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistle? He will sow every good tree that bringeth forth good fruit. Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth corrupt fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is healed and cast into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you shall know them. Jesus gave an explicit instruction of the rising of false prophets in the last days. Jesus was not shy to make a declaration and to blow the trumpet that in the last days there shall be rising of false prophets. Those that we encourage sin and iniquity in the church of God. Those that we encourage abominables and abominations both on the pulpit and the pew. And you must be careful that you are not falling into their trap because your soul shall never die. There shall be great preachers, there shall be great saints who do not care of eternity in heaven. They don't care about heaven, they don't make emphasis that there is a judgment coming for every soul that wants to live on earth. Therefore, they live carelessly. And many of us here, we are like that. Many of us are like that. False prophets, they shall deceive many. They are not coming already, they are not coming. False prophets are not coming, they are around now. Jesus said they were coming, but in our time, they are now. They are not coming, they are around, they have come. False prophets. This is why the Lord is asking us that I shall blow the trumpet to you that where has some of you are already followers of these false prophets. They may be your pastor, they may be your reverend, your bishop. The church you are attending currently, they may be the one there in sheep clothing. They may come to you with titles. We thank God for today, social media has been a great help to the body of Christ in spreading the gospel, but I want to tell you that there are many false apostles, false prophets, false teachers, false evangelists that are taking advantage, deceiving men, deceiving those that are not watchful. Deceiving those that are not careful. Deceiving those that will not make the word of God standard for their lives. In the book of 1 Timothy chapter 4, I read from verse 1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter days, some shall depart from the faith, giving ease to the seducing spirits and daughters of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience shed with a hot iron, forbidden to marry, and commanded to abstain from meat which God has created. Which God has created to be received. We thank even of them which believe and know the truth. Understand that not only Jesus that sounded the alarm, even Paul the apostle, that in the latter days there will be people who went to theological schools, who have knowledge of the Bible. They could tell you from Genesis to Revelation the stories in the Bible. But the Bible said to us that these people they will depart from the faith and they will give it to seducing spirits. What does it mean to operate in seducing spirits? They will seduce you to sell your house and you carry your money to go and give to them. They will seduce you to reject your wife, to throw your wife outside, to throw your husband outside and then they will take you for your wife. Seducing spirits. When they start teaching you, you will be carried away. When we talk about seducing spirits, seducing spirits is a spirit that when you come under the influence of the administration, you will not be able to take a decision, you will be under their influence. Seducing spirits. They will not teach you about God. They won't teach you about heaven. They won't teach you of the judgment of God that is coming. But they will be asking you of much money. They will tell you to sow the seed of this to sow the seed of that. They will tell you to pay the seed that if you want God to answer you, you have to pay this money. You have to drop this money. Seducing spirits. They will make merchandise of you. They don't care about you. They don't care to know whether you read your Bible. They don't care to know whether you are praying every day. They don't care to know whether you are living in sin. All they are careful to know is that send the money. Send the money to our account. When you watch them on social media, you watch them on the television, you see their bank account on the screen and they are telling you that if you sow the seed, your life will never remain the same. False preachers, false pastors, false apostles. Unfortunately, it is these false people that some of us will carry our money to go and give to. We that are preaching the truth will begin to beg you to support the work of God. But I won't blame you because you are still under their influence. The Bible says that they will operate with a seducing spirit. Without seducing spirit, they will not be able to command you to bring your money. Because even we the preachers of truth, because we are using the holy spirit, we do not command you to bring money. But these false prophets, as they are speaking, every word that is coming out of their mouth is backed up by seducing spirit. So you will not be able to resist it. They could tell you to empty your account. They could tell you to go and sell your land, to sell your house, to sell your cow and bring the money to the church. Seducing spirit, you will not be able to resist them. Because every word that proceeds out of their mouth is backed up by seducing spirit. So God the Apostle says that there is a dimension of false prophets that will arise in the last days. That when they start speaking to you, when they start preaching to you, you will bite their cancel. You will bite their cancel. Anything they teach from the pulpit, I want to make people that every time they are speaking, they will say, our papa said this. Even when you know that the thing is against his scripture, they will tell you that our papa, our papa said we should do this. Our papa said we should do that. Seducing spirit has enslaved them. Therefore they cannot resist for themselves again. Because these prophets, they don't just speak, they speak with the backing of seducing spirit. Many shall rise in the last days. Some shall depart from the faith, giving in to seducing spirit and doctrines of the devil. When we ask you to pay tithe or to give offering, we are saying that you should help us to empower ourselves so that we can expose these false prophets. Because these false prophets, where they are gaining advantage is that they have the money to promote their deceptions. They have the money to sponsor their deceptions. They have the equipment to make their deception to go far. They take over the media, they take over the social media, they take over the news station, over the media station, they take over everywhere. These false prophets, they are promoting their propaganda, promoting their deception, promoting their lies, promoting their evil and doctrines of devils because they have the resources. But the Lord wants me to warn you, you that is here with me now, that you must beware of false prophets. Beware of false prophets. Beware of false prophets. They will operate with seducing spirit. They won't teach you. Their messages will not promote you, will not motivate you. Their messages will not challenge you to be like Jesus. The emphasis of their teachings is for you to live a good life on earth which you will never get because they will keep deceiving you that the Lord wants to lift you up into a new position of greatness. But all that you need to do is that you must sell your car and bring the money of your car to the church. That through that God will promote you. That is the only way. And when you sell your car and bring the money to the church, you will never experience the promotion. They use seducing spirit. Some of them will send you messages on WhatsApp that they want to prophesy on you. Some of them will send you messages on WhatsApp that will send you messages on Facebook. You will discover that there are pastors that are shutting you up on Facebook because they discover that you are not in Africa. Because they discover that your number is not an African number. Your country code number is not an African country code number. So when they see you, they know that they have to take advantage of you. And the next thing they will come and tell you is that they see a witch, a wizard that is fighting against you. And because you do not know your Bible, you will fall a priest to them. So the next thing you will start asking is that man of God what must I do to be free? They will tell you that they want to do a sacrifice for you. There are some priests that want to carry out for you that you just have to pay a sum of $200 that when you pay $200 that they are going to do a sacrifice and they will pray against it and those evil will not happen. And look at us here, we are asking you to give us $200,000 so that we can subscribe for good being. But you will carry your money and go and give it to a false prophet who does not have the interest to know where you will spend eternity. They are not careful to know whether your life is right with God. They don't call you to ask you if you are living in sin or not. You can be living in fornication and yet they will still be blessing prophecies on you. They will be prophesying on the fornicator because their goal is not after your life, their goal is after your bank accounts. False prophets, they shall rise up in the last days for the Lord will expose them. They shall rise up in the last days, they are close to you, they are in your community, they are in that your place where you sit. False prophets that the Lord has never called and sent. False prophets that God has not deceived him. False prophets that have departed from the way of righteousness. In the book of 2 Timothy chapter 4, I read from verse 1. I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the weak and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom. Preach the word, this is what the Lord is speaking to us. Preach the word, preach the sound word of God. Preach it anywhere, preach it in the place of your work, where you work, preach the word. Preach it to your family, preach it to your husband, preach it to your wife, tell them the truth. Open their eyes to the truth, preach the word. Be instant in season and out of season. Whether you are weak or you are not weak, whether you are sick or you are not sick, you must preach the word everywhere you go to. Let me ask you this question, because the only way we can preserve the souls of men from under the deception of false prophets is to teach the truth. Let me ask you this question, where you stay are you preaching the truth? Are you preaching the truth in where you work, in your neighbours, where you are staying, those neighbours around you. Do they see you as someone that stands on the word of God or do they see you as a brother that always carries a sifter into your room when nobody would be in the environment? Do they see you as a sifter that always peep into a brother's house when nobody was around? That your testimony of Jesus Christ has been mutilated and destroyed, you have no goodness to even defend the truth. Preach the word. The only way we can preserve the community as salt of the earth, the only way we can preserve the world as the light of the world is to make sure that the word of God, the truth of God's word is taught in season and out of season. There shouldn't be spiritual holidays. We should preach the word and preach the word every time, every day. Preach the word in season and out of season. Stand on the word of God. Let the word of God come out with strength, with power. Correct every form of unconsciousness. Correct the false prophets. Rebuke them. Expose them. Tell the people that this is a false prophet. Preach the word in season and out of season. Don't be ashamed to tell your members the truth. Don't be ashamed to tell. Many will leave your fellowship. Many will leave your church because when you start condemning fornication, they will not be comfortable. They will leave. When you start condemning fraudulence, fraud, fraud, many false prophets, the members that they add in their short sheets are ritualists and fraudsters. Fraudsters. Even false prophets are praying for fraudsters to be deceiving. Internet fraudsters. Internet fraudsters. So when you are a preacher that preaches that internet fraudsters is a sin, you will lose your members. You will lose your members. Some will leave. Let them go. Let them go. Let them go. Preach the word. If we must make the community to remain moral, preach the word. If not, there will be moral decadence, but we must preach the word. Call the apostles. Tell Timothy that the only way we can preserve the community as salt of the earth is to preach the word. The only way we can preserve the community as salt of the earth, we must preach the word. Preach the word in season and out of season. Preach it always. Make it an emphasis. Don't be scared. Don't be afraid. Many will leave you. Many have left me. Many have left me. And many will still leave me. Yes, many will still leave me because I'm against polygamy. Many will still leave me because I'm against fornication. I'm against cohabitation. That a woman, that a man has not married, she carries a load, living with a man in one house, I call that fornication. And you will not like that. So many will leave me. I've made up my mind. I'm taking decisions. Even if there's no money for me to eat. Even if there's no money for me to decorate. Even if I'm living in one room. Even if I have no money, I will preach the truth. I don't know how to preach lies. I was not brought up that way. I can't teach you lies. Preach the word in season and out of season. Whether you ask for it or not, preach the word. There may be not many invitations. People may not invite you again. Other pastors may not invite you to come and preach. But preach the word in season and out of season. You must preach everywhere you go. Monday, you must teach. Tuesday, you must teach. Sunday, you must teach. Preach the word. Preach it. The sound word of God. The word that saves. The word that transforms. The word that brings eternal life. Preach that word. Don't be tired. Preach it in your place of work. Tell your boss, if there's any boss that is trying to sleep with you as a sister, that your boss, your CEO is asking you out as a lady. And your CEO is saying that until he sleeps with you, until he has sex with you, he will not promote you. Preach the word. Tell him, except the man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. And which all shall stand before the great white holy judgment. And a book shall be opened. And another book shall be opened, which is the book of life. And the dead shall be judged out of those books. And whosoever was not found within the book of life shall be cast into the lake of fire. Look at your CEO's eyes. And look at him and tell him, God is angry with the wicked every day. Except the man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. My CEO, my manager, I speak to you that your life is already ruined. And you have found wanting. And the judgment of God is laying down. Except you repent, you will perish. Preach the word. Preach the word to your husband. Tell your husband the truth. Tell your husband the truth. That your husband, while making love with you, will begin to watch pornography. And say, let us use the pornographic styles and position of sex. Let us use it while we are making love. That both of you are making love and your husband is watching pornography to make love with you. And you say no. The Bible says not the occlusion here with the kingdom of God. And your husband beats you up. Let him beat you up. Preach the word. Tell yourself that your husband will not take you to hell. Tell yourself that your wife will not take you to hell. Make that decision. Oh no, I make it long time ago. My children will not take me to hell. You tell yourself, my husband will not take me to hell. It is better I leave that marriage than for me to compromise the standard of God's word. It is better for me to be a single than for me to mutilate and compromise the standard of God's word. What shall it profit me if I get the old world and get married and lose my soul? Preach the word in season and out of season. The only way we can preserve the community in righteousness is when we continue preaching the word in season and out of season. Preach the word. In season and out of season. Preach the word. Don't change the word. Don't change the gospel. Don't change the standard. Don't make it lower down. Everyone will not accept it but stand on it. Preach the word. Don't change the word of God. This is what Paul told Timothy. Timothy, you have to preach the word. The instant. Some people are not instant. They are rising and falling. They preach the truth today. Tomorrow they say, well it doesn't matter. Let us just allow them like that. Not Timothy. Not Timothy. There are many false prophets in the community. Our communities have been invaded by false prophets. One of the ways we can keep a wash over the community is to be preachers of the truth. Preach the word in season and out of season. Rebuke. You know some people say, oh Apostle Peter is so harsh. Apostle, he loves rebuking. They say every little thing. Look at what he sent to us on WhatsApp. That if you don't want to be in the mentorship group, you can leave. This brother is too harsh. Let me show you where my stand is coming from. Reprove. Reprove as many that are not serious to go to heaven. Reprove them. Because when you are carrying on serious people to the promised land, if you are not careful, Moses will not enter the promised land. Reprove them. If they are not serious of entering heaven, reprove them. Because when you carry a mixed multitude from Egypt and you say you are going to the promised land, if you are not careful like Moses, you won't get to the promised land yourself. Reprove them. Reprove those that are not serious. Reprove those that have not yet set up their power with you to know God. Reprove them. The Bible says, he said, Reprove. Rebuke. Exhort. With all longsuffering and dotting for the time will come. Oh, the time has come now. The time has come now. He said, for the time will come. When they will not endure sound dotting. For the time will come when they will not endure sound dotting. But after their own loss, shall they eat to themselves, vicious, having inching ears. The time shall come when they will not endure sound dotting. The time will come. And this is the time. Have you seen people that when you preach the word of God, they will go and report you to their husband? And because their husband probably, because he has money or one or two things, they will be wanting to come and correct you not to correct their wives again. They will not endure sound dotting. There are people that when you preach like this, eh? The family that will be taking decisions that they will not come to your church again. Will you stop preaching the word because of them? Will you allow one person to make you to change the truth and put the whole congregation, their lives in jeopardy? We are not changing anything. If they go, let them go. But the rest of the people that want to go to heaven, you take them alongside to heaven. For the time will come when they will not endure sound dotting. Because we still believe that the Bible is against polygamy. Whether you like it or not. And I am not changing that dotting. You might be waiting for me to change it. I am not changing it. That the God is against polygamy. That if you marry a second wife who is not, your first wife is still alive. Your first wife is not dead. The first wife you legally married is still alive. She is still alive. And you go ahead and marry another wife. You are a polygamist. You are an adulterer. You are going to hell. That the word of God has final authority over our decisions. Our situations. That we believe that there must be purity before marriage. That when you want to get married, your church, as far as you belong to the body of Christ, you can't do any marriage outside your church. You can't do any marriage without carrying the body of Christ. Because when you belong to a society, when you belong to a town's meeting, if you want to do something, you carry your village people along. You carry what you belong to along. That you want to marry another woman to be your second wife, then you are not a member of the body of Christ. I don't care to know what church you belong to. God does not recognize you. You may have a title. The moment you are doing things that is not in consonant with scripture, you are doing things that God never licensed. You are a sinner. We must stand on the word of God. For many shall not endure some torture. Many have left me. I don't know whether tomorrow you will be the one to leave me. I have lost a lot of people. You know the problem is when they leave me, some after one year they will be trying to come back. Yes, I have seen it like that. After one year, but let me tell you something, I can use one week to forget you. Ask people that have left me. The moment you say you want to separate from me, after one week, the moment I hear from God that your case is a sinful case, I will forget about it. Because I know that in the next five years, or next two years, or next one year, you will look back and regret it, why you separated. Because you only think of the pleasure of now. You only think of the pleasure of now. I don't know the first prophets that have deceived you. I don't know the first teachers that have deceived you. I don't know who has made you to stop praying. I don't know who has made you to stop standing of holiness. I don't know who has made you to depart from righteousness. I don't know who has deceived you from standing for the truth. I don't know. I don't know who has deceived you from standing for the truth. I don't know who pulled you off. That in order for you to please your husband, you have denied Jesus. That the first prophets come and tell you that it is everything your husband says you should do. And your husband has pulled you off from Jesus. That it is everything your wife wants you should just do. Your wife has pulled you off from Jesus. And you have discovered that you cannot walk with God well again. First prophets, you have to take a stand. You have to stand on the word of God. You have to make the word of God your standard. Not till we change the standard. You make covenant with the Lord. You make agreement with the Lord. I told you. I was discussing with the family I went to visit today. And I told them last year. Last year, as somebody came to offer me, the person was offering me almost 10 million Naira. You know some of you in Nigeria, you don't know what they call 10 million Naira. It is a very huge, big amount of money. So some of you, if I give you 10 million Naira, you will not sleep again. You will not be eating yet. You will be getting fat. Because every time you think about the money, your stomach always gets filled. And you know what this person was telling me? This person that came wanting to give me 10 million Naira, wanted me to change the word of God. 10 million Naira. 10 million Naira is almost 6,000 dollars. 6,000 dollars. Sorry, I think 10 million Naira is almost 20,000 dollars. Almost 20,000 dollars. That I should change the word of God. The person was telling me that he is ready to help me. He will get us land. He will build the church. But let me change the word of God. I told the person I don't want to push the message the person wanted me to push. He was giving me the message he wanted me to push. He said he will be giving me the message and every time I push, he will listen to the message I push, what they are asking me to push. And he said he wanted to connect me with a big man. The big man is like an international man that has international publishing. Please, are you listening? What I am saying is truth. Can you hear me? That this man is like an international publisher. That that my book on masturbation and for hearing the voice of God, they are going to promote my book. My book will go all over the nations. So, he said he carried my book and he gave it to the man. He said when the man read my book, the man said there are some certain things in that my book I have to remove. I said I am not removing anything. The soul that is in there shall still die. I can't remove that. So, he said the man is angry because they wanted to have conference call with me on how to promote my book all over the nations. But the standard of it is that I have to remove some things from my book. I have to remove the punishment that God has for the sinners. I have to remove that God is against the wicked and God is angry with the wicked every day. I have to remove it. And they said no, the man said he does not like the way the book is. He said the book is a nice book. In fact, he discovered that the book is going to go far because God has put a lot of knowledge in it. But, I have to remove some things. I told them I am not removing anything. If there will be nobody to publish my book, let my book remain with me and let it remain with me. They said people were the ones that wanted to offer me 10 million Naira that I should change the word of God. I made a covenant with God in 2014. I laid down before the altar and I told Jesus I would never change the word of God. I made a covenant with God in 2014 that I would never change the word of God. I would never change the truth of scripture. Take your money and go away. And they got angry. They blocked me and they went away. I said let them go. Do you know the reason I did not accept the money? I was thinking about you. It was because I was thinking about you that is why I did not receive the money. I did not want to deceive you. I know you believe in me. I know you believe that I am a preacher of truth. I did not want to deceive you. When they were discussing the money with me, I was thinking about you. I was thinking about the people that are always coming to hear the word of God. I was thinking about the people that are always coming when they are going through challenges. I was thinking about Jesus. I was thinking about heaven. And I turned down the offer. I said there is no money. I better beg and eat. They gave me three offers. What are the offers? Number one, they will publish my book all over the nations. Number two, they will buy two plots of land for me with 10 million Naira to build the church to a standard and they will buy a car for me. That was the deal. At the last of it all, because we were discussing and I said I am using podbean platform, podbean. So they said they are going to subscribe one year subscription for me on podbean. I lost these three gifts. I lost them because of you. That is why sometimes when you do what offends me, you know sometimes I say these people don't know what I let go for them. That somebody wanted to offer me 10 million Naira. That is about $20,000. That somebody wanted to offer me two plots of land. Somebody wanted to sponsor my book all over nations. My book will be written in different languages. And that somebody wanted, wanted to buy a car for me. And I turned the offer down. Do you think I need your money when I say you pay your tithe? Do you think I need your money? Do you know what I have let go? I will never be a false prophet. I will never be a false preacher. They insulted me. Thank God. I saved the insult. You see my telegram. I put it to one of my telegram groups that is where I keep my files. I kept the insult there. I said because in the future I am going to make a difference to these insults. Insulted me, call me a poor preacher that I am a very poor preacher. Yes I know I am poor. I know I don't have money. But I will never change the word of God. When I get to heaven I will be rich in heaven. I will never change the word of God. I will never change the standard of God's word. I will never compromise the standard. I don't know about you. I have lost friends. I have lost followers. I have lost workers. I have lost ministers. I have lost people and I am still losing. I will never change. I will never change. Somebody asked me. One of them because it was a man and a woman. One of them asked me. They said the people that are always coming to me on podbeam because you say you are using a podcast station. I said yes I am using a podcast. It's called podbeam. They said okay. Those people that normally come are they paying money? Do I ask them to pay money? I said why would they pay money? They shouted at me again. I said don't you know that when you are preaching after you finish preaching you will tell them to pay money. I said I am not telling them to pay money. I said they even need my money. They got angry. That I should go and write. That I am preaching somebody will be typing that you should sow seeds. That to bless the ministry sow seeds. I said I am not doing that. I am not lying to you. They persuaded me for days. I had you in my mind. I had you in my mind. They persuaded me that why would I be preaching because there was a day some of you. We were having meetings here. We were very much in numbers. We were almost 20 something numbers. Two of them entered the podbeam platform. You never knew but I saw them. Two of them. Two of them. That was the last time the man entered. The moment I saw the man enter and the woman enter I said without holiness. No man shall see the Lord. I preached. When I saw that I started preaching the wrong message. So it was after the message the man got angry over there. And that was how the man cut me off. I saw them on my platform and I shouted without holiness. No man shall see the Lord. Have I ever told you about this before? Do you know the days I cried? Do you know the days I was gasping for air? Do you know the days I had no food to eat and I never called any of you for food because I rejected their offer? Do you know how they pressurized me for me to. They took almost two months to pressurize me to change the word. Almost two months. Almost two months. Every day they were calling me. I had you in mind. I never changed the word of God. I know God will bless me tomorrow. I will never collect money from you. If I'm asking for that. The reason I'm asking is for the workers alone. We have workers here. So that people will call workers and it's from them alone. It's ok. Let them be doing it. Let them be doing it. So that we can be sponsoring some people. Have I ever asked you for offering here? Some of you. Have I ever asked you for offering? It's not freely we pay. It's not freely we teach you the word of God. Even if you are the one subscribing for the channel. It's not freely we teach you. Why are we going to teach you the word of God? You say you don't want the word of God. You are going to enforce prophets that it will deceive you and you will keep paying money for deceiving you. It will deceive you. You will keep giving money for deceiving you. You will encourage him with money for deceiving you. You will not change the word of God. I tell you man last year it was not easy. There were many days I cried. Many nights I cried. I was asking God to help me. Many days. They later came back. After they couldn't prevail with 10 million dollar. They later came back with 1.5 million dollar. Because they now said it is because I didn't succumb to them. But both of them discussed together and they said they have to just help me. Because they know I am suffering. I said I am not suffering. So they said they wanted to give me 1.5 million dollar. That is about almost 3,000 dollar. Almost 3,000 dollar. And they said they wanted to give it to me because you say you are building your church. Let them give it to me. They put a condition again. They put a condition again. This condition was not too obvious like the first one. But it was a condition that would take me away from Jesus. And they went to my email. They sent me some materials to my email that I should listen to those materials. I should read those materials and I should follow the teachings there. And I said I am sorry I don't get my message like that. They said what do you mean? I said every time I want to get a message I always ask God to give me a message. You can't give me your own topics that you teach on these topics. I should teach all these topics. And I told them I am very sorry. Thanks God that I get my message. So they got offended and that was how they finally left me. False prophets. False prophets they were not false before. It was the devil that came to offer them the glories of this world. Remember what happened to Jesus. If you bow down to me I will give you the world. That was what the devil told Jesus. So when I started the ministry last year the devil came to test me. Some of you have visited me and I even felt bad that you came to visit me and I couldn't give you a good nutritious food to eat because I myself am not enjoying you because I want you to get to heaven. Stand on the word of God. Change not the standard. Change not the doctrine. Change it not. We are getting to heaven. False prophets are everywhere. Go fast that which you have got. Stand on the word of God. Don't change the standard. Make it your life line. Make it your life. Make sure you are not deceived out of it. Make sure that you are not deceived out of it. Stand on the infallible word of God. Stand on the word of God. Yes stand on the word of God. Stand on the word of God. Don't allow false prophets to deceive you. They will give you teachings of eternal security. That God is not too wicked to condemn those sinners. They will change the word of God to make you feel comfortable. Every church you are attending over there, be careful to know what they teach. Be careful to know their emphasis. If you are not careful to know their emphasis you will be deceived. Because some of you, you are looking for the reigning church. That is what you are looking for. They will give you what is reigning but what is not coherent with heaven. Be careful what you listen to. Take decisions that you would rather suffer. You would rather suffer. Take decisions. God is my witness and you also. That never for once have I ever called you people. Never that I persuaded you and I said you must pay me money. Never for once. Some of you have been with me for years. Never for once I said you must pay me money. Never. Almost all my materials sometimes I gave you free. I don't even know how to collect honorarium until they said they invited me. I don't even know the meaning of honorarium before. Because I go to your church, I preach and I thank you for allowing me to preach. I live. Stand on the word of God. I pray God will help us in Jesus name. False prophets will not deceive us in Jesus name. No matter what you go through, righteousness, holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Make up your mind that you will live a holy life. Every indecent clothing and adornments that connects you with Jezebel and Delilah, you cut them off. The body exposing clothes that reveals the contour of your body, you cut those things off. I see some of you, if you want to describe how Jezebel and Delilah look like, it appears it's like we should go and look at your face. You cut those things off. You consecrate your body to the Lord. Make it a living sacrifice. Make it a living sacrifice. Remember you will not join the broadway pushers. You will not join the broadway pushers. You will not join the broadway pushers. Sometimes my man will go to my book. It's better my book remain unpublished than for me to do business with the devil. Because when you do business, when you start a business with the devil, you will never end up that business. Even when you are not interested, the devil will still come because you have already started a business with him. God himself will publish our books in Jesus name. We stand on righteousness. We stand on holiness. We stand on the truth of God's word and God will bless us in Jesus name. Why don't we begin to talk to the Lord? Because this month, month of May, we are standing on the truth of God's word.

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