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The hosts of a podcast discuss a Danish monster movie from 1961 called Reptilicus. They find the movie entertaining but criticize its special effects and lack of continuity. They also discuss the director and the possibility of a sequel. The main actor in the film is a famous Danish comedian named Dirk Passer. Test this a little bit everybody say something. Hello. Hello. Hello Hey everybody and welcome to a new episode of in the film cafe. I'm your old pal the moo cow aka Polly percenza and today I'm joined by your co-host Jonathan a moody. Welcome, sir And today both of us are joined by Joe. Yay And special guesting along with Joe is no strong the great Outstanding and those users who remember no stream joined us when we did dark waters for the Forgotten Horror Classics podcast. So here's his first time on indie film cafe. Welcome, sir. Yes. We're really excited to have you here Because Joe and seeing the kind of movies that pop up on indie film cafe Hard reckless. Yeah, and oh god, what was the Christmas one? Santa Claus meets the ice cream Ice cream, buddy. She's seen a few of them. Yep, but this time we are going into Europe and we are doing a movie from 1961 I think it is and it is the Danish Godzilla movie called Reptiliacus Like nothing you've ever seen And It's an evil sock puppet I feel like I've heard of this movie I feel like I have it's a I think mystery science theater ended up doing it when they reformed and It is Denmark's one and only monster movie. No, I'm just gonna say it now. It's a sock puppet It's Unbelievable, but is it supposed to be a giant sock puppet kind of thing? Don't underestimate I mean, it could be terrifying. I mean, I guess they wanted to do things with forced perspective But you'll see you know, I was a condo any monkey could have his own. Oh You know, I've been trying to do that. I want to do an all puppet movie so badly So I don't have any other scary monsters in Denmark that you've heard of On this side, they might have like folklore and stuff. Yeah, they have like real movies, too This was this was a giant monster movie. That's like literally the only one they've ever done This one. Yeah, because the whole country actually tried to you know, I think the the government actually Paid for part of it and it was failed. It was a big bomb the government funded. Yeah Check out this movie and then we will be back right after some Oh Okay, we are back So I am very curious kids What did you think about reptilica or the kids? Yes. Okay. I Actually, I actually enjoyed it. I thought it's better than a lot of modern movies It is entertaining in a way meaning than a lot of modern movies I mean as long as you don't care about special effects or Continuity or plot line or anything? All right, if you were expecting like a scary monster movie, you might actually be pretty damn disappointed Yeah, yeah, if you're expecting something because okay, so we have to explain this. So the role I think this was a sock puppet thing and and And then you're just like looking over going oh my god, it's not a sock, you know, this looks great How is this? You know the tail? It was raising up to like the first up till his head. Yeah Yeah, 30 minutes. Oh, they went all out on that on that tail the frozen tail And then I thought out I was eating it was like the consistency of a paté or something Something better but then it was like yeah, but then his head comes out and he starts spinning out the puppet It's just so green laser thing on a on a set on a little model set reptile In color from American International And you still don't believe it Oh That was bad and then they scratched the film and yeah for the for the effects Is that what they did? Yeah But it was in a like perfectly straight line, you know, it couldn't look like a jackal it probably surprised They didn't do like we're fire, you know, like what is it? Well, like Godzilla interesting that you mentioned it because when they were going through this Originally because one of the reasons they got Dirk Passer was that you know, he was a very popular comedian and comedic actor in Denmark and For a while. The movie was actually going to be called Dirk and the dragon Oh So it's gonna be himself right playing himself, but things went another way and Yeah, so Dirk's dragon like Pete's dragon, right? Like a dragon I don't know I think someone made a decision to try to make this into a monster movie and take advantage of Godzilla and Still a comedy Unintentional comedy or or travel log depending on how you look. Yeah, it looked like also like when I was a Travel was a travel channel, you know documentaries or whatever for like 10 10 minutes uninterrupted Denmark come check out Denmark. So we have great We have the fountains Look the Little Mermaid and we've got a singer that you're gonna listen to for three minutes No, come on, she actually was a good singer. I'm gonna go. Well, she wasn't completely good. There are some parts I was like, I don't know. I thought she was pretty good. I Dare you to sing better than her. Oh, I know I can't Yeah, I just found it funny how like the the guy just wandered into the shot and they're like keep it You know and almost burns her with his cigarette and then she's like singing with her back to the audience Yeah, I have never seen bones like this before That's the one where I have never seen bone fragments like this before And He wasn't even like facing the camera he was like just talking off into space. Oh my gosh There's a lot of weird like things like that. There's no interesting shots with the cannons. Yeah Thanks. So a little bit of background. The movie was made in 1961. It was Sort of Co-directed because they made a Danish version and they made an English-speaking version at the same time the Danish version was directed by Paul Bang and The English version was produced written and directed by Sidney Pink Most of the footage is the same but there is definitely some different shots and different stuff going on in the Danish version I don't have the Danish version, but one of these days I'm going to get it Sorry, so Joe you had seen this movie before Three science theater did do this, but did they do the American army or they did I haven't seen it But I'm sure they would have done the American version, but if this one felt different to me But maybe it's because they didn't include you know, because whenever they riff a movie they they have to cut it down Yeah, I got this stuff. That's boring, right? Well, and they have to fit within a certain time frame It must be because I thought that all the plots sounded so familiar and then I was like, okay Yeah, this is definitely the same but it just I don't know Well American International Pictures did they're the ones who financed and produced there and distributed the English version of it And Sidney Pink would work with them before he had done things like he produced Journey to the Seventh Planet. I was a burlesque Queen my Christmas kid and Christmas kid Christmas kid, you know, yeah, I like Christmas story meets karate kid Something like that. And yeah, so he had done those kinds of things He produced angry red planet the man from orgy the bang-bang. Wait, wait, wait what the man from orgy? Oh dash R dash G dash why it's um by Spoof from the 60s. Oh, this is like a porn. Yeah, some of these movies were definitely on the You know exploitation angle, okay But his biggest claim to fame at least amongst Hollywood for Sidney Pink He is credited as being the guy who discovered Dustin Hoffman and put him in his first role nice. So that's pretty interesting. What role was that? I forget I don't know the background guy. You should be knowing this stuff Background on the movie none of Dustin Hoffman. Oh But this is also interestingly enough the consider the first Full-length 3d film or he produced the first First full-length 3d film back in the late 50s called a bow on a devil So that's the other reason why they had this guy Not that not this one no good the only 3d feel I got was Yeah, it's that would have been cool though Shot at you and I'm sure he wanted to if you had the money, but here's the thing so Sidney Pink, you know, he didn't really come through the through the system through the studio system He was a he was a projectionist his wife's family owned a group of theaters and he worked as a projectionist and then he somehow managed to parlay that into doing independent producing and Yeah, he had a little tiny career doing, you know, crappy little independent movies. And unfortunately You know, this is kind of the one that he's most famous for or fortunately, uh-huh, but he did Live long enough that in 2001. He was going to make a sequel because around 2001 That's when they redid Godzilla and you know, it wasn't very good. But the fact that it got notoriety He was like, oh, it's time to cash in but unfortunately he died. So he was unable to do Reptilicus too, but it was in the process of being created. It's just I know so this American International Pictures owned like made the movie. There's this public domain or is this like not sure who owns the rights at this point? But it wouldn't surprise me if it's public domain because a IP is long gone, right? And this is like, I mean, I don't know what the how many years and I Usually the kind of movies is the mystery science theater guys do usually usually they don't have to pay right the rights Yeah But you never know because it might be that the city picks the state ends up having Control over a partial control or something. I'm not really sure Well, I guess yeah, that would be for the American version because like the Danish versions obviously controlled by somebody else Right other producers. So obviously there was nobody famous in this particular film. However Yes, so Dirk Dirk Pissar is the famous Danish comedian and actor he had been doing stuff in Denmark from the 50s all through the 70s. You said this was supposed to be his movie Yeah, initially this was conspired of to be for his for him But I guess they decided to go in another direction and they minimized his role to the first third of that Like we were all like, where's Peterson? It's the funniest thing Doing weird goofy shit for like no reason He was unofficially known as the Danish Jerry Lewis, he did a lot of physical humor and stuff with his mouth He actually died on stage while performing it with a heart attack in 1980, which is ironic Nobody else really does much other than a couple of the minor people so that was Peterson Lisa Martins, who is the shorter of the two daughters was played by and Anna Smyrna She was in journey to the seventh planet. She was in a movie called Black Cobra. She was called in a movie called Black Cobra in a movie called holiday in San Tropez. She was in house of a thousand dolls No, the killer likes candy and it takes a thief so she was a lot of 60s and early 70s You don't feel like everybody that made this movie is dead I don't say everybody but a lot of them are you know The other world that we played Karen who is the the taller blonde was played by Mimi Heimrich She was in a movie called hullabaloo in the castle. She was also in journey of the seventh planet She was in the Christine Taylor story, which is a political drama and she was in a movie called the rogues and then finally the blonde heartthrob Sven was played by Bert Maging I can't exactly pronounce his name, but he was in such films in addition to the Danish movies He was in twist and shout the boys from San Patrio flickering lights unit one which is a TV series a movie called storm foreign affair and A movie a TV series called 1864 and then remember the Ant Boy movies. He was an Ant Boy 3 No, I own them because there were Dollar Tree I don't never watched them right, but they're like I think are they like they're Danish or something right like superhero kid movies Yeah, Ant Boy one through three, right? so There you go. And then so this kind of floated around. This is one of those movies I would show my friends, you know, just because it's so ridiculous and Maybe it's on my list to do and then it just you know It kind of got pushed down and pushed down and pushed down and then it turned out the mystery science theater ended up coming up And doing it. Yeah, so they someone snuck a look at my list and Well, it's been a couple years now, but it wasn't the newer one and I did look it up finally and yes they did the Mr. Pink's version because they make some joke about him getting arrested for being a communist or something But I think is that real? No. Oh, they just made a joke about it. I'd be mr. Black I thought this was funny because we both said this On the IMDB website It said they had some callbacks to older mystery science theater episodes And one of the things they said was he tampered in God's domain and we both said that in this movie So who wants to talk about what happens in this movie Joe Joe Joe, do I yeah, I mean not a lot All right, how about I'll start we'll do it like that whole ghost story thing around a campfire You know and like okay, and when I get to the end and Matt's gonna have to take over Then yeah Okay, all right your first so Basically They are mining for copper in what Lapland or something Yeah and the Apparently ground is frozen when they get really deep and they hit something that doesn't look frozen at all, by the way Cuz it's bloody and pulsating, but I mean, okay, but they call it skin and bone Yeah, but they call it skin and bone. Yes in leather They said the skin looked like leather, but it looked more like like kind of uncooked pork belly or something. I probably was Yeah, it was gross So they've under done to ship it off to a lab in Copenhagen where they do science science Yes, we said that a lot during this because they had beakers. Yes. Yeah Well of random colorful liquid beakers and they had little was the microscopes. Yeah Yeah, and you know was the official a cavarium because there was a map on the wall. Yeah, anyway, so they send it there and They have a whole tail segment somehow that they have exhumed Like just without much damage to it except for that one wound I think it has from when they first put the drill in there and they keep it in a room at like negative 20 I assume that's Celsius, but whatever. No, that can't be and they hire a special person to guard it They hire you as a comedian, of course, you know, and he comes in and overalls and you're like, yeah, this is gonna go well So, you know let him handle all the scientific, you know Precise equipment. Well, no, he's supposed to handle the temperature. That was that like that was his job He looked like he couldn't find his way through a door. I don't even need that Leave with the free world. I mean I could see you know wanting to check it every hour or something because what if yeah Power surge or something like that. Yeah, I can see that But why would you get the dude in overalls who just came off the pig farm? I mean seriously, that's who they wanted watching the most important the guy who didn't even know what an electric eel was Yes, I love the comment when he says everything here runs on electricity. Yeah, even you know, right? Yeah, he shoves his hands in there for no reason. Yeah, just to get bit by it But it wasn't even real because he just stopped as soon as the monster moved There were so many weird segues for no reason yeah So anyway, yeah, they What happens is the power And then also the doctor for some reason goes in and slices a little piece off because he wants to look at it under a microscope and apparently 3 a.m. Is the time it dawned on him that he'd never looked at the cells under a microscope and he just had to do It then he falls asleep. Well, no before then he eats and he tastes a little bit You saw that No, he goes like this and it looked like His mouth and it was pretty gross the continuity Yeah, so he but he also Apparently didn't shut the door quite properly and the door comes open because it's so complicated Yeah, and then he doesn't wake up. He just is asleep on his desk until like 8 a.m And everybody else comes in and the tail is completely thawed out. But before then to the assist, I guess was the daughter and they signed the assigned professor guy or whatever the guys walk in and they see the Him like laying down on his his head. Oh, yeah, and they think he's dead or something Like the most logical explanation is oh my god, what happened to him? He's asleep, you know You know, but they're like she was like, oh my god, we were so worried about you and I'm like He's asleep And funny enough they assume that Peterson's the one who did it and he has to confess oh, yeah Yeah, no, it's my fault. I sent Peterson away and then I fell asleep I couldn't see because he seems pretty stupid, but actually I was the stupid one. So so the original Doctor, I can't remember his name which professor this is comes in and Martin's He's very upset because he's afraid of irreparable tissue damage from it thawing out that probably some Decompositions already started to happen. And even if they refreeze it, it's not going to be the same and then I Don't remember the politics of thing is is that you know You know degeneration happens because it's dead, but it turns out it's not dead. It's actually alive It's alive it's not really having any tissue damage. Well, they figure they didn't know that it was alive yet they figure it out because they see the wound and they see signs of healing and then they see Movement, you know, so so they build this giant tank and shove it in there with a bunch of nutrients Okay, so first of all, it does I mean science wise or whatever And you guys are more scientists than I am all three of you probably but Like if something's frozen, it's dead, right? Not necessarily. It can actually Okay, so years ago frozen in ice amphibians tend to live better when they're frozen most other animals have Reparable cell damage, but some animals are okay Okay So say you get frozen and you know and they ancient times of the Jurassic time which is what this I guess was supposed to Dinosaur and everything So it it was still alive for years and years and then when I got thought out it finally is free like That would suck, I mean no offense, but I would be pissed about I did Viruses that are like that that they discovered that actually come back to life that you're actually quite problematic because we don't have any antibodies against, you know, half million year old viruses, but There's rarely anything larger than that or more complicated than that Because when you freeze, you know, you're the water Expands because it's frozen then you end up getting a lot of cellular damage So creatures with with stretchier tissue like reptiles tend to live so this is more like a Realistic than in that sense, right? I mean, yeah Wow Nothing that old Right, yeah, but Other creatures hibernate like the cicadas here in Virginia is seven years. Yeah Is it theoretically the case that if it's frozen for a long time it slows down like cellular metabolism Enough that it doesn't age. Well, it also depends on where it is If it's an anaerobic environment and there's no oxygen then it means and there's no, you know Small particles or small things eating any of the the organics Well now that you're saying like like reptiles have a better chance or whatever, you know You watch Jurassic Park and that's the you know, it's a it's a thing like where it's a direct parallel to Jurassic Yes, it was Steven Spielberg Could probably do now it's just that's more feasible It will happen at some point it's just there it's there a lot of ethical reasons why we need Jeff Goldblum Doing it, but somebody's going to eventually But the thing is is that they decided or they figured out that it was alive So then they chuck it into this tank, which they already had apparently and they start pumping in quote-unquote new So what exactly did they think was going to happen when they were surprised that it grew? Yeah, they were aware of the fact that it was supposed to regenerate the rest of his body because he gave a presentation on it National press yeah, let me present that this is gonna come back and it's gonna regrow the rest of his body and by the way, let's just no one think about that at all and What's the worst? And you know and Jill Lynn made a really good point in the beginning like thing where she was like they've had two weeks Oh, okay. Well that was after that was later. We'll talk about that later, but yeah, we're getting I screamed They had two weeks about ten times probably I was right mad Anyway, we'll talk about that when we get to it and I'll scream it But basically soon after a while the yeah, it's sitting in the tank in the hot tub chilling out like an Encino man and then it Apparently we have to take the movie's word for it escapes. We don't actually see it Peterson You know, he's like, oh there's a hole and he runs to the police and he's like it was very big And they're playing chess And he's like only coming out with like tiny little bits of the time It's he doesn't actually say there's no monster loose until like 20 sentences later, right? Finally, well, then finally the guy gets on the phone to call and everything. I'm just like, ah, yeah So and now Reptilicus fully grown is running amok and he's hungry. So he goes for munchies in Copenhagen like you Wait, you forgot the best part. What is it that gave him that amazing growth spurt so fast? I think the amazing no storm knows the answer to this. It was the ionization of the atmosphere from the Lightning, okay, but I know While we were watching it What did I say you said it was the thunder in the nutrient I Mean that's what happens to me thunder in the nutrients. I run amok and started eating people Yeah, you grow like to be a huge model size I Mean they were they were giving a blood, you know, or whatever, you know Like and all this other stuff so they wouldn't should have assumed that this thing was going to grow Maybe it was a tank full of Danish blue cheese Is that red? No Yeah, it was a red red stuff I was pretty good there is shit coming in one tube and shit going out the other tube I love the doc. You know that the girls are in the back and they're they're pouring shit from one tube to another tube What Why is he even doing that nobody knows, you know, you a lot of movies the science is somebody hitting a button or yeah I'm doing things from one to another no one to another. I mean, it doesn't matter Unless somebody's a scientist from NASA, you know I'm completely convinced that they're engaged in science right now. Yeah, they had there was one logical moment in the movie later on You found one Whatever finally says hey, you guys should not blow it in the millions of pieces because then you'll create millions of these regenerative things Yeah, that was it and you go. Oh look a lot. Yeah, logically, but again I don't buy because maybe a starfish sure, but a dinosaur is but but then the other guys were like Well, we'll just blow it up and then take all the different pieces to all the different I Remember time bandits when they blow up the ultimate evil and they have to run around he's like, you know, pick up all of that evil Can but of course they don't find every single Time bandits stole from this movie They were inspired by this thing, wow, that's a brilliant idea Reptilicus and time bandits, but yeah, so they had the showdown between Colonel Mark Grissom and then the professor Martins and he's like, well, how sure you that you're gonna pick up every piece and he's like And then I like when he says well, I'm not a scientist I'm a soldier I that's not how I think well Yeah, clearly You tell me how to kill. Oh, no, but don't blow it up No, so they end up after it's runs amok doing all kinds of spitting goo all over everybody And with people running all over the place because you like you said they had two weeks to evacuate. They just didn't bother Oh, yeah You had two weeks two weeks They knew for some reason and this doesn't even make sense They knew that reptilicus was eventually after he Rehealed after being shot at and stuff that he would come back to his home and it would be like a natural instinct And they think his home is the tank. They think that he is thinking his home is that tank? Why would he not go back to Lapland where he's from went into the water for a while? Then they bombed him in the water and they blew up one of his jazz hands Where it's sitting Growing as we speak. Yeah. Yeah still there They said they knew he was gonna come back to his ancestral home Okay, whatever, but they they said well, we probably have a couple of weeks for that and they never evacuated the city They never evacuated the city and then the last minute when he comes back. They're like, oh my god We got to get everybody out We just did a movie up in the northern Lapland area. They don't like being called Lapland They're the Sambi people, but we just did that one with rare exports, you know, so it's funny how that worked out and then Yeah, it was just it was just a coincidence It was okay It's better than this. Oh, I mean it was not as entertaining and right This is an entertaining fail. Yeah entertaining, but that was very well shot and well directed and well made I wanted to mention that the music for this movie was actually well done Okay, like the music you well, you guys don't seem to mention it that often. Yeah Sometimes we do What about Tivoli night, oh, yeah Oh Yeah, I try to I try to look at you know, how well it matches up with what's going on is there you know Some classical music being played while some ends being killed or you know, does it actually work well together and it did And it's sound effects were good except for the monster It was kind of repetitive when it was going into the ocean or when it was getting shot by the shot Yeah screams were very repetitive. That's the only thing that it bothered me Foley board I had said earlier if you guys ever seen a movie called the giant claw. It's just this we what we did it for Puppet that makes its nest on the Empire State and it does the same kind of thing It's hysterical Terrible but it has like a similar kind of like I guess sound, you know And in that movie they shoot it with Masonic Adams Masonic Like they grind up Freemasons and and blow their Adam no, there is an actual thing called The door knew what it was, but we were like what the hell's that? Yeah, we thought that was just a made-up word Yeah Can you shoot and Mason Adam gun I think it and Mason is MES. Oh and not not MAS Mess on Yeah, so make a mess on this hole. Well, I didn't need mess on here. They just needed it. They just had a flamethrower But even that didn't work. It didn't work. It just meant they did it right like right by the water So the thing was like I'm going the water and it's the 60s. So what's the answer to everything drugs? They gave it all the drugs And they did a money shot right in the mouth With the gallon For that it was about to leave so some guy decides to basically suicide bomb the thing by running into it and then it just No, you like you like kind of laid down It's because the monster was turning to go away and he was trying to get his attention back. He he sacrificed himself for the mission But it's funny because the jazz hand is pretty much, you know a mold and it's stuck to the rest of the chest of the creature So it has to actually lay its entire chest down in order to crush the little. Yeah. Yeah, like you can't Yeah, they can't like reach it out or anything Much like our favorite Roller gator, he's a molded piece that yeah a puppet no actual functions. There's this, you know He's a puppet on a string man A Mouth opens that's it. That's the only moving part. I was thought I mean you said sock puppet So it's really imagining a hand up there. I wish I Thought probably would have been a little more fun. Yeah, you overfilled that a little bit. I Think we're a little disappointed. Yeah, it's not would have been more fun But no, it's more like it's a molded piece of plastic probably and yeah, they did a lot of forced Perspective When they said his scales are like what did they say I don't know there is his bony scales are impenetrable We all have Yeah, he's he's not very frightening although talk about some of the special effects Wow Is that in quotes? Yes, so Like the farmhouse scene All that house that's like shape No, no, no, no the house falling apart was well done Yeah, but then the monster puts his head in there and eats the people and they are cartoon like outlines Two-dimensional and they're kind of flashing Like what's that about? And then I'm saying they look like the same thing. Like there's just really realistic Frighteningly real. Yeah, so it doesn't look like a different person each time. It looks like the same Design or whatever look like a cartoon you guys making Pete's dragon. Yeah Yeah I liked the the effect where they were dropping the bombs into the water and Then they were detonating right next to its head and no damage whatsoever I mean you could see like they would show the stock footage of the water just Bursting out of the sea, you know, I like this huge detonation, but one falls right by his head and he doesn't even wake up He's like what we allows like three or four of them to detonate right next to me doesn't move or do anything Yeah, right next to him inside of his personal aquarium, right? With his little Almost making out scenes a lot of close-up bad blocking very bad Very bad blocking it looked like everybody and you were saying that it looked like like that's like most of movies in that time period Right. Well You wider you don't have to make everybody stand really really close like and they made Even when two characters were talking they wanted everybody's face in the scene for some reason What do you think about this professor even though they weren't contributing anything like like hey Hey blonde guy with the fabulous hair stand back here and look really concerned while I close talk this guy What was that about and it kind of made sense when it was the men and the women because the girls definitely weren't doing well yeah, because they were trying to be all like I'm gonna be touching this guy like But then when the men started doing it too, we were just like, okay something else is just going on Well, remember our buddy was very firm. Remember Say he was very firm not stubborn. Not he was not stubborn No wonder I like you yeah, yeah, y'all weird at times there were some weird right, they tried to like kind of force this sort of Romantic stuff to it like, you know, and Because there's no reason for these professors daughters. I mean, they don't add anything other than eye candy I can't either trying to create some kind of backstory with the heart attack thing I mean the made no sense some kind of some kind of romance between those girls and that guy But even they even if they didn't they vanished they still had the chick from UNESCO Yeah, they might have done something with her why did they need the daughters? Yeah I thought she was gonna be like a spy or something because she kind of comes in starts kind of fiddling around with a little bit She's the one yeah, he says don't blow him up the suppository stupid don't blow up the monster He's gonna turn to a bunch of little money. No, that was that was the older guy that says that yeah She repeats it, but her contribution was to sedate it basically the data Well, by the way, they never explained what the hell they're gonna do with this humongous monster after it's the data put him in Tivoli Gardens and sing a song something. Yeah, he's just laying like the movie ends with him Just laying on the sidewalk and they're like, well, what do we do with this now? Apparently all of Copenhagen's been flattened and you've got a bunch of people running around Including one part they all run over to this bridge and the bridge guy is like, oh no I guess I'll raise the drawbridge while they're running across We watched a bunch of them actually jump off The bridge and I'm like, oh my god And then our blonde hero comes up and fixes it. Wouldn't it be funny if that was like all an accident for real? Thinking idiot It's not like he was raising the bridge to make it impossible for the monster to pass or something like that There was just no reason for it monster wasn't even near the bridge They just show people falling off the bridge to heighten the tension or something And I hope we didn't notice that it didn't make any Unfortunate close-ups of the people running around and they did they hired a whole bunch of people in the city To just run around and you could see some of them were smiling and laughing. Yeah, they're having a good old time Props It looked like a lot of World War two or you know 50s era military stuff. Yeah, probably left over from United Nations military and science stuff I Saw a lot of test tubes. I saw a lot of telephones So one like Morse code telephone. Yeah, you can't point that out the one that they had and they actually used it I saw a broken electric eel Yeah chessboard and an orange and a map that was scotch tape to the wall and bones The fact that I kept I swear to God their accents were so bad I kept thinking different words coming out of their mouth like a well balls. There were certain Actors in the production who did not speak English and they had to have their lines dubbed in by somebody else So if you notice, I mean not all of them But some of them were like that and so you can notice sometimes they don't quite line up with the lips the the words I never I usually never knows for some reason but I like unless it's really bad, you know I love the cheap Hong Kong stuff when they you know, a lot of it is What's the what's the watermelon monster, right? You were there for that one truck to Wu Tang. Oh, yeah So wackadoodle as long as there's no You know All the same characters except Unfortunately this time they don't know each other. So it's like it's been reset in the same universe People it's a remake then no, no, no, it's it's different It's a different plan, but it's just all the same people. So granny's in there and everybody's in there They just nothing carried over from the other film. Is there watermelon monster? I'm not going to tell you We will see there is no Yeah, there is no No little dragon creature, unfortunately You know attacking any models But yeah, so this was just this was just a silly silly monster movie I mean what you said, this is 60s. That's not like a 50s 1961. Yeah, this this was called the Danish Godzilla You know, even the original Godzilla, you know, obviously there's models and sets and it you look at it today And it looks kind of silly and cheesy, but it was much better than this I mean, you know Toho Studios knew what they were doing back then and They're doing now. God. Yeah, I feel a minus one is like really big. Yeah people people loved it. I mean Was it the same filming person doing the It felt like there was two different forms of content and one of them was really well done filmed with the people filmed with the The props even the comedic stuff it was all it was kind of well done even with the mr. Peterson in it and then the other stuff with the models Was just horrid Well, I'm like a little kid filming something in his basement For a lot of those other ones like one of my stop-motion videos. So was there two different there were two different directors Yes, which is the one that did the bad stuff. I couldn't tell you who did the model photography They may have had different Cinematographers doing that, but I do know that direction wise they had the English guy Sydney pink doing the English speaking stuff and then the Danish stuff was the pole blocker blog But did but did they both direct the movie like separately like? Was it or who like did the most of the majority of the movie or did I I think? basically since Paul bomb got first, you know dibs as far as the directing list I'm assuming he did most of it and that Sidney pink came in behind and reshot scenes in English With the second guy with mostly the same actors not all the same actors Okay There are a couple because they didn't speak English that they had to they had to bring in and then like I said some of Them they had to have their lines dubbed But yeah, so they would shoot it and then they would use most of it But then certain scenes were reshot again in English, okay, so Yeah It sounds just like a clusterfuck But the thing is again They got some money from the government especially the tourist board and they wanted certain things in there and I think that's probably Where the idea of the comedian and the dragon thing got mixed because they think they wanted more action They wanted more other stuff and they really thought that they were going to be able to make a lot of money off of this That this was going to become a big International hit and of course it did not it would be like the big Godzilla movie and then if we can just sneak in some Tourism stuff we will make out like bandit and they'll come and visit right as well So you don't personally you don't feel like you want to go to Denmark right now? I do want to go to Denmark, but not because of that movie I thought it looked very pretty I think the touristy stuff did sell me, but then it all got destroyed. Yeah, why do I want to go there now? Yeah, that's that's the thing that they're like really They're trying to sell you on this movie then you're like It's gonna happen again because the one of the jazz hands is slowly Reforming come I'm not going there all those nutrients and thunder at the bottom of the sea New there's new jazz hands coming. I don't want I don't want to nope. I'm done. I'm not going to Denmark But yeah, it's as far as a horror movie or a monster movie is terrible but in a way, it's charming and silly and fun because it's so ridiculous and I You know most people I show this movie. They get a laugh. They have fun with it. It's silly It's not boring you don't sit there and moan in pain it's it's worth watching You know, this would have been something just Jen could have that. Yeah, you know because it's not Stupid it's not bad. Yeah, Lenore would have just loved the science It's just it's one of those things where you know, it's not, you know, it's yeah, it's harmless It's just really mindless popcorn silliness and you know, as long as you take it that way I think you can have some fun with it because you're right There are movies that are out there now that they take themselves too seriously and they're just not as much fun This is all you at least fun or they if they don't take themselves too. Seriously. They're just boring You know to like hip-hop locos great example guys We're trying to make this legit Street movie and you know They tried way too hard and it was so boring and so awful Just a very very painful to sit through this is there was no pain involved in this this was fun Yeah, see why mystery science theater folks decided to do this Yeah, let's it's a hoot, you know Paul's telling me before the thing He was like, oh, I got us a really bad movie and I was like, oh God, no, not another one But this isn't nearly as bad as many of the other ones. I mean With the real awkward dialogue, I wanted to be like, oh hi mark We were thinking I was thinking like a Big shark, you know, there's a new time. No, I said the guy did the room He's got a new movie coming out Paul big shark. I can't wait. I can't wait. Can can we all get together? Yes, yes, and there's a new Neil Breen movie about to come out too. So I can't wait Oh, we have to show you the open. I think this is the guy you were talking. Is this this guy? That's another guy you have to David the rock Nelson. Yes, we have so many movies to show you Well, you've already kind of been indoctrined in that You survive Santa Claus meets the ice cream bunny you can survive it. Oh god, you didn't survive Did we do fun in balloon land with us? Yeah Your house with Lenore. Yes, you left after fun and balloon land. Yes I don't know what it was. Yeah fun and balloon land was amazing But Santa Claus means the ice cream bunny was pretty bad too But those if you didn't have that whole other movie in it, you know Dumbelina, I wouldn't I wouldn't like it within the movie. I would have liked it better. Honestly I had not loved the ice cream ice cream, but he was stupid and Stupid The greatest kind of the furriest kind Okay, so you haven't seen it, right? So basically Anna loses his sled and then he's talking to these And then the kids are talking to Santa and he tells them the story of the They get all these animals they draft all these animals are trying to yank him out and Swamp ass Santa's not going to get out of his sled to actually Help so they get like a pig and a cow and a horse and a frog and nothing works So he gives up and he just tells these kids this terrible story that turns out to be Thumbelina Who is running around being? molested by every costumed animal in the world Dehydration and Hallucination story and then that ends and then the ice cream bunny shows up on it in a fire truck and the world is saved Yeah, I was hoping like he'd have ice cream or something Literally just a bunny like one dead eye that doesn't move and another one that goes up It is you have to see it it is the greatest Movie Greatest bit of cinema ever. No, I've used it. There was another version of it with another Not yet. Not it's the Jack and the Beanstalk the Beanstalk. I might I like the Jack and the Beanstalk So I hate Thumbelina Thumbelina's the dumbest Story I've ever heard and stuff. So like I might be okay with watching Jack and the Beanstalk, but yeah Thumbelina has a lot of people as a future Continuation of this movie though. I mean, do you think it could be redone better? Do you think it could actually go somewhere this plot of Reptilicus or maybe but if I were to remake it I would not try to do this better. I'd try to make this even sillier. I Think there's a new plot where I can you know, this thing regenerates. How do you call it this thing? Like more of them come out Finally figure out what happened to the sedated huge one They already have we need to get a hold of the Sidney Pink estate and see where that that that Script is for the second version for the read for the remake. Yeah, it's he's tried he wanted to I don't know what stage It's in but he wanted to Damn You know, I'm sure other filmmakers have reached out to them and tried to get them You know the problem you can make it a crossover like they did with Prometheus You remember where that turned out to be the alien problem is I think anybody who would try to do it now Would probably try to use modern FX and it's just going to turn from being a bad charming film It's just a bad film without much Thought experiment go with us on this No, like in Prometheus that the monster at the end It turns out that it's the monster from the aliens movie, right? See if I were going to do this, I would do a instead of a gender swap I would do a creature swap all the people are puppets and then the monster itself is like a lizard You know like a lizard one of those neck things that folds out we put some wings on there Did be the only living creature in the whole film everybody else was a puppet I like that idea, okay All right, I could get behind that. I'll go start a go fund me. There you go I Don't know who would fund that, you know, I love my puppet movies They probably won't would do it can I also mention the fact that that hot people don't have to wear helmets just saying Oh, yeah Anybody who had fabulous hair did not have to wear a helmet even when the heavy shelling was happening That was pretty excellent and they clearly had very hot lights there because everybody was sweating so bad I don't think so. It was only those two guys the girls weren't sweating and we got to see all the guys nibbles No, it was just race and soaked his whole shirt through. Okay, that was all fake It was just to make them look like they were stressed out and working really hard I think that's why the professor had a heart attack. He probably wilted under the lights. Yeah, I don't think it was real I think that was all well, you know, that's why those the girls had those extendo bras because they had ice in there You know, and I think the professor getting Having a heart attack and leaving I literally think that actor probably had things to do So they were just like we can only film you for this time So we'll have you fake a heart attack go to the hospital and be out of the movie for a few 20 minutes Unnecessary drama that adds nothing to the story Unless I just kind of thought of this What if him being gone? Was the reason they kept trying to blow the monster up because he wasn't there to say no you idiots Stop trying to blow the monster up daughters were there and they said the same thing No, they're women and this is the 60s. Yeah, they've never listened to the one. Yeah Giant claw they never listened to the woman the woman Figured it out. Yeah a woman that came in that had her degree and was a scientist as well They didn't listen to her either until she suggested the Giants depository, which they did not use as a depository Story I think Joe's got a point here I think that was a logical plot to have him have a heart attack because so that they could continue doing stupid stuff Yeah, I didn't think about that at the time Seems like there were just too many damn characters there really were and they couldn't pay him all at once And I hate to say it but the daughters were unnecessary. They could have done the eye candy with just the one chick you know, no, but then she would have to fall in love with the one of that guy or something and it just was so Random like, you know that guy probably signed up because he got to have two chicks Yeah, a lot of those stories went nowhere. So there were just too many of them because they couldn't flush them out In any meaningful way. What was the last we sold Peterson? One of the girls man, that was a shame too because if they The problem is that there's nothing for him to do after that because after that the shit is at the fan He can't really help them fight the monster He's just comic relief. Yeah, what is he gonna do? Is he gonna go? All right, I'll go tell the Guard, you know They don't really have anything to do with shame because he was fun. He was the best part long guy. What was he? He was the the copper driller guy. Yeah, he was. Oh, what was his point? There was no point for him Why would you charge why I kept asking? Why is he always in lockstep with the general and walking next to him and in the car with him? Why would they let some random not military person just be with the general with the general? General, he's a colonel and why is an American colonel in charge of a Danish? Armed forces it makes no sense. You said there was like a lot of captains and they're all yeah He's like have to do this. I'm like, well, where are your generals that? General Well, cuz then the generals would be arguing with each other all the time and you know They all want to play during they all want to play with the little toy soldiers. Yeah That was that was fun. Yeah, that little toys toy stuff and well, I mean Yeah, but that's that they really use that stuff or used to use that stuff, you know on maps and whatnot Maybe sounds like a Hollywood in You know creation, I don't know I think they did I think they did I think they used real maps and just drew on stuff I had one more comment about The lips is those lips that they had in the scenes are the worst lamps you could ever use and the springs go bad And then they just will over on your desk. I had one too. I know what you're talking about But you got really fixated on that. Yeah Was that when they go limp that's it you got to get rid of I love when they're not firm like Who was the one that was looking through the microscope, is that the blonde guy? No, that was Sandwich he's looking at sandwich Puts it away like That was probably the best, you know Nothing else better to do. Yeah Maybe that was new for them. I mean the 60s not a lot of people had microscopes or something. Yeah Yeah, maybe they didn't they didn't have a chance to look at their sandwiches They didn't know the definition of regeneration because What is that well, can you tell us explain to us and then we can be Like Yeah, when you regenerate Scene in the outlander books where the the time-traveling doctor lady is showing stuff to people of like 17th century Scotland stuff under her microscope and there's one scene where he's like What are all those little things swimming around in there? She's taken like a sample of his semen and put it under the glass and and she's like well, that's your stuff dude, and he was like Well guys we are just about at that time and we have to rate our movie with our stink-o-meter Where we all rate the movie on a scale of one to ten By which the lower the number the better the film and the higher the number the Stinkier the film is and while we love stinky movies, you know, that's not a problem Usually the higher the score means that there were more problems. There's bad lighting bad special effects bad acting bad me sound bad stuff and then we Take our three scores we add them up and then we see where on the ladder of stink off for scores in particular Well, we're gonna we have to be consistent has to be it's gonna be three, but I'm gonna step out we'll still record what I say, but I'll let you two have Especially since your new gap Where the scale really lies. I'd rather if you you both started. Well, yeah, of course, I don't let you go first Since you are a guess I'm gonna let you go ahead and score first Oh, I thought I was gonna get to look for you first because I always wait to hear what you're gonna say. I know. Oh Shoot, but you've been in this rodeo a few times I know but I feel like I'm gonna be I'm gonna like throw the skew the data here No, because I just didn't think it was this charming and and fun I mean there were some funny things to laugh at but I just thought it was a movie that like Wanted to be good, but it wasn't and it wasn't even like self-aware Lee bad like if it's self-awarely bad I like that and I don't and I'll tell you this birdemic to Self-awarely bad and it's just just bad. It's good. They tried to catch lightning in a bottle and they could not yeah So it just depends now if it's too self-aware You know, it's it becomes problem. It's this this just thought it was a good movie It's like John Otway trying to be all punk by throwing himself all over the stage, dude. You're trying way too hard Yeah, yeah So for me, it wasn't like bad and I all cringe in a way that made me laugh a lot except for when he was you know bitten the ooze but Yeah, but the rest of the time it was mostly just fail Yeah, it was just um mediocre, you know, it was just like Yeah, so I don't know what to give that. What do you give a gray area movie that you just don't care about? I'll give it a I'll give it a six point five. How's that? Pretty good. Okay, that's actually better than I was gonna give it. I'm gonna give it an eight. It's a pretty bad film Okay, you know it does have entertainment value Which is fine, but it's not for the entertainment value This was trying to be a horror film this was trying to be an international monster movie on the same scale as King Kong or you know Godzilla or any of the other monster movies that were being made at the time and we're trying to get into the Drive-in theaters at the time and it and on that level. It's a complete failure We on the other hand seeing it now are are entertained by it, but for the wrong reasons, so it's not good but On the other hand, we've seen a lot worse films. Yeah suffered through that. There's no fun whatsoever There's a lot of fun in this film. So and there are Yeah, some of the cinematography is good some of the music is good some of the acting is good So I'm not going to give it the highest or worst rating. Oh, no, it's not 10, but I think an 8 is a fair number for me anyway, so There you go. All right, if that gives you an idea I Don't know I'm kind of torn between both of you guys now because it is pretty bad like yours But like we've seen a way stinkier than like even giant claws worse than this movie And so I'd have to give it maybe a seven in my opinion. Okay, well Okay. All right. No, I Me evaluating this movie purely on on Its value today. I'm not talking about, you know in Denmark what it was intended for I actually Enjoyed watching it Compared to a lot of other modern movies So based on what I tried to do lately and other other movies I watched on the streaming services and things like this It was a little more entertaining to me because it's not as repetitive as the constant stories I've seen for the last couple months at least 2023 so to me I felt it was Maybe as maybe a six a little bit better. Not as stinky as JoLynn. That's fair thought it was completely fair So you said six point five you say six and you say eight. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to the Indie film cafe. You're in the group now. Yep We're a random collection of numbers means nothing Enter the void. No, that's Twelve and a half plus eight. So that's twenty point five. That's not bad. It's pretty high. That's pretty stinky I mean, it's not up there with like the 27 28 Some of the movies that have ranked highest on your stankometer Oh Well, we we at first 30 was going to be the worst because that's three tens, but we found worse Yeah Ten plus are you averaging these out? Yeah Well, yeah, so our first our first 30 plus came from him Subsequently, we've had two others that have popped up Oh, yeah, we've had a couple I think yeah Yeah, it's shark exorcist exorcist that was really bad shark exorcist Yeah, it's the shark possessed by a demon and they're trying to exorcise the demon. Oh, no, there's no actual exorcism. No, okay That's that's there. It's there literally about a demon shark, but it's like So our friend Jackie who's like my former roommate and everything worked with the director and he asked her to be in it He asked Donald Farmer asked her to be in shark exorcist and she said no and then so we see the thing and It basically a lot of times is just a shark with red eyes That was it like that's supposed to be the demon thing And then hip-hop locos, which I think was universally reviled as the worst film we've done That's it as far as 30 pluses, but we do have a bunch of 30s including two of Neil Breen's so That And we have a bunch of 30s, you know, so 30s is a big was a big thing We started that with Neil Breen. Yeah, that's when we all agree that it not only is that it's handworthy, but all of us agree Yeah, so faithful findings was the first first 30 And then twisted pair so to Neil Breen movies got Seasons the king baby and then And then when I moved to LA we try to get more 30s and everything for both me and Paul Paul to talk about Yeah, so zombie cop And then Hanuman and the five riders that was pretty bad and we almost had one with curse of the mummy cat page Maximus you ruined that one Yeah, well, yeah the same reason that was I didn't think evil pancake dinosaurs That Paul would give it to us like at the first of whatever that we're doing and of course, he doesn't care He sees no, you know, none of that then killer biker chicks Which is just boring and not as much fun and kind of just like pretty you would Yes, I hate it. I'm trying to stay away from really boring films, but they pop up every now. Yeah tear a big foot pawn Paul wasn't a part of that one, but he's seen it Miss werewolf was the 1030 plus Oh god, then sees so season 4 we were supposed to have more alien beasts and alien prophecy were two months that we're expecting to have and they did not to buy by the skin of their teeth and So season 5 Paul was like we need more. I was frustrated. I was 30 plus cross. So he gave us Turkish Star Wars Yeah, I've seen Turkish Star Wars. It's so much fun After that we had a Liking colony. Oh Jesus I didn't know drunken wu-tang got a six. Yeah I liked drunken wu-tang. No, that was the total was six total was Okay, okay, no, yeah you gave that like it one or two Hilarious, yeah, right. Um, and then liking calling you guys 30 that was pretty bad Busted oh man, it's a Corey Feldman directed movie It was awful so bad that we my friend actually talks to Corey on Instagram and when she he she messaged him saying she was reviewing this during the podcast He actually sent a message back saying why are you reviewing that movie of all my movies? Geek maggot bingo It was bad Marina monster got a 30. Really? I forgot about that. No, did it? No. No, it did it did Marina monster got 30 that's the shark. It's like a little plastic thing and it comes out of water goes And last Vampire on Earth did not yeah, I'm surprised that yeah, that was worth that's just as the Maridonia I got a 30 Donia the movie so bad the The writer wanted it gone out of like existence and we had to track it down Paul Paul was like, oh my god, what did you have me watch? And then was it blind ghosts got a 30 Sent yeah angels descent that the One of Sydney 48 cousins, you know decided to direct a movie and it was Hmm awful. Yeah, it was a really weird Christian movie. I Moments come out of the mirror. No, it's just weird. Yeah And then the last but not least on that one is Zuzu Queen of the Monsters And that was pretty bad. I don't think you love Zuzu Queen of the Monsters. I'm surprised I got a 30 Did it get a 30? Yeah I mean you gave it a 10. Yeah, it's not good, but it's fun. It's cute. Um the dog and cat talk. Yeah, so for season six The only ones I think yeah, we didn't do 30 plus first shark exorcist And then Joel Wynkoop's lost faith did not know but it was close and got into some trouble Yeah, he was not happy with that. But you know, what are you gonna do? Yeah, we're honest. We keep our integrity Yeah, we invited him on the show to to say hey, you know defend your movie. We may have gotten stuff wrong What's fine? We what happens? Vampire Raiders almost got a 30. Oh, okay Yeah Somebody liked the music and this took pity on it. Oh That was you. Yeah, you actually give it 9.5. You know, you're the one because of the music. Okay, I vaguely remember that Anyway, I think we got an idea. Yeah of how the stinkometer works. Thank you So, but there you go, so what do you think is this was this kind of a fun thing This is kind of what we do from time to time. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely It's interesting. It's different perspective. Well, it's definitely different from the Forgotten Horror Classics one You didn't because that's more like like good movies But we try not to like the one about An erection as a flag on your tombstone or something like oh, that's Road to Wellville. Yeah No, we do that for um film freaks. That was film freaks. Okay, never mind But that was that was good. That one was good. It was like horrible and good at the same time Yeah, film freaks is a show that we do that. We just our personal favorites These are movies that we just love got it. Not necessarily good or bad or whatever They're just they there's something that speak to us in one way or another This is more like silly ridiculous over-the-top crazy stuff and we've done some great you guys need to See some of the ones we have already shot. I would love to show you Fungicides a little mushrooms that attack people. It's so adorable Mushrooms that kill and then roller gator one of the seriously most adorable films of all time It's a purple wrapping alligator on who doesn't have arms or legs Except there's not even that his jaw goes up and down that's it, but he wraps. Okay skateboard. Of course he does Why not? Conrad Brooks is that it and we all love Conrad Brooks. Oh, yeah so much fun So what did everybody give the scores? I'm writing them down right now. Okay, so I just I went with an eight an eight Jolin you gave us a six point five. All right, I actually gave a six Seven I have a feeling have you seen Gorgo? Oh, yeah. I think he was like Gorgo a lot better Maybe better worse. No better as in you would be more energy. It's a bad film. Also It is a little more fun, but it's more fun. Yeah, it's more it's better made. Oh Much better made and and actually has a little bit of an emotional plot line and stuff. Mm-hmm But still silly silly creatures doing stuff. See I think you would like Blood freak that's the gobbling turkey headed monster that runs around drinking the blood of hippies. Oh And it's a turkey. It's an actual turkey an evil turkey. Maybe like thanks killing. Oh, yeah. Thanks killing. It's fun, too Yeah, so little one on the shelves. Yeah, and we have thanks killing three which we just did for Well, the thing is is that the plot of thanks killing three is that there is no thanks killing two It was so bad that turkeys running around trying to kill people who were in it because it's so bad or he's trying to prove It or save it or something like that. Yeah, he's trying he's trying to like yeah He's thanks coming to in space. He's trying to find the last remaining copy of kill. Thanks killing to Almost an entirely puppet driven film. There's almost no humans in it, which is wonderful. That's more fun I guess but oh and there's a filthy puppet in there to that grandma's a filthy puppet Am I joking Filthy look really disgusting and she wrapped She also wrapped she should hang out with roller gator. Exactly. There's a mash-up for you. So, you know roller gator No, I just know what he just said about it Welcome to our world Yeah, like I said our tagline was always we We do the movies that riff tracks and mystery science theater won't do and we do some of the ones they do but a lot Of them we they won't touch right? Even red letter media won't touch them. Yeah some of them. Yeah, that's fun There's then there's some that we do that read in the letter media is done and vice versa And a lot of these movies which is vanish So it's kind of fun to sort of bring them to life and they let people know that they exist and say hey There's it's not just the same movie. The Hollywood does over and over and over and over There's all this other stuff. You can watch something even worse. Come on. Let's go again. At least it's different You know what? I mean, yeah Sometimes you got to give credit to some of these indies that take a big swing and miss just because at least they're trying to do Something that's true But this wasn't a big indie thing. This was a Funded by the Danish government Indian and it's not part of the Hollywood system. Okay. I got you You know didn't MGM put that out by big Denmark Why MGM put it out other than like I said, there's there's considered a market for everything and somebody's gonna buy it They bought it for 50 cents. Yeah, and you you're the one that's saying, you know, this movie's so bad Paul's gonna buy it. Well, there was a there was a movie Miami Connection right and the people found the movie in a was it in a not locker, whatever the Storage locker and there was a storage locker There was a film cans and they had no idea was on it. So the people bought it anyway, right thinking no, you know I would buy that. Yeah, and it was like Something cheap, you know, he bought it and then they just they looked it over and he realized oh shit This is a real good like a bad movie Yeah, you know that can get marketed same thing happened with that pussy, which is not only is that the worst? Porn movie ever made it's the worst movie movie ever made That's the whole thing that got me to do that another show called sexploitation sleeves cast that I shared I do with Rebecca Reinhart and anybody who's seen that movie is just appalled by how bad it is It's a whole other level of bad. It's 10 plus plus and Yeah, you you have to see you have to see it at some I don't have to see it I don't trust me. It is the anti-porn movie. You'll never think about it again You made me watch Sasquatch that really Yeah, see you got his first rodeo I made those guys watch sex watch but At my house With man he's like this guy For a couple years after that he's like, I don't know. I think he might have some some issues California I think if we're jumping right in the deep end here, baby It's like it was funny at a certain point in your life You're like, you know what if they can't handle me at my weirdest then I don't need them, right? Well, that's how that's how Paul like breaks people. Like he's like, you know what if these people can't take me, you know Then I don't you know, I don't want them around my life. So I'm gonna show him sex watch It's a wiener film, yeah Weeds everybody out for sure. Oh god, and Jackie's got to watch it. Oh, yeah, she'll like it though I think I thought she has a problem that she loves farts and butts and stuff like that See And remember sex watch has that exquisite poopy He's lucky cuz I'm doing it when I'm in California with next to her so she can punch me in the shoulder and not him You know, so there you go. There you go Get blocked by Facebook by her. That's all on you man. No, you're the one picking the movie. No, you picked it Oh, it's your movie. Hey, she got through rectuma and she got through mom's turd Which are both giant poop movies and but months rectum is a giant butt that attacks the city and and Monster is about a giant giant It is a terrible actually wasn't as fun as months. Yeah, right. It was better. But yeah, they're both just Utterly ridiculous. Yeah, you know just more ridiculous the better. I love it All right, well, I think that's about it it's about it, thanks all very very much Thanks both of you for joining us this time around. Yeah. Thanks, I guess. Yeah Was this more fun than diehard Dracula? No, that was wonderful I like I hated it so much that I couldn't stop thinking about it And I still have the vision of the coffin flying through the air I Like the last horror movie we did Was a dark water dark water. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna be doing more. I mean, we're supposed to have done a few more Yeah, we're gonna be doing that with moody because he hasn't seen it that's a really good film We just got to get some more we did we did one together all three of us, right? We did a Yeah, we did the invited no We did one from another country or something, you know, I forgot what it was, but we haven't put it out yet We'll do it well, you know See, I know it's it's hard getting you for even one movie I know if we can get it sometime get you for two then we can just bang out two episodes and you know It was one you hadn't seen. That's all I remember. She hasn't seen I haven't seen it, but I got some ready. All right We'll do it. We'll do it. We did do the killing list. I think it was the last one we did Crap that was good that went into some unexpected directions. Yeah, and I have several of that guys films He does some really good work All right. Well, thank you guys so much. And are you gonna be back? Yeah I like hearing that, you know, cuz we're always like way where's your boyfriend and never out, you know You're usually busy, you know working in my Experiments we go with your beakers in your life my microscope Everybody one two three All right guys, thanks very much and we will see you on the next episode Yes, I know that he does that's a lot of other part of the most of it But I guess

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