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This episode is on forgiveness. It's great listen.

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The host talks about the importance of forgiveness and how holding onto grudges can weigh a person down emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. They emphasize the need to let go of past hurts and take control of one's own emotions and mindset. Forgiving others allows for a sense of freedom and peace, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life. The host encourages listeners to have an open mind and embrace forgiveness. This is your host Papa Silk, and this is Open Minded, and I hope everybody's having a great wonderful day today. Hope you're having an awesome night, a great afternoon, depending on when you are choosing to chime in and listen to this podcast. Thank you for the opportunity to help you have an open mind. I'm mad at you. I'm upset at you. I'm pissed at you. I can't believe you did this to me. I can't believe you said that. I can't believe you feel this way. I just can't believe you would ever do this to me. And you know what? I can't. I will not and I won't ever forgive you. Hearing that, how does that make you feel? What is the first thought that comes to your mind? I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of different thoughts. You're like, where's he going with this? Well, simple. When you have a spirit of unforgiveness, when you have that attitude that you cannot forgive, and the Bible says, forgive our trespasses, we forgive those who trespass against us. We are living in a day and time where forgiveness is not easy a Sunday morning. It's like a job, working nine to five, working hard not to forgive. When you have that attitude of unforgiveness, when you carry that burden upon yourself, it's like taking a cinder block, bolting a chain around your ankles, taking a boat ride out to the beauty triangle, and flipping over the side of the boat, and you fall deep, deep, deep in the blue sea. And you fall and you fall and you fall and you fall deeper and deeper and deeper. It's crazy, and it's not like Alicia Keys, where you keep on falling in and out of love. No, you're just falling deep, because you're stuck in that emotion. You're stuck. You are literally, physically, emotionally, mentally stuck, because you're sinking, because you're alive, because you're allowing that spirit of unforgiveness, because of what somebody said, or what somebody did, or how they handled the situation, whatever it may be. You are giving somebody control over your emotions, over your feelings, over your thought processes, over your attitude, and you're the one that is choosing to not forgive. That person is not sinking. You're the one that's falling. You're the one that's sinking, because you're allowing that to weigh you down. And you may be in that moment right now, where you feel weighted down, because you're allowing something that somebody else has done or said to you, to weigh you down. It's time to be free of that. It is time to release that chain, to let go of that cinder block, that is weighing you down, that is weighing you down emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. And the song says, you just gotta let it go. You gotta let it go, so you can get right to the surface. Get back to that beachfront. Get back to solid land. Get back to heaven, where your feet are standing solid on the ground, where you are able to gain control of you, all your faculties, your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings. Take a deep breath, look up in the sky, and you're like, thank you. Thank you, Lord, because I'm not going to let this weigh me down anymore. And you go to that person. You say, you know what? I forgive you. I forgive you. I'm going to let it go. Because you tell yourself, it's not worth the time and energy of weighing yourself down, and holding you down. It's not worth it. And when you let go of what's been weighing you down, and what's been holding you down, the freer you will be. You'll feel free. You'll feel safe. You'll feel a weight that's been lifted, literally, off of you. You'll find a sense of calm, a sense of peace, because You'll find a sense of calm, a sense of peace, because when you allow yourself to forgive, you're taking that off of you. You're leaving it at their feet. It's no longer your burden, no longer your problem, because you're not going to allow that to take control over you. Take back control of your life. Take back control of your spirit, your mindset, and your soul, and everything that goes along with it. Take back control of you, for you. When you get to that point on that yellow brick road, you can click your heels together, and say there's no place like home. You're laughing right now, but just think about it. There's no place like home. When you allow yourself to forgive, and release those shackles, you're back to being yourself. Then you can tell yourself, there's no place like home. Then you can tell yourself, there's no place like home. And that's a beautiful thing, when you can actually get to that point. And with that, thank you for taking the opportunity to come spend time with me, on this series of Open-Minded. And I'll leave you with this last thought. You'll be surprised, for the life that you'll have, when you yourself can have an open mind.

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