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Pamela Denise is back with her show, discussing black women's butts and dating black men. She emphasizes the importance of detoxing before entering a new relationship, cleansing the mind, spirit, and home. It's crucial to know where you're going and set new goals. Detoxing helps understand past traumas and prepares for future relationships. Even in a healthy relationship, periodic check-ins are necessary to communicate and renew the relationship. The show will be live on Instagram and Facebook, featuring guests and discussing various topics, including mental health and workouts. Taking care of oneself is vital for overall well-being. Hey y'all! It's your girl Pamela Denise and I am back. I've been away but I'm back. You know I'm always going to come back y'all. I'm here to talk about black women's butts and dating our black men. And welcome to my show. I just want to come out here and say I'm not going to hold you guys long. You know how I do. We like to keep it sometimes short and sometimes sweet. Some things that have come to mind. We have some shows lined up. Just give us some time because we're going to be going live. We're going to go Instagram live and Facebook live. So you will be able to see our show and see our guest on the show. It's going to be awesome. I promise you. We're going to have live dates. We're going to go out on dates with new guys. And we're going to see how everything unfolds. I want to come in here and ask you guys one question. Do you detox on a regular? Do you detox before you bring any bad baggage into your new relationship? Do you detox mentally? Do you detox, you know, friends? And this is a real thing because let's see detoxing obviously it's a great thing where you cleanse. Cleanse the mind. Cleanse the spirit. Clean your home. Clean the body. I think it is awesome. Absolutely awesome to get a restart because before you bring or how shall I say before you get a new relationship you should detox your mind, you know, and I would say the home, the car. Just detox your whole life before you get into a new relationship. Study yourself and this is for both men and women. Hamper yourself. I mean I wouldn't necessarily say men, hamper yourself, but hey I mean it's a word I think some people kind of read into certain things maybe a little bit too much. Take care of yourself before you get into a new relationship. It's very important. We could definitely see past traumas. We definitely understand as adults what that means. I mean some of us do. You definitely understand that you could obviously be in ending a divorce obviously be in ending a divorce, ending a breakup, a very bad breakup, you know, and it's trauma or it could be or it could be a happy ending. Either way it's a new beginning so you want to detox and I must say know where you're going before you before you go and I don't mean before you really before you leave a relationship. Know where you are going in life. Know your goals. Make new goals and this is just all part of detoxing. Make new goals. Plan new things. Plan trips. Get new friends. I mean hey new associates. Let me just say that because most people you know when they're in their yeah I don't know just each is own but you can meet new people every day. There's no specific rule about oh 50 years old I met a new friend. You can meet new friends every day. I wouldn't necessarily say go out and meet new friends but with people. Make new make new associates. Again just from experience in life associates are associates. You know you have to take and choose who and how far you let someone in your life and that's where the detox comes in. You've taken care of yourself. You've studied yourself and you know where you're going. Pay attention to yourself when you're detoxing. It's just so important and I would say it's a part of life and sometimes I might sometimes over emphasize things but I think it's essential. Very very important that you take care of yourself before heading into a new relationship and that is easier to say than sometimes than do because some people are so eager to jump into something else but just taking a moment to make a rule to detox your mind, your home, your car. You know start something new at work if you can. You know if it's if it's your own business start a new project. Just start over. It's a new beginning and not all new beginnings are bad. I mean all new beginnings may not be perfect but as you take the time to study yourself know who you are. I used to always think that oh you know if you meet someone new and that kind of that kind of helps but in actuality it doesn't. A new beginning you get a new beginning take advantage of it. Take advantage of of a new beginning because new everybody wants new. Not that um and I'm not saying it I'm not saying it lightly because you know obviously people deal with pain differently um but everybody wants new. Just think about it a new relationship and how how beautiful it is in the beginning. It's all new. Eager you don't know what to expect. I mean it could be good or bad but if you've detoxed it will help you understand yourself and what you went through in your past relationship. What didn't and did not work so you'll be aware for the future relationship. It's just that simple. Um and if you really want to do this I suggest even in the midst of dating someone things are going great things are going good still take a detox. Detox the relationship. You have to take a moment to sit down and communicate. Hey how is everything going with us? You know you know you so you just begin to to to renew the relationship. It's a two-year relationship um and maybe every six months take a moment to detox even in the midst of a relationship that is healthy because it gives you a chance to ask the individual ask your significant other hey how did you feel about that? How do you feel? How are your feelings? You know that way you can kind of check in check in because lo and behold you may not know that your relationship is not in its best state because you did not take a moment to cleanse and detox. A healthy relationship consists of communication. Obviously consists of good sex. Obviously. Ultimately very important that you just sit down take a moment single not single not single married not married take a moment to listen to your partner have a maybe week of mental health in the relationship checking on each other making sure and you should always make sure your partner is good but sometimes we get caught in our get caught in our work sometimes we're we're caught up and we don't realize that we've neglected our partner so it's very very important that we use this in our daily lives um and I'm glad we can reflect on detoxing is a positive thing it's not a bad thing it's not to say that you're breaking up because you're detoxing in a relationship that you're already in call it a checkup checking on your partner do most people do this probably not maybe they do and if you do reach out to me I would love to have you on the show I would love to have you on the show to talk about how it's going for you and how things work and people have different strategies different ways that they do things um I would love to hear from anyone that wants to put a comment I'm going to start putting um like I said we're going to be going live so you'll be able to comment on the Facebook you'll be able to comment on Instagram we have the trainer guy coming on and he's going to come in and talk about um obviously uh good health working out um take a week and just I don't know go to the gym feel good about yourself feel good about your partner feel good about if you don't have a partner but you need to take a moment and detox it is so important for you to take some time for yourself whether you are in or out of a relationship I cannot tell you how important it to take care of yourself and your mental health um sometimes past relationships can can do severe damage severe damage to someone those who who do take the time to detox their their minds their body and their soul when you do get into a new relationship if you are not in one then you'll be able to identify someone that is severely damaged because you have um detoxed and cleansed your mind your soul you may realize that it's not the healthiest thing for you to be around that person and you may realize that very very early on you will get the signs because you can see kind of clear because you're taking care of your well-being um and in the relationship when it's the healthy good relationship just call it the check-in call it the check-in you're gonna you're gonna hear that we're going to talk about this again the check-in check-in on your partner is a good way to detox relationship from anything that may be negative that you may not be aware of you may be spending too much time at work um could be one partner is not getting um pleased in bed um it could be someone spending too much money um with the finances it could be someone's not cleaning someone's not putting their weight you don't wait until things are uh to the end and you didn't even take the time to communicate you didn't take the time to check in communicate you didn't take the time to check in you checked out uh yeah you checked out and you you know you and then you're getting ready to go right into another relationship where obviously you're bringing baggage um um nobody nobody wants that nobody wants baggage if you want baggage then then message me and tell me and i can bring you on the show i don't think too many people want someone else's baggage um we're going to be on facebook um live instagram live we're going to be at the gym we we're we're going to be doing some workouts it's good for your mental health it's good while you are waiting for your partner while you're while you're dating while you're not dating um obviously exercising is good for you is good for you um i'm not going to hold you guys long tonight um we're going to be going on we're having a schedule conflict because i do um have a uh a counselor that'll be coming on just talking to us um we just need to get the zoom going and um all of that good stuff because we want to be able to either we may we may not do we may it may be audio for her because again she's not in this state that we're in but she may fly in and do a few shows um that is the plan right now she's booked she's booked um with clients um up until i want to say the last time i spoke with her up until october so um definitely we're looking forward to um listening to her listening to opinions and topics um this is going to be great it's going to be great life is life is good we know life is good um it's just one of those things where um taking care of yourself is just so important who rewards you you reward yourself or who rewards you i'll talk about that next who rewards you when you when you do something good i would say maybe your wife maybe your husband maybe yourself um but either way you do something good you want to be rewarded whether you're rewarding yourself i don't care if you're taking yourself on vacation you've worked all year whatever the reward whatever you've done to deserve something who gives it to you you give it to yourself and and on this show and and on this show today all we owe is to give ourselves the best reward cleanse detox take care of yourself stop the negative learn yourself give yourself time to grow thank you for this segment we'll be on next tuesday um we'll also we'll be on uh tomorrow food for thoughts friday um and mainly our days are tuesday and friday we just kind of been stagnant a little bit here but we are on we are outside right now and this will say we are outside i feel good i feel that the show is getting ready to take a big leap um we just got to be we got to be on it we got to be ready um we are launching live we're going to be on live dates um it's going to be great it's going to be great guys thank you um stay tuned we are on going to be on apple black women's butt and dating our black men we love our black man honey yes we do yes we do um and we just want to begin to speak speak that just speak that because um i obviously i obviously don't have a problem with any race at all i want to put that out there but i love my black men um why not why why why would i why would i say anything else why would i not want to uplift a black man why wouldn't a black man want to uplift me we are of the same race um when it comes to our ethnic background what i will talk about this on another show this is a whole nother show about dating outside your race it's solely your choice love is love is love and you love who you want you love who you want to you want you love who you want to be with you it's your choice um but this show is talking about black women's butts our images how we are beautiful beings is talking about dating our black men and how we have to prepare ourselves in understanding that there has been trauma from dated years years years years back um but we have to grow we have to grow from that and we we can't destroy one another or we we have to want the best for one another coming up we're going to be on live dates so stay tuned we're going to go on live facebook live instagram um we're going to be on uh apple stay tuned y'all we got some good stuff coming up if we're on here we outside we're going to be at the gym we're going to have the trainer guy come on you're gonna it's going to be great okay i said i want to keep y'all long and i promise i won't keep y'all long i love y'all thank y'all for coming on here listening um and i love y'all love who you love baby but we gotta talk about it bye y'all

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