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The host, Pamela Denise, discusses the idea that individuals have the power to choose how they are loved in relationships. She mentions a book about love languages and emphasizes that people should not settle for love that doesn't meet their needs. Pamela also mentions that she will be discussing Jada Pickett's new book on the next episode and invites listeners to share their opinions. Overall, she encourages open conversation about love and relationships. Hey y'all, I am back and it's your girl Pamela Denise and welcome to the podcast. I am your host on Black Women's Butts and Dating Our Black Men. How y'all doing out there? It's Friday night and the mood is right. I am not going to hold y'all long for food for Thought Friday. We have some great things coming up. I want to touch on things on this Food for Thought Friday as quickly as I can. We are on a time crunch as we always are. Again I am your girl Pamela Denise and welcome to the edition for Food for Thought Fridays. Food for Thought Fridays consist of a quick just think about this for a moment. You actually get to choose how someone loves you. You get to choose how someone loves you because obviously if they are not loving you the way you want to be loved you can walk away. You can walk away. You can be with the person I don't care one year, two year, three year, four year and you actually get to see how they love. You get to see how they love. They show you how they love. This is the way they love. This is on their playing cards. This is how they love. There's a book out there I can't call it but I'll probably think of it and come back and tell you guys. Some of you have probably heard of it or some of you know there's some love languages but in people's love languages they love this way, they love that way for Food for Thought Friday. We are not going to be on here long. I don't want to keep you guys because I know it's Friday. It's late and some of y'all got things to do tomorrow and some of y'all are up all night loving baby. Yeah okay but um Food for Thought you get to choose how you are loved and if you don't get that, you don't understand it, I'm going to have it to where you guys can email me. You guys can hit me up and I'm going to just start giving you guys the telephone number, putting your comments on YouTube. If things are things are happening gradually which is which is which is how we want it here um because um it's just right now uh the the best thing to do is to do it um where we just we're going to do everything like a a test run and we'll just hopefully it'll work out for the best but anyways that's another another thing food for I don't want to get you guys off track here Food for Thought Friday again don't matter if you've been with somebody one year two year three year because it may take it may take me longer to realize this is not how I want to be loved. You can't say because I've been with someone um five years and I and I didn't get it you can yeah we all know that blind that blind thing we all know about that sex thing we all we all know about that so let's not pretend let's keep it 100. We all know um you know sometimes we just we're in a situation but again for me I get to choose how I'm loved because if a person is not loving me the way I want to be loved then I get to walk away and it's unfortunate that person doesn't hold the love language that I'm looking for okay so we'll just we'll put it like that maybe it's it's in a way to be to be better understood. You get to choose how you want to be loved and I'm sorry I'm sorry if you don't do this you don't do that these are things that I want this these things that this is how I want to be loved nobody gets to choose that for you that's what that's what we're not getting and this is for the man or for the woman or whatever or you know vice versa the woman and woman man and man I don't know but you get to choose how you want to be loved now if you choose to follow suit on the way that someone chooses to love you and that's not the way you want to be loved hmm that's on another show but I'm like I said I'm not going to hold you guys long this is food for thought Friday think about that hold that there next week on Tuesday we're going to be talking about um Jada Pickett's new book Worthy um that uh was out on one came out on October 17th I did get the book I'm going to give you guys my opinions on what I think um about her uh her book there um but we'll hold that for Tuesday um and you know I would love to hear people's opinions so we will be live I will be going live um on Tuesday um and talking about um Jada Pickett's book Worthy and uh again you get to choose how you want to be loved um and uh you know how we do it here you can love who you love but let's talk about it baby again I am your girl Pamela Denise and I love y'all

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