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cover of TREpisode5


Nicole LeBlancNicole LeBlanc



The disclosure path is a tough one. People want and DESERVE the truth, but then there's always some blow back, some attacks and judgment from the lower frequency beings. That is NOT what todays episode is about, instead I'm sharing with you some of the rewards and gifts we received for doing the mission work and NEVER BACKING DOWN! I would love to assist you in taking your power back and healing your energy body so you are getting to really know the essence of who you are!! Many Blessings


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The host of the Truth Resonates Podcast discusses the importance of disclosing truth and invites listeners to provide feedback. She thanks her subscribers and announces a drawing for a coaching session or oracle reading. She emphasizes that truth can come from various sources and talks about the assistance they have received from Ascendant Masters in their missions. She shares messages from Maropa, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Isis, Magdalene and Yeshua, and Saint Germain. She also mentions the energy sessions available on Violet Lotus Energy. Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome to the Truth Resonates Podcast. I am your host, Nichole, and I'm excited to discover and disclose truth from all dimensions and aspects of life and beyond. I'm a quantum healer and medium now because I broke up with the matrix, so let's get into it. Thank you for joining me again today. I appreciate your attendance, your downloads, your reviews, and fan mail. I've had a little bit of interaction, and I would invite you to let me know what you're thinking. How did you receive last week's episode? It was a little on the dark side, but it's also truth, and the truth has to be disclosed. I'm trying to do it in a way that is digestible, in a way that you can take in these small bits of information and the highs and lows that it brings, but you're also able to go within and see what this actually means for you. I want to give a shout out to the subscribers of my channel. I could not do this work without you, Anita E., Teresa H., Cassandra G., Teresa C., Karen H., and Vianney N. We have also had a donation from an anonymous donor. They would like to sponsor either a half-hour one-on-one coaching with yours truly or an oracle reading, a three-deck oracle reading with me. If you would like to be entered into this drawing, just send a fan mail or email to HealingDisclosuresYT at gmail.com and put I'm in in the subject, and I will enter you into that drawing, and I'll have the drawing before my next episode drops. So, as you have probably noticed with the mission information that I disclosed and just literally living in the environment, the culture, the collective, the world that we live in, truth can come in all shapes and sizes. It doesn't mean that it is lacking in value from where you heard it from. The ones that are usually making the most noise are not giving you the true 1, 2, 3, all the information. They're just giving you the high points, and that's not what I was called to do. We have a lot of information that we're going to go through on these missions. I'm really just getting started. As you can see, disclosure is not all rainbows and butterflies, but I thought I would give you some rainbows today. Once we started as a crew to really be full steam ahead in these missions, we had a lot of assistance, and the assistance came in the form of our Ascendant Masters, and they approached us with love, with nurturing support, and with gifts, and I'm going to go through some of their messages with you today. The first contact, one of the first contacts that we had once we started these clearing, cleansing, realigning, and really honestly taking back our power missions was Maropa. Maropa is one of the seven Pleiadian sisters, and she's a Pleiadian High Council leader. She works with many different star systems, and she's considered a sister. I am Maropa. I am so excited for this opportunity. Together, we will customize an energy offering for Pleiadian Starseeds. Depending on their soul gifts and contracts and free will choice, we'll determine the number of sessions they can have. Keep checking in with me, and we can develop this and roll it out as soon as possible. We stay with you and those that we assist for their entire journey. If you're interested in Maropa's Pleiadian Starseed activation, it is available, and just contact me via the fan mail or email, and we can get you scheduled for that. The next wonderful Ascendant Master that stepped forward, I'm totally biased because she's my grand, white buffalo calf woman. This is her message. Yes, grandchild, I've been reminding you of your shamanic practices. You've been a shaman in many, many previous lives, some male, some female, all full of knowledge and skill that you have yet to remember. This connects the power of Wakan Taka to your heart with intentions of honoring the elemental power woven to have maximum effect. So remember, incorporating the elements, the power animals, the flowers in all sessions, and I am always with you. She is always with us. I think, I don't know, I didn't grow up in my earthly life, this life. I didn't grow up with grandparents, but I think she's probably like a lot of grandparents in that you may not always think she's listening, but she's always listening, and she's going to always give you her opinion, and I love her for it. And the next Ascendant Master that gave us some information, a gift, is Isis. This is her message. I have one thing to say, yes, New Earth Mystery Schools, Isis Temple Activations, Sacred Tantra Activations, we can do great sessions and teachings together. The beings in your dimension will gradually become able to up-level and upgrade. All is customized to the being. All sessions can be repeated as souls evolve. Different levels of support will be provided. If you are interested in the Isis Activation, contact me, those are available. The next Ascendant Masters that came forth are Maggie and Yeshua. And in this actual message, we've talked to them several times, but in this message, it was mostly Maggie doing the talking, and it's a bit of a longer message, but I felt like it was really important to hear, and so I wanted to share it with you. Magdalene and Yeshua, I am Maggie. Thank you, beautiful sister. The lost importance of the Divine Feminine has allowed for women to actually be controlled and manipulated, abused both mentally and physically, which ironically, but also by design, is exactly what feminists say they want to end. Their one own power is taken by these malevolent, nefarious, patriarchal controllers, and then they turn them against their own people in the false sense of equality. Prior to the overreach of the various religions, which feel compelled to divide, those with power and rights could only be male, and all others, women and children included, must be subservient to all men just because they're men. This is not the way. Not the teachings of source, Yeshua, or anything truly of the Divine. Prior to the patriarchal takeover, women had power, position, property, wealth, wisdom, respect, status, and honored for having higher consciousness to communicate with angels, archangels, earth animals, God's source creator. This is the way. This gave women the ability to choose their area of focus. They could follow their gifts and heal using higher consciousness frequency. They could be herbalists to nourish naturally. They could heal with fruits, seeds, oils, and tinctures. They could be psychics, oracles, and were greatly revered shamans, both women and men. They're very real and very powerful. So instead of following more lies, please go within yourself, drop the ego and the false pretense, and get real with your power. Use it for the greater good. LFG. This is the way. When you embody the Divine feminine characteristics, you will enforce and embrace healthy boundaries and center yourself as source creator. By doing this, choosing this way of life, you will spiritually choose, number one, to live humbly, and number two, to protect your power. No free sex or casual sex. Truly embody your woman's fertility and power of our womb portals. This is exclusively a woman's ability. The combining of men's parts with women's parts is a direct dark agenda. To push pansexuality weakens both the Divine masculine and Divine feminine to truly disempower each other, ultimately disempowering all. See how they've manipulated so many to cause more harm than good? Divine feminines are uniquely empowered to be visionaries, fertile, life-producing, love-nurturing powerhouses, and with great spiritual intuition and harmony, all in balance. Divine masculine balances his Divine feminine with strength, analytical mind, passionate essence to provide safety, security, shelter, and the seeds of life. Know who you are. Know why you are here. It is your Divine superpower and birthright, and it is within you. That ends Maggie's message. I always get chills when I read it. The next Ascendant Master that stepped forward is Saint Germain, otherwise known as Grandpa Ken. He says his message, We're thrilled to assist you in any way to transition home. Your journey here in the third dimension is done. We will answer anything that is not off-limits. Grandpa Ken, that ended his message. Grandpa Ken is one of the main sources for my Founding Fathers series because of the time that he lived in his last incarnation, which was during the time of JFK. He had military positions that were very top-level security, and he was given access to a lot of information, but he also has, of course, memory and wisdom from many, many previous lives. Saint Germain is a very wise Ascendant Master, so he is one of the beings that gives a lot of information and also introduces me to other spirits and souls across the veil that want to share their truth. We really enjoy our conversations with Grandpa Ken, a.k.a. Saint Germain. The Ascendant Masters, Mother Mary, she actually prefers Ascendant Master Mary, so you may hear me refer to her as that, Boudica, Isis, Magdalene, Maropa, Green Tara, Quan Yin, Saint Germain, Mother Sophia, have all assisted in developing sessions, as well as Archangel Meditron, Archangel Raphael, Yeshua, Sunat Kumara, and my Soul Father, Yogananda. The energy sessions available on Violet Lotus Energy are Quantum Energy Transformation. That's when you are new to quantum energy healing. Even if you've had some Reiki clearing or chakra reset or whatever before, we're going to do a scan, an energy scan, and we're going to tell you up front how many distortions that were found, how many negative cords and attachments, how many astral bodies are in your auric field, how many entities, how many implants, how many curses, hexes, and spells, how many hooks, how many daggers, all the things, and then we're going to clear all that out. We're going to clear all your chakra blockages. We're going to open your chakras up. Yes, it can be done energetically. It does not only need to be done through yoga. That is a false pretense. Once you are clear, you have a clear channel, you're open and flowing with Source Light. You can connect to Mother Earth. You can connect to your higher self. You can connect to your guides. You can connect to the angels, the archangels, connect to Source, and you are then what I call donkey kicked on the Ascension Highway because that's when your abilities come online and that's when you are rising in frequency and the Ascension symptoms are real because you're zooming through, rising your frequency, and so you're going to get a little dizzy. You're going to get some ear ringing. You're going to get all the things that go along with your abilities coming online and those chakras being open and those chakras literally receiving information in for your highest and best good. Isis activation, and that is very specific to the being, but in general, it helps with the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, and harness their Kundalini energy and open that up in a healed Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine characteristic trait. Pleiadian activation with Maropa. Those are for Pleiadian star seeds mostly. Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine activation with Maggie and Yeshua, and that is basically like couples therapy in one session. So if the female of a couple comes forward for the session, then we're going to work mainly with Maggie, but while Maggie is working with the Divine Feminine, Yeshua is working with the Divine Masculine in both the partner and the being that gets the session done because they are literally mirror souls. Healing one helps heal the other, but Yeshua does extend some healing to the other partner. Inner child healing with Kuan Yin, if you are familiar with Kuan Yin's earthly incarnation, it was full of childhood trauma and abuse, and she was able to transform and transmute that pain and ascend through all of that, and so she is the goddess of compassion and kindness, and that helps us to heal the inner child that is wounded in so many of us and keeps us from fully receiving love and fully giving love, among other things. We offer a matrix tune-up for people that have had their QET session and they're going about their day-to-day life, and they just get kind of bogged down with the junk and the gunk of the down and dirty matrix, I like to call it the mud and the muck, the things that you're going to experience no matter how much protections you put on yourself when you go out and you're doing your shopping or you're communicating and energy exchange with people that you work with and people that you don't really have much control over that interaction because your livelihood depends on it or you have to get your food, so you end up acquiring some other distortions that you would rather not have, we can do a second mini QET, a matrix tune-up. Chakra flush with Kuan Yin, this is something that is done, it's really individual but should be done monthly and depending on how much you're processing, how much your chakras are engaging and processing energies and if you're doing a lot of shadow work, you're going to build up low vibrational energetic debris in your chakras and that I work with her and we clear out that and it can take anywhere from 20 rounds to 100 rounds to get you clear and then we use crystals that are in your highest and best good in those chakras to optimize performance and give you a good boost of energy there. Golden crown activation is specific, it helps for, it's not for a beginner, it's for someone who's understanding their clear abilities and this helps to boost their clear abilities and can actually turn on clears that you may not have had access to before, so some that are not really clear audience before this golden crown activation can come out on the other side with some clear audience or just more clarity on their abilities. Divine treatment, we work with multiple Ascendant Masters and Archangels for this. Addiction is a huge problem in our collective and if you go through a quantum energy transformation and you clear out all the things and you do divine feminine and divine masculine work but you're battling addiction at the same time, you're really handicapping your growth because that addiction is usually rooted in things of inner child wounding and many, many other types of trauma that needs to be dealt with so that you are not bound to that trauma the rest of your life and the addictions are harmful to your body obviously and to those around you, so we want to invite anyone who's battling addiction of any kind to invite us to help you with that. We would love to help get that off your energy field, off your back. Home energy clearing with Archangel Metatron, this is for your rented room or your home or your land, your ranch, your property, whatever it happens to be. If you're feeling dense, heavy energies or you feel attacked in your own space, we can help clear this, clear the space where you lay your head and rest your body. We can help you clear your land and this is again very individual. Weight management session, this is also every activation and session that we have, a QET session is required ahead of time so once this is done and you are possibly someone who's battled your weight your whole life or it's maybe become a recent issue, I'm not sure, but either way this helps bring balance to your system and we are mostly water and we help to facilitate alchemizing your physical form with a weight management session. We have coffee ground readings, similar to tea leaf readings, but this is coffee ground readings with Aurora and so these are videoed sessions and it's like a card reading but this is coffee grounds instead. Heart chakra deep healing with Aurelia, these are up to four sessions depending on the client and you're going to work with many of the Safiya Dragon Tribe Ascendant Masters with this and it is extremely helpful. I'll give you a personal story on this. The heart chakra deep healing came about because I was one of those that didn't let love in. I didn't really receive love when anyone said they loved me. I recognized it on a cognitive level, my brain heard it, my ears heard it, I process it, but I didn't let it come in through my heart space. I didn't let it come through those walls that I had built up for self-preservation and protection and I mentioned this one night. I think it was somewhere around October or November of last year. I mentioned it to Aurelia who said immediately they're coming to heal you and I was in the bathtub when I was texting her. I was having a salt bath and I was like okay cool because I've received plenty of activations, plenty of upgrades, plenty of healings and I'm just you know going about my day. I don't always take it as a sit meditate type moment ever since the very, very beginning. I haven't had to do that and so I was getting dressed and getting out of the tub, getting dressed and all that and I just had this wave of emotion come over me and I started crying and I'm not someone who typically cries very easy and I thought oh my gosh I gotta lay down and I felt as soon as I laid down so much big loving nurturing energy around me and I asked Aurelia, I said who is with me? She's like they're all with you. They're all with you. Maggie's with you. Isis is with you. Kuan Yin is with you. Mother Mary is with you. Gran is with you which is why Buffalo Calf Woman. Green Tara is with you. They're all around you in a horseshoe and they're going to show you love and man did they. They gave me a boost of love and it brought me to tears and then they said you know this is what true love feels like and we're going to give you some more and then they laid it on thick and man so much it felt like they had literally just dynamited the walls around my heart and it was absolutely the most nurturing but also rocked my socks kind of moment because I went from zero to feeling everything and it's been very very good for me. It's been very integral for my growth as a soul so if you are someone who's just been through a lot in your life and through self-preservation and protection and looking out for yourself, you have built up walls. The heart chakra deep healing with Aurelia is amazing. That's all I can say about that. The Shambhala activation with Green Tara helps you to go beyond the mundane life that we all tend to live in the matrix and really embody, envision and pull into your being your vision of heaven on earth. What does that look like to you and that's a very interactive activation. It's very good. We also offer one-on-one ascension coaching with myself also with Aurelia and Aurora and then we have PTSD healing with Saint Germain. Now when this session came about, Grandpa Ken, Saint Germain said you know I really want to offer something for the veterans and I am also a veteran and he said I think this is something that we can really do to make a big change for them and so we started to develop this and you know I said well it's not just the veterans anymore that has PTSD. I mean so many of us living in this life have survived considerable trauma and have developed PTSD just from surviving the life that we live in. He said you're right. You're right. You're absolutely right. So again very customized. It can be anyone. It does not need to be a veteran but this is definitely something that was born out of our call to help the veterans and so if this resonates with you obviously please let us know. My website is still under construction for Violet Lotus Energy but you can contact us via healingdisclosuresyt at gmail.com that's h-e-a-l-i-n-g d as in dog, i-s as in sam, c-l-o-s-u-r-e-s-y-t at gmail.com. That's going to be easy to find on my YouTube channel, my Rumble channel and the descriptions. You can also use the Violet Lotus Energy email. I can get contacted there as well. I want to end this podcast. It's a little shorter than the rest of them but this is the rainbow version. I want to end this podcast with a channeled message that I received from the archangels. Love is the only answer. Love is the key to open closed doors. Love is the key to open closed hearts. Love is the key to open closed minds and love is the key to open closed souls. Love from source creator is pure white light. The more we embody source creators love, the stronger that innate push to align to all things, people, places and things in your world. True love does not judge. Does not judge. It does not spew hate. It does not laden you with guilt or shame or blame or cause fear. It does not feed off of low vibrations. True love is all-encompassing, full of support, compassion, kindness and empathy. Choosing the path of your soul contract to align fully with source will cause those beings who have been manipulating you to rebel. This is where we get tested. Choose you. You are worthy. You deserve better than that. Follow your intuition. Shut your ego up and close the manipulated mind off bypassing that to your heart. The truth of who you are and why you're here is within you and always has been. Thank you for joining me today on Truth Resonates Podcast. Make sure you leave a review if you have the option. Send some fan mail. Let me know how you're receiving these these podcasts, what you like about them, what you don't like about them. If anything, what is it you're looking for? Do you have some specific areas of disclosure that you want answers to? If you want the opportunity for Q&A with me, definitely subscribe. Subscribers get that monthly, among other benefits. I look forward to chatting with you again next week and you guys take care of each other. Bye. Today was awesome. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel Healing Disclosures with Nicole, my book titled Sold or Soulless on Amazon and my website VioletLotusEnergy.com for all of our quantum healing services and remember just LFG it.

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