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Hello, we are Lucía, Carla, Hugo and Izan and this is our podcast about culture and entertainment. In this podcast we are going to talk about the culture of our high school. For example, we are going to talk about the CMP´s tournament and other things that are very interesting. If you want to learn about these things enter the C.H.I.L Podcast.


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The podcast team discusses the CMT High School events and the Little Passion. They talk about the CMT Soccer Tournament, which is entertaining and popular among students. The tournament is refereed by older students. They also mention the Little Passion, a performance in the city that tells the story of Jesus' last two days. Rehearsals take place on Sundays, and it is a popular event. The team also mentions the solidarity race, an annual event to raise money for organizations. Participation is voluntary, but encouraged by teachers. The podcast ends with gratitude for listening and hopes to see the listeners again soon. Hello everyone, this is our podcast team and today we are going to talk about the events of CMT High School and the Little Passion. To talk about these topics, we have chosen a duet named Ethan and Hope. Hello, thank you for inviting us. Hello. Today we wanted to talk about all the fun things we have brought in the city at the school. First, we wanted to ask you how you think of CMT Soccer Tournament. It is very entertaining and we like it a lot. Since we play sports and furthermore, we have been entertaining during the last two seasons. Yes, it is very entertaining and we really want to get you four to organize it. Who referees in the tournament? The four students, the older ones and the referees. But if they play or are not there to referee for an exclusion or anything, we usually refer it. At the school, it is something very popular. When are the games played? Usually, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at break time. And when do you have a snack? After the game, they give us 10 games to rest time. Well, now that we are in the subject, we are going to talk about something that is also very popular in the city of Castro, the Little Passion. It is something very popular, isn't it? Yes, there are a lot of people and there is a lot of atmosphere. And what do they attend? It is a work in which they go around the little center and tell the story of the last two days of Jesus' life. And who are they? People from the city perform, who sign up in December and are rehearsing from January to March. When are the rehearsals? It is on Sundays at 11 o'clock. It is very popular and if it is not bad, people will go to see it. Are you going to see it? Yes, it is something that my family likes a lot when I was little. I went with my parents, but now I go with my friends. Yes, and usually, what do you do? Since it is very entertaining and also very interesting to learn about the last two days of Jesus' life. And where do they get those very old sweets? They go to medieval markets and buy them at auctions. Apart from the Little Passion and the soccer tournament, do you do any other interesting and fun activities? At the end of the course, the four million users arrive and start. And what does it consist of? The teachers with the fourth graders are in positions with a number for each position. Then, the rest of the students at the school are divided into groups and take the tests. How cool! A very important thing that my friend, Joao Pascual, wanted is that the first person to complete all the tests wins the diploma. And do they need the winning group's appraisal? Yes. Do you do any other activities throughout the course that you would like to share? We do many, but I would like to highlight one. Which? The solidarity race that we do every year. Excellent. I think if I have an idea, we can find out more about it. Of course. We do this race in order to raise money for some organizations. In here, the money raised goes to an interested organization. Is it mandatory to participate? If you don't want to, you don't have to bring money. It is voluntary. But the teacher encourages us since there are people who need it. Anything else you want to tell us? I don't think so. This is all. Thank you very much for having accepted our invitation and for telling us about interesting activities in your city and high school. It has been a pleasure speaking with you. We hope to see you again soon. Thank you, and thank you for listening to us. Goodbye and thank you very much. That's all for today and thank you very much for listening to us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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