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TREpisode 8

TREpisode 8

Nicole LeBlancNicole LeBlanc



We were able to enjoy the benefits of our hard work. I developed new Quantum healing sessions with Merope our Pleiadian sister and Isis for Divine Feminine Activations. St. Germain shared truths about the Orphan Trains, check that video out on my YT & Rumble Channels.


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The Truth Resonates Podcast discusses the power of love, forgiveness, and gratitude in healing and transforming lives. The host, Nicole, shares her experiences with breaking free from negative energies and encourages listeners to subscribe and share their resonance with her message. She also promotes her website, offering services to help individuals reclaim their power. Nicole discusses the concept of soul fractals and how dark forces have been harnessing energy from individuals for centuries. She emphasizes the importance of love as a powerful force in combating darkness and encourages listeners to embrace love, forgiveness, and gratitude in their lives. The Love, Forgiveness, Gratitude Challenge is mentioned, in which participants name three things they love, three things they need to forgive, and three things they are grateful for. The podcast also mentions the positive effects of love waves on other planets and races, and the transformational impact it has had on the host and her Hello beautiful souls. Welcome to the Truth Resonates Podcast. I am your host, Nicole, and I'm excited to discover and disclose truth from all dimensions and aspects of life and beyond. I'm a quantum healer and medium now because I broke up with the matrix. So let's get into it. Thank you. Thank you for joining me again today. I am super excited to be with my subscribers and listeners. Truth resonates, or it should, and I want to know if it's resonating within your being. When you listen to my podcast, are you feeling a resonance of knowing? Are you feeling like maybe this is making sense of some gnosis that you've had, some inner knowing, some things that you've pondered over time and has not ever uttered the words to anyone in your life. But now listening to my mission drops, listening to my voice, does it resonate? If so, please subscribe to the channel, send me fan mail, let me know, because it is quite possible that you too are a part of Duffiness's crew. We have thousands of members on a soul level that I have not encountered in physical form yet. So I wanted to make sure that that message gets delivered today. Thank you to all my subscribers and I'm going to give them a quick shout out. Teresa C., Anita E., Cassandra G., Karen H., Teresa H., BNE N., Angela B., and Chrissy J. I appreciate you all more than you could ever, ever know. VioletLotusEnergy.com is live. Please come visit my website, check it out, browse around. There's plenty of services and we add new services all the time. And we really are looking forward to helping the collective get clear and take their power back in so many ways that you have not even thought of yet. Or maybe you have and you just did not connect with the right quantum energy healer, because there's a lot of them out there that are advertising things and they really don't have the ability. So I really want you to do your due diligence and do your homework. And I have plenty of testimonials of happy and satisfied energy beings in this now moment. Last week was the disclosure of rescuing many sibling souls. My own soul was one of the souls rescued, soul fractals. And this may be something that you've heard of in the past. I know for me, years ago, maybe 2016-17, somewhere around there, there was a lot of discussion about the tactics that the evil and the dark went through to harness energy. And I kept hearing about harnessing the energy. And I don't really know that I comprehended what harnessing the energy meant in the beginning. And then over time, encountering different beings that tried their very best to explain, it still wasn't clear. Because I've said many, many times, these are actions by deviants. And I don't truly understand, nor do I really want to, the logic and reasoning behind deviant behavior. I just simply accept that it was done either by force or by programming or by choice and move on. So, when we encountered not only Ana's soul fractal, but Aurelia's and Andalucía, which is my own, and Aurora, and Akita's, it really drove home exactly what they, they meaning the dark, have been doing to us for centuries. And how they can take pieces of your soul, that is the soul fractal, and trap it, energetically trap it with dark magic, so that they can tap into the energy of who we are, the essence and the power that we have within our being, and use it for darkness. And so, of course, that gave us a lot of healing that we needed to do. And everyone's navigation of the emotions and feelings that came up, the shadows that came up from the rescue, had to play out. Of course, we supported each other and do the best we can in the now moment. And so, again, that's when it became really clear about the Love, Forgiveness, Gratitude campaigns. And I want to speak about that real quick, because when it first came into us, Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, in that moment in time, it seemed to be perfect. You know, it seemed to be exactly what we needed, because it was, it truly was. But as we went on, it was, I think, probably the human in us that thought, okay, that was for then, but what's for now? Like, what's the next thing that we're going to use? And we didn't fully take into consideration the power that Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude has. So, I think culturally, when we feel opposition or when we feel that something needs to be, like air quotes, handled, it has to be done with force. It has to be done with brute strength. And we did not fully appreciate the power of Love. I know that I've heard that my entire existence, the power of Love, that Love is a powerful thing, and that nothing is more powerful, but I didn't see it. Therefore, I did not fully appreciate the power until I really started putting it into practice. And in the way that we dealt with shadows, and in the way that we helped others deal with shadows. And when, quite honestly, we were running out of scenarios of how we could adequately protect and defend from psychic attacks and dark attacks. And it's not just beings in this dimension, I want to say that. Like, we sent our energy out throughout the universe, all the universes, in fact. And in doing so, of course, there were repercussions that were positive. Like, thank you so much. This helped to change the shift in dynamic in our own world, and we're so thankful. And then we also had the worlds that were negative polarity, and they definitely did not appreciate us flooding their planet with high vibrational love. And they came back with retaliation on a galactic level. And so we quickly realized that we, in our primitive mind of wanting to just, you know, pick up a shield and a sword, wasn't going to cut it. And when we really understood what Source, Mother Sophia and our Ascendant Masters had been saying, every transmission, every message, we were getting these nightly messages, and they all end it with, love is the key. Love is the key. Love is the key. And so we, of course, we had battles, you know, with my space self and my actual Jedi's and all of those. You know, we were literally doing, you know, photon blasts and all sorts of things in space. But that was the, like, the initial response. And the wiser, I think, more evolved response became LFG, that we don't control what other people do and how they respond to our love or our abilities to elevate humanity and liberate humanity, but when they retaliate, because they always do, we felt like while we would defend what needed to be defended, we would also do that in a loving, forgiving, and grateful way. Because at the end, when you go through that, what the ultimate goal is, it's not division. It's not to have a long list of enemies. It's unity. It's Christ consciousness and it's unity consciousness. It's oneness. So the way that you get there is to drop the shield and the sword and to go within and truly send love to your fellow brothers and sisters, to your star ancestors that you have not had a recollection maybe of meeting before, but they are with you nonetheless, and every space race that has good and bad, they're all really, truly wanting cohesion. There's a few planetary alignments and galaxies and whatnot that really like to be in division because it serves them, but they are the minority. They are not the majority. We began to have, and it's really for the mission itself comes later in chronological order, but I will tell you that we have had many, and I mean like thousands, thousands of emissaries of other planets and races that have been liberated just because of our love waves, that the love flooded their area, their space, wherever they are, and it pushed the frequency higher and low vibrational beings that had been there could no longer be there, and it helped them transcend their hurdles that they had in their own day-to-day life, and I am here to tell you I never saw that coming, and I'm so grateful for it. You know, to have a complete out-of-left-field, really, truly loving, benevolent response come by the act of us choosing to defend ourselves through love, forgiveness, and gratitude and to send out love waves and to wrap love around all of our quote-unquote enemies and all those that are in flux and all those that are searching for truth and too afraid to ask the questions, like we just sent out the love, and it was up to the beings to accept it and to respond however they wanted to respond. To have such a profound, positive response has been transformational for myself and I know for many others in the Guardians and in the crew, and so I cannot stress the importance of LFG enough, and that was my rant on LFG. Love is not an emotion. It's an energy, and it is the most powerful in the universe, and we have seen that to be true. So on November 3rd, 2023, we started the Love, Forgiveness, Gratitude Challenge. Three days, name three things, persons, places, or events that you love. Three things, persons, places, or events that you need to give forgiveness to, and three things, persons, places, or events that you're grateful for. And as the days went on, our ground crew sent out LFG. The frequency of the planet began to rise, and many could feel the shift, and again, we saw the power of love. Mission Control gave us an update. The lighter feelings some of you are having is because of all the things that are changing in your world. You will be able to sense them before you can see them publicly. Some of it, because of the processes you're going through, releasing more that does not serve you, allows for upgrades and activations with big rises in frequency. Keep hydrating, keep positive focus, and especially sending positive, rippling, loving forgiveness and gratitude. And then Source popped in for an update. Continue being the love that you are and creating the positive effect in your world. While you are technically only one person, you have a much more profound effect. In essence, you are multiplied by hundreds, if not thousands, and all that you do. Mission Control came back in with a buckle up. The events are becoming public, and it will feel like a bumpy road. Ride those waves with style. Show others how to rise above the chaos and be the example. Be the change you desire. Love, love, love. Keep with the daily gratitude, love, and forgiveness. Reminders. This creates so many positive ripples. It helps you all to reset, even when you don't realize you need it. We were having a lot of dialogue with Ascendant Masters and family that was now feeling comfortable in communicating with us. And one of the family members that always has such great information to share and is a really great card player, and I just love him to death, is Grandpa Ken, a.k.a. St. Germain. And so he had given information about the orphan trains. He himself had been an orphan and had been adopted and was transported out to the upper Midwest. And so I had released the orphan train video on November 4, 2023, with the help of St. Germain. And he gave lots of information, and then I was able to connect a lot of dots and a lot of downloads, things that I had heard and seen over time, suddenly made so much sense. So if you're not familiar, the orphan trains are, in my opinion, a very dark place in our history. And it was late 1800s, early 1900s. It lasted over a period of about 60 years total. And mostly organized by different religions and churches and whatnot, they would take an entire train full of children, ages like 2 to 12, with one agent that worked for the religious faction, whatever it happened to be, and they would take the train out from the east coast to west, all the way to California, all over the place. And they would adopt out these orphans. Some had been adopted prior to the trip, but most of them were actually adopted on site. And, again, St. Germain incarnated in his last earthly incarnation, where he was Grandpa Ken. He was an orphan on the orphan train and was adopted out. And he gave me most of the information that I was not really aware of. So that is on YouTube and Rumble Channel, Healing Disclosures with Nicole. Mission Control came back in and said, More disclosure is coming. The military is not what you thought it was or what you see. This does involve other countries, and it's all based on money and cover-ups and keeping people looking in one direction while things are truly happening. The military industrial complex and the deep state are operating their shale game. It has been going on for so long. And in our opinion, it is beyond time to tell the truth. It's self-disclosure, testing the waters to look at what percentage of people are wondering and start digging in to discover the truth and what percentage of people are going to flip out. At least half, yes, half of the bases worldwide are used for more than they appear. And those are just the publicly known bases. There are at least as many more shadow bases as there are public bases. End of message. This transmission from Mission Control caused me to have to do more LFG as I am an Army veteran. I served seven years. Four was active duty. And I've always been grateful for my military service, and I've always felt like it was an aspect of my life that I wouldn't change. And I really do still feel that way. But it does sadden me to know that I'm certain that I was shoulder to shoulder with beings that became a part of what would be considered the military industrial complex. I'm sure many of the acquaintances I've had, in fact, I know, some of them do work against the highest and best good of the population of the planet because I know what they do. And I really had to just LFG it. There's no other way to do it. You know, giving love to all the experiences that I had and giving love to all those that maybe ended up doing things they really didn't want to do. And forgiving all parties involved, including myself, and being grateful for what I learned in all ways. You know, I'm grateful for the positive things that I learned, but I'm also grateful that the truth is disclosed because when you know better, you can make better choices, right? It's just, you know, another thing that I say repeatedly that, you know, that's why they lied about so much of our history because with knowledge we had our power. We would not have given our power away, but they would have lost their control over us. They would have lost the control that we gave up to them and the ultimate power that they have thrived on. I started to integrate a lot of the gifts of the activations from the Ascendant Masters that stepped forward to assist in healing the collective in many ways via healing disclosures and my abilities to quantum transform energy. So that's when I put into place Kuan Yin's Chakra Flush and Recharge, Reset, and Maropa's Pleiadian Activations. It's for anyone, but it really is geared toward Pleiadian Starseeds. And then Isis gave us activations for the Divine Feminine. And I thought I would read some testimonials of some beings that had Maropa's Session. This is from Aurora. I had my first Maropa Session. I smelled jasmine and hibiscus, and there was no fear, no worry or anxiety. Maropa is very calming and soothing and very, very chilled. My chakras felt clearer and more accepting of inevitable changes with the 5D transition. This helps our avatar handle the higher vibration and frequency of the 5th dimension. The importance of grounding and hydrating, resting and meditating resonates now on a much deeper level. Thank you, Aurora. This next one is from Teresa E. I just finished my first Maropa Session. My eyesight is suddenly clearer. The tones in my ears are different, and I feel much lighter. I can't wait to see what else comes. Maropa came in to me and said, The assistance I am able to provide has been a desire for the Pleiadians for a long time. We have been awaiting our turn. Please ask for more volunteers as the time to transition is coming to a close, and I am ecstatic to assist all who consent. Maropa. Then I'm going to share with you what came. This is St. Germain. After we did a few kind of Q&A sessions on some topics, and I was, you know, it's just the way my ability works. I see or hear or read something, and then my claircognizant, knowing just drops into my being. And I start to connect dots. I'm a dot connector, kind of with the nickname that they've given me. So this is a channeled message from St. Germain. I must admit you are a great dot connector. I knew, but to work with you as you uncover new to you, open air quotes, kind of truth is really exciting. There's literally truth disguised all over the world. The controllers that were, like you say, knew that through Project Lookingglass, they could see what inventions would make the collective humanity very lazy and superficial, which led to the exact scenario they wanted, sheeple. The most important truths are all interwoven. To unearth one leads to another and another. This is where you spend a lot of time, and it is being guided to what humanity needs in this now moment. We can work through some things together. Other truths have to be found on their own, but you will, I have no doubt. The Grand Canyon, yes, it is originally Mesopotamia. There were many places that Teddy, he means Roosevelt, kept secret because all the evidence couldn't be hidden once the flip occurs and your land trust will be granted. The Grand Canyon, this allows for all those wrongs to be righted. Just like the ships that were capsized there, you know, when it was all water. The water comes back to those lands and shines a light on truth as well. It's not meant to be fenced off in dry, deserted areas. There's no gold left there due to government greed. There's more valuable finds there than gold. Ties to Yeshua and Maggie and their children, ties to temples of Isis and Osiris, et cetera. Much won't be able to be rediscovered or revealed until your land trust takes over and can open up the disclosure. The area won't be for everyone, but it'll still be protected so that the truth can be shared with the collective. Greenland is another area. You know, it's a galactic alliance base and galactic federation of wars. And the truth of that will probably occur before Yeshua and Maggie's. Can you believe it's easier for the Normies to comprehend aliens over Yeshua having a wife and family? The patriarchal control did such a good job of besmirching their legacy. The bloodline is and always will be the top priority. You agreed to protect them many years ago. You and the guardians. It's a constant focus of your mission. They, Yeshua and Maggie, are so grateful for your family's dedication and fierce protection. There's so much you could say, but it's not time yet. We will focus on the show content and keep growing your channel of truth. One source creator gave us this message. You are setting quite the example for ground crews, and the ripple effects of the positive frequency are being felt throughout the universes. There's so much you and the guardians accomplish every single Earth night. Then I see you all wake up and immediately check in to make sure your intentions were accomplished. Very dedicated to your mission. Continue to encourage the connection with the earth. Continue to encourage the connection of beings from beyond the veil with soul family. This helps to solidify contact, your roles, and allows increased confidence for the fairies. The disclosure you're sending out is huge. It is getting noticed, and you're correct in the assumption that so many lies from our history. I want you to know you're protected, and now is the time for the big reveals. Follow your intuition always. As you and Aurelia say, no matter what dimension you're in, the content lives on. Your work is very important, and it is your focus. You gain even more respect and accolades each earthly week. You're crew, and you're making us very proud. Continue LFG. Add play and laughter. Love source. The fairies, when he mentions the fairies, what I want to say about that is, I've done a couple videos on it, but a brief recap. People that have souls that have incarnated as fairies in the past many, many times are making up about 98% of the current population of the collective, and they inherently have traits that are very anxious. They have trust issues. They have a lack of confidence. They have a lack of self-worth, and they struggle to step into their truth. I have worked extensively with many of the fairy realm, the fae realm, and adapted many of our sessions so that it helps them stand in their truth and build their confidence and get over the fear that has literally controlled and paralyzed so many of them. It does come up frequently because it is a major part. I don't want you to think that, number one, they're not real because they definitely are, and the dimensions that they exist in are higher frequency, and you just can't see them yet. I have seen them, and I do work with them, and there are dark fairies, unfortunately, and then there were those that were held by the dark and manipulated just like our soul fractals were. You navigate those energies and you navigate those beings like you do anything else. What feels good, what is good, what has loving energy because true loving energy cannot be faked. If you ask a being that you're encountering to show you their love, to share their love with you, it should be palpable and very genuine and authentic. It brings me to tears in a very loving way. It does not feel scary. It does not feel oppressive or dark in any way, shape, or form, and so you encounter a really truly loving being. That's how you feel. If it's anything less than that, you may be encountering a trickster or someone who does not have benevolent intentions. Maropa gave us this other message. It says, the progress in rising awareness and frequency is always monitored and the collective is seeing a shift upwards. We, the Pleiadians, are very encouraged. The Hughes, H-U-E, is what they call the humans, the Hughes, that have initiated contact with us have been very ready and excited and receptive. We have waited a very long time in earth years for this opportunity. There's been a large percent who received their stellar star activations and it opened everything up for them. Their abilities and their subsequent downloads were accepted with increased confidence and love. We know there are a few obstacles that remain and we are very confident all will be cleared very soon for successful growth. We send you love and gratitude for this now moment of the collective ascension. I want to speak about the Pleiadian High Council real quick. They work with the Earth Council and they monitor all things ascension related, planetary, collective, animal, all things, all levels and phases. They have for a very, very long time. When you see, I know there's a few, several actually, probably hundreds of beings that channel from the Pleiadian High Council, from the Earth Council, from the Arcturian Council, from Thymus, which is another council, and my Arcturian self, so my alien self, is known as Tia. Tia is on the Arcturian Council, the Pleiadian Council, Thymus, and the Council of Five. There's a lot of connectivity there through all of these higher consciousness, benevolent councils in different dimensions, like Thymus is 12th dimension. There have been times where I have asked for my 12D self to step in to assist me in something specific, and that is always phenomenal because it's such a high, high frequency. And so much energy flow. So when we exist in our 12 dimensional at a time, 12 dimensions at a time, there is a version of you in 12 dimensions simultaneously right now. You can communicate with all of them. You can tap into that knowing, and I do this a lot with my 5D self. I do this a lot with my 5D self because in the fifth dimension, we are all together as family. We are all in one central location. Most of us are pregnant and having our 5D pregnancies, and we're at our Dolphin Assisted Birthing Center in Costa Rica, and we have such a beautiful life, and just, you know, all of our children and family and cousins and everyone around us, the dragons, the unicorns, the fairies, the dolphins, the whales, the merpeople, and we have a lot of visitors that are coming in from other galaxies because of the work that we've done. We've cleared things up, and they're here to celebrate. And so I check in all the time with my 5D self. There's definite advantages to that, I'll say. So if you're thinking about that and that's something that truly you want to know more information, I mean, we can help you. We can help you answer just some generic basic questions, and we can kind of get you clear to the point where you can start to have these conversations and dialogue on your own. Then this is a message from Source Creator about faith. So much good positive energy is coming from the ripples of LFG. This should continue as long as they are willing. The real testing of faith is happening now. It is one thing to talk about one's faith, but when life-changing actions are being asked to be done on faith alone, what will we see? We will see some of the loudest demonstrate a lack of faith, and we will see some quiet, very committed souls come right along in pure faith. So leave the judgment of one's faith aside and give love, empathy, forgiveness in massive quantities. The first thing any of you will do will also lead to your golden age of miracles and lead others to follow you. The entire ground crew, your Delphinus crew and other ground crews, are literally leading the light of humanity to the fifth dimension and new earth. That being said, the harder work has been done. You've done excellent work for humanity, and the universe will benefit forever. Rest, hydrate, eat light, and be love. By November 6, 2023, the quotient of the collective for love was 100%. The quotient for the collective of forgiveness was 100%. And the quotient for the collective of gratitude was 100%. What do I mean by that? Prior to those LFG campaigns, when I checked in the quotient percentage that the collective consciousness had of love, it was around 35%. Forgiveness, around 40%. And gratitude was very low, around 15% to 20%. Those are really high-frequency feelings in energy, and they were all very low. And now they're all at 100%. And it's key components to what rises the collective consciousness. So we are so grateful that we opened ourselves up to expand on how we navigate this journey to incorporate love, forgiveness, and gratitude in a way that we could not fathom having such positive effects, not just for me in my life, not just for the people that I know and communicate with as guardians and ground crew, not just for the place that I live, not just for the United States, not just for the planet we know as Earth, for our galaxy, our universe, all the universes, all 144 universes have benefited from our Love Waves and LFG campaigns. If you think that when you decide to do good things that it doesn't have an effect, you're mistaken. Subsequently, I will say, when you think that you make a choice to serve yourself and not do good things, it is also felt. There are ripples that go out no matter which choice you make. So definitely choosing to be in service to others and to help the collective aligning to Source Creator and all things love is what is beneficial for the collective. We are grateful that all these events have taken place. And for all who energetically join us to assist in elevating and liberating humanity. That's a great place to stop today's episode. Thank you so much for joining me. And I will talk to you again next week. If this is resonating with you, please send fan mail, leave a comment, send me an email, check out my YouTube and Rumble videos. There's lots of good information there and good tips on navigating the energies and what all QET will do to help you. And so I look forward to seeing your responses. Today was awesome. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel Healing Disclosures with Nicole. My book titled Souled or Soulless on Amazon. And my website, VioletLotusEnergy.com for all of our quantum healing services. And remember, just LFG it.

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