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Ep. 01: Scared Fat

Ep. 01: Scared Fat

Nate Salgado



Welcome to Baby Fat! Trying to figure out how to ride this bike. Stay with me.

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You're thicker than a snicker You get real sad when you see your own picture The show is called Babybel It ain't nowhere in town, yeah The show is called Babybel Motherfuckin' show is called Babybel Motherfuckin' show is called Babybel The show is called Babybel I don't expect this to blow up until after I'm dead and gone. In particular, this is for when I'm dead and gone, or maybe like right before I die. I'll throw this on in my hospital bed. I got a shit memory. My intention is to get a digital record out there and help me not only jog my memory, but lay down some memories for my posterity. I have five kids. I'm soon to be 35. I have a lot to tell. Maybe. I don't know. I'm very nervous to put myself out there. We see how savage the internet is, and I really... I mean, I think it's scorned all of us and made us all a little bit more guarded. I mean, not everybody. Some people don't give a fuck what they put out there, or maybe they're not aware enough. I wish I wasn't so aware sometimes. Being hyper-aware is great. Helps you stay safe and out of the curve, or whatever. Curve, curve, which one is it? I don't know. But being too aware, like ignorance is bliss. And I'm totally just ripping off what I heard off another podcast earlier, but it really got me thinking. And I think everybody has this thought or has had this thought before. Like, yeah, I wish I was just dumb and happy. Um, um, um. You might hear that a lot. That's my pause. I mean, it's not just my pause. It's a lot of people's vocal pause. I noticed in my test file I said, um, a lot, when I couldn't think of anything to say right away. So you're probably going to hear that a lot in these first episodes, and I appreciate you being here. This is BabyFat. This is a project 12 years in the making. I've been telling myself I should start a podcast. I mean, that's the one thing I know how to do is talk. I get paid to talk for a living. I've been in sales for most of my adult life, and that's basically what sales is, is talking. I mean, a little bit of charisma, a little bit of know-how, but mostly just talking and bullshitting. I'm an expert at that. If I'm an expert at anything, it's bullshitting. So why not join the millions at this point of podcasts? That's another thing that's been driving me nuts for years. It's like every year goes by, I'm like, yeah, I should have started the podcast. Now I'd be eight years deep. I'd probably have some legs in the podcast industry. I don't know. But it's just a regret, and there's no time like the present. So here we are. Baby fat. What is baby fat? Well, to me it means a lot of things. I have a lot of baby fat, not only physically, that I've carried around all 35 years of my existence, but like emotional baby fat. I have – what did I think earlier? Emotional, physical – I'm blanking. But to me it just means so many different things. Baby fat. No, it's not Kimora Lee Simmons' famous brand clothing line when I was growing up. At some point I'm going to have to do some kind of mashup with that logo. But it's something that we or I have carried around, carried with me unnecessarily. One time I heard we gain weight or we – and this isn't like a weight-centric fitness podcast or anything like that. I think the word fat has just always been triggering for me because I've always been chubby. I've always been overweight Nate. I've been not comfortable in my own skin most of my life. There's that still small voice in the back of my head always criticizing not only how I come across to other people, which we'll get into that, but it's how I look. I'm very vain. And so baby fat is – we're shedding baby fat. We're going to trim it. You've heard it before if you're a podcast head that these can be – these are therapeutic for the content creator. There's got to be some truth to that. I think that it will be to my advantage. I think I'll – this sounds so professional. It will be to my advantage. How stupid. It will be beneficial though for me to have an outlet. As I've gotten older, it's hard to see my friends. And I think social media kind of gives us a real easy scapegoat to not stay in touch with each other as well as we should because we're like I see what he's up to or I see what she's up to. So we're good. We're friends. We're Facebook friends. I mean what more do you need? We're virtual friends. But we all need more. I think everybody is lonely in today's world. I really envy the generations before me, just the older people or the parents I grew up around that have like such a tight circle of friends and you see them traveling together or doing things together. And that seems to be going by the wayside. I mean I have some buddies that are really good at it of like double dates or going and getting their families together. I see it. It still exists. It's not like it doesn't exist at all. And I'm in small town America in Missouri. I think it's probably more commonplace here, people getting together still in the city. I would imagine it's even more difficult to make a new friend. And I think that's where this tangent kind of started was I haven't made a new friend for many years. And anytime I do kind of almost make a friend, I'm very guarded. I always keep them at arm's reach. They never get in tight. And if they do get in tight, I'm such a toxic person that it comes to a head at some point and they don't remain in that inner circle. And I'm the common denominator there. And I think most of my friends would agree that I'm a toxic person in life. I don't know. I was just thinking like how am I toxic exactly. But I think I'm abrasive. I think I come across the wrong way sometimes to people. I'm loud and obnoxious sometimes. And that robs people the wrong way. And I get that. I'm a hard pill to swallow. But I think people like me that are abrasive and loud and brash are like the most sensitive. I think everybody kind of knows that. We're projecting that personality type because there's a void. There's a hole. There's something we're trying to make up for. And for me, that's really insulated myself as I'm 35 now. I have friends. I have best friends. I have people that I could call. But as you get older and you have a family, me, I mentioned earlier, I have five kids, there's not time to kick it with the homies anymore. There just isn't time to do that. Or it's just not practical. There's just better things that most of us could be doing with ourselves. And so, to me, like I get to hang out with my core group of friends that I've called my best friends most of my life a couple times a year. I mean, on a good year, it would be a handful. That's so sad. But then I know people who have no friends or never even really had a real friend. I couldn't imagine. So here I am, like, I'm a victim. It's hard for me. I'm lonely. It could be so much worse, and that's everything. Everything could always just be so much worse. And that's a sad reality, I think. And so, I don't know. Maybe this can give somebody a second of solace, whatever that means. A second of forgetting all that bullshit that's going on that you're carrying around, the baby fat that you're carrying around. Maybe just for a small part of your day, once a week. Who knows? Maybe we'll get twice a week. Twice a week at some point. Distract you from that. And, you know, that's all we're trying to do here. Kill time. Distract ourselves with things. For me, my biggest distraction is my family. And it's awesome. I'm so blessed to have a big family. I've always wanted that. And I'm lucky enough to have that. And it's a huge distraction. I mean, I can go inside to my house right now and be entertained by my kids for the rest of the night. And I'd be happy to do that. Or maybe I'll entertain them. Or maybe we'll just get entertained together. It's a beautiful thing. We're going to cover a lot of things here. This is just the expresso talking that I got from Duncan. Because I think I thought to myself I needed a crutch to get this first episode going. It's been hanging over my head since I've ordered all this equipment. And I've got an intro song. It's beautiful. I can't wait to hear the clean product. Pepper, Hot Hot Peppers from the Danish and O'Neal podcast intro. And I believe he's working with Ari Shafir. I mean, he's awesome. His style is one of a kind. He's got an amazing sound. His voice, it was just perfect. And it's surreal to me, being a podcast head, having a Hot Hot Pepper original. Like, I can die now. Not really. But that's how fucking cool it is for a podcast nerd like myself to do the damn thing. And the intro he sent me, it was just as perfect. It's perfect for the show. It's the exact vibe. The outro is going to be done by my little brother's friend Brady. Can't wait to hear that. This is Easter weekend that we're coming at you live to tape. I just had a fantastic, probably, actually there's one other Easter that's better for me. But yesterday was Easter. Well, first off, don't have Easter in March ever. March 31st Easter, that's just, no. That's the weirdest thing ever. Easter is in April. Like, all right. But it was still good. We, I got to see my cousin Janie for the first time in 15 years. My Aunt Becky was there. I got to spend time with my cousin Andrew. All my kids were there playing outside. They had a good egg hunt. Oh, we had an adult egg hunt for golden eggs around my mom's house. It was just a fucking good wholesome time. And, yeah. Well, I think we all need more of that. And I feel sorry for people that don't have that. Because, you know, yeah, we all want to play the victim. We all want to feel sorry for ourselves. Here I am having this sad boy podcast to get through my life. And it's just sick. There it is. It could just always be worse. And, yeah, just so happy to come off that Easter. It's fueling me to be creative, to get this out there, to put myself out there. And share with the world, you know, what the fuck I got to say. Program. Got back on my program. Feels great. I worked out for, well, first off, this is what happened. Me and my brother Patrick, he was born in the year 2000. And so I'm quite a bit older than him. I can't do the math right now. I'm dumb. But we got into an argument, a drunken argument one night. And over a stupid comment. He had said he thinks that, or he thought, or he probably still does, he thinks that he could take me in boxing. You know, it was probably at the start of this Logan Paul, Jake Paul bullshit. He's prime. He's like, speaking of prime, that's his generation. That's his North Star. Logan and Jake Paul. And so the conversation got started. Like, yeah, he's like, I think I could take you in boxing. And it just, oh, oh, big brother mode activated. Like, no, you can't. You never, no, never, never, just never. And it rubbed me the wrong way. And with each beer, I think I got more obnoxious with, you know, just saying snide comments throughout the night. And it ends up, the night ends with me in the garage by myself with a beer, yelling things through the wall, you know, that I can't even quite remember. But, you think you can take me, you know, shit like crazy, insane, you know, just insecure person babble, drunk babble. And we didn't talk for a few months. And, I mean, that's never. First off, me and Patrick are very similar. We get along like two peas in a pod. We've never, never had a disagreement like that. And there's just such a big enough age gap that, you know, we never even had a tiff, I don't think, you know. And so this was a first for us. And we went a few months without talking to each other. And what came out of it was the thought for me was like, what am I putting off to my little brother that he thinks he can kick my ass? And I was, at the time, just coming off COVID lockdowns, you know, where everybody's at home. I was drinking really heavy every night, you know, just eating whatever the fuck I wanted. I was probably close to 265, 270. And I don't look like LeBron James when I'm 265. I'm 6'1". I carry weight pretty well. But I was big. That's my heaviest, I would guess. I don't know for sure because when I get that big, I stay away from scales. Because I know. And you got me thinking, like, I look so fucking bad and fat that he thinks he can beat me in boxing because he thinks he can take me. I mean, ultimately, that's what it comes down to. And in my heart of hearts, I'm thinking, no, he can't. I played football. I was an athlete. I was a star basketball player in middle school. And then everybody went through puberty as well and caught up and surpassed my ass. So I wasn't actually good. I was just pre- or not pre-pubescent. I was post-pubescent. I don't know. I just went through puberty before my peers, and it really helped me athletically for a couple years. I was, like, the fastest kid in my grade in seventh grade for, like, six weeks probably because I had man legs and nobody else had. So where was I going? So Patrick's, like, thinking he can beat my ass, right? It's complete bullshit because I know what I've been through through athletics, and he had never done that. And that alone gave me the confidence, like, he can't fucking take me. You know, I've done two-a-days. I've done this or that. And it's like, but when's the last time you did that? Over 10 years ago? Over 12, 13 years? Whatever it was at the time, like, can you? I mean, look what you're putting off to the world that your little brother thinks he can take you. And that got in me. And it really lit a fire in me. And for, like, two years I worked out consistently. I got in pretty good shape, like, for me. You know, no six-pack, nothing like that. But my clothes fit well. I liked who I was seeing in the mirror. You know, just more confidence just felt good. I thought for most of my 20s that, like, in football at some point I must have done something to my back because of my lower back pain. And I need surgery probably. I just, let's just put that off until, for as long as we can. And really I was just overweight. And my core wasn't strong. And it was straining my lower back. And I needed to stretch really bad. My hammies were fucking tight. You know, that's all it was. And that not only pushed me into working out for a couple years and really pushing my limits in a weight room. I was always, I mean, I had extra duty every day of extra duty during football because I didn't show up to the summer weight program. But maybe, you know, a handful of times. A couple times the coach would literally come to my house and drag me out of bed. So I just really relied on talent to get me through. And, you know, it really showed when I went in my early 30s back into the weight room to move some freaking iron around. And it was very humbling. But I say all that to say I took 13 months off recently. I just had, well I didn't have, but we had our final child, our little baby boy. This past October. And there's something that happens when my girl's pregnant that like hormonally I go through too and I gain weight. Like I've gained weight with every one of my kids. Just like 50 pounds every time. Doesn't matter. And it happened again with Tatum. Even coming off of a tight two year program really, you know, doing the damn thing. It just takes a couple weeks of not working out and then it's just history. History. And so I recently got back on the program and I feel great. And I feel like I'm leaving something out with the Patrick story. I don't know. We texted each other a couple months later, you know, water under the bridge. Sorry bru, sorry bro, you know. And I think even in that first text exchange I was like, thanks man. I'm, you know, thanks to you I'm back on the horse. I'm working out. And I don't think I said this but I'm like, and now I for sure know you can't fucking take me in boxing. Shut up, let's go. But thankfully to him and my lack of fucking class and being able to hold alcohol, I got back on the horse. And I'm back on it again 13 months later after a little hiatus. And I'm starting to feel good again, you know. That first couple weeks, first couple weeks is tough. The first few days where it's like hard to get on and off the toilet. If you make it through that, it's just showing up after that. That's all. You just got to show up. Oh, I want to talk about a lot of things on here. Current events is on my, I have a little note, notepad notes with different topics that I might want to hit or get to. We'll see how much time we have. That's the key to a good podcast, right? It's not your tangents or just your whatever you're talking. You don't have to hit your notes, but you can rely on the notes. I have UFC. What's going on in UFC? I haven't really, I didn't watch the fights this last Saturday, which it wasn't like a pay-per-view. But since Cheeto lost, dude, I don't know. It's been tough. Watching that was tough. I think a lot of people, a lot of people love Cheeto. A lot of people love Shawn. I think it was a tough fight for people to pick aside. Shawn is just, he's the real deal, isn't he? That knee, my goodness, that knee. But it was heartbreaking, heartbreaking to watch that fight. What a card, $299. What a damn card. $300 is going to be good too. It stacked, but $299. Uncle Dana, oil him up. He really showed out for us. It's disappointing to see my boy Kevin Holland go down to MVP. And it's like, I think a lot of people, myself included, getting off that hype train. We've seen that it's not championship caliber. He's a fun fighter. I think that Jacare punch from the bottom really did wonders for his career. Like without that highlight and maybe a couple more other highlights. Again, I have a bad memory. But I think that we're seeing his capped potential. And MVP doesn't do that to many other people in the division. I'm curious to see how it's going to really play out for him next. If that was a fluke, we'll see. Backtracking to Sugar Sean, got to see him fight Murab. Murab's so funny. He's not only very funny and a good little character, he's a savage wrestler. What we've seen him do to Triple C, Henry Cejudo, who's an Olympic gold medalist, Olympic wrestler, Henry Cejudo, picking him up and dropping him like that. Picking him up, carrying him around the ring. You don't see a good wrestler doing that to a mediocre or bad wrestler on any given night. Let alone a gold medalist wrestler. And it puts me in this position again, like I'm going to pick against Sean. I picked Aljo. I thought, Aljo finally won me over. And his wrestling is going to be able to snipe me, Sean. And of course that proved me wrong. Sean, beautiful, beautiful counter. And, you know, put him out. And then he goes in there, and I've been saying for like two years, Cejudo's my favorite fighter. It's only because of his interviews and the way that he talks. He talks just like my grandpa, or he's not my grandpa, but he's more of my grandpa than my grandpa. Francisco, he's my grandma's ex-husband, but he was my grandfather figure growing up, and he's remained that throughout my life. He's from Acapulco. I had the pleasure to spend a few months with him in Acapulco when I was 19. We'll get into some stories there in this podcast, I'm sure. But Francisco has this like Mexican beach vernacular, and apparently wherever Cejudo's from in Ecuador, it's very similar. Like the people that I talked with day in and day out in Acapulco sound just like Cejudo. Too much espresso in this dunking. But that was just like once I heard Cejudo talk, and then of course he went on Matt and Shane's. He's just a dog. I was like, yeah, this dude's my favorite fighter. In that first fight with Sean where Sean hit his ulnar nerve or whatever, and his foot went out, and Cejudo finished him off, I'm like, oh, he's going to be the champion. And he could still be the champion. We'll see. I mean, Cejudo's not six feet under. He's still my favorite fighter. Nobody's taken that yet, but it just broke my heart to see him. He went out on the shield, but to see him go out versus Sean. And so Sean's going to fight Murab, and here I am again, gassing up Murab, going against Sean. And it's not that I love Sugar Sean. I mean, he's a Kobe fan and smokes pot, cool character. You know, he really gets it. Joe Roganhead, you know, there's so many parallels that I should be his biggest fan. And I am a fan of his. It just happens that I'm constantly going for the other fighter. That's enough UFC for now. That's only touched on. Before I really start talking about UFC, I need to pull it up on my computer. I can't even tell you what weight Sean fights at, what it's called. Is it welter? It's not welter. It's not middle. So stupid. Is he 135? Is he 145? I don't know. I need to have these things in front of me to jog my brain that's not able to retain those. That's the thing. I or we have so much shit going on in order to think about. If it's not dire, important anymore, my brain is just like, nope. Not holding on to that. Nope. I mean, there's just so much throughout my life. People have come up and been like, do you remember this? Do you remember that? And I'm like, God, I wish. I'm glad you do. And sometimes it will jog my memory and I'll be like, oh my God. Everybody's like, yeah, I remember that. Everybody has those moments. But a lot of times for me, it's scary. God, you see your grandparents deal with Alzheimer's. I had a great grandmother who dealt with that. And that's just terrifying. Terrifying. Lose your brain. Lose you. You're just a shell of a person. Like, oh, that's terrifying. It's terrifying. But yeah, I was saying that. Yeah, let me take another hit of this espresso so I can keep my heart racing and my breath fluttering. But I was going to get off UFC because I just don't, I don't know. I don't even know why I wanted to get off of it. Because I'd love to talk about Tommy Aspinall and Jon Jones. But there's time. We've got a lot of baby fat to get to. We've got a lot of episodes. I'm going to move down the list to fantasy football because it's March. And if you're a psycho like me, you're already opening up Sleeper every day, hoping that somebody's contributed to the group chat or maybe there's another player on the trade block. Or, oh, maybe somebody sent me a trade proposal. Like, oh, I love fantasy football. I love football. I love the NFL. I love pro sports. I like the NBA, NFL. I'm not a big college guy. I mean, I'm getting into it more because of fantasy football just to try to stay on top of my shit. But, I mean, I'm just a, I'm a pro watcher, pro follower longer. With Madden and things like that, you can really learn rosters inside and out. I think that's a huge advantage to people my age. I mean, you watch a football game with geezers and they, like, know the quarterback and the running back's name or a quarterback and one defensive player. Guys my age and younger, maybe a little bit older, I don't know. People my age, we know everybody. We know the freaking, no, I don't personally, but I watch games with people who know, like, the defensive coordinator, the assistant lineman's coach, you know. People are autistic about these things. And I'm a little autistic about fantasy football. I love it. Love it. Love Dynasty. Love Redraft. Love it all. And I have a very good team in Dynasty. I have two Dynasties that I run, but one is my OG league, the first league that I was ever in. And it's with my core friends. And I have a really good team, but I can't. I mean, I've won the chip a couple times, but I can't, can't seem to get it done in these last few years. I get really close. Got to the championship game a couple times and choked. Got into the semi and choked. It's just so frustrating. That's the game, though. I have a really good team. So I really can't even bitch because I could be Husky, right? Shout out Huskaroo. I want to read my team, just so you guys know. And eventually we're going to be in fantasy football season. There will be more to this segment. I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to receive phone calls. So I'm going to set up one of those free Google phone numbers where people can leave me voicemails. And I already have an email. Please send your emails, questions, comments, concerns, manifestos, fatwas, run-and-other-things that are clever like that. Send it all to babyfatpod at gmail.com. I blanked. I was like, fatbabyfatpod. My brain. Not enough espresso in the world. All right. Here's my dynasty team. It's a one quarterback lead, in case you're wondering. Patty Mahomes. Saquon Barkley. Jonathan Taylor. Justin Jefferson. This podcast is just me reading my fantasy team. That is, I mean, that was the goal of this cast. That and to fight Luis J. Gomez, which we'll get into that later. But as long as the world knows my fantasy team and how good it is, I mean, that's a really, at any conversation that I'm ever having, I'm really just trying to circle it back to that. So let's just get it out to the world. Patty Mahomes. Saquon Barkley. Jonathan Taylor. Justin Jefferson. A.J. Brown. Kyle Pitts. D.K. Metcalf. Evan McPherson. Pittsburgh Steelers. Now here's my bench. Kyler Murray. Trevor Lawrence. Trevor Lawrence. I said it so weird. Trevor Lawrence. Will Levis. Zeke Elliott. Gus Edwards. J.K. Dobbins. Khalil Herbert. Tajay Spears. Odell Beckham. Christian Watson. Evan Ingram. And then I have three taxi squad players, if you know what that is. Taxi squad is a place where you can put up-and-comers or rookies, not up-and-comers, but rookies in our league settings. It's for two years. You can keep them in your taxi squad or part of your roster so it doesn't have to be on your active roster. It allows you to pick up or hold on to other players that you might not necessarily have the room for if you didn't have the taxi squad. So we have four taxi spots in our taxi squad, if that makes sense. I have Jonathan Mingo, Emmanuel Wilson, Michael Mayer in an empty spot. I have all my picks this year, five rounds. Cannot wait. So there you are. I'm not going to bore you anymore. This is a big left turn from where we started, what we were talking about. But I'm going to talk about fantasy football, and I anticipate having league members on throughout the season. I used to have a lot more. There's my alarm to go pick up my daughter from track. It's Easter break or it's spring break, no track. But I used to have a lot more time, a lot less kids, and I would do a league note. It was a really creative endeavor, and it was a good outlet for me. And I would compose this note and have like inside references with me and my buddies, and it had a great run. But it got to the point where, and we got to the point, I mentioned we don't get to hang out as much anymore. The references ran dry. The league note saw its time. And it's a great thing to bring back every now and again, especially if I am inspired by something. Anyway, hopefully this year we can bring back some of the bluster, I don't know the right word, that the league note gave us. Some of the chutzpah, the good feeling that the league note gave everybody. I'm hoping podcasts will replace that. And we'll be able to have real-time conversations, I'm just going to say live-to-tape conversations with my league members. And we'll be able to share that, and it should be a good time. So looking forward to that. Another thing I wanted the world to know about me, and this is really not just... I, just like this podcast, starting this podcast, I get obsessive about things. This time last year, I decided I wanted to get back into playing guitar. I started playing the guitar when, I don't know, 7th, 8th grade? Something like that, maybe it was freshman year. No, it was like 8th grade. Me and a couple of buddies would sit on the back deck of my house at the time and play, and riff, and just real rudimentary beginnings of the guitar. Still where I'm at. And the reason I'm still there is because I get obsessed by things and get unobsessed with them quickly. That's a personal problem of mine. My friends who were on that back deck though, they went on and they stuck with it, and they're really good. Some of them even have a band together today. They're great. Shout out engineers with principle. But when I'm not good at something right away, real easy for me to put it down. And so this time last year, I was getting back into the guitar, obsessing with it. And I hit my limit again, or hit the wall of just not wanting to stick it out. Just like with lifting weights and tightening up my program. Not wanting to just gut it out, be bad for a long time before you're good. I didn't have the patience with the guitar. I'm looking at two of them right now hanging behind me. I just use this wall decoration for Zoom meetings to give off that allure like, oh, look at him. Cool guitar player. I'm a delusional person. People see right through that. I should know that. You should know that. But anyway, the thing I got obsessed with, and here's the thing about my obsessions. Sometimes they stick. Working out, I got obsessed with it a few years ago. And nothing got in between me and my workout for two years. And that was a good obsession in some aspects. But it also could be unhealthy because I do have five kids. I had four kids at the time. That takes away from family time. That takes away from helping. That takes away from everything. And so there's always an ebb and flow. And one of my obsessions these past few years is hunting. I love hunting, specifically deer hunting. Missouri has got some of the best white-tailed deer in the world. And here I'm surrounded by this free meat. And I've lived here for over 20 years, and I've never utilized it until the past couple. Actually, just this year. I harvested four deer this year, three by myself, and one totally by myself from field to table. I'm very proud of that, I think. I'm not a very skilled person. Again, one of my only skills is talking. That's why we're here right now. Because this is one of the only fucking things I can do. I can do it good. I can talk. Sometimes I don't know the words. Sometimes I'm stupid. But I can talk. Nobody's going to take that away from me. Yet. Or right now. Presently. Because, yeah, your voice can get taken away. I just flash through my head like all the different ways. It's scary. If they took that, I would have nothing. But I don't have any skills. I'm fucking Rick and Ralph. One time I tried to change a light bulb for my mom. And when I was done, the light receptacle was hanging from the ceiling. How do you do that? It takes a real wreck at Ralph. I'm your guy. You're not that guy, pal. I'm that guy, pal. And it's really, you can see that throughout all of Nate. Talking in third person. I'm just not a very skilled person with my hands. I have good hands. That's what I was known for in football. I was a tight end. I could catch. I can throw a ball decent. But I didn't have a dad. Let's blame it on him. Yeah, that fucking asshole. I didn't have a dad to show me how to swing a hammer to fix shit. So that kind of stuff I'm very, very bad at. So hunting was always a very tall mountain to climb for somebody like me. So it would seem. But thankfully, I live in the place that I do. I know some of the people that I know. And my good friend, Brandon, taught me how to hunt. And I'm eternally grateful for that. He taught me a life skill. Not only taught me how to stalk deer, just how to be, what to do A to Z. He showed me how to field dress a deer. And he showed me how to, what would it not field dress? Field dress is getting the guts out. And then showed me how to harvest the meat. I don't have to take it to a process. He taught me how to process game. So if shit hits the fan, I'll go find one of these fucking Missouri caves and provide for my family. Or who knows what we'll do if shit really hit the fan. But I know that I could go get some of those free meat popsicles that are walking around me. And I'm surrounded. Because if you've ever been to Missouri, it's really underdeveloped. It's a beautiful, beautiful part of the country. But a lot of it's wild. A lot of it's rural. Which is a really hard word for me to say. And so, yeah. I want you guys to know I'm a hunter. I am a hunter. Whether you like it or not. I can barely change a light bulb. But I can kill a deer and put it on the table and eat it. That's pretty fucking cool. I'm going to try to turkey hunt this spring. Hopefully, again, Brandon will take me out there. Or one of my buddies. That's the thing. I have a lot of friends that hunt. But most of my friends are precious about their family land. Or I guess just their knowledge in hunting. Or whatever it is. I put it out there. Please take me. Take me hunting. Show me. Please. You can only invite yourself so much without being a complete doofus. Brandon never made me feel like that. More than happy to always take me and show me what he knows. He's just a good person like that. So, shout-out, Brandon. Thank you for showing me how to hunt. Thanks, man. Me and my family really appreciate it. Big sniff in the mic. That's the other thing. This is my first episode I'm laying down. So, like, I'm trying to be present and just talk to you. But at the same time, you're like an editor in real time. In the back of your head. I'm so nervous and scared of what's going to come out. How it's going to come across. Who's going to think what. And you can't really do that if you're going to be creative. You have to really keep that in the back of your mind. It can be there. But you have to keep it there. Let's see. Let's go down the list. Movie. Recommendations. TV. Show recommendations. Recommendations. Please send them my way. Babyfatpod at gmail.com. I just watched a really cool movie a couple weeks ago. I'll share with you guys in case you're just like me. And didn't watch the film of the year from 2007 until 2024. But there will be blood. It's a good movie. If you didn't know. If you're late to the party. Of course, Daniel Day-Lewis. Probably the best to ever do it. A real freak when it comes to the acting game. I mean, he spent two years as a cobbler in Ireland. I think that's what he's still doing just because he retired from acting. And lives in like a small village somewhere. I think Ireland. Because he's tired of like the direction that Hollywood's going. Or the movies suck. I think everybody thinks that now. How bad entertainment is. You know, film and TV specifically. I think there's really good shows now. I think that's probably like a, you know, 10 show season on HBO. Or Showtime is probably better than any movie right now. Because it's that long format. Is what people love. But there's still, of course, there's still gyms. And there's still good stuff produced every year. I do believe that. I, for one, though, don't ever have the time to consume it. I'm still here. Digesting stuff that came out in 2007 when I graduated high school. There Will Be Blood is good. If you've never seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it. And I was inspired to watch it from another podcast actually. Not that somebody got on there and was like, you know, bro, I mean, if you're looking for a movie from 2007, you should watch There Will Be Blood. Like I'm doing right now. What it was is it's part of Dalton Pruitt's intro to his podcast, Corn Red, with Dalton Pruitt. Shout out. It's the part of the movie where Daniel Day-Lewis hits at the very end. Spoiler. If you haven't watched it yet, get on it. If you're running out of time, because I'm about to spoil it. No, it's not even a spoiler. It's just a line where he's, you know, talking about, I don't have to explain it. It's just, I'll drink your milkshake. I think anybody that's seen that movie knows what I'm talking about. And Dalton has that in his intro or part of his podcast. And I just, it got to me, the earworm. And I eventually had it, I had to watch the movie. So glad he did. So glad it did because it's a banger. It's a slow burn, but it's fucking good. Do yourself a favor and watch it. TV recommendations. I've been watching, and I've told too many people, I'm already embarrassed how many people I've told. I'm watching Below Deck. Yeah, yeah. Laugh at me all you want. It's a good show. It's the same show every episode. Just slightly, slight variation of the same show. But it's such, for me, it's a guilty pleasure, that garbage TV where I can just zone out. I don't have to think about anything. And my little baby, he actually likes that. I've watched it, this poor guy, I've watched it so much around him. He actually, I think he likes that show. Even though, I don't know what would entice a baby to watch that, a reality TV show in any capacity. But he doesn't seem to mind sitting with dad and watching Below Deck. So if you need a good garbage TV wreck, Below Deck. Now, if you really want to get into it, please send me an email, babyfatpot.gmail.com, and I'll let you know how I feel about anybody specific on the show. I've seen most of Below Deck Mediterranean, some of the sailing, and I'm on like Season 8, 7 or 8, of just OG Below Deck. And I think there's another one adventure I haven't gone into yet. Can't wait. Gonna consume it all. But yeah, that's my visual recommendations this week. Bad peeves. Let's get into it. One that really pisses me off is parking lot etiquette. People driving, like, don't cut me off if I'm entering a parking lot, and you've decided to not follow the rules of a civil society, and drive in between the parking spots, but no, you're just going to S your way to the nearest exit. Like, oh, we all want to do that. We see it's an empty parking lot, or this back half is empty. We see that you could just go beeline right to where you want to go, but you're going to cut everybody off, and you're a fucking asshole when you do that. Oh, you don't care? Oh, inconsiderate. When people are inconsiderate, it really grinds my gears, and just a little bit every day, we all are a little bit more inconsiderate, staring at these fucking phones, just not considering one another. It's a big thing. Big pet peeve of mine. And another thing, and another thing. I put out a test file for this podcast. I sent it to my brothers, and it was hard to hear. You couldn't hear me. I'm learning a lot with this podcast journey, technical-wise. You know, I'm still looking at two pieces of equipment that I spent my hard-earned money on and don't know how to fucking use them at all, but I'll figure it out. We'll get there. As long as we're getting this baby recorded, that's all I care about right now. If I build it, they will come. Who's they? Don't know. Don't care. Oh, about my pet peeve. So my brother was like, so I'm quiet, right, in the recording. And I'm like, yeah, I've got to figure out how to get my voice level louder or whatever. And he's like, were you speaking into the microphone? And I was like, no. That was it, Alex. No, thanks, man. I was not speaking into the microphone. And my brother, Alex, didn't get the sarcasm through text, which is hard to do, but it's also like a very Alex thing to not get it. And he was like, oh, well, all you have to do is speak clearly into the mic. And he started giving me pointers on that. And to me, it's like, bruh, just bruh, bruh. It's just like the boxing. I crawled so they could walk. It called me crazy. That's how I feel about it, especially with my brothers. None of us had a dad around. We always had a mom working all the time. I'm really close to my brothers now. I love our relationship. But there's some times where they piss me off, where they don't see where they got certain things from. Bro, anything in the entertainment space? I'm speaking to my brothers specifically now. Anything to do with entertaining? Bro, were you the lead in your high school play? No. Did you get a one-at-state with your male choir? No, you didn't, did you? Guess who did? Oh, that's right, I did. I did. And as dorky as that is to brag, bro, I don't think, I don't even know what my ultimate point is, but voice projection and just entertainment, period. Talking to people, being in front of a crowd, plays, singing, dancing, anything like that. Bros, I got it. I got it. I got you. Don't tell me how to do that. Tell me how to fix my light bulb, because I didn't get that. Hopefully your dad's passed that on to you. My dad's a piece of shit, doesn't take care of any of his kids, don't think he can fix anything either. Don't know, because I don't know him, but I do know that he's a good bullshitter, and to be a good actor, entertainer, you've pretty much got to be a good bullshitter, and that's me. So here's a pet peeve, that only three people in the world are going to get, and my bros, I know they're going to listen to this. Bro, that's from Below Deck. It's like how South African people say bro. Love it, don't know why, but bro, I got it. I get offended when you think, I don't know, like, do you not remember? And maybe they don't. Maybe they don't. But you know, imitation is the highest form of flattery, and that's how I've always just tried to accept it, is, oh yeah, they're trying to be like big bro. They're trying to be like big bro. But enough, enough of me bitching. Love you guys. I love you guys so much. Oh, I think I was going to do, one of my favorite podcasts is Are You Garbage? Which is a show that looks at your favorite comedians and other people, and they ask them a series of questions to try to determine if they are garbage. And I've been on the Are You Garbage bandwagon since the band came out. And I bought the first deck of Are You Garbage cards. And it's a game where, I've actually never played it, because the only people I get to play it with are my family. Not the only people I get to play it with. The only instances, well, I've only been around my family here recently since I've had it. That's not true either. I haven't played it. Why am I making excuses? I just haven't played it yet. But the premise is kind of like apples to apples. You read the card. If you relate to it or something, you keep the card. Whoever has the most cards is the most garbage. And I think it's one of those games where you don't want to win, but you kind of want to win. I don't know. We could read the rules. Maybe we'll do that one of these times. But all I wanted to do was read the card off and to see are you garbage, or are you a classy individual to this specific question. So what's our first question? Let's see. Let me grab the deck. The first card from the Are You Garbage deck of cards. It just says, Are You Garbage? Has your family ever owned a Chia Pet? And of course, if I play this with my family, we would all be able to raise our hands or claim, yeah, we have. I'm actually, I'm not looking at one, but I'm in my garage and I'm pretty sure there's a Bob Ross Chia Pet that I got from Christmas from my brother Patrick a few years ago about 12 feet away from me. So, has your family ever owned a Chia Pet? If the answer is yes, you're garbage, just like me. So, welcome. Welcome to the family. Welcome to the Baby Pod family where we're just going to rip off other ideas, repackage, regurgitate, and yeah. That's what we're going to do. Apologies. Wanted to say sorry to my grandma. There was one time, not one time, I knew, I apologized to my grandma more than one time for more than one thing, but there's one time in particular that's always stuck with me and me being a little fat fucking baby. My grandma babysat me for my mom one day. I was probably like six or seven. Seven, probably. And I used to have a great time just with my grandma hanging out at her house. She really knew how to accommodate me. I mean, cooked the best food, had the best snacks. She would take me to awesome places and there was one time where my mom dropped me off one Saturday morning or something like that and I had to stay maybe four hours with my grandma or something and she didn't give me my way or let me go see my friend or something down the street because my mom was there to pick me up or I don't even really know what set me off. That's how big of a fat fucking baby I was being that I said, I hate you. I didn't even have a good time here. Which I was a lot because I think I was having a pretty good time. That was like the attitude era from WWF. Still to call WWF. I mean, I'm pretty sure I was just like doing suck it signs in the backyard and riding my bike around the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure it was like a chill day. I just like flipped a switch right before maybe I was tired, you know. I was fucking seven. But I said that. I said I hated my grandma. It's bullshit. And it's always stuck with me. Like as I was saying it and doing it, I knew it was a mistake. And as forgetful as I am, I've never forgot that. And I'm sorry grandma. I love you. I should have never done that. I was being a bad boy. Bad, bad boy. I'm trying to be funny now but I'm being real at the same time. That I was fucked up. I'm very sorry for that. I actually had a good time and I was just being a fat fucking baby. And that was another thing with baby fat. Remember I couldn't remember anything besides mentally and emotional baby fat or whatever kind of fucking bullshit not acronym but not simply metaphor I was trying to make earlier. That was the other thing. I can be a big fat baby and still at almost 35 find myself being a big fat baby. And that's one thing I need to work on and get better. And it starts with apologizing. And so that's my first one. Grandma, I'm sorry. What are you guys playing? I got a PS5. I don't have much time to play it. I just downloaded Madden the other day for like 13 bucks. And that's what I think I'm going to start doing because Madden was so much every year the same game barely change it. So I quit buying it. I mean I used to be day one midnight Madden came out I'm downloading I'm going to start building my ultimate team you will not beat me. That used to be me. And now I'm the guy that buys it when it goes on sale a few months before the new game drops. And I as I'm older I couldn't ever imagine that before. But I dig it. But I dig it. 13 bucks for the new Madden? On a promo? I love it. Barely got to play it. But Patty Mahomes is my quarterback and ultimate team. So I mean that's pretty cool. But yeah this is baby fat guys. It's going to be like this. I appreciate that if you've made it this far I appreciate you. Thank you. And come back.

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