Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Morgan Cruz, discusses the NFL games from week six. She gives a quick recap of the scores and compares them to her predictions. She analyzes a few games, including the Ravens vs. Giants, Colts vs. Jaguars, Patriots vs. Browns, Bengals vs. Saints, Buccaneers vs. Steelers, 49ers vs. Falcons, Jets vs. Packers, Vikings vs. Dolphins, Panthers vs. Rams, Seahawks vs. Cardinals, Bills vs. Chiefs, Cowboys vs. Eagles, and Broncos vs. Chargers. She reflects on her predictions and shares her thoughts on each game. She also discusses the performance of certain players and teams. She mentions that Dak Prescott is expected to return for the Cowboys in week seven. She concludes by mentioning that she will be doing a preview of week seven in her next video. Okay, cool. I'm done with that. Hey guys, what's up? It's Morgan Cruz and today I am going to be talking about week six in the NFL. This is going to be a quick recap of what went down this past week. I'm going to look at the scores. I'm going to compare it to what my guesses were for those score outcomes and I'm going to see how I did. As well as kind of analyze a few of the different games. I obviously wasn't able to watch every single game. However, I did watch back quite a few highlights. So I'm excited to see what comes with that. So let's jump right in. All right, we're going to go ahead and start with the games that happened on Sunday. I already talked in my week six predictions video about the Commander's Bears outcome. So the next game I'm going to look at is the Ravens and the Giants. Now I did in fact predict that the Giants would win that game against the Ravens. So there we go. There's one point for me, right? Now I watched back some of the highlights from this game. In my opinion, it didn't seem like the most exciting game. It looks to me like the Ravens should have won that game. But they got very sloppy at the end and they did not handle themselves well under pressure. And overall though, it just wasn't a very exciting game. So again, my prediction was correct. The Giants did win. It was very tight. It was very close. They won 24 to 20. The next game is the Colts Jaguars. The Colts pulled out the win against the Jaguars. Now that is a point against me because I had predicted that the Jaguars would win. So there we go there. As far as the game itself, I didn't really watch that one back. It didn't seem like it was anything worthy of my attention. I don't know if that's rude to say it like that. The final was 34 Colts, 27 Jaguars. It just didn't seem like it was that exciting of a matchup. Next you have the Patriots who beat the Browns 38 to 15. My prediction was that the Browns would win. So again, a point against me there. The Patriots ended up pulling out that win. I previously said that Bill Belichick does not know how to coach without Tom Brady. I will take that back. Clearly they know what they're doing. I guess I just haven't seen that consistency that I want to see. Next up, we had the Bengals who defeated the Saints. It was 30 to 26. So a rather close score actually. But that's another point for me because I had said that the Bengals would beat the Saints. So two for me, two against right there. The game itself, I didn't watch back any of the highlights. I didn't feel the need to. It wasn't one of my top games of the week anyways. I do like Joe Burrow, but I mean, there's just not a game that I want to spend my time on. Next you had the Buccaneers were defeated by the Steelers. The score ended up being 20 to 18. I wanted the Buccaneers to win. I'm not normally a Tom Brady fan, but lately I have been. So I had predicted that the Buccaneers would defeat the Steelers, but the Steelers ended up defeating the Buccaneers. I did watch back that highlight video. It looked like there was just a lot of field goals happening. Brady did seem kind of off in my opinion. Pittsburgh is really not that good of a team, but whenever they were playing that game, they looked really good. The Buccaneers were just giving away so many yards and it was just an unfortunate loss. The next game to talk about is the 49ers and the Falcons. I put the 49ers as winning. The Falcons pulled out a win of 28 to 14. So again, there's another point against me. I'm not very good at this apparently. I'm more wrong to correct. Not a great outcome there. However, the reason I put the Falcons as losing is I used to be friends with this guy who was a huge Falcons fan. Every week he would come back complaining about the fact that the Falcons just kept blowing these leads that they had essentially. So I just have that kind of thought process when it comes to that team. That doesn't make it right, but that's just my thought process. The next was the Jets and Packers. The Jets were 27. They defeated the Packers 27 to 10. I've never seen the Jets as being a good team. I had said that they would not win that game. This is kind of crazy to me because the Jets just aren't a good team and they're just surprising everyone I think. I did not put them as winning, so there's another one against me. I didn't watch back that game either. Well, no, that's a lie. I did watch back that game. I forgot because it wasn't that exciting. The first half nothing happened. The second half, the Jets really did take off and that's something that I don't feel like a lot of us are used to seeing. So very cool to see that. Kind of curious to see what's going to end up happening with the Jets from this point forward. Next, I had put the Vikings as defeating the Dolphins. That did happen. The Vikings defeated the Dolphins 24 to 16. Now as of today, which is October 19th, so Wednesday heading into week 7, Tua is planning or intends to play. So we might have Tua back. I'm not going to say that's guaranteed. I haven't seen the latest on that. He did suffer a pretty substantial injury to the head and that's a dangerous thing that can take a while to really recover from. So I hope they don't rush him back in. He's only 24 years old. He's young. As of right now, it looks like he's supposed to or intends to play. But anyways, that was another point for me. I put the Vikings as defeating the Dolphins and that did happen. Next up, we had the Panthers and the Rams. The Rams defeated the Panthers. It was 24 to 10. I got another point for that because I put that the Panthers would lose to the Rams. So there we go. I don't think that's a surprise at all. The Rams are a good team. I think. I mean, I feel like they hit and miss sometimes, but I generally think they're a good team. Next up were the Seahawks and the Cardinals. Seahawks defeated the Cardinals. It was 19 to 9. There's a point against me. I put the Cardinals as defeating the Seahawks, but there we go. I was wrong. That's all I have to say about it. I mean, I don't follow either of these teams. Admittedly, I don't really care to. Ever since Russell Wilson left the Seahawks, I haven't really paid much attention. Cardinals are one of those teams for me that I forget they're a team until they do something. The next game was the Bills and the Chiefs. I had put the Chiefs as defeating the Bills, but I did say it was going to be really close and a tough competition. I got half of that right. The Bills ended up defeating the Chiefs. It was 24 to 20. I did catch parts of that game. It was a very good game. I was very impressed with both teams. I think both of these teams are definitely ones to watch. So the Bills, I think they have a good thing going on over there. They have for a few years now. The Chiefs, obviously, I don't really need to say anything on that. But yeah, it was a very good game like I had predicted. Cowboys-Eagles. Now I hate to say it. I said the Eagles were going to win, and I was right, and I was hoping I would be wrong. But it's kind of like, oh yeah, the Eagles are going to win because I was anticipating that my Cowboys would prove me wrong there. But they didn't. They lost 26 to 17. I will say, Cooper rushed through three interceptions, and we only lost by nine. I'm just going to say that. Now Dak is supposed to play this upcoming week. He's been practicing. He's been posting on social media all about it. So it's looking like he's going to play. Finally, we had the Broncos-Chargers. I watched most of this game. I did admittedly fall asleep, not for any reason, except I was just very tired. The Broncos were defeated by the Chargers. That's what I predicted. That's another point for me, bringing my grand total to seven correct. That's not bad. I feel like that's a good like, hey, I predicted some of these things correctly, right? I want the Broncos to be good. I do. I truly do. I like Russell Wilson. Like I said, I only followed the Seahawks for Russell Wilson. I loosely follow the Broncos now because of Russell Wilson. That's just how it is, I guess. I mean, he's adjusting to a new team, so I got to give him that. And that's a hard thing. Like you're taking a quarterback, that's a big deal, especially an established quarterback like him coming into this team. That's not an easy adjustment. As far as the games go, I did really just watch the full from start to finish, the Cowboys and Eagles. So real quick, I'm going to turn this into a Cowboys-Eagles, Sunday Night Football recap. The first thing that caught my eye is that Jill Biden, the vice vice president, what am I saying? The first lady, there we go, first lady of the United States of America was cheering for the Eagles. And I had a problem with that because I grew up knowing that the Cowboys are America's team. Anyways, at the beginning, it seemed like both of our defenses, the Eagles defense, the Cowboys defense, they were really holding each other up. I thought it might be a low scoring game. Cooper Rush, he seemed pretty nervous to me. I think this was one of the bigger games of his career so far. The Eagles being undefeated, that's a big deal. And going to their home turf, that's a big deal too. Cooper Rush seemed very nervous to me. And I can see why. He did not perform as well as I would have hoped under pressure. But I think he held his own considering we only lost by nine. At one point, the score ended up being 17-0, which is just not a good place to be in. Being down by 17 points with nothing on the board, especially, is just very daunting. And I don't know, it was just really frustrating because I feel like our defense kept on making these phenomenal plays. They kept on holding up the offense for the most part. You can't totally get mad at them for allowing 17 points. Our offense just couldn't keep up with that. But our defense kept doing stuff. They kept on stopping where they needed to stop, I think. Our special teams unit, they knew how to run that ball back halfway down the field or further, but then we didn't do anything with it. Like I said, I had predicted the Eagles to win, but I said that in hopes that I would jinx the opposite. But that didn't happen. I will say someone to watch for sure is Noah Brown. He made some great catches. He has been doing really great this season. Zeke is also someone who showed up in this game. He was running that ball. He was doing what we paid him to do, which frankly, in my opinion, he hasn't been doing. I was really proud of Zeke this game. The only person I felt showed up consistently for the Cowboys was Ezekiel Elliott, which pains me to say because I've been admittedly a bit of a Zeke-ator because I felt like we paid him too much too soon. But he did do a really good job and he is a good running back. It's just running backs don't have a long timeline because that position is just so physically demanding. Anyways, that was kind of my thoughts on that game. Our offense has some work to do. Hopefully with Dak back, that'll make some difference. Hopefully we can build up a momentum. We still are early in the season. I feel like everyone's getting so excited about different things. We're still early in the season. I don't know. There's a lot of room for different things to kind of play out. So it'll be interesting. Anyways, thank you for tuning in. If you did, I'm going to be doing a preview of week seven of the NFL. Tomorrow, I'll talk about the different games that are lined up for week seven as well as give my predictions. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day.