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The foolish things were manifested to bring us to the cross

The foolish things were manifested to bring us to the cross


God has taken the foolish things of this world to put to shame the wise. when we come to the cross, we are making a bold statement to the enemy that the one who has brought me here has led me to the foot of redemption and it took the foolish things I did to bring me to a place of understanding. the foolish things of the world have brought me to my knees which in turn has brought me to a place of humbleness. shout the name of Jesus! and receive the gift of salvation through the blood of Jesus.



The speaker encourages listeners to maintain their relationship with Jesus and not give up, even when things seem difficult. They emphasize that Jesus is aware of their struggles and will provide support and guidance. The speaker also reaches out to those who do not have a relationship with Jesus, assuring them that surrendering to Him can bring about positive change and a new life. They stress the importance of acknowledging our need for God and Jesus' intervention. The speaker reminds listeners that God's plans are higher and better than our own, and encourages them to trust in Jesus for their breakthrough. Good morning, and God bless. I hope everyone is having an amazing day in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 10 a.m., Sister Melissa here, on June 25, 2023. I will be reading from the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 1, starting with verse 28, which says, And the base things of the world, and the things which are despised, God has chosen. I'm also going to jump over to chapter 2, verse 12, which says, Now we have received not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. I don't know who will be hearing this podcast, but I want to encourage you, and I want to let you know that if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, keep going. Don't stop. Don't surrender. Don't throw in the towel. It may seem dark now. It may seem like hope is lost. It may seem like you being a follower of Jesus, things are not going as you planned, but I want to let you know that even though these unfortunate moments arise in our life, I want to let you know that Jesus, He knows what is going on, and He is the one who will see you through, and let you know every single time, through His Word, that you're not forsaken, that you are not abandoned, that God is still with you in this, fighting this for you, and the longer you wait, the better and sweeter your victory will be when it's all said and done. Now, for those who don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, maybe you're discouraged from the things that are happening around the world. I want to let you know that you don't have to be afraid if you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, and you believe in your heart that He is Lord and Savior of the world, and you confess your sins. Jesus comes in to make all things new, and everything that you thought that was heading your way for your destruction, when you receive Jesus into your heart, everything turns around for the greater good of His glory, and God wants to give you a new life. He loves you, and He wants you to surrender it all to Him, and know that when we come to the foot of the cross, it's not because we have it all together. When we come to the foot of the cross, it's because we're a mass. When we come to the foot of the cross, it's because we are making a public declaration, an acknowledgement to heaven that we need God, we need Jesus to intervene, because we cannot live another moment without the blood of Jesus, without acknowledging that only through Jesus can we receive the Father, and only Jesus has the power to make all things new in our lives, and He will take the foolish things of this world to put to shame the wise, and I want to let you know that this morning, that God's ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our own thoughts. Just look at it this way. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God's plans for our lives. They go way beyond anything you could ever have imagined, and God's plan for our lives is not to harm us, but to prosper us. So as you feel in your heart that it's all over, look to Jesus, speak the name of Jesus, and know that He is waiting for the mention of His name, so He can start working on your behalf. I pray that this has blessed you. Until the next time, keep speaking the name of Jesus, because your breakthrough is closer than you could have ever imagined it to be. Bye bye for now.

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