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repentence will lead to forgivness

repentence will lead to forgivness




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In this message, Sister Melissa shares a passage from the book of Judges, emphasizing the importance of staying faithful to God and not turning to idol worship. She highlights how the children of Israel turned away from God and were delivered into the hands of their enemies, the Midianites, who destroyed everything they had. Sister Melissa encourages listeners to confront their sins and cry out to God for help, reminding them that God is loving and forgiving. She urges them to surrender their lives to God and believe in the power of the cross. The message emphasizes the need to seek God and trust in His faithfulness. Hello everyone, good morning. Sister Melissa here. I am back with a message from the Lord. It is 10 a.m., August 30th, 2023. This is the message the Lord has laid upon my heart to relay to everyone who will hear the Word of God under the sound of my voice, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to relay a message that will transform your life, my life, our lives, forever. The Word of God is found in the book of Judges, chapter 6, starting with verse 1. And the Word of God says, Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. So the Lord delivered them into the hands of Midian for seven years. And the hand of Midian prevailed against them. Because of the Midianites, the children of Israel made for themselves the dens, the caves, and the strongholds, which are in the mountains. So it was, whenever Israel had stones, Midianites would come up, also Amalekites, and the people of the east would come up against them. They would encamp against them to destroy the produce of the earth as far as Gaza and leave no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep nor oxen nor donkeys. For they would come up with their livestock and their pens, coming in as numerous as locusts. Both they and their camels were without number, and they would enter the land to destroy it. So Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites. And the children of Israel cried out to the Lord. I'm going to go ahead and skip all the way down to verse 11, which says, Now the angel of the Lord came and sat under the turbinate tree, which was in Ephraim, which belonged to Joash the Abysiorite, while his son Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites. I want to bring about a distinction in some of the verses that I was reading. I want for us to understand something in this day. God loves us. God has a plan for our lives. God has predestined our lives for great and mighty work in Christ Jesus. But what happens when we turn away from those things and begin to worship other idols? It could be anything from money to fame. It could be anything that takes us away from our focus on God, and it pinpoints it on something that we make more important than seeking the will of God. As we read here, the Bible says that the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Midianites for seven years. And for seven years, the Midianites, along with other tribes, they had conquered the children of God. They had prevailed against the children of God. And because of this, the Bible says that they, meaning the children of God, in the mountains began to construct caves, strongholds, dens. This was their way of, instead of exposing and going and crying out to God in an open area, they began to make dens and caves trying to hide from the problem. Let me tell you, we cannot hide from the problem. We must confront the problem. And how do we do that? We do that by coming to the Lord and saying, God, I have sinned against you. I know that I have done wrong against you. I know that it is only against you have I sinned, and I need you to help me, to redirect me, to bring me back to the place where we first started, because I want to continue, hallelujah, following through with your plan and not mine. Because what happens is, when we begin to go deeper and further into the sin that we are in, what happens is, our enemies come closer, and our enemies gain access. And anything that we do, it will be stripped of us and destroyed. As you see, the Bible doesn't say that the Midianites, the Amalekites, that they came up and the people of the East to rob them, to take away. The Bible clearly says that the enemies of Israel came and destroyed everything that they have sown, which lets us know that the enemy just doesn't want to take away. The enemy just doesn't want to rob. The enemy wants to destroy any and everything that God places in our hands to receive. I believe in this day God is speaking to us. God is saying that I have already raised up a remnant to bring forth a word, because just like the Bible says that God, after the Israelites were crying out, because the enemy was destroying everything that they had sown, God sent an angel of the Lord, and the angel of the Lord sat, hallelujah, under the turbaned tree. Oh, God sees, God knows, God hears, and God will react. When we begin to cry out, and we begin to say, God, my enemies have come in to destroy, but it's because I gave them access. It's because I have opened a door so the enemy can come in. But God, I need you to step in. I need you to be Lord and Savior. I need you to push back the darkness. I renounce everything that I have done to allow the enemy to come in and invade the territory you have given me. Oh, hallelujah, this is a word for us. This is a word for us in this generation. Oh, because many times when we do wrong against God, we want to start to build fortified cities around us and say, I only want such and such to enter this place. I don't want God to enter this place, because if he does enter this place, that means I'm going to have to give up some things that I didn't want to give up before. So we begin to build strongholds. So we begin to construct spiritual dens and caves, thinking that when we hide in those places that God can't get through. Oh, God can certainly get through, but he's waiting for us to come out and cry and say, God, I have nothing left. Oh, I need you, Lord. And God will send, hallelujah, someone to give you a word. God will send something to let you know of the confirmation that he is with you. And although we make mistakes, God is with us. God is for us. And God is not against us. Yes, we may have taken the wrong route. Yes, we may have sinned against God. Yes, we may have done things that were not pleasing in the eyes of God. But he's waiting for you. He's waiting for me to confess our sins, to come to him and say, Lord, I need you now. I need you now. I need you to help me. Because if you don't intercede, my enemies will destroy me. Oh, but I know your word is faithful, that when we cry out with a contrite spirit and a humble heart, you come to our rescue because you are a very present help in times of trouble. Oh, this is a word, a word for this generation. Hallelujah. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord right now because he is hearing you and he knows what the enemy has done. Yes, he will leave the 99 to come and rescue you. Yes, he will move heaven and earth to come forth and rescue you because he loves you with an eternal love. Do not let the things that have happened, do not let those things stop you from coming to the Lord, from coming to him and saying, God, I surrender my life to you. I know, Lord, Father God, that you are slow to anger and you are abundant, hallelujah, in forgiveness. Oh, hallelujah. I pray that this message has blessed your heart as it has ministered and has blessed my heart, and I pray that you come to the realization that you are never too far gone for God to forgive you. You just have to come to the cross. You have to ask God to forgive you. You have to renounce your sins. You have to give everything over to God and say, Lord, I turn my sins over to you. I give them all to you. From here on out, you will help me. From here on out, you are Lord and Savior of my life. From here on out, I choose to believe in the cross. I choose to believe in the crucifixion. I choose to believe in the resurrection, and I choose to believe that you, over 2,000 years ago, came and you saved my life, and now I have eternal life in and through you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord God Almighty. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for his word that redeems us, that corrects us, that admonishes us, that brings us back to the Father. Hallelujah. I pray that this message has blessed you, and I pray and encourage you to keep seeking the Lord because he is faithful and he loves you. Until the next time, bye-bye for today.

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