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The transcription discusses the difficulty of change and the importance of having a foundation of faith to navigate through it. It mentions that we are currently in a time of truth and knowledge, and asks several thought-provoking questions about life and purpose. It emphasizes the need to seek and find what resonates with us, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones. Following our higher self will lead us to the answers we seek. Changes. Changes are usually difficult, whether they were seen coming or not. Why can change be difficult? It depends on the person. It depends on the characteristics of the person. It depends on the mindset of the person. And it definitely depends on the foundation of faith in the person. We are in times of great change because a lot of truths are coming out. According to astrologers, who have been following the cyclical nature of humanity even before the birth of Jesus, this is the time of truth and knowledge. So change is going to be difficult, especially if you don't have a grounding in a faith. Faith comes in many forms, but the foundation of it means that it answers the questions when you are seeking truth and knowledge. Have you questioned the stories of creation? Have you questioned why there is good and evil? Have you questioned what is the purpose of all of this? Have you questioned what is life and what is death? I ask you, do you know or do you at least have an understanding of what resonates with you? When change happens, where do you stand in the truth that it will be okay? When change is difficult, where do you stand in the truth that nothing is constant? There are universal laws based in faith and in science that hold these truths to be real. Seek and ye shall find. First you have to know what you are looking for. Is it God? Is it faith? Is it being a better person? Is it understanding where you go from here? Only you will know what rings true to you when you stop guessing and stand on something that feels right and good. Just understand it may be out of your comfort zone, the area in which your conditioning trains you as truth. Follow your higher self. You will find the answer.