Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the concept of God concealing things and why only kings have the ability to search them out. They emphasize that God does not hide His truth from anyone, as salvation is available to all. They explain that those who respond positively to God's call are considered "kings" and have access to the truth through the Spirit of God. Non-Christians, on the other hand, lack spiritual insight and cannot fully appreciate the gospel. The speaker concludes that the hidden things of God are sacred and cannot be given to unbelievers. Only those who have faith in Jesus and a disposition towards spiritual things can understand God's mysteries. They emphasize the importance of wisdom and spiritual intelligence, stating that it is through wisdom that we gain eternal life. Welcome to our weekly exaltation. Thank you for joining me. My name is Gui Namula, Servant of God, Servant of Jesus Christ. In Proverbs chapter 25 verse 2, King Solomon, inspired by God's Spirit, writes, It is the glory of God to conceal a thing. Best, the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Why does God conceal a thing? What is concealed and why only kings have to search it out? Praise the Lord. In Proverbs chapter 25 verse 2, King Solomon, inspired by God's Spirit, writes, It is the glory of God to conceal a thing. Best, the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Why does God conceal a thing? Or better, why does God hide things? What is concealed and why only kings have to search it out? Praise the Lord. We know that the promise for all men is that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that whosoever believes in Him will be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. In light of what we have just said, I believe that God has no intention to hide His truth from men. No one would be saved if He does. The offer of salvation is available for everyone whosoever that might be. If it is by the truth that men are set free, what advantage is there for God to hide the truth? Why is God depriving men of His truth except kings? It is from this perspective that we should examine the question. Hallelujah. You know, God in His love has been inviting all the ends of the earth to turn to Him and be saved. We can see clearly that, from the beginning, God does not discriminate against any designated group of people. He commands all men everywhere to repent, Acts chapter 17 verse 30. Some responded positively to His call. To them, God gave His Spirit and they became sons of God. They are what Solomon called kings. You know, God has made us, you and I, kings and priests unto Him. Yes, we are kings. We can read this in Revelation chapter 1 verse 6. So those who come to God through faith in Christ and who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, those are who Solomon called kings. What a privilege! Mind you, it is not about the kings of this world. It is about the faithful children of God. However, following the call of God, some have turned their back on God. They have rejected the offer of salvation. These are the non-Christians. They don't believe in the saving work of Jesus Christ at the cross. They have received the spirit of bondage and are led by it. There are, therefore, two groups of people, Christian and non-Christian. Nothing is hidden from Christian. It is the Spirit of God that reveals to them all concerning spiritual things. In Luke chapter 24 verse 45, it is written that Jesus opened the understanding of His disciples that they must understand the Scripture. See, it is the Spirit of God that shed light on us, Christians. But, on the contrary, non-Christians do not perceive the value of God's eternal truth because they seem to lack insights when they are told about the spiritual world. The spirit of truth is not in them. The gospel is hidden from them in the sense that they are unaware of the wealth of treasures it contains. The Apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 to 4 that the good news which we preach is hidden from some, from unbelievers, in whom the God of this world has blinded their mind that they should not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. Friend, the kingdom of heaven is a marvellous treasure, but it is hidden, so few people know how to appreciate its value, for all men cannot equally appreciate the gospel of Christ. When King Solomon said, the glory of kings is to search out a mother, this means the full revelation of God will be made clear to those who come to God, to faith in Jesus and who have a disposition of mind toward spiritual things. Remember, Jesus answered His disciples, He says, To you, it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Hallelujah. Friend, it is a blessing to know that as believers, as Christians, we have access to the realm of God's mysteries, but that's not all. Jesus goes on saying, But to them, meaning the unbelievers, people from outside, it has not been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Matthew chapter 13 verse 1 So, only those who responded to the call of Jesus are introduced into God's thought and can understand the thought of God. Please, let me remind you this, the hidden things of God are holy, they reflect the invisible attributes of God, as a result, they cannot be made available to certain individuals, otherwise, they risk being trampled on. You know, God cannot give holy things to unbelievers. For example, in Matthew chapter 7 verse 6, the Lord Jesus, whose glory is to hide things, He instructs us not to give swine and hungry dogs anything that is sacred, because He does not want them to depreciate the value of the gospel of Christ by offering them the possibility of trampling it under their feet. Do you know why? Well, it is because they have no hunger for the truth. Moreover, the sacred things have no taste for them, that is of no interest to them. This is to say that the gospel of Christ, the word of knowledge and life does not interest unbelievers, neither would God reveal to them the riches contained therein. You know, the appreciation of spiritual things necessarily requires spiritual insights. The apostle Paul affirmed in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 that, to know divine truth, we must discern them spiritually. The fact is that the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. Oh, and why not? Well, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Hallelujah! Friend, I want to conclude this message by coming back to the question. You give the healing in grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh, our hearts always hunger for. Why does God conceal a matter? Or better, why does God hide things? Praise the Lord! First, like the King Solomon says, it is his glory to do so. Secondly, it is because God is holy. God is the living Word of Christ. To leave sacred things to unbelievers is to give them the opportunity to trample them underfoot. I want to add that the sacred and hidden thing is God in person, the Word by excellence. Jesus says, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearl before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again, and render you. Matthew chapter 7 verse 6. See, dogs and swine represent the defilement of this world. They symbolize disbelief. So, God hides things from the unbelievers because they are the first to refuse to seek God's purpose for their lives. They are the opposite of holiness and cannot benefit from things that are holy. God is holy and he does not share his glory with unbelievers. He says, My glory will I not give to another. Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8. So, the hidden thing, the concealed matter, the Word of God is the most precious possession a man can possess. The hidden things here relate to spiritual discernment. They are holy things since they lead us to God. However, only kings, I mean the faithful children of God have access to the mysteries of God. To spiritual truth. Why? Well, because they are son of God and have access to the thing of God. It is written that the hidden thing belongs to the children of God. Isn't it? The promise is that true worshippers of God are heirs of God and join heirs with Christ. Romans chapter 8 verse 17. That's the reason why we can know the mysteries of God. That's the reason why we can have access to concealed matter. Hallelujah. I will finish this message by saying this. In Proverbs chapter 3 verse 13, it is written, Blessed is the man who has found wisdom. Why the person who has found wisdom is blessed? Well, because there are no precious jewels or earthly treasures that are worthy of comparison with the true wisdom and spiritual intelligence. It is by wisdom that we gain eternal life. That is why Solomon says that the glory of king is to search a mother. The glory of king must be understood in the sense of divine blessings. Only kings, true worshippers of God can see the manifestation of God's presence in their lives. Well, we have come to the end of this message. I hope you have taken your part from it. We were dealing today with the passage in Proverbs 25 verse 2. May God bless you. Maybe He will hold you together next week. I'd rather have Jesus than worldly applause. I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause. I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide sin. Yes, I'd rather be true to His holy name than to be the queen of the last domain.