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cover of TEACH ME O' LORD aug072022
TEACH ME O' LORD aug072022

TEACH ME O' LORD aug072022


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hello good morning good morning and welcome everybody cowboy church mojave county we're glad you're here good morning if anybody needs any help finding the seat let me know i'll get one of our armed ushers to assist you for our new folks and visitors we have modern facilities here at the barn right out through the east door and and uh for all those of the direction challenge that be this door over here past fred go out that door and turn right there's our version of the white house and our version is a two-holer and it's much more efficient than the one in washington dc because ours actually flushes so and there's hand sanitizer in there too handy furniture in there what else we got we have announcements this morning what are they they're in the boat yeah those are in the boat but we got another one nita's got listen up to nita she don't have a mic listen up on thursdays from 10 to 2 at 7 30 church uh between chanel and 68 on magna there is a food bank for anyone that needs any extra food it's every thursday the only thing you have to have is a driver's license and they don't ask you how much money you make or anything like that anybody is welcome to come and get whatever we have and that is where again you on magna between chino and 68 abundant grace church center that's where the yeah that's that's where we also have the um women's pregnancy center too that we are in support of there you go there you go okay good we don't pass the hat at cowboy church we got a couple bird houses right back there behind that beautiful t-shirt that sandy has on this morning y'all know that she's taking orders for them too um there's a couple bird houses right back there on the table so you just put in there what god tells you to do and and that's how we keep the lights on here um arizona bread ministry got lots of stuff back here today help yourself bread ministry stuff and there's a couple red coffee cans back there you can put diesel fuel in those red coffee cans keeps the bread ministry running what else we got cell phones turn them off or something because we will embarrass you oh tuesday workers and tuesday's coming up again right do they have tuesday next week yeah every week oh man my my weeks are like this they're like saturday sunday monday then it's saturday and i don't know what happens the rest of it it just it's a blur okay tuesday nine o'clock anybody wants to be on the work crew in here getting stuff done while i show up all right let's pray dearly father we just thank you lord for the blessings this ain't each one's here father we just pray that uh you bless your word this morning father bless the worship the praise music father bless the offering father keeps doors open and lord we just ask that that you heal those that are sick and afflicted protect those that are traveling bring them back safely to us father lord help this church be a beacon of light in the community around us others learn how to get along with you god and father we just pray that you bless our nation father chief bring a revival that your children will turn their hearts and get serious about walking in the paths you have for us to walk father lord we just ask you to bless this guy who's indirect us in jesus name i pray church says amen and cowboys here says yeah and joe ain't here so we'll start new lorders all right there we go too long i've got a holy oh remember me is is new lord way oh and there is oh i'm oh all i want to see hey is oh all i want to see he can save your soul all i want to see all when trouble around he doesn't forget us on the way and all this on the plug many days search for life in various ways troubles he had some but he wasn't about he sent out his love he sent his pure trouble when jesus went down to the river that day he was baptized in a usual way and when it was done oh on the wings oh on the wings so now now we have to come to work okay so oh you are oh come yes i need you is is oh yes so is so so is to be perfectly honest sure i've been i've been saying that about 60 years when i first started dating man i knew right from the start that she was from his right you know there just was no question about it just wasn't this wasn't after we was married i found out her first name was always we got anniversary coming up man it went fast got we got um three kids and nine grandkids and one great and and and a few horses and mules donkeys and goats and dogs and chickens and pretty all right it's been a good ride but every once in a while she reminds me she's been camping out for 50 years it is true the uh we won't take too long to get through this this morning i've pages we uh we got stuff coming up on the t-shirts boy if you if you haven't got the got your t-shirts whatever we got we got two of them that's being printed up is uh where you it'd be a fundraiser for our media team actually but it's just uh because everybody's seen samples of them and they said we want one of those the next thing you know we've got to print up about 100 of them and uh see sandy in the bulletin read the bulletin her numbers in the bulletin you know about the t-shirts when uh you look at the news and everything you see what's going on around the world and everything just kind of kind of grabs your attention doesn't it i was before i went to bed last night i was checking a few things and taiwan had loaded up a squadron f-16s with harpoon missiles and sending them out on control and uh china says they can't do that they're patrolling chinese territory because taiwan's part of china and taiwan taiwan and what's that guy's name in washington um says says that it is but it ain't so he's real definite about that and uh the uh the what brandon doesn't mean brandon i read it somewhere but you know then then there's a whole bunch of people are saying boy i'll be glad when things get back to normal but we've got a t-shirt that says normal ain't coming back jesus is and and i think that's where we're at i think that's where we're at um i'm not sure it appears that we had election here in arizona um i'm not sure i think i think they don't finish they're still counting some things they call ballots let's just yeah wait for the ink to dry i got a question if there's anybody here that voted election day did they give you a felt-tip pen to vote with they were ballpoints but my crew sank my crew sank had felt-tip pens i asked them about it because there's no controversy about them with machines reading everything they said oh no this is what the secretary of state or or arizona's right-hand dog or whatever said that you had to use these it says official um ballot pen on it and it's felt-tip pen i said you just give me ballpoint i'll work this over that we're supposed to use that give me a ballpoint and uh i've been precinct committeeman out there for almost 12 years i guess and they didn't have me listed i voted on a provisional ballot yeah probably i need to check and see how my dad voted in illinois at this last election because he'd really be mad if he voted democrat but you never know uh i remember back in um 1983 at the convention in smith county texas there there wasn't but a handful of registered republicans in smith county texas and we had convention at our convention for nominations and at that convention there was like 400 democrats come in the door we didn't know where their fight run or what and uh they were county judges there was uh recorders they were the all all the public offices in that in smith county texas and uh and sheriff and they come in and they said well we didn't know whether we should be cock and loaded or what you know but because they're you know there's been a lot of stuff going on around they come in said we want to join you and the big issue back i mean it was it was a phenomenon all across the south that year because all across the south christian conservative democrats which is where the party primarily used to be came in and said we can't support abortion and it's a platform in our party now so we're leaving the party and that was the that was the first big move across the south since reconstruction that republicans come in and have some voting power in the south and the south has been voting pretty much conservative since then but i had norah make me a thing i don't know what you call it it's a it's a thing yeah and i've been posting it around different places and it's taken off and they're posting it all over the country now but it's it's got a map of the united states red white and blue and got a picture of a buzzard circling over it and that buzzard's got a red wing and a blue wing and and that's exactly what's happening in this country that's what's happening is there there's there's a lot of good people that vote democrat there's a lot of good people that vote republican and there's a lot of buzzards on both and uh and god's people have got to be sure that we're sorting out and supporting that which is compatible with god's word why we got to be prayed up fessed up and well fed the only thing that restrains evil on the face of this earth is the spirit of god dwelling in believers that is what restrains evil when when the lord's people are taken out of the face of this earth god's going to let the buzzard have free hand and we've already seen the groundwork of what's coming one world government um you won't own anything but you'll be happy if you need anything you just call amazon and they'll deliver it you rent it from them you won't have a car because there'll be no gasoline because they've quit drilling oil you won't have any electricity because there's no natural gas there's no coal but but you'd be happy that's what the world that's what that buzzard is up to and that buzzard has a red wing and blue it's not just one or the other it's there's a there's a whole bunch of evil out there rides on a snake's belly that has been trying to make god obsolete and it's all boils down to the devil wanting to replace god get god out of sight out of out out of authority out of people's minds bible tells us says teach me oh lord lead me teach me oh lord if we want to know the truth we need god to teach us the truth um i think it's act 1711 in there it's i think it's act 1711 i can't remember for sure where where it says um don't trust roger find out for yourself pretty sure it's what it says there we in america have been so prosperous and so entertained and so coddled by prosperity that we have just sat back and let somebody else do it and that's how the buzzard gets control of stuff it's when god's people don't stand up and take a stand say that ain't right i ain't doing it and we ain't putting up with it that's how they kicked god out of school in the 60s that's how they made killing babies legal in the 70s that's how they took the value of our money out of it 71 no more gold back behind money and money's been absolutely crazy ever since then where nobody knows what money is that nobody knows it they can't even define what woman is i've known for a long time and i perfectly well know exactly what adam meant when god brought eve and he said whoa man woman hey and anybody's got to make a sense notice the difference and i don't care what color your hair is or or to a certain extent i don't care what you wear we just have we just have a policy at cowboy church you just keep yourself covered you know i mean that's that's not unreasonable no matter how hot it gets but we uh cowboy churches all across the country have been growing and growing and growing and growing and multiplying because we're we're just pretty much down-to-earth commonsense people and that appeals to the vast majority of our population the vast majority of our population are conservative people that have a sound basis for sound thinking but we've been coddled we've been blessed we've been spoiled so much that we get to the point where well you know i i'm not gonna say anything about that i'm not gonna do that really makes me mad but i ain't gonna say anything about it i ain't gonna do anything about it um i really don't know if what they're saying is true or not and i'm not going to look into it i haven't seen my email yet i've got to see what facebook says before i find out what they're trying to shoot my arm um let me see what what's going on on the chatterbox you know we we get so unfocused from what is real what really matters what's important in our life you know we're not here on this earth very long i know i've been accused of being contemporary with moses but i'm not i've got to know him pretty well through what he wrote but but we've never shook hands or anything really and uh just like thinking about nan and i 60 years ago we was just kids god had a plan god had a plan and that plan has just click click click up and down good and bad over the years and you can look back and see god's hand on every turn every everything you see god's hand god's got a plan for your life when i was in high school my high school counselor lord bless her told me said i come in for a pre-college counseling and my counselor says well this won't take long you got no business going to college when uh when i graduated from the eighth grade we used to have eighth grade graduation you know before they scrambled the deck i was i was six or seven in the class academically when i graduated four years later from high school i was 95th out of 105 now you might say how could that happen how could you drop 90 places in class academically in just four years if you don't do nothing but work and play and and you don't do the things you need to do my my i'd make a's on the test and then get 14 zeros for the homework i haven't turned in anything i didn't do anything four years and i couldn't say any sense in it and then i went to college anyway and and i didn't do it in college but i never learned anything in college i went to college over two years before i learned anything new that they didn't teach me in high school and i was in high school and i was wondering what i went to college for for two years you know what would i do that for and finally in third year started learning some stuff i hadn't had in high school everything i learned everything i've known god has used give me tools to do things in my life almost almost all of my ministries been self-supporting down through the years god's given me the ability to make money and i've been self-supporting this this this church is the first one we ever had foundation support start a church with this church right here what a blessing our association has been to us i look back at everything i've done lots of stuff i've had i've seen the best of the life i've seen the worst of it god's delivered me from addictions god has blessed me god has shown me paths to follow give me the courage and strength to follow those paths i guess what i'm trying to say is this is like that song that i've been everywhere it's kind of like a trucking song i've been everywhere there was another song that part of my life was more like it was like one piece at a time but everything got in the cadillac one piece at a time i work for general for a while everything i've experienced in my life and everything i've had does not begin to compare to the moments of fellowship that i have had and the experiences that i have witnessed of god doing things in my life and in my ministry there is absolutely nothing that compares the fellowship with god there just isn't there is nothing there is nothing that compares not not not fortune not success for the few younger people here that still got years in your life to do something for the rest of your life if you want to be a success you find out what god wants you to do you seek his will you get right in the middle of that and you stay there just as much as you can and that applies to us old folks too it's never too late god what do you want me to do today that's right god what do you want me to do today he's got a plan for your life and the plan he's got for your life is a plan that if you follow his directions and his leadership in your life he'll bless you in this life which is very short and fleeting it goes by very fast and you pile up treasure in heaven which lasts for eternity now eternity is a real long time for those of you that's had babies it's way longer than nine months that seems like an eternity doesn't it yeah oh man is this ever going to get over it's longer than standing it and to see a teller at the bank they still have tellers at the bank i don't know i quit going eternity's a long time and what this buzzard this servant this devil wants to do is to get you distracted from the things of god and to get you off into things that he can make you interested in and man aren't they getting good at that i mean i could be driving down the road and look up and there's cracker barrel sign and my phone goes ding i go past that i get on down go past the chili's get down close to chili's ding you get a free salsa and jibs if you just come in today how do they know they know right where you're at that computer knows everything you're doing do you look up every day are you looking up jesus is coming normal ain't coming jesus is coming jesus is coming for his bride very very simple very simple every day i'm surprised that we're still here i just i just can't imagine what's left to come that we're still here now that either gives you hope or or it upsets you gives you fear i've talked to so many preachers back through the years i'd ask them you know what jesus is coming what that be oh i've got a few things i want to do yet or i you know i've got in book i've got friends saying listen god does the saving we don't do the saving we plant the seeds if you ain't been planting seeds get out there and plant them but god does the saving but if you got folks you need to witness to everything you witnessed to them god ain't waiting for you to save them obey and do what you got to do but god we want to do today and he wants us to wait on him he wants us to listen to him today i want to talk about teach me oh lord lead me how to get along with god prayed up fester well fed and isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 says but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up the wings the seagulls they shall not run they shall not and not be weary they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and faint not i have days of this covid stuff has killed my lungs i can't hardly walk to the car and the next day i can go out and work six hours and and feel like a fairly young man it's curse it's it's judgment on a population that has neglected god and the christian community of the united states under the guidance and direction of the flying buzzard has neglected god we got away from oh we we heard god you look around i've baptized more gray heads in the last few years than i have in my whole ministry i have it's just it's it's just with me well why is that it's because boomers war babies went to church some when they was kids they heard the gospel they believed that most probably said jesus forgive me and save me and spent the rest of their life not knowing whether they're saved or not hoping for not knowing because they're not well fed got away from church because they could fish or play golf or watch football you know on sunday interfered with church you know the first thing i noticed when i'm looking back what started interfering with church was disney world disneyland whoever was wonderful world of disney sunday night all of a sudden we didn't have kids going to church anymore so on sunday night because we went to church sunday morning sunday night wednesday night thursdays you know that's drug problem drug church all the time but when the wonderful world of disney came on the television ain't that cute it's easy to stay home and the kids were thrilled at disney now disney wants you to have gay pride parades what do you think that's been all about all this time and we've raised generations on that stuff and we wonder why our society is like it is i took my pocket knife and cut the plug off our television about 25 years ago or maybe longer 40 years ago 40 years correction of purpose we watched what they we watched what the kids watched we monitored what they watched they had things they could watch and on the television and i come in working one evening and and the kids all gathered around watching um that won't that christmas card come hallmark theater thing which supposed to have good stuff on it but the advertisement was this young lady pulling a pair of tight jeans up over bare butt that that was a commercial i mean it didn't leave anything to the imagination that's how cool it was you know and that's why i cut the plug off the tv because the programming was decent you know about a dog or a cow or something you know but the commercial was rotten and they's trying to steal my kids minds and hearts it ain't changed much has it every day works every day the buzzard wants to feed on the carcass of the united states it's circling over us every day got a red wing it's got a blue wing it's its instructions from the devil we're real close to getting out of here prayed up fessed up well fed if you want to mount up on the wings of eagles and be able to run and not be weary to be able to function and not i don't know doesn't society want you to feel ashamed because you're a christian ain't no they want they want you to be look how stupid you are to believe in god and you believe somebody died and paid for your sins how stupid could that be and there's no such thing as sin right there's no such thing as seeing there's nothing going to happen you know except those that believe in karma it took me a long time to figure out what that was about i thought they were saying caramel i love caramels i don't understand buzzard will deceive you bite you right first thessalonians chapter one paul wrote a letter to the church thessalonica thessalonica was a roman city basically they had all the different stuff they had cnn and mnscnb lgdbtc and and all they had all the channels and and all the the casinos and uh and and all the strip clubs and and paul had been through there and preached the gospel and had people that believe can you imagine that can you imagine anybody believing in jesus in a world like that like las vegas and paul wrote this letter to him and he says what in verse five says for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power in the holy ghost and in much assurance as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake one of the ministries i have always wanted to start got real close a couple times i call wounded warriors do you know there's multitudes of preachers that have been that are out of the ministry because of sin multitudes and because of shame or whatever you know they're there they have life's experience they have knowledge they have talents and i've always wanted to have a ministry for wounded warriors because we're all sinners and there's no 10 pound sins and three pounds and god forgive all of us on the same basis for our faith and trust in jesus christ i know and have had some that come up under me have been out of ministry for years because of different decisions they made in their life what appropriate at the time you know how how do we deal with that how do we deal with sin in each one of our lives none of us are capable of of by our own righteous acts being approved by god and qualified to have fellowship with him not one of us and paul's saying that he said but but you know he said when we come amongst you we came living a good example because you know i kid around a lot about that cowboy church staring in the back of your window i'm serious about that too and we ought to be very serious about how we act how we look what other people might perceive of us when we got crosses dangling from our ears or hanging around our neck or fish on the back of our car cowboy church sticker drug or bible of the day you watch your mouth watch what you say watch what you do because other people are watching you know we need to have a good witness be a good testimony um sitting here in church for 30 minutes or two hours whatever it takes on sunday morning is not the entirety of christian life there's 168 hours in a week and two hours here a week when you see what i'm going to have you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake and you became followers of us and of the lord followers of the lord how does a person become a follower of the lord you gotta be fessed up you can't you can't be trying to calm god holding back some sins for our own pleasure on selfishness whatever it is our own weaknesses we are without excuse we say i can't stop that yes you can you can if you walk in the power of the spirit of god because it's not you it's god that will kick that junk out of your life i know i know from my own personal experience i was wearing i'm not teaching you something hypothetical god will crowd the junk out of your life if you turn a willing heart to him he just will and not only that he'll bless you more than you could ever dream of when you do submit to his authority in his power paul says you become followers of us and of the lord having received the word in much affliction see they didn't want people in festival nica going to that church showing up at school board meetings either especially counter supervisor meetings or how about zoning board you know where they lay down all these rules and laws and everything and tell you what you can have you know how god worked it around where i got to be a resident in dublin springs that's because i couldn't live in las vegas because of their zoning rules and regulations say over there in vegas you can have six wives that's okay but you only have two dogs i had more than that so dublin springs is the closest place i find where i could live but you know how those things happen to us because people get on the zoning board with blue and red wings and they make decisions that affect your life you're going to have a four-foot fence well i want a five-foot fence well you have to get space to get a five-foot fence well why can't i have a five-foot fence well we don't we don't have a good reason for it but that's just because what we said you need a four-foot fence looks better we think you know huh must be yeah you know yeah but uh um well i want to put this 127 square foot portable building on my property well no you can only have 120 square foot you can't have 127 square foot it's got to be well why is that well because we said so well who gave you the authority to say that well we put it in the proposals and nobody showed up to oppose it so we thought it'd be all right i bet there ain't a whole lot of people here been to zoning board public meeting they they didn't like me showing up we've got to be involved if christians don't guide and direct things that's going on in the public forum we're going to live under the devil's rules you got that you're going to have drag queen parties for your kindergarten kids yeah if you don't go to school board and say you do that we're going to kick your butt you know don't take it anymore don't put up with it they're stealing our kids minds polluting them and we're too busy with the sand as opposed to the hourglass of the days of our lives i mean don't we get real busy with that sand haven't received the word in much affliction because the world hates you the joy of the holy ghost so that you were examples to all that belief in that neighborhood for from you sounded the word of the lord not only in macedonia but acaia the word of the lord what's that mean the word of the lord says constitution doesn't say we can't have prayer in school let's have we want prayer in school superintendent i didn't like what was going on school board back home i ran with the school board next thing you know i was president i fired superintendent we got a new superintendent we changed a bunch of stuff they put in a new program about federal guidelines in the lunch program they said we want you to do this this this this and i asked some people from washington one question i said is this the law do we have to do that well we highly recommend that you do this that i said what happens if we don't do this well nothing okay then we ain't doing it and they said what you can't do that just watch you know just watch so you stand up stand up make a difference in your community we put things in effect by the school board back there that are still in effect to this day in that school district and they're still running pretty smooth matter of fact my son-in-law was coach of the year in that school district last year my grandson my son-in-law yeah got saved at the kitchen table before he could date my daughter yeah yeah i had reputation have you got a reputation do you are you going to speak up are you going to stand up are you going to take a shot at that buzzard with the red one and a blue one why not what good does it do to sit home and say well i don't like this and i don't like that and call one of your buddies up and say did you see what they did i don't like this and i don't like that what are you going to do about it well i ain't gonna do nothing about it because it's the same with the iron last three or four days and we're like you know because i got things we got to do i heard fish are biting over on the lake you hear that fred i heard over lake mahogany you got a hint that don't leak yet we might have to go fishing we need to but also in every place your faith to god word is spread broad by your actions by your testimony by your witness you know um if god's people don't run stuff who's going to run devil people maybe do you think that's happened all over the world yeah yeah well you know not too many years no matter what happens it ain't gonna make a whole lot of difference to me i'm gonna be gone i got kids i got grandkids i got one great he's a ball star they go to church they were raised in church they make a difference in their in lives in other people's lives in the businesses they're in in the communities they're in their goal they'll live that love sand through the hourglass don't they huh yeah but they know right from wrong and they make a stand for it for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you and how ye turn to god from idols to serve the living and true god see those living stones in the church especially naka said we ain't putting up with these nine and the other and we want our voice to be heard and we're not going to put up with it and the communities around them actually stoned them and killed them some of them i think they're doing that today we lose missionaries every week we lose missionaries around this world somewhere we have unto you and you turn to god from idols to serve the living and true god and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come you think we've had tough times and rough situations and persecution and stuff you know we ain't seen nothing we ain't seen nothing that we got the flabbiest flimsy body of christ in the world in the united states there's a sport rock persecution will toughen us up and it's coming psalms 27 david the lord is my life my salvation why should i be afraid my fortress protecting me from danger so why should i tremble when evil people come to devour me when my enemies and foes attack me they'll stumble and fall though a mighty army surrounds me my heart will not be afraid even if i am attacked i will remain always i will remain confident the one thing i ask of the lord the thing i seek most is to live in the house of the lord all the days of my life being fellowship with god all the days of my life delighting in the lord's perfections and meditating on his temple for he will conceal me there when troubles come he'll hide me in a sanctuary he'll place me out of the reach on a high rock then i'll hold my head high i've got a piece of the mountain i bought out there in dolomites france got a place flattened cabin on then nobody's little valley up there probably 30 houses up there and if i had my cabin built my front porch there i guarantee you there's only two ways in and out of that place and there's a 30-yard six with a good scope you can probably set up no boost then while i hold my head high above my enemies who surround me and his sanctuary i'll offer sacrifices when singing the praise of the lord with the music most of them folks up there in that little valley don't put up with much this house is burned down up there isn't afraid he left we're pretty good he's on duty he's okay he's listen i want to tell you something i got no announcement with me you know it's uh our patrol out on the that goes out and they watch us separate for our protection stuff and we've got security teamers for our protection you know but they have air harness and it's a way for them to communicate with each other outside and there's a warning for us if you hear one of them air harness go up go off just for your own protection and safety you just stay where you're at and duck don't be gawking around because some of us shoot low you know i mean i'm telling you it sounds humorous but i'm telling you it's the way it is there's people that would kill you and we sure don't want to be one of our own so if you hear that air horn go off don't jump up and say what was that yes stay down stay down because there's plenty of people here that want to and will and are capable of protecting capable of protecting everybody in his house besides the holy spirit and god and the father and jesus hear me as i pray oh lord be merciful and answer me my heart has heard you say come and talk with me and my heart responds lord i'm coming how about in the morning when you wake up god says let's have a talk well i gotta go do this i gotta go do that i'll talk to you later that'll happen all the time do not turn your back on me do not reject your servant in anger you're always been my helper don't leave me now don't abandon me oh god of my salvation prayed up fessed up seek fellowship with him you seek fellowship with him by being fessed up even if my father and mother abandoned me the lord will hold me close teach me how to live this is the name of this today teach me oh lord and lead me teach me and lead me teach me how to live oh lord lead me along the right path for my enemies are waiting for me what we want to do is who our nature is to say god i'm going to make this path and i want you to pay with diamonds and gold isn't that what we do don't god this this is what i'm going to do and i want you to bless it because you're my servant god teach me how to live oh lord lead me along the right path for my enemies are waiting for me do not let me fall into their hands for they accuse me of things i've never done and every breath they threaten me with then i'm confident i'll see the lord's goodness while i'm here in the land of the living wait patiently for the lord be brave courageous wait patiently for the lord jesus wrote in luke 12 says fear not little flock where's your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom everything there is galatians 5 says if we live in the spirit let's also walk in that spirit how do you walk in the spirit prayed up fessed up well fed there ain't no other way let's do it galatians 5 16 this i say then walk in the spirit and you not walk and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh isaiah 119 if ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land romans 8 there's therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit john 8 12 says then spake jesus again of them saying i am the light of the world he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life what is that good news what is that gospel believe on the lord jesus christ thou shalt be saved romans 10 9 if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved that amen the resurrection of christ first fruits he lives eternally defeating death and has given that to me and to all who believe in him to live with him and then when we mess up little children these things i write under you to sin not and if any man sin we've got an advocate father jesus christ the righteous that's messing up lord forgive me please cover me i messed up i'm sorry i want to give you jurisdiction god over the junk in my life so you can crowd it out i ain't very good at it that's a good prayer it's not one you learn in seminary but you learn in our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name and that's true too but to get right down to it how to get along with god god forgive me my sins come into my life teach me truth lead me show me how you'd have me to go one day at a time prayed up messed up well fed jesus died not just for my sins but for the sins of the whole world teach me oh lord teach me oh lord lead me it's not a very long prayer use it use it dear me father i just thank you lord for the blessings this thank god we pray for our country lord i know i know father that our government has called up a bunch of our young people i know that they've been activated god bring peace on this earth lord god come soon and stop this carnage father stop the destruction madam seed father lord i have people that love people we know people we care for that are in bondage father curse of drugs and alcohol pornography gambling whatever it is father god give us strength and courage to seek your leadership your guidance your power to overcome these things lord show us how to pray give us a heart father hungry for fellowship with you god bless us be with us till we come together again jesus name i pray church says cowboy church says yeah and joe joe bob gordon says is y'all come back now you hear

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