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Why…… Get Along With God…?

Why…… Get Along With God…?


Why…… Get Along With God…? But… I wanna know WHEN….? Peter, James, John, Andrew (Mark 13:4-37) "Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? {5} And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: {6} For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. {7} And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. {

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Good morning, good morning! How's everybody doing today? All right, welcome everybody to Cowboy Church! Are you just, are you just talking in your sleep, or are you dreaming or what? We got people here for the first time! All right, somebody got a hold of me this week and said something about coming to Cowboy Church and didn't know if they had proper clothes or whatever that, and I said, well, we do have a dress code here. And they said, well, what's your dress code? And I said, keep your stuff covered. That's the dress code. Everything else, we're comfy. Is there anything I'm supposed to do besides pray? I think that's a good part of it. Okay, is there anybody not ready to pray so I can do my job? If you need help finding a seat, I'll get one of our arm dushers to assist you. They're very efficient. So if you're not quite ready to pray yet, raise your hand and I'll wait a little longer. Dear Heavenly Father, we just thank you Lord for the blessings this day and each one that's here. Father, I pray that you'll bless your word this morning, Father. Bless the music, the praise, the singing, the worship. Father, we ask to put a healing hand on those that are sick, injured, Father, and bless those, be with those, bring them back safely to us, Father, those who's traveling. Protect them, Father. Lord, we just, we ask that you put a hunger in the hearts of people in this church, Father, that they reach out and touch others that might come to know Jesus, their Savior, Father. Lord, help us to have open eyes to see what's going on. Pay attention to your word. Give us a hunger to want to have a closer walk with you, Father. Teach us how to get along with you, God. Lord, we just ask your blessing upon all of our teams here that work so hard, living stones in this body of Christ. Keep things going, put it together, Father. We just thank you for them, each one. We thank you for the generosity of your people, Father, and your provision, your protection, Father. We ask all these things in Jesus' name, church says. Amen. Cowboy beard says. Yeehaw! Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Deb. Good morning, Steve. And good morning around the world. And like, I don't know, somebody said here a little bit ago, we want to thank all of our veterans and all of our active service people. Thank you very much. Can we have our veterans stand up, please? Thank you all so, so very much for helping keep us free. That's right, that's right. Okay, this coming Friday, we have 5th Friday Plains. So, everyone be here Friday, 5 to 8. You can bring a beverage, as long as it is an alcoholic. And we will have tea and coffee and supper here. $10 for adults, $5 for children. Oh, 5 to 8. I forgot that part. And we want to thank Kathy and Fred and Mike for bringing food today. Thank you very much. They say they do have about 30 chickens left. They're frozen hard, so if you want to pick one up after church, take it home, you should be fine. Are they laying? No, they're dead. They're laying. Oh, I missed that last week. Oh, let's see. Oh, and I want to thank the kitchen crew last week. They did an awesome job. My ladies are the best. Anyway, read your bulletin. Vacation Bible School is in June. But I just want to say that I didn't get today. I forgot to ask Nan. And also, after church today, if we could have some help moving the chairs to the sides, so that we can get ready for the dance on Friday night. Okay? I think I'm done. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Memorial Day weekend. Remember all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Okay, don't forget roping practice next Saturday at 9 a.m. Also, next Sunday, we will have an arena team meeting here in the church, probably right over there. Okay, now back to our origin story. Okay, so to recap, Dewey and Roger met up in Dolan Springs and started a Bible study at Dewey's house in Kingman. Then they moved to a church on Wallapai Mountain Road. All the time, they were looking for property to purchase for a permit home for the church. Roger, having a lot of connections in this area, found a realtor who showed them a 10-acre parcel in Golden Valley that was perfect. So Roger and his previous church made the deal to purchase this property. And that's all around the end for today. If you want to hear more, come back next week. Thank you. Man, that's worse than guiding light or days of our lives, man. Yeah, I just gave a little bit here. But we know how the story ends. We're all going up to heaven. Alright, I just wanted to reiterate what Deb had mentioned. BBS, or Vacation Bible School, is coming. I believe it's June 12th and June 13th. We are looking for volunteers. For those kids that want to just come and have a great time, learn about the Lord, and just fellowship with one another. If you'd like to volunteer for those two days, come see me. I'll figure out what we need to do and get you signed up. Make sure that those children have a great example of God's love. I want to show that to them. Cell phones, if you would please just silence them during service, please. Announcements, you were given a paper. Yes, honey. You were given an announcement at the door when you came in, so just review that and see what's going on. We don't have the hat here at Cowboy Church. We've got the birdhouses in the back for donations and tithing offerings. Those are for you to donate to us to get the barn the way it is. We're just growing and we're just so thankful that the Lord has been so faithful. We need to keep it comfortable for us and grow and make sure everybody's got a seat here on Sunday. We appreciate that. Friend Ministry, knock it out of the park again. We are so grateful to have that team bring us all those goodies every week. We're so thankful. Make sure you donate into the coffee can over there. Make sure that those trucks keep driving. Gap is getting expensive. We'll make sure that they're Yes, ma'am. Oh, I would appreciate that very much. Yes, that would be great. Oh, and pecan. We actually have two White Houses available for you. Located on the east door and the Women and the Handicapped Men is available right before you go out that east door. But they're more efficient than the ones in Washington, D.C. because ours flushes. And a little note there, when you're done with the restrooms, you just keep the door open so that we all know that there's nobody in there and you're just kind of waiting and waiting for nothing. After you're done using the facility, just keep the door open so the next customer will be able to use that. Dogs are always welcome or fur babies. We love to have you. Just make sure you clean up after them. If you don't have the necessary tools needed, come see one of us and we'll get that taken care of for you. Name tags are always available. Miss Sandy in the back, she'll be happy to help you. Her email and phone number are in the bulletin, so just contact her and we'll get you a name tag. Baptism. I'm hearing we're Ubering baptisms now. What a wonderful idea. We have done that. That's amazing. We go to where the need is. I think as a church family we have to remember we're in this barn here together, but there are so many lost souls out there that don't know the glory of Jesus and we'll make sure that they get the word. Yes, sir? If anybody wants to be baptized, we're scheduling some two weeks from today. Alright, two weeks from today we are scheduling our baptism here in the barn. If you want to get baptized, please go ahead and sign up in the back. Yes. Absolutely. If you'd like to become a member of Cowboy Church, we'd love to have you join our family. We are so grateful for each and every one of you that has joined us here and we'd like to make you a part of the family. So have a wonderful day. Thank you! Got any do-overs out there? I want to thank everybody that worked Tuesday. We've been working our butts off. It's almost three in the morning. In a week and a half we'll have another baptism open and the rest will be done. I just wanted to tell everyone notice the sign up here. That was donated by Ken that lives here on the property. Do I have to? It was made by a gentleman at the swamp meet. Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Way beyond the blue I've got a home in glory land and I've shined the sun I've got a home in glory land and I've shined the sun I've got a home in glory land and I've shined the sun Way beyond the blue Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Way beyond the blue I took Jesus as my Savior to take Him to I took Jesus as my Savior to take Him to I took Jesus as my Savior to take Him to Way beyond the blue Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Way beyond the blue Way beyond the blue You can't bear the cross You can't wear the crown You can't bear the cross You can't wear the crown You can't bear the cross You can't wear the crown Way beyond the blue Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Dear Lord, oh dear Lord do you remember me? Way beyond the blue Way beyond the blue This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine Let it shine, let it shine God bless America My home sweet home God bless America My home sweet home I was a big blue shark I worked for all my life And I haven't started again Just my children and my father I thank my lucky stars We'll be living here again Because the blacks didn't stand for freedom And they can't take that away And I'm proud to be an American Well at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the man who died And gave that right to me Oh I'll gladly stand up next to you In defense of Mississippi Because there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A. From the lakes of Minnesota To the hills of Tennessee Across the plains of Texas From sea to shining sea Detroit down to Houston New York to LA There's a pride in every American heart And it's fine for me to say That I'm proud to be an American Well at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the man who died And gave that right to me Oh I'll gladly stand up next to you In defense of Mississippi Because there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A. And I'm proud to be an American Well at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the man who died And gave that right to me Oh I'll gladly stand up next to you In defense of Mississippi Because there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A. And I'm proud to be an American I've got a peaceful easy feeling I know it won't let me down Because I'm already standing On the other ground Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found What's life is now I see I've got a peaceful easy feeling I know it won't let me down Because I'm already standing On the other ground Well the grief that's on my heart is real And brings my fears to me How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed I've got a peaceful easy feeling I know it won't let me down Because I'm already standing On the other ground I've been staring at thousands of you Flashlighting at the sun We know that we're to sing We know that we're to sing a prayer And when we first become I've got a peaceful easy feeling I know it won't let me down Because I'm already standing I'm already standing I'm already standing I'm already standing On the other ground Did you hear about Cowboy Band? Little Wranglers Little Wranglers Anybody by the door? By the head or by the pound? By the head Okay we don't have to weigh them then Alright I guess words got around there But you all know what my wife left me Who? Oh You just think I need purpose and direction don't you? Yeah I do too I bought her a round trip ticket Then I'll have purpose and direction directly Instead of electronically But uh The way Little Wranglers? I sent them out I don't have a key It's like I said Sheriff shoot low he's riding the Shetland I wonder what else I forgot You all plan on coming Friday evening? Deb will cook us up a good mess of eating And uh Arizona Thunder Be here And um Um They're good They're good We have a good time You know Have a good time And we got a nice floor Boy you can boot scoot on it Can't you Gordon? Where's he at? Back there We keep fire extinguishers handy for Gordon He's wearing boots Yeah Alright You all been paying attention to uh Any stuff going on around the world? You know Cowboy Church Our goal Is to teach people How to get along with God Um I was in church for 30 years And never learned how to get along with God And my life was so frustrating Because I believed and I wanted to do What was right But it was not within My willpower to do what was right I was always messing up And I was ashamed and guilty And um I didn't know how to get along with God You know In church we learned What some of the Greek words learned And we learned some of this other stuff That the preachers were impressed with What they learned But nobody ever just taught me How to get along with God And um As a Christian you can be very frustrated Because if you're not getting along With God You don't have peace in your life You don't have joy in your life You don't have The strength and power Of God To withstand And overcome sins in your life And it's because of the way God created things It's his fault It is It's his fault And he readily accepted the blame for it And sacrificed his sin for our sins His son Jesus You get along with God By being in fellowship With him A fellow I knew Lived up the road from us Up in Lindale, Texas Named Keith Green He wrote That always touches me It's better to obey Than sacrifice Keith was a great guy He learned how to get along with God You know when God created everything In the beginning He created all the angels All the celestial hosts And man That's a complicated bunch of stuff All these spirit things That's out there All these charisms, arachems Archangels And other messengers And Just all kinds of Entities Wickedness in high places That are Part of the Celestial realm Which we're not Really aware of all the time Those around us all the time We're not aware of All the time And then the head honcho The one that was God's right hand man In the celestial hosts Was Lucifer Said that he was the cherubim That covered, he had God's back And then The Bible says that Sin was found in Lucifer Pride, and his pride was Everything is under my control And my power under God What do I need God for? Just do away with God And I'll be God And then God said That Lucifer He said that ain't gonna work I've got a plan And God's been working that plan For over 6,000 years If you read the Bible Which is how you get along With God You see a glimpse You're peeking through a keyhole Of God's plan God's plan was I'm gonna create human beings And they Will honor me They will obey me They will send praises to me They will serve me Honesty Integrity Love And he created Adam He created the earth And he took the dirt of the earth And he made Adam He gave Adam A spiritual quality So that man Could have Fellowship with the God of creation He put spirit in us He made us an eternal entity To Live forever with him And out of Adam All of Adam's DNA He took a rib And he formed Eve And So Adam And DNA from him Made Eve And then God Had Adam He named all the animals and everything And God made Eve God brought Eve to him And Adam says Whoa man And we've been saying that ever since Haven't we buddy It's interesting God's got a real sense of humor doesn't he But he created man To get along with him And he Walked with him in the garden As his father figure Had fellowship with him And the devil hated that And from that moment on the devil Has tried to kill everything That's got Adam's DNA in it Everything Kill them, kill them all, destroy them God says that the only thing that's left Is the celestial body That I am over And I do away with God That's the devil's plan see But God Told Adam and Eve after they Had been Shopping in the bargain aisle At the takeaway I guess Or Walmart They disobeyed God And when they disobeyed God It broke the fellowship Of Adam's father and Adam God says I can't have fellowship with sin And disobedience Be no fellowship Though I am Adam's father So God told Adam and Eve He says okay get out of here You're done in here you're going to go out And pay the price You know you didn't want to obey me Here in paradise in Eden So get out there In the world that the devil runs And by the sweat of your brow Your labor, your toil Your burdens, your problems You make your way To populate The earth So Adam and Eve Are evicted And the devil has been trying To kill all Of Adam's DNA Ever since then He got Cain to kill his brother Abel and they solved Their own sins I heard that There's going to be a lot of stuff Coming down the road And the question always is Why? Why should we get along with God? Number one God is God He's creator All things He's all powerful All loving All merciful But why should we get along with God? We're going to talk about that He blesses us He provides for us He protects us You think you can protect yourself from the devil killing you? Nah Not even a 357 Holopoint magnet Would stop the devil You know you can't protect yourself Why is that? God created all this stuff The heavenly host There's powers, principalities, angels, seraphim All them other bones In the spiritual realm of heaven And wickedness in high places And folks we've got wickedness in low places too Close places And we Man in the flesh Is at the bottom of that list Did you realize that? The puniest thinking demon In God's creation Has more power and authority Than you do That's why God created it In the flesh Can you give yourself eternal life? See it's hard for us We can hardly go to CVS Enough to keep ourselves alive And uh Sometimes doctors ain't all that much help And we get old Man it happened to me In just a few days Well Here we are man We have this knowledge of God We can look around And we can see that Yeah there must be a God Because I don't think Biden could make any of that I saw a chair one time That they said he designed And assembled You ever seen that picture? It's kind of got one leg off to the side Another leg up for a handle bar And the back's crooked And the seat's got a big hole in it And it won't stand up It's uncomfortable There's wickedness in high places So why do we want to get along with God? Because it's in God's plan He gave us his word In this book So that we don't have to Stumble around stupid You read God's book Because it is The service manual How to book To get along with God It's in that book Because there's lots of liars Don't trust me You'll find out for yourself Why do we need to get along with God? Because if we're not Getting along with God We're at the mercy of the devil And his bunch Do you understand that? I've got myself will Yeah right Exercise it Let's go outside here Don't jump over this building Let me see your exercise Well you can't do that But what if you really want to? If you really really want to Can't you take a run at it? No Because there's natural laws I have a hard time getting up on this stool anymore Let alone jumping over this building We're no match for the devil He hates you And he wants to kill you And he would kill you If God hadn't chosen you And put his protective Loving mercy over you Until the time Come When you understood that And that you could call upon him And walk in fellowship With him To have access to his power 24-7 How do you get along with God? Be prayed of Every day, every hour Pray without ceasing I asked God Pray without ceasing And of course back then It would be dangerous Trying to drive down the road like that Unless you got one of Elon's cars I guess you could It might be an advantage One of them cars you could pray God said Son you sin all the time That's why you need to pray without ceasing Because you're Adam's son You sin But when you sin you're out of fellowship With your father God said here let me give you an example There's your mom and dad And he said not only that's your mom and dad I put together Their moms and dads And their great grandmas And great granddaddies and mamas All the way back to Adam So that you could be who you are And so that you could have fellowship with me I gave you mom and dad So that you could learn how What the devil did I'm going to destroy a family Maybe I'll kill all these kids before they get born So they won't learn how to get along with God I'll get your mom and daddy Where they don't want to take you to church Say they're busy Well it's holiday We'll go to the lake Or play golf I used to play golf I used to do that And I did miss the Illinois Country Club If you go to the lake Between number one hole And number two You'll find my two iron And that's where I retired from golf I had way too much flesh I left it as a memorial there To get along with God The same way you got along with your earthly father You minded him And when you didn't mind your earthly father You were out of fellowship with him Was he still your father? Oh yeah Couldn't take his DNA back When you believe and trust in God According to his plan Which is he sent his son to die for you And you accept the sacrifice That God made for your sins And you ask him For that sacrifice To cover your sinfulness God says I'll put my spirit in you For no matter what You're coming with me for eternity And if you walk with me A daily walk Prayed up Fessed up Father I messed up Forgive me I'll get it done right Well fed What am I supposed to do? How do I do that? Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed Well fed 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