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MCLB hosts Chronos Finance

MCLB hosts Chronos Finance




The Chronos team shows up in force and takes SunFire for a 4 on 1 journey of enlightenment to find the center of DeFi liquidity layers.

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The speakers introduce themselves as Sapsai, Unified, and Levi. Sapsai has been investing in Web3 and DeFi for three years and is the CEO and founder of Kronos. Unified got into crypto three years ago and supports the idea of building the future global financial infrastructure. Levi has been involved in crypto since 2014 and has a deep understanding of DeFi. They discuss their experiences and how they got involved with Kronos. Kronos is a decentralized exchange fork of Solidity and implements the maturity LPs, a new model for distributing emissions. The team aims to create something new and valuable for the ecosystem. They believe that the maturity LPs and the marketplace for MA-NFTs will incentivize liquidity providers to stay longer and create stability. They hope that the NFTs will trade at a premium over the underlying token position. Maybe we should start with a brief introduction about us and then we talk a little bit about Kronos and answer some questions you guys have for us. So I can start with me, I'm Sapsai, I've been investing in Web3 and DeFi for three years now. I've been full-time since the LunaST collapse, since I made good money there and I thought that if you are really studying the markets there would be something or some way to get out of money if you could get some of these events. So I've been doing this since then. I also invested in the Solidly Lounge, remember the first B2B mediums that Ander Kronje did. And since then I've been investing in other solidly forks and I thought that many of them were just a way for farmers to farm and dump emissions and pretty much do that with any new fork that was created. So I thought that there has to be a way that measure capital doesn't get all the emissions and there has to be a way for this model to work and that's how we thought into doing Kronos and how we got into the Maturity LP. So we'll get more into this with the AMA and if you guys want to introduce yourselves, Unified, DeFi, Kronos. Yeah, yeah, sure. I'm Sapsai and yeah, I'm the CEO and founder of Kronos. I've been in crypto for more than five years. I started as a retail investor and after that, coming to the industry, DeFi, I really go really deep into that, starting doing flash loans, staking, gel farming in an early stage. After that, I decided to create a company with a few other partnerships. We started a DeFi protocol in Polkadot. We raised it around $5 million through Venture Capitals. And yeah, after one year and a half as a COO and co-founder, I decided to move to NFTs when Board 8, Kool Kats and all of that started. I sell my company shares from that. Yeah, I go really deep into NFTs as an early investor in the top blue chips and that. Also, obviously, keeping my eye on DeFi and new coins, new protocols. Yeah, basically, I invested also in a few protocols, different protocols as a private investor. Yeah, right now here building Kronos, it's a project who mixed all my experience in that five years, basically NFTs and DeFi, you know, and creating new modeling as the maturity LP and doing different fundraisers as normally projects do. We will do through the NFTs. And yeah, we're here. We are builders. I'm here a long time ago. I have a lot of good friends from DeFi, from NFTs. I think that we will try to create something new, something who add value to the ecosystem. That's our purpose. Yeah, that's quick about me. Hi, everybody. I'm Unified. I got into crypto about three years ago in 2020, and I've been learning and kind of figuring out how all this stuff works ever since. I am a firm believer in the narrative that building the world's future global financial infrastructure. Some of you might know me from around. I've been very active on the Phantom Network for a long time. I was one of the team members for the original Tomb before Harry Yeh took over. And I've been pretty, like, staunch in my support of Phantom for a really long time. But when these guys reached out to me and I got to look at what they were doing over on Arbitrum, I thought it seemed like a really good opportunity. And we're really pretty excited about some of the new features we're introducing with Kronos. I'm Levi, guys. I've been involved in crypto. I think my first purchase was actually back in 2014. I unpacked it, had a look at it. But, yeah, I've been involved as a retail investor in crypto probably since 2017, more involved, and then DeFi since 2022. I've kind of moved to more of a sophisticated DeFi user. And with, you know, kind of the solidly season coming up, I really dive deep into the model because I just saw that the effect it had on chains to capture liquidity and trading fees. And that had me, you know, look at first principle approach to how DEXs are structured tokenomics wise. And I really see that this model is going to be, you know, probably the way moving forward. It's the future of at least automatic market makers on chain. So I wanted to understand, you know, what the effects of inflation are, what rebasing is, how sustainable the model is and all of these little details. So I really dive deep into that and connected with the Kronos team here because there's, you know, in my eyes and our eyes, there's still things that are unsolved for with the current iterations in the solidly model. And with, you know, a few optimizations and innovations, I think we can create something that's really, really sticky and powerful. And Arbitrum is exciting, too, because it's, you know, a super bullish chain, but it doesn't have a clear winner in this space. So I think there's a great opportunity here to set ourselves up as a winner. All right. Yeah, sweet. Good introductions. Do you guys have, like, a little pitch deck or something you'd like to start off with or should we just get into it? We don't really have a pitch deck, but we have, like, a brief introduction about the protocol. I could do just the introduction. Kronos is a decentralized exchange fork of solidly main fork of FINA. We've implemented some new innovations such as the theory-based model. I don't know if you guys read the article Levi did on why theory-based is, like, the best way to get less inflation in the token. It was a really good article. Since that article, we actually put in contact with Levi and got him into our team. Also, we got the CHR-NFTs fundraising event. We are a community-boosted protocol. We don't have private investor or venture capital, so we are doing this with our money and the money we get from the sale of the NFTs. So that's something we got from FINA. And our key innovation is the maturity LPs that comes from the regulatory contract that the bailmasons did and have already implemented with Bithub and X. And this way, basically, we will give more emissions. That doesn't mean more emissions are emitted. It means they will be distributed more to the LPs or the liquidity providers that have been providing liquidity for more weeks in the past. So that's, like, a brief introduction of the protocols and the maturity LPs. I think Unified could also talk more about the maturity LPs and the MA-NFTs, the marketplace, et cetera, if you want to do it. Yeah, no problem. So the primary innovation with Chronos is we're B33DEX, like you've seen before. We took some stuff from the equalizer model, which you're probably all familiar with. We do the zero rebasing. But the main innovation is the way we're handling our liquidity positions. So we've implemented the Reliquary, which is the new thing that was developed by the bailmasons that Bithub and X is using right now for the MA-BEATS. And so on Chronos, when you provide liquidity and you get your LP tokens, you can stake your LP tokens and your liquidity position is represented by one of these MA-NFTs. And that position is going to earn an additional CHR emission boost over time for longer that you keep your LP staked. And so the way we set it up was that each epoch for six epochs, you're going to receive a 0.33x boost over the baseline. And then after six weeks, that'll max out at a 2x boost. And then you'll be earning, at that point, double CHR emissions until you choose to unwrap that NFT and withdraw your liquidity. And the reason that we did this was that we wanted to incentivize people to leave their liquidity stationary for longer. What we've noticed, especially on Arbitra, with these B33 DEXs, is that capital is just rotating into the highest APR pools each epoch. And farmers are essentially just farming the emissions and dumping them and kind of destroying the project before it gets going. And so by paying the secondary incentive to this boost mechanism, we think that this is going to go a long way towards allowing us to offer really, truly sticky liquidity. And we think that's going to be very popular amongst protocol participants. And we think that they're going to be the ones that are really going to be competing to lock CHR into VCHR to earn that voting boost, and then also to be bribing for liquidity in the platform. And then the nice thing, too, is these maturity-adjusted liquidity positions, they're represented as an ERC-721 NFT. And so similar to what we've seen already with the VNFTs and with the MaBeats NFTs, you're going to be able to trade your liquidity positions directly on an NFT exchange. And so we're hoping that in time that that trade is going to go a long way. We think that the NFTs will probably trade this premium over the underlying token position once they've gained a little bit of maturity. And like I said, I think this is going to go a long way just towards making liquidity that's ultra-stable, ultra-sticky, and be very popular for protocols. I wanted to add on that. Sorry, Sunfire, if you wanted to throw a comment. No, go ahead. Okay. Yeah, I just want to add another. You know, one thing that I've observed in many solvency forks, not only in Arbitrum, but especially here, is the second the token price, for whatever reason, decreases, there's a period of market volatility, for example, EVL pulls out immediately. And the thing that really reinforces this flywheel is if there is volatility and a DEX token price goes down, the APY you get from locking it and voting is actually higher. And that's, you know, eventually, you know, we let market forces do their thing and investors will step in and realize that as a good investment. And that supports the price of the DEX token. It keeps the flywheel spinning. But in a scenario where, you know, your token price goes down 30% for whatever reason, and now the yields on the liquidity provisions or positions are 30% lower as a result of that, everyone's pulling their EVL essentially. And that really hurts the DEX token because it can't find a price floor. Now with reduced EVL, there's reduced APY expected moving forward. So that's really a big thing that these maturity adjusted positions fall for is we think or we hope that liquidity providers who are realizing their full six-week boost will value that over short-term market fluctuations and that they won't pull out, you know, go chase yields for a day or two at another farm, that they'll remain on Kronos, let the price stabilize and then they benefit as well because their yields are more sustainable. So I just wanted to emphasize that. Right. Yeah, that's definitely the game plan with the Reliquary. And I think it's good that you guys are being realistic about the fact that it's a season and people are rotating. The maturity adjusted positions, I think, are really good because we can look at liquidity three different ways. You can rent it, you can lease it, you can buy it. Obviously, a protocol buying its own liquidity, especially for its own native token, is most likely the best way to go. But the Reliquary kind of takes it from renting liquidity into more of leasing liquidity, which is going to make the TVL and liquidity more stickier. I definitely like to see the implementation of the Reliquary. And regarding that, C2BA asked a relevant question wanting to know if your implementation of the Reliquary is already finished and integrated and audited or not. I think the contract, it's kind of a plug and play module from the ByteMasons team replacing the MasterChef contract. So that code we've already developed and speak to our parameters. And also the Reliquary model is, I think it's triple audited by the ByteMasons. So that kind of answers that. And we are looking at our own audit and bug bounty program, which maybe Kronos can elaborate on. Well, I could elaborate on this too. We've been talking to the CERTIC guys. We know them and they are going to do the minting contract audit first. And then we were thinking about doing a competition-style audit with CERTILOC or COSTFARINA. That price was for CERTILOC, for example, more than $200,000. So we might go with the CERTIC for the DEX and have a big bounty program with Immunify. We think that would be the best way since we have a good team of devs with five or three plus devs that have been working on the smart contracts. And as Liva said, the smart contracts have been audited before since there are four kind of teams, a pretty big team with more than 12 devs. But we will have that big bounty program with Immunify. So if anything, there's a bug or something, it will be paid. Yeah. Also, just to clarify, sorry, I was muted. Basically, the CERTIC is already working, already started auditing our contracts. The mint contract is, I think, 90% audited. We'll release soon the report. Yeah. Also, we want to audit all the contracts before any launch just to prevent bugs or issues, obviously, the big issues. We hope that no issues will be there because we have a pretty good developer team. But yeah, we want, obviously, to audit all the contracts before launching anything. We think that is something really important. And also, we think that it's a big fail, you know, normally in the projects who, when they launch their products or their exchanges or whatever, they have a lot of bugs, they have a lot of issues. People cannot put liquidity or cannot swap tokens in a good and in a proper way. And yeah, we think that it's really important to do all quality over quantity and over rushing for anything. First, polishing all and after launching your products. That's how we think to work. Right. And it's really awesome that BeethovenX has kind of taken that first step in implementing the Reliquary and getting it battle-tested. You know, that's always a plus. You know, sometimes when you're dealing with this kind of stuff, being the first one out the gate can be a little dicey sometimes. Yeah, and I think we'll actually see more models, like especially solidly models, maybe other DEXs move towards the Reliquary. So, you know, we're going to be the first solidly model to hit the market with this tech, but we expect that future forks and iterations will also include this tech. So it's exciting to see what kind of tooling is going to be built around this. But definitely we see it as the future of, you know, LPEing. Right. And Kratos touched on a very interesting topic, something I actually wanted to ask about, talking about working out all the little bugs and how we see with new solidly forks a lot of times out the gate, their UIs are a bit buggy, like he's saying, wants to make sure all the swap features and everything work proper. And you see a lot of issues, too, with pulling and scraping data, subgraphs breaking after every epoch and whatnot. So it's nice to hear that that's something you guys are keeping in mind. And you mentioned Thena earlier, and I think everyone, when Thena first came out with their completely reworked UI, I think everyone really appreciated that. So is that something that you guys are working towards as well when you launch? Is there just going to be, you know, a really beautiful, completely reworked UI for everyone to play with? Yeah, totally. We will drop some alpha probably in the next days, how it looks, the UI, UX of the swap, liquidity and that. But yeah, we are putting a lot of effort, a lot of resources on that as a big priority. That one, and also obviously the smart contracts, the audits and solving the bugs and that. That's why also we will do, we can minify a really big bounty program. Yeah, that's also another thing where I think that difference by the others, you know, by the rest. The UI, UX is totally smooth, is totally clean. It's really innovative. I think it's very easy to use. I think that we could make a big difference from others also in that part. Yes. One thing I wanted to add here is that we've partnered with Fiber Finance since there has been many issues when New Solidity Forks or just Solidity, I remember Solidity had some bugs in the launch with the swap routine and how liquidity, how the swaps were done. So we've partnered with Fiber to integrate the Routing API into our decks because we believe that the Routing API is a really good one. They've implemented with other protocols before. They've implemented in their own protocol, in their UI. So we believe that would be a good partnership to be done and we've made that official already, I think. So, yeah. Yeah, the Firebird team are good people, man. Don't fade the bird. And, you know, Unified, you've been on Phantom a long time, so I'm sure you're really familiar with Firebird and their team. So, yeah, definitely good people doing some good work. C2BA, circling back to the bug bounty program, C2BA wanted to know if you already have a date picked out to start the bug bounty within Unify. Not yet. We are in talks with them finalizing the documentation and that also before coming the audit from Certik. But, yeah, we hope that we want to launch the decks and the token around 7 to 10 days after the mint. And in all that time, we think that we could start the Unified bounty, which is the last part of the audit before, as I'm telling you, coming Certik. Certik already is auditing right now the mint contracts. And after the mint, they will start with the decks. And after that, within Munich, I think that we are in the time, but it depends also, you know. If Certik is seeing something that we need to fix or something like that, probably we need to take a few more days. But we want to do as soon as possible. Right. Excellent. You talked about FINA earlier and looking over the docs, it definitely seems like there's a lot of similarities to FINA. But as mentioned before, you guys, and just to clarify this, you have completely done away with rebases, right? So there's not going to be any rebases of any kind with your protocol? Correct. We've also implemented a load bonus program for the early lockers. There's no rebases, but there's something similar to it. Yeah, about FINA, we have a subvisor, Apollo from FINA. He's been advising us since the start of our protocol. Yeah, when I originally signed on, the plan was to use a model much more similar to FINA's. And we were really looking hard at, like, that 30% capped rebase model because it's been so successful for FINA and for Velodrome over in Optimism. But the more we got to look at that great inflation article that Levi wrote, the more we really started seeing some of the benefits of the zero rebase model. And it's also, you know, it's been extremely effective for Equalize. And so we looked at, like, kind of what the difference was, like, why were these various models being successful on these other chains? But we weren't seeing the same sort of success on Arbitrum. And so we spent a long time, like, really, we had, like, a couple of days of intense debate before we finally landed on implementing the Reliquary. And so far, the response has been really phenomenal. And we think that, you know, I don't like to talk bad about competitors, but it seems as though v33 DEXs don't have the best reputation on Arbitrum at the moment. And it kind of seems like because there's been a lot of, like, low effort implementations. And the response that we've gotten since sort of refining this model and announcing everything, people seem to be really excited. And they seem to really appreciate the fact that we're not just, like, a cash grab or jumping on the bandwagon. Like, we're really trying to introduce something that we think is going to move this space forward, and at the very least, just be, like, new and innovative and interesting. So, you know, we've got high hopes. Yeah, I'm glad you said it, not me. That one. I have a really important question, though. Levy, is it Levy or Levi? How do we pronounce your name exactly? Levy. Okay, okay. I think I might have seen that article. Maybe you dropped it in the Equalizer Discord a while ago. But personally, I absolutely agree. I believe that not having a rebase is probably the better way to go. And absolutely, controlling, at least making some efforts to control inflation, I definitely think is a consideration, something to look at, especially when you start running the numbers and modeling the math long term. Yeah, just to give a quick, like, three-minute summary with an easy example is, you know, let's say we have $100,000 of revenue for a week, and we have 100,000 tokens that are locked and voting, so that your one token gets you $1 of yield. Now, let's say you rebase those locked tokens 30%. There's now 130,000 tokens voting, but your revenue hasn't grown. Your revenue is still $100,000. Well, now your revenue per token or per vote is $0.70 instead of $1, right? It's not like you've created any more yield or revenue by rebasing. You've just changed the proportion of revenue going to each voter token. And, you know, as a voter, sure, you get the rebase, so you haven't increased your yield. But it's kind of ruined the economics of that token, because where it used to yield $1, now it yields $0.70. And when you're using that token as an incentive for liquidity providers, you want that APY to be as high as possible to drive command the highest price, which sort of sustains the flywheel. And when you run that experiment out, you know, one year, two year, three year, four years, it does make a difference. Your DEX is going to have to generate more revenue, keep the same pricing on the DEX token. So I hope that makes sense. There's a lot of nuance within that, but kind of a quick, easy example to give. Yeah, absolutely. And like you were demonstrating with the math and modeling it long term. You mentioned this earlier, and I was actually going to ask that about the advisory stuff, because I'm not going to make any assertions or anything, but people talk about possible connections between protocols and whatnot. And I saw Apollo in your guys' Discord, I think with like an OG role or something like that, and I was going to ask if that was what was going on, if you guys were getting some advisory services and help from them, which I believe you just confirmed that that is what's happening. Yeah, Apollo is helping us and advising us. He's our official advisor. Yeah, he's really good. When I contacted him, when we started the project, we explained to him our idea, and he helped him, not asking for any money or whatever, and little by little, he involved more in the team. Yeah, finally, he's one of our advisors. Yeah, also, today we announced a liquid driver partnership. They will also support us with their token, doing bribes and that. We have the thread, and they also released a meeting article about our partnership. Yeah, I think that it's really good to have on board that type of people with really high value regarding their advice and also their experience. What's better, to have advisors from Thena, who is one of the top solid reforms? Yeah, absolutely. It's really good, I think, to get the advice and experience from people that have been through this all before. I'm assuming that you guys, with your code base, started with Thena, which is essentially Velodrome, if I recall correctly. I don't know what little changes they've made. I've never ran any diff checks or anything. However, I'm not sure with Thena if some of the little things might still exist in the code base. So did you guys take that and fix little things and change little things, or are you going pretty much just straight up one-to-one with that? Yeah, no, we're taking the main code from Thena, Velodrome, and Equalizer, I think. We're taking different parts from each one, doing our own code, and also adding all the Reliquary and the NFT contracts, which are totally different from others. I think that we do a lot of changes, but obviously the main base, the solid base, we're taking from that, from both three, we're taking different parts from each. I think it's a mix. We're taking the best from each. Yeah, but the things who you say from Thena, I think that there are more things who, when they started, happened in the front end more than in the back end, I think. Yeah, just to expand on that, in the innovation space, first-mover advantage can sometimes be a disadvantage. We're kind of lucky to arrive on the stage late, because we've been able to really look at what works well and what doesn't work as well amongst all of the v33 decks of varying degrees of success, and really been able to cherry-pick the mechanisms and the bits that we want to include in ours. So we're hoping that by the time we release, this will be the optimal stack to have all of the bells and whistles and fix all of the problems. And I'm sure that won't really be the case. I'm sure there will be a little headaches and hiccups along the way. But by being able to study those that came before, we think we're going to be able to launch with a pretty excellent product from day one. Brian, that commentary leads me to another question. Are you guys going to use upgradable contracts, or are you going to go fully immutable? It's going to be, I think, fully immutable. No proxies. Maybe there's a few contracts that need some proxy to protocol fees or something. But I think there's going to be no proxies, and they're going to be immutable. Once they're deployed, they're deployed, and that's it. Great. Excellent. Ace the Book asks, can you share any more about the VE-AMM or VE-NFT liquidity mechanism you've discussed in the past? I'm not sure exactly what he's asking, but it seems like maybe he's attended some of your AMAs before or something and wants to re-hear some alpha about that. So do you guys know what he's talking about there, what he's trying to get at? So I think he's talking about the lock positions, what are our ideas to get more liquidity for them. I think, Unified, you should explain this better one with the marketplaces, if you want to. Yeah, so with the traditional Masterchef contract, which is the contract that you stake your LP tokens in the initial, that tracks the size of the position that you stake, and then it emits rewards at a constant rate relative to your position, relative to the amount of liquidity. And so the big innovation with the Reliquary is that now it's going to track the tokens you provided and the size of your stake, but then it's also going to track the amount of time that that position has been staked. And it's almost like if you're working at a job and you get a raise every week. And so as long as you stay working at that job, you continue getting that raise every week for six weeks. But if you quit that job in the middle, if a new place opens up across the street that's offering an extra 10 cents more an hour, and you decide you're going to quit your job and go over there, that's fine, you can do that. But by doing that, you're going to start back over at the base rate. This is essentially how the Reliquary works. The goal of this is for us to kind of like incentivize the participants and liquidity providers to have to make a little bit harder decision. Because when you have your position staked, and after a couple of epochs, you've earned a little bit of a boost, and you can see on that six-week horizon, you're going to have that 2x boost. And then the bribes come in for the next epoch, and maybe that pool that you're not in has a little bit higher APR than the one you are in. So now you have to ask yourself, well, do I want to withdraw my liquidity, move it into this other pool, and I'll get the higher APR this week. But if I do that, I'm going to lose all of this boost that I've accrued, and that's going to go back down to the baseline. And I'm going to have to start over, and I'm going to have to work my way up from the bottom again. And so that right there provides like a really great incentive for users to kind of think twice before moving their liquidity. The point of this is that if I have a protocol that I'm voting and I'm offering bribes and I'm using the model as intended to try to incentivize liquidity, well, right now with most v3 DEXs, all of those incentives are only good for a week. And as soon as that epoch tips over, it's like the game starts again from the beginning. So whatever funds or whatever votes or whatever incentives you provided in week one might be out the window in week two because right now there's no disincentive for people to just chase the highest APOs. So by making this a little bit more of a complex decision on the part of the liquidity providers, what you do is you make liquidity in all of the liquidity pools a little bit what's called stickier. And that just means it hangs out in there a little bit more. And then the other part of this, of course, is the fact that the liquidity position is represented as an NFT. So if I'm the liquidity provider and the place across the street is offering 10 cents more an hour, I have the option that I can sell my entire liquidity position with the boost intact over the counter on an NFT exchange. And I'm probably going to get a little bit of like extra bonus money on top of that little premium because it's accrued more of that earnings boost. Yeah, it absolutely changes the game theory. And I'm glad that you bring that up to where the game theory moves beyond just the LP providers and actually starts making the bribers have to contemplate this and like you said, possibly offer higher bribes to essentially bait people out of those positions. And also, like you said, people will be able to perhaps sell their maturity adjusted positions, their Reliquary NFTs for a premium. So it's really fun to me how the whole Reliquary system integrated with a solidly model AMM kind of changes a lot of the game theory and adds a lot to it. And I personally think not only is that, you know, valuable, but it's also fun. Another game theory element to the liquidity providers is there's an advantage to being early to a pool. So when a new project launches or a new pool launches on the project, I think what we want is we want some FOMO from liquidity providers to rush into Kronos and get their capital there, like the ARB token, which dropped, for example, yesterday. In examples like that, we want to be, you know, we want to get our pool up early and we want liquidity providers to rush in to get ahead of the maturity curve. Because if you're the first liquidity provider in or you're in the first week, you're ahead of the maturity curve for the next six weeks, essentially, and you're going to be earning additional emission. And that's a really cool incentive to, one, bring liquidity into Kronos, and then, two, keep them there, right? While they're ahead of that maturity curve, they're likely not going to leave because their yields are attractive. And then once their positions mature, you know, there's some more game theory around that. They can sell it and realize maybe some capital premium, or they can keep it there. You know, there's definitely options, but that's also a cool element that I'm excited to see how it plays out is trying to build some, you know, incentive towards liquidity providers to actually get in early and stake on our platform versus others. Yeah, and so another thing that we've, like, talked less about in other AMAs but is interesting and might actually be something that Millennium Club would be really interested in is let's say that you're a protocol participant that is extremely interested in accruing the most emissions possible because you want to get a lot of emissions, but you want to lock and you want to increase your voting power that way. And so when you do that, though, you're doing two things. One is that you're earning, you know, higher emissions over time, but you're also purchasing the liquidity of other protocols on the network. And so you're building your treasury in a way that is, like, makes you a part owner of other projects. And we think that we're probably going to see, like, a little bit of a competition as projects that are building their treasury, like, seek ownership stakes and seek, like, a little leverage over other projects on the network as a secondary downstream effect. Yeah, absolutely. Most likely that will occur. I don't see why it wouldn't in, you know, a free market situation. And going back to the idea about how the system is going to essentially, possibly and hopefully make people kind of rush to be early to pools, I think that that could be very beneficial in helping to be sort of a launch pad and protocol liquidity incubation helper, so to say, with newer projects. Right. So you have a newer project launching on Arbitrum. Maybe you guys really like what they're doing and you like their project. So you help them out with a little bit of emissions on your platform to help them get their LP rolling. You know, hopefully that could also make people speculate and think, wow, you know, like, this project does sound cool. I really like what they're doing. So, yeah, I'm going to get into this pool with this new token, with this new project on the Kronos Finance Dex. And that way I can be early to it. And that might cause, you know, a beneficial and mutually constructive symbiotic situation going with your Dex and with newer projects if you kind of help them out. That could be a very interesting thing to look forward to as well, perhaps. Yes, that's something actually that we've thought about creating maybe a launch pad. So for all new protocols that want to get into Arbitrum, as I think I've already said, we want to build the liquidity layer for Arbitrum. So we have also the experience and we've built, for example, Kronos has been also creating all the protocols, have been participating in our businesses into the DeFi ecosystem, have been investing in quite a lot of protocols. We thought about this also about the future. We also have been talking with the Algebra Protocol guys. We know that our main focus would be the long tail assets because that's where we could compete in the liquidity game. For example, we might not be able to compete in the same thing with something like Uniswap and Univ3 in the main pools we see in UCC or the ARP token. So we thought about implementing this concentrated liquidity to maybe in the future become actually the liquidity layer for Arbitrum, not only for all partners for new protocols, to get liquidity for all tokens. And on the new project thing, I think part of our business development focus is actually projects that are looking at Arbitrum as an attractive place to move to. We've had, I think, Firebird in the last week has passed their governance vote to move their treasury fully to Arbitrum. And there's a lot of eyes on the Arbitrum ecosystem because it's so strong. And I think it'll only be a little continuous strength with the token now launched. So there's a lot of opportunities to bring new projects. And we're not even necessarily trying to compete with all the existing projects on Arbitrum, but we actually want to bring new projects into the space. That's an interesting point because also we are in talks with Impossible Finance from Binance Smart Chain. They are a really big protocol. Basically, they are a big launchpad and they have other products and services and their own token. They are looking for projects to move their liquidity and to expand their project to Arbitrum. And we are in talks with them and with a few others who I think that's something really good to add as much value as possible to Arbitrum. And as you said, it's a really good chain, I think, and the best, in my opinion, to move your protocol, to expand your community through that. I think we are in the perfect moment right now. Also for the long term, I'm totally sure that that will be the main layer to CK roll up into the entire ecosystem. Yeah, we are trying to do that with other protocols, other projects who are not here. We are in talks with a few other more who are looking to Arbitrum and who are interested to move their liquidity with us. So on the same topic, I'm going to kind of stray off a little bit, but it is relevant. Have you guys seen the tweet from Ohm? The old school OG Ohm, they're looking to expand their treasury onto L2s, onto Optimism and to Arbitrum. I don't know if you guys saw that recent tweet about that. So there may be something to look into with all the Ohmies because they're trying to spread their treasury out into L2s. Personally, I've not seen that, but yeah, I've seen the tweet. I don't know if something apart from that, but probably the MetaMask airdrop coming also really soon. But I don't see other tweets. Here in the AMA text channel, I'll just post a link to that tweet and you can follow it to where... I didn't look it over too hard. It looks like there's a little bit of like a soft governance kind of vote or something that was put up. But in the AMA text channel, right above the event time voice channel, I'll just drop a link there and you guys can check that out on your own accord and leisure. I just wanted to say that I actually didn't see the tweet, but of course I remember the launch of Olympus Finance. I've been looking into the protocol now after the API went down and I tried to understand how it works. So there might be something for the Ohmies to do with us. Of course, we need to talk first, but yeah. Yeah, I mean, they have a big community, a lot of resources to tap into there. But we're having all this talk with the Reliquary and boosts to your LP rewards and it makes me want to ask, are you guys also going to have the VENFT position tied to some kind of LP emissions boost similar to perhaps some of your competitors like Solid Lizard or Ramses? Or is the Reliquary just going to replace that entirely and the VENFT position is not going to have any relevance to the amount of emissions your LP position is earning? Yeah, I think it places that boost. So we're still offering a boost, but it's based on your time, which is a more equitable way to sort of direct emissions boosts. There's also certain ways protocols are exploiting this because if you have a VENFT position that you are directing to your own protocol liquidity or to your own LP position, and then you're earning a boost on that and let's say you're locking that, you're compounding your VENFT position, you end up outscaling in the long term new participants. And then those new participants, how are they going to catch up when you've been boosting your own LP for six months or a year? So it creates some of the same imbalance issues that rebasing does in a slightly different way. So yeah, we've decided to move to an equitable approach, which is based on your time value of money and how long you've staked with Kronos. Right, as you were saying, that's the first thing that came to my mind is that otherwise it would be contrary to the idea of not having rebases, which creates a higher entrance barrier for new participants. We really were careful to balance this so that this is going to be around for a year, two years, four years, and it'll continue to operate just as effectively as it does today. I think some protocols are taking design choices that sort of sacrifice the future for the now. And it may work in the short term, but my analysis anyways, those things are negatives in the long run. Yeah, I'm on board with you there for sure, looking at the longer time horizon. And if I'm not mistaken, when I reviewed the docs just earlier, I think the liquid token portion of the team vest is two years. I kind of like to see that. If it was like three months or six months, I might be like, hmm, I don't know if these guys are planning on being around long, but I think the two-year vest definitely indicates some intention to be around at that point and beyond. Yeah, totally, totally. That's the purpose. We are builders. As I was telling you, we want to establish the top liquidity layer on Arbitrum. We want that. That's why we are building that, trying to do a new model never seen before. Also, we hope that that's a funny first and obviously profitable and good for the early investor, for the community, that upgrades on the solidly forks. I think that's good, yeah. I just want to jump in real quick. I've got to run, but I'm sure the other team members here can stick around for a little bit. So thank you for hosting us here, and nice chatting with you, Sunfire. Yeah, man, good to talk to you as well. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate all the input and all the tokenomic and analysis you've been doing. I personally really like to see that kind of stuff in the space. So thanks a lot, buddy. You have a good day. Thanks, and look out for some more case studies that are going to be coming on our Kronos Medium page. It should be pretty insightful. That's a good heads up. Thank you. Yeah, we wanted to document and share our design rationale and thoughts. That was kind of important to us so that our community understands what we're building and why we're making the choices we are. And I think there's value in that. So yeah, even if you're not invested in Kronos, I think there's still some use to following our Medium. Absolutely. Knowledge is power, man, and thanks for sharing that knowledge with everyone in the community. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, see you guys. Bye. So Deckard, I guess maybe we didn't answer that question very well. Deckard is asking for clarity on if the weekly token emissions are linked to the locking percentage. So I'm assuming they mean the locking percentage of the VENFT position. And if I interpreted the information given correctly, then that's a no, that the size of your VENFT is not going to affect your emissions. That kind of boost system is being replaced with the Reliquary system to where your LP reward and emissions boost is going to be based on the time length that your LP is staked with the maturity-adjusted NFT and Reliquary. That's all true and correct, guys, right? That is true and correct. All right, so hopefully we got that handled for you, Deckard. And I also wanted to know, regarding how your guys' Reliquary system is set up. So with Beethoven, every week you have to... I think they have a bot now that automatically does it for people because when you do it, you have to give their contracts permissions to access your NFTs. So they have a bot now, I think that will automatically update your position every week if you don't do it for like the first three days or something. But is that something that people are going to need to do with your platform? Like every week, they're going to have to click on a tab on the UI and click some button to update their next level of maturity, or is it all just going to be automated and users won't have to fiddle with that at all? We haven't talked about that much internally yet, but I was looking at it in the Beethoven documentation. We're going to... I personally think that's a good quality of life upgrade to just have it be automated and have it coincide with the changeover in the epoch. But it's something, like I said, that we just... We've got a lot going on. We haven't got time to specifically address in that group. Yeah, I personally talked with the developers about that a few days ago and we want to do automatically. Obviously, if you enter in the US UI every week, every epoch, and you want to change your voting and that, that's perfect. But if not, if you are busy or whatever and you know what are the perks you want to vote, automatically, the next epoch will appear, that vote. That's what we think is better for the users and for the community, for sure. ENFTs, but yeah, about Beethoven with the MA-ENFTs, we are looking forward to doing this. We just need to talk with the devs if that's something they could do. I mean, we would also love to have this implemented automatically. Yeah, our intention, especially because this is going to be like a new mechanism for everyone to get used to, is we're really on the lookout for quality of life upgrades that make things as easy and as intuitive as possible. Right, I think that's something that is going to be really valuable, like we talked about before, about UIs, all the functions working, having, you know, subgraphs and APIs all properly coded and working well, so all the APRs are displayed correctly. The subgraphs don't break after every epoch, so yeah, more quality of life kind of style updates, I really think is something that the solidly style AMM market is asking for right now. Jack wants to know, however, because we're talking about what kind of, essentially, maintenance people we need to do with their positions weekly in regards to the voting, Jack wants to know if people will have to re-vote every week, or if every week, whatever pool you voted on, if you maybe, I don't know, have an emergency and you need to take your dog to the vet, you can't vote, will your vote roll over? Obviously, people will need to re-lock and extend their positions to keep that higher voting weight, but let's say Jack votes for, you know, CHR-ETH or CHR-USD or something, then he has an emergency and he can't re-vote that week, is his vote going to roll over? Yeah, I think that's what Carlos was talking about, when the vote will automatically be the one you chose the week before, that way you don't have to vote weekly again and again. I mean, it's just a way to make things easier for also our partner protocols, that's been something that they've been looking forward to because they've been providing liquidity and voting emissions with other solid defaults. For example, some of them require them to vote every epoch and that's, like, something that they don't need to because they will vote always to the same pool, right? So, that's something implemented because many of them asked about it, actually. So, I'm looking at the emission schedule in the docs here, you know, it's just a simple weekly emissions decay of 1%. Other previous forks, like Equalizer, for instance, they change it, I think Equalizer is like half a percent for a certain amount of time and then it changes to, like, 0.2% or something like that. I haven't looked at their docs in a long time. And other forks, they'll eventually do, you know, a tail emissions, like 0.2% in perpetuity. The emission schedule that you guys have set up is just a really simple 1% decay. So, is that something you're sticking to and have you modeled that out? I wouldn't know the math off the top of my head, but probably somewhere around 3,000 weeks because that creates an asymptotic graph. So, probably around 3,000 weeks or so, I think, is when you will hit, you know, the theoretical max cap where the emissions after that will be fairly negligible. So, is the simple 1% decay, is that what you guys are going to be going with into launch? And have you modeled that out for the theoretical max cap and how long that's going to be? Yes, I think that's what we're going to go for. I think 3,000 weeks, as you said, it's quite a lot of weeks. It's something that Apollo, for example, focused into because FINA did the same. So, yes. All right, excellent. So, Jack has another good question or something we haven't talked about before, at least. So, he wants to know about the VE NFPs, not the maturity-adjusted reliquary NFPs, but the VE NFPs. Are you going to have options to split and merge? Yes, we've already talked to the developers about that. We're going to be implementing that directly into the UI. That's a good quality-of-life upgrade. Right, and I haven't really thought about this too deep. I have heard people talk about how the ability to split the VE NFPs, especially if later down the road liquid wrappers come around, may not be such a good thing. I'm personally not sure. I haven't really dove deep into that argument, but is that something you guys have thought about and considered? No, I haven't heard anything about the argument against being able to split. It's just, I haven't heard that. Yeah, like I said, I just, I read some people talking about it and I didn't really think about it too much. I guess maybe the argument might be that then people can just chip off, like if someone has a really big one, they can just chip off little pieces and sell it on to secondary markets or through liquid wrappers if those ever come around on your product. So I honestly don't know either. I was going to see if maybe you could educate me with some data analysis there. You know, the whole argument against liquid wrappers is that it kind of tends more towards decentralization, or towards more centralization, excuse me. But it's one of those things that, like, we can't control the secondary services that get built on top of our protocol. And so we're more focused at this point on, because, you know, like with the MANFTs, that's new technology, and we're more focused on getting more secondary services built. And when it comes to that other stuff, I mean, it's just one of those things that's just going to have to, the game theory and the optimum strategy is just going to have to develop along with those things because we can't stop them and we can't control them. Right, absolutely, absolutely. But you will be able to, you will control the whitelisting of tokens for your gauges, of course, right? Yeah, that's right. But like, you know, for something like if, you know, if PlutusDAO wants to build a liquid wrapper for the vNFT, you know, we can't block them from doing that. That's something that, like, they develop that and then they offer incentives and this, that, and the other. And the trade-off of that, of course, is that, you know, PlutusDAO, you know, over time gains more control over the vNFT and the voting power. But like, just like we've seen with, you know, the same thing happens when you look at convex with curve, and it's hard to make the argument that in that case, you know, having these sorts of liquid wrappers is a bad thing because convex is as much a part of curve at this point as, like, curve itself is. And so we don't really, like, view those things as a negative and it's nothing we're, like, really worried about. And, you know, it's just going to come down to how the game changes over time and how those liquid wrappers get developed and what incentives they offer and what users choose to do with their vNFTs. Right. And it's going to be interesting to see. I thought we'd probably see this with Beethoven X from the Byte Basins first, how to incorporate, how to create some kind of vault that incorporates these maturity-adjusted NFTs to essentially create a convex-style layer for Reliquary NFTs. But I've been thinking about it in my head, like, how would the contract logic, like, I'm no dev, but I'm just in thinking how the contract logic would work for that. It's probably going to be something a little technical and difficult because people will be entering at different maturity levels and then staying for different amount of times and leaving at different maturity levels. But, yeah, it'll be very interesting to see how that develops and then maybe, you know, yeah, smart people and large established protocols like Plutus DAO, they might develop something really interesting and unique and fun layered off of your protocol as the base. So that'll be kind of... The way we look at it is, like, you know, we're trying to build what we're able to build and get this thing released. And then if the model is successful and there's, like, there's a big profit opportunity for some smart person to, like, figure out how to develop these secondary mechanisms and these secondary services, we think that that's just, like, another example of incentives being aligned. You know, we think as long as the profit motivation is there, somebody will figure out how to do it. And I think that the onus is really on us first to, you know, get this model designed in a way that's going to be robust and long-lasting. And then if we can create that opportunity in the market for that niche to arise, then we'll have done our job. You're definitely taking the first step out the door here with this. And it's going to be, in my opinion, very, very fun to watch how it all develops. And, yeah, hopefully everything works out really well because it's definitely exciting. So I'm looking at the docs again here. And regarding the swap fees, it says that the fees will be able to change dynamically. However, that's going to be controlled by your multisig. However, let's say there's a new protocol. Like, going back to the idea of being, like, a liquidity launchpad and protocol incubation service, so to say, for new projects that want to launch and house their liquidity on your platform. When someone creates a new gauge, will the user be able to set the swap fee they want or will it just be hard-coded for a stock fee for everyone and then afterwards they'll need to contact you and you guys can adjust the fee accordingly if you agree with what they want? And are there going to be hard-coded minimums and maximums for the volatile and stable pools for the fees that can be set? I think it's going to be hard-coded the way it's supposed to be. There's not going to be those variables. Yeah, so we're, at launch, probably going to set the fees just to where they are. And the reason we have that set function built in is that in the future, you know, we want to have the option to possibly reduce fees if volumes are extremely high. But we're not, like, that's not going to be, like, a part of the whitelisting experience or anything like that. It'll be almost, it'll almost certainly be the same for all pairs. We don't think we're going to use that as, like, a leverage mechanism. Yeah, I was just asking because this is something that a lot of people have been looking at is the efficiency with swap fees, especially when there's big market movements, right? Like, let's say there's some big pump or, unfortunately, some kind of big overall market downward trend and the volume is going to be happening no matter what. And based on the TVL of the pool and how things are routing, people are looking at swap fees that will give the DEX the ability to actually capture more fees, especially when looking at, like, arbitrage overflow between similar pools across multiple DEXs. And I've seen some people have developed contracts that will, kind of in an automated fashion, I assume they're going to, like, create a bot with some kind of algorithm that would then have the ability to adjust those fees on the fly based on pool TVL and volume. So far, though, it's all just kind of been, I haven't seen this actually in action and working. But whenever I see the ability to adjust fees, I always think that that's a good thing because that leaves the door open, at least, going into the future to be able to kind of play with that stuff. And I also think it might be good for newer projects that want to use your AMM for their own liquidity launchpad. Like, perhaps they might want to set a higher fee at first, you know, like a 1% volatile fee on their token. And then, as they're new, there's going to be lots of volatility. They can get a lot of fee capture and then use that fee capture to just create more pool protocol and liquidity because buying your own liquidity is usually the better way to go in the long run. So, those are just the considerations I keep in mind. That's why I wanted to ask that. I think Solidity V2 implemented those automated like fee adjustment mechanisms. I don't know how well it works. But, like, that was something that I had looked at that I thought was really interesting where it actually ratchets the fees up during times of high volatility to extract more value from arbitrage bots. And so, like, I know what you're talking about. We aren't implementing anything like that off the jump. Right. There's plenty of time. And, like I said, from what I gathered and what I read, there are people who are working on that. So, that can get developed. And then, later down the road, you guys could implement it if you want. But the idea that you have the ability to change the fees, I think, is a really good thing because, like I said, it leaves the door open for further upgrades into the future. That's a really interesting point. We're taking notes. It's a pity that our developers are not coming here because I think they also are talking about the variable fees depends on the TBL and the volume. It's something really interesting. I don't know if you guys have seen before in some decks or whatever. I've never seen before and that's a really, really good point. As you said, when the volume increases, taking more fees and use that fees to increase and to boost the revenues and the rewards for the NFT speakers and the B token holders and voters. I think that is a really interesting point. Absolutely. So, I'm going to just ask the audience if anyone else has any more questions to bring those forth. We're about at the hour and 20 mark. I don't know how much time you guys have to hang out. I mean, I'll hang out and chat with you for hours. Personally, myself. But is there anything else that you as a team would like to discuss or bring forth or make a point of? Yeah, no. Just to summarize, I think we solved most of the good questions. Really good ones. We're taking also notes from some points to send to our developers as the variable fees and a few more others. Yeah, I think just to summarize, thanks a lot for all the community hearing us till the end. We also have a little surprise for all the people who are here until now, one hour and a half more or less. We want to give you guys a weekly spot. You just need to screenshot this and go to our Discord channel, Discord group in the general chat and drop the image that you are here right now till the end. We will give you a whitelist. Just to summarize, we will launch the NFTs next week, 29th of March, Wednesday. The main purpose of that is the fundraising event. We will take all the funds for paying all the team staff, the development, the audits and also adding liquidity, obviously, to our token and to the purse. Well, basically, why we want to do that instead of private sale of the token? Basically, because we want to build something sustainable for the long term. We think that selling your token in a private sale with a really low price and undervalued, I think that's not the best because we show everyday coins drop it and dump it really hard after the launch. Yeah, that's basically why we want to do via airdrop and reward all the people who are in our community, the people who mint the NFTs, who buy from secondaries, who support us from the beginning in socials and that. Also, the protocol partnerships holders will receive also airdrop. We have a lot of users who will be able to receive that airdrop. You could take a look into our github. Yeah, guys, I see the chat. Just taking a screenshot that you are here. Go to our Discord, drop the image and we will give you the whitelist. And yeah, we will launch the mint phases next 29. If you have whitelist or OG spot, you need to fill in the channel your wallet, you need to put your wallet there and you will be whitelisted for the day of the mint, you could mint and become part of the community PC member of Kronos. Yeah, that's I think just to summarize. Also, please go if you want a whitelist to our Discord drop the image. We will give you. Yeah, thanks a lot. Thanks, guys. Oh, he's out of here. He says I'm out of here. All right. So, since he's gone now, okay, give me all the dirt. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah. So, the artist wants to know, could you guys drop the link, the Discord link to that specific channel that they're supposed to go drop their screenshots for the whitelist? Yeah, drop. Okay, where? In the AMA text? Either, wherever you want, man. It doesn't matter. We got both going on there. I mean, it's pretty clear and obvious the channel to go to for them to get their whitelist. Yes, the general chat. Oh, just in the general chat? Okay, do you want them to like tag one of you or do anything specific or just drop the image in the general chat and say give me my whitelist? Give me my whitelist, please. With the please, yeah, okay. You're obviously a more cultured person than me. I'm a bit of a caveman when it comes to these things. We have like a really excellent, one of our admins and our moderation team is awesome because like I never know what is going on in the Discord itself. And those guys are super organized and keep everything just flowing smooth. They don't even blink. We send people in, they're posting screenshots and they just like, they know exactly what to do. Yeah, and those kind of people to help facilitate, you know, it starts with a good community manager and then maybe some kind of hierarchy of people that then disseminates down to your moderators. The night jammies and I say that affectionately because I myself have been a night jammy for over two years in many different servers. A lot of people I feel don't really understand the value of that kind of help with dealing with the community on the front line. So I'm glad that you bring that up and have some appreciation for those folks because it can be a very stressful and hard job. And in my opinion it's an insanely good value add to the community, especially when you're getting fast responses with true and correct information. It's really valuable. So I like to hear that you're giving some appreciation to those folks. Yeah, man, we love those guys. I don't say it enough. I really do appreciate them because I've done that job and not only do I not have to do it, but they do it really well. So Paintball's asking, after you get the whitelist tag, will there be a whitelist address channel? Oh, he's stating it as information, my bad. So he's saying after you get the whitelist tag, there will be a whitelist channel. FYI, don't post addresses in general. Yeah, yeah, obviously. We have a specific channel when you receive the whitelist that new channels who call members and you will have there the whitelist chat and submit wallet. For OGs and for whitelist people, you just need to drop your wallet there. You just have one message, please not share your friend's wallet or the wallet who you, I don't know, drop your wallet who you want to meet the NFT. Yeah, it's really easy. And then I have a personal question there with the whitelist. So like let's say I do this. I get the whitelist role. I give you my address. How many NF, how many of your NFTs can I mint with that whitelist? Is it just one per whitelist on one address or is there a larger amount? What is the amount? Yeah, we will have three rounds for the mint. The first one I think during two hours people who have whitelist could mint one NFT and people who have the OG role five. After finishing that round, starting the second round, whitelist people could mint other NFTs, two in total and OGs ten in total. And if there are any supply left, we will go through the third round. The public sale is I think capped to ten per wallet maximum until sold out. If we're not selling out in 24 hours after launching the public sale, we will cap the supply. People will receive more tokens, more airdrop, more revenues because there are less supply. We will start people could see on OpenSea after the sale ends. They can trade, they can hold until the airdrop, until the staking, whatever they want. Right, and then so Jack just asks a question that I was just thinking about, talking about bargaining for a yellow name for the OG role. So who do I send feet pics to? Is it unified? Like how do people get that? Yeah, I get enough for Max Flo man. Oh Jesus Christ! He's always got the feet pics in front of his computer. I don't know. I don't know if he started doing that anymore because I started like making making fun about that. But I mean the feet pics thing you know has been around for a while. You always notice he puts like if there's like some kind of image on the screen or especially some kind of like circular image or icon. He always seems to put like his big toe right over that. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but it's extremely aesthetic. You know sometimes on Twitter I kind of stop scrolling and I'm staring at Max's feet. I'm just like those are some good toes. Okay, but seriously how do people acquire the OG role? Is that something that you guys just give out at your discretion or is there any kind of procedure or protocol that people can utilize to work towards achieving that? Yeah, we have the OG role most for the partnerships, the team of the protocols who we work with. They normally we give them some of the team members the OG role. And the other is to support the community as much as possible in the chat and doing good threads on Twitter, helping the community if they have questions, whatever. You know like to be a supporter and really hard supporter of Kronos. If we show that you are doing well, you are helping the community, you are teaching community about that protocol you know or if they have questions on Twitter answering tweets or whatever. You know we show all that. We give the OG role if you are a really Kronos G. Yeah, that's the way to do it. And I'm looking at the Discord right now and there is a community content channel. So I'm assuming if someone makes a really nice thread or a Medium article or something they would just post that in there to share with everyone so they can get recognition for that. Is that correct? Correct. Yeah, exactly. That's the way. This is the way. What's that Unified? People are posting feet pics in our chat now. I was going to not say that because now you said it and this is being recorded so it's on record that that's happening and we're all a bunch of filthy degenerates. So thank you for putting that on record. I was going to try to let it pass but it is what it is. People already started putting their feet what the fuck. I've seen way worse things in Discord. I'll let it pass for now. Yeah, it's not like people are having live birth and sharing it in one of the video channels. If anyone else has any more questions in the audience bring those forth now immediately. It's been an hour and a half and we're losing team members like crazy. One's dropping every 10 minutes here. We're down to two. Yeah, do either of you have any closing statements or remarks you would like to give to everyone who joined us today? Thanks everyone for coming. This was a really fun AMA. Thanks Sunfire for hosting and if you guys have any questions or if you want any more information please stop by our Discord. We're always happy to help. Yeah, also please all the people who have updates and that in the next coming days we will drop all the Mint info. The steps, the rounds, when it starts, when not. All the updates in our announcement and that. Also in the Mint page we will update in the next days with a counter till the starting of the Mint and all of that. Please keep updated. Also we have really good news Facebook partners not announced yet. More AMAs who come next week. Alright, I'll stay tuned to your guys' announcement channel and look out for that information so we can pass it along to the community here. I appreciate that. Thanks a lot Sunfire for hosting the AMA and thanks a lot MC Millennium Club community. Love you guys, what you are building. Really good Alpha here also. Let's keep in touch.

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