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June 6th Community Bible Study

June 6th Community Bible Study


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The transcription is a prayer and a sermon about the power of words. It emphasizes the importance of believing in and speaking words that align with God's word. The speaker encourages listeners to recognize their worth and value as children of God, and to use their words to bring life and positive change. The sermon references biblical passages to support the message and highlights the power of words to impact others and shape the direction of one's life. Overall, it emphasizes the need to speak words of faith and to understand the power and responsibility that comes with the words we speak. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, we thank you, Lord. Oh, Father, have your way right now, Father. Oh, Father God, we come, Father God, in confidence and expectation, God. We come, Father, knowing that you are a God that rewards those that continually seek you diligently. Oh, Father, we seek a word on tonight, Father God. Oh, touch your people on tonight, Father God. Create in us a clean heart, Father God, by the renewing of our minds. Oh, Father, we thank you, Father God, for bestowing, Father God, your love upon us, Father God. Oh, Father God, we thank you right now, God, that your son died on the cross for us, Father God. Oh, wretched rags like us. And, Father, we just give you all of the honor, we give you all the glory, Father God. We bless your holy name of today. We give your glory back unto you, Lord, and we say thank you. Thank you, Lord, for a day that we've never seen before. Thank you right now, Father God, for the blessings of the righteous God. Father, your word says that righteous falls several times, Father God. Lord, we're standing on your word on today, Father God, that we're healed by your stripes, Father God. We're standing on your word right now, Father God, that we're living, Father God, that we've been set free, Father God, that we're no longer tangled or bound, Father God, in the thing of this world, Father God. Even though we are in this world, Father God, but we're not a part of this world, God. And, Lord, we thank you, Father God, for setting us aside, Father God. Thank you for the vicarious that's on the inside of us, God. Thank you, Lord, right now, God, just for being God all by himself. Oh, Father God, we bless you on today, God. Oh, Father God, thank you, Father God, for our marriage, God. Thank you for our neighbors, our children, and our grandchildren, Father God. Thank you for the job that you have for us, Father God, that you allow us to get up every morning, Father God, and go and attend, Father God. Thank you, Father God, that we're using our gift that you are giving us, Father God. Oh, Father God, we give it right back unto you, Father God, because Father, it rightfully belongs unto you, God. Father, we're thanking you right now, Father God, for our employers and our coworkers, Father God. We're thanking you right now, Father God, for our family, our friends, our neighbors, Father God, as well as our enemies, Father God. Oh, Father God, we just give you all of the glory, Father God, and we magnify your name, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God. Lord, we just want to thank you on today, Father God, for the word that we're about to receive on the day, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God. Let this word, Father God, give us strength, peace, let it edify, Father God, the thing that you have desired for us to do, Father God, as we call these things forth, Father God, from the north, east, south, and west, Father God. Lord, we're thanking you right now. And we ask of all these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen and amen. Once again, greetings and greetings and greetings, my brothers and sisters. Thank you for tapping into Connecting in the Spirit Outreach Ministries Incorporated Community Bible Study. It's truly, truly an honor and a blessing to have you on today. We just want to thank you and you and you for stopping by today. And we just want to thank God just for keeping you, closing your rightful mind, youth and activities of your limbs. Thank him for allowing us to see another day in spite of how we feel, what we have seen, what we have heard. We're just giving God all the glory. He deserves all of our glory. And we just want to thank him on today in spite of. Amen, somebody. And once again, greetings, greetings and greetings, my brothers and sisters. We have been on this series now for a little while. And we're talking about the power of the tongue. The power of the tongue. We're coming from James three, one through five on today. And Proverbs 18, 20 and 21. These are our main two scriptures of this series. James third chapter, one through five. Proverbs 18, verse 20 and 21. The power of the tongue is this series. And I want to look at it from a different perspective on today. I want to look beyond our looking, if that makes sense to you. And our topic today will be the power to be. The power to be. You have the power to be exactly what the word of God say you are. And we're gonna encourage one another on today. And we're gonna remind one another as well who we are. What our worth is, what our value is, and where we stand in the body of Christ. The power to be. You have that power to be everything that the word of God say that you can be. If you only believe. Do I have any believers in here today? Amen. Amen, the power of the tongue is our series. Our topic tonight is the power to be. I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited. Let us understand something, that death and life are in the power of the tongue. And the question of the day is, my brothers and sisters, did you know you can change the direction of your life by changing your words? When you believe, my brother and sisters, what you say, it will not only come to pass, but it will affect change in your life. Amen. We're talking about the power of the tongue. We're talking about our topic today is the power to believe. Do you really believe the words that comes out of your mouth? Do you really believe that? Why do we find it so hard for us to believe our very own words? Amen. The very own words that are gonna condemn us, our very own words that are gonna justify us. If you're gonna speak it, you might as well believe it. So we have to look at this thing from a different perspective from the way we've been looking at it. And we have to truly know our worth and know our value and know who we are in the body of Christ. Because we are so powerful until it's unbelievable. But we neglect to use the words that illustrate who we are. And so this is where the issue, this is where the rubber meets the road and this is where the problems and the friction comes in there. Because we'd rather use words that the world use than to use words what our Lord and Savior say use. So James 3, let's go there. And James 3, one through five. And we're gonna get this party started. Our topic tonight is the power to be. You have the power to be exactly what the word of God is saying you can be. And we're gonna get some of those examples. We're gonna witness, we got multiple witnesses on the night. They're gonna give us clarity about what we're talking about, the power to be. So James 3, one through five. And it reads, coming from the New King James Version, NKJV, my brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. But anyone does not stumble in words, he is a perfect man, able also to brighter the whole body. Indeed, we put bits in a horse's mouth that they may obey us and return their whole body. Look also at the ships, although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder. Whatever the pilot desires. Final verse five. Even so, the tongue is a little member in both great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindled. See how great a forest a little fire kindled. That's the illustration of how powerful our words are. A little match, very tiny, very light ounces, am I correct? It is so powerful until it destroys a whole fire and the life that's around it. And it gives us an illustration of how powerful our words are when we speak them. So if we say one word out of our mouth and it can change millions of people, what would that word be that come out of your mouth? What would that word be? If you could say millions of people right now with one word, what would it be? Because that's how much power your words have. So when we know this and we understand this and we apply this to our life, now we're looking from our spiritual eyes and speaking as well from our spiritual tongues. Amen. And so let us touch and agree, allow the spirit to give us utterance of agreement on tonight that we come together as the body to reconcile our words on tonight. To put them in perspective that when we speak, things happen. Not tomorrow, but right now. The power to be. We don't have to wait on anything if we only believe. Do you really believe the words that come out of your own mouth? Your words are so powerful that they shift the atmosphere with you not even saying nothing, just by breathing. That's how powerful you are. So you have to know who you are in order to understand who you are. A lot of times we've done things because we really don't know who we are. We have identity crisis. And so when we have identity crisis, we'll say anything out of our mouth and expect people to accept it. But when you know that you are an authentic child of God, you have been called by God, raised by God, come on somebody, you will say exactly what God has told you to say. Because now I realize that my words have power and I have the power to give life and I have the power to give death. Amen. And so this is where we're headed at. The power to be. Now the question is, who are you that possesses this type of power? Who are you? Who are you that possesses this type of power? Who are you? Think about that. Who are you that possesses this type of power? Now we're gonna talk to multiple witnesses on tonight and we're gonna see exactly who we are that possesses this type of power. Where did it come from? How did we inherit this? We have to know exactly what our DNA represents. After we read James three, one through five, it's giving us clarity that you will be held in what you teach and what effects it has on people's lives. You will be held accountable for that. You have accountable what you teach and what the effect that you have on them. With your words. This is giving us evidence right here. Listen to what James said. James three and one. He said, my brethren, let not many of you become teachers. Knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. That's giving us evidence that our words has power. And if we don't say what God has said to his people, we in trouble. Amen. We are in trouble. So there's evidence that our words have power. So when I read that and I catch myself saying things that I shouldn't be saying, whether someone around or not, because you gotta understand something, he is still listening. God hears us. And we gonna be held accountable for those inside words as well as the outside words. Amen. The power to be. And when we spoke what we spoke, my brothers and sisters, it have not come back unto its voice. It's still moving. It's still performing. It's still going in the direction that you sent it to go. Your words are so powerful that when you say something, it does not get false, but it continue to move forward. Listen to this. I feel good now. We all know what one mask can do. Destroy and kill. And that's the way your tongue is. It destroys and it kills. But we are talking about something different on tonight. And we're talking about the blessings of the time that will set you on a different course. That means we are watching what we say. Come on, my brothers and sisters. The power to be. We're talking about the blessings of our words. Not the curse of our words, but the blessing of our words. Amen. Your words are so powerful until they change the direction of people's lives. Just by you showing up, people are getting delivered. Amen. Because you have already spoke something into the atmosphere. When you woke up this morning and you begin to pray and seek God and ask him for direction and pray for people. So when you do show up, it's already done because you have prayed for them. You have set your word in a direction at which it should go and it targets exactly what you need to be targeting and it's done. Amen. So be it. So be it. So when you do show up on the scene, it's a different atmosphere. It's a different way of action that is taking place in that surrounding area. We should not be going in any area that we had not prayed for or prayed about. We have to set a standard when we leave our post and go into another area, we have to understand that the goons and the ministers of Satan are out to steal, kill and destroy. So if I'm going to the grocery store, I have to be praying and send a word towards that grocery store, please be still. Amen. Ooh, this ain't sound crazy, but this what we should be doing. We should not go anywhere without our words lead us. Our words should always go before us, no matter where we going at. Our words should lead us, which is the word of God. And if we apply this to our life, we'll have less issues when we do. And if something wants to really go off or pop off after you don't start your word, the auction of the Holy Spirit will delay you from being there with that chaos. Y'all know what I'm talking about. Have you ever tried to get on time to get to something or get to a job or get to anywhere, but something wasn't going right, I couldn't find my key, this acting up, can't get the right blind, I spilled coffee on myself, I wasted my lipstick, et cetera, et cetera. And then when I got to work, I got where I'm going, that don't took place. Amen. It was the auction of the Holy Ghost that kept you from riding there. Why? Because you sent your word out to target it. You sent your word out to spy on the count. Woo, my God. It's all catching this now. The power to be, the power to be, knowing who we are and when we know who we are, we watch what we say. We speak different. We don't speak idle words. We speak encouraging words, words that edify, words that strengthen, words that promote, words that push. It's what we do. Amen. Proverbs 18. I got to tighten up, ain't I? I get so excited. Watch me do the whole thing right there where I'm at. Proverbs 18, y'all know the chapter 20 and 21. Proverbs 18, verse 20 and 21. Our topic tonight is the power to be. You have the power to be exactly what the word of God say you can and will and have to be. You have the power. Our series is the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18, verse 20 and 21. A man's stomach should be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth. Your stomach is going to be satisfied from the word that you speak out of your mouth. Wow. So, am I able to eat what I speak? Am I able to eat what I speak? A man's stomach should be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth, from the produce of his lips, he shall be what? Healed? So this is why the Bible tells us not to worry about what we're going to eat. The Lord knows exactly what we need. Why worry about what we're going to wear? Verse 21, death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth, from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. Listen to the Bible carefully. It's not by the work you do, it's by what the words you speak. It's not by the work you do, it's by the words you speak out of your mouth. We should only speak increase even if it don't look like it. We should always speak increase even if it don't look like it. This is one of the greatest guilt the enemy has on us is the illusion of seeing what's really not there. My God, my God, my God. Because if we look in our spiritual eyes, it is showing us something totally different. It is showing us our savior with his hands stretched out reaching for us or reaching down at us trying to pull us up. But we spend so much time in the world itself that we can only see what the world can show us. That's the option of illusion. And that's what the enemy's greatest tactic that he used on us. Even if you don't feel like you, even if you know you're sick, you got to speak increase over your life. I am healed by his stripes. I am set free according to him. Come on, Luke 18, my God. He has anointed me to do what? To preach the gospel. So by me being ill has nothing to do with my assignment. Jesus. Power to be, my assignment overrides anything that happened in my life. My assignment. Come first, come before me, come before my wife, come before my children. When we understand this here, we will truly have the power to be. If I'm about my father's business, he will be about mine. Jesus told his mama, don't you know that I have to be about my father's business? He understood the power to be. And when we come together as a body, we understand the power to be. Yeah. The power to be. So we can increase, no matter how I look, how I feel or what you heard. That's one of the benefits of getting talked about, getting lied on, getting spit on, kicked on, et cetera. That's part of the benefit package. Then you read the fine print. Upon every scripture, it got it. Look in your Bible. It said, don't come to church with a curse. My God, I said, oh boy, my God. That should always be upon your eyelid. So why? You understand the power to be. You know who you are. No more identity crisis. I know my value. I know my worth. Yes, I understand what you're saying, but this is what my father is saying. Yes, Lord. Stop it, old man. Amen to this. Cut it out. Hold my muse. Listen. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Listen to this. You should have whichever one you choose, it could be life or it could be death. You choose which one you want. Well, what are you saying, pastor? I got a couple of witnesses for you. Go over to Psalms 34 and 12. Hold your spot right there in Proverbs 18 and go to 34 and 12. 34 and 12. Hold your spot, Proverbs 18. Go to 34 and 12. I got witnesses for you. 34 and 12, Psalms 34, 12 through 15. And it reads, "'Who is the man who desires life "'and loves many days that he may see God? "'Keep your tongue from evil "'and your lips from speaking deceit. "'Depart from evil and do good. "'Seek peace and pursue it. "'The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, "'and his ears are open to their cry.'" Y'all better catch this with him. You have a choice. You choose life or death. And we got multiple witnesses. He said, "'Who is the man who desires life?' "'Are you the man that desires life? "'If you are and you love many days "'that you will see God. "'For not only that, "'you have to keep your tongue from evil.'" You gotta keep your tongue from speaking decrease and having to speak increase. Stop deceiving yourself. The power to be. And when that takes place, you have to depart from evil and do good. You can't hang with corruptness for it to be good. Only corrupt hang with corrupt. And then my brothers and sisters, seek peace. And not only seek it, but pursue it. Run after it. Chase it constantly. Why? Because the eyes of the Lord are on you. And his ears are open. He hears you. Oh, we're talking about the power to be. Let me give you one more witness. 1 Peter 3 to 10. Go there real quick. Holy spot Proverbs 18. 1 Peter 3 to 10. I'll try to get this now. Talk about the witnesses on the night. 1 Peter 3 to 10. And it says, matter of fact, 10 through 12. Let me give you a bonus. "'For he who will love life and see good days, "'let him refrain his tongue from evil "'and his lips from speaking deceit. "'Let him turn away from evil and do good. "'Let him seek peace and pursue it. "'For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous "'and his ears are open to their prayers. "'But the faith of the Lord is against those who do evil.'" Now that sounds like Psalms 34 and 12. Am I right? So it must mean something. The power to be has to be something. And the enemy knows that when we start speaking the way that Christ has called us to speak, things happen. We don't have to wait for two years to get deliverance. We don't have to wait for two weeks the next Sunday to come up to the altar. We can speak this name right now live on Facebook and we can raise the dead. We can heal the sick. We can shift the atmosphere. We can change things in our area. Yes. Woo. Dr. Firestone said the problem with our human self is that because we don't get healed the way we want to be healed, we don't accept what God's grace has given us. We better start understanding that God's grace and mercy over our lives is not like Burger King sometimes. Sometimes you want to have it your way. My God. Amen. So it does matter what we say. So stop speaking quads or false words in your life. Amen. As well as other's life. Now we gotta thank the Lord for that. And we gotta understand something, that we're free. Why? Because faith comes by hearing. Hearing what? What you just heard. The word of God. It's just this simple. We don't serve a high priest that cannot be reached. Our God is constantly longing to communicate with us. Come on. He's there. We just read two scriptures that he hear our cry. He hear our prayer. He's longing to talk with you. But the problem is we're not longing to talk with him because of so much burden, so much cares of this world got us tangled that we're missing out on life itself. We can't even enjoy life by trying to work so much, trying to provide so much, when he said he already knows our needs. We gotta tap into the needs of God, not the needs of man. It's a difference, Pastor Barber. Yes. It's a big difference. Woo. Come on, Romans four. Romans four, 16 through 17. Romans fourth chapter. Hope it's all right with y'all today. Hallelujah. Romans four, fourth chapter, verse 16 through 17. Romans four, 16, 17. New King James Version. Our series is the power of the tongue. Our topic tonight is the power to be. To be what? Whatever the word of God call you to be. You have that power to be that. And as quick as you tap into the word of God and apply it to your life, it will take place. If only you believe. Yeah. You know, it's amazing that we believe that Christ died and God rose in three days with all power in his hands. It's amazing that we believe that we are more than a conqueror. It's amazing that we believe that I'm above and not beneath. I'm a lender and not a loner. It's amazing that we can believe a lot of those concepts. But when it comes to personal issues, we have no faith in it. We can believe better for others than we can believe for ourselves. Why? Why? It should be easier for you to believe for yourself and to make it easier for you to believe for others. Because it's impossible that you can believe that God's gonna move in somebody's life and he hasn't moved in yours. Mm-mm-mm-mm. So there are some words that we are just saying because it sounds good, it's churchy, and it's familiar to people's ears. But what is the Lord is really saying in this season in your life? You have the power to be. You better start speaking over yourself, start waiting on people to encourage you, get out your high horse, and start feeling sorry for yourself, and stop having all these pity problems, and grow up! Oh my God. Help the pastor! Run the church! Help the pastor! Minister church! Help the pastor see by the people! And stop, he gotta see by you all the time! Can't even wait on a new member! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha! Oh God, oh God, oh God. Listen, listen, listen, my brothers and sisters, you have the power to be what the word of God has called you to be! Tap into the word of God and apply it to your life! And if it does not work at the first time, go back on the drawing board and start over again! Because there's something that you missed! Uh! We're talking about the power of our tongue. It's our series. Our talk tonight is the power to be. Romans four, are we there? Romans four, 16 through 17. Listen to what it says. Therefore, it is of faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. Verse 17, excuse me. As it is written, I have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. The power to be, my brother and sister, did we hear that? I'm talking about you! You are a part of that era! You are that seed! Know thy value! Know thy worth! Stop allowing the enemy to make you speak words that have no power! They're idle words that have no power and they're not doing nothing but rolling up your lips on the floor. Amen. But there is a word on the inside of you that shifts the atmosphere, that changed the direction not only of your life but everyone that you're involved in. Yes, Lord. Abraham is held up of great faith and we are of great faith. Now God spoke this to Abraham and Sarah when they was childless and getting older. But God is a God that quickens the dead from a natural point of view. When something's dead, my brother and sister, it's dead. But God, it can easily be quickened, whatever it is. Amen. And this is how God does it. He called it those things which be not as though they are. Now watch this. Abraham changed his life. How did Abraham change his life? By what he was saying. When Abraham stopped talking foolish, things started to happen in Abraham's life. Because Abraham didn't believe that he was gonna have a child and it didn't take place until Abraham changed the way he was talking. Woo, my God. It didn't take place until he changed the way he was receiving from God when God talked to him. That's when it took place. It took him 25 years. Why? Because of the way he was thinking and the way he was speaking. Listen to this, my brother and sister. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Listen. Listen. Listen to me carefully. So we should call ourselves what God called us. What did God call us? He called us beloved. He called us righteous of God. He called us more than a conqueror. He called us victorious one. He called us overcomers. I am who I am. So when the change, my God, when the change take place of what we say to ourself, our lives change as well. So we got to grab a hold to it, brothers and sister. So when we change what we are calling ourself, we change. Let me say it again. When we change what we are calling ourself, we change. When Abraham changed what he was calling himself, that's when his life took a turn. That's when things started happening, what God has spoke over his life all his life. So when you have been prophesied, you have been spoken the truth, you have been spoken the truth. This has been said, that has been said. When you change the way you speak, you receive what you have been spoken over of. Amen. Isaiah 55. Isaiah 55. Isaiah 55. You hold that mule. You hold that mule tight. Cause we need you to keep that job. You hold that mule. Don't let go of that mule. That mule started kicking, it started bucking, you're going to tap somebody in the people's face. You better watch yourself. Isaiah 55 in Latin. And it reads, so shall my words be that goes from my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please. And it shall, you ready for this? Prosper in the things for which I send it. Let me get that B clause again. But it shall accomplish what I please. And it shall prosper in the things for which I send it. We're talking about the power to be. My brother and my sister, we have that same power. Everything that we are reading is reading about who we are, what we possess. It ain't talking about no other people. It's talking about us. Who gives the right for us to have this type of power? And who knows that they have this type of power and don't utilize it? Something really has to be wrong with our intellect to have such great power and not use it. Power to change our circumstances, our situations, our issues. Power to change our finances. Power to change our perspective of how we look at life. Power to love. Power to give. Power to forgive. Oh, come on somebody. We have that power. And we're not benefiting from it because we're too busy moping and whining and crying about something that we already possess. That's it. That's nothing that we need. The problem that we're having, we don't have the abundance of it. We have houses, cars. Whether you rent or whatever, you're not outside. You have food on your table. Whether and what you want to eat, it's still food on your table. You got a dollar in the bank. Oh, come on somebody. If you ain't got a car, you're able to catch a bus. I wish I had me some help up in here. You got everything that you need, but you don't have the abundance of it. He said, I came to give life and life more abundantly. More abundantly, yeah. That's what we're missing. But how do I get the abundantly, Pastor, by staying in your word and applying it to your life. Know who you are by reading the word of God and know your worth and know your value. And believe that anything come out of your mouth gonna come to pass. So that causes you to speak the right thing. My God, my God, my God. This word, this word is accompanying what he's saying. His words are sent to do something. His word does not come by voice. We have to send our words to do something and that to bring on change in our lives. We have that power to be. When you tap into the word of God and truly apply it to your life, power start activating. Something starts jiggling in your fingers. Your feet gonna move, your head gonna shake. I wish I had me some help up in here. You're gonna cry for no reason, nothing is even wrong. You're gonna pat yourself. You're gonna thank God. Looking back over what he has done for you. That's the power that you possess. The remembrance of what God has brought you from and what he's taking you to. Because you are more than a conqueror. So what are you crying and whining and complaining about? You're a conqueror. You are above and not beneath. You are a lender, not a borrower. This is the power that you possess. Do you believe that you have these powers? You gotta believe it. I don't care how much I say it, if you don't believe it yourself, it does you no good. That's like having a car that don't have no tires on it. It does you no good. My God. So what is the purpose of having a Bible to watch your house and you ain't reading it? You might as well use it for firewood. Sounds harsh, but it's true. Glory to God. Let me go to Psalm 33, how about I let y'all go? How about I let y'all go? How about I let y'all go? Psalm 33. Yes, sir, hallelujah. Thank you, holy ghost. Psalm 33, six through nine. Psalm 33, six through nine. My God, my God. Talking about our series is the power of the tongue. Our topic tonight is the power to be. To be whatever the word of God said that I can be. That's what I am. And I believe it wholeheartedly. I don't need no one to touch and agree with me. If they do, that's fine. But I believe it. I believe it. Psalm 33, six through nine. And it reads, excuse me. By the words of the Lord, the hammers were made and all the host of them. By the breath of his mouth, he gathered the waters of the sea together. As they heaped, he laid up the deep in storehouses. Verse eight of Psalm 33. And all the earth feared the Lord and all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. Verse nine and final verse. For he spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. Woo-hoo. You should have been jumping, clapping, talk Willie. Now it's time to kick a desk over now, evangelist. Woo-hoo. Glory to God. The Bible says in verse nine, it says, for he spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. You possess that power. Every time you open up your mouth, it's done. Anything you command, it's gonna stand. You possess this power. Do you believe that you possess this power? Your words have power. So you have to be careful what you say out of your mouth. Not sometimes, but all the time. Yeah, we get caught up, I get caught up too, but ooh, repentance. You have to repent. Saying sorry ain't good enough. That's just what we are. We are sorry. But we're talking about a godly repentance, a sincere repentance of the heart. That means that we're turning away, we're reframing from going in that area, that gray area again. We're reframing from speaking that way ever again. And if we do speak that way, we go back to the table of the altar and repent again. Lord, help me with my unbelief because I got a problem in this area that I'm trying to do, but I'm figuring it out. I can't do it on my own, so I need you. I need you, Lord. I need you to help me in every area. I am lacking in every area. The natural human side takes over and it did build my spirit, man. But Lord, with your help, I am able to conquer all things, become greater indeed, and woo, it's in the wild. Yeah. The power to be, is it catching this? It's the power to be. The moral of this whole series is, don't give up, don't stop. Continue the process over and over and over. And I promise you, by the time he call you home, you might have it, right? You might not, but it's the process that we are trying to eliminate, not giving up. Staying on the course of the race. I always use this every time to give an analogy. Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz, she was fine, long as she was on a yellow brick road. But every time she got off, it was total Tin Man of Scarecrow. It wasn't her own doing, but it was the warmth that she loved, pulled her off the course when she was trying to make it back home. And it took her through some series of mazes and areas and consequences. And that's what life do us, when we don't read the word of God. It gets up our path and life itself pulls us from the north, east, south, and west. And it calls us to say and do things that we normally wouldn't do. As soon as we get in trouble, we want to call the good witch, call her. Does that make sense to you? I'm preaching right now, hallelujah. Thank you, Holy Ghost. Let me move on, let me move on. Let me give you some scriptures. I'm not gonna do them all, but I want y'all to write them down. Matthew 8 and 3. Write that one down. Matthew 8 chapter, verse 3. Matthew 8 and 13. Matthew 9, 28 through 30. If I have time, I'll go over these with y'all, but I don't have time. Mark 4 and 39. That's 28 through 30. Matthew 9, 28 through 30. Mark 4 and 39. Mark 7, 33 and 34. Mark 18, 18. And Mark 11 and 23. Read them at your leisure. Now go with me to Matthew 21 and 21. Let's go there. Matthew 21 and 21. Matthew 21 and 21. Mark 11 and 23. Now y'all, I want y'all to read those scriptures now. And this might win something next week. Ah, you never know, but man, who knows? You know, it can. I don't know. Who knows? I'm Pastor Bob. And you just never know how the walkers do it. We'll throw a pop quiz on you in a minute. Amen. Don't come to this class thinking you're gonna get tried on. Matthew 21 and 21, and it reads, verse 21 of 21 of Matthew. So Jesus answered and said to them, surely I say to you, if you have faith. Now let's stop there for a minute. My God. Do we see where they're going at? We're talking about the power to be. Do you believe the words that are coming out of your mouth? Jesus asked them and said to them, surely I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea, it will be done. We're talking about the power to be. This is who you are. This is what you possess, but you can't possess this speaking idle words. You can't possess this talking to people in any kind of old way. You can't possess this curse-jeffing, cunning fool, clowning. You can't possess this. You have to speak what the Lord has told you to speak and commanded you to speak. This is how we walk in this power. Aren't you tired of liking? Aren't you tired of seeing your loved ones sick and ill? Aren't you tired of feeling that way? When you can speak over them and heal them just like that? You have the power to be if only inside of you. All you got to do is stir it up. Everything you need is on the inside of you. He did not create you empty. He created you with everything that you need to accomplish this journey that we're on. We're not going to run out of food. We're not going to run out of water. I don't care what man say. He did not put us here for this stuff to go dry until he come back for us. We got multiple scriptures. He said, I know the need that I have for you to prosper you and not harm you. So why he going to let me starve from doing what he say to do? Come on somebody. It doesn't make any sense to me. Whatever you believe, it can be whatever you say. It can be. Whatever you believe, it can be whatever you say it can be. You got to get that crazy faith. You got to get that crazy praise. Don't matter who looking at you. If it catch you at a red light, do your twist on. If it catch you in the bathroom, do your twist on. If it catch you in the classroom, do your twist on. Wherever it catch you at, do it. Hallelujah. Because if you be ashamed before your friends, he'll be ashamed before you in front of his father. Do you believe the word that'll come out your mouth? Luke 17, I'm almost done. Luke 17, five and six. Luke 17, five and six. Luke 17, five and six. Now those scriptures I gave y'all, those were witnesses that was going to encourage us to believe the word that we speak. So once we get that and apply that to our life, I promise you, we'll see something totally different. Luke 17, five and six. Luke 17, verse five and six. And it reads, and the apostle said to the Lord, increase our faith. And this is what the Lord said to them. Can you imagine how Jesus looked at them? You want me to do what to your faith? Increase what? This is what he told them. He said, so the Lord said, if you have faith as a muscle seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the seed, and it would obey you. They asked to increase. And he said, if you have faith as a muscle seed. My brother and sister, you don't need to increase your faith. You need to use what you got. We hear people all the time, and I'll increase my faith. He's not going to increase your faith. He wants you to use your faith. You don't need no increase in your faith. You just need to use your faith. Don't want to tell you to increase your faith because you ain't never used your faith. When you are using your faith, you don't need to increase. Faith of the size of a muscle seed. Have you ever seen a muscle seed? The grain of it? Can you really see it? Can you really see it? Okay, back over. So why do you need to increase your faith? Use what you got. If you use what you got, it will grow. If you use what you got, it will grow. And let me give you another. If you want something to grow, spend time with it. Amen. If you want to increase in your knowledge of the word of God, spend time with him. If you want to increase in your marriage, spend time with him or her. If you want to increase with your finances, stop spending your money and spend time with him. Whatever you want to increase in, you want it to grow, spend time with it. How can you increase your revenue if you're always spending? It doesn't make any sense. We're asking God to do something that we're not going to do. He has already empowered us to do exactly what we need to do. Everything you need is on the inside of you. I wish you tap into the power to be on the inside of you and allow it to come out so paper can be delivered and healed. Jesus. Huh? Jesus. If you use what you got, it will grow. I see some comment on here. Yes, I believe. Amen. Yep. They're going so fast. Read it to me, Pastor Bob. That's me. That's you? Amen. And your baby Sylvia says, I like that. Use what you got, it will grow. Well, that was Pastor, that was Dr. Fryson put on. Yes, yes. Okay, Philippians 4 and 13, yes. Yes, yes. First John 2 and 6, I'm about to let you go. Trying to keep it up on about an hour, but you know, we don't cheat. We are ready. So we have to keep it up under that hour. Ain't the Lord all right. Ain't the Lord all right. First John 2 and 6. First John 2 and 6. And plus I want y'all to come back next week too, so I don't want to hold you too long. I got it on there for three hours on Facebook. I'm going to catch him next week. I'm talking about in July. Amen, somebody. So let's all go early. First John 2 and 6. Our series is the power of the tongue. Our topic tonight is the power to be. First John 2 and 6, and it reads, he who say he abides in him, ought himself also to walk just as he walked. Ooh, let me read it again. He who say he abides in him, ought himself also to walk just as he walked. Let me give you a T.P.T. Not just by saying I am imitated with God, but by walking in the footsteps of Jesus. The Amplified Bible, classic edition says, whoever say he abides in him, ought as a person of debt to walk and conduct himself in the same way in which he walked and conducted himself. The Contemporary English Version, it says, if we say we are his, we must follow the example of Christ. The Amplified Bible, it says, whoever say he live in Christ, that is, whoever say he has accepted him as God and Savior, ought as a moral obligation to walk and conduct himself just as he walked and conducted himself. Let me give you one more. The Young Literature Translation, I love different versions. The Young Literature Translation says, he who is saying in him, he doeth remain, ought according as he walked also himself so to walk. Are we getting this? If we proclaim him to be children of the Most High, we got to have some DNA of him. We got to have some attributes of him. There got to be some resemblance that's saying he's our father. Every biological father, whether you know him or not, you got something of him. So if we proclaim that Christ is on the inside of us, that means we shouldn't be depressed. Come on, talk to me. We shouldn't be angry and bitter. Talk to me. And fight with depression and suicide. Seriously. If we have his DNA. If we have his DNA. Okay. Talk to me. If he abides in us. If he abides in us. Okay. Oh my God. Mm-hmm. And they were losing their minds? Yes. Is Jesus the perfect example? It's a question. Is Jesus the perfect example? Everybody say, oh yes he is. Then why are we not living the way he lived? Oh my God. Let's think before we answer. Because we can answer too quick. Because just based on the day. Alone. Alone. Did you give him the glory? From the time you woke up, and before you got on this community Bible study. Did you give him the glory in everything? Is he the perfect example? Because there's gotta be some other examples out there. Because we're following them. Huh? The example of depression. The example of suicide. The example of anger. The example of bitterness. The example of strife. Oh come on somebody. The example of disrespectful. The example of unforgiveness. Come on somebody. There's gotta be something else out there that calls it up to perform the way that we're performing. But we're talking about the power to be. That we no longer walk in that area anymore. That we're walking in the area of righteousness. Is Jesus the perfect example to live by? Should we live like him and speak like him? Those that say they live like him are to live the same way he lived. Oh my God. Let me give you one more and then we'll close right here. If you have any comments we can talk about it in a few seconds. John 14 and 12 and we'll close out. John 14 and 12. Dr. Fryson this is gonna make you wrong right here. Ha ha ha. Advantage of the month is gonna make you kick your chair over right here. Uh. So the pain of this is gonna make you scream. Mother Carla this might make you hop up and down Mother Carla. Oh God. John 14 and 12 this is what it say. It say most surely I say to you he who believes in me the work that I do he will do also. Oh my God. The greater work than these he will do because I go to my father. Most surely I say to you he who believes in me the work that I do he will do also. The power to be if you catch it yourself. And greater work than these he will do because I go to my father. This is what the TPT say. The TPT say the passage translation. I tell you this timeless truth. The person who follow me in faith and believe in me will do the same mighty miracles that I do. Even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my father. We talking about the power to be. Everything you need is only inside of you. All you gotta do is believe. Do you believe that you possess this power that you will do all things through Christ Jesus that continually to strengthen you. What version did you just read? TPT the passage translation. My brothers and sisters. He was here. He was here to be a sacrifice and show us how to do the things that he did. And to show us how to live like he did and to love like he did. So be it. So be it. The power to be. The power to be. Let's do this. Amplify Bible. I assure you. Most solemnly I tell you if anyone steadfastly believe in me he will himself be able to do the things that I do. And he will do even greater things than these because I go to the father. Let me give you the TPT one more time. Yeah, read that. And let him slow this down and tell me if you caught what I caught. Go ahead. I tell you this timeless truth. The persons who follow me in faith believing in me will do the same mighty miracles that I do. Even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my father. The power to be. If you caught that revelation type it in the comments. The TPT version that he just read from John 14 and 12. If you caught that revelation type it in the notes. Just type that in the notes. I know you caught that. The power to be. My brothers and sisters. You have that power. Everything that's going on in your life right now. Believe that it starts right now in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. If it's not lining up with the word of God. And anything that's going on in your life that is lining up with the word of God. It will continue. Not only with you but with your children and your children's children. Because we have the power to change our circumstances. Our situations. We have the power to increase. We have the power to possess prosperity. We have the power to change situations. We have the power to close doors that need to be closed. We have the power to open doors that need to be opened. He has given us the key to the kingdom. Yes. You have the keys. Open up that door that need to be opened in your life and lock the one that don't need to be opened. You possess that power. Quit waiting for people to stick it to your life. Quit waiting for people to encourage you. Quit waiting on a phone call or someone to get back with you so you can talk to them about what you're going through. Speak to yourself. Open up your power and read your word and apply it to your life and get yourself together. Because we only have just a little time left. Jesus. We don't have time to wait on nobody and have pity for you because you didn't call me back. I'm busy, dude. It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to get this right. We all have a part that we have to play. You play your part and I'll play my part. And when we bring these parts together, we got a show. Yeah. Not only just a show, but the show is all about Jesus. Not about you, not about me or no one else. It's only about Jesus. What we're doing is only for him, not us. He don't need us. We need him. And he gave us an assignment to do. And you have the power to do that assignment. So speak over yourself. Encourage yourself. Your money funny, speak to your money. Your marriage ain't right, speak to it. If your kid's acting out, speak to him. There's certain things that we have to pray about. This right here ain't no time to pray. It's time to speak over yourself. It's time to encourage yourself and start having these pity parties because you have the power to be. God bless you. Hallelujah. Oh my goodness. Listen, that rich word just now, I know, I just know you grabbed hold to this word on tonight. I know you grabbed hold to this word tonight. Series, the power of the tongue. Topic, the power to be. Now, it's already in you. He done gave you so much fire tonight to wherever you were. I know you've already picked your chin up off the ground. I know you've already dust yourself off. And I know that you are ready now to change the world, change the circumstances, change the things that are around you. And how awesome is God that he gave us that sealed word right at the end. Gave you some closure. I done taught you, I done shared with you, I done entrusted you, I done gave you the word. And then before he closed, he sealed it right in the middle of what he was saying. When he did 1 John 2 and 6. He who says he abides in me. In other words, you're in him and he's in you. Then you ought to be walking just like he walked. So as pastor says, you are not to be stumbling. Some things you are not to be saying, some things you are not to be doing. Some things you are not to be going through because you said he abided in you and you in him. And because he abides in you and you in him, there's no way the enemy could attack us and fool us and make us think that God is not with us. That we're not walking in his will and in his way. And then he just knocked all of us upside the head. I know you caught it cause I saw it in your comments. I saw it in the comments. From the TPT version, John 14 and 12. He said, I tell you this timeless truth. The person who does what? The person who does what? It's something that none of us want to do. It's something that none of us like to do. It's something that some of us refuse to do. And that's follow him in the faith. Boom. We'll follow him now. But we ain't gonna follow him in the faith. Come on, talk to me. We ain't gonna follow mama. We ain't gonna follow daddy. When you were growing up, mama and daddy used to say, walk behind me now. Don't get out of line. Soon as mama and daddy tell you that, you go somewhere else. The preacher say, make sure you come to A block, turn right and go left. You go to B block, go to D and go somewhere else. He say, follow me in faith. It's some things that you gotta do that you know that if you were honest with yourself on tonight. He gave specific instructions. Follow me in the faith. Believe in me. He didn't say only believe when things are going right. He didn't say only believe when all your bills are paid, you're healthy in your body, your children and your family are doing good and your money gotta dance. He said, believe in me. And when you follow and believe, mighty miracles are going to be done. Now, if miracles are not being shown, manifested and performed in your life, that means that you missed one of the instructions. He said, even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my father. He said greater. So if he raising the dead, why can't you heal the headache? If he healing the sick, why can't you heal the things that are going on in your life? And we understand and know that pastor got the sniffles, we understand and know that. But because he gets overheated and excited, that ain't something that he gotta say, okay, God is speaking tongues and roll on the floor about. No, because he understands what causes it. But when there is a healing that needs to take place, when there is a serious healing that needs to take place, not because he can't do it, not because it won't be done. He says, if you follow him, if you follow him in the faith, not just follow him, because we follow parade, prophetic junkies, we follow concerts, we follow our famous singers, we follow our famous dancers, we follow our famous musicians. But he said, follow me in faith. And then when you follow me in faith, you gotta believe in me. That's like trusting your husband to provide. I'm gonna follow him, but I'm not gonna believe that he can do it all by himself. It's like following your pastor and your leaders. I'm gonna follow them, but I don't believe they can take us to where God wants us to be. Oh, see, I just nudged somebody. Not by the spirit, not by the faith. We don't believe it. I follow you, but I don't believe in you. So tonight, we gotta get ourselves together. If we gonna follow him in faith, we gotta believe that only God can do it. Mama can't do it. Daddy can't do it. Tomorrow's not promised to us. Our children can't do it for us. Our grandchildren can't do it for us. Uncle Pookie and V, they can't do it for us. We can follow them. We can leave this church and go to that church, following Uncle Pookie. We can leave this city and go to that city, following that Jane and me. But when we follow and don't believe that what we went behind and forth is going to manifest, it was just a wasted trip, wasted gas, wasted energy. So if we not gonna follow him and believe him, then don't do it. Don't do it. You might as well go back to what you were doing. Drinking, smoking, and lying. Might as well go back if you're not gonna follow him in faith and believe. I'm done. Listen, that thing grabbed me so fast when he read that from John 14 and 12. I'm like, Lord, forgive us for those times that we just followed the faith. We just followed the ministry. We just followed the leaders. But we never believed that God can do it in our life. We never believed that God would manifest himself in our life. It's okay to repent now. It's okay. And do that thing all over again. Fall back in love with him again. Follow him in faith. And believe that only God can do it. And watch change take place in your life. Listen, I'm done. I'm done. That thing is powerful. Even after you hang up tonight, this message, this word, this nugget, this food is still gonna be with you. So please like and share the video. Send it to someone that you know needs this word on tonight. The power to be. You already who God said you are. You just have to walk into it fully. But when you do, you gotta follow him and believe. When you decide, I'm gonna get this thing together, just know that when you follow him, you gotta believe that only God can do it. God, I know you're gonna bless my finances and every Wednesday and Friday, I guarantee you, I'll see you in the lottery line. But I believe God's gonna do it. I believe God's gonna bless my finances. But every time you look around, you tell me, can I borrow this and can I borrow that? But I believe God's gonna do it and I'm following him in faith. Amen, somebody. Unexpected blessings will come your way. Ask me how I know. Thank you, Lord, for that secret pal that every now and then just says, I wanna buy you lunch. I wanna send you something to give you gas. And all I can say is thank you, Lord. Bless him abundantly. Only God can do it. Press down, shake it together. And run it over. Amen, amen. God is so good. He is so good. Not on the billboard, not up on the corners. Oh, I did this for Pastor Roger Barber. I did this for Pastor Roger Barber. That you sow in silence, you know the scripture. Even that you sow in tears, you're gonna reap in joy. And he is a man that will not lie. So we thank you so much tonight for tapping in. We thank you so much for your prayers and your push on tonight. Set his soul on fire. He was trying to get that word out. That thing was good tonight. Mm-mm, good. Amen, somebody. So please like and share this video. On Sunday at 8 a.m. or 5 p.m., tap on to sherealradio.com. You'll be able to hear one of the sessions from Hanging with the Walkers. And that's on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on She Real Radio out of Atlanta, Georgia. And then meet us back here on Monday at 8 p.m. for Facebook Live. Live with Hanging with the Walkers. And then on Mondays at 9 p.m. at any time you desire, you can tap on to our podcast. And I'll make sure that I put that link in our comments. Any Monday at nine. After that, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, you can go to our podcast and tap on any link that we've had since we started Hanging with the Walkers. It's on our podcast. And you can share it anywhere in the world. We're in eight countries and in the United States. So you can just copy and paste that link and send that favorite live to anyone, any time, and be a blessing to them. Send them a word of encouragement. The same thing with the prayer, 5.30 to 6 p.m. They can get prayer day and night. Tap on them. Oh, I can't remember what Apostle Lenny Roy said to me. She spoke into my life. Go back to the podcast. Look on that date and you can play it all over again. That's the blessing of social media. And we thank God for what he's doing with Hanging with the Walkers. We thank God for what he's doing for Connecting in the Spirit, Outreach Ministries Incorporated. Even though we're live on social media, we know that God is gonna open that door, send those keys so we'll be able to go into our building. But until then, we can't stop, won't stop. We can't stop, won't stop. Sending love, sharing love, outreach, going into your ministries, fellowshiping with you, praising God with you because it's what we do and it's who we are, going beyond the four walls. So you never know, we may show up in one of your ministries. Amen. Stay tuned, stay connected for book signings that will be coming up for my new book release called Forever Growing. So excited about the musical producer that will be doing the music for the CD for Forever Growing, Ryan Copeland. We're just excited about what God is doing. And thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Go out and go to Amazon and get my new book called Forever Growing. I'm telling you, it's gonna bless you. It's gonna bless you. You have a journal in the back. You have daily declarations that you can do. You even have weekly things that you can jot down that I'm going to do this this week. I'm gonna commit to doing this this week so that you can be blessed, so that you can be healed, so that you can continue growing in the way that God intends. Amen? Amen. Oh, one of the favorite chapters that I like is who's following who? Who's leading who? What are your works on today? What kind of seeds are you sowing into the lives of those that are around you? What are your works? Are you sowing good? Are you sowing prosperity? Or are you sowing jealousy and envy and malice and anger? Come on, somebody. We gotta help you. Because we're living in the last days and we don't know when he is to come. So we have a responsibility. Amen? Amen. So blessings to all of you. Thank you for tapping in. Please like and share. Please go back to the beginning and be blessed by the man of God. Pray his strength in the Lord that God will continue to heal, that God will continue to pour out revelation knowledge on him like never before. This Friday, this Saturday, will be a Tip and Paint sponsored by T. Shantoya in the Fort Myers area. June 30th will be the Lepus Live After Work all white, all white affair in 1857 Jackson Street in Fort Myers, Florida. That will be this June 30th with a $10 donation and all proceeds from the door goes to a nonprofit organization of the group's choice. So we'd like that above everything else that even though we're going and we're being blessed, the man of God is blessing somebody else. So Lepus Live, June 30th, 2023. And look forward to dates in July for my next book signing. I'll meet you there. And if you've already bought a book, bring your book with you and I'll make sure that I will autograph your book while you're at the book signing. All right, I think I got it all. Amen. Amen. God is good. Amen. And he's worthy to be praised. Oh my goodness. The power to be on tonight. The power of the tongue. That little pink hurricane that's in your mouth. You have no idea the power that it possess. The punch that it packs. Amen, somebody. Before you start rapping and rhyming. All right, have a blessed and awesome night. Peace.

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