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June 13th 2023 Community Bible Study

June 13th 2023 Community Bible Study


Nothing to say, yet

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The transcription is a prayer of gratitude to God and a request for His guidance and blessings. It discusses the importance of speaking words that edify and build up rather than decrease. It emphasizes the power of words and the need to believe in the words spoken. The speaker also mentions the series they are currently teaching on the power of the tongue and the topic of the day, which is words that edify. The transcription then transitions to a discussion on the story of Balaam and Balak from the Book of Numbers, where Balak asks Balaam to curse the Israelites. The story highlights the belief in the power of words and the importance of blessings. Thank you, Father God, for keeping us close in our lives and minds, Father God. Lord, we are thanking you right now, Father God. We will be back with you, Father God, in the midst of this service on today, God. Oh, Father God, have your way on today. Oh, Father God, as we decrease and you increase, Father God. Lord, we come to you, Father God, with confidence and expectation, God, knowing that you are a God that rewards those that continually seek you diligently, Father God. Father God, we are seeking your word on today. We are seeking a right now word on today, God. Oh, Lord, we are thanking you, Father God, for each individual that get on today, Father God. As you touch them and strengthen them, Father God, in every area of their life, Father God, every situation, every issue, Father God, that they are dealing with, Father God. We thank you, Father God. As your words say that the world will fall, but it will not prosper. Oh, Lord, we are thanking you, Father God, for your word on today, Father God. We thank you just for being God all by yourself, Father God. We thank you for the family, Father God, the friends, the neighbors, Father God. We are thanking you, Father God, Father God, for the roof over our head, Father God, the food on our table, Father God. We are thanking you right now, Father God, for the transportation and the clothes on our back, Father God. We are thanking you for the job, Father God. We are so grateful and we are so mindful, Father God, of the times that we are in, Father God, as we continue to consider one another, Father God, by stirring up a love, Father God, that we fill up to assemble ourselves, Father God, like some have already done, Father God, as we see the day approaching, Father God. Oh, Lord, we are thanking you right now, Father God, as you show another season that we are in, Father God, a season of gratitude, Father God, a season, Father God, of love, Father God, a season of understanding, Father God, a season of magnifying, Father God, that we continue to give you the glory not in some things, God, but in everything that we do. Oh, Father God, we thank you for this series that we are listening to and that we are teaching right now that you have given us, Father God. Let it create, Father God. Let it go, Father God, where we finish, Father God. Let it do what it is designed to do, Father God. Let it fix our heart, Father God, promote changes in our life, Father God, give us strength, Father God, clarity, and understanding, Father God. Oh, Lord, we are thanking you right now, Father God. And, Father, we give you the honor. We give you the glory. In Jesus' name. Let us say amen. Amen and amen. Greetings, greetings, my brothers and sisters. Thank you for joining in with us. This is Connected in the Spirit Outreach Ministries, Incorporated. We're here in the beautiful city of Wyomama, Florida. Yes, I said Wyomama, Florida. We're so grateful that you stopped by on today to hang out with us, to hear what the Lord has to say to us on today. We truly, truly have a word that the Lord is going to give us on today. We're so grateful that you're here to share it with us. We're so grateful that you're here to hear what God said to the Lord on today. I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited. You know, last week we talked about the power to be. Oh, my goodness, that was an exciting time that we had on last week. And we just went backwards and forwards and got clarity, evidence of the power that we possess, the value that we possess, our worth of knowing who we are in the body of Christ. And this is the most exciting part that we get to do it over and over again. So, welcome, welcome, welcome. Thank everyone for tuning in today on social media, Facebook or however by satellite you are coming. Those are in the house, those are not in the house. We really do appreciate you. And once again, greetings everyone that are online on today to all the apostles, bishops and evangelists and mothers, sisters and brothers, missionaries, those that are in the five-four ministry, those that especially in the household of faith. We've been on this series for a couple of weeks now, and we're talking about the power of the tongue. We're classifying that it does matter what we say. And the topic today I want to give us is a very, very familiar topic. And it's words that edify. Our topic today is words that edify. Words that edify. Are you speaking words that edify? Are you speaking words that are increasing? Are you speaking words that are strengthening? Are you speaking words that are building? What type of words come out of your mouth? As of today, was your words edifying on today? Did you build someone up today? Did you strengthen someone today? And matter of fact, the words that you use today, did they give God glory? Did they give God glory? We're going to talk with some witnesses on today, and we're going to see some things they have already seen, because we're just doing a refreshing course. And we are rebuilding what we have laid to the side. And I believe that this series will take us to another level in our lives. So our series today is the power of the tongue. Our topic is words that edify. Words that edify. Go with me to James 3, verse 2. And after that, Proverbs 18 and 20. James 3 and 2, Proverbs 18 and 20. They are the main two scriptures of this text, of this series. James 3 and 2 says, in the New King James Version, For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in words, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Our topic today is words that edify. And James said that we all stumble in many things. Then he goes on to say with the powerful word, if. If anyone does not stumble in words, he is a perfect man, also able to bridle the whole body. Now my brothers and sisters, for we all may stumble. But James said if anyone in words does not stumble, this one is a perfect man. If anyone does not stumble, this one is a perfect man. Able to bridle also the whole body. Now here comes the question right here. If you can control your words, you can control your whole body. Did you catch that? If you can control your words, you can control your whole body. So the question is, can you control your whole body with the words that you speak out of your mouth? We're talking about words that edify, words that are building, words that are scripting, words that open up doors and words that close doors that need to be closed. Anyone who was never at fault in what they say is perfect. Now, let's clarify something. Perfect does not mean flawless. It means fully developed. This will show us where we are spiritually in our lives by what we say. He has gave us the ability to speak just like him as speaking spirits. We need to put our words to work and stop saying things that is not of God and start speaking increased. We're talking about words that edify on today. Words that edify. What we're talking about today. Our series is the power of the tongue. And James said, we all stumble in many things. That's the powerful part of it. That's the powerful part of it. We all stumble in many things. But he goes on to say with the big if word, if anyone does not stumble in words, he is a perfect man able also to brighten the whole body. James is saying, if we speak the way that Jesus has instructed us to speak, we're able to control our whole body. We're able to control situations in our lives. We're able to control issues in our lives. We're able to control circumstances in our lives if we don't stumble. Words that edify. What have you spoken on today? Remember now, we're going to be held stricter than anyone else because we are teachers. We are minister of the gospel. Anything that we share with anyone according to the word of God, we are held accountable. So your words have to be edifying. They have to be strengthening. They have to be building. Words of increase. And when we speak words of increase, God can get the glory, not just in some things, but he can get the glory in everything. And you will see a change in your life immediately. Immediately. Because your word has power. We can't be saying that I'm not feeling well. We can't be saying, oh, my arthritis is bothering me. We can't be saying I have a headache. We have to speak increase. We have to speak words that are edifying. We have to speak, oh, I feel better today. In spite of how I'm really feeling. We have the power to cover everything. Why? Because I am fully developed. I am perfect. So I'm able to control the whole body. So if I'm able to control the whole body, I have the power that I possess to speak increase into every situation in my life. Even over myself. It's amazing how we can encourage others, but it's hard for us to encourage ourselves. And the reason why is because we don't spend no time with ourselves. We spend time with everyone else but ourselves. When was the last time you took some time out and spoke over you? When was the last time you had a conversation with you? When was the last time you spoke over you? When was the last time you laid hands on you? When was the last time you decreed and declared over you? My brothers and sisters, we possess this. We have the power on the inside of us and it's in our tongue. We have to start speaking increase over ourselves. Over our finances, our marriages, our community, our children, our neighbors, our neighbor's children, on the job, off the job, even in our ministry. We possess the power to change situations by the words that we speak. If any bad words come out of your mouth, it's because that's what you choose to do. No one can make you angry. No one can make you mad. No one can make you say anything. Those are words that you've been saying all the while. So if you change those words that you've been saying, which is decreasing words, and start saying some increasing words, so when folks upset you, I promise you, you say, Lord, bless them and forgive them and not curse them. You only can say, you only can utilize what you've memorized. So if we are memorizing decrease, we're going to speak decrease. If we are memorizing increase, we're going to speak increase. So the more you get familiar with the increase of the thanks of Christ, you will start speaking it. Let's go to Proverbs 18. Let me show you what I'm talking about. Proverbs 18 and verse 20. Proverbs 18 and verse 20. Listen to what it says in the New King James Version. A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth. From the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Listen again now. A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth. Now, that's evidence right there that what we speak is going to come to pass. It's what we're going to eat. It's what we're going to have. It's what we're going to possess. A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth. So if you're speaking decrease, guess what your stomach is going to have? It's decrease. If you're always saying, I don't feel well, guess what? You're going to start to not feel well. Because you're speaking decrease over yourself and not increase. If you're feeling bad, you have the power to say, I'm healed in the name of Jesus. And start walking according to the healing of Christ. We have to change how we speak. Even as adults, we have to change how we speak, how we say things. Because our word has power. So if Proverbs is saying a man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth, from the produce of his lips, he shall be filled. So that means that these are my very own words. So everything that is happening in my life right now, I did it. I caused it to happen to me. Whether it was a good relationship, whether it was a bad relationship, bad financial decision, or whatever it was, I did it to myself because I spoke the words. And this is the issue that we're having. We don't listen to everyone else speak but us. Your words carry a lot of weight. And the quicker you grab a hold to that and start speaking increase, you're not going to never see a different scenery in your life. We have to look at it from a different perspective. What are your words that edify? What are your words doing for you? This thing is personal on today because if you're not speaking increase, how are you going to help someone? What are you going to do for someone that you're always whining and complaining and you're going through more than they're going through? Your words have no power because Proverbs is saying a man's stomach shall be satisfied by the fruit of his mouth. From the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Your very words are what you're going to eat. Your very words are what you're going to receive. Your very word is what you're sowing and your very word is what you're going to reap. So you have to change how you speak. We are speaking spirits. Let us realize that. My brothers and sisters it's not by the work you do but it's by the word you speak. It's not by the work that you do but it's by the words that you speak out of your mouth. We should speak increase. It's not that you would have everything you say. Now don't get me wrong. It's not that you would have everything you say but you must believe everything you say. Come on now. It's not that you would have everything you say but you must believe everything you say. Did you catch that now? One more time. It's not that you would have everything that you say but you must believe everything that you say. What are you saying pastor? He says in Mark 11 22 and 23. Hold your spot right there in Proverbs now. Let's go to Mark 11 22 and 23 because I want to be hands on this here. Mark 11 verse 22 and verse 23. Hold your spot there in Proverbs. We're going to come back to Proverbs. We all know the scripture. Mark 11 22 and 23. This is what it says. So Jesus answered and said to them have faith in God. Not mama not daddy not husband not wife not pastor. He said but have faith in God for surely I say to you this ain't personal. He's talking about us. He said you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done. He will have whatever he says. Words that edify. Words that give increase. He didn't say touch and agree with anyone. He said you believe the word that you speak that those things you say will be done. Then you will have whatever you said. The problem that we're having is that we're speaking and doubting at the same time. We're speaking and doubting at the same time. A lot of times we're not just speaking we're just talking. Because talking leads to idle words. When we speak something happens. When we talk something happens as well but it's a decreased thing that is happening. It's not promoting. It's not encouraging. It's not building. It's not leading. It's not setting free. It's not giving. Because it's decreasing. It's always taking. Then we ask ourselves why am I so tired? Because you're taking from yourself. You're draining yourself with the idle words that you are speaking and forgetting that you are a speaking spirit that should be speaking increase. The more you speak increase the more fuel you get on the inside of you. The better that you feel. The more confident that you become in your walk with Christ. The more that you begin to trust Him the more that you begin to rely on Him. Why? Because I'm fueling it's increase. And I'm spending time with myself. Because it's impossible to spend time with someone else if you don't spend time with yourself. My God, my God. And that's the problem that we're having. And this is why we cannot speak words that edify. This is what it says again in Mark 11. For surely I say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done. He will have whatever he says. Holy Spirit in Proverbs this is what it says in Mark 9. Mark 9 and 23. Mark 9 and 23. This is what it says Jesus said to him if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes. All things. Not some things. All things. Do we see the increasing in the Word of God? The more you read it the more it encourages you the more it strengthens you the more it builds you the more it enlightens you the more it shows you which direction or which path to take. He says to him if you can believe not us if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes. Him is one right? This is personal. To you let's make it personal. Jesus said to Roger if you can believe all things are possible to you Roger cause you believe. We have to make this thing personal. We have to get inside of the Word of God and be a part of it. Because if we expect change to take place in our lives change has to take place in God's life. It has to. It can't take place in our lives without taking place in God's life. It can't happen that way. Because everything that is formed that is created was by Him. Now 100% of what God says come to pass. How much percentage come to pass when you speak? 100% come to pass when God speaks. How much percentage come to pass when you speak? My brother and my sister it does matter what you say. And it matters life or death. Whenever you talk whatever you talk the most is what you are going to have. Whatever you are talking the most is what you are going to have according to Proverbs 18. According to Proverbs 18. In verse 20 did you see that there? Did you see that in Proverbs right? What does it say in verse 20? It says a man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth. From the produce of his lips he shall be filled. And we have witnesses in Mark 11 and Mark 9 that they gave us witnesses of evidence that if I believe it shall happen without doubting in my heart. Why do we doubt what we speak? We are speaking spirits. So there should not be any doubting anywhere. We have not just started this walk. We have been on this walk for a while. So it is time for us to learn how to speak properly. And those are words of edifying. Alright, go over the numbers. Number 22. Number 22. I want to do 1 through 18 then I want to jump over to 37 and 38. Number 22. Our series is the power excuse me our series is the power of the tongue. Our topic tonight is words that edify. New King James Version Number 22 Verse 1 The children of Israel moved and camped in the plains of Moab on the side of the Jordan across from Jericho. Now Balaam the son of Zephra saw all that Israel had done through the Amorites and Moab was exceedingly afraid of the people because there were many. And Moab was sick was dread because of the people. So Moab said to the elders Aminian now this company will lick up everything around us as an ox lick up the grass of the field. And Balaam the son of Zephra was king of the Moabites at the time. Then he sent a message to Balaam the son of Boah and Petro which is from Egypt. See they cover the face of the earth and are settling next to me. Therefore please come at once curse these people for me for they are too mighty for me. Perhaps I shall be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land. 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