Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it without you My heart is aching, I'm tired of hurting, I'm so sick of you But I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it without you My heart is aching, I'm tired of hurting, I'm so sick of you My heart feels renewed, it makes my life feel so true Because of you my heart is healed, and to you I'll always kneel And if it's you I won't age, as we said every day Because of you my heart is healed, and to you I'll always kneel My heart feels renewed, it makes my life feel so true Because of you my heart is healed, and to you I'll always kneel And if it's you I won't age, as we said every day Love me in your arms, with all your crisp and sharp I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it without you I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it without you I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it without you You make me warm inside, as I look into your eyes It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine There is no way to show your love, because it has no love involved You know that you can trust, because the world has shown You make me warm inside, as I look into your eyes It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine There is no way to show your love, because it has no love involved You know that you can trust, because the world has shown You make me warm inside, as I look into your eyes It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine There is no way to show your love, because it has no love involved You know that you can trust, because the world has shown You make me warm inside, as I look into your eyes It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine It's a real treat, my, I'm reassured that you're all mine Greetings, my brothers and sisters, greetings I was trying to figure out whether to say Mr. or Pastor Or just Rogers Walker And of course nothing, nothing flowed The one and only Rogers Walker Which is what he likes to be affectionately called Rogers Walker No handle, no stop, no start That way he's just Rogers That's right Okay Got that straight from the beginning Thank you so much for tapping in And allowing us to come into your cars Into your homes Into your break rooms While you're jogging on your headphone set Thank you for listening in Thank you for tapping in on tonight To Hangin' with the Walkers We're just so excited to be with you again on this Monday night The song that you heard playing in the background Is my single called Brand New A song that I wrote The psalmist is Caleb Brooks The producers on this is also Jacoby Henderson and my son-in-law Jameel Steplin So it is available on all digital platforms And it is called Brand New We are so excited about what it's doing And how it's doing on the charts Before we get started We want to make sure that we get all the business out of the way Shout out to our sponsors on tonight FTF Investment Group Dr. John Frierson Along with his grandson Tony Pugh And his daughter Maya Ferguson We're so excited and elated That he saw the vision And decided to come aboard with us Also Siller's International Cooking Whatever you think she can cook And we appreciate her for being one of our sponsors Also to Pastor Toby Fieldpart And Sondra Fieldpart in the West Palm Beach area Shout out to our lady Sondra She just celebrated her birthday She's hanging out in the Big T in Texas With her kids for Mother's Day It's time to come home, Sondra I think you've been gone long enough But anyway Happy belated birthday to you And thank you so much for seeing the vision and the dream And sharing with us financially We appreciate that Also by way of announcements on tonight We want to just share just a few announcements While we are waiting for all of you to come online May 19th at 7pm Pastor Roger will be preaching at New Hope New Hope Holiness and Deliverance in Palmetto, Florida For the church anniversary That will be May 19th at 7pm May 26th through the 27th Our Old Glory Conference will be in Fort Pierce It's on North 16th Street It will be May 26th Pastor Roger will be one of the speakers for that Friday night Saturday they will have a picnic And then Saturday night the Chicago Mass Choir Will be in the house in Fort Pierce At a gospel concert And then Saturday, May 27th at 11.30 Will be the Sneakers Brunch That's sponsored by Tisha and Toya Southwest Florida's black female duo Hosts of Lee Pitts Live At the work in Fort Myers, Florida Those are some of our most recent announcements And we appreciate you for following us And we hope that you will join us at one of those events June 30th, make sure you mark your calendar at 6pm Lee Pitts Live at the work All White Off-White Affair In the Fort Myers area, 1857 Jackson Street, Fort Myers, Florida I will be hanging out with them I guarantee you fun-loving, free food $2 cover charge And it gets donated to A local charity or non-profit So we are excited about what We are excited about what God is doing He is up to something And I want you to take a look at my pin If you're on Facebook We received these beautiful pins For Mother's Day Over at First Community Where Andrea Monzon and Mother Freddy Carter are members And they gave out little goody bags And gave us a head rest to cover our head Like queens Gave us pins To pierce our chest To remind us that we're loved And we're just thankful for the message And what happened at First Community It was off the hook The musicians Their pastor A shout out to him Pastor Smalley Jr. Shout out to the First Community family For loving on us Amen So we're excited about what God is going to do On tonight You know what we do Make sure you tag, like, share, email, tweet Message someone Telephone them Text them Let them know that Hanging with the Walkers is now on As we know The month of May is considered Mental Health Month That's right Now Pastor always says that Every month Is Mental Health Month Every month We should be concerned about our well being Thank you She says she's loving the plaid Andrea did Thank you Something different Good evening Mother Freddy Driving plaid Driving plaid on me Shout out to you Cuz Katina All the way in Tennessee I will appreciate you all Our fire starters For hanging out with us Supporting us Pushing us Loving us Praying for us We appreciate you all Don't ever think that we Will take things for granted And during the broadcast We have some announcements Right, right, right We're gonna take flight We're ready to go During the broadcast We do have some exciting news That we're going to share about Hanging with the Walkers But again I said The month of May Is considered as Mental Health Month Yes it is And I had started out With the mindset of To know me is to love me From one of my books Pastor said you know Go a little further Go a little deeper Go to a different area But keep that in your mind To know me is to love me Because there are some things That may occur with you That those around you Should know Or should pick up And they don't So they miss That low spirit They miss that low They miss that thing that You needed to be nudged Or encouraged Or picked up Or just to be there So again I say to you The month of May Is Mental Health Month Check on your strong friends That's right Check on those that have been Encouraging you The whole month The whole year Text them Could be somebody that you hadn't Texted or tweeted or messaged Or called in a while That's right But if the Lord laid them On your heart Text them Call them It's not that they're in low spirits It's not that they're going through They just may need a word They just may need to hear a kind voice They just may need to vent And share some things That being said Waiting for my new book Forever Growing to drop And in that book I discuss Our reasons for being here How we started Topics like Who's caring who During this month of May So many times When we are in friendships Relationships Businesses We have this mindset That I'm doing all the work I'm the one giving I'm the one pushing I am the one that's caring you And if I'm not here And I am not doing it It will fail Have you ever felt like that In relationships That you feel like If I stop doing what I am doing It will fail So I discuss it in my book And what are your works What are some of the things that you are doing That may be provoking Other people What are some of your works Your thoughts Things that you may do That you are unconscious of That could be stirring Someone or pushing someone Positive Or negative It does happen And then I talk about anger Oh you know that That's a bad word You know we talked about Apples, bananas Safe words Things that would not Push you To raise up That personality that you said Was dead But there are triggers And those that say they love us Sometimes And all the time May not be in your life May not be in your friendship But sometimes Unconsciously they say or do things That they know Antagonize you What do you do How do you handle it Or as we discussed a couple of weeks ago Being in a friendship Where you are The humble one The passive one And then the other person That's in a relationship is aggressive Or Boisterous Or overpowering And then you just I hate to say cower down Because that sounds like a wimp Right, right But you hide you So as not to provoke them So what are your works What brings anger And then to speak truth Those are some of the topics that's in the book Oh girl I'm telling the truth I wouldn't lie I will never lie Okay Pastor always says You can take A truth And try to make it your truth It can be A, B, C But you'll make a B minus and a B plus To make it fit What works for you So do we truly speak truth And then here's the dirty word That you can't say in church It's called submission And as soon as we hear the word submission First thing we think of is Marriage, relationships But there are other areas In our life that we have to submit To our boss To our supervisors To our managers We have to submit in traffic That's a dirty word We have to submit to the person that's going before us The crossroads Everywhere You have to submit to the red lights You have to submit to the police officers Everywhere in your life You have to submit Not just in relationships But there are times that we have Problems with submission And I want to help us In this book that I just wrote And then here's my love Letting go For it to grow There are a lot of things Or people that we hold on to That knew we should have let go of Years ago Sometimes we're on jobs That God never intended for us to be on But we go on that job And we stay there And we're faithful We show up We're on time Whatever they tell us to do, we do Sometimes when it's time for growth It's time to leave that place And we're holding on like a cat in a tree With our nails dug into the bar Because we don't want to let go In order for us to grow For us to be able to go to our next level In Him We have to let go of that position Where we are In order to soar And get to the next level Yeah, it's frightening Yeah, we don't know what's in the future We don't know what the future holds But we have to let go But we have to let go In order to grow You have to let go the apron strings Of mom and dad To walk into that new place With your husband or your wife You have to let go The naysayers when you walk into a new business Because there are those That will doubt what it is That you're supposed to be doing There are those that when God calls you higher In ministry You have those that say You're not ready As a matter of fact you tell yourself I'm not ready Sometimes you have to let go of you In order to grow So those are some of the things that I discuss In the new book called Forever Growing And as you remember in our Bible study classes Oh, we always have to trust God's plan We always have to In our mouth and in our mind We say we trust Him But when He begins to nudge us Into the plan We always say I know the plans You know we're famous for that one I know the plans He has for me For me to prosper We know because we quote that But if that plan Sometimes means you going In a different direction Than what God called you to go in Not that you're doubting His plan You're just a little hesitant Into walking into that next place A lot of times we be slothful And procrastination Procrastination is a good word And sluggish That's it, that's it About being able to do what it is God called us to do So those are some of the things That we address in the new book Forever Growing And we try to do things that will help you Like where you are able to Declare some things that you're not going to do Or declare some things that you are going to do And then give you goals for the week So that you have it all in one place And you don't have to have pieces of paper here and there It's all in one place So when I read that and I get into that And there are things that I need to write It's right there for you I try to make it as convenient as I can Andrew said our feet get stuck When he's trying to nudge us Listen, you ever seen that Nature channel When mother has made That little nest For all of her little babies And after a while she started Finding thorns and thistles And she put it in the bottom of that nest So that when they start to stir around They become uncomfortable And after a while she just Push them out of the nest Remember we talked about a couple of weeks ago That you gotta jump Go to the highest step and then just jump So every now and then that's what you have to do You become uncomfortable Where you were You become uncomfortable where you are You become uneasy where you are Folks begin to say and do things That you know Is not of God That's it right there And first thing you say it's time to move on So letting go In order to grow Shout out to PTM Internet Radio Thank you for your prayers For Maxwell Newbone Newbone the CEO of PTM Internet Radio He is out of the hospital And full speed ahead Obedient about doing the things That the doctor has told him to do So thank you for your prayers Those that shared a prayer For Maxwell Newbone And we want to give a shout out To She Real Radio Tiffany Real Out of Atlanta, Georgia And we're going to save that for a little later But let's talk about Something tonight That we know That we sometimes Deal with When we're talking about Our Month of May And our Mental health I went to The book One of the books that I wrote And it's actually called His Wife is Alma Vera A lot of times when you read My books You know that it's not just for Singles Not just for married It will fit Every area of your life Some of the things that we discuss in our books We try to make sure That it's going to Bless you in some way And Pastor picked out one tonight On this chapter about To have and to hold That is one of the Things that we say In our Vows To have and to hold From this day forward To death do us part But I want you to think outside of that On tonight That when we Walk into our Friendships We make promises To one another That we're going to hold onto Them That we're going to not let go Regardless of what They go through Regardless of how They handle things We're going to not let go When they progress Or regress We're going to hold On to them And in our relationships When we take our vows And we unite in holy matrimony We're excited We imagine that day As little girls What the hairstyle is going to be like When we walk down the aisle The car that you're going to ride in During the ceremony The color of your dress The veil Even the type of shoes that you're going to wear And you know what diamond you want And you pick all your friends To be in that wedding And then you recite those vows That says to have and to hold Not knowing what it truly means I vow to have you in my life No matter what I'm going to hold on to you Through thick and thin Through everything In relationships you say That's the love of my life In friendship you say That's a friend That sticks closer than a brother And no matter what I go through I know this person is going to Always be there For me And we're talking about the month of May Mental health month What happens when That person Is not able To hold on To walk with you To be there for you Every time that you need them There's something else that goes on That steps in That interrupts When you need them To have and to hold Taking back to relationships If we admit to ourselves Some of us marriage was never on your mind Whether it was the first fiasco Second fiasco And those who desired to be married Or dreamed of being married Those who knew their partners before Or dated them before And then sometimes We know that that person that we Have joined together with in friendship Or in marriage That sometimes we see the call That's on their life Now you know I'm talking to somebody tonight You know that God is calling them higher Whether it's in friendship Or relationship we know it That person that told us that they're going to Stick with us no matter what No matter what goes on in our life I'm going to be there for you But when God starts to Put a Monkey wrench change Other plans In their life What do you do? Can you handle it? Can you handle it? I did a lot of questions In the new book that I wrote Questions that we don't dare ask Areas that we don't venture into But I know it's on your mind I know you thought it You may not have said it But you thought it And what do you do When that person that you count on Is not there for you Like you think they should be In your mind you're saying to yourself Now She should have called me or he should have called me Or they should have been there for me They should have been there with me But we never know The mindset of the other person We're talking about mental health The month of May on tonight What do you do? Where's your mindset? What are you thinking? Does it Take you off The thought that this person Is there for me That's going to stick closer than a brother Do we feel like quitting? Do you feel like giving up on your assignment? God may have assigned you to them You may be the only Bible That they will read But just for a moment At that time At the time that you Needed them And they were not there They didn't act or react The way you thought They were going to act or react What do you do? Does the love fail? Does the friendship fail? 727 731 0128 We're talking about May The month of May, mental health Because there were some things And situations That may have occurred on Mother's Day That some folks felt like Should have occurred And didn't There were some people that you felt like They should have done Or said or acted Towards you And they didn't So do we cut them off? Do we stop speaking with them? Do we not connect with them? Do we shy away or feed them With a long-handled spoon? 727 731 0128 We can discuss to have and to hold As a single person in a relationship As well as Being married And I always want you to keep your creative mind Open And working Whenever you read anything that I write Because if you allow God to lead you Your mind will go past what you read on the pages And you'll begin to Revelate And begin to think about some things in your life I wrote in my book Infants can't Progress Without being held Or receiving affection A child of God Listen Feels rejected When a person they love Don't have them Even God reminds us I got you And then you know I always say there's something in the touch That allows you to feel Their love To be held Ignites passion Strength Security In other words you know that they're there To be held gives you an inner strength It gives you a sense of belonging And then there is a sense of comfort When you're being held By the one you love Think about how many times That you may have been sick How many times You've gone through some things How many times you were in pain Those that have had labor That person that was there With you Through every stage Wiping your mouth Wiping your tears Wiping the sweat off your brows But what happens When there's that time In your life when you feel like that person Should be there And they're not Mother first said communication Is very important in relationships If they're important to you pray and talk about it With spouse and friend Totally agree But I'm saying Tonight When that person That you depend on Is not there with you Are not able To go through those things with you Are you able to Talk to them about it Will you talk to them about it Or will you just let it go And think to yourself Well you know what Maybe next time Maybe next time they'll be there And I don't want to say anything Because I don't want to offend them You know how we are We'll start thinking for them We'll start answering for them We'll make excuses As to why they were not there for us 727 731 0128 Let's talk tonight We know the topic says To have and to hold But what do you do So continue to say yes and no Okay I accept that Explain please Explain please In a relationship I wrote in the book You can't have me And not speak to me How can you hold me But will hold things against me About what I said to you You can't promise To have and hold But will withdraw At the very unction Of me sharing the truth with you And we know that the strongest medicine For healing Is knowing that you have my back To know that you'll be there with me regardless Explain We made promises That I'm going to be there with you I'm not going to leave And the first sign of trouble First sign of clouds They're not there Whether it's relationship or friendship It goes both ways But I got you girl How many times have you heard that I got you I'm not going anywhere I'm not going to leave you The only person we know that would never leave us Or forsake us is Christ The Bible tells us that with man it's impossible But with God all things are possible All things are possible We set ourselves up for failure And we put our heart towards that area Because now Whether we realize it or not We have created this individual To be our God We're not even recognizing it Because as soon as something happens We're always calling and calling Depending on these same individuals And they're always there But like you said at one time that we really need them They're not there Then our world falls apart Then we feel like okay I'm let down, I'm hurt, I'm shattered I don't have anyone to turn to Anyone to call to, I'm all by myself But Jesus is saying I've been here all the while Yes sir I never left you And the Bible tells us we have to be careful How we make our vows towards God Because our same vows will come back and regret them Yes it will Yes it will And the third point about it is That rejection You know we talked about it That rejection Is so traumatic Good afternoon Do we have a caller on the line? You're calling in to hang in with the walkers Blessings This is Katrina Yes ma'am To my answer You have to know It depends on the situation or Or the closeness of the The relationship If I feel like I can Tell you without You getting offended or without you Going overboard I don't know if that's the Right word to say Why I wasn't there or Why I couldn't be there And then sometimes I just Won't say anything because Silence for me Is more powerful than speaking Because if I Tell you how I truly feel Are you really ready to accept the truth Of why I didn't say anything Sometimes People say you can tell me Anything but Can I really trust you with that information That it would just stay Once we hang up the phone It don't go no further So that's the yes And the no That's a yes and a no If I don't think that What I can tell you is going to Stay between What we talk about No I'm not going to Tell you and I'm not Going to be Completely honest with you Of what's going on with me And why I'm shutting down Or why I'm not Telling you Certain things If I tell you certain things I don't care for it to be repeated Because like you were saying Sometimes the rejection When you've been rejected for so long You already have Your guard up You already have a wall up And the thing is If I can't trust you Then that wall Is never coming down But I don't care How much you pray I don't care how much you tell me you love me If I feel like It's not there You might as well get a sledgehammer Because it ain't coming down Okay I know we have another caller But let me say this before Before we go there How can God heal If you're still yet Holding on to it And how can you Allow them to enter their end To move from that point To the next point If we're going to Hold on to it And not let them in We're talking about having to hold We say we trust one another And as you said once they Break that trust Then you shut down But how can you move on To the next phase And allow The healing to take place If we shut down and don't Let anything Or anyone else in Hold that thought Good afternoon caller you're calling in to hang in with the walkers Who are we speaking with Uh oh we didn't get that Good afternoon evangelist We hear you now So go ahead And answer that question Because I want to hear your reply I'm listening to you How can we heal If we don't let it go Well healing And you have to In my case I had to I had to Ask God For forgiveness And I had to learn how to Trust God all over again I don't know if that makes any sense And once I developed a relationship With God that I could trust Him And that He would be there I've learned to trust People But I don't It's kind of hard to I trust You but The rope is so long that by the time You get to the end you probably are fed up By the time you get to dealing with it It's not It's not going to be a short rope Because of the hurt And the pain and the rejection Okay I understand that And I see that I really do But He always provides A way of escape And He allows us opportunities To Remind us That He can heal every hurt Go ahead Andrea I concur Pastor B In order for I see a lot That when we put a name To a thing and we begin to name those Things before God He already knows What broke us But it's us acknowledging The state that we're in And I Misgivings and I mistrust In people because a lot Of times we try to hold people At a God status And try to Make them accountable For something only God can do That's good I like that So when they fail us We're unforgiving and we won't wash our hands Of the relationship But it was never their role to play But we put them in our God role Okay So we have to also Accept accountability Because we placed them in a place Come on That's true That they could not live up to So when we got Disappointed we want to wash our hands Of each other's relationship And we want to be in our feelings But at the same time God holds us accountable Because we played a part in this Because if He was truly everything to us And He was the only God for us And to us That is never good in their role to begin with That's good That's good Do you receive that Tina? When you ask God for forgiveness You got to be open to receive the forgiveness Because if If you want forgiveness Then the rope needs to be short And not putting up Hurdles for people to get to you To prove themselves to you God proves Himself By allowing people that won't be for you If God sent people If you got to trust God If you can't trust the individual Trust the God that's in the individual Yes And you remember that scripture That if we don't forgive them Our Father in Heaven won't forgive us And I'm going to go back Because I just watched your message last week Pastor B It's the when Yes We got to forgive them when When it happens Not a day later, not a minute later That thing is so real Yes it is And that's what's frightening You have to do it right then Because we've lost a lot of blessings We have to I'm sorry Pastor B go ahead We've lost a lot of blessings Because over the years we've trained ourselves How to as you say Make them jump through hoops So that we can Think about whether or not we're going to forgive them Whether we can think about whether or not We're going to as you say Acknowledge the state that we're in That we allowed them In that space or in that position That only God should have been in And we don't realize And we don't want to accept The fact that that's what we did We held them up as Pastor Roger said To a higher esteem than they should have been And then when they hurt us Or break trust Or even break camp Then we have issues Exactly Yes Exactly What I'm hearing out of all of this Is that When someone break us Crush us, damage us Destroy us God is the one that suffers We blame him And we have to build All this shit back up with him What happened to us to us And how is that fair to him? We don't have to rebuild All this shit with Christ Because we never lost that We have to rebuild ourselves with our own self Because we lose trust within ourselves Because our disobedience What got us in the position that we're in right now My God It wasn't God that allowed this to take place You allowed this to take place He said in the Bible Whatsoever that you allow on earth So things that happen here on earth We're allowing it Because when we go to Matthew 6 it tells us When we pray, pray in this manner Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it well is in heaven So he's giving us a principle of how to pray For things to take place here on earth But it's us that's allowing Whatever's going on on earth We're allowing it But we want to fault God And build that shit back with him Because we lost Nothing can separate us from the love of God And we got to understand that So what we're really building Is that shit back with ourselves Because we lost our way with doing ourselves Letting them in that place Exactly Because a lot of times our mind is already made up What we're going to do No matter what you say I'm still going to do what I want to do And that's where we're at in our walk with Christ I mean as of tonight All we want to talk to we turn blue But at the end of this session right here We're still going to do whatever we want to do That's true And that's what's taking place in the world right now Dropping that bomb That's real Because when we came on this line Our mind was made up of what we're going to do What we're going to say Even when we go to church Every one of us knows exactly what we're going to put in the offering We know exactly what we're going to give We know exactly how we're going to praise We know these things Because nothing is hidden from us We are authentic children of God If something is hiding from us That means that the enemy of the little G.O.D. Has what? Put a veil over our face And he's hiding the things from us That God has already given unto us We have Miss Sherry We have Miss Sherry Johnson from Fort St. Lucie That said that pain is sometimes God's mercy in disguise He loves us enough to let us Feel the pain of that thing Because we were from being out of place Oh yeah So convenient Do we agree on that tonight? Yes Sometimes our intellect Can get in the way Our mindset can get in the way For me I think I overthink it Or If I'm processing it And it doesn't look right Then I'm not moving I'm not going to say anything And I'm trying To process it in a way Where I can understand it Even though you may understand what you're saying to me If I don't understand it Then how can I Accept something that I don't really understand That makes sense I mean I'm not I don't know It's just that In this time In this season of my life Everything is uncomfortable Everything is unknowing I'm not in control So it's serious You know we sing that song We sing that song Order my steps in the Lord Lead me, guide me Sister Tina, growth Is scary, growth is uncomfortable Because when you start growing You can't put those same old shoes on you wore 5 years ago Yesterday You can't put that same shirt on you wore 5 years ago Because it's called growth And anything that is optimistic Between which way you are going It's going to cause pain It's going to cause hurt And we think and look at it But the issue that we're having We should not be putting so much focus On trying to figure out this life That we are in We waste too much time Trying to figure out something that's already before us All we got to do Is build up the foundation That is the word of God And we understand And we know Miss Cherry said accepting what we don't understand Is important when God is trying to move you To a place of living by faith And if you could understand it all You wouldn't need faith Does that make sense to you? Yeah If we could understand it all So he's not asking us to understand He's asking us to move when he says Abraham Abraham's faith took place When he made a step All God wants you to do is step forward And he'll do the rest You know we sing the song In the Lord All these songs These old songs We sing them and that's what they were Songs When we say order my steps in the Lord When he orders your steps That means that you're going to follow Even when you don't understand Remember the series about the disciples You follow when you don't know When you can't see your way Okay you know We just went through the series Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ We remember the information But true disciples follow And we're talking about tonight If you just tapped in To have and to hold We know that thing goes both ways And I wrote that in my book His Wife is Armavir Because if you've got anything that I write You know not to just look at the pages Of the black and white that you see You know to allow your mind To go there Inside and out of what you read In our relationships To have and to hold We think to ourselves They're going to be there forever Till the end of time In our friendships We feel like we have friends that Stick closer than a brother I got you, I'm holding on to you I'm not going to let you go But what do we do When we get to that point When you're to that point And you really need them And something else comes up Besides you Besides your needs Do you quit Do you give up Do you trust again Miss Tina Do we allow them to make it up Or to say okay you know what I'm going to say this And I want you to Hear it in a spiritual sense Instead of a physical sense Sometimes when That person Has said yes And I know everybody is going to feel it when I say this Sometimes when That person has said yes I'll do this, I'll be there The king Of the spirits Start to spin their wheel And do everything They can to stop that Yes from coming to pass Now everybody Ought to be saying ouch Everybody ought to be saying ouch Okay They can say you know what I'm going to lend you $50 Because I know you're in dire Need Now you don't realize that all of a sudden The money that was supposed to be Deposited in their account Was never deposited Or something went wrong as far as Billing was concerned And then there was an overdraft and they couldn't lend it to you You didn't know that They had a flat and had an issue And couldn't give you the money right then But they were trying to do everything they could to get it On your end All you know is you got disappointed But you don't know the Fight That's in the air When God says yes You understand that Those Spirits that are there Is their responsibility to stop That thing that was supposed to Be released to you Given to you, shared with you So that you Could not T-R-U-S-T The big G-O-D And I spelled it so hopefully that will Confuse the enemies in the air Because they don't want you to T-R-U-S-T They want you to Miss T-R-U-S-T So that you Can become confused So that you can become hurt So that you can walk in denial So you can walk in self pity And feel like the whole world Is against you Because they said yes And that yes was interrupted By the emcee That's in the air And also possibly T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T T-R-U-S-T 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