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Episode 4

Episode 4


Mindset: Reticular Activating System- Behaviour, Vision, and Positive Thinking. National Stats Lastly, an MLK Quote about Excellence.



The speaker starts by reminding listeners to register for the Power event, as capacity is filling up. The action tip of the week is about mindset and controlling behavior. Negative thoughts should be replaced with positive ones. The speaker then shares some national real estate statistics, saying that 11,000 homes sell per day and home values are expected to increase. Mortgage rates are also expected to decrease, which is good news for buyers and sellers. The speaker ends by sharing a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. about excellence and encourages listeners to strive for their best. Hello and welcome to Monday Minute with Marci. I have a few things for you today, and I just wanted to bring to your attention that the registration for Power opened on Friday. If you haven't taken a moment yet to register, if you're planning to attend, please do so. We do see that capacity is starting to fill up on several of the events, and we want to make sure that you have the opportunity you desire. So please go ahead and go into Loopminder and register for the Empower event, and then you can register for the hotel on the Empower website by scrolling all the way down and clicking on the hotel that you wish to book. Today's action tip of the week is focusing on our mindset. All right, you ninjas out there, tell me if you remember this, the reticular activating system. What is the reticular activating system? It is what controls and regulates behavior. And how do we practice that, and how do we help regulate behavior? Well, let's talk about that. Give thoughts and visions to the best case scenario. Be aware of what you are choosing to spend your time on. Thinking and believing. These will absolutely create and help you regulate how you feel. An example of a negative thought. I don't want to fail. Versus positive, I want to succeed. One of those has far more power, and I guarantee you will have much better results for you. All right. Normally I would hop into some stats about the last seven days. I'm going to share those in the notes so you will still have them, but I'd like to share with you a couple of national things that were brought to our attention today and I found very interesting. So we always talk about controlling the narrative when people ask you how is the market. And I love asking questions back as to what interests you in the market or what have you heard, but people want to know information. And our goal is to always provide some value. So here's some information that I thought brought value. Nationally, 11,000 homes per day sell. That equals approximately eight houses per minute. That's fantastic numbers. Whether or not we hit a recession, home values are expected to increase. And with that, as new listings hit the market for spring, and I believe we're starting our spring market now, that means more buyers are venturing out and they will have less competition than they did last year. If mortgage rates remain stable and as they're expected to have a slight decrease throughout to the end of the year, then that should put a very good scenario on hands for our buyers and for our sellers. To me, that sounds like some great news and let's see what happens, but that's some solid facts that you can provide. Lastly, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And in honor of him, I found a great quote where he talks about excellence. And I'd like to share it with you. If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep the streets even as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep the streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well. My apologies for stumbling over a few of those words, but it's a great quote. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the best orators of our time. And I think we're talking about being a street sweeper or a realtor or any other profession, job, career. We're talking about excellence and doing our best. And how we do our best is we think we have the mindset for it. We execute. We execute by committing and dedicating our time to it. And we win by mastering the fundamentals. Our fundamentals include the ninjal nine. You can do the C2X through Realtor.org, your GRI, attending conventions and power and networking with your peers. We are stronger together. And when you own it and work towards your goals and your success, it's going to happen. All right, you guys. I believe in you. And let's make it a great week. I'll see you next week.

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