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The speaker discusses the importance of rest and taking time for oneself. He believes that rest provides clarity and allows one to reflect on what they truly want to do in life. He suggests engaging in activities that are personally fulfilling, such as reading, meditating, and exercising. The speaker also mentions that he sometimes uses substances to help reset his thought process. Rest, according to him, enables self-reflection and growth, fostering empathy and understanding towards others. He emphasizes the need to make changes in life and believes that rest is essential for making genuine efforts towards personal transformation. The speaker advises finding activities that nourish the soul and prompt different perspectives. Hey, hey guys, hey, welcome to the Letters To You Podcast featuring your boy T.J. Today we're going to talk about rest. Rest, man, that is a word that is like a literal four-letter word, right? Like you talk about it, you feel like you need it, you complain to your coworkers about it, you complain to your friends and family about it, but you never really take time to do it. You never really take time to reset your body, you know, take time for yourself to refocus and kind of reprogram how you're going to attack the next moment of your life. And so rest is important for so many reasons, but the biggest reason I feel like rest is important is because it gives you clarity. It gives you time to be like, man, what would I be doing if I wasn't just not doing anything, you know? What would I choose to do if I wasn't doing anything, if I wasn't being busy doing busy work, you know? So what I mean by that is like you have your job, you know, you have your responsibilities, you may or may not have hobbies and stuff like that, but what would be the thing that you would be doing if you had time to just do that, right? And so like when you're focusing on the things that you want versus the things that you feel like you need to do to get things done, especially in our society, like our society is a, I live in America, I live in the United States of America, and like we are considered a first world country, right, and a capitalist society. So like you, in this country, you can monetize anything, right? You can do anything. I feel like rest provides you the opportunity to think about, man, what would I do if I wasn't doing the thing I am doing to provide for my life, if that makes sense. And so I think what most people need to do is to sit back, you know, find a day where you read something that's edifying. You know, it could be fiction, nonfiction. These days I prefer nonfiction over fiction. Something spiritual, like do something meditative. Maybe some light workout, like yoga or some kind of stretching or something like that, and just focus, you know. And I'll be honest, part of my rest days involve drugs sometimes, you know, like something that you can just sit back and just, that takes you out of the ability for you to get out and just want to do something. So I'm not a big smoker. I'm a bit of a drinker, a little bit, and I've been introduced to psychedelics lately. So like, but those things kind of help you reset your thought process and reset how you think and really how you feel about your situations and the people around you. Like, I think you, for me at least, I've grown to have more empathy and grown to try and understand people rather than to, not necessarily judge them, but to put my ideas onto them, you know. Try to change them, you know. I feel like I'm not trying to change the people that I'm around. I just want to understand them and I want to love them and be there for them, you know, as they are, you know what I'm saying? And it's hard, but I think rest allows you to sit back and reflect on the things that you're doing right, the things that you're doing wrong, and the things that you want to change. You know, we talked about change last week. So I think with rest gives you the opportunity to notice and to reflect on the changes that you need to make within yourself and how you can be different towards the people that are in your life. Because none of us are the same. We all process things differently and we all handle stress and anxiety and life differently, you know. And so rest just gives you a chance to just reflect and be like, man, I could do this differently. When I'm around this person, I could be differently around this person. When I approach my job, I can approach this in this way. Or, you know, if I want to make a change, you know, again back to last week, if I want to make a change in life, I can start to do it this way. But if you don't take time to reflect and to relax and to understand, you're never going to, I don't believe that you would ever really give a real effort towards changing your life. You know, you can't be busy all the time. You can't be focused all the time. You know, you have to take time to rest, whether that's for you sleeping more, whether that's for you playing a video game or something. Or like I said, reading a book or listening to something that's edifying or something that's nonsense. Like do something that edifies your soul and gives you a chance to think about things differently, you know. So this one's a little bit shorter, but that's what I got for you guys. So this is my letter to you today. Peace out.

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