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Episode 3

Let EO Fxck The Podcast



Episode 3

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Alright, I'm recording. Everything's good now. Our Tasha's pretty face. You can watch her play with her hair the whole time. It's all good. Today's alcoholic beverage is plain and simple. It's red wine. Any kind of red wine you want. You prefer. Some people prefer it more dry. Some people prefer it more wet. I like it juicy, so I don't know how people can drink dry red wine. I just can't. I got like some $9 bottle. I don't know. I don't know. I have no idea. I probably can't even pronounce it. You want to talk about Barbie? Let's talk about Barbie. If you haven't watched it yet, which I hope you have by now, then skip ahead if you don't want spoilers. Has it been all you thought about all day? Oh yeah. Like there is no penny left unturned. They thought of everything. Everything. Architectural Digest? What is it? That? That? Okay. I was like I don't know if that's what she's referring to. Is it really? Is it really? How did I miss that? It's so great. And then Lizzo's song in the very beginning fits it so perfectly. The soundtrack for this movie. 10 out of 10. I still don't like, I need to re-watch the last scene. Like not the last scene, the last when she's talking to Ruth, you know? Because I'm like, I feel like I was too invested in what other people were thinking because I knew that a lot of people would cry in this scene. So I was thinking too much about like what other people were thinking and I wasn't really like comprehending the words that she was saying. Yeah, rant about being a woman. Yeah. In the real world. It was so beautiful and then they just ruined it with a joke. Like I was like on the verge of tears and then she's like I know that. And I was like okay. Oh no. Yes. I don't want those rollerblading costumes. Catch me doing that on Halloween. Yeah. And then weird Barbie. Weird Barbie was brilliant. Like insanely well thought. Because everybody had a Barbie that they all cut up their hair and then they just fucked completely. Yeah. And like the markers, the markers like all over her face. Oh my gosh. That. See I wasn't really like a Barbie fan growing up so I didn't have all of this stuff but like just seeing the ambulance open up like that, I was like man I bet there's a bunch of people that are freaking the fuck out with this ambulance doing that. And then like you had the little like sketch things or like the x-rays and they're like they're fine and then they were holding it up. I was like oh my god. This is so great. I forgot that you have to like stick them on whenever you first get them. I forgot about that. I love that. I love the movie so much. Oh my god. It's so great. I love the vibe that it brings. I just wish Will Ferrell would have been used better. I mean I loved him too but I'm like what was his role really? You know what I'm saying? That's a really interesting point. That's an interesting point because I know a lot of people were mad that he was kind of useless but now that you say it that way I'm like yeah you're kind of right. Yep. What did you think about the kin fight? Oh yeah. I love like the fake arrows and everything is just flying everywhere. You have like beach balls getting thrown around everywhere and then all of a sudden they just turn into like this grease thing. Like I kept waiting for the famous Ryan Gosling video of him dancing when he was a kid. I kept waiting for that like choreography to be brought in somehow. I don't know if they did or not but it was so great. Dance the night. Party. It was all so well thought out. Well I love the fact that they made everyone Barbie in Barbieland because that's not something I guess that you really think of doing but everyone was Barbie. Like there was multiple. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah that's what I'm saying. Like they didn't give them specific names. Like they were all just Barbie and Ken. And it was funny because it was like are you texting Ken? Yes I'm texting Ken. Whereas Ken's like right by her. You know what I'm saying? Like they all just knew who they were talking about. It's so great. And then you just have like a random Alan in the mix of everything. Oh my goodness. Me either. Yeah me either. But I saw someone say somewhere that Alan was made for Ken the way Ken was made for Barbie. And so that's why Alan always wanted to be like Ken's best friend or something. Yeah. But Michael Thera playing that was great. I did not know Michael Thera was in there. He's like the perfect awkward dude. Yeah I need to watch that. We talked about this. And did you see that people were referencing Bratz dolls to the kids whenever she was at the lunch table and she was trying to get Sophie's attention? Like they were all, yeah. Have you ever watched Bratz? Me either. But apparently there's like a core four in the movie and they all look like they casted little girls, like they casted the girls to look just like the Bratz dolls. And that's why they were mean to Barbie because they're obviously rivals. I don't know. No I didn't either until someone said it on Twitter. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The movie did a good balance of the good and the bad. The pros and the cons of what Barbie did for the world. I think they did a really good balance on that. Mm-hmm. Exactly. And then that last scene though. That last scene. Gotta end it on that last scene. Oh yeah. Oh I know. I was like what a way to start. Like. Oh my God. It's so funny because you're like they set it up to where she's going to a job interview and then she definitely is not going to a job interview. Oh my God. So great. Mm-hmm. Thank you. Thank you. And then like whenever she like fell and imitated a doll and she was just like laying down looking like a doll I was like another good attention to detail thing. That's so great. That's who that was? I recognized her voice but I couldn't like picture it. Okay but when is Greta going to put Mariska in a movie? That's the real question. Yeah. Yeah. This might sound. This might get me canceled. I don't know. Obviously I never want this series to end but I am very much looking forward to seeing what she does after Olivia Benson. I did not know. Of course. I feel like that's all she played like in the 90s on the things that I do see. Hmm. Oh it's a series? Yeah like a sitcom kind of thing. Yeah. Yes. So would I. So would I. I need it more than life. Yeah. But also like another part of me wants to see her in like a movie. Like a movie movie. Well yeah. Obviously I can imagine her and Chris doing everything but you know. I have not. I know. I know. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And then they're like best friends right? So they could really like do it. Yeah. And I mean actors they constantly like. Like Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. They're in a bunch of shit together. You know what I'm saying? So I can see it happening. Yeah. They need to do something where like they're both his wives or something like that and then he's like I don't know what to say or something. I don't know. All right. Do you want to read Skip Fick now? Now that we're done discussing Bobby. The Bobby. I don't know. The pictures. The pictures to me don't like match up the props sometimes. Yeah. Oh yeah. It's not anything like full. Like no. Love that. That's why I love proms so much. That's just why I love proms so much is because like there's just so many different things that you can do with a sentence. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It is so good. I love that. I love little kitchen scenes. Mm-hmm. I love all of her stuff. Like I said, I'm a bit behind on that. I love all of her stuff. Like I said, I'm a bit behind on the newer stuff, but I don't have that good of a memory if you can tell. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, I mean, they did it last season with BX9, so it could happen. DJ. DJ, DJ. We're not talking about Full House here. No, I can remember reading, like every time she would post something on the TL, I would obviously like go and read it, but I've read so many fakes that it is so hard to place, like to differentiate fakes from people for me. Mm-hmm. Because you read multiple ones at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. It's, yeah. Yeah. It's kind of hard sometimes. But she's brilliant. Oh, that's kind of, that's kind of psychotic. To read multiple books at the same time. Oh my God, no, fuck that, for real. Fan fakes are enough for me. Having open tabs always on my phone is enough for me. Oh, yeah. This episode. I, so you remember how on episode one I said all the parallels and stuff were taken from episode one? I lied. That was a blant lie, because I'm watching this episode and I'm like, oh my God, literally every one of the parallels that we always get are from this episode. And then I'm just like, the lighting, the lighting, yeah, well, I mean, you know, the lighting in this episode. I'm like, how do I get that lighting? Like, it's, oh, man. Always in the dark, but, bruh. And like, okay, so I did have like an interesting, like, perspective on this. So, do you remember all those, like, months ago, I think whenever season 24 just came out or was about to come out or was like last hiatus or something, where the lady that takes the, that took the famous, like, Krishka baby pictures from behind the scenes that we have and she was posting, like, new ones for us? Do you remember that? Bailey? So, you know the one, you know the one where they're in the interrogation and the guy's sitting down and they're like, and they're like this close, just smiling and laughing at each other? That was from this episode. That was from this episode. So, the reason why I was thinking about it, because I think I remember her saying that this came, that picture came from the pilot. I think I remember her saying that. I don't know. I can't fact check it. I don't even know what her name was, but I think I remember her saying that. And then I was like, but this guy wasn't in the pilot. So, it doesn't make any sense. But what if this episode was, like, the affair episode? Because they were so close. They were flirting so hard in this episode. But it was on, it was on 100. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's just so, like, the closeness in this episode is so ridiculous compared to the other episodes. It's just, I don't know. Like, I just feel the plot being, like, the affair plot storyline. That's what it feels like to me in this episode. So, I'm like, what if. Yeah. Could be. Could be. But, like, them in the doorway, them in the doorway just, like, looking at each other. Yeah. Let's start a podcast and talk about EO and then have no words to fucking describe it. Oh, my God. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. It is absurd. Yeah. Yep. Exactly. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I just feel like, just hug. Like, just stand there and hug and talk if you want to be that close. I mean, damn. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, always. But, like, you get, like, the chalkboard scene. That's a famous, like, parallel scene in this episode. And then I actually, like, the way they walk, the way they walk side by side. Oh, that, like, the looks could get me, but the walking and sing, that's the shit that, like, fucks me up, actually. I don't think so. It's natural. It's very natural, I feel like. No, it has to be. It has to be natural. I'm not always, you know. But I am such a sucker for the walk, the NSYNC walk. I think the whole fandom actually is. It's just something so, like, nice about it. Okay, so it could be, like, Mariska trying to imitate Chris's walk, because she did say that he had, like, the swagger walk to him, you know? Yeah, the New York swagger walk, whatever she says. And even in episode one, whenever they were, like, outside and they were walking to their car, and she had, like, her hand in her pocket, and they were swinging their arms the same way, I was like, oh, this is so pleasing to fucking watch. Like... People will probably say Mulder and Scully. I've never watched the X-Files, but people will probably say them. But... Really? You've never watched that? And you're a... How do you say her name? Yeah, Jillian Anderson fan, and you've never watched that? Mmm... Mmm... God, I'm kind of judging. No. Well... I mean, maybe. I don't know. I'm not... Oh. Well, it was definitely before my time, but... I don't know. Aliens just don't... Aliens just don't do it for me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The phone. I literally just put an ice in my mouth, thinking that I was going to be able to chew that while I'm doing this. Not a good idea. Yeah. Oh no. Yeah. I bet. I think... Well, I don't know how wild Elliot necessarily is. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. You experiment? Yeah. Yeah. What if they could both have kind of the same experiences? You know? Because my thing is that I don't necessarily think that Elliot isn't spicy. I just think that Kathy isn't spicy. So... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I mean, like, he seemed like he'd get turned on with the rope situations that we get later on in seasons. It was like, you know... Well, there's one in this season, I think, and then there's one, like, next season. Yeah. Yeah. You think? Because of being a Catholic? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I shouldn't be laughing, but I am. I'm sorry. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So, but we can both agree on that whenever they do fuck each other, it's gonna be the best fuck that they've ever had. We can agree that, right? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, I need shit broken. I need furniture broken. She needs to go to Elliot's. More privacy. And I just need that after, the after morning scene or whatever of, like, the morning light in his place. You know, kind of like we got with Tia, but not like that. Not with her. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We're gonna get something. We're gonna get something. I do like the big shirt, though. I do like the big shirt. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We need that leading up to it. Yeah, but, yeah. Yeah, but, yeah. Yeah. That was gross to me, but, you know. Not him, but her. Yeah, her. Like, her just, like, climbing back on, like, a fucking awful mattress topper quilt thing, and I'm like, oh, this is cringe. Yeah. And she's like, who's that? Who's that? Yeah. Yeah. Flutera. Fruit loop. Flu shot. Fluenza. It's just all of this shit. Oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah. She's way more than a party planner. Okay, anyway. Of course, we're talking about later seasons. Always. We're just gonna have to refer, like, back and forth. It's fine. And then we have the measuring guy in this episode, and Olivia, like, beat the crap out of him. She, like, kneed him in the balls or something. And then Elliot showed Protect Elliot. Yeah. Yeah. And she's a real one for knowing what fucking football game was on TV, because I can't see her watching it. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. She knows literature, all this shit. Yeah. Poor thing. I'm still annoyed that the fact that they painted Serena to be so shitty, and then the one time that you actually see her in this series, she's, like, a really good bob, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. They definitely did. No. Yeah. It doesn't. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But they needed Olivia to have even more of a tragic backstory. So, you know. You know. Mm-hmm. Yes. I don't know. Yeah. I'm, like, you knew what he was signing up for, and it's been, what, like, a year? It's been, like, he's been a police officer for, like, what, four years by this time? Like, it's been... Yeah. Yeah. So, I'm, like, mm, lady. Yeah, he could be home, but he's providing for the fucking family, bitch. No, I'm kidding. But... Yeah. Kill the turtle. Ha ha ha! Oh, he seems to just fuck things up whenever he's home, doesn't he? No, I'm kidding. Oh, gosh. But, yeah. I mean, I think they touched really, like, should I say well on that subject? But... Yeah, I loved that. That woman was tall. I would've just say that much. She was eye height with him. Like, I know she was wearing heels, but I was like, damn. I was a little jealous. Yeah. Mm-hmm. No. As far as we know, she's fine. In fix, she has, like, four kids. Is she the mother of the twins or no? Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Love it. Mm-hmm. And then I think Kathleen is, like, bi in almost all of these fix. She's either... I mean, I've read her both, I feel like. I've read her being both. Oh, yeah. That's the most famous one, though. Shout out to Alex for starting that. It really is. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. This one had a pretty good plot twist, too. I can't remember the girl. I feel like she's, like, a famous actress, but I don't know what her name is. I probably should have researched that before. The one with the sunglasses? With the eye thing? I feel like I've recognized her before, but... Also, whenever they share sunglasses. Speaking of sunglasses, whenever they both have sunglasses on in this episode. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And then I love whenever they'll, like, address the other, like, for them. Like, hi, this is my partner, Detective Benson, and I'm Detective Thaler. Like, I love whenever they do it for them, you know what I'm saying? Oh, I just love that. Yeah. We're partners. We partners. Partners. Oh, my God. The Cajun partners. Mm-hmm. Yes, we should. All right, I'm going to pick a few. Okay, this one's from Dandelion. Dandelion again. She asked a bunch of questions, actually. But her questions are pretty good. So, this one is, this might be a little controversial. What's your thoughts on the Lewis storyline? Re-EO? Yeah, does Elliot know? Did Kathy keep it from him? How's he going to find out? Yeah, I don't think he knows, either. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. And, like, he got upset whenever she didn't call him when she got, like, jumped on the street. Like, there is no way he would find out that she was kidnapped and not be there. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But I can also see Kathy, like, I can see the kids saying that, but I can also see Kathy, like, going Google what happened to her, just so that she knows, she has the full info. And then I can see her definitely not, never telling Elliot anything. Like, not even that something happened to her. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, that would be character assassination, I feel like, if we end up finding out that he knew this whole time and just didn't do or say anything. Yeah. So that brings us to another question that she asked. How is he going to find out? How do we think he's going to find out? Yeah, I don't know if they're going to go into it. Mm-hmm. Yep. Burns and stuff, yeah. Oh. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No. I mean, the way that I see it happening is I see something, either, like, maybe she's just off or something like that, and he'll be like, you know, what's wrong? You know, you remember all those months ago you told me, like, a couple years ago or whatever, that I never asked you what happened to you while you left? Do you want to talk about it? You know, like, do you want to tell me what happened? I really want to know what happened in the 10 years that I was gone. And I always pictured her, like, not being able to actually tell him what happened, but, like, yeah, but, like, going to get her case file and then just handing it to him, and then him being like, what's this? And then she's like, it's my case file. And then we don't see him, like, reading it or whatever. They just cut to, like, his reaction after he reads it or something like that. That's how I see that going. Yeah. Something. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I know. Yeah, I don't think we're going to get it either. I think that time has definitely passed. Like, they should have done that shit, like, last season, I think. But I think they had a lot of promises, like, a lot of things planned last season that kind of just got thrown out the water. Yeah. I love the girl power, but she just, I don't know, something about Amanda just aggravates me. I think it's her sister more than anything. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but, I mean, she had two kids. She was a main, she's a main actor on the show. I feel like they would have gotten, yeah, I feel like they would have gotten, like, a lot of hate if they actually killed her off. But, I mean, Dick Wolf obviously doesn't care because it was his idea to begin with. So, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just, yeah, I'm not that big of an Amanda Rollins fan, I'm sorry. I know a lot of people are, but I just, I'm not. Carice either. I liked Carice better as a cop. Yeah, I mean, like, she's not bad by any means because, like, in earlier seasons, she's just terrible. But. Yeah, and why she was the way she was, you know, and why she was the way she was, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's, yeah. I just, I don't know. I just find her, there's something about her. It might be, no, I'm not even going to say that. But just something about her just irritates me. I don't know what it is. I think I just have the ick and I can't get rid of it. Yeah. But no, her and Carice are super cute. I'm glad that they got what they got before she left. Yeah, it really must be nice. That's probably why I don't like her that much, because they just, they got what we got, what we needed, what we wanted. Mm-hmm. This one has a lot of questions. Okay. Who is more likely to do a lot? Elliot. Elliot. Elliot now is a house, Elliot now is a house husband. 100%. Yeah. I mean, she has her shit dry-cleaned. Yeah, she has her shit, like, dry-cleaned or something. She has her shit, like, dry-cleaned or something. But I definitely think Elliot is like, he's too eager to do her laundry. Let's be real. Too eager. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking, I'm trying to... Okay, I'll do this one from Tony. And her handle is OliviaXStabler, which is kind of dope. It says, if you could write the episode Elliot and Olivia finally get together, how would you do it? Okay. Do you want them to have, like, a soft first kiss? No. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It doesn't go with 25 years of fucking wanting. Yeah. Like, maybe, like, one season, maybe it would go like that, but we've been waiting 25 years. There is no way it can just be some soft little baby kiss. And if it is, I'm gonna personally, like, find a way to contact Marisha and Chris, and I'm gonna yell at them for so many, like, just for hours. Because, what the fuck. Yeah. I need hands on, like, necks, every, like... Yeah. It needs to be an explosion. I'm pretty much on the same page as you on that one. Yeah. Mm-hmm. It says, how could you write the episode? What is, like, do you want me, like, the whole episode? Or is it just the scene? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yep, and then you want him to fuck on OC, yep. Yeah. I think that's everybody's wish on that aspect. Because, I mean, the kiss obviously has to happen on SVU. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I just can't believe that she got shot on OC, though. That's kind of wild to me. Mm-hmm. Yeah, let's blame the other show. Yeah. Did you know that she had gotten shot with, like, pellets and not, like, an actual shotgun, like, shotgun, shotgun shell? Or was I the only one that didn't know that? Yeah. Oh, no. It should be. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My makeup's kind of cute today. I cut my lashes in half, and then I put both halves on the outer corner of my eyes. Yeah. Layering, layering them lashes. Okay. Oh, I want to do one more. Yeah, I want to do one more after this question. Yeah, instead of, like, an actual shotgun shell. The urgent care. See... I went, like... Gotta go delete some stuff. Okay. Okay. You got it. Oh, my God. Okay. Please don't put my face on there without your gorgeous face on there as well. Um, where were we? Yeah, well, I went, like, weeks thinking... Or, like, a week thinking that she had gotten shot with, like, an actual shotgun shell. And so I was like, this makes no fucking sense. Like, her hip would be blown out. Okay. Well, it's, like, a shotgun shell with, like, pellets in it. It's not, like, one big bullet. It's, like, a bunch of little tiny pellets. And so she had pellets in her. I think a shotgun... Yeah, I think a shotgun thing might. But with pellets, yeah, they... Pellets... That's why they call them bird shells or something like that. Bird shot. Because you have more chances, I guess, of fucking taking out a bird than anything, whatever. But I was just asking. No. No. No. I was just asking. Because I felt like I was the biggest fucking idiot going, like, all week and being like, how the fuck is she walking? Her hip should be blown out. Like, what is this? Yeah. Um, okay. Yeah, one more. Wait, hold on. Okay. This one's from SamWrites99. Thank you, Sam, for submitting a question. It says, will EO and 3.0 disclose or date in secret? No. There's no conflict of interest. Well, the only time there might be a conflict of interest is if they have to work together. You think? You have the idea because you think that it's going to happen at the very end of the series. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I don't think they meant, like, disclose as in, like, you have to. Yeah, I don't think they meant it like that. I just think they meant it, like, to the squad. Will they tell the squad? Or, yeah. And I hope we see it. I hope we see it. He's going to bring her coffee every single day. Finn's going to give her shit about it. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think they'll be able to date in secret. Like, they're just going to be too, like, hippity hop, like, 24-7. Like, Olivia's going to have a smile on her face for, like, five minutes, and then people are just automatically going to suspect that she, something's fucking happening. No, there was a, this was Warren Light's fucking doing. So, you remember last season, on season 23, she went to that, like, gala thing, or something like that with Trevor, a.k.a. Peter? Well, hold on. No, so, you didn't see it, but Warren went on Twitter, like, the next day, because people were asking, because she brought donuts the next day. And they were like, oh, it must have been a good night, and then Warren was like, donuts are cold, dot, dot, dot. Oh, I don't know. That's just all I remember. Is it? Now I need to go look. Now I need to go see. And do some research on it. No. No. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't like the fact that they made him into Noah's lawyer. Like, who? God, who? Why does that name sound familiar, and I can't think of who it is? Oh! Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. The one that he's like, he's like, if I'm representing him, they're guilty as fuck. Yeah, because all, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yep. I miss her. I'm sorry, but I miss her. She brought some spice. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's it. It did flow very nicely. Besides, you know, your phone issues. Hopefully. Hopefully we're entertaining. I think we're entertaining. Yeah, yeah. Just talking shit, you know? But, oh yeah. All right. That has been episode three of Let EO Fuck the Podcast. We will see you this week. Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!

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