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Denounce - 1

Denounce - 1

Larry Parks



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The podcast hosts discuss various topics, including their preferences in dating and relationships. They talk about insecurities and the importance of reassurance in a relationship. They also touch on the idea of denouncing fraternities and sororities, expressing their indifference towards it. You are now tuned into the most ignorant podcast in America, this is the under plumbing line, I am the DOK and I'm sitting here with my main man Larry P. What you got to say my man? Um, here we go. You forgot again? Another week? Actually man, I really don't got nothing to say. I think I might have had something. Uh, I try to steer away, I talk a lot about hip hop because I listen to a lot of music and I try to not overkill these segments with hip hop takes. Um, and usually it's just something within hip hop that's making me mad. Um, but even then I don't even remember what I was about to say in that moment. So, here we are. Another show? Another lost stop? Let me ask you this, since you're talking about hip hop, and we'll get to whatever our topic is for the week in a second, but I want to ask you this. I want you to put yourself back in your high school mindset. You were like a junior in high school at this point. And we've had the debate on the show about, you know, like, do you want attractive friends or do you want ugly friends and all of that stuff. But I want to ask this question. If you were a junior in high school and Sexy Red was a junior at your high school, I would smash you. You would? Man, it was this girl at my high school, man. I don't, I can't see me like... Let me tell you something, man. When I was a high school man, I probably had the lowest standards ever. Like, at this point where I am in my life, like, if people look at my track record of the women I've dated, they'd be like, dang, Larry, like, you know what I'm saying, you don't miss, bro. You know what I'm saying? Like, you know, I've dated a lot of very, very attractive women. However... Don't pat yourself on the back too hard, brother. Yeah, I know, you know, people might be... You know me, you know me. I only, I only get the best. My old lady might be listening and be like, huh, what? Anyways, this is not going to be a clip. Women always think all your exes are ugly. Yeah, and then you know what? You know what? If my old lady were to say it, I'd be like, they were. She'd be like, they don't compare to me, and I'd be like, you are 100% correct. See, I'm the opposite. Like, any, if my old lady, like, I used to date such and such and such, and they'd be trying to downplay it, I'd be like, no, no, he look good. You know what I'm saying? That's what I'm dealing with. I can see why you went for him. Because my thing is, I don't want to believe that the person that I'm dating or with has bad taste. So, if you are of the belief that everybody that the person you're with has all ugly exes, you may not realize that you might be ugly. So I have to believe that, oh, no, no, no, her exes look good too. Yeah, we all look good. We're a good-looking bunch of gentlemen. Because if they are ugly, that means I'm ugly. What you do when the ex, like, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. We're going to let the intrusive thoughts win right here, because now I just thought about an intro of something that I wanted weeks or months ago. And I never said it, but it just came back to me. Anyways, what do you do? I'm going to ask this question, and then I'm going to let my intrusive thought win. What do you do, though, when the ex, like, she with you, but the ex or one of the exes you know look better to you? I'm talking about physique-wise. I'm talking about, like, if you look at him, you like, you know, certain people you can look at where you're like, oh, Michael B. Jordan. Like, oh, I know why the women, or Morris Chesnutt. I know why the women look. So what do you do when your old lady's ex is Morris Chesnutt? Like, you're like, why are you with me? I can't compete. Did he cheat on you? No, no, he was a good guy. It just wasn't working. Am I a rebound? So you broke up with him? But you want to be with me? Like, her ex is Michael Ealy, and you sitting there like, huh, so what is it about me that you like? Like, you really be questioning, because you can't think, you look in your own mirror, you like, you know you're not Michael Ealy. Like, I'm looking at myself like, am I? Why do you love me? What is, do I, am I that funny? I'm not that funny. I'm really not that funny. As a man, insecurities pop up. Like, insecurities are created that you never knew existed. I never knew I was threatened by another man. Yeah, I don't really have an answer to that. You know, again, you know, I got the answer to it. I want to believe that my old lady has good taste. I got the answer to it, but the answer to it is not what women want to hear. Because a lot of women want men to find reassurance within themselves and want them to feel like, you know what I'm saying, you should feel like the fact that I'm with you, you know that I'm choosing you. However, situations like these that we're saying are created, and insecurities in men's minds are always created some sense, form, or fashion that we did not know existed. So in that point, it is the woman's job to put that reassurance in a man. That they are with them for the reason, and they are not going anywhere else because they choose them. But a lot of women don't know how to put reassurance in men. And see, this just might be a self-esteem issue of myself, but like the only thing I would be able to say is that my old lady look at me and say, yeah, you know, I'm going back to Morris. I would say, I understand. It's been good. It's been good while it lasted. Right. I knew this was going to happen. I knew this was going to happen. But like I said, at that point. I've enjoyed our time together. At that point. Enjoy your time with Morris. Like I'm saying, even at that point, in the back of your mind, you have that thought process like she's going to leave me for this guy one day. Women may be like, and at the end of the day, a lot of these insecurities may start causing different issues that may force her back to Morris. But she doesn't realize these insecurities are happening because she's not placing that reassurance in her man that look, I'm with you. I want to be with you. I choose to be with you. She just expected him to be like, man up, be a man. I'm with you every day. We have sex. We're doing all that. But, man, you got to start realizing women can have sex with you. I have a question, but I don't think either one of us are the ones to answer this question. And we may have talked about it. Let me answer it. But if you if you are a woman, a woman. And you find that your man cheats on you. Are you more or less upset if you find out like she is a dime? So as a as an advocate for women. You know, I like to be a feminist. I like to think I'm a feminist in a feminist nature. So I can speak for a woman on this. It's not about how bad she is. It's really about the level of deceit. Mm hmm. You know, I mean, like if he just started cheating and he sloppy and he, you know, so you found them like in the middle of it and you found out she was bad. Like at the end of the day, like you're not really mad. You're not really mad. You know, so you just you just like upset with his intentions. Like, you know, like, yeah, I would have cheated with her, too. At the end of the day, she might. Yeah, I might have a threesome if you were sloppy. If you were sloppy, I might have a threesome because she might invite that girl over. Like, you know, I'm saying, like, if that's the case, you should. She looked good. You should have told me. We should have talked about it. I might have a threesome. Now she leaving you for her. Right now. Let me call. Would you were you with Tyrone? OK, OK. That's my man. But let me look. But let's get past that. I'm not mad at you. Can we meet now for drinks? Yeah. Now, now, if it turns out that this same bad girl that I just I just spoke about in the last scenario, if this same bad girl, you cheated with her and it's been an affair or cheating or whatever you want to call it for the past year and she had no idea about it. She is. Teed off to the mat and it's not even about the looks of the girl. It's just the fact that you was key key in her face and you can never make her look like a fool in these streets. And how are you looking? Talking about my man, my man for the whole past year. My man is my man. She doesn't post a happy birthday. She don't post a happy Father's Day. If y'all got a kid together, she doesn't post a happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life. She doesn't post it. Man crushed Monday, some random place. And the whole time you kiki and playing with her with this other girl in the back end. It don't matter what that girl looks like. It don't matter. It could be Jennifer Lopez. She's like, nah, bro. You could you could at least broke up with me before that. Speaking of kiki and breaking up. What are we talking about this week? We talk about these people denouncing their fraternities and sororities. I mean, it's always been a thing, but for some reason it just seems like to be a bigger thing now. It doesn't mean some ebbs and flows. But over the last few years, I've seen more of this being done publicly. I remember the first time I was made aware of somebody denouncing and it was a very same logic, but very private. Like they sent a message and was just like, I'm denouncing for these reasons. Why? And who cares? It's been. But what I'm saying is it wasn't posted. No, I would just say even then, who cares? Who cares? But I want to start here as a member of a black Greek letter organization, as Larry and also a member of a black Greek letter organization. I can tell you this. I don't care. First and foremost, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to denounce all the time. You just don't say nothing about it. The day you decide, you know what? I ain't going to nothing no more. I'm not paying my dues. I ain't wearing this stuff. I'm just not doing it no more. I don't feel like it. You have really. You've denounced. You ain't really. If you ain't claiming it no more, then are you really a member? I'm going to say I don't care. But at the end of the day, my my my concern at this point is. Um. This is another one of those social media trends, and I just. One of the most recent situations I was made aware of, somebody denounced like two weeks after they crossed the Delta. So you went through you paid. And somebody broke it down eloquently. There was like and there was a Delta who was breaking it down. It was like you pay whatever it is to join thousands of dollars. You go through whatever initiation process you have to go through. You go through the interview and you go through the process, whatever your process may be. We're not here to talk about that. Um, you're initiated. And then like two weeks later, you're like, I just want to publicly denounce my sorority because it is not in alignment with my religious beliefs. Why did you go to the meeting? Why did you join? Did you not notice the entire time? Like, I mean, I know you said we're going to rustle a couple of feathers. And I mean, I know I'm about to rustle a couple of feathers. Um. But the people that be denouncing, man. I have you really thinking like. So usually when you join a fraternity sorority, you're in college, right? Mm hmm. And what's that? Between the ages of 17 and 22, 23. Um, so between the ages of 17, 23, you're still finding yourself. Mm hmm. Uh, the people that I see denouncing their fraternities and sororities. Whether it's two weeks out there, whether it's five to 10 years later, those are people that I see that did not know who they were at the time they were joining. Mm hmm. You know, I feel like growing up, you know, like, you know, you have like 17, 16 year olds that you may meet at the age you are. You may meet them like that. You're mature for your age. I think maturity. A lot of people say maturity is age. I think maturity is a massive. And I think a lot of people can be mature at a young age. And I think those people are who go off to be maybe politicians and maybe go off like they know where their life is going. They have their own security within their own self because whether it's their parents or something that happened. But so when they join a fraternity sorority, they know why they're joining. They like I'm joining for this reason. When I joined Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated, I joined for the girls. So when people be like, are you going to denounce Kappa? Like, no, like I joined it for the girls. I got the girls like that was that was the purpose. Why would I denounce? What if I need girls again? But for people, but for other people, they'd be like, I joined this fraternity because, you know, I love the sense of achievement. And I felt like I needed to join this to, like, better myself and achieving like I was going to achieve with or without Kappa. I just wanted the girls. Now, all those things that came in, you know, saying extracurricular activities, the programs, everything we did like, yeah, I did that because, you know, that's who I am as a person. But I knew I was as a person. Like I let the letters didn't make me. I made the letters. And I think a lot of people, a lot of people come in that be denouncing. They come in and they let the letters change their entire being of a person, which is not what you should let a fraternity or sorority do. Like those are the people that I'm going to denounce because this whole Delta, a.k.a. Sigma Omega, it's made me a whole person that I don't even know who I am. And you ain't know who you was before. You just became Dan the Omega. When we come back, I want to build upon what Larry was just explaining and talk a little bit more about y'all's identity issues. It's the Unemployment Law.

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