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You are what you think

You are what you think


The podcast is about how we can become whoever we want to be if we believe it enough, as we are the sum of the thoughts we think all day. It starts by discussing how our thoughts shape our reality and how we can use this to our advantage. It then goes on to explain that we have the power to shape our own lives and become whoever we want to be, as long as we believe it enough and work towards it.



Our thoughts have a significant impact on who we become, as our beliefs shape our reality. Earl Nightingale said that we become what we think about all day long. Buddha also believed in the power of thoughts, stating that our thoughts shape our perceptions and experiences. To become the person we want to be or achieve our goals, we should focus on positive thoughts, visualize success, and take action towards our goals. Ultimately, we become what we think about, so it's important to choose our thoughts wisely. Have you ever heard the saying, you are what you think? It's a simple but profound idea that suggests our thoughts have a significant impact on who we become. As Earl Nightingale, the famous motivational speaker, once said, we become what we think about all day long. If we want to become a certain type of person, achieve a certain goal, or create a certain reality for ourselves, we need to start by believing that it's possible. We need to focus on our thoughts and our desired outcome, envision ourselves achieving it, and act as if it's already happened. Buddha also believed in the power of our thoughts, famously saying, all that we are is a result of what we have thought. He understood that our thoughts shape our perceptions and experiences of the world, and ultimately shape who we become. So if you're struggling to become the person you want to be, or achieve the results you desire, try shifting your thoughts to focus on that outcome. Surround yourself with positive affirmations, visualize yourself succeeding, and take actions towards your goals. Remember, we become what we think about, so choose your thoughts wisely.

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