Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker welcomes listeners to the One More Round Podcast and expresses gratitude for new listeners. They talk about the importance of providing truthful information and criticize the lack of transparency in the city of Radford. The speaker discusses their hope for future elections and shares upcoming news about conservative candidates. They then shift to discussing the lack of trust in various institutions, starting with the medical community during the COVID-19 pandemic. They specifically criticize Dr. Fauci for changing his stance on mask-wearing and vaccinations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal decision-making and accountability regarding vaccinations. They mention their own experience with natural immunity after having COVID-19. Overall, the speaker highlights the need for reliable information and trust in institutions. Welcome to One More Round Podcast, where our only true superpower is the truth. Now, let's get in the ring. Welcome to One More Round Podcast. I'm your host, as always, Keith Marshall. Hey, I'm glad you're joining me here today. I want to take a minute to thank all of the new listeners that have been coming on board over the last few weeks. I have noticed that many of you are going episode to episode, kind of binging through, following this whole process that I started months and months ago, these podcasts, from the beginning. I think to some of you, it's been quite an eye-opener. I know, as I've learned these things, it's been an eye-opener to me, so I have to believe that it's been an eye-opener to you as well. I want to thank you for listening. I want to thank you if you'll follow along. I think most of those that have started from the beginning have tested me greatly, in that they wanted to make sure I was telling them the truth. As we went through this process, as we went subject to subject, as I've pulled out facts, as I've shown emails, as I've referenced meetings, we have found out that, unfortunately, unfortunately for the city of Radford, everything I've said has been true. It's a shame, but it's important that we know what's going on. There is no other source of information within the city that will tell the complete truth right now. That's a shame. There's no newspaper. There's no radio show. There's certainly not anyone at City Hall that is volunteering this information. So I'm doing my best to bring it to you. I'm doing my best to make sure you know what's going on. I do not want you to get up one morning and find out all the truth and the results of those truths at once, and it's that we no longer have an independent city, because we are on the hairy edge of that. We are so close to losing that. I don't see a way out right now. I'm still hoping and praying and believing that we're going to come out of this okay, that we're going to be able to balance our budget. We're going to make sure we get people in office. You know we have an election coming up in November. I want to make sure we put good, solid conservatives in office. I have some good news about that, and I'm going to share it. Not today. Not today. It's not my position to share that, but there's some good information about candidates that's going to be coming out very soon. You may hear it before my next podcast, and you should hear it possibly from the candidates first instead of me. But I believe we have a good plan in the conservative world here in Rafford to make sure that we're not controlled by Captain Chaos there at City Hall, and that we don't continue in the same direction that we've been taken over the last few years because of poor kind of a left wing, if you build it, they will come, you know, tax and spend mentality that has left the city of Rafford broke. We're going to see if we can turn that ship around as best we can. It may be three-fourths full of water, but we're going to bail it as fast as we can and see what will happen. We have to try to make it to shore. That's all we can do. All right. That's not the subject of today's podcast. You know, it's been a tough week for the old republic, I think. I think we've witnessed some things on TV. It's going to be one of the bullet points that I'm going to hit today. We've watched as a little trial took place in New York and a conviction that's left a lot of us reeling, maybe a lot of you scratching your head wondering about answers or the truth, and maybe we'll go more in depth on that trial specifically sometime, not today. That's not the overall theme today. Today's overall theme, and I like to pick top fives, even though I blow it and I wind up with six or seven sometimes as I get to rolling. You know, sometimes as you develop one idea, others come to you. You understand how that works. But basically we're going to talk about all the things that we used to count on or we used to think that we could count on, all the things that we now know we can no longer count on in 2024. It's a long list, but I've picked the top five. I do have some honorable mentions that I may throw out as we go, and I think we're probably going to share these top five, but you may have one or two more that you'd like to add. But before we drag this out any longer, I need to get into it so we can get this thing rolling. So I'm going to start from the beginning. You know, we have a certain belief of how things should go, and, you know, we were raised a certain way. We learned in school, in our textbooks. We've watched from history how things generally flow in our government, in our society. And we have, and I believe reasonable, reasonable expectations about how things should go and what we should be able to count on. You know, I like to believe that my kids can count on me. If they call me and say, Daddy, I need some help, or I need some advice, or can you come get me, or whatever it is, they better believe old Keith Marshall's on the way. I want them to count on that. Same thing about their mother. I know they can count on that. But those are kind of not the things that I'm going to talk about today, but I wanted to throw that little part in there. Because I wanted to say that in a world where we can't count on anything, and we're going to go through some of these, make sure that people can count on you. Make sure that your kids always know that Mom or Daddy's going to be there, and that they're going to follow a certain moral integrity in what they do. Make sure they see right and wrong in their Mom and Dad or in their grandparents, if that's the stage that you're at. Make sure of that. It's very important. Make sure that your church can count on you and that your friends can count on you, and, of course, like I said, especially your kids and your family. But we're going to go a little deeper into this. And let me start with number one, and we're going to spin back the clock back to 2020. This is when it really sunk in, and I know I was thinking it before in some other areas, but I learned that we could not count on the medical community or the medical establishment in America. Of course, we all know in 2020 was the great plague on America, as Trump will say, the China virus, and that's COVID. You know, it's still really fresh on all of our minds. But I think we learned in 2020 that we absolutely could not find a clear picture of the truth. And for the first time in my life, I began to question many of the norms and many of just the advice and words that come from our medical community. Now, I'm not taking shots at doctors. I know there's some really good ones out there, and I've had a couple that I really respect. But I was just watching this week as that little worm—I'm sorry, that's how I feel— that little worm, Dr. Fauci, was testifying in front of Congress. And I don't think that the old devil has created a greater liar than that man. He has said the opposite of what he said before dozens of times. If you remember, during 2020 and the COVID outbreak, one of the first things he said was, you do not need to wear a mask. It's not necessary. It's not good for you. Don't do it. And then soon it became, wear a mask. And then soon it became, wear two masks. And then, of course, when the vaccines come out, and we'll get into that in a little bit, but when the vaccines come out, he insisted that everyone had to get the vaccine. It didn't matter if you were a child. It didn't matter if you were pregnant. It didn't matter who you were, how healthy you were. You had to get a vaccine. And if you got that vaccine, you were safe. You couldn't get COVID. Well, that was a lie. And we found out, and he's kind of admitted in his testimony this week, that it probably wasn't necessary for children to get that vaccine and some healthy adults. We've learned, he also said, along with the other people in the medical community, that there was no natural immunity. You know, once you got COVID, you didn't build up an immunity. You needed a shot to get that immunity. And we have found out that is absolutely and totally false. And you know what disappointed me the most is not that a few quacks in our government shoved that down our throats. And by the way, you've got to understand that people lost their jobs and their livelihoods over this. There are people, Americans, that made a stand. I am so respectful of those people that said, you know, I have researched this myself. I have read. I have talked to other people in the medical establishment that would be honest with me. And I don't think this is right for myself or my family. And there's people that lost jobs because of that. There's also people that also did the heroic thing, knowing that this was not the right thing for them, that went and got that shot for their family because they needed the job. In some cases, doing harm to themselves because the shot did have some adverse effects on some people. Now, I want to throw this out here, and I want to say it and be honest. I believe in personal decisions and personal accountability. If you made a personal decision about what you believed was best for you and you went and got that shot, hey, God bless you. That is your choice. I don't think you're dumb. I think you made a decision that you thought was best with the information that you had. Me personally, I didn't do it. I believed that it was a good idea until they told me after I've had COVID that I really didn't have any natural immunities. In fact, I went and got tested, and I was teeming, teeming with those anti-COVID antibodies. It was a lie. I could see it on paper. And that's when I really learned that I felt like I was being lied to. Something was wrong. Something was wrong in Gotham. Something didn't make sense, you know. But if you made that decision, and I'll add this. We made a decision, my sister and I, that it was a good idea for my mother to get the shot. She was elderly. She was very prone to respiratory-type infections and things like that. And we felt like for her benefit, it was a good idea. So I understand completely. And I know, and I don't want to make light of COVID, because we all lost friends and family from this. It was a serious thing. But we've learned that this serious thing was completely preventable. Actually, Dr. Fauci and our government was funding gain-of-function research at the very lab that they denied, but we now know sprang this disease. It was leaked there somehow. Purposely? Accident? I don't know. But we realize now that old Fauci may have been one of the ones that actually put this plague on the world. And we learned in 2020 that we could not trust people, many of the individuals in the NIH, in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in the top levels of government, we learned that we could not trust many in our medical community. And I guess you remembered that, you know, there were some times when you couldn't even go to the doctor in some places if you hadn't had the shot. They insisted on it. My doctors did not do that. I was with Carilion. They treated me very well. I got COVID. I got very sick. I got better. And thankfully built those antibodies and lived through it. And if you lost a family member, it's sad. But I do believe in 2024 we no longer can trust completely the leaders in our medical community. Now, I'm going to jump to number two. I'm going to keep moving. Number two on my list is the sanctity of elections. We learned also in the same year, 2020, we no longer could trust the sanctity of elections. Now, I did a piece on how to rig an election. And I may get the author's name wrong, but I believe I based it off a book by Molly Hemingway. It was a great book that I read. I suggest that you read it. I believe our public library has it on audio. You can listen to it while you're driving in a car. I like to listen to, you know, our library stuff sometimes. And I listened to that. And it was quite, I learned a lot. Now, when I talk about rigging an election, there's a lot of accusations that are out there about ballot stuffing, about using the machines and changing the numbers. I don't know anything about those things. Maybe true, maybe not true. I'm not making an accusation. I'm not saying true or not true. I don't know. I'm not getting into this, trying to say that Biden is not our true president. Hey, he won the election based on the numbers. But what we learned in 2020 is that left to the devices of man, if you give them the opportunity, people will stack the decks in their favor. They will break the law and count the ballots different from one precinct to the next. They will allow some things in some states that go against their own state law. If their governor happened to be, you know, a Democrat, he was very willing, or she, very willing to change how ballots were counted, how they were cast, how the mail-in system in their states were legally addressed and worked. They changed many of those things. And I do believe strongly, strongly that this tipped the direction of the election in the favor of Joe Biden. I really believe that. You know, when it came right down to it, when you looked at the states that, you know, one or the other could have won, we're only talking about 30 or so thousand votes that made the difference in the whole country. In a huge, massive turnout election, very few decisions could make very large differences in the vote totals. And I'm not going to relitigate any of that. I would suggest strongly go back and listen to that how to rig an election. I think it will open your eyes about how some things were done that could have strongly influenced the actual vote totals in the election. But we learned, you know, we always believed that, hey, here's the rules. Here's the law. We're going to follow them to a T. Here's what you're allowed to do when you're voting. Here's what you're not allowed to do when you're voting. Well, we found out in 2020 we could no longer count on that. And though there was many court cases filed, and I think Democrats use this a lot, there was 300 and some court cases, and Trump lost every one of them. Well, that's a lie. Most of these cases never went to court because they were after the fact. You file a case after an election has been, you know, seemingly won by one candidate, and it shows. You're not going to find a judge, unfortunately, that has the guts to step in there to be ridiculed or to be threatened to do that. You have to fix these problems and enforce these problems before the election. And that did not happen. And we found out in 2020 that we no longer could trust the sanctity of elections. All right. What else can we not count on in 2024? Well, I'm going to jump to number three, and that's the First Amendment. Now, let me read the First Amendment to you. Now, of all the things that we can no longer count on, this one right here, I think, is one of the biggest. As a matter of fact, I believe it is the biggest. I don't believe it's a doubt. And as I read this to you, see if you can pick out what I'm talking about. And here it is, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. Well, let's just break that down. And some of those are going to go to the very first point that I made about our medical community and COVID that particular time. So, one of the things that struck me the most about the time when COVID, the onslaught of, you know, the pandemic was going on was the government's restriction of our right to meet and worship. Now, we did not have the restrictions in Virginia like some other states, and I'm thankful for that, although I have no doubt that Governor Northam would have went as far as he thought he could go. He did not have the whole control over the government in Virginia at the time. If he had, I believe he would have. But did you notice the many states, well, let me use Nevada, for example. They were not allowed to meet and to worship in their churches, yet they could have casinos open in Las Vegas. How's that? You know, in many churches, they would say, well, you can open, but you have to have this much distance, and you're not allowed to sing hymns. Imagine that. Where in the First Amendment can you find the right of the government to stop churches from meeting? It's clear, you cannot make any law prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We always talk about the other part, establishing of religion. You know, we can't establish no law respecting an establishment of religion that's used all the time improperly, but it's used. But this prohibiting the free exercise thereof, it was a travesty, what happened in 2020. And we learned, we learned that our courts and our lawmakers and many in charge were not going to stand up for that basic First Amendment freedom. That basic freedom that ties everything together. That's just one little part of it. Let's move to the other part of it. The freedom of speech. Well, I'll tell you what. We do not have, we no longer have true freedom of speech in this country. We have come up with a system now, or it's developed on its own, with the use of social media. That's how information is put out now. We watched as fact checkers and all these other groups within the Google and Facebook and all these other organizations, these social, you know, Twitter at the time before Elon Musk, how they fact checked and took out any information that was negative towards the government or towards what the government wanted to perpetrate on us. In fact, we learned that the government was sending FBI agents and other agencies within the federal government, within the Biden administration, to come to these social media companies and strongly suggest that they remove content. In fact, they were monitoring what people were putting on Facebook and going and asking for posts to be pulled down. You know, and this, you know, this goes on to talk about the freedom of the press. They blocked stories by news agencies that they did not deem helpful. Remember, during the 2020 election, this is back to rigging again, when they stopped the New York Post, I believe it was, from putting out their articles on social media about the Hunter Biden laptop. We're now learning that it's 100% true. And in fact, Biden's Justice Department has been forced to, you know, to take his son to court to charge him with a gun crime. And they're using that laptop as evidence against him. The one that they said was fake. So they blocked these media organizations. And if you went in there and you tried to share it, you tried to put it up, they took you down. How many of you have been fact-checked by social media? Hey, there's no law that says you have to be right about what you say. I'm sorry. We as Americans have to figure out what's right and what's wrong and figure it out. But we have a – when you restrict people and you say, I'm going to find any detail that could be wrong, you are giving the wrong people power. You are giving people authority over what's right and what's wrong, what's true and what's not true. And they're going to put their brand, their stamp on there. They're going to make sure that their side wins every time. And we've learned in 2024, we cannot count on the freedom of the press, the freedom of religion, and even our rights as individuals to go out and say how we feel. Ask yourself this, are you a little scared to express yourself? Ask yourself this, would you be scared to do what I'm doing right now? I think if you didn't say yes, there's something wrong with you in the world that's been created around us. And you know, there's only one solution for that, and that's to push against the fear. To respectfully and peaceably go out, speak your mind, stand up, tell the truth. To not be afraid when someone tells a lie in front of you, to respectfully say you disagree, here's what I believe is the truth. I know every setting, that's not appropriate, but I think you know what I mean. I think you feel that little twinge inside of you that says, I should have said something. I didn't want to offend them, but I let them talk down to everyone around me about a particular subject or a particular person, or maybe even about the God that we worship. We sat silent while someone made fun of that. Well, I can't do it, I don't want to do it anymore. I have done it, I have been silent about my opinions on things before. I'm just having a lot of trouble being silent anymore. As you may have noticed, you know, and that amendment goes on to say, we will not restrict the right of the people to peaceably assemble. Well, that depends on what you're assembling about, doesn't it? I think there's a lot of people in jail right now from January 6th who thought they were peaceably assembling. Now there were some that weren't doing that. They were destroying stuff, they were creating mayhem, and they deserve to be punished to the extent of the law. Equal to the peers around them that have done similar crimes, not punished worse because they're Trump supporters. And I think a lot of them have been punished worse. But there were some that were just peaceably assembling. They didn't know they were doing anything wrong. Somebody opened the doors and they walked in, looked at the Capitol and walked out. Next thing you know, they're on their six o'clock news in their hometown where the FBI has come down and arrest them as hardened criminals for a day at the Capitol. And I think that's a shame. But also, continuing on with that, the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Well, they shut down all the government meetings during COVID. Not only were they restricting your rights, they weren't having meetings. They were zooming everything. We found out that no one got any less sick because they hit it home and tapped on their laptop. Rafford City took them forever to finally start meeting in public. Just an example. So the First Amendment, we've learned now in 2024 that we truthfully cannot really count on that most important amendment and our rights to the First Amendment. Now, jumping on to number four, and that is our leaders. We've learned in 2024 that we cannot count on the people that are elected to represent us in government. Now, I know that's not true in every case, and I am not making a complete blanket statement, but I am making a strong statement. We've learned that even leaders that have some really good pedigrees that we have a lot of high hopes for often disappoint us. Anytime you put your faith in man, including me, putting your faith in Keith Marshall, you're going to be disappointed sometimes. You are. But it's especially true when it comes to politicians, isn't it? You know, we've even witnessed in our own city. I mean, even in little old Radford. We listened as, or we read as our mayor got in league with his employer and used his position to make sure that they extracted the highest amount of money they could from us as they built their new hotel, in my opinion. And I read those emails to you. It disappointed me. I was really shocked that someone representing the city of Radford would do that, that they would allow themselves to be put in that position. But it happened right here in old Radford, and if you think it, it happens in Radford. Wow, can you imagine what happens at the state capitol or what happens in Washington, D.C.? I mean, wow. And by the way, if you want to hear those, you go back and listen to Red Over Black 1, 2, and 3, and I spell those out pretty good. And all of that, in my opinion, were some egregious actions that happened right here in our own city. And you know, we talked about the pandemic. We talked about 2020. I was extremely disappointed that people that I voted for and people that were representing me on both sides of the aisle were not just absolutely banging on the walls of justice to make sure that our rights were followed during that time. I don't want someone telling me when I can go to church. I don't want someone telling me whether or not I can go to the movie theater, or I don't want people telling their businesses how they have to be open or when they can be open. It was garbage anyway. You know, the disease was real, but the cures they were making up, none of them were real. It didn't help. I mean, for goodness sakes, they told us that the disease could live for like a month on a cardboard box. Just garbage. Absolute garbage. They had my mother so afraid, she was afraid to go to the clothesline and hang up her clothes. Can you believe that? She was afraid because she saw something on TV, on one of the news channels, about you could even get it outside. And that's the garbage that was perpetrated on us. And our leaders did not stand with us. They didn't fight. In fact, I'm a strong Republican. I'll be very honest about this. I have watched them fight themselves much harder than they're fighting the Democrats. The ones that are trying to take away our rights and our freedoms. Those that are responsible for a lot of these messes. If I could get them to fight Joe Biden half as hard as they fought who was going to be the Speaker of the House, we'd be golden. Golden. But I've learned that you can't count on those leaders in 2024. You just cannot count on them. That draws me to the perfect conclusion that we need good and better leaders. They're still going to make mistakes. I was elected. I served on city council for eight years. And it was a learning experience. And I made a lot of mistakes too. There's a difference though between making a mistake because you don't know any better or because you're learning versus one that has deep moral roots to it. When you do something that you know is wrong for your own benefit or for the benefit of others that are your friends, then you've really crossed that line. Or when you're derelict in your duty to stand up for the basic rights and principles that you held that hand up and swore to protect to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. You know, the First Amendment is in there, guys. When you fail to follow that basic thing, it goes beyond making mistakes. That goes beyond that. And our leaders in 2024, we definitely cannot always count on them, at least not all of them. Okay. That brings me to number five. Number five has borne its ugly head this week. We have watched as the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, was convicted of 34 now felony counts in a New York City courtroom. And I believe that happened on, was it May the 20th? Excuse me, May 30th. It was May 30th. You know, this trial is probably a dozen podcasts in and of itself that we could talk about and we could go point by point through the travesty of justice that happened in that courtroom. And when we base things that happened to other people, the fairness, let me put it this way, if we look at how someone is treated and we decide in our mind whether or not it's okay, whether it's fair or not, just based on our opinion of the person or whether we like them or not, then we've thrown out the true system of justice that was created here in America. Justice is not supposed to be based on who you are, how much money you have, how little money you have, where you're from, what color your skin is. No, justice is supposed to be blind. And I think if we're all honest, I don't care what side of the aisle we're on, if we looked at that trial and we said, would anyone else that's not affiliated, that's not political, that's just Joe Blow out there, would anyone else have been prosecuted? Were these crimes twisted in the stamp of justice, removed and replaced with the stamp of opinion? Would that have happened to anyone else in America? I think we would have to agree that the answer is no. No. I don't care if you like Donald Trump or not. It really doesn't matter when we're talking about what is just, what is fair, what is legal and what happened in that courtroom. And unfortunately, I'm one of these people that followed it at every turn. I didn't just pick up my phone and look and say, oh, Trump was convicted. No, I was watching and waiting for the verdict. I listened. There's several podcasts that I listen to. One of them I do enjoy, although the language can get bad on it sometimes, is Megyn Kelly. I listen to her show. And a lot of times they were playing point by point. There were reporters inside of the courtroom that were doing shorthand or taking notes on everything that was said. And a lot of that was read back on her show. And I liked the show. I learned a lot. I followed it a lot. She has a lot of legal experts on from both sides of the aisle. And I've listened intently to what they said. And I'm not talking about the, well, actually, I was going to say, I'm not talking about the analyst on CNN. There was even one analyst on CNN who was a former member of the Justice Department that basically called this whole thing a sham. It is a sham. They took some misdemeanor charges, twisted them into a felony. The misdemeanor charges had passed the statute of limitations. They twisted them into a felony. They didn't describe what felony it was. They gave the jury a choice of multiple felonies they could pick from. They didn't even have to agree on what they were. It was a sham. It was ridiculous. And it will be overturned soon, I believe, but long after the election is over. It was a show trial, and it made a mockery, a mockery of our legal system. And I want to say something that I have learned probably too late in life. And I didn't learn it necessarily from this particular sham of a trial. I learned it by watching and thinking about these guys and gals that were being prosecuted for the January 6th thing. And I've been over that before. I've talked about it. Those that committed crimes and that broke things and harmed, threw things at officers or whatever it was, broke windows, they should be prosecuted according to the law and according to the charging guidelines in that location that they normally use. They shouldn't be singled out. They shouldn't be made political prisoners. They shouldn't be made examples to the country and the world. We should follow the law. Now, the one thing I've learned, and I'm sad to say that I just figured this out. I really hadn't thought about it. But the amount of justice you receive as someone who's been accused of a crime is directly proportionate to the amount of money that you have. And what do I mean by that? Well, if you're poor, you can't even afford your own representation. It's going to be given to you. And I promise you, although there's probably some good attorneys, it's not like hiring the top dog in the town, okay? I mean, you're not going to get the same kind of representation that you would of somebody who has strong means. You're just not. I don't believe. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe one of my lawyer buddies will smack me down for this. But I have to believe that you get what you pay for. I mean, it's not the lawyer's fault. But you get what you pay for. You go out and you get the best attorney. I mean, just like there's best football players, there's best singers, there's best whatever you name it, best bowlers. There's attorneys that are better than others, that are very experienced. There's ones that win. We know that. But you can't afford all of those. I mean, could you slap out $50,000 to represent you for a case? Could you do that? A hundred maybe? Well, that's what it takes sometimes. So you may not necessarily be poor. You may be middle class. But you're going to get the attorney that you can afford to pay for. And your freedom or the amount of freedom or the amount of justice and fairness that you receive are often directly proportional to what you can afford. That's not how our legal system should work. It should be hard to convict people. Really, it should be. The burden falls on the prosecution. They have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you're guilty. It's supposed to be hard. It's supposed to be hard to take away these freedoms that I've mentioned here today. It's supposed to be hard for someone to fight against that First Amendment. I mean, it's supposed to be impossible for them to legally take away your First Amendment rights. And to have a judge in New York who not only does his daughter, works in a business that is highly operative with people in the Democratic Party, including Adam Schiff, who benefits when Trump does poorly. Not only does he have a daughter in a conflict like that, he actually gave, against New York state law, he gave as a judge to Joe Biden. He's conflicted. Wouldn't you think a fair judge that wanted justice and wanted no even semblance of impropriety in his courtroom, wouldn't you think they would recuse himself? Wouldn't you think that others would step in and say, hey, Mershawn, you're conflicted, man. He needs a fair trial. We don't want the Keith Marshalls of the world to be able to say this is a sham. But they didn't care. They didn't care if they twisted anything around. And we've watched this happen over and over over the last few years. We've watched a couple impeachments by Trump, another sham of our designed legal system as far as how to deal with the president if they've done something wrong. That was a sham. We've watched as all these former Trump officials have been prosecuted because they didn't want to go to a garbage January 6th meetings with the committee that was made up of Democrats where the Democrats broke the rules and picked who could be on the committee. And the next thing you know, they're heading to jail. Well, I mean, for goodness sakes, we have people refusing right now. The Justice Department is refusing to turn over the tapes of the Joe Biden interview with the Justice Department on the records, the presidential records that he had. Excuse me, the government records, the classified records that he had before he was president. He made a recording. They interviewed him. They questioned him. It's on tape. They won't turn it in. Congress has demanded it. They've broken the law by not giving it back, by not showing it. Is anybody being prosecuted there? Well, of course not. Anytime there's two sets of rules for different groups, for different people, for different parties, for different races, for different whatever it is, then our legal system is in jeopardy. And in 2024, we absolutely cannot count on our legal system. It scares me, honestly. We teach our kids about right and wrong. We teach them from an early age to tell the truth. The truth will set you free. Well, what happens when someone else makes up the truth for you that so pins you in, that so marginalizes your ability to get your truth out and to tell what happened that you cannot tell the truth enough to get you out of the mess you're in? And I feel like that's what our legal system has become. It's become a way, it's become a system to be used by a political party to go after their opponents. They're using the legal system to keep power. The legal system has to be blind. It has to be. And prosecutors have to want the truth of the matter, not the win. They have to want justice and what's right. And if the person they think's guilty, if they figure out that they don't have a case where they're not really guilty, man, they should let that person go. It's not about winning, but it is. It's about getting reelected. It's about keeping power. And it's a shame. There are prosecutors around this country that have given up any semblance of fairness. You know, this Alvin Bragg in New York, they're not prosecuting people that are committing armed robbery and gun offenses. But they're going after somebody on a records violation? I mean, and they're trying to put them in jail and charging them with felonies for not logging something in their record books right? Which I would argue that they were long drawn. But still, that's where we're at now. And that's why in 2024, in my opinion, we can no longer trust our legal system. Now, I'm a law and order guy. I've always believed do the crime, do the time. But listen, you've got to prove they did the crime. And it's got to be a fight. They've got to have fair representation and a complete accountable system where they have the right and ability to prove that they're innocent. It cannot be stacked against you, like I said, based on your political beliefs, your party, how much people like you or dislike you, the color of your skin, your nationality. Whatever it is, it has to be, justice has to be blind. And in 2024, it's not blind. It's not blind. And maybe some will be telling me, it's never been blind, Keith, it's always been wrong. You're just late to the party. Well, I may be. But I'm seeing clearly now where our legal system in 2024 is something we cannot count on based on the way it's been politicized and used to keep, retain, and to take power in the United States, particularly at the federal level. Now, there's a lot of others. I went through five of these. There's some other honorable mentions out there, things that we can't count on. You know, we've learned to not count on a lot of little things, too. You know, I went to Sonic the other day, my wife and I, and they told me, all right, you know, you hit the little button, the little red button, you know, and someone comes on down there, can I help you, please? And I'm like, hey, yeah, I want to order. And before I even get anything out, they say, hey, just so you know, we're short-staffed today, and we're out of hamburgers, and we're out of ice cream. I'm like, what? Sonic's out of ice cream? You know, we found out just a lot of the little things that we count on. I went to, you know, the other day, my wife, she likes to go to TJ Maxx. I don't. But I go with her. So my whole shtick is I go with her. I go into the bookstore right down the row there, and I get a large cup of coffee with cream, and I sit there, and I read a magazine, or I look at my phone or whatever. And I sit in their little cafe there, and she can shop as long as she wants. And she hollers at me when she's done, and then we go to home, go chick-flag it or something. I don't know. We do something like that. Well, I showed up. I had the big plan. Of course, sorry. The cafe's closed. We regret to, you know, whatever. Just little things like that. We've learned since 2020, really, that we just can't count on anyone to do what they're supposed to do. When you can't get ice cream at Sonic, you know things are pretty bad. But as I said in the beginning, as I mentioned before, make sure you're not on that list. When we list off all the big things like these big five and the little things like ice cream and Sonic, be sure that in your family's mind and in your neighbor's mind and the people around you in your community, that they could put you on the list of people that they could count on. I'm not always up to that task, but I want to be on that list myself. I want to make sure that my family can count on me. I want to make sure that when you listen to my podcast that you know that I'm doing my best to be honest with you and to bring you the best information and sometimes opinions that I possibly can bring. I want you to count on me. I try to get this podcast every week. I can't promise I can always do that. I can't always. Things come up. Things happen. But I want you to be able to count on that podcast every week. I'm really burdened to have one out each week and have good topics for you to listen to. Like I said, that's something I want you to be able to count on. But you know, I don't want to leave you here today depressed thinking that you just can't count on anything, that there's no absolutes because there are some absolutes. You know, there's many verses in the Bible that describe the fact that God never changes. He's the same yesterday as He is today and He will be tomorrow. His Word never changes. The truths that He puts in God's Word never changes. We change it. We twist it. We make it different. But we do that. God doesn't change. But I want to read you one verse. And there's many, like I said. But I just want to read you this one verse. It's found in 1 Peter 1. It's actually two verses. 1 Peter 1, verses 24 and 25. And I was thinking about this verse in context with things that never change. And you know, maybe this is not a good analogy, but I think a lot about Rush Limbaugh. I used to listen to his podcast, or excuse me, his radio show. And I listened to it every day. But it kind of struck me that, you know, that wisdom is gone that he used to give. He was mortal. He was a man. And the mouth that he spoke with and the things that he said, you know, they lie silent in the grave with him. He cannot speak on this earth anymore. But not so for God. Not so for God. And verse 24 and 25 say this. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man is the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away. But the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. God never changes. We can always count on him. Hey, I want to thank you for joining me here today. I am going to read my theme verse because that's a part of our program. But I wanted to say how much I appreciate you taking the time to listen. Have hearts. Lean on the promises of God when you don't have anything else to lean on. But while we're here, we can't just put our heads in the sand and wait for the day when God will make everything right. Because he will. One day he will. But while we're here, we have a duty to make sure that we're speaking the truth. We need to get involved. We need to vote. We need to speak out. We need to defend those that are. We need to be about the causes that further the truth here in this country. We need to make sure that we can be counted on. We're not part of that big five or the little fives out there of things that we can no longer count on. Be accountable yourself. Be responsible and be someone that others can look to when they can't count on anything else. All right. Here's our theme verse. And it's found, as always, in Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verses 13 and 14. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. Hey, thank you again for joining me here in the ring. Until we speak again, hopefully, hopefully next week, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that God blesses you richly. Take care, and we'll talk to you soon.