Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The host, Juan Maurilio, discusses sibling relationships, childhood encounters, and how they shape adult interactions. He gives content warnings about topics such as family traumas, abuse, and grief. Juan Maurilio shares a poem called "Las Quiero Muchisimas" about moving away to take care of himself and not being responsible for others' emotions. He expresses love for his sister and hopes she learns that it's not anyone's responsibility to carry others' pain. He wishes he could hug her and asks her to take care of herself and her children. Hi, welcome to Our Journal. I am your host, Juan Maurilio, and today I invite you to join me in our exploration of sibling relationships. The dynamics between siblings, grappling with common upbringing, and moments of tension and reconciliation. In this episode, we will dissect the childhood encounters that shaped us before fast-forwarding to the present day where those experiences continue to inform our adult interactions. Some content warnings for my listeners. We will be briefly discussing topics related to family traumas, mental and physical abuse, grief, and how those tie into the familial relationships. I will be adding my poetry and words to start off all of the discourse as it is a way to stretch our brains to help us think about the topic at hand. And to me, it's just a nice segue into the discussion. So with that said, let's get right into it. This is my poem called Las Quiero Muchisimas. Querida familia, I did not move away out of spite. No dejé de hablar o mandar mensajes porque quería. Todo lo que hago lo hago con lágrimas que vienen del laberinto dentro de mí. I did not move away because I did not love you. Lloro y lloro por ustedes. Me fui porque finalmente aprendí que tengo que cuidar y dejar que llore el niño de diez años dentro de mí. Él pensaba que tenía que llevar encima todas las lágrimas y dolor que nosotros y nuestros ancestros tenían. Me fui porque aprendí que no es mi responsabilidad regar sus vidas con mis lágrimas. It was not my responsibility to water your lives with my tears. Hermana, yo sé que todo ha cambiado, que nuestro mundo es muy diferente. Después de tantos años, finalmente aceptamos lo que ha pasado. If I could, I would run to you and give you a big hug. Deseo que ustedes aprendan que no es responsabilidad de nadie. Cuiden a las niñas que vienen dentro de ustedes. Give them a big hug for me. I know that in some universes we are happy together, naive even, but I am sorry that it is not this one. Lloro y lloro por ustedes. Me fui porque finalmente aprendí que no es mi responsabilidad regar sus vidas con mis lágrimas. Hermana, yo sé que todo ha cambiado, que nuestro mundo es muy diferente. If I could, I would run to you and give you a big hug. Deseo que ustedes aprendan que no es responsabilidad de nadie. Cuiden a las niñas que vienen dentro de ustedes. Give them a big hug for me. I know that in some universes we are happy together,