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PCP 3-29-2024

PCP 3-29-2024




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DJ B-I-Z-Z-Y, also known as Brandon Haza, introduces Pop Culture Power. He discusses Beyoncé's new country album and the upcoming Bad Boys 4 movie. He also talks about the Living Wage for Musicians Act, which aims to make streaming payments fairer for artists. He mentions the lack of bands in popular music and discusses how artists have been scammed in the past. He hopes that the act will help artists get paid more fairly from streaming services. Welcome everybody. This is the superpower. This is not the superpower anymore. No, that's old news. This is Pop Culture Power, y'all. Starring me, DJ B-I-Z-Z-Y. B. But you can call me by my government name, too. Brandon Haza. So, um, just off, of course, our usual regular headline segments. Of course, for the last, you know, couple weeks, Eric hasn't been here, but still, that's my dog. I want to give a shout out to Eric Boseman, you know, my occasional sidekick. You know what I'm saying? Sidekick's not the best, no. Sidekick, I don't want to call him that. Partner in crime, that's the word I use. I don't know, okay. I'm tripping up today, man. But anyways, so let's get into our headlines. We don't really have a ton today. First one I want to talk about, Beyonce releases her, she released her new Cowboy Carter album last night. I listened to a few songs off of it. I'm not gonna lie, I mean, I'm not a big, I mean, I respect Beyonce a lot. Of course, as an artist and as a singer. I'm not, I guess, a big Beyonce fan. And I mean, I have a few country songs I like, but it's, you know, it's not a genre I listen to very often as well. But surprisingly, I mean, the whole package fits, man. It does feel like, I guess, like a western R&B, like a wild west R&B kind of album, you know. I like it. It's nice. Or, let me say country album, because I know a lot of people are going to try to deny, oh, it's not actually country. Yeah, it is. You know, it is whatever Beyonce says it is. But I'm sure this is just going to lead to Beyonce getting another Best Country Artist Grammy or something like that, man. You know what I mean? But yeah, I like some of the songs on it. Let's see, her cover of Jolene was pretty good. I like Yaya a lot. Texas Hold'em was cool, too. What's the other one I like? Hold on. I also like the fact that Willie Nelson's on it, you know, because, I mean, that's one of the weird things, too. When it comes to country music, right, I don't listen to a lot of country music. I know who some of the stars are, like Willie Nelson. I think he's a cool person, but I've never heard his music, so it's cool he's there. Bodyguard, that's another one I like, too. And Dolly Parton's on it, of course. Anytime a major country-related thing happens, Dolly Parton just magically, you know, she appears, you know what I'm saying? But let's see. Also, the Bad Boys 4 trailer dropped. The official name of the movie's going to be Bad Boys, Rider and I. It's going to be cool to see that. The Bad Boys movies are just like, they're so satisfying to watch, man. They're really entertaining, and I can't wait to see this next one. Also, as well, WWE's WrestleMania 40 happens next weekend, yo. As a wrestling fan, let me tell you something. The way they've built up these storylines, I am so hyped. The match is going to be great, and it's going to be awesome, so stick around, y'all. We're going to take a little break, and when we come back, we'll be talking about the music industry and all the ways people get scammed. You're rocking with WCCU radio. Stay around. And we're back. Hold on. Let me press that mute button. There you go. So what I want to talk about today is the Living Wage for Musicians Act. Now, let me just go ahead and break this down right quick. So this is a new bill that was introduced in the House of Representatives, according to Rolling Stone, where the goal is basically to make a payment for music streaming to be more fair. So Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Jamal Bauman, they introduced this act. I guess the proposal basically says this. It's built around the establishment of what's called an Artist Compensation Royalty Fund, which would pay artists directly, similar to SoundExchange's model for satellite and Internet royalties. What they would basically do is this. They would – I think artists would get paid a penny per stream, I think up to a million streams, I want to say. And then after – I guess after they reach that threshold, then they would get paid whatever the streaming service's rate is. So because, for example, a lot of these streaming services, they pay different amounts of money per stream. I think Spotify, I want to say, pays the least at like – it's a fraction of a penny. I think it's like 0.033, something like that. So every time you listen to something on Spotify, your favorite artist gets like a third of a penny. Let's see. Let me just look up streaming music payment numbers so we can like – just so I can make sure I'm saying the right thing here. Okay. So here we go. One of these things is saying that Spotify pays 35 cents, and I know that can't be true because that would be a lot better of a deal than they currently get. So let's see here. Okay. So for Spotify – hold on. That's how much Spotify costs. Come on, Google. You can't act right, brah. But I think of like the numbers I've seen in the past, Spotify pays the least, and ironically enough, what is the app called? Napster pays the most to artists. So let's see. So basically, I think with Spotify's rate, 0.033, if you get a million streams on Spotify, you get $33,000. But like I said, I mean there's like that – it's a little bit – but like I said, I guess that seems like a lot today, but in the era before when there was more physical music out there, in the CD tapes era, that's basically nothing. Let's see. Okay. So I think I got something here. Oh, here we go. Thank you. I need to sneeze. So according to Digital Music News, YouTube pays out 0.15 cents. Spotify pays out 0.35 cents. So let's see. 0.35 times – let's see. 0.35 times let's say $100,000. 0.35. That's – let me make sure I said that right. So for 100,000 streams, you get $35,000. That still doesn't seem right, that math. Look, math is not my strongest here. The point is that this whole – with the Fair Streaming Act, basically it's helping – I guess it wants to – the goal here is to help artists get paid more fairly, because a lot of artists have complained that they're not getting their fair share when it comes to streaming. So I think Taylor Swift has vocally said, yo, these streaming payouts really aren't quite fair. Let's see here. Let me look at the Rolling Stone article again. So the fund I mentioned before, how the artist would get paid, it would be paid largely by listeners with a living wage royalty fee tacked onto streaming service prices. The fee would amount to 50% of the subscription cost, but no less than $4 and no more than 10, according to the bill. It would also receive 10% from non-revenue streaming service – non-subscription revenue services like ads on Spotify or YouTube. The Union of Musicians and Allied Workers, which supports the bill – this is all from Rolling Stone, by the way – has supported the bill on music streaming issues before and argued that streaming platforms are already planning to raise fees, as Spotify did last summer, and that the increase proposed by the bill are a way to get out in front and ensure that additional money from listeners goes to artists they're listening to. So yeah. The thing is, too, again, with how little money artists make from streaming these days, I'm sure that's changed the industry in a lot of ways. For the fact, I mean, number one, obviously, I'm sure because artists are getting a lot of their money taken from the streaming service, but I mean artists are saying, well, what's the point in – I might as well gamble on myself and become an indie artist instead of signing with a record label. Because that's one of the things people talk about when it comes to indie artists versus record label. For a lot of people, it seems like, oh, just be indie because record labels, they'll take your money or they'll take your creative control. But in return for, I guess, taking some of your money and creative control, they offer lots of valuable marketing, lots of valuable connections, things like that, things of that nature that sometimes make signing a deal worth it. And there's also the thing, too, I've noticed. If you notice, when it comes to music these days, there aren't a lot of bands around, at least in pop and hip-hop, at least the genres I listen to. I mean, the top artists today are really single artists like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Travis Scott, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Kendrick. So I wonder if that does play an effect on why we see – it's like we haven't had a major American boy band in a good while, you know what I mean? Well, I guess they're big in Korea right now, though. I also want to talk about the other ways artists were scammed in the past. Because one of the clichés of all those musical biopic movies that I like to watch, one of the old clichés is, oh, cool, they signed this big-money deal with the record label. They signed a deal with the record label. It was like, oh, okay, here you go. Here's a million dollars. But the contract says you got to pay it back because that's one of the things – sometimes they'll tell you, hey, here's some money, but not tell you what it's for because you should have read that contract. I think what they also do as well is for all the concerts you do, all the commercials, all the advertisement you do for your music, sometimes record labels will take that out of your earnings, basically. I think that's what happened to TLC. I think TLC mentioned before, I think that picture I put on Instagram, there's a picture of them at the Grammys, and they said around that time, even though they have Grammys, they're really successful. I think at the time they were the most successful girl group in the world. Still, they really weren't – financially, they weren't all that poppin'. I think they said some of them were living at home with their parents. With this whole streaming thing, I really do hope the artists get paid. Another artist I guess he's complained about the streaming industry out loud is Snoop Dogg. I think he said it himself, how come when an artist gets a billion streams, it doesn't add up to a million dollars. He's had big problems with the industry as well. I'm sure just having those big names, those vocal artists out there, having them out there is really going to, I guess, help push things in favor of the artists rather than these big companies. But that has yet to be seen because big companies are hard to beat. When it comes to doing the right thing versus dealing with big companies, big companies tend to win more often than they lose, so keep that in mind. I didn't have quite as much to say on this one as I thought I did, but I feel like it's an interesting topic to talk about because I'm a big music listener. Of course, it's the radio station. My streaming service of choice is Apple Music, of course. I know a lot of people do Spotify. I've heard some people even use YouTube Music, but Apple Music is my choice because shout out to my mom. That's what she pays for, so that's what I use. Real talk, I don't really like... If you think about it, it's crazy that with the whole music streaming industry, every streaming service basically offers the same library of music, the same kinds of music. You know what I'm saying? Anything you want to listen to on Apple Music, you can find on Spotify or you can find on YouTube Music or you can find on Tidal. And yet, there's still the fact that there's able to be competition there, right? Because the difference between Apple and Spotify, if I'm keeping it real, the only difference you're paying for between those two services is... You're just paying for a different interface, a different look to it, I guess. This is what it seems like to me. That's what I want to say on that matter. Coming up next, we're going to be talking about some of the most popular YouTube videos of all time, so stick around. Enjoy this song by Future. Welcome back, everybody. Like I mentioned before, I wanted to talk about some of the most popular YouTube videos of all time. Just something I'm curious to look at, so let's go over this together. My source here is Wikipedia. It's YouTube itself because you can easily check how many views and all this stuff, all the information about the video. Let's break it down. These are the top 20 most viewed YouTube videos of all time. Number 20 is Waka Waka, this time for Africa, by Shakira, posted on July 4th, 2010. Now, this one makes a lot of sense to me just because Shakira's a big artist, but also, too, that song was for the FIFA World Cup. Let's break it down. Number 20 is Waka Waka, this time for Africa, by Shakira, posted on July 4th, 2010. Now, this one makes a lot of sense to me just because Shakira's a big artist, but also, too, that song was for the FIFA World Cup, which is a really big deal everywhere except for America. Even in America, it's starting to become more talked about, so that's interesting to me. What else here? Also, it's a fire song. I was about to swear. It's a fire song, dude. I mean, just catchy. It's for, of course, the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, so it makes sense. I remember, also, too, there was a slight, I guess, controversy about the song, just because of the fact that, I mean, there were a lot of South Africans who thought that a South African person should have been singing the World Cup anthem for that year, but still, a lot of people liked it, seeing as 3.88 billion people saw it, so that's cool. Next here, we have Laquid Keith by Jungle Tunes. I would imagine, in this top 20 list, we're going to see quite a few songs for kids, because, I mean, there are so many different parents, for good or for bad, kind of put their kid in front of an iPad and just let that move on autoplay. I guess this seems to be, I guess, a... Oh, I'm sorry, this is not a kid's thing. This is, I guess, for an Indian movie, I guess. Fun fact, too, India, I guess, is really... YouTube is really, really popular in India, which is why a lot of stuff that they like, of course, ends up as some of the most viewed videos of all time. As a matter of fact, I think the most subscribed YouTube channel is an Indian production company, I want to say. I could be wrong. We might be able to check that later. Let's see, number 18. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. Laquid Keith by Jungle Tunes has 3.95 videos and it was uploaded June 14th, 2018. Number 18 is Roar by Katy Perry, which has 3.97 billion views on September. It was uploaded on September 5th, 2013. Of course, I think that song came out when I would have been 11. I guess that's why I'm more in touch with pop music. It's kind of like Shakira, it's a catchy little song. Now, this one, I think Roar is just a single for her, I guess, latest album at the time. It wasn't made for any special event, so that's cool. See, I don't remember much about the Roar video. I think a tiger was in it, but I don't know. My favorite song by Katy Perry is, what was it called? It's that song she did with Juicy J. He has that verse, like, she's a beast, I call her Karma, eat your heart out, out, I forget the rest of the words. It's Dark Something. That's going to bother me now, hold on. It's like it had an Egyptian theme to it, too. Dark Horse, that song was great. I hope this is on that top 10, on this top 20 rather. Moving on, number 17, Counting Stars by OneRepublic has 3.99 billion views. It was uploaded May 31st, 2013. I mean, what else can I say? It's a really popular song. I don't think I've seen this one myself. This is a kid's song right here, number 16, Baa Baa Black Sheep by Coco Melon, yo. I've heard from people who are parents, Coco Melon, it's taking over their lives, man. It's taking over their lives, it's invaded their children's brains, it's always there. I think it's Coco Melon, Ms. Rachel, and all that kind of stuff. I guess when you become a parent, that's all you watch, you know? That video, Baa Baa Black Sheep by Coco Melon has 3.99 billion views. It was uploaded June 25th, 2018. I don't know, a lot of those kid's YouTube channels tend to be really big content farms, you know? They pump out a lot of content really quickly at a pretty low cost to make and, at least to me, low quality. A lot of profit margins, good profit margins there. Sugar by Maroon 5 has 4.02 billion views. It was uploaded January 14th, 2015. Again, another big pop song. I think Maroon 5, just because they're such a popular band, a lot of people kind of hate on them, but I think they're a good band. I think I like their music. Axl F by Crazy Frog, 4.40 billion views, June 16th, 2009. That's my era, that's when I was watching YouTube as a kid, man. Crazy Frog, dude. He would have the YouTube videos, but he would also have those ringtone commercials on TV as well, like on Nickelodeon and stuff, man. I don't even know what that whole deal was. I don't know what company made Crazy Frog or just the artists. Just Crazy Frog just appeared one day and said, I'm not leaving. Shout out to Crazy Frog. And this one, Dame Tu Costita by Ultimate Ultra Records. It has 4.57 billion views, and it was uploaded April 5th, 2018. Let's see here. I'm trying to look up more about this. Oh, this is the Dancing Frog meme, I guess. If you're a younger person, you might remember this. This song, it's a reggaeton song. Okay, I figured that part. So, yeah. I don't know much about that one. We'll move on. Let's see. That one was Dame Tu Costita, I was 13. Number 12 is Masha and the Black Bear, Risky for Disaster, Get It Movies, 4.58 billion views on January 31st, 2012. Let's see, moving on. Another one, Learning Colors, Colorful Eggs on a Farm. ShikaTV, 5.08 billion. Uploaded February 27th, 2018. That's number 11. That's like, kids' videos do great. You know what I mean? That's a great business for YouTube, if you're ever looking to make some easy money. But let's see. Now we're into the top 10 here. Number 10, of course, we have Gangnam Style by the K-pop star Psy, 5.09 billion views, July 15th, 2012. What's crazy about that being just number 10 is that I remember there was a point in time when that song was the number one most watched video on YouTube. And today it's only number 10. It's crazy, I guess, just how much YouTube as a platform has grown. You know what I mean? Number nine is Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson. That whole video with Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, 5.17 billion views. It was uploaded November 19th, 2014. Great song. We have actually these next two about to be kids' stuff. Phonics with Two Words, Choo Choo TV, Nursing Rhymes, and Kid Songs, 5.73 billion views, March 6th, 2014. The number one thing is the kids' video. That goes to show you, bro, YouTube's the number one babysitter, man. No need to be tipping YouTube. Just go to their headquarters, give them a dollar for watching our kids. Let's see here. Oh, Wheels on the Bus, Cocomelon again. Cocomelon on top, 5.95 billion views. See You Again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth. The music video, 6.20 billion views, April 6th, 2015. Yo. When I think of, you know, like, well, I'm still young, but when I think of younger or older days, man, I love that song so much. I love the movie Fast and Furious 7 is made for a lot, bro. It takes me back just to think about that song. Baby You by Ed Sheeran, 6.22 billion views, published January 30th, 2017. Ed Sheeran, he's not an artist I listen to a bunch, but I mean, just that one particular song, I liked it. It's good. Not much more I can really say there. Oh, dear, these next three are all kids' videos. Bath Song by Cocomelon, 6.65 billion, May 2nd, 2018. Johnny Johnny Yes Papa, Lulu Kids, 6.88 billion views, October 8th, 2016. Despacito by Louis Fonz, really big, really popular Spanish song, 8.40 billion views. And number one, I predicted this. I kind of shot myself in the foot when I said it. I jinxed myself. Heart Dance at 14 billion views, uploaded 2016. Man, that's a lot of people. So, don't go away. For our next segment, we'll be talking about the things that grind my gears. Hello, everybody. So, for this next segment, I figured, hey, I'm going to talk about the things that grind my gears. I'll be talking about people, places, and things I just don't like that much. Yeah, so, let's see. Also, I want to mention, too, I was inspired by, I guess, the naming of this segment, by the family guy joke. You know, where Peter Griffin, I guess, goes on the news and just talks about things he doesn't like, like I'm about to do right now. So, I'm a very loving person. There's a lot of things I love about this world I just love about being alive. But where should I start? Pizza. That's a good place to start. Pizza. So, when it comes to pizza, right, you know what I'm saying? Thin crust, thick crust are cool. But when it comes to toppings, I'm not going to lie to you, I'm not a big fan of sausage on the pizza, bro. At least, I don't know, just like, the kind of sausage that most, like, pizza companies use is just, it's not that good. You know what I'm saying? Like, I guess, if it were cooked a bit more, like, firm, like, more crisp, it'd be cool. But, I mean, let's keep it real. When we're talking about, like, pizza toppings, right, there's really a pecking order to this stuff, you know? And obviously, number one, I mean, let's just get out of the way right now. Everybody knows that the number one topping on a pizza is mushrooms, of course. Then you got pepperoni, you know? I'm going to make somebody mad with that. Mushrooms, you know, are great. That's number, that's king, really. I mean, a lot of people go, hey, no, oh, no, mushrooms are disgusting. Have you ever eaten one, though? Like, yeah, okay, but it's a fungus. Yeah, but it's a tasty fungus, and it's delicious. Then you got pepperoni, which is really good, too. You know what I'm saying? It's really good if you can't like pepperoni, you know, for, like, either just dietary or religious reasons. You don't eat pork. That's cool. That's cool. You know what I'm saying? What would number three be? Hmm. It feels weird putting bacon at number three, but I'll do it, you know? I like bacon a lot. I think, you know, it adds that pizzazz to a pizza. I feel like when it comes to, like, if you got a pizza with pepperoni and bacon on it, that's like, that's like the pizza version of Kobe and Shaq. It's a perfect combination. You know what I'm saying? I feel like of that combination, pepperoni's on top, and I don't think that's wrong. I don't think that's an incorrect statement. You know what I'm saying? I don't think that's wrong to say at all. You know what I'm saying? Oh, also, well, I mean, this is an obvious complaint. I think most people can agree with me on this. I mean, pineapple on pizza, no. Let's just do this now. Fruit on a pizza. Mixing fruit with cheese is horrible. It's a horrible idea. You know, like, we have a part market or we have a thing on campus called the part market, which is basically a convenience store, right? And some of the things in the store in the school convenience store you can use with your meal plan or your meal swipes. And the school convenience store used to have, like, grapes and cheese in a cup together you could get for a meal swipe, along with, like, other, you know, other in combination with other things. I'm thinking to myself, hey, grapes and cheese, I mean, as long as, I mean, they're touching each other, but as long as the juices don't get on each other, you know, that's fine. That's cool. But, oh, my goodness. Anyway, so, let's see here. I hope that stopped the echoing. I've been told what's going on. But, like, okay, like I said, mixing fruit and cheese together is awful. It's not a good idea, bro. Like, yo, because, okay, like I mentioned before, grapes and cheese. So, they're all in this cup together. Some of the grapes, of course, you know, just naturally, I guess, open up a little bit. And, of course, that, like, that, the grape juice, I guess you could call it, the juice of the grape on the cheese, it, dude, it just, it's like, I don't know what the word, I can't think of an opposite phrase right now of a bad combination. A pepperoni and bacon is like, why is my Siri activating? I'll get on you next. Hold on. But, anyways, that's my basic point. Grapes and cheese are awful together. You know what I'm saying? But, anyways, moving on there. So, the next thing I don't like, okay, I'm not going to lie, like, the whole, this is a love-hate, I'll say. You ever use, like, the text-to-speech thing on your phone to, like, you know, like, easier type of text is you press the microphone and you talk on your phone to type in words? Yo, Apple, y'all have had this feature for so long now. It's like, I honestly feel offended, like, when my phone can't understand me, bro. Yo, it's like, it's crazy that, you know, I can say to my phone, I can't, I don't know, how am I, how am I, how do I try to word this right? It's like, when your text-to-speech misspells basic words, and you've been talking for, like, a really long time, and, like, you've basically written a paragraph this way, and you've got to, like, re-basically, you've got to just, like, what's the word, edit your whole paragraph. Just because, you know, like, this phone misspelled a few words, I don't like that, man. Do better. Do better, my friend. Here's another thing that gets on my nerves when it comes to iPhones as well. If you're somebody who, like, if you ever thought less of somebody because they texted you and they have a green, like, and they have what he called the green, like, text bubble. Like, if you, like, legit, like, make fun of, if you, like, legit, like, think less of your friends with, like, a Samsung when you have an iPhone or the other way around, that's stupid. What are you doing that for? People like that ride my gears. The reason why is really because, I mean, bro, I love the iPhone I have. Shout out to my parents for giving me my phone, buying my phone for me, but let's keep it a being here. I mean, they're not really all that different, man. They do all the same things. It's like there's no reason to pick on people over their phones. You know what I'm saying? It's weird. It's middle school behavior. You know what I'm saying? That's just what I feel. Let's see here. What else? What else rides my gears? Oh, reality shows. All of them. You know what I'm saying? But, like, 99.5% of them, I'm not going to lie, it's like, and the thing is, I know a lot of them are aimed at women, right? So, it's like, I'm not the, you know, viewer base in the first place, but it seems like a lot of them are just stupid arguments. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's just like, it's people paid to scream at each other over basically nothing, you know? It's like, you ever seen that one, there's this funny, I guess, sketch on YouTube that Tyler the Creator and his friends did. You know, it's like, this girl comes into a birthday party, right? These ladies are having a birthday party, and one of the girls says, happy birthday. She gives her a present, and then I think the other girl responds back, so did you really give me a birthday present on my birthday with a birthday gift? Like, happy birthday? And, you know, they just get into a fight automatically. Reality TV just feels, as a wrestling fan, I say this wholeheartedly, it feels fake. You know what I'm saying? And I can get, as a wrestling fan as well, I can get like, sometimes it'll feel entertainingly fake, but a lot of these shows just aren't trying very well, man. And it's like, the trashier it is, the worse it is, honestly. You know what I mean? There's a reason I said 99.5% of these shows I don't like, like, you know, Real Housewives, trash, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, garbage. There's a show my mom likes called, what's it called, Married in Medicine, trash, garbage, you know what I'm saying? But, what's the other one I don't like? I'm not going to lie to you, the whole My 600 Pound Life stuff, I guess technically it's a documentary, not a reality show, but it's like, I don't like that show either, bro. Just something about it is, I don't know how to explain it. It's like, maybe it's because it's so depressing that I don't like it, and maybe that's why. But it also could be too, I mean, just, I will say it is like a confidence booster, you know what I'm saying? Because like, if you're worried about your body, if you're worried, oh, I'm too this or I'm too that to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, don't worry. Every single My 600 Pound Life person, you know what I'm saying, no matter what they look like, no matter what the situation was, they had somebody to wipe them. At the end of the day, you'll find somebody who loves you for who you are. Always keep that in mind. But, I don't mess with that show. Oh, everything on the TLC network, I can't stand, bro. Now, I don't think they've been as bad lately, but when it comes to, what do you call it? When it comes to, what do you call it? Back in the day, they had this show about that Christian couple with like 20 kids. I didn't really like that show that too much. I think just really, I'm not going to go too deep into it, but basically just like those people, it turned out, the parents behind that show were not good people at all. Same thing for Miss Honey Boo Boo's child's parents. Well, I don't know, I say parents. I don't know if the, there was one guy on the show, I think he was named Honey Bear or Papa Bear, something like that. I don't know if that guy was actually her dad, so I guess I'll just get on the mom here. TLC network as a whole, not a good network. Most of the reality TV shows, garbage, man. No offense if you actually like them. Hey, I'm just saying, they're not for me. That's all I'm saying. I mean, they're not for me. But let's see, what else do I not like here? I guess this is like a weird one, but it's like, you ever have a hangnail, you know what I'm saying, on your fingers? Just that little piece, you know what I'm saying? You're not supposed to pick at it. I don't think medically you're supposed to pick at it, but why is it there, bro? It's just like, that two-year-old mind of my brain is like, now I'm not supposed to pick it, but I need to. It's got to go. I hate it. I don't know why, but yeah. So those are some of the things that I don't like, man. So I'm going to continue on this segment for our outro, so don't go away. Stay right there. Next, it's Bodak Yellow by Cardi B. Welcome back, everybody. So let me just wrap up the whole talk more about things that just grind my gears, things I don't like, you know what I'm saying? This is another one I thought about, medicine. Okay, no, I love medicine. I support medicine. My mother is a woman of medicine. You know, she's a nurse. I don't know why I said woman of medicine. I guess I had to tie the sentence there. So medicine is cool. I appreciate what you do for me, but, like, why do most flavors of medicine have to taste so bad, bro? Orange medicine is one of the worst creations in the history of humanity. You know what I'm saying? Like, orange is a flavor. I'm not going to lie. The more I've grown up, the more I realize orange is just not that good of a flavor. It's a weak flavor of Gatorade. It's a weak flavor of, I mean, you know, like malt beverage. It's not a good flavor for the most part. It's not a good flavor of ice cream. The only time where orange is a good flavor is soda, you know? But when it comes to, like, medicine you have to drink, you know what I'm saying, orange is the worst flavor you can do. Second to that, I've had okay-tasting cherry medicine. Like, Benadryl doesn't taste that bad. I'm not trying to think, but other flavors of orange medicine, I mean, other flavors of cherry, you know, just, there's no such thing as good-tasting medicine, okay? I'll just keep that there. Let's see, what else do we have here? Oh, I'm not going to lie. I guess I don't know why I'm thinking about the pizza again. I don't know why some of these are so many different food-related things. I guess it's because I'm picking up dinner after the show. But another pizza-related thing. You know, I remember, I don't know why some pizza places don't actually cut the pizza for you in slices. I'm keeping it real. I think every, like, if it's, what do you call it, the microwave pizza, the oven pizza, they should all come with a pizza cutter or pizza roll cutter. Because, yo, cutting a pizza, you know, I guess with a regular knife just doesn't feel right, you know what I mean? There's something about this that's not cool. Something, what else? Let's see, with these last 50 seconds, what else? Grind my gears. Hmm, what else, what else, what else? I'm not going to lie with these school emails, right? Okay, a lot of, some of these emails are very important. Like some of the stuff about, you know, career stuff, about, you know, like school events, stuff about grades. Those are very important. Why are they harassing me over and over about voting in the school election? I get that's important, too, but, like, I got it the first time. Chill out, you know what I mean? And, yeah, so those are all the things I can think of right now that, you know, get on my nerves. I'm trying to think of, this is a segment I think I'll keep in my back pocket, you know, because there are plenty of things that, you know, get on my nerves. And y'all can share that stuff with me, too, on my Instagram, at BusyBee2015. We'll get some of your energy, man. But, yeah, so this is Brandon Hother signing out, saying y'all have a good Easter weekend.

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