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Pastor Terrell Scott Your Hour of Power Episode 3

Pastor Terrell Scott Your Hour of Power Episode 3

Pastor Terrell



The Power of Purpose! God has a great purpose for you.

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In this Hour of Power episode, Pastor Terrell Scott talks about how God can change, transform, heal, and deliver anyone, no matter their past or current situation. He shares his personal testimony of how God met him in prison and turned his life around. Pastor Terrell emphasizes the power of purpose and how finding God-centered purpose can bring light, hope, and strength to one's life. He encourages listeners to surrender their lives to God and allow Him to use them to impact others. He also reminds them of God's love, forgiveness, and desire for a relationship with them. Pastor Terrell shares that true fulfillment comes from serving God wholeheartedly and that self-help is not enough, but surrendering to God brings true change. He concludes by reminding listeners that God has a good plan for each of them and encourages them to apply God's Word in their lives and believe in His promises. Hey guys, I hope you're doing well. This is your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio. You know, I'm so thankful for today, for this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I'm telling you, your deliverance is at hand. God can do a new thing in your life. He can change, transform you, heal you, and deliver you. It doesn't matter where you find yourself, how low you may be, God can lift you up. He says, listen, He will not despise the broken and contrite heart. He is near to those that are broken hearted. God met me many years ago when I was in prison. I was in a low place in my life and He lifted me up. He's established my life and given me an opportunity to minister to those in need, to encourage them, strengthen them, pray for them, and be a blessing to people everywhere we go. God wants to bless you, God wants to use you, God wants to change you, and God loves you. Hey, if you haven't listened to the first episode, go back and listen to my testimony where I get into the details of how my life was radically changed 18 years ago in a prison from a woman I had robbed at gunpoint who came and shared the gospel and forgiveness with me. It changed my life radically. And from there, I go from an ex-con, a prisoner, a gangster, living a demonic-centered life to now a Christ-centered life, a pastor, an executive director of a ministry, an international work, helping the hurting, loving the next generation, fathering a generation for the glory of God. God wants to use you. It doesn't matter your past. You can hit the restart button today. It doesn't matter how many times you fail, get back up. See, the measure of a man isn't how the condition he's in or how he starts, it's how he finishes. So get back up, keep going, allow God to change you. God has a good plan for you today. Today I'm going to be talking about the power of purpose. And when you have purpose, it fills your life with light and hope and strength, and it gives you the courage to keep going. What happened in me when I was radically changed 18 years ago, I found God-centered purpose right where I was at. I'm telling you, my life's never been the same. I'm so thankful that Jesus met me in a prison. Listen, I was the lowest of lows. And while I was a nobody, God said, I love you. God says, I care about you. God says, I want a relationship with you. Will you give me your life? I'm like, God, I don't have much to give here, but I'll give it to you because you asked, right? So it doesn't matter what you have to give. God cares about your life. The most valuable thing about a human being is their soul. God cares about your soul. He cares about your spiritual condition. He didn't create hell for you to go there. He created hell for the devil and the fallen angels to go there, not for people. But because people have rebelled against God, some people are making hell their home. I've ministered all over the world, and I've had these power encounters where people have experienced going to hell and to heaven in their spirit. And the reality is, hell is a place that's undescribable, with torment and torture and darkness and hopelessness with no purpose. God didn't create you to live with no purpose. He created you for a purpose and destiny. God has a plan for you, but Satan also has a plan for you. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But thank God for Jesus. Jesus comes to give life and life more abundantly, according to John 10. I want His abundant life. I want to live in a way that I experience the power of God all the days of my life. Look, I'm 42 now. I plan on serving God until I'm in my 90s. And I stand before the king one day and hear, Well done, good and faithful servant. You know, we want to make sure that we allow God to use us while we're on this side of eternity, while we're on this earth, that we stay serving the Lord day in, day out. If you haven't been serving God, don't beat yourself up. Don't live in condemnation. Many years of my life, I didn't serve God. But what happened is, when God touched me and God convicted me and God started to change me, I surrendered all. All you got to do is just say, God, I'm sorry. Forgive me. I turn my life over to You. Change everything about me. Make me like You, Jesus. I want to serve You from this day forward. I made that commitment on a hard concrete floor in the middle of a prison cell. I got down on my knees right there on the bottom bunk and I said, God, I'm sorry. I've been building my own kingdom with my own power for my own glory. Forgive me, God. From this day forward, I'm going to build Your kingdom with Your power and for Your glory. And I surrendered my life to Jesus 18 years ago in a prison. I'm telling you, God changed me from the inside out. I found purpose while I was locked up. Most people say, what? You found purpose while you were in prison? Yeah, I started preaching, ministering, learning the Word of God. I started getting ready for my future while I was locked up. Your circumstances aren't what makes you. Listen, it's what's on the inside. It's not your circumstances. Anybody, you can have good circumstances but still be hopeless. You can have good circumstances but still be discouraged. You can have money and still not have peace. Listen, it's what's on the inside. It's Christ in you, the hope of glory. See, God created you for Himself. And He created you to live your life for Him. So you must give up your life. And when you give Him your life and you live your life for Him, you'll find the God-centered life you were always created for. You'll find what true purpose is all about. Hallelujah. See, when you serve the Lord and you allow God to change you from the inside out, He gives you His purpose, His plan, so that you can tell others about the goodness of God and about the forgiveness of God and about the love of God in your life. God wants to change you so then you can help change others. God changed me all those years ago. Now that I can impact millions of people all over the world for the glory of God. And I'm so excited about that. It's because what He did in me was so good. I want to tell everybody else what He's done. What He did in me was so great. I want to let everybody know. I want to shout on the rooftop that Jesus is King, that He loves you, that He forgives you, that He cares about you, that He knows right where you're at, and He wants to save you and rescue you so you don't have to go to a devil's hell one day, that you can live in eternity with Him forever and ever and ever. And even when you get to heaven, you're not just going to be floating on some clouds. You're going to have purpose there. God has a plan for you while you're in heaven. You'll be building and you'll be working and you'll be serving the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords for the rest of your life. I'm so excited about serving Jesus Christ. The Word of God says it's the unsearchable riches of Christ. He is a good God, a merciful God, and we seek Him as we serve Him and we discover who He is. The Proverbs says this, it's the glory of God to conceal a thing, the honor of a king to find it out. It's our responsibility as men and women to seek out God, to find out God, to discover the things of God. There are riches in God's kingdom. It says in His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand pleasures forevermore. It's a pleasing thing. It's a fulfilling thing to serve God. It's the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. Look, I was a college athlete. I had a career. I had an education. I had money. I had my own place, vehicles, all those things, right? But even having those things and having money, power, control, and career, they never satisfied me deeply. It's when I was in prison and I said, God, I give you my life to serve you wholeheartedly, is when I found true fulfillment. True fulfillment comes in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. And when we serve Him wholeheartedly, He changes us from the inside out and makes us a new creation. Those things you think you could never change, I promise you, when you surrender to God, He'll change you. If you're trying to change yourself, it don't work. It comes discouraging. Self-help don't work. It'll work for a season. It may look like, but when you truly surrender to God is when things change in your life. Again, this is your hour of power. With your host, Pastor Terrell Stott, your deliverance is at hand on Conviction Radio. As the Holy Spirit convicts you, He will change you, transform you, and deliver you because He is a deliverer and He is a powerful, almighty God. He's a good God that can change anybody. Because He loves you so much, He sent His Son to die for you at Calvary's Cross. Look, I got some passages I want to get into. Jeremiah 29, 11 says this. It says, For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, plans of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end. So when I read that, I put my name in it. I know the plans I have for you, Terrell Stott. Right, put your name in it. What plans does God have for you? Put your name in it. Know that it's for you. It's not just for the preacher. It's not just for the person down the street. It's not for the person that looks like life is all together. But God has a good plan for you. And that good plan, we can experience when we start to apply His Word. Listen, I was in a prison cell and I started to believe God's Word. I was like, no, I'm not an addict no more. No, I'm not a con no more. No, I'm not a gangster no more. God, I'm a son of God. I'm forgiven of all my sins. Thank You, God. You have a good plan for me and You love me. I thank You that You've changed me, God, and You've given me a new desire. What happens when you're born again? You get a new desire to serve God and to please God and to be a blessing to others and to be used mightily by God. God wants to use His people. He wants to use you in this day and hour. He needs more voices going out sharing the Word of God, sharing their testimony, sharing what God has done. You've got a testimony. You've got a testimony. What has God saved you from? What has God delivered you from? What has God done in your life so that now you can tell someone else about the goodness of God and the power of God and the love of God and how God changed you, right? Were you depressed and now you're no longer depressed? Were you bound to the needle or to the bottle or to the money? What was it, right? Pornography? And God set you free. Don't be embarrassed. Don't be embarrassed. There's none not good, none not one. The only thing good in me is Jesus. The only thing good in you is Jesus, right? Tell people what you've been delivered from and God will keep empowering you. That's all that I did. I got saved in prison. I started telling everybody on the yard. I started telling gang members. I started telling everybody about Jesus. Look, guys that were in the streets with me started getting saved. These guys started getting saved because I started testifying. God's a Savior. God didn't create us to be a thug and a gangster and in the mob and running the streets and controlling and dominating people and extorting and all those things, right? God created us to serve others and when I started to serve others and I started to love others and I started to pray for others, God gave me peace that surpasses all understanding. Joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. Hallelujah, come on. I might just start preaching a little. Joy unspeakable and full of glory. He'll give you peace. Listen, in the hardest places, people look at you like how are you so stable? How do you have peace right now? Look at what you're going through but you have joy. That's the God factor. That's the Jesus Christ factor. When you have Jesus, you have everything. He can change everything. Glory to God. He can do anything in you. There is nothing impossible with my God. So listen, while we're in this moment, if you're wanting God to change something, I want you to call it out right now. Look, don't worry if your wife's by you, your friends by you, your coworkers by you. Just say, God, I need you to change right now. I need you to break the chains of addiction. I need you to break the chains of depression. I need you to break the chains of anxiety and fear. I need you to break the chains of this heaviness. Look, if you're struggling, whatever it is, finances, God, I need you to break the chains of poverty, God, of always struggling. God, I break this curse off of me right now. Use your voice, right? And I thank you for the blood of Jesus. I thank you, God, that you set the captive free. I thank you that you are delivered. I thank you even right now while Pastor is praying in this hour of power on Conviction Radio and I'm receiving this prayer and I'm praying. I'm being delivered right now, God. I thank you, God, for routing every demonic power and breaking it off of my life. And I thank you, God, for giving me the mind of Christ and set me free. I thank you, God, for changing me, transforming me, and giving me purpose right where I'm at. I don't have to wait for tomorrow or the next day. I don't have to wait for a year down the road. I don't have to wait for everything to get right. God, what's right in me is you. And I thank you that you're changing me, delivering me, healing me, and setting me free right now and putting my feet on solid ground. That's what God does. Hallelujah. Come on, you can praise him for a minute right here on earth, right where you're at. You can just thank God for changing you, delivering you, giving you his word, sending his son to die for you. Come on. This is your hour of power. Where? Hallelujah. Your deliverance is at hand on Conviction Radio. May the Holy Ghost convince you, change you, transform you, heal you, and deliver you. Because God is good and his mercy endures forever. You were created for God with a God-sized purpose. Don't run from what God's doing in your life. Listen, I have some more scriptures here. 1 Corinthians 2, 9. These are some of my favorite. I love talking about purpose. Because out of anybody, I can witness to this because I found purpose in prison. I didn't wait until I got out to start preaching. I started preaching. I started ministering. I started testifying. I started reading. I started fasting. I started seeking the face of Jesus right where I was at. Hallelujah. Seek the king where you're at. Find life where you're at. The scripture says this. Either choose this day, life or death. I'm going to tell you what I chose. For me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. For me and my house, we will serve God all the days of our life. And I will see the blessing of God upon me, my wife, my children, and future generations where the spirit of God will not depart from my family. Because we choose to serve the living God. Glory to God. 1 Corinthians 2, 9. It says, No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man what God has in store for those that love him. Listen, all you've got to do is fall in love with God. When you fall in love with God, you haven't seen it, you haven't heard it, nor has it entered into your heart what God has in store for you. When you fall in love with God, come on, he's got great promises for you. He's got a great future for you. He has things that are beyond your imagination. You haven't seen it, you haven't heard it, and it hasn't even went into your mind or imagination yet, the plans he has for those that love him. The scripture says, If you love me, you keep my commandments. That means to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And love your neighbor as you do yourself. That's the general, that's the first step in the will of God. Because when you love God, you serve God wholeheartedly. You give all that you have to God. Many times people want God to change their circumstances, but they're not willing to change themselves. They're not willing to fully surrender to God so they can radically change. But when you fall in love with him and you surrender all, and you say, God, my life's no longer mine, it's yours. God will come in and change things, and then you will find great purpose in life. The scripture says, Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Don't chase your desires anymore, chase God. And when you chase God, he'll give you the desires. Sometimes we've got it backwards. If you chase your desires, you'll turn your desires into an idol, and you'll find yourself in a bad situation. But if you'll chase God, he'll give you the desires of his heart. Because then you're putting God before your desires. Come on, be encouraged. Repent. If you've been chasing your desires, just say, God, I'm sorry. I choose to chase you. Hallelujah. Hey, guys, this is your Hour of Power on Conviction Radio with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott. We're going to take a short break, and I'll be right back with you. Glory, glory, glory. I'm back. Coming at you now with the Word of God in your Hour of Power with your deliverance of the hand on Conviction Radio. May the Holy Ghost convict you, change you, transform you, heal you, and deliver you this day. For this is the day the Lord has made. I will be glad and rejoice in it. God is good, and his mercy endures forever. Listen, we all are sinful, and we make bad decisions. But God sent his Son to die for me and you so we could be delivered from our sin, the power of sin, the power of death. And every bad decision we've ever made in our life is put under the blood of Jesus. That makes me so excited because I've made terrible decisions my whole life. And God met with me, changed me, and even sometimes I'll make some bad decisions, right? But thank God for forgiveness. Thank God for the blood of Jesus. Thank God that he is a merciful God, and he loves us. Yes, again, this is your Hour of Power with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott. We're talking today about the power of purpose. We're talking today how when you tap into God's plan, God's purpose, you find fulfillment. You find joy. You find freedom. You find true life in the purpose of God. If you haven't listened to Episode 1, go back and listen to my testimony. Listen to what God did and has done and is doing in my life right now. A woman I have robbed at gunpoint, when I was in the streets, when I was running a gang, is now my wife. We have five children together. We run an international ministry. We're impacting the nation for the glory of God. And God is ministering to you no matter the story, no matter the failure, no matter the pain. God has a plan for you. God loves you. God cares about you. He knows right where you're at, and he sent his Son to die for you. The Scripture says, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So while when you were living like there was no God, wayward, a rebel, and listen, you were doing your own thing, Jesus died for you prior to any sin you've ever committed. He took your place at Calvary so that you could be saved. So that you don't have to go to a devil's hell one day. That you can live a life today in relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm not talking about tradition. I'm not talking about what you may have experienced in a denominational church you grew up in. Or from a bad leader, a bad pastor. Because some people have been abused and experienced terrible things because of what religious people have done. Jesus is not about religion. It's not about tradition. It's not this dogmatic set of rules. Jesus is about relationship with his children. With the parameters of the Word of God. And when you are in relationship with Jesus, and letting the Word of God be your guiding light to direct your path. It says his Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Let God's Word be settled in you. Let God's Word change you and transform you. Build your relationship with Jesus Christ upon the Rock of Ages. Upon his Word and upon Jesus. Which is the foundation and the cornerstone of our faith that cannot be shaken. The Word of God teaches us this. If you build your Word upon God's principles, upon his precepts. That when storms of life come. Though the winds may come, may the storms may come. Your house will stand because you built your life upon the Rock of Ages. Upon his Word. But if you don't build your life on the Word of God. You don't build your life on his precepts and his principles. And you don't learn to serve God wholeheartedly and understand who he says you are through his Word. When the storms of life come, your home will surely be wrecked. Your home will surely be wasted. And so I don't want my work and my labor to go down in vain. I want to build my life on the Word of God and on the principles of God. I tell people all over the world is when you do it God's way, you got a 100% success rate. When you do it God's way. Whether that's marriage, whether that's life, whether that's business. If you'll do things God's way, you'll succeed. It's when we do it our own way we struggle so much. The reality is human nature always wants to do it our way. There's a stubborn side to every human. There's a part of us that really wants to push the edge. Always get close as we can to sin. I'm telling you run from sin the way Joseph did in the Old Testament. Don't allow the enemy to draw you in. Run from sin the way Joseph did. If you don't know about Joseph, he was cast into slavery. He became the right hand man to a man named Potiphar's house. And Potiphar's wife came on to Joseph in a sexual way. And Joseph ran. He ran from that sin. Run from sin and run to God. And God will bless your life, strengthen your life, and turn your life around. Hallelujah. Let me continue into my scriptures. Ephesians 2.10. This is out of the Amplified Version. Listen to what it says. For we are God's own handiwork, his workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew, that we may do those good works which God preordained, planned beforehand for us, taking paths which he prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them, living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live. This passage is teaching us that God has already planned a good plan for you. He's already got it written. Listen. Here's what happened to me. I had made bad decisions. I was up under the demonic clan. And God rescued me out of the sin and out of the deprivation I was in. And then he gave me his plan A right after I had made failure, failure, failure, failure, brokenness, bad decision, bad decision, bad decision, bad decision. He said, okay, mercy covers that. Now I'm going to take your mess and I'm going to turn it into a masterpiece. I'm going to take your pain. I'm going to turn it into purpose. I'm going to take all the tragedies of your life. This is how good God is. Hallelujah. He said, I'll take your tragedy and I'll turn it into triumph. I'll turn it all around for you if you'll turn it over to me. And so that's all we got to do because he has preordained a good plan for your life if you'll turn your life over to him. Then he'll take all the things you've been through in life where he was stripping you and where he was doing a work in you and you didn't even know it. He was wooing you and drawing you and protecting you and keeping you alive even when you should have died. Listen, that was God watching out for you in his mercy. So when you come to him, he can now use that for your story, for his testament, for the glory of God that you could tell everybody what God has done. The scripture says, listen, I'm a preacher, guys. This is your hour of power. The word of God will deliver you. So I'm going to be preaching straight word, but I got to wrap it into my story. So, you know, look, I wasn't always a preacher. I wasn't. My daddy wasn't a preacher. My granddaddy wasn't a preacher. His granddaddy wasn't a preacher. I wasn't raised around prophets and preachers and teachers. No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, I was in the streets. I was a gangster. I was a thug. I was living wild and chaotic and against God. And I was living for myself. And I'm telling you, that life does not work. It leaves you empty on the inside. It leaves you broken on the inside. It'll never work because sin sets a trap for you. Sin sets a snare for you. Sin will surely find you out. There's no way you can live under the power of sin and this demonic system and agenda and think you're going to experience the fullness of God's blessing. It's when you repent and turn to God and say, God, forgive me. Repentance is I change my mindset. I change the way I'm thinking and the way I'm doing things. And I turn to God so that God can do a deep work in me. And now my life's no longer mine, but it's for you, God. Come on. This is your hour of power on Conviction Radio where your deliverance is at hand. Your host, Pastor Terrell Scott. If you haven't heard my story, go back to episode one. Listen to the testimony of God and what he's done. The scripture says in Revelations, it says we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb. That's the blood that Jesus shed for me and you. That was holy, pure blood. It washes away every sin. The word of our testimony, that's what I'm doing. That's what I'm doing. I'm testifying as I'm sharing these scriptures. I'm testifying. And guess what the devil's doing right now? He's running, hallelujah. He's running scared because I'm testifying of the goodness of God. That God is a deliverer. God is a healer. And God is good and his mercy endures forever. Thank you, God. Thank you, God. We overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and we love not our life unto death. What that means is it's not longer my will, my plan, what I want anymore. God, it's your plan. It's your will. It's what you want for me in my life. And when we live according to that, we will experience the power of God. In Ephesians 2.10, I talked about a moment ago how God has planned beforehand a good plan for you. He prepared ahead of time that we should walk in this good plan. God has a good plan that he's preordained. He's preplanned for you. For you. Look, this ain't just I'm telling my testimony to encourage you. I'm telling my story to encourage you. I'm giving you these scriptures because the word of God is for you. Listen, I remember my wife saying when she got saved that she didn't think church was for her. That was for good people. That's the biggest lie anybody could ever hear. Church ain't for good folks. There ain't nobody good anyway. Jesus, when he was talking to someone, he said, look, I'm not even good. I'm not even good. It's my father. Right? It's not about our own goodness. Your goodness won't get you saved. You can't be a good person and go to heaven. No. You have to be saved. You have to be born again. You have to put your faith in Jesus Christ. Nobody's good enough to go to heaven. Nobody could be so good that they got, listen, all of sin and fallen short of the glory of God. But listen what God did. He said, son, to save me and you from our sins. And so that when we stand before God on the day of judgment, we can say, I put my faith in Christ. And it's his blood. And it's the testimony of what God has did in my life that now I can stand before you justified. Just as if I never sinned. That's what justification does. It's just as if I never sinned. Why? Because it's not my righteousness. It's not my goodness. It's not my work or my merit. No. It's the work of the cross. It's the work of Jesus Christ did for me and you that saves us, that heals us, that delivers us, that changes us. And when we believe in that finished work and we put our faith in Christ, God will change us from the inside out. And as we read this word, this word will captivate you. Hallelujah. I believe some of you are even being captivated as I'm ministering to you and encouraging you now that the word of God is happening. Look, just because you've experienced bad circumstances, bad home life, bad relationships, bad situation after bad situation after bad situation, the enemy comes into those bad circumstances and he bites people to blame God. It's not God's fault. We live in a fallen, chaotic world where sin reigns and abounds. But God is calling you to him to come into his kingdom so that he can reign and then love and grace and mercy can abound in your life. And when that starts to happen, you find divine fulfillment in God. God created you for relationship with him with a supernatural purpose. You have a specific purpose that was created in the heavenlies before you were born specifically for you that nobody else on the earth, listen to this, nobody else in the world can fulfill your purpose. That's how unique, that's how awesome, that's how amazing you are. And that's why, listen, when God, I know I say listen a lot, but I want you to hear me, come on, get down in your spirit, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me, because I know it can do it. I know what God can do. When the woman of God, which is my wife now, came up in that prison and preached to me and ministered to me forgiveness, she looked at me and said, you've been selling your birthright. You've been selling your life to the enemy, chasing lust and perversion. You've been leading people the wrong way your whole life. You're leading people to hell. God wants you to lead them to eternal life in Christ Jesus. And conviction sat down on me, and I'm standing eye to eye with this beautiful woman I had robbed at gunpoint. I had left her dead. I had left her to deal with the drug dealers. Now she's looking back at me in the presence of Jesus' owner, the glory of God's owner, and she's looking me in the face and saying, God didn't create you to be a thug and a gangster and a drug addict. God didn't create you to be, let me just say it this way, a dirtbag, a loser. God created you to be a man of God. He has a purpose for you. He wants you to use the gifts he's given you because you're unique. You're special. There's something different about you, right? God's got something more for your life. Man, 18 years later, I see that so clear now. In that moment, I just felt conviction in the presence of God. I've been wasting my life away. I've sold my God-given birthright. The God-given birthright is the plan and purpose God created for you, and that's how unique you are. God loves you so much, he wrote out a plan for you, a love story for you, experiences, power encounters, provision, supernatural blessing on your life. He wrote that in the heavenlies for you. Now you've got to get a hold of that. When I get into the last scripture in the closing moments of this, this is going to really touch home that you understand that God is not some far-off God that doesn't care about your story, that doesn't care about the things you've experienced. No, why does he care so much? Because everybody in this fallen, chaotic world has experienced pain at some level. Everybody has experienced hurt at some level. Everybody has went through something that God wants to use to turn it around. God wants to take that place of pain, and he wants to heal it, he wants to touch it, and then he wants to use it for his purpose and his glory. Again, this is Pastor Terrell Scott. This is your hour of power where your deliverance is at hand on Conviction Radio. And I believe God is convicting you. Conviction is different than accusation and condemnation. Conviction empowers you to change. When God convicts you of sin, he grants the grace for you to change and come out of that. I used to be bound to pornography. The Holy Spirit convicted me, and I realized that through lust and perversion I was committing adultery in my heart, and I was sinning against myself and my future and my future wife, and then I was sinning against the people that I was watching. God created sex for marriage to bless it. It's holy. It's covenant. It's for one individual under the covenant of a relationship with God and each other where we keep that holy commitment one unto another. And so, listen, don't allow the enemy to pull you into lust to defile yourself because defilement will get you separate from God and get you in a place where that's where the enemy comes in. That's where demonic spirits come in. When we open the door to perversion and defilement, you weren't created for that. You weren't created to be defiled by sexual sin and by the enemy. You were created for purity. You were created for purpose. You were created for holiness with God. Listen, we're going to be taking a short break. Hallelujah. I'm stirred up now. I'm excited now because I believe, as you're hearing me, God's igniting purpose in you. I'll be right back with you on Conviction Radio here shortly. Praise God. I'm so excited to be back with you. Your hour of power with your deliverance is at hand with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott, on Conviction Radio, where the Holy Ghost is convicting you, transforming you, healing you, and delivering you, and setting you free as the Word of God is coming forth. See, that Word changes you. That Word convicts you. See, the Spirit of God, even as I'm giving the Word to you, is drawing you right now into His presence and into change. Hallelujah. The Scripture, again, says this, in His presence is fullness of joy, and in His right hand, pleasures forevermore. God wants you to prosper as your soul prospers. I'm giving you food for your soul. I'm giving you that Word so that your soul can prosper, so every area of your life can prosper. Listen, I've never seen somebody excited about being beat down, broke, and confused, and in doubt, and unbelief, and worry. No, it's when you're filled with life, filled with faith, filled with strength, filled with hope, that you find the fulfillment of God in your life. You find the joy of the Lord. You find the peace of God, joy that surpasses all things that come against you, joy that strengthens you, and the joy that keeps you. Hallelujah. What is joy? Joy is knowing that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that I'm in relationship with the Creator of heaven and earth. No matter what comes in this life, I know I'm on my way to heaven. I have joy in who I am in God, that God has a good plan for me and purpose. Even though at times I may experience painful things, God's good, and He has a good plan for me. The Scripture says that, listen, that the joy of the Lord is my strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. What is that? This is that knowing God is good, knowing God cares, knowing God loves me, knowing God has a plan for me, knowing God is with me. It says, I will be with you even to the end of the ages. I will never leave you nor forsake you. If you felt forsaken, you felt like you've been left out, you felt like, where are you, God? Let me pray for you right now. God, I lift up everyone right now that has felt forsaken. They want to change, but they feel like they can't. They want a difference. They want to be a difference maker, but they feel like they're bound in the mundane. They're bound in the just normal day-in, day-out grind of life, and they don't even know where to start. Lord, I pray a grace be released right now over their life for change, transformation, healing, and deliverance. I plead the blood of Jesus over them, and I pray right now by the power of the Holy Spirit, every chain be broken off of their life, and they be set free by the power of God. Touch them, Lord. Touch them, God. Touch them, God. Touch them, God. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. I have one last passage that I'm going to read from. This is Psalms 139, and we will start with verse 14. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed, and in your book they were all written. The days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them. How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God. How great is the sum of them. If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awake, I am still with you. Listen, notice what it says. How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God. How great is the sum of them. If I could count them, they would be more than the number than the sand. Come on, have you ever been on the beach and looked at the reality of how many granules of sand, millions and billions of granules of sand, you took it and picked it up in your hand and tried to count them? Where would you even start? How could you count the vast amount of granules in that sand, right? Listen what God is saying. How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God. How great is the sum of them. If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awake, I am still with you. Listen, God has a good thought towards you. Prior in verse 16, it says that these thoughts are in your book. They're written down. So in the spirit realm, in the heavenly realm, these thoughts, the thousands, the millions of thoughts God has for you, right, are written in his book. What I would pray is, God, show me your thoughts towards me. That's his plan. That's his purpose. Show me your plans. Show me the thoughts you have for me. Show me what you want me to do with my life. All that was going on in my life is I had my own plan, my own agenda that was really demonic because Satan has a plan for you, but God has a plan for you. And through choices, we decide whether we're going to be up under Satan's plan or God's plan, whether we're going to allow the enemy to control or God to control. And because I was doing my own thing my own way, I was allowing the enemy to control my life because I was building my own kingdom. One of the things I repented of when I got saved in prison is I said, God, forgive me for building my own kingdom, doing my own thing, building. It's all about my life. It's all about my wounds. It's all about what I desire. But, God, what do you want from my life? To catch the heart of God in life is so important. God, what do you want to do with me? What do you want to do with my life? What is your heart for me? What is your thoughts towards me, oh, God? You said in this word that there are more than the sands on the seashore. God, so let me get a hold of some of those thoughts you have for me. And when you start getting a hold of the thoughts God has for your life, it'll change everything. We do a thing every year in the beginning of the year, what we call I am statements. When Moses was in the wilderness and God came to him, he says, I am. Who do I tell them that I am? He says, I am who I am. And so what we've done is because the great I am lives in me. Christ lives in us, right? We're saved. We're born again. The enemy attacks our identity. The enemy comes against our identity to make us think, listen, I was a drug addict. I was immoral. I was a sinner. I was full of anger and rage. And so we start to identify with our failures. Anyone that's in sickness, one of the things you have to do to get them free and to believe and to have faith is you've got to get them to break the agreement with the false identity. One of the things, I used to have allergies real bad. So I would say my allergies, my allergies, my sickness. No, no, no, no. In Jesus' name, I renounce that. I break that. That's not mine. I am healed. See that? I am healed. I am delivered. I am forgiven. I am loved. I am chosen. I am redeemed. I am walking out the full-blown purpose of God in my life. I am a son of God redeemed from the curse. I am no longer a child of Satan. I am a child of God. I am loved. I am washed. I am made brand new. I am living out the thought and plan and purpose God has for me and my life. I am walking in a powerful, fruitful future where I'm impacting others for the glory of God, changing and transforming lives everywhere I go. I am a blessing to people. I am a blessing to people. Come on. You were created to be a blessing. You were created to impact others. You were created to bring change and transformation, healing, and deliverance everywhere you go, but you've got to allow God to change you. You've got to quit thinking like the devil. If you think like the devil, you'll act like the devil. If you'll think like Jesus, you'll act like Jesus. Come on. You've got to allow Jesus to start to change the way you think. That starts repentance and renewing your mind. In Romans 12, 1, it says that you were not created, right, to be upon the power of this world. Do not be conformed to this world, but be ye what? Transformed by the renewal of your mind. How do you renew your mind? You read the Word of God. You start to pray out the Word of God. You start to believe the Word of God over your circumstances, situation, and past failures. You start to say, God, I trust your Word. I believe your Word. I thank you, God, for your Word, and I thank you, God, that you love and care about me. He has thoughts towards you. He has a thought for your future, a promise for your future. He wants you to live on purpose. He doesn't want you to live beat down and struggling. It is not God's plan for you to be in addiction. It's not God's plan for you to be depressed. It's not God's plan for you to stay in anger or in deception or playing games like hustling people and deceiving people. All those things I did for many years of my life. Because I was up under the power of Satan, Satan was using me to steal, kill, and destroy from people's lives. When God changed me, he went the very opposite. Instead of stealing, we're blessing. We're encouraging. We're helping. Instead of killing, we're bringing life to people. Instead of destroying, we're rebuilding people's lives. Rebuilding people's lives. You're called to be a blessing and rebuild others. If you're in a relationship and you've been destroying, you've been saying word curses, you've been belittling people, you've been beating people down with your words. Right now is a good time to say, God, forgive me for not allowing you to reign. Forgive me for using the gift of God in hurting people. God, you created me to restore people. You created me to be a healer. You created me to be a deliverer. And I'm sorry, God, for mishandling. You're creation. Lord, I thank you, God, for convicting me now on Conviction Radio. I thank you, God, for changing me now. I thank you, God, for healing me now. Lord, I thank you, God, that you're touching my life and teaching me the true plan you have for me. Lord, I'm sorry for believing the enemy when he snuck in and bit me and blamed you. When the enemy lied to me, they blamed you, God. I'm sorry for blaming you for the failure, the pain, the hurt in my family and what I experienced growing up. People sometimes will blame others for their childhood forever, will blame God for their childhood forever. They'll be saying the same old story over and over and over and over again. Come on, you got to say, no, enough's enough. I'm not going to stay in this same pattern and keep pointing fingers at my family, what I had, didn't have, what I went through, the pain I experienced. No, I'm going to take responsibility for my life, and I'm going to change things. When you do that, I'm telling you, God's graceful about it. God will come and do a work in you and change things in your life. Hallelujah. God has a good plan for you. He cares about where you're at, what you're going through, and he has given us the word of God. He's given us the scriptures so that we can lean in and depend on that word and allow that word to do a work in us and change us. The scripture says, going back, a recap, Jeremiah 29, 11, For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, plans of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 1 Corinthians 2, 9, I have not seen nor heard nor entered into the heart of man what God has in store for those that love him. Glory to God. Then Ephesians 2, 10 says, For we are God's own handiwork, his workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew, that we may do those good works which God predestined, planned beforehand for us, taking paths which he prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them, live in the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live in Jesus' mighty name. And then when we read in Psalms 139, verse 13 through 18, it's talking about how he formed us in our mother's womb, and then how his plan was written in the books in heaven, and that his thoughts towards you are more than the sand of the sea. All those, make those real in your life. Apply those to your life. Put your name in those scriptures. Believe them for you. Listen, you cannot change anything without faith. The scripture says, faith come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. That God is who he says he is, and God will do what he says he will do. But you've got to believe. It's impossible to please God without faith. If you want to experience a pleasing life, a fulfilling life, the first step is learn to please God. What does it mean to please God? To serve him wholeheartedly, to depend on the Holy Spirit, to have a relationship with his son, Jesus Christ. And through doing that, you become a sweet-smelling aroma to God. And then you become a blessing to others. When you're right with God, God will give you favor with him and with man. Thank you, God. Hallelujah. That's what I pursued all the days of my life. There's even a scripture in Proverbs that says this, that when your ways are pleasing in the sight of God, even your enemies will be for you. Anybody got any enemies that you need? Don't fight your enemies anymore. Come on, I'm an ex-gangster, so all I knew was fighting, right? But when I came to God, he taught me a new way of warfare, that I'm not fighting a physical fight anymore. That there's a spiritual battle going. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and evil work in high places. So now I'm fighting the good fight of faith through serving God. And as I'm serving God in prayer, I've learned to bless my enemies. Pray for your enemies. Bless those that come against you and persecute you, that revile you. Pray for them and let God defend you. If you let God defend you, he'll protect you and he'll, listen, he'll never let you down. Come on, I'm ministering to myself right now. Thank you, God, for defending me. Come on, I'm just going to pray right now. Thank you, God, for defending me. Thank you, God, for making my enemies before me. Thank you, God, that as I pray and as I bless them and as I keep my heart right, God, you're a defender, God. You take care of it. You said bless those that curse me, God. Hallelujah. I thank you. I'm blessing them right now, God. Go touch them. Go renew them. Go bless them, God. May they prosper. May they have a good life, God. I release them to you, God. I trust you to bless them, God, and defend me, oh, God, because you're a defender of your child, and I am your child, and I thank you for defending me, God. Hallelujah to the lamb. Thank you, God, for working on my behalf and doing what I can't do for myself because you said it's not by power, not by might, but by the spirit, saith the Lord. You are good, God, and you have a good plan for us, and I thank you for that in Jesus' mighty name. Again, guys, this is Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio with your Hour of Power with your deliverance as at hand. Go back, check out Episode 1 where I got into some of the gritty details of my testimony where God changed me, rescued me, saved me when I was in a prison cell. I was lost, now I'm found. I was bound, now I'm free. I was an ex-con, now I'm a son of God. Listen, I was enslaved to sin, a thug, and a gangster. Now I'm a preacher, a teacher, and a minister of the gospel. I'm a father, a husband, a book writer. Look, we're getting our book, we're finalizing it, so God is working in this day and hour, and he's taking the most unlikely people in the earth, people that say, man, there ain't no way God could use them, and he's using them. He's calling the remnant of people out of the cracks and crevices, that's the low places, so that he can lift us up and display our life as an ornament of God's grace in the earth. May God use your life for his glory, and may his grace rest upon you. Let me pray this blessing over you. I pray over each of you now. May the Lord bless you and the Lord keep you. May his light and his countenance shine upon you. May the Lord our God be gracious unto you, and may he give you peace. In Jesus' name, amen.

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