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Double Take-Trading Cards Episode-April 5th

Double Take-Trading Cards Episode-April 5th




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Good evening, Teal Nation and beyond. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Calivers Student Run radio station. We're walking into Britton Hall 301 for this week's edition of Double Take. And it's a beautiful Friday evening now. 7.03, man. It doesn't feel that late because the sun is still out, finally. As the days have progressed, it's gotten a lot brighter a lot later. Yeah, that's the beauty of the daylight savings time. That's true, but I'm talking about like it's stayed. I'm talking like it's gotten brighter and brighter every time. Kind of, not really, in my opinion. I hear you, I hear you. They're coming through on the speaker over here, so I'm going to... Oh, that's what I was hearing. Yeah, we were coming through. Anyway, so semester is coming to an end. We're in the last month of the spring semester, the last month of your sophomore year. How are you feeling? How's your week been? I shouldn't even be here right now. I got so much to do. I have... I'm up to my eyeballs right now and stuff. As soon as I'm done here, I go get something to eat and I'm locking in for the night. Yeah, I hear you. I hear where you're coming from. Week wasn't too bad. I had a midterm on Wednesday. I already got the grade back for that. I got a B on that one, so kind of... I'm a little disappointed because I thought I'd do better, but it is what it is. Still waiting on a quiz from two weeks ago from philosophy, but other than that, I feel like my week has gone by pretty swimmingly. I hear your philosophy professor on blast there for... No, he knows it. Oh, he knows it. Fair enough, fair enough. He addressed it like because someone asked, hey, when are we getting the quizzes back? I didn't hear those back yet. Oh, so he forgot. He forgot. You know, rightfully being put on blast for it. Yep, you're right. It's just one of those things. My week, I could take it or leave it. It was an alright week. There's not really much I can say, just kind of put my head down. You got like final projects down and stuff and scheduled meetings with my group mates for one of my final projects. Other than that, I'd say it was class selection for next semester, so moving on up. Moving up to junior year. Already two years done with college. God willing. Yes, God willing, we will be moving on to our junior year of college. We'll see how the next couple weeks hold on. Yeah, we'll see, but for now you are listening to WCCU Radio Coastal University Student Run radio station. This is Double Take. Welcome back to Double Take on WCCU Radio Coastal University Student Run radio station. Dave, have you ever had addiction? Oh yeah, I've had addiction. Yep. I can't say that I didn't. I have kicked it since, but yeah, I've had addiction. It was pretty bad. When we were like 16 going into 17, we had it really bad. It was when we were starting to work too, so we were getting our own money so we could buy it, buy our own supply. Yeah, it was bad. It was in that time period, 2020, when that stuff started to peak. Stuff like that started to peak. It got so popular again. Not just one thing, but it was a multitude of other things in the same vein. Yes, yes, yes. We spent a combined total of what, three grand? I thought it was a little bit more than that. I'm ashamed to say that, but regardless, it was fun getting back into a hobby that we were introduced to way early, trading cards. Yeah. I know we had someone in the audience here in the first part of that that said, what do you mean addiction? What were you doing? Being very vague with it. Yeah, that was the intention. No, go ahead and tell me about your running with a sports card addiction, the closest thing you've ever gotten to a gambling habit. I'm the one that got you really into it. Because you introduced me to your breaker. Before 2020, we had a little bit of a spurt to where like, oh, these are cool trading cards. We were just like, those are nice. Yeah. Just whatever. Then during, I think it was in the middle or somewhere in the beginning of 2020. I forget how it happened. I don't know if he reached out to me or I just stumbled across, but I ended up on an Instagram live of someone breaking open a ... Oh no, sorry. No, no, no. I'm sorry. It wasn't a live. I bought a card off him. It was an Aaron Nola rookie card. Yes. I bought that off of him. Then I joined his Instagram live and he was breaking a, I believe it was 20, I think it was 2020. It was one of the more recent ones at that time, a blaster box. I got a spot in that. Then from there, it was really just, we became ... I started to actually talk to him personally and we became actually really well acquainted. I joined a lot of his streams. I bought product off of him. The product being trading cards. The product being trading cards. That's very clear. It was trading cards. I bought spots and breaks off of him, individual cards, you name it. I was really, really into it as well as I also bought a single card. I bought a Kendall Fuller rookie card. Then from that, just a little rant off of that, knowing him from the trading cards, we developed a little bit of a friendship. We went into our own podcast with him. We interviewed some athletes. Stuff tapered off from there and we haven't really conversed much since. It was a fun time from 2020 to about mid-2021. From besides the school part, that was mid. That's expected. I wasn't playing video games until 3 o'clock in the morning. You probably had more recent exposure to him than I have. Yeah, I texted him a little bit every so often. He'll still text me about, hey, do you want to buy this? Do you want to buy that? It's like I can't because I'm a college student now and I don't have as expendable of a budget as I did when I was just a wee 16-year-old working for Dairy Queen. We were basically lining his pocket. It's all love though. It was. When I say that it was good pay when I was working at Dairy Queen, I was able to afford an $800 laptop after like two paychecks. It was wild. Just think about the disposable budget I had for trading cards then, which was crazy. No, you're right. We both bought product off him. I think I bought more than you did. You probably have. I bought bulk. I was more of a conservative spender. Yeah, I really, I kind of bought bulk. I bought singles and I bought into, they were called Razzes. Razz? Yeah. Basically, you bought a spot. It was a set. There was like a set number of spots. You bought a spot in there and he spun a wheel and if it landed on you, you won. You land on your number, you won. Yeah, so basically like a Razz or whatever. Yeah. I don't know why it's specifically called a Razz. But no, that's just the, and you were going on a rant, I'm going to go on a rant too, the same thing with the podcast. That was fun. We did a 10 hour special the one time for NFL free agency in 2020. Got over a thousand views somehow. Somehow a few thousand people tuned in and then we got the interview athletes. I'm going to name drop the athletes because I'm proud of that and I still have the videos to back it up. Derek Forrest Jr. who was playing for Cincinnati, he was currently one of the safeties for Washington right now. I don't know if he's starting or not. I think since Carl's gone, he's going to be starting in a position for the safeties. Yeah, him. James Hudson III who also played for Cincinnati in the same season that they went to, they faced Georgia in the college ball playoff, which was neat. We got to interview Cincinnati during that time. He's currently a guard for the Cleveland Browns. Yes. Jake Lane, who is now currently, I think he's a running backs coach, my bad, running backs coach for UMass. Last I heard from him, yeah. He also works with the 30-13. Yeah, 30-13. He does. I'll probably get back in connection with him because he has some inroads. Yeah, kind of. And then also, don't forget Agent Butler. Yes, Agent Butler. Who was a talent agent who is currently an NFL talent agent. One of his biggest clients being Levante David, who just got paid. I think there was another really marquee player that signed that was his agency and I don't know. I forget, but I know it was a really good player that has him as an agent. I'll do some more research on that. Regardless. A little bit of the rain out of the way. A little bit of lore. That's not what the show's about. No, that's why I'm pursuing the career that I'm pursuing, which is sports broadcast and journalism. That podcast is what got me into and made me realize what I want to do with my life, is to work with athletes and to work with the sport that I go into. Right, right. We've also bought personal products on our own, off StockX, off of other sites. From Walmart. From Walmart. Yeah, eBay. eBay and stuff like that. What was your favorite car that you got? I already know yours, so I'm not going to say this one. I would have to say that when I was here in Gettysburg, he was running a live stream and I bought a mystery box that had a bunch of different cards in it. In that box was a Fernando Tatis rookie card when he was with San Diego. I know he played for Chicago before. Speak really quick before that, one of my most favorite things that happened to me was I went on a run. Oh my God. A run of Luis Robert rookie cards. My best one is an orange parallel one that I have. We'll talk about that stuff later. I went on a run with that. Yeah, it was like every time he did a live stream. With baseball. You were averaging one Luis Robert per live stream. Yes. Which was bonkers. I also got a Kyle Lewis one. He kind of fell off. Yeah, but he did win rookie of the year. He did. He was a former rookie of the year. I learned that today. I forgot about it, but I relearned that today when I was doing the Immaculate Draft. Those are my two favorite moments when I was doing the whole cards. What about you? My favorite was because we developed such a personal relationship with him. He sent us cards on our birthday. He sent us a pack of random cards on our birthday. It was like one of those plastic things with a bunch of cards in them, random cards. One of them was a signed, it was Wayne Goleman Jr. for the Giants and Samadhi Pirine for Washington. That was one of my favorite cards. The other one is a Dwayne Haskins. It's like a Dwayne Haskins purple. Oh, yeah. You actually won that. You didn't buy that. You won it. No, I won it, but it's a purple jersey swatch. I won that prior to his death, prior to his passing in 2022. See, that's not what I thought you were going to say. I completely forgot about the birthday cards, but that's not what I thought you were going to say. Yeah. I thought you were going to say the Anthony Edwards downtown. Ooh. We'll talk more about that when we come back from this next break. You're listening to WCCU Coastal California University Student Run Radio Station. This is Double Take. Welcome back to Britain Hall 301. Jeez, that went way off the rails really quick. Wow. We're going to ignore that. Wow. Welcome back to Double Take on WCCU Coastal California University Student Run Radio Station. So, continuing with our conversation about trading cards. You're right. We left when you talked about the Anthony Edwards downtown. Jeez, what is wrong with me? My brain is just scrambled from this week, from all this work that I've had to do, all this writing and paper typing. Yeah, but you gained it. Regardless, yes, that is one of my favorites, and that segues into sports card value. Really quick. We shouldn't be coming through on this. Is everything muted on there besides our mics? Yeah, everything's fine. Okay, okay. What was the question again? I'm sorry, because I was just thinking about the echo. Okay, I might have fixed it. Okay. Because the line in slash mixer was on for some reason. Okay. Let's see if that helps. Anyway, continue. What was the question again? No, I was leading into sports card value. Yeah. I got into the hobby not for, well, half and half. I really like sports cards, but I was also chasing good value of them. Yeah. Because I was always told that rookie cards are the most valuable ones. You want to keep those in case they're good. And once they're good, they're going to be worth a lot of money someday. And I think that nowadays, that's all the hobby has become. It's just chasing value. Yeah. That's what it used to be, is like the rookie cards were the most valuable. But now, there's just so much. Okay, it's a rookie card. Is it a base rookie card? Is it like an aquatic foil? Is it checkered? Is there a signature? Is it black parallel? Is it black parallel? Is it numbered? Is it signed? Yeah, what's its number? Is it an on-card autograph? Is it a swatch? Is it a signed swatch? It's all... Is it game worn or is it just replica? So much has now gone into trading cards and their value where it's just no longer base card versus rookie card. It's now... Because you can get a base card that's a different font or a different styled from the base card, but it's still just a regular old player card. Right. So like, think of Devin White, a sixth-year in the league, purple parallel, like something like that. Yeah. Or the press-proof one that I have. I forget the player, but it's a press-proof, not a rookie. That's another one, the press-proof. There's green press-proof. There's red press-proof. There's blue press-proof. And there's parallels, refractors. What's the one Cole Anthony you have? Is it red, white, and blue? No, no, no. Patriotic? It's the pink one. Hmm? The pink one. I don't know. I forget the name for it. I'll just say I have a bunch of those kinds of cards. I have a Luis Robert. I have a Mythical, I believe it is. You have an orange one. I know it, but I also have a Mythical one, as well as Anthony Rizzo. I have a signed card of him. But that also adds to the whimsy of it. It does. I know. It's a give and a take. It's, yes, it does add a lot more creativity to the world of sports cards. It adds a lot more value to what you're chasing. It spices up a box that you broke or that you ripped open and, oh, it's all just regular card, regular card, regular card. This one's not so regular. This one's a little different. This one's cool. Right. It adds to the fun of it. Mm-hmm. Like I said, I think the hobby has become more so people chasing the value of cards rather than, yes, it's okay if you are looking for valuable cards, but don't just buy it looking for a valuable card because, well, first of all, first and foremost, trading cards should be, you should save some for the kids. Absolutely. If I go to the store with the intent to buy trading cards and there is one thing left on the shelf, I'm just going to leave it. Yes. I can't stand seeing these people take a whole rack of sports cards and like shoveling it into their cart. Yes. It's bad for the hobby. Another thing that breaks my heart when I walk into a store is when I see a box of cards that's already ripped, like in the store, they're just sitting there. Yes. I remember I found there was an open pack somewhere in Walmart that was just stuff behind other Legos or something. It just makes it, it's bad for the hobby. Yes. It's one of the other things that's bad for the hobby because they start locking them up. They start putting limits on them. Mm-hmm. It's like, it's the bad actors. Right, right, right. It's the ones who, they go in and they rip them before they even purchase them. They come in with a scale and they weigh them because yes, it's, I saw a table for it too. I saw a table of weight classes for trading cards. If it's this weight, okay, there's this percentage for base card. There's this percentage for this card. Then this weight, there's this different percentage for this card and this different percentage for this card, like percentage of probability. The fact that you took all that time to do it means you probably haven't seen the sunlight in at least five months, at least five months to a year. I really wouldn't go that far, but it's shady. It's shady business. I don't like it. Like I said, it's bad for the hobby, bad to get more people into it. It sucks because I'm at the point where I kind of hope the hobby kind of dies down again or dies off so that we can have another resurgence like we did in 2020. Because I honestly think, because like trading cards, I was really big on trading cards when I was younger, but as I got older, I was like, oh, these are pretty cool. Like, because we'd see them in the Walmart, like we get the little like dollar packs or whatever. Yeah. Not even dollar packs. They were sticker packs. Yeah, and they were sticker books. Right. And my child brain was like, oh, these are trading cards. Yeah. They weren't. No. I don't know. I just, it's bad. It's the people like that that drive people away from the hobby, that like drive new people away from the hobby where it's like, if it's like this, if people are like this in this space that I'm in, why am I even bothering? Yeah, because it makes people, and it makes people look bad that are in the hobby. Yeah. Because you can make an honest side hustle selling cards, like selling cards, selling packs. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with that. The problem I have is how you procure these packs, these single cards, and the value of them. Like, if you're charging double of what the value should be, that's kind of, first of all, that could be qualified as scalping, especially if you're doing it for a box that you bought on eBay for like $15 and you're trying to resell it for $30. Yeah. That's not how it works. Well, reselling it for $30 is fine. Reselling it for $60, because if I'm going to buy a box and then resell it, I want to make profit. Well, yeah, but you don't want to get greedy. No. Because then people aren't going to buy it, and you're not going to get business. But $15 isn't that much of a markup from the original price. Where they do make the money is they, like, you spend $15 on the box, and they charge $2 per spot, and they have 20 spots. Yeah, that's, but I mean, I can respect that more. Like, if you're, I wouldn't say, like, oh, you got to spend the 15 for the box, and then you have to spend another two to get a spot in the RAS. I know there's probably ones out there that do it. I haven't seen them. But I know for a fact that there's probably ones out there that do it. Mm-hmm. I think that that's honest. That's fine. It should be, you know, if you're going to raffle off a box, then, you know, do that. Yeah, $2 a spot. If it's like a, you said, what, a $20 box? $15. The price doesn't matter. Well, the story is just like, I hate what it's become. It's become more about the value of the card rather than the aspect of having a cool card. And it's one of those things where the value is placed on the card by the community, the hobby. It's placed on those in the space. Right. It's a theoretical amount. Someone will put this, like, I know how it works. Someone puts the same card out for this price. Another person puts the same card out for this price. Okay, I now have this card. So you take, you split the difference. Right. And you take the middle value or you take, let's say this one is this much, so I'm going to sell it for a little bit cheaper. There is probably more that goes into the valuation of a card, but, like, that's kind of the... It's kind of like the stock market. That's how we put it. It's kind of like the stock market where I'm buying this player. Like, if I get, let's say I get a box and I get this player in it, this player's value can go up and it can go down depending on how they play. Yeah. Because that's happened. Fizzle-outs in the league and stuff happen. It's... I do want to continue. I do want to kind of get back into the hobby a little bit. I do as well. We'll continue the conversation on the other side of this break. For now, you're listening to WCCU Coastal California student run radio station. Welcome back to Double Take on WCCU radio. Continuing our conversation with the sports trading cards. And we'll segue a little bit into trading cards in general. But... Well, most of it is trading cards. Like, now, like, I know you have Pokemon cards, but... Yeah, but I wasn't really... No, I wasn't Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic. No, it was sports cards. That's usually what you... The main, the big, vast majority of people, that's what they think when they hear trading cards is, oh, sports cards. Well, no. Pokemon cards are... I mean, I guess it just depends on where, like, where you first heard of the hobby or how you first got into the hobby. Well, Pokemon cards are, like, objectively, I'm talking like objectively more popular than sports trading cards in the... Well, in other places. Not here, though. Even here. Like, internationally, that's one of the most recognizable brands is Pokemon. The first one would have to be Mario. True. But I don't think that... But there is no Mario trading cards. I don't think that Pokemon cards are more popular in the United States than sports cards. I would disagree with you, 100%. And I could be wrong, but I would just... That's what I would believe. I'll take Pokemon cards being popular every day of the week, twice on a Sunday. You know, I mean, I have Pokemon cards. Well, yeah, so do I. I did... It was not for lack of trying to get into the hobby. Right. It's not the hobby. The actual game. The actual game of Pokemon cards. I couldn't figure out how to play it, and I just kind of dropped it. And then I just was like, you know, I'll just do Pokemon Go for the rest of my eternity. That's going to be my exposure to Pokemon for the rest of my days. Yeah, I hear you on that one. Flipping and reversing it back to, like, the trading cards themselves, like sports... The sports cards, not the Pokemon cards. Yeah. Do you have another... Do you have, like, another favorite card that you want to talk about that you were pretty excited when you opened it? I can think of one that you haven't mentioned yet. What, for me? Yeah. Because you're the one who ripped the box, and you're the one who pulled the card. Now I've got to really think, because I don't really remember all the cards that I had. Like... I'll clue you in. It was Panini Rookies, the one guaranteed auto per box. Oh, shoot. That doesn't really narrow it down, because, like... I've ripped so many cards, and it's been a while since I've seen what cards we had. Ever since I went through all of them and put them neatly into little boxes. I don't know, you go ahead and you give me one, so I can think for a minute. I give you one? Dang. No, so, like, do you have any stories right now? There's a nice Christian Kirk one that we have sitting in the box. It's a little booklet one. Oh, yeah. I love the booklet one. It's the Texas A&M one. Texas A&M with the signature and the jersey patch. I do, I remember that I have, I just remember that I have a Patrick Mahomes Texas Tech card. Yeah, with the jersey swatch. With the jersey swatch. And, so that's pretty cool. I do, I think those are... That was one of the first cards I ever got. It falls under, I would argue that sports cards fall underneath the umbrella of sports memorabilia. I would think so, considering some of them have autographs, some of them have jerseys in them. Yeah. Jersey swatches, jersey patches. Some of them are numbered. Right. And they're, I feel like the numbered ones are very, they're unique, and I like the numbered ones a lot because they're rare. They're more, they're less... There's less of them than if there's a mass-produced base card. Yeah. Of a player. It makes them more valuable, not just monetarily, but also, you know, personally, because like you said, they're not in, they're short print. Yeah, like my end goal is, with all those sports cards, all those trading cards, is to put them in binders. So then they're safe forever, and they're not going to, and then put them somewhere else. Because they're up, I know where they are right now, they're in our house back in Pennsylvania, up in the top floor, in the spare room. Yeah. Which is a good thing we got them out of the basement, because if they were in the basement, they'd be collecting... Mildew. Mildew and just yucky. Yeah. They would not have been good. Have you not thought of the card yet that I'm trying to reference? No, I can't. Well, because you said it was 2018, right? No. You said it was a Panini, okay. 2021. Is that the one we got from StockX? Yes. Is the Trevor Lawrence one? No. Shoot. We do not have an autographed Trevor Lawrence card. Oh, it's an auto? Yeah. My mind is drawn a significant blank. You remember the, what was it? It wasn't Donruss, was it? The one where it was either you got the magnet or the jersey patch card? You remember that? No, I remember that. I remember the box. I think you got a Josh Kelly one. I think so. I think I did get a... I know there was a... I think there was a box where we got two of them one time. Yes. It was like a Carson Wenz. I know we got a magnet. Yeah, it was a Lamar Jackson. Because Lamar Jackson was the cover athlete for the box that year. Yeah, it was a Lamar Jackson magnet. I think that's cool that they switched it. I remember the last time before 2020 when I bought trading cards was a yellow hanger box with Aaron Rodgers on the cover. I remember the... Wasn't Russell Wilson on one of the Donrusses? He was. Yeah, Russell Wilson was on one of the Donrusses. And it's crazy the names that they have for them. You have hanger packs. You have hanger box. Or, sorry, you have fat pack, which is like a... Sellos. Sellos. You have fat packs. You have hanger boxes. You have blaster boxes. You have mega boxes. And is there anything higher than mega box? I think mega box is the... And then you have case. Yeah, you have case. You have case breaks. Cases are just boxes filled with mega boxes. Oh, don't forget the actual little packs. I forget what are they called. The singles? Yeah, the singles. What are they called? Oh, good. Because they have a name for them. Oh, my Lord. What are they called? Now you got two things on your mind that you're trying to think of. Yeah, this is dangerous. Smell the smoke from over here. I know. Shoot. Because I heard it so many times. Are you sure those aren't the Sellos? No, Sellos are... They're one step below fat packs. Okay. Shoot, what are they called? I don't know. I give up on the one that you're trying to get me to get. The autograph card? Yeah. Asante Samuel autograph. Oh, yeah. The Asante Samuel Jr. The Asante Samuel Jr., yes. I do remember that now. Well, now that I told you you remember that. We were pretty hyped about that one. We were. All the other ones... I know we bought four from StockX. Two one time, two the other because we wanted to each break a box. And that was the best card out of all of them that we got because the other ones were just kind of junk autographs. Which I'm okay with. I know there's somebody out there who knows who that obscure player is that isn't in the league or probably isn't even in the UFL but played for their favorite college. Don't we have a Lache Seastrunk card? We do have a lot. We have a couple. We have an autographed Lache Seastrunk card. We have a bunch of those. One Jets quarterback. Oh, my God. One Jets quarterback? From the Thanksgiving Red. Oh, shoot. I don't know the name. Oh, it's a really weird name. Oh, it's the Titans guy from the Titans. Yeah, sorry. It's the Z, I think. Wasn't it Berger or something? I don't know. I thought it was a Z. There was a Z in there. Zetterberg? I don't know. I have no clue. I don't either, but I know that that was one of the – you got a bunch of those. I know we have a really comically small autographed card of like – he was a receiver for the Colts. T.Y. Hilton? No. I would have known T.Y. Hilton. Paris Campbell? No, I would have known Paris Campbell, too. He was like early, like probably mid-2010s. Reggie Wayne? No. Reggie Wayne. Well, yeah. From mid-2010s, he was like really injury-prone. You got me. I don't know. But it's like a comically small one, and I think it's funny. His name will come to me after the show. Yeah, most likely will. But, yeah, that's – you know, I enjoy them. They're cool. I enjoyed going through them. I know I have a really pretty one where it's like – it's a painting of Alex Gordon. It's like a painting-type card of Alex Gordon when he was with the Kansas City Royals. Yeah. That's probably one of my favorite cards. That and the stadium view of Nationals Field. I have a couple of Bowman ones that I really like. What's your favorite? Baseball or football cards? Football. Yeah, I'm a big football card guy by the way. I'm a big football card guy, but I love baseball cards a little bit more. We'll be right back here on Doubletake. Welcome back to Doubletake. This is the wrap-up now. We are entering the final couple minutes of the show here. Anything important you'd like to add? Any sort of dialogue you'd like to put into the discourse here? I think I really – I think I've talked enough. I yapped too much. I got to start learning to geek-key my hobbies. Yeah. Well, this is a very – why? Why? Why do you have to learn to geek-key your hobbies? Because I got to be mysterious. I thought you got a text from your girlfriend like, you didn't tell me this. No. No, I didn't. Okay. I just got to be more mysterious. Fair enough. That's fair enough. I don't. I'm very proud of my – yeah. I'm very proud of my hobbies. I'm very – I'm ashamed of the amount of money I spent. I'd probably have more money in my savings account if I didn't do what I did over the summer. Yeah, that summer of 2020, and that's by combining that much money worth of trading cards, like almost upwards of $4,000 probably maximum. I kind of want to go buy – go to Walmart and buy some trading cards. I'm not going to lie. I do. I'm not going. Now that I have a credit card, I could just max out and go buy trading cards and try to make a quick buck off of them. Yeah, but that's not fiscally smart. No, absolutely not. Not in this stage. No, definitely not. Did you want to mention one more card that tickles your fancy? I can't really. I got this one Bowman. I forget what the name of it is, but it's a really nice – I think it's Bowman Platinum. I like Bowman Rookie card. That's nice. I got a couple of Gavin Luxes too. Now one thing, you mentioned the card that I so graciously bought for you. No, I do enjoy the Morgan Frost card that you bought for me. Autograph Morgan Frost card. I'm really appreciative of it. I love it, especially since now Morgan Frost is starting to break out. Yes, Morgan Frost. I do appreciate it. For those of you who are not aware, Morgan Frost is a hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers. He's a center. He's a center for the Flyers, my favorite team. Yes, that's why I bought it for you. It was on sale. What was funny is because it was on sale on the Canadian dollars, and I spent more in U.S. dollars than I did Canadian dollars. The exchange rate. The exchange rate was outrageous. Really quick, one of my others that I just remembered, it's Spencer Torkelson, Detroit Tigers debut medallion card. Nice. Do you remember? Oh, yeah, I remember those. Yeah, I remember them. Well, not those. It's just one. Well, no, I remember when they did the coins. No, no, no, no. It's not that. It's literally a picture of him, and then next to him it says MLB debut. Oh, okay. So, like, I'm saying it was his debut card. It's like a special medallion. That's pretty cool. But I do remember them doing that in 2020, the coin cards. Yeah. That was, like, 2021. Yeah. But greeting cards. Yeah, that's it. Fun hobby for everybody. It's a really nice family activity. I'll probably try to get my kids into it. That's all the time we have tonight. You're listening to Double Take. I'm Caleb. I'm Cade. And this is WCC Radio, Coastal University's student-run radio station. Good night and chants up. Chants up.

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