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Joao Barata



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The speaker discusses the challenges faced by the LNEC representative in coordinating a project focused on nature-based therapeutic programs. These challenges include engaging human participants, demonstrating the relationship between nature exposure and health benefits, addressing resistance from various sectors and stakeholders, and managing data collection and confidentiality. The speaker also emphasizes the need for time and a step-by-step approach to implementing changes and promoting awareness through the NatureLab Social Innovation Hub. Overall, the speaker is pleased with the progress made during the first year of the project. Very well. So, now on a more personal note, I would like to ask you what challenges have you as a representative of LNEC have encountered or do you expect to encounter in the future during this project? Well, this is a very good question. I think the challenges that we are facing, they would be the same for anyone coordinating such a project. And one of the main challenges arising from this work is dealing with human participants and engaging them in health and well-being care. And this has some layers of subjectivity. And this makes it a challenge to demonstrate the relationship between exposure to nature and having clear benefits for people's physical and mental health and well-being. So, we already know that individual perceptions, previous experiences in nature, concept bias, misconstructions regarding health and health care, and also behaviors that are embedded in the participant's lifestyles and mindsets will play a role during the implementation of the nature-based therapeutic programs that are one of the core activities of the project. We also know, and this is, I think, a common knowledge, that several sectors and stakeholders, including physicians, nurses, health and social care providers, they may display some resistance to nature-based therapeutic approach because this is not so well-known. And this barrier is already being addressed through one of the NatureLab working packages that was mentioned before. And we are working in identifying the barriers and drivers for the implementation of nature-based therapies. And we also want to coach, to inform and engage all these stakeholders in a collaborative work and in all our activities. So, we will be creating, at this time of the implementation, we will be creating the NatureLab Social Innovation Hub that aims at supporting social awareness raising so that we can all work together towards reaching this purpose. And another challenge regards data collection and management. As mentioned, we will be dealing with thousands of participants and all this data is and will be handled under strict confidentiality and observing national and international ethical procedures, standards and regulations. So, this is a challenge and we are addressing these already. But, above all, we are aware and we know that changing approaches and mindsets and bringing new concepts and new ways of doing things is a process that requires time and is done step-by-step. So, I think it's very good that we are pleased that we are already acknowledging changes that have been promoted by NatureLab during this one year of project implementation.

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