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Create by Thought by Avery Kanfer

Create by Thought by Avery Kanfer




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Cecilia Armitage introduces Avery Kampfer, a metaphysical teacher, who explains how the mind can be used to create healing. Avery emphasizes the importance of how we see, think, and feel about ourselves, as it determines our life experiences. The biggest enemy is identified as the ego, which brings us back to the past and controls our lives. Thoughts are described as energy that can create our life experiences. Mental enzymes in the brain activate thoughts and produce chemical reactions that manifest in our lives. Concentration is necessary to manifest desired outcomes. Illnesses are caused by repressed thoughts and fears from childhood. Hello, this is Cecilia Armitage. It is my pleasure to introduce Avery Kampfer, a metaphysical teacher and hope of the human. Avery will show us how the mind is a powerful tool used to create healing in the disease environment. I want to thank you all for being here this evening. And for those of you who don't know me, my name is Avery Kampfer, and I've been called other names. I've been called the witch doctor, and I've been called the devil and many other names. As you see me, that's what I become to do. As you see me, I become that. As you see, as you feel about me, I become that feeling. As you think about me, I become that thought. Now, it's not so important what you think about me, or how you see me, or how you feel about me. It's very important how you see yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you feel about yourself. Because I can tell you this, how you feel about yourself and how you think about yourself determines how you experience your life. How you feel about yourself and how you think about yourself determines how you will live your life. You become what you think you are. In life, if you think you are worthless, you'll be worthless. It's very important you understand that you create that thought. Now, let me ask you a question. Who do you think is your biggest enemy? No? Do you think your biggest enemy is your in-laws? Do you think your biggest enemy is your ex-wife or your ex-husband? Do you think your biggest enemy are your ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend? Or they're not your biggest enemy? Your biggest enemy or your biggest enemy is your ego. This is where all your troubles begin. It begins from the ego. What you call fear, I call lack of understanding. Let me say that again. What you feel about fear is no more than a lack of understanding. Now, what do I mean by understanding? I mean by understanding what life is about. I mean by understanding that you do have these thoughts and they do have energies to them. And you literally create by these energies. The ego, the nature, the nature of the ego is to always bring you back to your past. Always. The nature of the ego is to bring you back to your past. Why does it bring you back to your past? Because that's the only way it can have control over you. The nature of the ego is to control you. It's to control your life. So it will always bring you back to the past. In other words, let's say you meet someone. And that someone that you meet, you may look at that person. Maybe something they're wearing. Maybe something they say. Maybe even the way they smell. Nobody can have hold of you. That thought, that feeling will bring you back to the past. It will not allow you to see the person as they really are. So the nature of the ego will always bring you back to the past. So you have to understand why you're having difficulties in life. Or some of your difficulties. Because you're always being brought back to the past. Think for a minute. Whenever you meet someone. Or you talk to someone. Or you're with that person. Or you're at a party. Or wherever you're at. Somehow or other, you will always associate that condition feeling with the past. Not for the moment. Not for the moment. If you're having an argument with someone. Whoever that someone may be. The first thing you will do is not take that person and argue with them for that moment while you're arguing. You won't do that. Your ego will not let you do that. Your ego will take you back to the past. That's what your ego does. It does not permit you to live in the present. Because if it permits you to live in the present. It will lose control of you. And the power. Now when I say the ego will lose control and power. I'm only saying that's an aspect of your ego. But that aspect of your ego has taken your life and put you on a merry-go-round. So it's very important you understand your parts of the ego. In many cases, when you find your moods changing. Most of these moods will come from the ego. It varies in moods. So the individual moods will change with the ego. So keep in mind again that it actually varies, changes in your moods. Now I said to you that your thoughts are what create the life experience. I said to you by your thoughts you will literally experience whatever you experience in life. Now I understand the difficulty of believing this. Why do I understand the difficulty of believing this? Because we've all been grown up in some form or fashion to believe in outside influences. Whether they be from the parents, the grandparents. One religious belief. One club belief. One school belief. Either which way, we are brought up to have belief systems. If we have belief experience, if it's what we feel like, then we will experience that. Why? Because we create by thought. So what am I saying? Thoughts. Thoughts are actually energy. They're actually living matter. Thoughts are actually living energy. It's not just a blanking statement. Thoughts are actually electrical energy. They're actually electrical. So if they're electrical energy, then they do have substance to them. So please keep in mind that thoughts have electrical energy. Now, I don't know if you've heard this before. Some of you may, some of you may not have. Your thoughts are connected to what's called mental enzymes. In the center of the head is what's called the penal gland. Attached to the penal gland are energies. In the center of the head. These are activated by what's called body chemistry or electrical energy. It's created by a mental enzyme which comes from the penal gland in the top of the head. It does this. It will produce what's called an inner image within the system, within the physical system. This image will send what's called a spark or something similar to a spark through the nervous system. The neurological system or if you want, the nervous system. This spark feeds the body through the pores of the skin. Depending on the intensity behind the thought, depending on the feeling, the intensity, the strength behind the thought, that's what will decide what one will experience. What will happen, it will be sparked into a materialization. It will manifest, literally manifest in an individual's life because of the enzymes. Enzymes act as a catalyst. They produce chemical reactions. I don't know how many of you have heard of these mental enzymes or ever been aware that's how it works. But that's basically how these energies link the body. Or how these thoughts leave the body or these energies. These are chemicals, they're sparked chemically and they leave the pores of the skin. They go out into what's called atmosphere. This is atmosphere. In the atmosphere, there's what's called protons, electrons, and neutrons. These are chemical agencies. There are electrical chemical agencies. These are not my findings. These are scientific findings. So these things do exist. So it's of the utmost importance for you to begin to understand whatever you're experiencing in life, you're experiencing by your thoughts. This may be an extremely difficult thing to believe. It may be an extremely difficult idea to swallow or difficult to swallow. But nevertheless, that's how it happens. There is no outside agency causing you any pain. It doesn't exist. If one believes there's an outside agency causing you pain, and you create by thought, I promise you, an outside agency will cause you pain. That's why it's of the utmost importance to understand that there are mental enzymes. When they're activated, they will create what's called chemical reactions. That's how it starts. That's what happens. By concentrated thought, you legitimately get enough energy to make anything you desire. And that's like what he's talking about. What was he talking about? You can create anything you want by desire, by thought. What does he mean by legitimate? What do I mean by legitimate? It's something, it's a universal realness, it's a universal energy. This room, the chairs you're sitting in, they are held out by what? You are held out by what? By gravity. Can you see the gravity? You can't see the gravity. But can the gravity exist even though you can't see it? So you can't say it doesn't exist just because you can't see it. The idea is to see if you have the ability to concentrate. Many of us feel we can really concentrate. So let's try something. Only for 10 seconds. But don't do it for like 10. Look at your hands. Just simply look at your hands. Don't look at the lines in the hands or the fingernails or anything else. Just simply look at your hands. Do it for 10 seconds and see if your mind doesn't go somewhere else. Do it now, please. Did anyone here fully look at their hands for 10 seconds without their mind going somewhere else? Well, then you must be highly advanced. Because very few people can look at their hands or concentrate on anything for 10 seconds. The most the average person can do is maybe 2 to 3 seconds. That's the average person. So when I say concentration, when I say to concentrate to manifest these things, one has to learn how to concentrate. It's very easy to say concentrate. There's nothing to do it. So the idea is to learn how to concentrate. You know? It doesn't matter why you think this or why you think that. It only matters why. Just think about it now. We'll get back to it later. What do you think? What do you feel causes an illness in the body? What do you think causes an illness? Your fears. Your hatred. Your upset. Your dislike. Your negative emotions causes the illness in your body. That's what causes the illness in the body. Repressed thoughts. Repressed fears. That's what causes the illness in the body. For many years, as children, we've always repressed or we were told children should be seen and not heard. Well, I guarantee you 99.99% of us in this place here right now are still living with a child's mind. With a child's fear. This is why most people wind up with their illnesses. Because they are literally repressed feelings. Repressed thoughts. What happens, or one of the things that happens is this. The body, from the bottom of your feet, is repressed. The body, from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, is composed of cells. The cells take on these thoughts and these fears. And if they're not expressed, talked about, felt, the body will take on the illness. Why? I said to you before, your thoughts are electrical. Or your thoughts are electromagnetic. The body is chemically electric. Chemically electric. So, if your thoughts are negative, and they're kept within your system, within the nervous system, within the cellular system, you are going to cause a shortage in the body. You will literally cause a shortage throughout the nervous system. Unless you become aware of why this is happening, unless you express it, you're going to stay with that condition. Now this is a fact. This is not a theory. You literally create your body to become ill. Let's go with that first. If I say to you, the body literally cannot become sick by itself. Do you think I'm out with the birds? I say to you, the body cannot become sick by itself. Does that sound crazy? After a whole life of times of doctors and science telling you that this is caused by this and that's caused by that? The body, without energy, the body by itself, can literally do nothing. Literally, not physically. In order to make the body work, there must be an energy. In order to make the body move, there must be an energy. The thing to understand is, where does the energy come from? So you go to this person, you go to this doctor, you go to that person, you go to this person. They say, well, the heart beats and it sends blood to the veins and then from the veins it sends oxygen to the brain. But where does the energy come from to make these things function? The energy comes from the mind. Without the mind, you don't move. What is the mind? The mind is an energy. The body cannot function by itself without this energy. So, if you send negative thoughts, negative feelings to the mind, and the mind sends them back to the body, what do you think is going to happen to the body? You're going to short-circuit the nervous system. You can go to all the doctors you want on the planet. You can take all the medication you wish, but there is no medication that will ever cure the cause. The cause comes from the mind. The medication may help with the pain, yes, but I guarantee you it will not cure the cause. It's very important you understand where the cause comes from. The cause comes from the mind, not the body. The body does not have the capability to become ill. It must come from the mind. It must come from the energy. That's why I say to you, the body by itself cannot become ill. You have to think a little about this. Why? Because we've been brought up in a society of taking meditation, a society for the fear of expressing ourselves, a society that tells us to repress our emotions, and then we wonder why we get so sick. We wonder why we're running to therapists all over the country. It's because the people will not take the time to find out about the energy of their thoughts. So they run around looking for Mr. or Mrs. Magic with some words. But you see, as many places as you've run, and as many classes as you've taken, and as many books as you've bought, and as many tapes as you've listened to, you're still having problems. You still have fears. You want to know why you have the fears? Because you're afraid to go within yourself. You're afraid of what you'll find. You're afraid you'll find a dark dungeon with all little English things running around looking to bite you. But you see, it doesn't exist. The only English things is what you've been taught are English. So it's of the utmost importance to understand why we experience things in our life. I'm not saying to you, don't go to doctors. Absolutely not. I'm not saying, don't take medication if you need medication. Absolutely not. Do what you must do. I'm only saying this to you. There is no medication ever on this earth now, or will ever be on this earth, that will ever cure a cause. A cause comes from the mind. A cause from the mind could be fear, anger, hatred. That's basically where it comes from. Everything, everything around you is everything that is within you. What do I mean? Everything around you is everything within you. I'll tell you what I mean. Avery. Everything around Avery, in order to be around Avery, Avery first has to feel within himself. Remember I said you create by thought. I have the greatest respect for those who have difficulty believing. Because I understand the difficulty of believing. When I say to you, everything around you, everything you experience in your outside life, if it's just you and yourself, will be what you enforce. This is so hard to believe. How could I be responsible for getting into an accident? How could I be responsible for this happening? It's not my fault, it's his fault. It's my neighbor's fault, he did it, I didn't do it. That's like saying, it's raining in Philadelphia, so I have a headache in Washington. The rain gives me a headache, but if it's in Philadelphia, I can still have it here. Why not? I believe I do, so I have it. So please understand as best as you can. Whatever you are experiencing in life, don't blame anyone. Why? Because it couldn't happen to a better person. Why couldn't it happen to a better person? Because you did it. When I first meet people, when I first start to work with people, I try to explain to them about a computer in the system, in the physical system. They say to me, well, my mother did this, as I saw her abuse me. And I had clothes that were hand-me-downs, and I never had any love. Never any love. Now what do they mean when they say they never had any love? They were never appreciated. Now the word for appreciation is love. Very few are ever appreciated as children. But what they're really saying is I didn't get any love. So they'll go back to the computer. I said to you, or I've said to many people that I've worked with, when they've gotten angry at their parents, when they've become upset, when their parents did not give them that appreciation, that love, they said it's ruined their life. The important thing to help you is to understand that's all their computer has. That's all they knew about. I promise you, if they knew more, you would have gotten more. If they knew more, you would have gotten more. So it's very important for you to understand when you think of your mother and father, or you think of whoever you think of when you were brought up, do your very best to remember this is all the computer has. I've said to many people who have children, I said to them, I said, would you treat your children as your parents treated you? They said, I would never do that. And I said, why wouldn't you do that? Because I know better. They said, it's not in my computer to do that. So keep in your thoughts, when you think of your parents, or whoever you grew up with, that this is all their computer has. As you begin to understand that, that this is all their computer has, you'll find yourself having a great belief. You'll find yourself being able to breathe much better. If I said to you, you've all been hypnotized, by little children, from when you were little children, would that sound crazy also? If I said you were hypnotized? Hypnosis is no more than a condition to a belief. Hypnosis is no more than being conditioned to a belief. That's what hypnosis is. Hypnosis is concentrated thought. So, if as a child, you've been brought up to believe a certain way about yourself, that you're worthless, that you don't deserve anything, this bleeds into many parts of your life. This belief goes into many parts of your life. It will go into your marriage. You'll feel you're not worthy of your marriage. It will go into your work. You will feel you're not worthy of having a job. It will go into your relationship with your children. It will bleed into many parts of your life. Remember, if you are told you're worthless, and you believe that, then it should make some kind of sense to you. If you feel you are worthless, that's what your life will be like. Remember, you create that thought. This is what your computer has. Your computer has this information. I am worthless. Well, if I'm worthless, then I don't deserve to have a successful marriage. If I'm worthless, then I don't see how my children are going to respect me. If I'm worthless. So please understand, when you get this information, to understand this hypnosis, it affects your total life in general. Your total life in general. These are not blinding statements. They're real. Now, many people will say, what's he talking about? He's hypnotized, not me. That guy, he's over there. My neighbor is hypnotized. I'm not. Well, wake up. Because you do become hypnotized. You become hypnotized in what kind of person you should marry. You become hypnotized in what kind of religion you should be involved in. You become hypnotized in how you should handle your life in general. According to someone else's belief. This belief goes back for generations. It goes back to generation to generation to generation. And after a while, it becomes real. There are many people and many jobs that follow family traits. Follow the father, the uncle, the cousin. Many people wind up in the same profession. Now, that's wonderful. There's nothing wrong with that. All I'm saying is that we get into a system of belief and we follow it. So it's very important to understand when I say what I mean, what I mean when I say when I say you are hypnotized. How could I be hypnotized? That means if I'm hypnotized, I have no control. I have absolutely no control over myself. Well, let's put it this way. Look at your life and tell yourself, not me or anyone next to you how much control you have over your life. How much? Don't tell anyone. Just tell yourself. When you keep concentrating on all the negative parts of your life, you actually become your own hypnotist. You create self-hypnosis. You, not me. You, not me. That's what you say. He's crazy. I'm not. Please, try to understand what I'm saying. You literally create your self-hypnosis according to what you believe about life. So again, you become your own hypnotist. If you pay attention to your quiet thoughts, you will find that you are concentrating precisely upon the negative aspects that you oppose. If you are quiet and you think many, many times, you'll be focusing and creating on the thoughts and the ideas that are for you. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. How many times did you make sense as you thought about these thoughts? How many times have you found yourself very upset because of your thoughts? Well, what do you think you're doing? You are hypnotizing yourself. You are constantly hypnotizing yourself into your fears. You don't need to be hypnotized. You don't have to put a move to get out of you. Just listen to your own thoughts. You'll save a lot of money. The best diet in the world by anyone's standards will not keep you healthy if you believe in illness. There is no diet that will keep you healthy if you believe in illness. If you hurt your thumb or you sprain your neck as you see on the television or hear on the radio that there's a vitamin that will help you. It'll help your thumb. It'll help your sprained neck. All right? If you believe the vitamin will help your thumb or help your sprained neck I guarantee you it will help your thumb I guarantee you it will help your thumb and your sprained neck. Until you get tired of it and realize it's not doing anything to you. As long as you believe in it you'll experience it. Am I saying it's wrong to take vitamins? Take them. Take them. If you want to take all the vitamins on the planet take them. If it helps you, absolutely. I'm not saying don't take vitamins. I'm only trying to make you aware of what your body can do. I'm only trying to make you aware of your fears. Let me put it to you this way. The body produces its own vitamins. It literally produces its own vitamins. You keep taking these vitamins and you make the body dependent on them your body will not produce vitamins anymore. Did you know that? The body will not produce the vitamins. Did you keep doing that? I'm not saying don't take vitamins. Take them. I'm just saying this to you. Try to be aware of your systems of belief. Because they can murder you and they can kill you. That's what I'm saying to you. I'm trying to show you not to be afraid of life. And why shouldn't you be afraid of life? Because you are life. You are life. Why would you want to be afraid of yourself? If you had any idea of your capability and the powers you possess within yourself it would blow you off the planet. If you had any idea of the capability of your inner powers it is beyond your wildest dreams what you could do with the body. It is profound. But as long as we stay hypnotized stay like me. You do what you have to do. This is what life is about. Life is... The reason we're here is to learn. And I'll give you some more information. We're not here to learn anything. We're only here to remember what we forgot. Think of that. Think of that. You're not here to learn anything. You're only here to remember what you forgot. Guilt. It's not important why you have guilt. It's only important why you don't have to have it. Let me say it again, okay? With all the guilt you have it's not so important why you have the guilt. It's only important why you don't have to have the guilt. Why you don't have to have the guilt. If I said to you go within. Go within because whatever you have to know is within you. Does that sound pretty fancy? Does that sound like an escape? Because it's not. Go within. A lot of people... What do you mean go within? Go within to what? Go within yourself. Be taught how to go within yourself. Because whatever you ever have to know about life it doesn't matter what it is. There are those here who know what I'm saying. When you learn how to go within you have no idea how a lot of your frustrations will leave you. How a lot of your fears will go away. Go within. What do I mean? I mean, teach yourself. Be taught how to meditate. Now, meditate. I can't do that. I don't have the time. I'm busy. I don't have time for that right now. Well, once you begin to meditate you will see the difference of what I'm talking about. You will find many things that bother you will not bother you anymore depending on the type of meditation you do. Everybody meditates in a different way. You will find the things that are frightening you may not frighten you so much anymore. But you have to learn to go within. I'm going to tell you something. There's not a guru a teacher a teacher of any kind of religion an aviary that can teach you to go within. I can teach you to go within. I can give you ideas but I can't do it for you. Why? Because life isn't doing your self-job. It's that simple. Life isn't doing your self-job. So you see, you can go to all the teachers you want and they give you all the information. You can read all the books you want all the tapes all the whatever until you understand that you must do this on your own. Life is an initiation on this planet. Before you leave this planet I promise you there will be an initiation of some kind. Now, you will not find yourself on the cross. No. But you're in the process of taking the initiation. Now, not in this room but with just your life experience. It's an initiation. So, no one leaves without taking the initiation whether you like it or not. This is of the utmost importance. You go to someone to teach you how to meditate. If you don't have the time to go to someone buy books. There are a million different books on teaching you how to meditate. How to go with it. But for your own happiness learn how to meditate because what will happen you will have answers to things you never even thought of. Again, there are people who say I am too busy to meditate. Again, there are people who say I am too busy to meditate. Again, there are people who say I am too busy to meditate. Again, there are people who say I am too busy to meditate. Again, there are people who say I am too busy to meditate. Many people feel Many people feel they have to justify their existence on this earth. Let me tell you something. Just being on this planet is your own justification. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. Learn to stop proving yourself to anyone. Again, just your being here is your own justification. There is nothing to prove. Many of us live by our emotions. Well, I always ask the person when they have their breakfast today and they'll say I had cereal or this or that and I'll say to them well, are you the cereal you ate? I don't think so. You must also begin to learn you are not the emotions that you feel. What you do with these emotions is you entertain them. They become a belief for you. You are not the emotions that you experience. You only entertain them by your systems of belief, by your systems of hypnosis. These emotions will cause, if they're not taken care of, will cause blockages in the system. These blockages will cause an illness. What do I mean by blockages in the system? If your thoughts are repressed, if your emotions are repressed and you don't say it, you have within you what is called the cellular system. If you don't get these feelings out then you will cause yourself great stress and great anger. So it's of the utmost importance you learn to work with these feelings. It is of the utmost importance you begin to understand to love who you are and what you are. It doesn't matter what you did or what anybody has ever said about you. But it's of the utmost importance you begin to love who you are and what you are. Who you are are your beliefs about life, your feelings, your ideas, the clothes you like, the food you like, the people you hate, the people you love. That's who you are. What you are is the divine energy. It's the energy I was telling you about an hour ago. Your negative thoughts will affect your body. That's something I don't have to say to you. That's something you already know. One of the biggest problems for the human being, one of the biggest universal laws that cause you problems is cause and effect. It's not cause and effect. It's cause and effect. The cause will create effects whatever the cause may be for you throughout your entire life. So it's very important to understand why you don't have to have these negative feelings. Any negative feelings you have towards another, any feelings I don't care what it is, any negative feelings you have in reality you will bring these negative feelings to yourself. You will actually feel them by the emotions you are trying to produce for that person. So what are you doing? If you call that person a son of a bitch what you are doing is you are upsetting your own insides. Why? Because you are actually feeling these emotions towards this other person. This other person may not even know it. But within your own system you are actually causing a stress. You are actually hurting yourself by hating someone else. So try to be aware of your hating someone else. Because when you hate someone else you cause a lot of problems for yourself. It's very important you also understand you cannot own anyone. Please understand you do not own anyone. What we do what we do with life is we loan ourselves to each other. We loan ourselves to each other. We don't own each other. A lot of people think Oh I own this woman. Hey I have this marriage over here. I own this woman. Don't you go out doing it. You're not done yet. Because why? Because it's not on the paper. I own you. So where are you going to go? I own you. You are mine. I own the man. The man owns the woman. How nice. Do you want to help yourself with problems, with illnesses? Do you want to know a great way to do it? Before you fall asleep at night give a command to yourself if you have a problem or you're having an illness you make this statement just before you go to sleep that I will be helped during my sleep station. It's too simple isn't it? How could that be? You can't say this man's nuts. No one in my doctor never told me about it. No one ever told me about this. Try it. Don't cost you a penny. Just before you fall asleep make this statement that the problem I have will be solved. I live in Maryland so call me if it doesn't work. Your dreams are highly therapeutic. They are extremely therapeutic. There are some medications that will interfere with the sleeping process. So a lot depends on the medication you take. Those of you who say you can't remember your dreams say I can't remember my dreams. I sleep every night. Can you be it? I'll tell you what to do. Again before you fall asleep you say this I will now have a true dream from the gates of Morne. This is an ancient Egyptian saying. It's an ancient Egyptian saying. I'll say it again and you'll see that it does work. I will now have a true dream from the gates of Morne. Don't try it. Simply try it. Don't cost you a dime. This will be the last thing I want to discuss and then I'll just give you a few exercises which really are very powerful. I was taught by my teachers and still taught by my teachers. One of the biggest fears for the human being one of the biggest fears is death. Everybody's afraid of death. Why? Because they are afraid of the unknown. This fear will be truly overcome if you begin to learn and understand you are not the body that's sitting in the chair. I'll say it again. This fear of death will be overcome if you begin to understand that you are taught you are not the body sitting in the chair. This takes time to learn. It's very important for you to understand to take these fears out of yourself that you do survive the physical body. Now because of the lack of time I can't go into it very deeply but you do survive the physical body. If people are not taught this then most of the things you're going to learn in life may be somewhat worthless until you understand that you do survive the body. Because I can say this and I can say that and that's nice but that won't be here much longer or you won't be here much longer. All you have to be all that has to be done is you have to be taught and you have to be shown. Can I prove it to you? No. I said life isn't doing just some job. I can show you I can give you ideas I said to you there's no teacher on earth that can teach you anything. They can give you information but that's all they can give you. Once you begin to understand you are not that flesh singing chair then you'll see some wonderful things happen. You will not be so afraid of your in-laws anymore. I want to give you a few practice exercises. If you want to help yourself with your past or you're afraid of things again before you go to sleep simply make the statement The past has no power over this. Simply make the statement before you go to sleep. You have no idea what you can do while you sleep. You have no idea the power of what goes on in your sleep. If there are those of you here who believe in reincarnation some do, some don't. It's not important to me. I don't talk about reincarnation If you do, many, many times if you can teach yourself to remember your dreams you'll remember yourself in a place you've never been before. You'll remember different clothing but you have to train yourself to do that. Another way I want you to help yourself if you'll stop looking in the past and live in your present moment you'll be amazed of how your fears will disappear. Again, this also takes work and it takes time. If you will hold your hands this way and cross your legs and then you will take rhythmic breathing like this This is rhythmic breathing I'm breathing in rhythm. If you will do that, cross your hands cross your feet and keep in mind that you're bringing energy to the body you will have tremendous energy in the body. If you do the same thing if you're at a meeting a business meeting and you keep your hands clasped across your feet you will have tremendous energy when you speak. You know I said you're not the body. I said you appear to be the body. Imagine if all your senses closed down your sight, your smell your hearing, your taste your feeling imagine if all those senses closed down do you know you wouldn't even be aware you're sitting in the chair you're in and yet your body is still being in the chair If all your senses closed down you would not even know you're sitting in the chair and yet you'd still be in the chair. So what does it tell you? It tells you you live in what's called a sensory world One more thing before I close the class It would be very helpful for all of you if you would stop analyzing everything about the people you know If you would stop analyzing you'd have a lot more balance in your mind but no, you have to analyze this and this one has to analyze that and he said this and he said that and this one said that against me and I said this against me and look at the stupid shoes she's wearing keep analyzing try your best to work with yourself where you don't analyze so much you'll find yourself very free you'll not find yourself upset so much I've taught quite a few lectures and doing these lectures are a lot of fun a lot of fun for me and I was always taught by my teacher if you're going to do these things have a big mouth and if you're going to do these things have a big ear for listening to what people have to say so I would like to know and I'd like to hear some of your questions it's very important it's very important to ask questions so please whoever has questions please come to one of the microphones and ask you were talking about learning from your teachers were you speaking about teachers from the past or were you speaking about your guides or a combination of them all, all things all things, yeah right, okay quick question I said to you that you're a in the dream state if you allow yourself you can learn many things many of the things I learned come to me in the dream state there's nothing fancy about it there's nothing mystical about it, there's nothing magical about it you simply have to know how to work with it it's no more than that I said to you whatever you need to know in life you need to know within going into the dream state is one of the ways of going within are there any more questions yes can you suggest someone from whom we can learn meditation or a source a book or a cat's nest that you would recommend for people you did say any of these name one good one how to meditate there is a book called how to meditate you know there's a specific way to meditate each one of these is the right way so whatever book you get I promise you you'll pick something up from you'll learn, okay but actually meditation is what it's going within yourself it's quieting yourself down one of the ways to meditate what you do is you, let's say you sit down and close your eyes and you start thinking well in most cases you'll get negative thoughts or negative ideas will pass through your head say what are you doing it takes a little time but you'll get it, it's really phenomenal you simply make the statement I am not that thought if you get something where you have a feeling about something an uncomfortable feeling you simply make the statement I am not that feeling you keep doing this as you're doing this you concentrate on a light coming through the forehead or the top of your head what kind of light, I don't care it doesn't matter, a light of any kind remember when a negative thought comes through when you're doing your meditation just say I am not that feeling I am not that thought you'll be amazed how that will help you more questions can you talk about the distinction between meditation as a disciplining of the mind and prayer where you're connected to the divine source within they're both similar they're both similar it depends on how you look at it prayer, prayer, prayer it's very important to understand what you're praying to so when you say prayer are you praying to what you're praying to the light you're praying to the God within so prayer is a form of meditation now the other kind of meditation you're speaking about the meditation where you're supposedly quieting the mind it is very difficult to quiet the mind, it takes years of practice but if you will simply start by saying I am not that feeling I am not that thought and you will literally in your own way have a feeling come through the top of your head or your forehead a feeling of light, a feeling of warmth whatever you create by thought if you will allow those feelings you'll be totally amazed what will happen but the only way you can do it is by doing it I said to you life is a do it yourself job I said there's not a guru there's not a teacher there's not a man or woman woman, a patrol that can do this for you they can give you information but you yourself must do it so if you actually want to see results do it other questions yes if fear causes how do you eliminate fear from your life you have to the question is this if fear causes illness how do you eliminate fear from your life you first have to become aware of where the fear came from how it started what is the origin of the fear after you become aware of where the fear came from you have to be aware of why you don't have to have the fear you see I said to all of you before the biggest fear the human being has is death when you begin to become aware you're not that body sitting in the chair you begin to lose that feeling of your fear so you say when you say fear it depends what the fear is about it depends where you feel the fear came from there are no magic answers the magic answer is to go within go within if you want to learn about your life go within go within because your life will change like a wild stream but this is too much for people to do they rather get a book which is wonderful get a five minute high the book said this I feel so good now I just feel like I have the whole world in my hands tomorrow morning I'm depressed but now I feel great you know that you've bought enough books you've been to enough lectures you can walk out of there like you're drunk and what happens the next day you're down and out the point to understand if you need help you have to understand why you don't have to have the fear what is most fear what is most fear most fears are guilt guilt what is the fear it's guilt look the human being as I said to many people listen carefully the human being can only have two emotions that's all you have you have one love and the other is fear you don't have any other emotions I'll say it again the human being can only have two emotions one love and the other fear love comes from God the creator fear comes from your ego and what you've been taught about life so remember you only have two spirits the idea to understand the fear the fear in most cases is no more than guilt when you begin to understand that you don't have to be guilty when you begin to understand that you are more than this physical thing sitting in the chair then you will stop with your guilt because you'll be aware that whatever guilt you've had and whatever fear you've had it's not really what you are this takes time this takes understanding but I promise you I promise you and I don't promise anybody anything I promise you once you get this your life again will never be the same ever, ever, ever, ever please stop being frightened of your childhood beliefs stop being frightened of illusions if I had time I would speak to you about illusions but I don't have time so I say to you stop being frightened of illusions yes visualization it's a very strong power but visualization but visualization without emotion behind it is nothing when you're using visualization you must have an emotional charge behind it or else it will be nothing what do I mean by emotional charge I mean if I said to you I love you and then I said I love you that's an emotional charge so you must have an emotional charge behind visualization to manifest it does that help you anybody else yes I make the statement we're here not to learn anything we're here to remember what we forgot that's what I'm trying to explain to you in order to explain it to you I have to say to you you've been here before in order to begin to explain it to you you've been here before so what do I mean when you've been here before I mean you've been on this earth a number of times whether one believes it or whether one doesn't believe it it's not going to change this world one iota whether you believe it or not if you believe it, it helps you find it if you don't believe it and you feel good with it, that's fine also because it's not going to change the world so what I'm saying is this the reason we're on this earth is to learn about what we forgot is to learn that we are divine beings is to learn that we come here through what's called the biological path but I can only assure you we've been here before why? because I've had my personal experience with it can I make you believe it? I'd love for you to believe it but I can't make you believe it I can't do that you have to do that yourself, why? because life is a do-it-yourself job so in response to your question that's what I mean I mean we have to remember what we forgot and we don't have to be here anymore I thought that believing in reincarnation each time you take that twice the amount of time it took for you to learn so that you can improve so that you can become the being that you should be but what I don't understand is going backwards to remember what we forgot, what we didn't one place at one time where we were I've said to you before I've said to you before the body by itself can do nothing I've said that before I said the body is operated by it can't be operated by mind mind is mental mind is mental what we are are mental beings the body can function by itself it must have a mind, it must have an entity so no matter where we're from we are mental beings we are mental beings in a physical body you are a mind inside a body you have a soul whatever that means to you you have a spirit whatever that means to you whether you believe it or not it's inside your body when you leave the body I can only say I guarantee you, you don't die why? because I have experienced this before so, I say to you you don't die, big deal all I say to you in reference to your question please give me a sign we have just forgotten it's like this, ok so you don't believe you've been here before alright could anyone of you remember when you were on your own show me by a show of hands any of you can remember when you were on your own nobody but you were here you were here, you were living on the planet if you can't remember that what would make you think you can remember another existence and you are here now and you are also living you see again, the point is this we come here to learn about life not to learn so much about being here but to learn what we forgot to go, as I say, back home I was wondering as you say disease caused from the mind how about babies that come in great question I was hoping someone would ask that alright, the question was this I said to you, diseases and illnesses are caused by the mind the question was this how about a baby that's an infant that just comes in here on this planet and has an illness, has a disease has some kind of deadly virus has some kind of deadly disease that's a very good question when you see the baby you see a new body you see a little infant a little body a brand new body they show you this little body, here's this little infant and how sad the little infant has an illness and it's not going to be able to pass much longer I said to you before that the human being has a soul and a spirit the soul and the spirit doesn't have a sign so when you see this little baby there is a choosing going on with the soul and the spirit and that's to learn whatever they have to learn for that short time here so it shows that nothing is put on anybody now I know I'm giving you answers that require more explanation when our time is short so the best way and the best way I can answer your question is to say to you that you're not just looking at a little infant you're not looking at a new body you're looking at a soul that has come here for somebody to learn something maybe for the parents, maybe for the grandparents maybe for the friends, maybe for the uncles maybe for the doctors, maybe for different... it doesn't matter they've come here to learn something maybe one day if it goes on for like a year one day yes what you're hearing is about karma karma ok the lady wants to know what's my feeling about karma here number one it's of the utmost importance you understand that there is no such thing as time time is a man-made thing now those who know what I'm going to say will understand and those who don't, won't again, because we don't have the time to go further there is no such thing as time everything that happens is simultaneous everything is going on at once maybe hopefully at another session I'll go deeper into it the thing to understand there is no such thing as time and everything is happening at once it's linear to the census yes, linear to the census but I said you were more than five centuries when you understand that everything is happening at one time and again, this is the den of class you will begin to understand how can you pay for karma about something that happened five times ago when it's all going on at once if you wish to talk about karma and you wish to say you're paying for karma all you have to say is I forgive myself simply say I forgive myself then you will pay for your karma so you're going to say, that's not fair this guy beat the crap out of somebody 500 lifetimes ago and he's saying I forgive myself and here he is dealing with karma he's dealing with karma, because he said so well, look at it this way the whole thing for karma is to worry while we're here and not to feel guilty about it you see, you don't feel guilty I forgive myself for whatever it may be as you know you've done something wrong the karma is done any other questions? do you believe that people are channeled and everyone can be a channel are you a channel and are you? am I a channel? yes can everyone be a channel? yes but I'll ask you this way everyone could play the piano but could everyone play the piano? yes it's within everybody to do this one has to be ready one has to be ready you see everybody's doing things we're all from the same source we're all from the same God no one's going to get to God it may not make you very happy but we're all from the same God next question? going back to the infant he came in sick why did he have to come in sick? why did he want to experience pain or illness? please remember what I said I said it has nothing to do with the infant it has to deal with the soul that is experiencing something you keep looking at the human body as just a human body and no more when the infant when the infant came in please understand what came in with it was the soul so it's not the baby that had to suffer or that's doing the suffering or the learning it is the soul any other questions? yes? when you talked about accidents we have accidents because of erroneous beliefs or actions or we choose to have an accident because of feelings of guilt or fear but what about someone who's driving and someone from another lane crosses over and hits you? another great question a very good question you want to know I said that we create our own accidents and then the statement was what about someone coming from another lane coming from what you have to call it I said to you your thoughts are electromagnetic if the man or woman driving in the car has their state of consciousness in very short vibrations it will attract yourself to it and you will attract yourself to that remember you create by thoughts these are electromagnetic vibrations so life life attracts life did that help you? any other questions? no more? one more what I think I hear you saying is that most of us are going around this planet totally unconscious yes that's what I'm saying I'm saying a lot of us are not aware of what we are even though we think we are there you go Avery is the channel electromagnetic energy you will now experience a healing performance at a lecture in 1996 alright what I want to do is this those of you first who have not experienced the energies I work with I channel the energies those of you who have not experienced them I'll be happy to have you experience them if you'd like to would you like to experience the energies? ok good do you have a pain? I had neck surgery ok she had neck surgery and she had very bad back pain now you said? ok so you told me here you told me here you got a pain now? alright usually working with people you work with a person at least a half hour to 45 minutes what I'm doing now is just to show you that these things do exist but it's usually 45 minutes when I'm here what she's feeling right now I just asked what she's feeling and she says I'm feeling a lot of what? could you explain to me what you're feeling? oh it's like energy being generated to a real tight area making it relax a little bit when I press how does that feel? you have a pain? you have a pain? how does the pain feel in your head? still there pain less? explain to me it's feeling a little bit better right now it's not throbbing it's generating energy in the head what's happening is this energy going into the body that's what she's feeling this energy again can activate a healing process but it takes time sometimes it happens right away sometimes it doesn't it depends on the individual the reason I'm doing it so fast is just to give the person an idea that this thing exists but it usually takes 10 hours 45 minutes when I put pressure how does that feel? I'm going to put pressure on her back now understand she had a lot of pain in the back am I correct? alright, I put pressure I'm going to put the pressure on the back how does that feel? you have pain? not as bad so you're saying pain is becoming less? yes, it's starting a little again understand you're dealing with 20 years of pain if a person is even getting a drop of relief that's very good move your back see how it doesn't move it feels better it feels a little bit better it feels like it's a little more mobile more flexibility in there just keep moving I don't know how hard time I'm coming up here I've had a back problem for a while I've had neck surgery and usually when I'm sitting and I go to stand up it's like oh my god I'm just going to worry and just now I've stood straight up so you're definitely a generation older thank you all for coming thank you very much thank you thank you thank you for listening to these valuable teachings

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