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The speaker discusses pornography addiction and highlights the difference between an addict with and without faith in God. The mindset of justifying actions differs between the two, as the addict without God sees no wrong in their behavior while the godly man feels convicted. The godly man can seek help from God, while the other is left to their own devices. Overcoming these temptations often requires the power of God. I would like to expand on the concept of porno addiction. I believe that some of you will think, can he just move on? But there is so much more. For instance, how do you see yourself as an addict compared to a porno addict that doesn't have God in his life? The difference is night and day. And yet the both of them are caught up in the same situation. See, it becomes a mindset. One justifies his actions and the godly man struggles to justify his actions. The one does not see any wrong with looking at porno and the godly man knows it's wrong and has a deep conviction within himself. And the bottom line is that the guy without God is left to his own devices while the godly man has the opportunity to cry out to God for the desired help. And once again, there are so many temptations that warrant the power of God to overcome these temptations.

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