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cover of Q1-20081106-Larry_Rosenberg-CIMC-king_pasenadi_goes_on_a_diet_part_3_also_self_knowing_a_quiet_passi





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Talk: 20081106-Larry_Rosenberg-CIMC-king_pasenadi_goes_on_a_diet_part_3_also_self_knowing_a_quiet_passion_37-6515 Leandra Tejedor.json Start_time: 00:59:26 Display_question: What's it like when the ego dies? Keyword_search: ego, Buddha, emptiness, anatta, stillness, actions, clear mind, rebirth, conditioning Question_content: Questioner: When you were talking about the analogy to rebirth and the day-to-day situation. What's it like when the ego dies? Larry: They're not trying to kill the ego. I think that's a mistake. In other words, there is a sense of…. but let's say the actions are no longer driven by, this sense of who you think you are. It's not egocentric. And what's it like? It's coming from a place, that's much deeper, than the sense of me. Which is when the Buddha talks about emptiness of self-anatta, it means there isn't a solid, enduring, self-sufficient self. And if you watch your mind, it becomes quite obvious. It's a process, and inconsistencies, contradictions, it's out of our control. As you watch that, that starts losing its power. And basically, who do you think you are? The mind keeps telling notions about ourselves, and we're working very hard, to build that up. Who we used to be, who we are now, and who we think will be, if we only practice hard enough. So, actions will flow out of, you could say, silence, or out of stillness, or out of emptiness, out of clear mind. Maybe that's better, for your purposes. Clear mind, rather than out of our old conditioning, which ego is, just conditioning. Do the words make even a little bit of sense? Questioner: Yeah Larry: But. Your but is but… Questioner: No, it’s fine. Larry: Oh, okay. End_time: 01:01:03

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