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Podcast Episode 5 - Grounding Yourself And Rebalancing Your Energy

Podcast Episode 5 - Grounding Yourself And Rebalancing Your Energy

Jennifer Luciana



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The podcast episode discusses the importance of grounding oneself and rebalancing personal energy. The host shares a story about a tarot client named Kathy, whose energy was all over the place. Kathy was struggling to regain energetic balance and had been caring for a young child in a toxic environment. The host advises Kathy to focus on herself and make herself happy in order to rebalance her energy. Crystals such as hematite and calcite, as well as essential oils like lavender and rosemary, are recommended for rebalancing energy. The host also suggests using candles with fragrance oils as an alternative. Hey everyone, I'm Jen Luciena, welcome back to the Little Light Gems podcast. Today we're going to be talking about grounding yourself and rebalancing your personal energy. I had a tarot client recently whose session was a little bit strange. Usually the cards when I read them are very clear and the story comes through to me without difficulty. Usually I can get a very clear understanding of what's going on when I'm reading cards. I love reading tarot and oftentimes people come for tarot readings for many different reasons. They come to get validation maybe on decisions that they've recently made or to get clarity on a situation that they're involved with or to get reassurance that everything's going to be okay. There's lots of different reasons that people come, but in her case, I'm going to call my client Kathy. You guys know, just a little side note here, you know that if you are my client, I will never give out personal information, I will never talk about anything that will be able to identify you. Your privacy is of utmost importance to me, but I do feel like these situations that sometimes come up or these sessions that happen, the stories can be helpful to others. So I share the stories, but I would never share your personal information. So we're going to call this client Kathy. And like I said, usually the cards are very clear and the story comes through to me without any difficulty, but this time I really struggled to get clarity. It's kind of like the energy was all over the place. And of course, it turns out in the end that her energy was all over the place. And that was really the message that came through clearly once I sorted out the cards. The message was really about her regaining energetic balance and regaining her energy within her soul and needed to be grounded. So there happened to have been an awful lot going on in Kathy's life when she came to me. She was really looking for clarity and she was looking for answers. And there was something very specific that she wanted help with, something that I had no knowledge of ahead of time. I mean, she was a returning client, but I really hadn't seen her for about a year. And those of you who know me know that I don't remember anything from the sessions. You know, after 10 minutes after you leave, I don't remember anything that happened during the session for the most part. So I really didn't know what was going on in her life. She was involved with caring for a young child that wasn't biologically hers. She was friends of this family and the child, when I say young, she was like two or three years old. It was a young child. This child's parents were drug addicts, they were abusive toward one another, and she had been asked to take care of the child while the parents sorted their lives out. I didn't know any of this at the time, and I also didn't know how long she had been caring for this child. I only know her to be a responsible human being. And usually if somebody asks you to take care of their child, they believe that you are as well. So what ended up happening, again, I didn't have knowledge of this ahead of time, but unfortunately this child was abruptly taken away from my client, Kathy, by the parents during like a moment of, I guess, lucidity or clarity for them. They said, okay, we're clean for, I guess it was, I don't know, a week, and they took the child back, much to the detriment of the child, and there was really nothing that my client could do about it. She was fighting to try to keep this child protected, and she did not want this child to go back into this really toxic environment, but there were no legal restrictions for the parents. They could take their child back. So again, I didn't know any of this, and she was heartbroken. She felt like she didn't have any control, and she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know what the outcome was going to be, so she came to me, and I spoke to her. During the reading, we were talking very candidly, and I said, Kathy, these cards are all over the place, and this was a session that we did in person. I do sessions virtually, but I also do them in person, and she happened to be here in my home. She was just vibrating, you know, like when people, sometimes when people are so wound up or so unbalanced, if you're empathetic like I am or if you read energy like I do, it can be very unnerving, and it was, not that she was making me unsettled, but her energy was just all over the place, and so I ended up speaking to her about really rebalancing her energy and grounding herself, and thankfully, she was able to grasp, you know, what I was talking about, and she, we had a really great conversation about it, and she did see that she was out of whack. Here's the thing. When your energy is out of balance, areas of your life that were once working just fine will start to change, and it had been a really long time since she had done something to make herself happy. She had been spending all of her time and energy on everyone other than herself, and she was completely out of balance. All her energy was being exported, just putting everything she could, and understandably, and listen, we all do this, excuse me. We all do this at certain times in our lives. We get out of balance, and in her case, she was trying to protect this young child, excuse me. Anyway, so I really spoke to her about this, and I said, when's the last time you did anything for yourself? You know, and she just looked at me like I had three heads, and she said, I don't remember. I said, Kathy, this is part of the issue. I said, you're so wound up, you're so uptight, and you're so depleted that nothing in your life is going to be working out right now because you are not right right now. So when you stop serving your soul, you lose focus on your life's purpose, you lose direction, and you export all of your energy. Every aspect of your life will start to go off because you're off, right? So for example, let's just say, if your love life is a train wreck, stop, regroup, put your energy back into you and into making yourself happy. Change your focus and put it back into doing joyful things for yourself. And once you do that, your energy starts to rebalance. You guys, your energy will start to rebalance, and then every aspect of your life, including your love life, will improve, right? So your love life, your health, your relationships, your money, your finances, your work life, your home life, your family life, everything is all connected through you. So if you aren't right, all of those things are going to be off. Nobody's going to fix it for you but you. You know, yes, we lean on our friends, we lean on our family, God knows I have. You know, we lean on the people that are surrounding us if we feel weak, if we feel tired, if we feel depleted, but ultimately, that responsibility lies upon your shoulders to get yourself back. If your cup is not full, you cannot give to others. If you're out of whack, then you're not presenting yourself in an energetically balanced position to the rest of the world. Follow me? So in order for everything to remain harmonious in your life, your energy, your soul must be happy and satisfied. So you know, the cards were all over the place with her, and she was kind of vibrating all over the place, understandably, but I said to her, listen, this is my advice. Put it back to you. Make yourself happy. Let God work on the outcome. And now you guys know, when I start talking about God, I'm talking about a higher power. I am not here to preach to you about religion. I am not here to judge you about what you believe in. I'm not trying to get you to believe in what I believe in. That's not why I'm here. I happen to believe very deeply in God and a higher power, but you don't have to and I'm not asking you to if you don't want to. What I'm saying is get back to yourself. Just take one step at a time. Get yourself back to a place where you can joyfully do things for yourself as well as for others and let go. Let a higher power or let whoever's pulling the strings for all of us take care of the rest, okay? So let's talk a little bit about some crystals that are really good for rebalancing your energy, okay? First we have hematite. Now remember, crystals have lots of different healing properties and they have lots of different uses. They don't have just one. So I tried to pick crystals and we're going to talk about some oils as well that have very strong properties for rebalancing your energy, okay? Calcite is one of them. It's very, very good at grounding your energy and balancing your mind and your body. Calcite is another one. It's really good for aligning your emotions and balancing out your emotions and calcite comes in a lot of different colors. It can be orange, pink, red, blue, black. It's great. It comes in a lot of different forms. There are other stones that are connected to emotional balance and energy and, Joyce, take that last bit out, please. Calcite comes in lots of different forms and there are different minerals that are connected to calcite. So there's also some oils, essential oils that are really, really good for balancing out your energy, one of which is lavender oil, another is rosemary oil. They're very, very good for grounding you, for keeping you focused inward and helping you to put your energy where it needs to go, okay? So now you know we like to talk about spiritual baths and we like to talk about mantras and oils and crystals and all of those kinds of things. I love to tie all of that in together. Listen, if you don't have oils or if you don't have crystals around with you, things like candles can also help to rebalance your energy. A lot of the candles are made with fragrance oils and made with essential oils. So having a bunch of rocks around your house isn't your thing. Go grab some candles that have these nice essential oils. Lavender is really good, cedarwood is really good for grounding you, rosemary is very, very good for helping to get your energy back to where it needs to be, okay? So in one of the other earlier episodes, we talked about a spiritual bath. I'm not going to get into what exactly a spiritual bath is, but I'm going to give you some ingredients and a little mantra to say if you did want to do a spiritual bath for grounding yourself and for rebalancing your energy, okay? This one's really for an energy cleanse and for rebalancing, but there's a mantra that you can say while you're in this tub or while you're taking this bath, and it will help you to ground yourself, okay? So as with many spiritual baths, you can use salt, two to three handfuls of salt. You can use Epsom salt, sea salt, natural salt, or pink Himalayan salt. I would not use iodized table salt. I don't like the iodine in it, and I'm not a doctor or anything like that, but I don't think it's really the best choice. You take a quarter cup, anywhere from a quarter cup to two cups of baking soda. You can take lavender oil. You can also use whole lavender buds, if you'd like, but I would boil them in hot water first for a few minutes, or you can use lavender essential oil. Like I said, you can also use cedarwood, rosemary oil. They're very, very good in helping you to ground yourself. Oops, sorry about that. Okay, the recording was interrupted. Sorry about that, Joyce. You can always use whole lavender buds, but I would boil them in hot water first, or you can just use lavender essential oil. When it comes to an essential oil, you don't want to dump half a bottle in the tub. You would like to use enough just to produce an aroma, so that could be anywhere like five drops, 15 drops. Just make sure you're not burning your skin. You can also use scented salts as well, as long as they're ... I would suggest using organic salts, if you can. Like I said, if you don't have lavender oil or whole lavender buds, grab a candle that's lavender scented or used with lavender oil. It's fine. With this spiritual bath, it's really all about intention. Remember that, okay? While you're in your spiritual bath, and you've got your lavender oil, and you've got your calcite, and you've got your humatite, or whatever it is you've got, you can use this mantra, and it's really great. You say, I am anchored and let things flow. I serve my soul and allow the universe to work for the greatest good of all. I'm present, I'm grounded, and my energy flows back into me, and that's it. You can take out what doesn't work for you and leave in what works for you, or you can find a different type of mantra that would work or resonate more for you. It's really important. We're always distracted. We have situations that are out of our control, such as with Kathy. She was really depleted, worried, stressed, and she just felt like she didn't know what was going to happen, and she was really upset about it, understandably. We are distracted by our jobs, our families. If you have children, children take a lot of your energy, and you have to be able to shift gears very quickly during the day. Our jobs, our pets, our own ideas of what we want to do with our own lives, like hobbies that we have. We have so many things that distract us and change our energy or drain us of energy in our lives every single day, even sometimes just driving back and forth to work. You know, if you live in a tri-state area, oh my God, you know, traffic can be a hot mess and that can really drive you crazy. If your energy is out of whack, if your stress levels are too high, if you're exporting all your energy and you're taking care of others all the time, your life sectors, your work, your finances, your health, et cetera, your relationships, if your energy is just out of balance, all of those different areas of your life are going to be out of balance, and it's not going to get better. The only one who can make it better is you, and you do that by grounding yourself and by getting back to what makes you happy. I said to Kathy, I said, what do you like to do? What is it that you just haven't done in a really long time? She said, I like to ride my bike. I said, when's the last time you rode your bike? She said, it's probably been about two years. I said, go blow up the tires and get the chain checked and go out on your bike. Sitting around on your couch smoking cigarettes and being nervous and worrying about what's going to happen is not going to help. All it's going to do is make your health worse and give you a bad night's sleep. If you want to make the situation better, you have to go do something positive. It's like the, what was that law of karma? Which one was it? Hold on a second. I'm going to go back to the second, aha, second law of karma. Remember, we talked about that in the last episode. The law of creation, you have to take inspired action if you want things to change. Get out there. I said, go ride your bike. Go have some fun. I bet if you don't take your phone and you forget about what it is that you're worried about and stressed about just for half an hour and you go ride your bike, I bet when you come back, you're going to have a great text, something that's going to be positive on your phone. So anyway, hopefully this is a little bit short today. This is short and sweet, but I just felt like this conversation with Kathy and this session with Kathy was so poignant. It was so important and I thought it would really be able to help anybody by listening. When you get drained, listen, I'm an energy worker. Let me just put it this way. I'm an energy worker. I take care of people all the time. That's what I do. I've been doing this and before I was doing this professionally, I've been an orthopedic physical therapist for over 33 years. I take care of people. That's what I do. I take care of everybody all the time and sometimes my energy levels are just out of whack. They are. I don't have anything left to give. If I tell you that I'm busy, if you're trying to make an appointment and I say, I'm busy for a week, chances are I am busy for a week, but there's also a chance that there's one day in that week that I'm not taking care of anybody. I'm taking care of me and I try to do it every single day. I exercise every single day. I go hiking every single day with my dog in some capacity and that helps me to be able to take care of you or to be able to take care of my clients, to be able to take care of my son or take care of my family or be there for my friends. That's the only way I can do it. Any energy or light worker will tell you this stuff will drain the heck out of you. You're going to look like you're a thousand years old within three years if you don't take a break and take care of yourself. That's the advice that was given to me and I'll tell you what, I got the gray hairs to prove it that I learned the hard way. I worked myself into a snit and I was totally exhausted by trying to help others all the time, exporting my energy all the time. I had to get back and ground myself and rebalance myself and now I take the time to do it every single day. Otherwise, I can't help you guys. I can't help anybody. I'm certainly not going to be able to help myself. I'm going to be a hot mess. So as with Kathy, I said, look, you've got to get your, pardon my language, okay, you've got to get your shit down. You've got to get yourself back on track because then everything else will play out the way it's supposed to play out. You follow me? Anyway, listen guys, I really love doing this podcast and I hope that my only intention is I hope it helps. I hope it helps one person who may be listening. I hope these experiences give you some insight, give you some guidance, give you some good ideas, give you some tools that help you navigate life so that you can live happy and live joyfully and live with love and light. That's all I want. Okay? So listen, thank you so much for being here today. As always, I really, really appreciate your listening. Thank you for sticking around. I'm Jennifer Luciana. This is the Little Light Gems podcast. Stay blessed. Find some joy in today and we'll see you next time. Bye guys.

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