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Nothing to say, yet
Aidan Limblom and Maria Alekzouni discuss the music industry beef between Kendrick and Drake. Maria prefers Kendrick, but thinks he's going too far with his disses. They also talk about their height and Drake's parenting. They debate Kendrick's alleged use of surveillance drones to watch Drake and his son. They question the authenticity of Drake's Toronto accent and discuss the privacy of celebrities. What is up, everybody? It is Aidan Limblom, and you are listening to the special Biffstock version of Gridiron Grooves, and I am joined by... Maria Alekzouni. And we are very excited to bring you this special Biffstock show here. So, by the way, if you do want to donate, slash give is where you can donate to Biffstock. And of course, donations, you know, they just help us keep the station running, make sure that it can stay around for all four years of my schooling, and it helps us get the technology needed to run a radio station. But, you know, lately there's been some crazy stuff going on in the music industry with the Kendrick vs. Drake beef, and whose side are you on, Maria? I don't really know. I don't know. I would say Kendrick, because I prefer Kendrick as an artist. But also, I think Kendrick is just throwing some dabs out there that should not be thrown out. Like you think he's kind of getting out of pocket? I think so. I think Drake needs to protect his piece and just not respond, and just end it there. I don't know if he needs to drag on any longer. Yeah. Well, how about this? If you had to marry one of them, which one would you marry? Kendrick. Why Kendrick? Because he's not Drake. What's wrong with Drake? I don't know. He doesn't have the best track record. Have you seen the videos of him, though? Yeah. I mean, like, his music videos. I still have to go Kendrick. Really? Do you know how tall Kendrick is? No. Guess. 5'6". Actually, yeah, that was spot on. Actually? Well, I'm 5'4", so you know what? Yeah. He's 5'6". I was right. But do you know how tall Drake is? 5'11". 5'4". Drake is 5'4". Drake is 5'4". Drake is actually short. Drake is 5'4"? Yeah. Whoa. I know. Why did I not know that? Has no one ever, like, addressed that? No one's ever. I mean, it's not like, uh, like, you know Lil Uzi Vert? Yeah. He's short. He's short, you know? But, like, you can tell. I did not realize Drake was that short. Because Drake tries to, like, hide it, kind of. He's been doing a good job. I mean, exactly, because, like, you don't even know. It's like, you know, you kind of have to, like, actually search for that fact. Like, you don't just know. That's so funny. That is crazy. You know, like, Lil Uzi embraces it. Yeah. You know? It's part of his character. But I think it's been very interesting seeing, like, Drake grow as, like, a father figure. Um, how do you pronounce his son's name? Adonis? Yeah, Adonis. I think that's been really interesting. Just because, like, a lot of rappers, I feel like, don't show that they necessarily have the best relationship with their kids. Which kind of, like, is, like, feeding into the stereotype. But, like, recently, like, I feel like he's, I don't know. In the past few years, I guess. I mean, his son's not really that old. But I think that has also kind of, like, changed the way people view rappers. As, like, oh, you can be a very, like, open father figure. So that's been nice. I appreciate that about Drake. Mm-hmm. But how do you feel about Kendrick? Now, you mentioned Kendrick saying some out-of-pocket stuff. So, um, what do you think about Kendrick saying, this beef is getting heated up. And you know that I don't play, though. You know that I'm going to throw Adonis into a volcano. How do you feel about Kendrick saying that? That's kind of out-of-pocket. Like, this is the thing, is I think we're seeing kind of what happened with MGK and Eminem happening again. Where MGK started bringing up Eminem's daughter. And it's, like, she did not choose to be in that position. She did not choose who her father was and, like, you know, how in the spotlight he was and whatnot. I think it's very important to realize that, like, although some people chose the life of fame, their kids didn't. So there's no reason to bring them into it. Especially, like, his son is young. Yeah. You know what I mean? Throwing him into a volcano, like, obviously, like, it's, like, not, like, a serious thing. But at the same time, why are you bringing his little son into it if it's between you and Drake? Have you heard him rap, though? His son? Yes. I had it on my playlist all winter long. His son? Yeah. He sucks. He sucks at rapping. He's young! Yeah, but he sucks, though. He's not good at it. He will be. No, he won't. Well, maybe, but as of now, his son is not good at it. I don't know. Like that? Yeah, yeah. Don't talk to my man like that. Yeah, but you know, Drake has actually been accused of not being a good father from Kendrick. Because, apparently, he doesn't really talk to his son all that much. His son, he had his son with an adult actress, so, you know, there's a lot of accusations that he's not a good parent. And that's something that a lot of people have pointed out. Like, Kendrick pointed it out. Pusha T pointed it out on his story of Adidian. So, maybe he's not that good of a father. All I can say is, who are we to judge? Because we see what Drake is willing to put out onto the public eye. We don't see anything other than that. Yeah. It's what he chooses to show, and that's the end of that. And his son is still young. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? So, it's like, he can't necessarily be too public with his son. Although, I mean, his son, you know, using his art as the album cover. Letting his son rap and, like, you know, whatever. But I don't think it's anyone's position to judge somebody's parenting if you're not there yourself to witness it. Well, funny thing you talk about witnessing. I was going to ask, what's your opinion on Kendrick allegedly hiring people to fly a drone around him 24-7 that watches him, a surveillance drone? There's currently no evidence that Kendrick is involved with it. Kind of like Nixon's Watergate. Like, you know, originally news got out, but, like, we didn't really know if Nixon was involved in it. So, it's like the same thing. It's like, you know, Kendrick may or may not have hired people to fly surveillance drones and watch Drake 24-7. This is my thing. After watching 50 million Edward Snowden documentaries, it's like... Who's that? So, he works for the NSA, which is, like, national security. And he basically exposed that the government is, like, watching you on everything. And, like, after that, I think you should just go by the fact that everyone is always watching and listening. And should someone be flying drones around you? Absolutely not. But also, like, there are laws against that. And if that is the case, like, what's supposed to be done will be done. You know what I mean? And, like, a rumor stays a rumor until it's disproven. But that's the point of the drones, though. To prove it. Does he have the evidence, like, from the drones filming that Drake is, like... I mean... Like, are we going to get a day in the life of Drake from a drone's perspective? We might. Because if so, then, like, sign me up. I'll watch it. You'll watch... No, basically, I think... Now, this is what I think I would do. This is what I think I would do if I was Kendrick, right? I'd have people pay to, like, join the live stream of the drone. It'd be, like, a live stream of Drake. You know? You could pay money to join it. You could donate. You could, like, gift, like, a rose or whatever. Like, on TikTok Live. You know how they do it? Like, gift a galaxy, and, like, the drone will, like, shoot a laser at him or something. I don't know. Like, you know what? If it's a legal way of making money, I don't see why not. Does that sound legal to you, though? Like, maybe not the lasers, but everything else. Like, where does Drake live? Florida? I don't know where he lives. That's up for the drones to tell us. I think he lives in Florida, but he's from Toronto, right? Yeah, he's from Toronto. That's probably legal in Florida. It's probably legal in Florida. Like, I would not be surprised. There's a lot of legal stuff. Okay, so he's from Toronto. Yeah. Can we scoot back a bit? Were you, like, aware of, like, the whole, like, Toronto accent thing? Oh, yeah. Yeah. What's your opinion on that? Do you think it's fake, or do you think people genuinely speak like that? I think, well, Kendrick actually made fun of it in his recent diss. Just made fun of the Toronto accent saying, like, Toronto slang and stuff. And I think that it's kind of exaggerated. Like, it might be there a little bit, but probably exaggerated. Because, like, honestly, I've never met anyone from Toronto that speaks like that. And then it became, like, this whole big thing, and I was like, I thought back to Drake. I was like, Drake does not sound like that. Like, does Drake sound like that? No, but. Not to that extent. That's what I'm saying. I feel like it's very exaggerated. Think about, like, British singers that, like, pretend they have an American accent. Like, that happens all the time. I'm like, wait, they're British? But they sound American. That is actually very true. So what if he's hiding it? Like, the Australians, and then I'm like, wait. Exactly. Yeah, that is very true. What if you meet Drake, and he's like, like, I don't know. L-O-M-A-N. L-O-M-A-N. That's Jamaican. Yeah, he could be from anywhere. Drake? Yeah. That's the thing, though. We truly don't know the whereabouts of Drake. But that's also what I'm. Besides Drake, I'm just saying, like, celebrities and people that are, like, whatever, in the public eye. Like, you will never know anything about them, even if you think you know things. Which is exactly why I'm like, I don't know. I don't feel like Kendrick has any business bringing his son into anything. Well, we know stuff about his son. Like, oh, I mean his mother. Well, that's why they're having a smaller spy drone fly around and watch his son, too. I feel like you're making this whole thing up. Well, this is just allegations from what I've heard. Where did you read this? I've heard stuff on social media, TikTok, Instagram. It's almost like you have personal connections with Kendrick. Personal? What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about. This is just stuff I've heard about a drone. I mean, I don't know. I don't know about it. I have no idea what you're talking about. But, yeah. So, I think, honestly, like, you know, do you think it's a violation of their privacy, though? Okay, this is the thing with privacy. It's very hard to determine what is too far and what isn't when it comes to people who have gone out of their way to attempt to be in the public eye. You know what I mean? Like, musicians, actors. Like, you have to do stuff. You have to actively try to be in that position. So, once you are in it, I think it's very hard for you to complain about the things that come along with it. Exactly. Because you're getting so many perks, too. You know what I mean? It's not just, like, all bad. Like, people aren't chasing you around 24 hours a day. You're getting flown around on your private jet. Like, it's very hard for someone who isn't in that position to feel bad for you when they see everything that you have. And speaking of perks, how did you feel after you found out that Juice WRLD overdosed in 2021? If I'm being completely honest, I knew maybe one Juice WRLD song at the time. So, you're saying you didn't care? No, I did care. I definitely did care. Like, I think it was just a very... I think it changed a lot, where a lot of people started becoming more vulnerable. Especially, like, I know a lot of the guys that I used to hang out with would listen to Juice WRLD, and that kind of hit them, which was very interesting, because it just made them realize, like, oh, we're part of this, too. But after his death, I am one of those people that started listening to some Juice WRLD, and... So, you're a fake fan? I wouldn't say I'm even, like, a fan. I just appreciated some of his stuff at the time. I think it was an opportunity for me to expose myself to new music. So, you're, like, a respectful, like, genuinely good person? I try to be. I definitely try to be. And I think listening to his music after his passing, when I was, like, listening to lyrics, a lot of things were, like... I don't even know how to explain it. But it was, like, he was definitely going down a path, and a lot of people just saw it as, like, art. But, like, I think he was genuinely trying to, like, ask for help. And, yeah. I mean, I'm never gonna, like... I don't think wear, like, a Juice WRLD shirt. But I think the death of any artist is, I mean, sad. So... All right. Well, we've got a quick break coming up for you guys. And then we will be back. Once again, this has been Aidan Lindblom and... Maria Alekzouni. So, stay tuned, guys, because we still have more music talk, more talk about Juice WRLD for you guys. So, if I was you, I would definitely keep listening. What is up, everybody? It is Aidan Lindblom, and we are back with Gridiron Grooves. And, of course, I am joined by... Maria Alekzouni. And we've been talking a lot about, currently, like, the music industry, a lot of the beef going on with rappers right now. And we were recently just talking about Juice WRLD, talking about his unfortunate death. And do you have any Juice WRLD songs that you really like, Maria? Is it terrible if I say None That Come To Mind? Yeah. None That Come To Mind. That's... How? Okay, what about this? How do you feel about his song All Girls Are The Same and the sentiment behind that song? How would people feel if a female made that song about men? That's my question. You have to see it from the other perspective. So, answering my question with a question. Yeah. I am doing that. I am doing that. Putting you on the spot. So, how would I feel about it? Well, let's say... Okay, so, can I answer your question to a question with a question? Yeah. Yeah. So, what is this rapper's name that's making a song? Me. You? Like, do you know what I mean? It could be anybody. Well, but, like, it kind of, like, impacts it. Like, who's making the song? Who do you want to make the song? Just, like, make a... Is it you? Is it Beyonce? No, it's not. Yeah, sure, let's go Beyonce. So, Beyonce made a song. What's it called? All Men Are The Same. All Men Are The Same? Yeah. Okay, what genre is it? Country. And it's country. That's the new genre she's into. Okay, now, can you sing a little bit of it for me? All men are the same. I don't know. At least give me a bar. Like, make, like, one rhyme up right now. I can't do that. Why? I'm a spot person. I don't make music. So, okay. Well, pretend you're Beyonce right now. What would Beyonce say? No, this ain't Texas. Woo, woo. Right? Yeah. So, okay, so pretend, like, that's, like, a song that she's making, kind of. In this world, woo. All men are the same, woo. Okay. Like, I don't know. No, no, you're on the right track. Would you get my point? Like, I feel like when it comes to music, there's a lot more bashing of women than there is of men. And I'm, like, obviously there are female artists that could go out there and do that. But I feel like, as women, we choose not to. Because it puts you in a position of vulnerability. But also, you're, like, almost endangering yourself by, like, calling people out like that. But men, like, can freely do that. I think that's deeper than just music, but it's very prevalent in music. Yeah. So, you don't like his sentiment talking about all girls are the same? No, because if it was the other way around, there would be a problem with it. Where men are like, oh, no, we're not all, you know what I mean? So, it's like, music is music. It's art. And art can be interpreted differently, and everyone can see it their own way. But I think there's definitely prejudice. So, I think that's something to think about. So, how do you feel about the message behind Juice WRLD's song, Lucid Dreams? How do you feel about the message behind it? From my understanding, because, again, when Juice WRLD passed away in 2019, I think. Again, 2019 was the only time I was really listening to his music. So, to be quite frank, I don't know all of the details and whatnot. So, to be quite frank, I don't know all of the details and whatnot. If I'm correct, it does have to do with, you know, like, recreational use? Is that correct? Actually, the song has a more... Now, this isn't known by casual Juice WRLD fans, but us true... They call us juicers, that's what the fandom's called. Us true juicers out there. We know the hidden message behind the song. It's actually an anti-capitalist song where Juice WRLD... He criticizes the effects that late-stage capitalism has had on our world and on our society. What do you think about that? Did you just make that up? No. Are you actually serious? Yeah, us true juicers, we know the hidden meaning behind his songs. No, I had no idea. I actually had no idea that he had some politics tied into his music. Yeah, exactly, and he does. Which I appreciate, because I think if you have that kind of platform, use it for good. I think, honestly, this is just my interpretation, but what if when he said all girls are the same, he's talking about how capitalism has had an effect on society, where raging consumerism has turned us all into almost the same person, because we all are materialistic and we all want the new hot thing on the market. So maybe he's saying how capitalism and consumerism, and mainly materialism, has just turned us all into almost clones of each other, all wearing just the new fancy designer clothes. What if that's a message behind the song? No, that is actually a crazy perspective that I never thought of. But now that I'm thinking about that, that's a great message to be sending out there, because we've been seeing a lot of that in today's society. Yeah, so you agree. I know I would 100% agree with that, but I also... Why does it have to be girls? Do you see my point? I see, but I think the thing is, if he titled his song like... What if it was like, we're all the same? What if his song was like, all capitalists are the same? Would that get a lot of radio play? No, he has to name it, all girls are the same. Like, you know what I'm saying? Marketing. Marketing, exactly. Which I appreciate. You know George Orwell's book, Animal Farm? Yeah. What if he called it like, Communist Farm? That'd be stupid. Nobody would buy it or read it. But now that it's Animal Farm, it's like, oh, silly little kid's book, but it's actually about communism in the Soviet Union. I think it's interesting having something seen so mundane yet has such a deep meaning. But yeah, I actually never had, never thought about the whole capitalism and we're all the same, but it's true with like, fad diets and stuff, everyone's like, turning into each other overnight, which is kind of sad because, I don't know, it just takes away from like, people's authenticity and creativity. Yeah. So in a way, you do agree with the message of all girls are the same. If that is actually the intended message, then yes, I would agree. Which is kind of a bold statement to make. But if that is the intended message, then absolutely. No, yeah. Juice WRLD was, I feel like a lot of people don't realize how smart he really was for his time. Yeah? Yeah. Yeah. He was definitely, you know, it's sad that he had to go so early, but yeah, you know, I think that eventually there will be someone similar to Juice WRLD who will take his place and become almost like him, maybe a modern day like Socrates or Plato or John Locke or something. Speaking of artists that have had an impact through their lyrics and whatnot, I'm going to take it back to one of my favorite artists of all times who also sadly passed away before his time, none other than Bob Marley. Bob Marley. Bob Marley literally like, not fixed politics in Jamaica, but had a huge impact on politics in Jamaica through his music. I'm sorry, can you just put this in Juice WRLD terms for me? Where was Juice WRLD from? Chicago? Chicago, two different gangs don't like each other. Juice WRLD comes, sings, makes everyone happy and everyone agrees and be on the same terms. Okay, now you're speaking my language. Bob Marley was a very, very impactful artist who was unfortunately extremely hated by one of the Jamaican political parties, but his house was, if I'm correct, was on Hope Street in Kingston, Jamaica. How do you know where he lives? Let me continue the story, it'll all make sense. It was on Hope Street and it was a place for the community to gather. So he would have kids just playing like football outside, like soccer. He'd be in his studio making music and the majority of his music was addressing political issues. And a lot of the time you wouldn't realize that that was the message because a lot of people were listening for the rhythm and the beats and whatnot. But ultimately there have been so many documentaries about how without Bob... My dog's name is Bob. After Bob Marley? No, just named Bob. Just named Bob. It's a cool name in my opinion. It is a great name. See? Do you know what it's short for? Robert. Okay. Yeah, you thought you could trick me, huh? No, because I didn't figure that out until 7th grade. Really? I just thought Bob was the name. Do you know what Bart is short for? Bartholomew? Yeah. Really? It is short for Bartholomew. Oh my gosh. Do you know what Drake is short for? No. I don't think it's short for anything. Yeah, I don't think it's short for anything. What if there's this rapper, right? This rapper, his name is Young Thug or something crazy and his real name is just Bartholomew Humphrey. No, that is the case with so many rappers. Yeah. Even Juice WRLD. Wasn't his name like... His real name? You know who had a crazy name? You know who had a crazy name? You know Tupac? Yeah. Do you know how he was all about thug life? Yeah. What was his name? His real name was Gilbert. Gilbert? Gilbert. Okay, I have a special shout out to Bubba who is listening from Morocco who thought of the lyric for Beyonce's diss on men. All men are the same. It is not that lame. Dot, dot, dot. You can finish the rest. I have a lot of fame. I have a lot of fame. People are going to recognize my name. You're good at this. I'm going to put you to shame. You're actually really good at this. I ain't playing no games. Wait, hold up. Wait. Get a paper and a pencil and start writing this down. Maybe I should write this song. Maybe you should. Maybe I'm the next Juice WRLD. The next Beyonce, apparently. That's what we're getting at. Yeah, maybe I'm the next Beyonce. Yeah. I want to shout out anybody listening right now whose name is Gilbert. If you're listening and your name is Gilbert, don't get down on yourself. Gilbert is still a crazy name. You have the same name as Tupac. Yeah. Technically. Technically. What is your thought on the Tupac case being solved? What was that a few months ago? I feel like people did not talk about that as much as I would have expected it to be talked about. Do you know what I mean? Just because it was a mystery for such a long time. And then one morning everyone woke up and they're like, oh, we figured out who committed the crime. And then people just passed it over and just continued on with their day. So you think it's a controversial case then? I mean, I think it was just because it was such a mystery for a long time and people wanted to know. So clearly Tupac was really loved by fans all over the world? Yeah. No, Tupac was crazy. His influence as an actor, too, acting in films like Juice, Tupac, his influence really caused a lot of rappers to start acting, like Ice Cube and a lot of people like that. So I think he definitely is the most influential rapper of all time. You know who I did not know was a rapper? Who? Do you know LL Cool J? Yeah. Because I used to watch NCIS when I was younger, like the NCIS LA. Yeah. And he was always my favorite character. And then, I don't know, I remember the credits rolled one night and I was like, LL Cool J, and I was like, that seems like a rapper's name. And I went and looked it up and he ended up being a rapper. Yeah. That was, wow. But it's so interesting to see how rap has integrated into everyday life for a lot of people. When I first moved to the U.S., the airline that I will not name lost my suitcases, so I came with nothing and I had to go buy clothes. And the first shirt I picked up was a Tupac shirt. Really? And I still have it. I still have that shirt. Wait, that's actually fire, though, a Tupac shirt? Yeah, that was the one thing and the first thing I got when I moved here was it was like I just needed a shirt to wear. Yeah. And it ended up being a Tupac shirt. Yeah. Which is, like, crazy. So, you know, you just mentioned planes. Apparently, Rick Ross's plane had to make an emergency landing and he claims that Drake used a fighter jet to shoot down his plane. What's your thoughts on that? I think there are a lot of allegations. Did Drake do that? This might be, like, revenge for the drone situation. Wouldn't that be revenge against Kendrick? Why would he be going after Rick Ross? Well, Rick Ross is, like, friends with Kendrick. I feel like someone has to, like, make a family tree of, like, rappers. Yeah. But not, like, bloodline-related, like, friendships to, like, figure stuff out because everything is really confusing right now and there's just a lot of allegations that are really being pushed out by social media and it's just hard to tell what's real and what's fake. You know what I mean? Wars being fought and people are talking about Rick Ross's plane getting shot down by Drake's fighter jet. Like, I don't know if that's what we need to be focusing on right now. But, you know, it's a lot of rumors out there. You really got to know what's real or what's fake. And, you know, people debate that a lot. And one specific thing of debate that's, like, is it real or is it fake is Drake's nose because Rick Ross has said a lot that Drake got a nose job and he used that to diss him in one of his songs. Listen, I am sure NBAs were signed. Mm-hmm. So even if that is the case, I don't think any surgeon's going to be coming saying that they fixed up Drake's nose. If that is the case, I'm very sad that he was insecure with his original birth nose. Is that what it's called? Like, you know what I mean? Like, the nose he was birthed with is just natural nose. But also, like, nobody in the rap industry's teeth are theirs anymore. It's all veneers and everything. So is that really, like, so hard to believe? But it's also, like, you know, I don't know. Everyone's just changing themselves. So I don't think it's, like, a far-fetched rumor. Like, it's very possible. Yeah, and then Kendrick even said, quote-unquote, let your core audience stomach that, then tell them where you get your abs from, because there's rumors going around that Drake's abs are fake. I didn't even know Drake had abs. I didn't know either. So, you know what I mean? I mean, I've seen, like, a lot of videos of Drake and stuff, you know, but I didn't know that I've never seen his abs. So I never knew about his abs, like, being fake or anything. But also I wonder, when rappers are, like, I don't know, like, do a lot of them, you might know, do a lot of them, like, freestyle and end up with songs, or are they sitting there writing the lyrics? Well, a lot of them freestyle. Like, an example of a song that was freestyled that's a big hit is Digits by Young Thug. Juice WRLD claims that his whole album, Death Race for Love, was freestyled. No, I was going to say, like, I thought Juice WRLD was a really good freestyle rapper. That's one thing I can say. Yeah. Also, I think about it this way. Like, if people are sitting down and writing these diss tracks, because, I mean, it's kind of, I don't know, I would find it difficult to just go off, like, and freestyle. But if they're sitting there writing, sometimes I feel like you just have to put filler words in, which could lead to you being like, oh, yeah, he's got a fake nose, and he does not have a fake nose, you know what I mean? But it just fit into the rest of the lyrics, and it made sense. So, I don't know, something to think about. Yeah, like, they just needed a rhyme? Yeah, a rhyme or just, you know, like, there was an awkward spot between one sentence and another, and they're like, let's just put this in. Yeah, like, you don't know, but what I say goes. We know you got a fake nose. There you go. Yeah. There you go. So, what do you think about people calling Drake Pinocchio because of his fake nose? Is he a liar? Kendrick called him a liar. I mean, isn't Pinocchio a liar? Yeah. Isn't that why his nose grows? Wait, that would be crazy. Because, like, what if that's what he's calling him? Kendrick Lamar should literally make, like, a line in his diss track about Drake being Pinocchio because of the nose thing, plus he's a liar. So, it's like a double whammy. Yeah, it's like a double entendre. You see, that's what I'm saying. Like, that would be interesting, comparing him to Pinocchio. Mm-hmm. Don't you feel bad for Drake? Because you know Drake. In what sense? Like, you know what kind of guy Drake is. Don't know him personally. But, like, you know the kind of guy he is. Like, the cartoonishly, like, he's in a… Yeah, the, like, floats in the air when he smells pie kind of guy. Yeah, exactly. That kind of guy. So, like, you know he gets emotional about that stuff. But also, the thing is, is he's Canadian, and for some reason, that just makes him seem like a better person to me in comparison to other rappers. I don't know what it is. So, I do feel for him. But also, I do not know him personally. Yeah, but… You know what I mean? You know he's probably thinking, he's like, what did I do to deserve this? But then he's responding with another diss. Yeah. So, you're kind of fueling the fire there. Like, you know he had, like, smoke coming out of his ears when he heard Kendrick's diss. Oh, 100%. Like, his face was turning red. Yeah. And then his mom baked him the pie that he had to float to the kitchen to smell. Yeah, exactly. That's funny, because those memes were actually a big part of my life for a while. Shout out to my mom who's listening. I showed her the Drake memes, and she did not understand them, I don't think. But the pie smelling one really resonates with me for some reason, and I think about it typically weekly. So, thank you, Drake, for that. Yeah, shout out to your mom for listening. Appreciate it. We appreciate all the listeners tuning in at this late hour, you know. Do not forget about WBFH.FM.GIVE. We appreciate all donations. Big or small, helps keep the station running, helps make sure that the station is around for all four years of our schooling. And with that, I think we are going to get to a little break. But we will be back. It's Aidan Lindblom and... Maria Aletouni. So, stay tuned. This is the Biff Radio Network. We know you have hundreds of choices on the radio dial and on your smartphone for news and entertainment. So, thanks for spending some time with us. We're WBFH Bloomfield Hills, the farm team for future broadcasters. Visit our webpage at WBFH.FM and see our story. That's WBFH.FM. What is up? It is Aidan Lindblom, and we are back with the Biff Stock Special Edition of Gridiron Grooves. And, of course, I am joined by... Maria Aletouni. And is there any musicians that, you know, just some of your favorite musicians? Because you listen to some different music than I do. So, I kind of want to hear a different perspective. I definitely do. Okay. So, I do this thing where for each season of the year, I make a new Spotify playlist. Just because I think it's fun listening to, like, your older playlists and just, like, you know, remembering songs that you would listen to during that time. So, right now, we actually have a very random lineup. I have Rock and Roll Suicide by David Bowie. We have Vienna by Billy Joel. We have Sete by Francis Mercier, who is one of my favorite DJs right now. And then, do you know I Show Speed? Of course I know I Show Speed. I love I Show Speed. Okay. So, have you listened to any of his songs? Yes. World Cup. World Cup is a classic. Okay. So, my brother got me hooked onto MRD. I don't know. But it has MC Kevin from Brazil, who is definitely one of my favorite Brazilian artists. So, that has been a very, very good song to be listening to. And then, I've been listening to a few Moroccan songs. Just to, you know, think about home. I don't think I'm spending the summer there. But I put songs from last summer's playlist back onto this spring's playlist. And then, right now, I'm really into The Psychedelic Furs. Because, I don't know, I was watching a movie and they had a few songs on there. And then, of course, I have Bob Marley on the playlist. We have some Nigerian music, actually. Which is kind of fun. So, you like international music? I wouldn't. Yeah. I mean, in Morocco, growing up, the radio stations were very diverse, I would say. There was a lot of Hispanic music, a lot of Moroccan music, French rap. A lot of French rap. Yeah. French rap? French rap. French rap? Yeah. Is it good? What do they even rap about? Like, baguettes and stuff? No. Just think. Like, when they say, I got all this bread on me, they mean it literally, though. You know what I mean? You know what? Maybe. Maybe. But I don't think... I don't know. But, like, a lot of... It's a lot of Arab rappers who have moved to France and then rap in French. Or, like, were raised there. Or, like, born there or whatever. So, a lot of times, it's kind of like a fusion. It's kind of cool, honestly. But then my sister got me onto, like, Nigerian and more, like, Afrobeat music, which is really cool. It's kind of fun, because my siblings have, like, different music tastes, but then we all can come together and agree on some stuff. So, I really just, like, steal a bit of music from everyone. I wouldn't say I have, like, my own personal taste. My taste is just, like, a mix of different people, which is kind of nice. There was a time period where I was listening to Swedish and Dutch drill music. What's your opinion on UK drill? Unpopular opinion, maybe. I don't know. I don't know what people think about UK drill. But I think some of the best lyrics I've ever heard come out of UK drill. Really? Yeah. I think... I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like UK drill rappers are more expressive than a lot of American rappers. I think it's just... It's different, and I think that just makes it interesting. I don't know. I feel like we're just so used to, like, the American concept of rap, and then drill music came, and it's just a whole new chapter for artists, which is kind of cool. Yeah, I definitely agree with you. And I think that UK drill can get really, like, really corny, though, sometimes. Because I know that what UK drill does a lot is they'll take, like, super popular songs and just, like, remix it. That is true. That is true. Do you think it can get a little disrespectful, though? I mean... Um... Because... Because, in my opinion, the thing about UK drill is this was actually a pretty crazy rap beef, and this was, like, a crazy beef with UK drill, though. So, you know, there's these two, like, rival, like, gangs in UK, right? And I don't even know, how does gang warfare even work in the UK? Like, they fight with, like, swords and stuff? They fight through rapping, I guess. I don't know. Like, they fight through words? Like, kill them with kindness type stuff? So, I don't really know how that works in the UK. And, of course, you know, it is the special Biffstock edition of Gridiron Grooves, so we are being joined by a lot of special guests. So, introduce yourself, please. Hi, I'm Keon. And, so, Keon, tell us one of your favorite musicians. One of my favorites? Yeah. That's a really hard question, to be honest. In the rap world, I'm probably going to have to go with J. Cole, to be honest. J. Cole? Really? Is he in the big three? Is he in the big three? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I'd say he is. We have Aiden in the studio repping J. Cole today. Oh, yeah? Yeah. I'm wearing a J. Cole jersey right now. He's, like, meant to be. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And, so, as I was previously saying about UK Drill, this is a crazy story, but, like, so these two gangs were beefing, right? One of the gangs, like, one of the people in it had a son, but his son tragically died in a car accident. So, how do you feel about one of the rappers sampling the other guy's son crying and using that in the beef of his diss song? How do you feel about that? Like, do you think that's too far? I think that's pretty far. I think that's insanely disrespectful. Yeah. Like, I think using the kids or, like, their children, as we were talking about with Drake's son is already, like, kind of past the limit, but especially when his son passed away, and also in such a tragic way. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like, there is no reason to bring that up for anyone, because it's not just whoever you're trying to attack. It's the surrounding community. It's the family. It's the friends. It's whoever listens to that song. You know what I mean? And I feel like it's just bringing up stuff that shouldn't be brought up. Mm-hmm. If you're that good of an artist, you should be able to make a song without using that to bring someone else down. Exactly. You think that's a little too far? Definitely too far. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I agree. I think, like, if they're in... Oh, excuse me. We do have someone calling in here. Hello? You're on air. Hello there. Great show. I'm really enjoying listening to you guys talk. I thought it was pretty interesting how you managed to throw in Greek and English philosophers into this show, kind of talking about rap. But what I was calling about is you mentioned how Ice Cube was on a TV show, and he's a big movie star and stuff. Did you know that there's a rapper on a really long-running TV show called Law & Order, Special Victims Unit? I didn't know that. Which rapper is it? Ice-T. It is Ice-T? Yep. He was born in 1958, so he's an older guy. But he's been on that show for many years. Hmm. Okay. Yeah. So that's... Yeah, that's just more evidence of Tupac's influence on the rap scene. Do you know if he does any more rapping, though? He's been on that show a really long time. I wonder if he actually still has a job.