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At the Back-to-School Family Fun Night, there will be various booths offering support. School-based booths include committee sign-ups, class dojo, homework tips, organization tips, grade-level standards, yearbook, and student club sign-ups. These booths will be monitored by school faculty. District-based booths include safe key, badges and volunteers, a tutoring website called Paper, and an infinite campus booth. Community-based booths will be manned by representatives from organizations like Three Square, Boys Town, Boys and Girls Club, Head Start, and Harbor. Okay, so, support that's needed, and these are going to be the booths that are going to be at our Back-to-School Family Fun Night. School-based will be a committee sign-up booth, we'll have a class dojo booth, we'll have a homework tip booth, we'll have an organizational tip booth, we will have grade-level standards booth, we'll have a yearbook booth, and we'll have some student club sign-up booths, which will be very popular because we have some excellent clubs here at Walter Bracken. For instance, we have a chess club, we have Girls Who Code, we have a Lego club, we have great clubs and kids really enjoy that, and so do the parents. These booths, the school-based booths, will be monitored by Walter Bracken faculty and admin. The second support we need is district-based. These booths will be the safe key booth, the badges and volunteer booth, the paper booth, which is an amazing tutoring slash homework help website that's all online and that's free and it's an incredible resource that the kids and families really need to know about. And then finally, an infinite campus booth that can help parents get familiar with infinite campus. And finally, our community-based booths will be a three-square, a Boys Town, a Boys and Girls Club of America, Head Start, and a Harbor. These booths will be manned by members from the said organizations, like three-square will have a three-square representative in it, same with Boys Town and Boys and Girls Club, etc.