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cover of J.12.27


Ivy Joy



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The narrator welcomes listeners to the Ivy Joy Showdown, a radio show specializing in R&B songs and throwback hits. They mention that the former Morning Show is coming up next and encourages listeners to tune in for a chance to win. The narrator then emphasizes the importance of the listeners' presence and urges them to embrace their purpose and take action. They assure listeners that they have their back and invite them to relax and enjoy the show. 595, we are the heart of R&B songs and throwback hits, so welcome back to the home, I guess that would mean your girl your host Ivy Joy on the Ivy Joy Showdown, say peace out loud, the answer to all of you, listen, listen, listen, listen, don't you touch that down cause we got a great show coming up next, you already know it's the very former Morning Show of next, which goes along with our winning Wednesday theme, listen, if you are on the very former Morning Show and you are tuning in, tap it in, yes, you are going to win, you're going to be feeling great and you're rising, it's going to start wonderfully, listen, listen, listen, so before I let you go, let me let you know real quick that you are needed, okay, and your presence is essential, you are needed, your passion, your heart, your mind, your creativity, your compassion, your empathy, so don't sit on the sideline questioning your place, you belong here, you are strong, you are here on purpose, for a purpose, so do your best to lean into wisdom, take with you wise counsel, take action whenever and however you can, that's all that is required of you, then trust the goodness of life to bring the victory, there's change coming, and even in the messy, your presence matters, okay, if you wanted to know, now you know, listen, listen, listen, listen, we got your back over here, I'll continue to say, do this, that, feel like it, right here, 595, we are the heart of R&B, so, and so, that's it, we got the very former Morning Show up next, with our very own Sharon Lindsey, the Ivy Joy, so, wow, sit back and relax, 595, enjoy.

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