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60 Emileigh Freddie Mercury

60 Emileigh Freddie Mercury

Ill-Equipped HistoryIll-Equipped History



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oh shit I started early yeah let's clap just in case try one more time well I'm on my third coordination she doesn't even go here okay I'll bring in after a yawn okay welcome to ill-equipped history where two best friends who are not equipped tell you a story about history I'm Emily and this is Morgan yes she sounded a little raspy a little truck stop Betty ish maybe don't let's let's save that throat yeah save your vocals nice I like it it's hot so I did a funny this weekend I yeah you did just leave me all right now I'm sad again I we decided to take our dogs on the boat and because my dogs don't like to get along with the neighbor dogs at my in-laws house we don't take them as often as we used to and we took our dogs on the boat we're very responsible pet owners we walk them down on the leash got them in the boat got away from the dock and then took them off the leashes because they're contained in the boat and they got into some poison ivy on the riverbanks and we went back to the house got some dawn dish soap because I'm obviously we've established I'm very allergic to poison ivy so we I was washing the dogs on the back of the boat on the swim platform and Naren was nice and clean I put her in the boat and then it was Parker's turn and I'm scrubbing down Parker and we hear Maren start to bark well we look over and at the hold on the dehumidifier just turned on and at the moment that she starts barking we see what she's barking at and it is unfortunately another dog on the riverbank and we're like she'd be fine right it wasn't fine a little higher up like a little upriver from Kevin and Nancy so it was still like one of the neighbors we were still in the neighborhood we weren't far we're just kind of floating this dumbass smooth brain herself yeets herself off the side of the boat and just start swimming like crazy to the riverbank now mind you this is raw 10-foot riverbank of fallen trees branches grass rock all sorts of shit she had to climb over a fallen tree that was in the river to get to the riverbank well we're all yelling at her to come back cuz it's like God bless that our dogs gonna fight another neighbor dog and then that ain't gonna be good it's gonna be a whole thing I don't want to be a whole thing and I get mad and apparently I got mad enough to jump in the river after her so then I started swimming I'm not thinking anything through I'm thinking maybe I can get to my dog before she gets up the riverbank right I I'm not I'm not as fast as her she has webbed feet so and four legs and I'm thick so I'm swimming as fast as I can and I climb over I'm sure she looked a lot better climbing over that that fallen tree than I did but you know what I did it and then I she climbed the entire 10-foot riverbank so then barefoot and nothing but a bikini I climbed the 10-foot riverbank and we get I get to the top she's already at the top then and they're just having a staring competition at this point I think they were waiting for the other one to make a move so I'm sure the perspective from this looks ridiculous because I poke my head up from something that shouldn't be climbable reach over grab her back leg I mean I don't throw her down a 10-foot thing I catch her like I hold her and then down the muddy ass freaking side we climb I mean on the way up I was breaking tree limbs to get to this freaking dog so we get down to the bottom and then my worst nightmare comes true it's bad enough that my husband my father-in-law and my husband friend saw all of this me going like mad mom mode the neighbor pokes his head over the side and was like are you good like yeah just winded she she was actually surprisingly pretty calm I think she felt my anger at her and she was like ok maybe I need to go get in the boat because she not once offered to go back up there not once she was like shit I fucked up so we got on the boat and I climb myself up there and I get my beer because I'm thirsty mostly and I look down my legs are just massacred I mean I ended up taking one of the boat cleaning towels and tying around my my leg to like stop the bleeding and then I went to a wedding that night I was almost late to the wedding because Nick didn't get me back to the dock until 315 the weddings it was at 430 it was like a 40-minute drive I got ready in 20 minutes and that included makeup and curling my hair don't ask me what to do magic I did but I did it and they were like what were you I was like texting my dad like save me a seat and they're like what happened to you I'm like it's a long story yeah so that was my Saturday yeah yeah do you do you want a dog she'll spice up your life you sure damn it she's so great I love her so much but why is she like this why smooth brain all thoughts just slide right off so thankfully nothing else eventful are we ready oh sorry yeah hey no yeah you went to the doctor yesterday Oh No no hopefully you caught it in enough time yeah have you tried just alcohol alcohol just go get you a hot toddy yeah what else in a hot toddy again it's like honey and hot tea and bourbon yeah I got I mean I got telling I'm telling on people here I got my first shot way too young because of a sore throat so yeah yeah turns out I liked it too so that was a problem I was 13 and I had a cough kind of like what you've got and I went it snowed and here in Tennessee that's like a well except for the past few years that's like a rarity so we went up to the mountains and we went sledding and because of you know the cold and exertion and stuff that the cough got worse and mom was like okay fine I'll break down I'll do it I'll give her one shot and I was like don't do it don't do it and here we are today so oh so okay you ready to get into it yeah it's 1970 in London Tim Staffel has just announced to his band Smile that he is leaving for another band sorry I just know I'll hit it big with this other band that's not what I meant never mind I'm fucking out of here the band Smile would go on to be one of the biggest rock and roll bands in history this is thanks to the small name change to Queen and their new lead singer Freddie Mercury don't stop me now I'm having a good time having a good time oh okay one thing I did not know I didn't really delve into like a lot of their older songs growing up I just kind of you know hit the top I don't know ten ten ish songs that they have and their songs are fantasy as fuck they have songs talking about the Rat King and Ogre Battles and the Fae King and other shit like that and it is so cool it's it's cool it's like imagine they're like more rock and roll style but like an ogre battle I love it so make it to the note so yeah today we're talking about Freddie Mercury and a lot about Queen but mostly focusing on Freddie's life yay and formatting purposes I didn't really know how else to do this so I'll be going a little bit back and forth between like his career and his love life and with his love life I might like speed forward just a little bit but then we'll go back and you know talk about his career the the documentaries I found really either went into hard just his career didn't really talk about his personal life other than like the cause of his death and stuff like that other than one documentary I found that was literally called like Freddie's lovers and it was all about his personal life and like interviews with his ex lovers and so on and so forth it it was older and I don't think it was done as tastefully as it could have been done there for a couple minutes they were just talking about his dick so I well I've already seen fleas dick so I feel like all rock and roll stars I should just know all about it why not why the fuck not just don't that is not consent I do not get no but I'm like I don't need to know that but most of it was done very well and he was a very private person anyway and and we'll get into that but I that's the most you're gonna hear about his dick for me is that that I learned about it so so let's get into his childhood his early life so he was born Farrakh Bulsara on November the 5th of 1946 in stonetown Zanzibar Zanzibar we've talked about Zanzibar so if you want to hear all about that in a very short war go back to whatever episode that was he his father was Bami Bulsara Bulsara sorry who was born and raised in Mumbai India him and his family eight brothers total settled in Zanzibar where he eventually worked as the high court cashier for the British government and often returned to India for business on one of those trips he met Jer I'm assuming Jer or Jer but she came back with him to Zanzibar Freddie was born and then six years later they had he had a sister Kashmira and Freddie was born with four extra teeth in the back of his mouth and that is what caused his now-famous like bucktooth grin and growing up his nickname was Bucky I know I don't know if they meant it maliciously I don't know if he like was okay with it or not but it was it is what it is and he would he never got his teeth fixed he was afraid it would ruin his vocals so he just ran with it God no so in 1951 he was sent to the family moved back to India so both of his parents were from India he just happened to be born in Zanzibar and then they moved back to India where he was sent to St. Peter's boarding school at six years old and the English-speaking kids at his school started calling him Freddie and that's where he got Freddie from and he was really good at hockey tennis boxing he was very sporty but his real passion was singing and taking piano lessons and in 1958 him and four fellow classmates started a rock group called the Hectics which is an awesome name for a band by the way and they are adorable I don't remember if I put I didn't put a picture of the band but you can see him in his little schoolboy outfit he's so cute I know and they would play and sing at school discos and everywhere they were welcome really he graduated from that school in 1963 so even though he spent most of his childhood in India he returned to Zanzibar with his family in 1963 but they had to flee Zanzibar in 1964 thanks to the Revolution so now instead of fleeing to India they went to London and this is where he feels like I feel like his life really took off one of the one of the documentaries stated like one of the guys in the documentary stated that if he could have been born in London at 18 years old he would have like this is where Freddy started to become Freddy so in 1965 Freddy became a student at the college Ealing where he studied painting and design and continued his music and ballet lessons and stuff like that during this time him and a friend slash fellow musician Chris Smith rented a place in Kensington he then met Tim Staffel the same one we talked about in the skit who at the time was the lead singer of the group Smile he began to visit the group's rehearsals with the drummer Roger Taylor and he really felt like he belonged in this band you know that like gut feeling like these are my people well that's kind of how he felt so he's not really part of the band right now but he's hanging out with everyone and in 1969 he became part of the group called Ibex from Liverpool and with this group he went to his first ever concert in Bolton he was hooked on unfortunately the band broke up pretty quickly he then went out and found a new group in the newspaper called Sour Milk Tea yeah and they took him in of course because of his four octave range he was a wonderful singer and that year he graduated with his graphic designer degree and him and the band member Roger Taylor from Smile opened a storefront and sold secondhand clothing so he was really into fashion back then and in the same year he had a very busy year in 1969 he met Mary Austin so Mary had actually been seeing Brian May who was part of Smile before she started seeing Freddie she had worked at Bieber which was a London boutique in Kensington and Freddie was very shy at this point and would like wave at her every time the band visited and at the time so Brian ended up confessing to Freddie that he's like hey I know you're really attracted to Mary we've only been on a handful of dates I've only kissed her on the cheek gave him the green light to ask her on a date which was really sweet yeah so he did he asked her on a date and it was a very deep and emotional attachment from the start so five months after they met they were living together so I will I'm gonna give away a little bit of it later but surely by now y'all know Freddie's wife but they dated for six years and she became suspicious that Freddie was at unrest with himself and Freddie confessed his bisexuality to her after six years she described the moment as relief he was much more comfortable with himself after telling her and even though they went they did end up going their separate ways as far as being a couple but they remained inseparable so throughout the rest of his life even if I don't mention her she's there the entire time and the documentary said they lived through the vows they never made she ended up like I know she went on got married had kids but was still there and he actually became the godfather to their older son to her older son Richard and she was there and took care of him as he died kind of was there the entire time so that was 1969 the summer of love so what happened in 1970 so like in the skit 1970 Freddie joined smile along with Roger Taylor and Brian May after Tim was like bye peace I'm out of here and a year later in 1971 they were joined by bass guitarist John Deacon these are the members of Queen and so we had Freddie Mercury as a lead singer and pianist Brian May as guitarist John Deacon as bass and Roger Taylor as the drummer so they were still smile at this point and Freddie suggested that they needed a name change really so he suggested he suggested Queen and he wanted it to reflect his own androgynous style and be pompous provocative kind of outrageous because a band of four men being named Queen so Freddie remember has a design degree and art degree so he actually designed the group's emblem with the letter Q in the middle and the Zodiac signs of the four band members around it I do have a picture of that if you scroll down yeah he made that yeah mm-hmm yes two fairies were for Freddie I don't know what the I guess so they only mentioned the crab the Lions and the fairies so I don't know hold on hold on what Zodiac is fairy I didn't think it was Zodiac signs is fairy it says Leo I don't know but I know the documentary said that well now if I put in two fairies it says Gemini but I know that's not Gemini cuz I'm a Gemini yeah but he was born in November that's Scorpio he was a Scorpio you know what he's Freddie fucking Mercury he can do fairies that's right anyway so he at this point so in 1971 Queen signed with producers John Anthony and Roy Thomas Baker from London Trident Studios they took the logo to the creative services manager and the creative services manager was like literally this is rubbish I can't do shit with this and was like too fucking bad it's our logo so whatever they took it you don't get the vibe man so it really embodied what they were going for so they were like this is it so after they signed with the producers they were like you still need a record label so Jack Nelson who was their manager representing Trident Studios offered some tracks to Roy Featherston who was the general manager of the pop division for EMI records it was a very long title and they got the tapes and they listened to it and they were like we don't know what to do with this like what the fuck is this like glam rock yeah glam rock was coming up but they were somewhere like in between genres and they signed them anyway they're like sure why not so this next one's rise in popularity so a little bit about their performances a little bit about their performances they added theatricality to rock I mean David Bowie did this as well but Queen Freddie Mercury oh my god he performed like he was on the big stage even if he was on these tiny little venues he was like this is a stadium to me and they always wore black and white and they referred to Freddie's outfits as Freddie's frocks and I love it I love it and one guy in the documentary said if I had to describe in one word what Freddie's performances were or like how describe it in like one perform him in one word y'all know what I mean he said strut because he would just I mean he was strutting so he loved all the grand and exotic outfits even like offstage and he wanted it all to be very good quality and he had an amazing talent to work the audience he got them just fucking engaged and yeah yeah and they only use the drums and his voice in that song that's it yeah yeah yeah yeah mm-hmm oh my god I I'll tell you all I watched the whole Live Aid like thing and oh my god I'll tell you more about Live Aid later so yeah I'm like jazzed up I'm strutting okay so the one of the documentaries quoted that no one knew who they were but Freddie knew who they were like he just was on it from the very beginning and in 1972 he legally changed his name to Freddie Mercury he was going by that but you know legally so he no I think they had said something to do with like why no use Mercury that was it was inspired by Mother Mercury from one of his songs My Fairy King yeah yeah actually meant to look that up so thank you and he I wanted to be clear he was still very fond of his family he didn't speak a whole lot about his past like publicly but he still had a very good relationship with his family and he was just embracing the like lifestyle so the name change wasn't really anything to do with distancing himself from his family he just wanted to be Freddie Mercury exactly yes and at this point in his personal life he is still very shy reserved not like blocked off or anything but he's you know kind of introverted yeah he's he's shy you got to get to know him first so they released their first self-titled album on July the 13th of 1973 so this one was very very ogre I loved it so Freddie actually said that each song is in its own category so they are pretty different and there they were very good at that you never knew what the hell they were going to come out with next so one of their producers as they were interviewing some people very close to them back then you didn't have great expectations for their first album typically a first album is like a flop I mean anything you do you have to build your listenership and the first one for Queen actually went okay by three or four months they made a pretty modest impact so in March of 1974 Queen 2 was released and the biggest song on that album was the Seven Seas of Rye which still is very fantasy I love it I love it so we're getting up we're rising into popularity but who who was he offstage and what's the media thinking about it and what's the climate in London so oh this is the note where I said why are we talking about his dick so much what the fuck like okay you go ahead so why why oh my god okay go I'll be here okay so he was kind and affectionate and always checking on people and felt that felt that way about his fans as well he always wanted everyone to have a good time and he considered himself the mother of the group and pretty much took care of all of those around him he was a very sweet loving man and at first he wasn't very promiscuous people said he was a serial love kind of a person where he always wanted to feel love from people and that's actually where the song somebody to love came from and a lot of people didn't think oh my god I know I love it also do you think it's funny that this past week we were we just did a perfect rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody and loose car on the way to the breakout thing and here we are yeah here we are so people he didn't want just one person to love he was happy having multiple partners but I think a lot of times partners weren't very happy with him having multiple partners yeah and you know I just wanted to shout out one of the photographer that was in one of these documentaries said that he knew a good amount of people that Freddie had had relations with but he wouldn't name them because if he didn't want to talk about it that guy wasn't going to talk about it it wasn't anybody's yes he said it was never their fucking business and he said that like you're right so shout out to you sorry I didn't catch your name so the media how are they handling this and this is kind of broad I just felt like this was the best place to put it not all the national international media like the vibe they were going for because even though we just got out of you know 1969 summer of love 1970 is still very open Freddie was the band and especially Freddie was really in the line of fire because of the extravagance and he was an extremely private person and this led to just rumors about lifestyle and sexuality and he was very hesitant to give interviews and him and journalist had a tumultuous relationship throughout his entire career and yeah yeah yeah can you ask me questions about the music that would be great so the band actually said that they didn't really take a lot of it seriously even though they did end up having to like blacklist some journalist because of the way I mean they're just mean to these men but they they didn't take it very seriously because like Rolling Stones would go from like hating them to loving them to hating them to loving them is like Jesus make up your mind and a lot a lot of the journalists just didn't care and wouldn't ask but it was a certain ones you know and one journalist who was interviewed said we knew he had his girlfriend and then in later years he had his boyfriend but that was just Freddie I loved her and someone asked him once who he slept with and he said girls boys and cats as well so let's look at the climate in London and I don't mean the weather before we get back into his life so oh the guy's name was Mick rock the guy that that ain't spilling no tea no secret so yeah yeah so he said that David Bowie made androgyny and bisexuality very fashionable and popular in the area and during the time and he said that during this time straight men would actually dress and act like David just cuz you got hotter chicks like that it was like a thing to do yeah really huh yeah I like that yeah I love a good masculinity not toxic but I like a softer side exactly ok but he still knew he was kind of an outsider because of his teeth unfortunately didn't give him that you know perfect pop star look he was from Zanzibar there had never been a damn pop star before and he was bisexual on top of that so he's got a lot kind of batting against him but in London it didn't really matter at the time so so now on to their first big hit it was around this time I think maybe a little later ignore what I just said so their first big hit in 1974 sheer heart attack was released and the song killer Queen was their first big hit and in the same year so they perform that song on the popular BBC show top of the pops when you say pops like that it makes me think of like a grandpa I'm blaming the third glass of wine ok so the song killer Queen was so different that anything that was really out at the time it was like mind-blowing and if y'all haven't heard it honestly shame on you but like go listen to it right now we're going to do that a lot actually but anyway so the contrast between like his theatrics and the hard guitar that like Brian because I mean it is killer guitar and this is the song that actually broke into America and was the biggest hit in England at the time so his producer Eric apparently Freddie had a crush on Eric and Freddie brought killer Queen into the studio and was like hey I've got into his office like I need you to listen to this because Eric was in charge of like getting his songs popular like I need you to listen to this so he's like ok cool cool they listen to it Eric's like great I love it I can sell this this is awesome it's going to be a hit and Freddie's like no no I need you to listen to it again and like played it again and Eric's like cool I got it and he's like no no the songs about you and he's like what played it again and he was like oh my god apparently so she keeps her Monday and Shondon in a pretty cabinet apparently Eric kept champagne in a really nice cabinet in his office and like he had a perm so hair like Mary Antoinette and the songs about him apparently yeah and it be killer Queen so apparently it's supposed to be like Freddie is the Queen and Eric's killing him because he can't have him because Eric was straight like other people apparently other people verified the story I heard in two separate documentaries Eric tell the same story so he's and there are plenty of pictures with him together and stuff like that so that's all I gotta say about that but I love that song so in 1975 they toured Japan Freddie fell in love with the Japanese culture and start collecting Japanese art so in 1975 they released night at the opera which was a fusion rock glam rock kind of it's very like if opera rock well it is a thing now because they did it but like it's a thing songs like love of my life you're my best friend and Bohemian Rhapsody were on this album and love of my life was dedicated to Mary Austin because it was about this time that they're breaking up I think I talk a little bit more about it but yeah so I love you're my best friend it's such a good song so as far as Bohemian Rhapsody the producers were concerned that they didn't know what the fuck to do with Bohemian Rhapsody it was three times the length of a normal song and it wasn't just a song but it wasn't an opera it was like like a piece it was like like what is this it no so they wanted them to edit it like it make it shorter and like that and they were like no so they released the entire thing and Bohemian Rhapsody hit number one in Britain in England and remained there for nine weeks and was in the top ten in the United States and although it was the biggest hit of the millennium no one except the members of Queen knew exactly what the lyrics meant and I don't think most people know now and Kenny Everett who worked at Capitol Radio at the time was one of the leading people who who got this song popular and it was selling like 60,000 records like a dead day in a day yeah so for the music video they used a different music video person and a normal music video at the time would cost four to five hundred dollars and Freddie was like nah that ain't enough I need to go above and beyond this would cost like four to five grand but it revolutionized the way that music was consumed like in video format because before it was like them taking a video of them playing the song I mean but now and yes that's still kind of what it is but all the like different shit happening I literally stopped the documentary and went and watched it because I don't think I'd ever seen it all the way through and yeah from today's point of view should be a little cheesy but but for 1975 oh my god I mean what song is it that my parents love so much that I love to make fun of the video because it's just dolphins cool change or something like that it's like cool change it's just a replay of dolphins jumping out of the water like this was revolutionary I'm still laughing at the one what she's driving her own car away she is if y'all haven't seen the video she's driving her own car away she throws the rearview mirror out the side window but her reflection is still in the mirror and we can't for the life of us figure out what voodoo magic happened yeah look it up look it up okay so Freddy said Bohemian Rhapsody was meant to be three songs and he couldn't finish them so he thought quote oh damn it I'll just put the three together also a little sidebar about Bohemian Rhapsody people kept asking why he used the word Beelzebub and it turns out he just really likes the word he said it's a funny word so we added it into the song he said that in an interview so okay pause on the career look at his love life right now what's happening right now so around this time he met a guy named David Minns and he was a record company executive they started seeing each other they spent three years together this is kind of I don't know how to feel about this quote but I'm going to say it David said quote Freddy was a very good snugger but sometimes the teeth got in the way well he said yeah well he said snugger but it might have been the accent so Freddy was a very good snogger but sometimes the teeth got in the way I don't like that I know you spent three years with this man dude uh-huh but anyway him and Mary were still together at the time so apparently Freddy told David that him and Mary were just roommates but David kind of found out after Bohemian Rhapsody he threw caution to the wind and this is kind of when his pop star lifestyle started taking hold over the shy Freddy and when he came out as bisexual to Mary to be with David Mary's like I don't think you're bisexual I think you're gay and I hope we can still be friends and of course they were but people think him and David love each other and apparently good old-fashioned lover boy was about their relationship but yeah he would so at the time Mary and him broke up he's now with David but of course Mary's still there he would take David and Mary to events together and just confuse the hell out of the press which I loved it and David said he kind of knew he was having flings with other people so and this is about the same time that the parties started happening about 85% of the time he would bring someone home and I don't know at what point that was probably between relationships I would say but he had some of the most famous parties in the world and the band once hired a brothel and then paid for half so that anyone who wanted to participate in the brothel activities got half off out of the kindness of their hearts and he discovered cocaine but he didn't do it all the time like the cocaine never came back up again I don't think it turned into a problem for him so I guess good for him so we will rock you so this is the time that their look started to change a little bit he would come out in like a big-ass crown and a cape and he just owned it he just owned it and I mean this is when he's really strutting he is and he he enunciated so well when he's saying that like these huge audiences never had a problem hearing what he's singing so he he puts on a great show so in 1977 news of the world comes out that album and we will rock you and we are the champions were on that album and we will rock you wanted they wanted to give the audience a way to like perform themselves and that's why they don't use very many instruments and we are the champions became the biggest sport anthem of all time I'm pretty sure it probably still is yeah yep and on November 10th in 1978 so they are fucking count their like an album a year which is crazy the album jazz was released and don't stop me now and fat bottom girls were the two big hits from that one and I love fat bottom girls oh my god just banger after banger really yeah and if I hear fat bottom girls come on I don't care if I'm in the middle of a conversation I will stop the conversation turn it up and belt it from my soul I love that so in 1979 he ended up playing for the Royal Ballet and he performed Bohemian Rhapsody and a crazy little thing called love and this was when he got his short haircut it's a big day when he got a short haircut me too I know I know I love it I wasn't really big into like the big hair either yeah I like I like slashes long hair and I don't know why other than over like other I guess it looks less hairspray-y yeah yeah it's so pretty too and curly and beautiful so anyway so around this time Freddy went to America and when he came back he told David he had found someone else and well Freddy had the the idea that maybe David was going to be kind of like Mary and stay in his life even though that was kind of a rarity and David just wasn't like that so David left and then Joe who was a sous chef from America came over but unfortunately Joe was young kind of naive he didn't like the big rock star lifestyle and they ended up splitting up not too long after they got together but then Joe stuck around and was his personal chef stayed a close friend yeah yep so Freddy went to around this time an LA biker gang and met Vince Barman who worked there and three weeks later they started a relationship but Vince wouldn't go on tour with him so that relationship ended and by 1980 he had gone to New York and he was really able to go out where people didn't know him and he was going to bars like the Anvil and this is the catalyst for him going from leotards to the leathers and the mustache look and people said he kind of based his look off of one of the people from the oh my god I didn't write it down I forgot um who sings YMCA shit the oh it's on the tip of my tongue the village people damn it okay anyway so one of those had the mustache the leathers the whole nine so he kind of based himself off of that from that point and him and a guy who went by Thor they they had intentions of having a one-night stand but it didn't turn into a one-night stand thanks to alcohol if you're catching my drift so they were like you know what maybe this relationship isn't a sexual one and they just became good friends and they just I know and it didn't work out it's fine we'll just be friends so he's actually really funny I know well he's a nice guy even through all of this even through like peak pop star fandom and all that where it really like makes a lot of celebrities assholes he was still like considered himself the mother of the group he gave all of his friends like his guy friends like girl nicknames like Eric was Sophie and Freddie called him Sophie until the day he died like it's super cute and they all had matching mustaches the whole group of them it was great so okay you okay so in 1980 the game was released and this album had crazy little thing called love and another one bites the dust yeah oh my god it's so good so in 1981 David Bowie and Queen who had been longtime friends by the way because of course they had collaborated and made under pressure pushing down on me pushing down on you I think this is the most we've ever sung in an episode I swear to God so that hit it's a very singable episode it hit number one in Britain of course it did in 1982 he met Bill Reed who was a lover for a year Bill was kind of violent though and he ended up biting Freddie on the hand the night before performance and he was like that's the end of that we're done nope yeah me too and they kept saying that Freddie kind of seemed like the kind of person who needed some conflict in his life to inspire some things some songs and you know that might not be the healthiest thing but you know he wrote some killer songs with it yeah yeah I don't when I get angry I just cry like I know no I might be angry and I might want to bite a brownie I didn't get these hands from not stress eating let's take a step away again I know I keep pulling you guys away from Freddie but AIDS is becoming a problem so let's take a quick look into that and I literally have two notes here that say look up more about AIDS and look up celebrities who died from AIDS I'm going to cut that but I have a little bit we can talk about so in 1983 one of Freddie's friends came up to him at a nightclub and was like hey in light of this new disease it had no name yet so in light of this new disease are you planning on making any lifestyle changes because I feel like you should because that's what a good friend does is bring some shit to attention and his response was quote darling my attitude is fuck it I'm doing everything with everybody and his friend said he he's only had that sinking feeling twice in his life and that was one of those times he knew that like he we were going to lose Freddie to this I know and the same guy said that it's really easy to look back on decades with knowledge that we have now and that it was a fit of course and that it was very unfair not by anyone's fault but it was very unfair to those who died from AIDS in that first wave because they didn't even know at all they didn't know what they were doing was unsafe and the 70s was an era of sexual expression and you know promiscuity yeah and I mean there was a quarter of the century where everything all the diseases that you could get sexually were treatable thanks to penicillin like so people were having sex like it was no tomorrow and they didn't know so with AIDS there can be on average a 10-year incubation period between infection and symptoms and he theoretically because again he's a very private person if he started showing signs in the late 80s if he had an average incubation period it would have been consistent with his lifestyle in the 70s so that's only if it was an average case and he was one of those people that didn't want to be out in the public and there were so so many people I mean millions of people died from this that you couldn't even mourn everyone like how they deserve to be mourned because you had another friend right next to you dying from it as well yeah So hold on. Celebrities who died from AIDS. Okay I don't know if there's any other big names because the only one I can ever think of is Freddie Mercury like a popular person so by this time in early 80s 1983 the Queen had really scaled back and if you watch the movie Bohemian Rhapsody they make it seem like it was the band really that kind of right I don't it's not I don't think at all I mean every documentary I watched said that they stood by him until the end and they they stood by him and I don't think it was Freddie I think honestly they probably needed a break and then with Freddie like they didn't even know until closer to the end that they were told everyone was told it was a liver disease at first and I don't know exactly when he started showing real symptoms but he continued to work so in 1984 the works was released and that songs like Radio Gaga and I want to break free and I think mainly this is the biggest catalyst for them taking a break is because I want to break free was popular and in the in the music video all four members of the band three of which are very straight dressed as women to pass the message of oppression and it's the cutest video it got banned in the United States and that really killed Queen in the United States and after this he was like you know what I think I just want to do like a solo album or two you know so he Freddie decided to go to Munich Germany why I don't know but Munich sounded good right so he started seeing Barbara Valentine a woman so people were kind of surprised by this yeah yeah I don't think I think back then it surprised everyone probably because he had been seeing men for so long but I think they mentioned behind closed doors he was sleeping with men and women and I think back then people could not wrap their brains as well around bisexual and they were like you're either gay or you're not you have to fit into the box and that's just kind of not what he did so she was very outrageous and was considered the Queen of Munich and was very promiscuous as well and they love each other they live together with her daughter and Barbara's daughter said that Freddie was the love of her life so the Queen had Barbara in a music video and it was very outrageous kind of I think it was finally a little too much for the rest of the band I mean Brian Roger and John look kind of miserable in that music video so I think that was another catalyst for them to be like I think I'm just going to do a solo album and eventually after I think a couple years Barbara and him split because he found another man Winnie Kirkberg who's a 33-year-old restauranteur Barbara was very understanding like Mary was when he met another man so Winnie and Freddie did not speak the same language so they had like an interpreter I guess I don't know but in 1985 Freddie and Jim Hutton started a relationship that would last until his death and he Jim Hutton was his gardener but he was still with Winnie at the time and Jim was like nah I don't want to date you and Freddie's like pursuing and Jim's like no no thanks and then eventually Freddie had him come around like convinced him and he was like look you're gonna have to choose between Winnie and me and Freddie chose Jim broke up with Winnie and the single Love Kills and the album Mr. Bad Guy which he recorded during this time and Mr. Bad Guy was dedicated to his cats I love it so so on July 13 1985 the Queen got back together they weren't really broken up they just performed together again in the grand show at Wembley Stadium called Live Aid and Live Aid had I don't think it had anything to do with AIDS I think it was it was a show that they put on to raise money for other countries basically so Queen I don't think yes to aid other countries Live Aid mine as well for famine relief in Ethiopia so Queen even though there were tons of top performers Queen was the highlight of the program and he's saying all their greatest hits I literally stopped the documentary again you can just look up the Live Aid performance it's amazing like it's the best people say it is the best performance Queen ever did and I agree it's killing you would yeah we I would I would elbow a lot of people so you could comfortably be in there you're welcome my daughter came up to me while I was watching it and she was like who is that and I was like it's Queen and there she's like I love them she sat and watched the entire performance with me like I have a picture of her her with her hands on her on her chin watching my computer oh she loved it she said he sings really good like he does yes he does yeah yeah it's like 20 minutes she loved it so he again was so good with crowd control and if you watch that performance he has that crowd eating out of the palm of his hand yeah he's doing like impromptu duets with the cameraman he's he's doing like oh and like callbacks and stuff and he's doing like like complicated ass callbacks and they're just doing it it's amazing and apparently Jim is such a sweetie oh my god cuz they interviewed him too and he said when he saw Live Aid on TV he was like that's my man I know so could you imagine going on and performing after Queen at Live Aid no no no no so in 1986 the band had their last tour called Magic Tour it would be Magic Tour after their the beginning of their career was like over battles but I hope so I think honestly throughout their entire career they had just weird-ass songs in there and I love it so this was the last time that Freddie toured with them a hundred and twenty thousand fans gathered at Wembley Stadium for this tour yeah and he that was that was it that was the last the last tour with Queen and in the spring of 1987 Freddie and his idol opera singer Monserrat Cabler began they worked on a joint album called Barcelona and that was released in October of 1988 and they had a joint concert and that was the last performance of Freddie so his final years by 1987 he was really suffering from the AIDS and he told Jim that he understood if he wanted to leave because of the AIDS and Jim told him that he loved Freddie and that he wasn't leaving he wasn't going anywhere and people stayed with Freddie David was the only one of his exes throughout his life that didn't stick around like they stayed friends with him and Jim says that they would probably still be together if he was alive today and in 1989 he it was confirmed to him in a small circle that he had AIDS he kept it private though he was continuing to lose weight he was looking kind of haggard he just really didn't look like himself at the end and he worked until he just couldn't anymore and he recorded the songs The Miracle and Innuendo and they were on his last albums and it was basically a direct reflection of kind of what he was going through at the time so if you hear those albums that's what it is it was really hard for the band to know that something was up but they stood by until the end and they all guessed what it was even though they were told it was a liver disease and even though he was sick sick sick he could still sing all the way up until the end and in 1990 his final public appearance was at the Brit Awards when Queen accepted the award for the outstanding contribution to British music and the acceptance speech was given by Brian instead of Freddie even though everybody expected Freddie to speak Freddie only said thank you goodnight and he he did he did he went up there so everyone thought Freddie was going to say something but it was it was Brian and he that was his last public appearance and he wouldn't die until late 1991 so on November 23rd of 1991 Freddie's official statement concerning his disease aired out in paper and he died the next day from bronchopneumonia caused by the HIV infection his body was cremated only the nearest were present for his funeral and Mary Austin is the only person to know where Freddie's ashes are buried and his entire estate got left to Mary yeah so I know so after death just five months after his death a tribute concert was held in his honor and many famous artists along with the remaining Queen members performed to raise awareness for AIDS education and this organization was formed the Mercury Phoenix Trust and that was formed by Brian Roger and Jim Beach the band manager in his memory the organization continues to raise money for HIV and AIDS all over the world and according to the website since it has been established in 1992 it is raised more than 16 million dollars for more than 700 AIDS and HIV related projects so his legacy is yeah and there are a few people cover Queen songs because you can't be Freddie Mercury and you can't and generation after generation of people love Queen I mean think about it he died in 91 we were not born until two years after that so like and we know all the words so Queen is actually still touring it I believe Adam Lambert yeah there there is like an entire documentary on how they ended up finding Adam Lambert but he has an amazing vocal range but he actually tours with Queen now to sing all of Freddie's songs yeah oh yeah he's yeah oh they do let's see let me see how old Adam Lambert oh he looks fabulous he's 42 yeah and he looks wonderful that makeup though so yeah right so Queen still is on Freddie's legacy lives on there will never be another Freddie and that's all I have I know we didn't talk about pictures or anything but oh I do want you to see like the bottom two pictures that is those are pictures from LiveAid and look at how many people are on top the millions watching on TV would you rather be at the very front where you have your front open but everyone's behind you would that give you less anxiety yeah right yeah yeah yeah also look at him and Mary look at him and Mary is she not pretty they really did for the whole movie yeah yeah and honestly the other band members look exactly like the real band members yeah he's standing next to Michael Jackson yeah cuz why not oh yeah seriously I know I love it thanks how long did I run oh just an hour and a half look at me oh I was afraid I was a I just have a bad habit apparently I get a little time blind when I'm researching I'm like oh this is so important and I put it in there and I'm like four hours later you're like please shut up yeah I hope I hope I did his story justice because there's like a lot there are more albums that I didn't even talk about because they were putting one out a year I mean holy shit yeah yeah thank God think of all the music that we would have had he not died from AIDS I mean how yeah all the what-ifs yeah yeah well we should get into social cool um you can find this on Facebook, TikTok, Gmail, Instagram, and Patreon yeah yeah and if you sign up we'll send you stickers who doesn't love stickers a rectangle in a circle yeah yeah we have a look I made that so I guess you know be loving like Freddie and fat bottom girls make the rockin world go round yeah where's the lift by all right well uh okay bye

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