As it will be Passover again soon, let us keep the feast!
As it will be Passover again soon, let us keep the feast!
Passover is a significant holiday where the lamb is selected and eaten with bitter herbs and unleavened bread to remember the ancestors' slavery in Egypt. The Apostle Paul warns against taking this lightly and emphasizes the importance of examining oneself. Yeshua is referred to as the Passover lamb, and his death and resurrection connect to the spiritual significance of the festival. The celebration requires purging old sins and living with sincerity and truth. The blood of the lamb is the criteria for belonging to the Passover and being redeemed. It is not limited to Jewish or Israelite individuals, but open to all who appropriate the blood. The festival represents rebirth and is a Tanakh concept. The blood of the lamb sanctifies and gives identity in Messiah, making all tribes, towns, and nations part of Israel. Because Passover is upon us next month and I know that there are a number of you here who have never celebrated Passover before And of course it's relatively simple because if you read Genesis, no Exodus chapter 12 It says you got to select the lamb You kill it between the evenings on the 14th You must eat it with bitter herbs and with lemon bread And you must remember that your ancestors were slaved in Egypt and the story That's all seems simple But if it wasn't really as simple as that then why in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, and that's the basic Modus operandi in Exodus 12 But in 1 Corinthians 11 the apostle Paul warns us That we should not eat of this in a light hearted manner For whosoever eats this bread and drinks this cup Proclaims Moshiach's death until he comes Therefore whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup of Yahweh in an unworthy manner Will be guilty of sinning against the body and the blood of Moshiach The man ought to examine himself Before he eats the bread and drinks the cup So actually in you know The words that are given to us to observe Passover as I've said in Exodus 12 The result is relatively simple and again The principle, the biblical principle applies The physical Confirms the spiritual So the physical elements of the Passover are important for us to recognize And then the spiritual elements of the Passover is what we really want to talk about Because the Apostle Paul clearly teaches us in the book of Corinthians That Yeshua is indeed our Passover name You see and if you go through the writings of the Apostle Mark From chapter 11 onwards you see that around the 10th of Aviv, which is the date Where Exodus 12 says that you must select your name Exodus 12 says that you must select your name And you must observe it for four days You see that Yeshua was observed by the leadership of Israel And they were trying to find out is he now the Messiah or is he not? He was given all sorts of questions They questioned him and he gave them various answers So that's the spiritual picture here that you also On Aviv 10th Which for you is at one given point in your life must select a name And you've got to be absolutely sure that this name is going to lead you out of Egypt And that this name is absolutely spotless and without blemish So who do we select? Do we select Buddha or Allah or any of the thousands of Hindu gods? Because the choice is really yours and the choice is for you to make You must select the name But there are criterias in the scripture as to the condition of this name It is then after you've made your selection you have to offer it to Yahweh between the evenings on Aviv 14th As also portrayed in Mark 15 verse 33 And we went into that 14th of Aviv a few weeks ago in some detail So we don't really need to go any further into that Because Yeshua as Mark 15 indicates died for the sin of the world on the 14th of Aviv between the evenings And then of course you have to cleanse yourself from sin Because after the Passover of the 14th We have the 15th of Aviv Which is the first day of Unleavened Bread. Now this is important and please Remember this first day of Unleavened Bread, Aviv 15th, because we're going to come back to it Because of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1 verse 30 says that of him, i.e. in Messiah Yeshua Whom of Elohim is made unto us wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption So this is our Messiah Our Lamb that Yahweh has prepared for us Before the foundations of the world were laid to apply to you wisdom What is wisdom? Where do we find Yahweh's wisdom? Your Torah is wisdom. That's the wisdom of Yahweh and righteousness What is righteousness and how was the righteousness obtained? Through faith and you will see that in a minute and then the concept of Salvation Salvation by faith Is not a New Testament concept as we will see but in fact is part of the Abrahamic Covenant And this Moshiach he says is and will be your redemption. He is going to redeem you from the position that you are in But in the same book in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 He says that you must purge out therefore the old leaven and leaven stands for sin You must purge out the old sins That you have continuously committed Before you selected that lamb and before you understood what it all meant That you may be a new lamb As you are unleavened for even Moshiach our Passover lamb is sacrificed for us therefore Why is therefore therefore because? Messiah is our Passover lamb and he was sacrificed for us. Let us keep the feast Now this is in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 well past Chapter 2 when the so-called church was instituted and here the Apostle Paul teaches That we are to keep the feast of unleavened bread. I Thought all these festivals had gone away But according not according to the Apostle Paul. He says if you want to be part of Moshiach And if you want to be part of his redemption, then you want to purge yourself from the old leaven Present yourself unleavened as he is and keep this festival because That's what he requires you to do. Therefore. Let us keep the festival not with the old leaven with our old sins neither with the leaven of Malice in our heart towards our brothers and sisters or any type of wickedness that we have in our lives but with the unleavened bread of Sincerity and truth, which of course is our Moshiach That's why the Apostle Paul in Romans 6 verse 4 says Therefore we were buried with him By Mikva is the word not by baptism with the springing of babies No, we are we are buried with him by Mikva into his death So if you celebrate the Passover of Moshiach Then you are Mikva with him into his death That like as Moshiach was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father Romans 6 verse 4 Even so we also should walk In newness of life So after Moshiach dies But when Moshiach dies your own self that old bunch of leaven Which the Apostle Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 the old leaven and your old life that you have lived In sin by violating Yahweh's Torah and Yahweh's word dies with him in the grave But on the day of resurrection you must arise with him to a new life The same as you will see in the Passover because the Passover is Rebirth or to be born again you see Moshiach in John chapter 3 I think it was met up with Nicodemus or Nicodemus who came to him by night And Yeshua talked to Nicodemus about being born again And of course we know that being born again has to be a Subject that Moses taught us about because Yeshua has to be like the prophet like unto Moses So therefore being born again again is not a New Testament concept or a B'it HaMashach concept But indeed is a Tanakh concept or a concept of the Torah Passover is in the spring of course in the other hemisphere where Israel is And spring is the birth of new life And to the death of the Passover lamb Israel received life via the door of blood You see the top is the letter Khef the C of Chayim This means life And the people were to sprinkle the blood of the lamb and appropriate it to the doorposts of their house And then they were told you stay in your house Until morning So when Israel went to bed on the 15th of Aviv because they offered the lamb on the 14th 18th from the 14th into the 15th And the 15th they were bound to bed because they had to stay into their house and they went to bed as slaves But the next morning when they moved to the door They came out a free nation and the nation of Israel was birthed in one day On the 15th of Aviv When it came to the door on which they had appropriated the blood of the lamb and the littles and the doorposts the point is That not only did Israel receive life but also the mixed multitude the mixed multitudes of Egyptians and other people from other nationalities Who did the same thing? They also put the blood of the doorposts on their house So what is the criteria to be to belong to this lamb that first of all takes away all the sin of the world and Secondly is the door To which you will find rebirth Well, the criteria is that you appropriate his blood So we don't find in the scripture that the criteria is that you have to be Jewish Nor do we find a criteria that you have to be an Israelite The criteria is the blood that needs to be appropriated Under the doorpost of your house and it didn't make any difference if you were a Kedazite Any of you because Kedazites we know for example That Caleb who went to spy out the land with Joshua Although in the scriptures he is portrayed as Caleb the Jew and correctly so And then he received from Yahweh the city of Abram as his inheritance in fact was a Kedazite And his father would have left here with the Israelites out of Egypt or his great-grandfather But Yahweh writes in the scriptures. This is Caleb the Jew Because he was from the tribe of Judah So Caleb decided for one reason or another that he would attest himself to the tribe of Judah And why was he allowed to do that? Because he went to the door of blood Because the blood sanctified him from all his unrighteousness and cleansed him from all of his sin And he therefore became part of Mosheach Who is the lamb of redemption because he appropriated in his life the wisdom the righteousness the sanctification and redemption in Mosheach So this is important for us to study to understand that every tribe, town and nation can become an Israelite Because it is the blood of Mosheach that gives you your identity in Messiah. And in Messiah you are an Israelite Because you will see later on that when this hell mixed multitude finally comes to Mount Sinai that Yahweh says to Moses you speak to the house of Jacob. He didn't say Go and talk to these Jews and to the Germans and to these Kennesites and Jebusites and Hittites and then separately from you go and speak to the Israelites. No, no, no He says you speak to the house of Jacob. So as far as he was concerned, you see, this is the criteria A lot of people in Messianic Judaism will not agree with what I'm telling Because they feel that they as Jews, you know have one up on us Now that's not what's being taught to the Dora block because the criteria was that First of all, and we'll come to that, before you were to partake of the Passover, you had to be circumcised So all these people who partook of the Passover were circumcised including that mixed multitude And then in the morning when they came to the Dora, they were a free nation Cleansed from all unrighteousness and Appropriated Moshiach as their savior and master. Savior to what? To bring them to heaven? No, to take them to the promised land How do we know about this mixed multitude? Well it says in Exodus 12, 38 and a mixed multitude met up also with them in flocks and herds and Very much cattle and They baked unleavened cakes, the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened You see it was clean. It was without sin because they were tossed out of Egypt in the clouds Not very neither had they prepared for themselves any food So these people tossed it 100% in Yahweh And from one day to the next as they moved to the Dora, they became a free nation Tossing in Yahweh to deliver them and bring them to the promised land. They haven't even prepared any food or anything Now Exodus 19 verse 3 It confirms what I just told you and Moses went up after Elohim And Yahweh called after him out of the mountain So this is Yahweh saying Yahweh called out of the clouds and out of the mountains saying thus shall thou say unto the house of Jacob And tell the children of Israel. He didn't make any distinction between the Israelites the Judahites or the mixed multitude You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bore you, all of you On eagle wings and brought you unto myself So then of course we see this door And this door is the most important access To the Israel of Yahweh because remember in Romans chapter 9 the first six or seven verses It makes abundantly clear what an Israel is It says not all Israel is of Israel Right and you'll understand that so your natural birth as an Israeli Does not necessarily make you an Israeli in the redeemed house of Jacob Unless you go through that door you stay outside of that camp. It's as simple as that So you must come through that door Now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then when Is there a covenant made? Yes There are several covenants made and we'll come to that in a minute because remember that the criteria for partaking in the Passover One of them was that you had to be circumcised and the criteria or the sign of the covenant And this criteria of Passover are linked unmistakably If you keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar a peculiar a peculiar treasure unto me about all people and For all the earth is mine. So if you keep and obey the voice of Yahweh And if you are part of that covenant Which you must keep Then well, then you shall be a peculiar treasure Unto him and he will then set you above all people But there are criterias to be met So just believing in Jesus ain't gonna do it. No, not according to this And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a set-apart Nation not a set-apart denomination But a set-apart nation. It's a big difference These are the words that thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel Can anybody partake on the Passover of Yahweh And what does Leviticus 23 say? Leviticus 23 says quite clearly Moses Yahweh said to Moses speak to the Israelites and say to them These are my appointed feasts the appointed feasts of Yahweh Which you are to proclaim in your sacred assembly first of all, he gave them the Sabbath and Secondly the festival of Passover. So Israelites are to keep Passover. Yes Because Israelites were enslaved in Egypt and Israelites are still enslaved in Egypt But Israel must come to the door of blood and they must stay in the house until morning Israel was born through the blood and Became the people of Yahweh Set apart unto him. How do we know that we have it right and that this is true? Well, we only have to go to the prophet Ezekiel and Ezekiel gives us a very colorful Vision of this event Ezekiel chapter 16 and from verse 1 Again the word of Yahweh came to me saying son of man call Shebushilayim to know her abominations And say thus saith Yahweh Elohim unto you Shebayim the birth and thy nativity is of the lambs of Canaan Thy father was an Amorite and thy mother a Hittite. I thought they were all Jewish And as for thy nativity in the day that was born thy label was not cut neither was thy waste thou washed in water To supply thee path thou was not sealed or salted at all nor swaddled at all None To thee any of these are to thee to have compassion upon thee but to waste cast out into the open field To be loathed by the persons in the day that I was born And when I passed by thee and saw thee polluted in your own blood I said unto thee when thou washed in the blood live Yea, I said unto thee when thou washed in the blood I said to thee live And I have caused thee to multiply as the bug of the field And I was increased and rest great and I have come to excellent Ordinance or breast fashion as thine hair is grown there as thou was naked and bare Now when I pass by thee and look upon thee behold Thy time was the time of love and compared thy nakedness yea I swore unto thee and Entered into a covenant with thee say Yahweh Elohim and thou became man Without the door of blood We cannot not dwell with Yahweh But John chapter 10 verse 9 it says I am the door And by me if any man enter in He shall be safe And go out and shall go in and out and find pasture You see we see this very clearly in Ezekiel 34 where? the the prophet is taught by Yahweh and rules the leadership of Israel particularly its teachers Maybe you expand this John chapter 10, then you see that Yeshua rules these teachers That they cannot merely just climb over the fence you see there is no way into the kingdom of Yahweh unless you come to the door Anybody who wants to try and come in in any different way is a thief and a robber Now there are certain Christian denominations who are very busy in Israel at the moment Teaching what is called a two-way gospel which means that you as Gentiles need the door and the blood But me as a Jew I was already by the father, so I don't need all this Well, that's not what the scripture teaches Unless you come through the door You cannot be saved Because you see you need to be cleansed by the blood of Moshe From all your unrighteousness Or did our brother you that you do not commit unrighteousness If he tell already does he not need the blood of Moshe to cleanse him from all his Torah violations Well if you go to the book of Ezekiel the first six chapters you see the effect Judah was even worse than you find So At the end of the day that gospel is a full gospel you must enter to the door and you must accept Yeshua as your Savior and Master and Then remember the Passover command if you go to Exodus Chapter 12 verse 43 it says that Yahweh said unto Moses and Aaron This is the ordinance of the Passover So this is an ordinance. This is a rule and the regulation the Yahweh told Moses and Aaron clearly about There shall no stranger eat thereof So if you are a stranger to Yahweh to Yeshua and to Israel And if you are a stranger to the principle of the door you shall not eat Of this Passover. That's why the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 says you got to be careful what you're doing This is not just for everybody You have to absolutely make sure that you do not Start seeing this as some sort of party we are having because that's exactly what was happening in in the congregation in Corinth But these people were having a party and in fact were getting drunk and having all sorts of carry on going on The Apostle Paul says no no no don't do that. This is something you see these people were so far removed from the actual ordinances of Passover That they just made a party out of it. No no no says Yahweh. No stranger Shall eat thereof. In other words you must be part and partly of the redeemed house of Yahweh and we're going to see that because That's the criteria of salvation by faith Salvation by faith over Salvation by works That's why the Torah can never save you because the Torah or the written Torah came after Passover And not before So what's the criteria of salvation by faith? How do we know this biblically? Well, we're going to come to that Exodus 12 44, but every man's servant that is birthed for money when thou hast When thou hast circumcised him Then shall he eat thereof. A firmer. And a high-end servant shall not eat thereof In what house shall it be eaten? Thou shalt not carry forth any of the flesh Brought out of the house neither shall you break any bond thereof All the congregation of Israel shall keep it All the congregation of Israel. All of redeemed Israel must keep part of And when a stranger shall show dirn with thee and will keep the part over to Yahweh let all his males Be circumcised and then right then let him come and let him come near and keep it You see you cannot come near unto Yahweh unless you are circumcised you see that in the picture of when Israel was led to the door and they came to Mount Sinai and they came to Mount Sinai on the 47th day after the Exodus because we know that the festival of Pentecost is 50 days after Passover or 50 days after the festival of first fruits So when they were there 47 days Yahweh said to Moses Get these Israelites to cleanse themselves because I think they cannot come near to me in the state of the daring They must cleanse themselves again get them to wash their clothing because they might be originally unclean. Let them not have any sexual Acts because that will make them unclean. They must be totally clean before me and this whole Congregation that walked through that door was circumcised because Moses was told quite specifically Even any of the strangers that are among you must be circumcised for no uncircumcised person Exodus 12 48 shall eat thereof And Exodus 12 49 it makes it clear one Torah or one law or one rule shall be to him that is home born So a home-born Israeli has the same rule as The stranger that sojourns among you Do we know any other part of scripture where this where this is made absolutely clear? So here we have it in Exodus 12 49 one set of rules not two set of rules We Jews we are keep keep ourselves, but you Gentiles you don't need to do it you can go home and have a pork sandwich You come to Israel It's not to raise about Because Moshiach only came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel So when you walk through that door on our v15 After you've made your selection, you see if you select something that does not lead you to the door But I'm sorry You might have all the worship that you want and you might have all the rules and regulations that you want But if they are not the rules and regulations of Yahweh and his Moshiach, you ain't gonna come to the door Exodus chapter 15 Verse 15 says the same thing It confirms No, not verse 15. Sorry confirms exactly the same as Exodus chapter 12 numbers chapter 15 There's 15 the community is to have the same rules for you That's the Israelites and for the aliens who live in your mind you This is an ordinance until Jesus comes. Is that what it is? No This is a lasting ordinance For the generations to come it's very clear Why and how is it possible that some in Messianic Judaism Are going are teaching that only they have to keep Passover and these Christian Gentiles nothing to do But the rules are the same This is two witnesses Exodus 12 49 and Exodus 15 15, but be aware That this also counts for Exodus 15 37 Doesn't say in verse 37 And Yahweh said to Moses speak to the Israelites. Are you Israelites? Yes And say to them through the generations to come you have to make tassels on the corners of your garments with a blue cord And you gotta wear it The rules for Israel were famous for the strangers. So if you still feel strangers, that's what you gotta do You have to have tassels on the corners of your garments and it doesn't matter how many strings they are As long as you have one blue one, you can have your red yellow green, whatever you have it All right doesn't make any difference, but you have to have one Blue cord. Why? Verse 40. Then you will remember to remember to obey all my commandments And will be desecrated will be consecrated. Sorry, not desecrated consecrated to Yahweh to our Elohim One law shall be for him that is homegrown and one law for the stranger. So if a stranger Is behind that door, the minute he walks through the door The doorposts of his heart which he has Appropriated the God of Yeshua, right? He becomes an Israelite and he's subject to Numbers 15 15 and Exodus 12 49 God did all the children of Israel as Yahweh commanded Moses and Aaron So did they. So they were all circumcised and they all came to the door And it came to pass the same day that Yahweh did bring the children of Israel out of the land It doesn't say he brought some Israelites and some Canaanites and some Egyptians. No, he brought all of Israel out of Egypt. Full stop end of story As far as he is concerned, as soon as you walk through that door, which is the door of life The door of rebirth. That's where you are reborn as Israel. That's where Israel was born in one day. The date was RV 15 Right, you're an Israelite and you are subject to his commandments How will you be redeemed? 1 Peter 1 18. So as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold. You see in this life Your silver and gold might be of use to you But as far as the age to come is concerned and the living with Yahweh is concerned, it is absolutely useless You see that is your redemption That is what is important. It is that door To which the leadership of Israel is to bring You see because that door is Yeshua because he says in John chapter 10 I am the door and anybody that comes to me must go through it Right, and I just happen to stand for all that the father stands for So the leadership of Israel I got to bring I got to bring this sheep to the door and then they are to be instructed in everything that the father stands for because that's Yeshua He says I'm not here to do my will. I'm only here to do the will of my father And everything I teach you is not my teaching It is the teaching of my father and he says I'm going to send you a prophet like unto Moses and all his words will be in him You don't need anybody else. You don't need me You don't need LNG, right? You bring those with you. The only prophet is the one who represents himself as the door because he is your redemption You Are not redeemed by corruptible things as silver and gold From your vain conversations. You see you might be talking all sorts of wonderful conversations. You might have all this luck you know you you are redeemed because You are Jewish and therefore you are the oldest son of Yahweh and you have always been living So therefore you don't need the Gentile Jesus to die for you and save you. You see that's the concept Jesus to the Jews Gentiles It is a Gentile portrayal Of the land that you got to select. So you have to decide. Are you going to select the people called Yeshua, which is Yahweh who saves? Or the Jewish Jesus who allows you to eat pork, right? Celebrate Christmas and Easter. That's the problem And worship on Sunday. This just negates the sign and seal between Yahweh and his people That's the decision you have to make. That's why the Jews say we don't need it No, they do. They need Yahweh who saves. So we've got to show our brother Judah, right? That it is Yeshua HaMashiach we follow Because it is he who is the door who says that as soon as you come to the door, the Torah applies Doesn't matter if you're in Native Israeli, or if you are if you are from Esher's Or if you are from Paraguay or from Amsterdam, it doesn't make any difference As soon as you have appropriated the blood of Moshiach You are an Israelite and therefore are subject to the rules So don't sit here with any vain conversation Are you going to be Saved through the rapture bus that goes there? That's a vain conversation That's a dogma or a teaching of men who are leading millions astray But the only thing you need to do is you believe in the Gentile Jesus. He will put you on the bus for heaven It's not true. It's vain conversation Your redemption is not in things that are corruptible but your redemption verse 19 of 1 Peter 1 is Through and with the precious blood of Messiah As for the lamb without blemish and without spot, see he is our lamb That was the spotless. That lamb is the only one that was acceptable to YAHWEH because if you are for anything else that has eaten pig Or has worshipped other pigs other pigs said to other pagans you see That lamb is with spot and with blemish and will not be acceptable to YAHWEH The lamb of YAHWEH that take away the sin of the world is 100% told our best Because he says I've only come to the will of my father And he says if you love me you do the same thing But if you don't Sorry So it's therefore not on a wonderful rapture that's going to take the church to the heavenly place Where we all want to be safe and sound whilst the Jews are going to get a hemorrhage Now it's with the precious blood of Messiah as a lamb without spot and without blemish and you have to decide That the lambs that they are representing to you are indeed acceptable to YAHWEH Is Anna acceptable to YAHWEH? Is Buddha acceptable to our YAHWEH? Is Jesus acceptable to YAHWEH? Or is Yeshua acceptable to YAHWEH? Who verily was foreordained Before the foundations of the world were laid, but was manifested in these last days for you So the lamb of YAHWEH was foreordained before the foundations of the world were laid Did any of the other lambs then exist? I doubt it Who by Him do believe in Elohim that raised Him up from the dead and gave Him glory? Do you know of any other lamb apart from Yeshua that was raised from the dead? So that we were able to rise with Him to a new life Does Allah have a Messiah that was raised from the dead or Buddha or any of the others? Therefore He cannot be the same Christian theologians are even agreeing that Yeshua or that Jesus, sorry, never physically rose from the dead. This is very strong in certain Christian denominations today Not only there, but also in Messianic Judaism this deity is denounced Peter goes on to say in verse 22, seeing you have purified your souls How do you purify your soul? 1 Peter 1, 22, by obeying the truth Amen, and what's the truth? The truth Which we saw in the first opening verses that we read that Yeshua was your truth This is Torah because that's how He reveals Himself. You see if we did not have Yahweh's Torah You and I would never ever know Him Because that's where He reveals Himself by and through His truth Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth. See we can talk about the truth And we can talk about the truth and we can argue about the truth But we must obey the truth. You see Numbers 15, 15 is the truth which needs to be obeyed and so was verse 37 Through the Spirit unto sincere love of the brethren So that you love one another with pure hearts fervently You see and He says in verse 23 being born again Not of corruptible seed but of incorruptibility, you see you cannot be born again to that door Unless you have the blood of Yeshua, which is Yahweh who saves the Messiah nothing else will do because It will be corrupted or corruptible Now how do we link scripturally The blood of the Passover and circumcision Because The Abrahamic Covenant reveals it to us The Torah teaches us about how one gets saved Salvation is not a New Testament concept. It is already revealed in the Tanakh The most important verse is Genesis 15 verse 6 In this account Abraham is imputed righteousness Why? Because of his works? No, because of his faith Yahweh imputed Righteousness as far as Abraham is concerned an account of his faith Why? In the promise that Yahweh will give him a son And Yahweh will put that same righteousness in you if you believe in the promise of the son You understand? Yahweh accounted righteousness Which Abraham had by faith Not of anything else So it was his faith that was accounted to him as righteousness because he believed in the promise of the son That was his physical son, not only his physical son, but also Yahweh said you are going to have a descendant Which will be eternal and he believed it Because when he offered Isaac, he saw Yeshua because Yeshua testifies in the book of John But he says before Abraham was I was and Abraham knew my day and he rejoiced Because what did Abraham see when he offered Isaac? He saw in the future that on the same mountain where he was offering Isaac Yeshua would be offered for the total human rights including all his seed So his faith was accounted to him as righteousness, his faith in the son And if you believe in the son and the coming of the son that faith Will be accounted and imputed to you as righteousness as well Romans 4 Uses the account of Genesis 15 This is important for you to understand because we are going to see the people People in the Christian denominations use the same passages to deny what I'm going to tell you today is the truth so we have reverse mirror positions Because they are going to tell you the opposite of what I'm going to tell you that all that the apostle Paul says is That if you go back to that you are going back on your curse. Romans 4 uses the account of Genesis 15 to teach Salvation by faith. In other words, it is the Abrahamic covenant that teaches us how to get faith In Romans 4 Paul clearly teaches that the events of Genesis 15 are a Torah picture Of how to get saved and be declared righteous before Yahweh How did Abraham get saved? He believed in the promise of his son And how do we get saved? We believe in the promise of the son Note that the Abrahamic covenant was also before the giving of the Torah So Abraham had faith before the Torah Where did he get that from? Well, he reads in chapter 2 tells us it is by faith That you are saved Right, and that's not of yourself, but it is a gift of Yahweh. So faith Is a gift of Yahweh. So if you see somebody who is faithless and has no faith He has not received the gift of Yahweh Now if you have no faith and therefore have not received the gift of Yahweh Then you can have never come to the door You might pretend that you've come to the door, but you haven't come to the door at all Because you don't even believe in Yahweh and his promises Because if you believe in Yahweh and his promises and have faith Then the principle which Torah clearly teaches is that your heart will be served and served, right? Because that's the way it is Circumcision of the heart is number one. So as soon as he gives you by his grace the faith to believe in his promises Is circumcising your heart. So therefore if you have no faith, you cannot be circumcised in the heart And therefore you are going to become circumcised in flesh because you didn't believe in the first place Right? We will see that in a minute, quite clear Now that the Abrahamic covenant was also before the giving of the Torah Again, the placement of the Abrahamic covenant before the giving of the Torah was meant to teach us that righteousness comes by faith and Not through works. So if anybody teaches you or tells you that here we teach Salvation by works because you have to keep the Torah, then you can tell them again that this is not true We teach you salvation as it is laid out in the Abrahamic covenant That your salvation can only ever be by faith and not by works because faith comes first Faith comes before the Torah Because you see, if you have no faith, you will never believe the Torah in the first place You see, once you have faith and then you can come to the door Then the ruler of Yahweh can write what the Torah stands for on your heart Otherwise you will not even comprehend it One is declared righteous by having faith in the purposes of Yahweh What is the purpose of Yahweh? That he will bring an eternal descendant To whom he has as a lamb Will be slain before the foundations of the world were laid in which his body can be redeemed and he can walk through the Torah Through a new life. Not as slaves, being enslaved to Egypt But free men, free Israelites in the redeemed house of Yahweh Because it is that land that redeems you from your sin. So that indeed you can be declared righteous So what is the significance of circumcision? Circumcision is the sign of the Abrahamic covenant We know that because we went through that a little bit last week or the week before In other words, circumcision was an act Performed with human hands Giving testimony to the fact that a person had believed the promises of Yahweh How do we know that? Because the Apostle Paul says so Don't believe what I say, please. You have to go back to the scriptures And you have to find out that what I'm telling you is in truth And what I'm telling you is confirmed in the Brit Hadashah By the Apostle Paul of whom everybody in Christianity tells you that he teaches that the laws of Galilee And therefore you don't need to believe it anymore Let me repeat. Circumcision is the sign of the Abrahamic covenant Circumcision was an act performed with human hands Giving testimony to the fact that a person had believed in the promises of Yahweh and had been declared righteous Romans 4 11 And he, that is Abraham, received the sign of circumcision A seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet before he was uncircumcised And he received the sign of circumcision And circumcision is a seal of the righteousness that you receive by faith And Abraham had that faith before he was circumcised So, what's the modus operandi? The modus operandi is faith first. How do we get that? By the grace of Yahweh Thus any man should boast and say, see how good I am I got all this faith because I do this and that. No, you get this faith by believing as a free gift from Yahweh. And when you have this faith Then you will select a lamb That will be spotless and without blemish And then you will shut yourself up in that house And you will eat of that lamb Unless you eat of my flesh You can have no part of me. It says in the book of Galatians So how can we say that the Passover or these festivals of Yahweh are rendered inoperative? Yeshua says unless you eat my flesh, right, which is the flesh of the Passover lamb, you can have no part of me So all those who refuse to celebrate Passover have no part on the lamb And Everything else is a substitution of the fact of the real thing So all those who perform a pseudo Passover and not the correct Passover have no part of me First of all, you have to have faith Faith in what? That Yahweh will send you a Redeemer, right? An eternal descendant who will redeem you And secondly that he will bring you to the right Land of the original because that's where the redemption is going to How do you get this faith? It's a gift of Yahweh. Once you get this faith, you have to select yourself a lamb And Before you can partake of that lamb, you have to be circumcised not only in heart, but also in flesh because If you were not circumcised in heart and flesh, you were not allowed to partake With the Passover of Yahuwah Because you were then not able to walk to their door the next morning a free person because that was a criteria And the Apostle Paul says and he Abraham received the sign of physical circumcision In his flesh made by hands as a seal of the righteousness that was imputed to him because of his faith So physical circumcision, which comes after circumcision of the heart. What is circumcision of the heart? Circumcision of the heart is prescribed to us in Jeremiah 31 from verse 31 onward And it's confirmed in the book of Hanusha in Hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 Where Yahweh says that he will circumcise the hearts of men and he will write the Torah on their heart That's physical circumcision So you are you are that is The circumcision of the heart so if your heart is circumcised Then you want to do supper and if you have is circumcised You will want to do Passover and if your heart is circumcised you will reject Christmas And if your heart is circumcised, you will not be bubbled in the last couple of days with Easter eggs and bunnies So all those who do these things cannot be circumcised in heart, although they say that they are. How is that possible? They say you don't need the physical circumcision, you only need circumcision of the heart. That's because they don't know what they say We have lots of terminology that we use, but we don't know what it means And that's why we can openly say, oh yes, my heart is circumcised because I am Jesus Oh, well that might be so But Yeshua teaches us that when you come to faith The next thing you do is you select your lamb on the 10th of Aviv You are circumcised, you then eat it, you then are allowed to come to the door and then you are free men Then you are free men Now, what was the period between Abraham's heart being circumcised and him physically being circumcised? That's quite a period of time in between So, let us not beat each other over the head and say, are you circumcised yet? No? OK, you are not going to get it? No Because Yahweh is going to lead you to there by faith Because the Apostle Paul confirms it is the seal of righteousness of your faith The Torah clearly teaches us that the true essence of circumcision was not just circumcision of the flesh only But also circumcision of the heart Genesis 2 verse 24 You see, Genesis 2 verse 24 teaches us that the husband is to leave his parents I wish I had known all this before I would have conducted my life totally differently, I tell you Because it makes so much sense Genesis 2 verse 24 You see, if we would have been brought up I am not blaming my parents, don't misunderstand me If we would have been brought up in the Torah, in the ways of Yahweh And then we as parents would have brought up our children in the way of Yahweh Understanding what we understand now, our lives would have been totally different Because we would have understood Genesis 2 verse 24 It says For this reason, a man will leave his father and his mother And he will be united to his wife And they will become one They will become Ichat, they will become one flesh You see, therefore, if you have received by faith The circumcision of your heart And you are physically circumcised Because it is, as the Apostle Paul says, a seal of the righteousness of your faith You have married a woman That had her heart circumcised And therefore walked in accordance to the Torah So that you would have been joined to God in each other And become one flesh And she would have definitely shared in the circumcision of her husband Do you understand what I am saying? And then the children that would pass through that circumcised glance Are the children to that union And that union signifies that yes, we received the faith by Yahweh, by grace We then received the faith and therefore we were able to circumcise our heart Because the Torah was already starting to be written on the heart of Adam Because he walked with Yeshua in the garden And Yeshua would have taught him the rules of Yahweh Because that is the only thing he ever spoke, he said He didn't talk about anything else And therefore when he came to the Passover he understood Right, we have got to circumcise Because without the remissions of blood there can be no redemption And we are redeemed through the blood of Yeshua We must get into the door because now we are coming closer to Yahweh Because what was Yahweh's purpose? To bring Israel to the promised land That Israel then sinned after they came to the door With their golden calf Then the whole situation changed It was Yahweh's intention to take Israel from Egypt to the promised land And you know how I think? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 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