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Relationship Building Part 2

Relationship Building Part 2


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The podcast episode focuses on the importance of building a relationship with the Lord. The speaker emphasizes that this relationship does not require religion, but rather trust and faith. The fight we face is not against people, but against the spiritual forces of darkness. The Holy Spirit is our advocate and empowers us with authority over the kingdom of darkness. The speaker encourages listeners to seek a personal relationship with Jesus and emphasizes the importance of the heart's connection with God rather than following religious rules. Good night, beautiful people. We are back with another episode of Living Water Restoration podcast. As always, I'm super excited for all of you who are listening. And just looking forward to our conversation and looking forward to chains and shackles being broken after, you know, the Lord uses me to say what he needs to say. You know, and give whatever message he needs me to give. And I thought I was going to do something different this week. However, God really still has me on a relationship with him. So we're going to do relationship building with the Lord part two. And I'm literally just going to let the Holy Spirit lead me. I don't necessarily have notes. I have Bible verses that I'm going to reference. However, I don't necessarily have notes. So I'm really just going to let the Holy Spirit have his way with me and with this podcast. And whatever he needs to be said and done will be said and done in the mighty name of Jesus. So I invite the Holy Spirit into our conversation. And like I said, I don't have no notes, just have some thoughts and some references in the Bible. And we're going to go like that. So all right. We're still on building a relationship with the Lord, right? And what I want to start with is, is that being in a relationship with the Lord does not require religion. And even in the Bible, it literally references God not really being about religion, but God being about relationship. For example, the Bible says to trust in me with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In order for you to trust with your whole entire heart, that requires you having to be in a relationship. You can't be in a relationship without trusting. So the same way that God wants you to trust in him is the same way that God needs to be able to trust in you. In order for God to bless you with certain things, he needs to know that he can trust you with whatever blessing that he's getting ready to give you. So with that being said, that is just one example of inside of the Bible, where it's a reference to a relationship. Trust in me with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In order for you to walk with the Lord and lean not on your own understanding, meaning to, you know, walk by sight and not by faith, there has to be trust there. So there, a relationship is needed. So I don't even know where to start because it was so many thoughts, but relationships with the Lord. Why do you need a relationship with the Lord? First of all, what a lot of people don't understand is that, especially the ones who are getting, who are seeking some form of guidance, is that the reason why you need a relationship with the Lord is because the fight that you're fighting is not against flesh and blood and people. The fight that you're fighting is against the kingdom of darkness. So in Ephesians 6 and 12, it says, matter of fact, let me start before 6 and 12. Let me start at 11. It says, finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. I'm reading from the NIV version, finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. What he said, let me bring that back, Paul, what you said, Paul, he said, put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Then it says, for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. All right, so the Bible tells us that our fight is not with people, right? So some of y'all might be wondering, like, why do you attract the same kind of friends? Why do you attract the same type of man? Like you just attract, it's like, even though you move forward in different seasons, you move on from different people, you still attract the same person with a different name, basically. And that's because all of us are spirit, right? So even when we, when we die, right? So y'all can't, y'all cannot say that y'all don't believe in spirit and stuff, because when you say rest in peace, your body is not what's resting in peace. When you pass, when someone passes away and you tell them to rest in peace, it's your spirit, it's your spirit that you're speaking on, like, may your spirit rest in peace, because the body, it decomposes. So your body is not resting in peace, your body withers. So you're attracting the same people, because you're attracting the same spirit in different vessels, because the fight that you have is not against people. The fight that you have is against a spirit. So now, people who are battling the spirit of anxiety, you're battling depression, you're battling suicidal thoughts, you're battling addiction, all of these things are spirits, or even like when it comes to when it comes to friendships, like, especially like girls, like you probably like a track friend groups that every female that you've ever been friends with, they always talking about you, or they sleeping with somebody that you slept with, like you just attract the same type of female company. But it's a Jezebel spirit within the person. So because you're not fighting with the Lord, these things have space to come and fight against you because you are not able to take your stand against the devil schemes because your struggle is not with flesh and blood, it is with the devil that is who your enemy is. You only have one enemy. So the only thing that the devil can do is use people that he is able to use to do things to you. So, all right, Pete, even this, I've noticed this when I was reading, john, when God when Jesus was talking about how he had to leave, basically talking about how he's getting ready to be crucified. So as he's talking about before he even gets into the crucifixion, and what's going to happen in preparing the hearts of his disciples for his leaving. He tells them that is basically going to be one of them, the person that I give this bread to and dip it in the oil, they're going to be the ones that's going to betray me, right? After Jesus gave Judas the bread, it says that Satan entered into him. And Jesus said to him, whatever you're about to do, go do it quickly, or whatever, right? So peep how the devil needed permission to enter into Judas, for him to betray him, right? So that means that he wasn't able to use Judas until permission was given to him for him to be able to be used. Because in the end, Judas being you served a higher purpose, because had Judas never betrayed Jesus, we would never be able to plead the blood of Jesus, we would have no authority in the name of Jesus. So the reason why I want to talk to you all about religion is because I feel like a lot of people don't want to get to know who Jesus is, based off of religion, you feel like Jesus is a Christianity thing, when Jesus is a your victory thing, Jesus is how you have victory over these principalities and over these spirits. Because once you say in the name of Jesus, things have to move because there is power in the name. There's another Bible verse here that talks about the Holy Spirit. And he says, let's see what Jesus has to say about the Holy Spirit. Is this him? Alright, he says in john 14, verse 26, but the advocate the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, meaning that after Jesus goes up to heaven to be with the Father, that the Holy Spirit is going to descend upon the people. And the Holy Spirit is an advocate. So but the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said to you, peace, I leave with you my peace, I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. So now it also says here in john 15 and 26, when when the advocate comes whom I will send to you from the Father, the spirit of truth, who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify for you have been with me from the beginning speaking to his disciples. So all right, boom, the Holy Spirit, like what is the who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is an advocate, the Holy Spirit fights on your behalf. He speaks on your behalf, even in times when you're praying, and you don't have nothing to say, and you're literally crying, it says that the Holy Spirit intercedes for you for your prayer to reach the Father. So what I'm saying is, is the Holy Spirit leaves you with the authority that Jesus had. In all of Luke, like I feel like I haven't, I haven't finished going through Luke. I'm probably like a quarter in. But as I'm reading Luke, from the beginning, I'm noticing like how much authority was in Jesus like, when Jesus was here, like he spoke and things had to move, like, even like even when he was going against Pharisees and conversations when he spoke, they just they had to be baffled. You get what I'm saying? They had to have nothing else to say, because he just had so much authority in what he was saying. So what I'm saying is, is that your relationship with Jesus and your relationship with the Lord is for you to have authority over the kingdom of darkness. It has nothing to do with religion, because even when Jesus was here, my boy was flipping tables. He was flipping tables in the sanctuary, because he didn't like what was being done in the church. So even Jesus came here to do away with religion. The people who sat highest in the churches missed the call of God, because they did not want to understand that God is not about a written rulebook. God is about your heart that you have with him. David did a lot in his time of him being king. But God loved David, and appreciated the fact that David was after the Lord's heart. You don't see God speaking about the Pharisees like that in the Bible, he don't talk about the Pharisees like that. Like, so what I'm saying is, is like, it's important for you to have a relationship with the Lord because a relationship with the Lord comes with you having authority over darkness, over these spirits that linger. All right, so now, this is to further into relationship in john 15 and 15, he says, I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my father, I have made known to you, you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit that will last. And so that whatever you ask in my name, the Father will give you this is my command, love each other. All right, boom. So he says that anything that you ask in the name of Jesus that you will receive. So that means if you command and declare that the spirit of anxiety is binded up, the spirit of anxiety has to depart from you. So I feel like when it comes to a lot of like, I don't want to call no names. When it comes to like, virtual pastors, that's what I'm gonna call them virtual pastors, they give you a lot of I'm not going to say that they're not preaching from the Bible because they do. It'd be a verse you get what I'm saying. However, it still comes from more of a motivational place to it's more of an encouraging place. However, you can't encourage without teaching about authority. Because you can encourage someone and say, Oh, yeah, you're gonna make it out the darkness, you're gonna make it out the darkness, okay, I'm gonna make it out, how am I gonna make it out the darkness, you're gonna make it out the darkness, once you start to use the authority that the Lord has given you. But I feel like a lot of virtual pastors don't really speak about authority. And I'm only saying that because I've watched a lot of virtual pastors. So I'm saying like, that's why it's important for you to have a relationship with God, and for you to declare Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Because when you speak and you ask and you declare in the name of Jesus, things have to be done, things need to be moved. So I talked about the spirit of anxiety and the spirit of depression. So what people don't be understanding, and I was somebody who also did not understand because there was a point in time in my walk with God where I was still smoking weed real heavy. Like I literally today makes three months of me being 100% abstinent and sober. I have not smoked weed in three months. So I'm saying, at one point in my walk with God, I felt like I can still smoke weed, right? Like, oh, it's just weed. It's nothing like it just makes me makes me vibe. You know what I'm saying? But it was until I started going to church and started getting instruction that I learned that smoking weed is opening up portals, giving demons access to you and access to your situation. your life, it gives them access to that. And now when you're smoking with other people, you and the person that you're smoking with, whatever it is that they're battling, the demons that they're fighting and the demons that you're fighting, when you're smoking, these demons come into agreement with each other. So now not only do you have your own spirit of anxiety that you're dealing with, but now you just finished smoking and now you're dealing with the next person's spirit of anxiety. Now this is the same thing when it comes to having sex outside of marriage. When you're having sex, I mean, whatever that person is going through, that person is literally like spiritually dumping into you. So now this is the whole soul tie thing when it's like, well, you're dealing with somebody and you know that it makes no sense for you to be dealing with this person. But for some reason, you can't let that man go. I have been there. I have been there. And that's because sex is deeper than just having sex is deeper than just a pleasurable thing. It's literally coming into agreement with whatever the next person is dealing with, which is why it's important for you to not have sex outside of marriage because you have now a covenant with the Lord. So there's a hedge of protection over that covenant that you're continuously making when you share bodies because you become one. There is a soul tie there. Oh Lord, this is good. So all right, boom, the whole religion thing, all right, this is just to tell you that, you know, like this is not about God and Jesus Christ is not about religion, Papa, we're going to go to James 1 and 26 and 27. It says those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves and their religion is worthless. Run that back turbo. He says there and their religion is worthless. Now he spices it up and says religion that our God that our father accepts as pure and faultless is this to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Come on now. He said religion that our God that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. How do you, how do you stop yourself from being polluted by the world? And first of all, what does it even mean to be polluted by the world? There's also another verse in here that speaks about, um, there's another verse in here that speaks about, oh my God, it just slipped my mind. It's a, okay, where did I put you? It's a verse in here that speaks about not like chasing after the things of the world because like when you do, basically you have enmity between, oh, here we go. Thank you. Holy spirit. In James four and four it says, hmm, you adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity, enmity, I hope I'm saying that right against God. Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. So basically like you're just not supposed to fall in love with the ways of the world. Like you're not supposed to be intertwined with the ways of the world and you want to know why? Because the world is temporary. All of this stuff is temporary. But when you start to fall into friendship with the world, meaning you start looking for comfort in Zodiac signs and astrology, cause I'm going to get into that. Like what we need to do is we need to stop. We need to, that, that, that there is a, there is a page on Instagram and I swear every, every body and they mama is always sharing stuff from the Zodiac page called La Bruja, which literally means which, who sanctioned this page for you to be getting a spiritual advice from them. This is what I'm saying. Y'all are seeking guidance in your, in your world. You're seeking, I mean, I'm just jumping from one thing to the next thing because it's going to tie all together. Y'all be going to places, I mean, and people and these things on these things on the internet where it's just like, clearly you're searching for guidance or else you wouldn't even be on these things, but you're looking for spiritual guidance and you're getting spiritual guidance from an Instagram page called La Bruja, who sanctioned this situation and where is she getting her information from? Now here's another way that you allow demons to come and play in your life situation because you give them access to you. So now the people who are into the whole astrology and the Zodiac thing, you're opening up a portal for a demon to be in cahoots with you. And one thing I've noticed is many people who are into the whole Zodiac thing, talk about the spirit of anxiety that they deal with. And they're not even referencing it as a spirit, but they're calling it just a, they're just dealing with anxiety. Where is the anxiety coming from? Oh, I'm not afraid to tell you, let me put you on, let me put you on spirits. They don't have a shell. They're looking for shells to live in because they have nowhere to go. So now with that being said, this spirit of anxiety is because wherever that spirit came from, that spirit was unsure about where their life was going to go. So they felt anxious and their anxious manifested and stayed. It stayed and manifested. So now this spirit of anxiety looks for places to live in. It looks for people to dwell in. But listen here, when you have a relationship with the God, when you speak and say the spirit of anxiety needs to depart from my vessel, it has no choice but to leave because you asked for it in the name of Jesus. Do you see where I'm going with this? When you're dealing with a spirit of addiction, the spirit of addiction is searching for comfort, which is why it looks for comfort in outside things it didn't know to look for comfort in the Lord. And it's like, where are these spirits coming from ancestors? They're coming from ancestors, ancestors who dealt with anxiety that didn't declare for it to part. Ancestors that dealt with not feeling comfort and didn't, and did not declare for it to depart because all up in the Bible child, it talks about how our ancestors turned away from God multiple times. It was multiple times that God departed from our ancestors because they was doing stuff outside of him. They were searching for comfort outside of him. They were looking for peace outside of him. They were looking for answers outside of him. Come on now. So now with all that being said, these same ancestral spirits where you're like, Oh, my ancestors, my ancestors, your ancestors did you dirty. Pick up your Bible, pick up your Bible because the Bible is not based on religion. It literally just said here in the same Bible that the only religion that God honors is those who that accepts as he accepts as pure and faultless is to the ones that look after orphans and the ones that look after widows and the ones who keep themselves away from being polluted by the way. It don't say Christians. It don't say Islamic people. It don't say the Muslims. It don't say none of that. It don't say Catholics. It don't say none of that. It says none of that because a relationship with God is not based on religion, but society and the spirit of religion has been here for so long that tries to make people stay away from their relationship with God because what comes with your relationship with God is the promises that God has for you. The Bible says that God knew who you were before you even made it into the womb. God had a purpose and a plan for you before you even reached the womb, but because a lot of a lot of ancestors missed the call, they try to keep people back with them. Don't they say misery loves company, baby? Those spirits love company because misery loves company. Come on now. It's for somebody who was ready to take back the piece that was stolen from them by accident. It wasn't even on purpose. So now let's go into this. Let's talk about how the Bible also says here. All right. So this is also in John and I love John because it's so personal. It's really about your relationship with God. Like it's so personal and the like, and just like what your relationship with God feels like. But all right, boom, this is John five and five. Actually John and six, basically God is, is about to heal somebody, right? This man is sitting by the pool. He's been sick for a real long time, like real sick, real long. Everybody's like, yeah, he not getting healed. There's no healing for this man. So I felt like to me, I felt like what was real interesting was Jesus said to him, it says here, Oh, look, peep. It says one who, one who was there had been an invalid for 38 years. And when Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he has been in this condition for a long time, my Lord, he's Jesus seen that he has been in this condition for a long time. And he looks at him and he says, do you want to get well, come on, Holy Spirit, do you want to get well, so y'all like, where, where am I going with this? Let me tell y'all, we're about to go with this. Jesus seen him and been, he's seen that he has been in a condition for a long time. This is deeper than a man who's just in an invalid state. How long have you been in a condition of depression? My Lord, how long have you been in a condition of anxiety? How long have you been in a condition of mental fogginess? How long have you been in the condition of giving your body away to people who don't deserve it? How long have you been in a condition of addiction where you have to smoke for you to feel peace? How long have you been in the condition? God said, I mean, Jesus said, do you want to get well? He asked him, do you want to get well? The reason why a lot of people turn away from Jesus and turn away from God is because healing comes with accountability. Healing comes with accountability that people who are not trying to take, it says, do you want to get well? That's on you. Do you want to get well? Do you want to see the grace of God on your life? Do you want to feel the spirit of healing? Do you want to have a relationship with the Lord? Do you want better for yourself? Do you want to see the plans that God has for you? Do you want it? The problem is what comes with accountability is work. So it's easy to look at a, um, it's easy to look at a Zodiac sign or astrology and feel comfort because it don't require you doing nothing. It just requires you reading. However, when Jesus says to him, wow, my Lord, so the man says to him, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred while I'm trying to get in. Someone else goes down ahead of me. Come on now. The man said, I don't have no help. It's nobody here to help me. My Lord. So because you don't have the help, what does that mean is where Jesus is going with this. So now then Jesus said to him, get up, pick up your mat and walk. The man said he don't have nobody to help him. And then Jesus declared and spoke over his life and he told him to get up, pick up your mat and walk. This word is for somebody who's ready to get up and walk. Get up out of your condition. Get up out of your depression. Get up out of your anxiety. Get up out of, um, your, your finances being at a lack, get up and walk, pick up the mat, pick it up, pick up what you know, get up and walk out of it. My Lord, get up and walk out of the depression. Get up and walk out of the anxiety. Get up and walk out of your confusion. Get up and walk out of generational curses. Get up and walk. Do you want to be well is what the Lord said. Do you want it? So that's my question for y'all. Do y'all want it? Do you want the relationship with God? Do you want to see what he has for you? Do you want to see what happens when you knock at the door and it's opened up for you? Do you want to see what happens when you seek the face of the Lord on a daily basis? Do you want to see? Do you want to heal? Do you want to feel? Come on now. Do you want, do you want to let it go? Do you want to search for what God has for you? And do you want to let go of the things of the world? Let go of the things of the world. These people be walking around talking about their spiritual and their, and they, and they read people and then talk about, oh, but I believe in God. If you believe in God, ain't no way that you, that you picking up, let me not say that you can, you can believe that there is a God. You get what I'm saying? But God is not calling you to, to pick up tarot cards and read over nobody's life. You get what I'm saying? That's not what he's calling you to do. He's not calling you to do that. You just need the Bible child and let me tell you why you need the Bible. Because no matter who you are, when you read this Bible, because everybody's walk with God is personal. Everybody's going to interpret the word differently because God has a specific message just for you. So y'all thinking it's easier to read somebody's posts about Zodiac signs in your astrology or whatever the case may be. However, you should pick up your Bible because God is going to talk to you while you read your Bible. He's going to speak. And when the more that you read your Bible, there's the more you'll be able to identify the voice of the Lord. There's the more that you'll be able to identify instruction because what he will do with the word that you read is that he will end, he would, um, he break it down for you in a way that helps you interpret what you need. God is a right on time. God, he's going to give you what you need when you need it. When we see, when you stay in your word, now it opens up the conversation between you and God. The conversation goes deeper. These things that y'all getting answers from, it's demons that's applying the answer. And it seems like they know something because they've been here a long time. The fight is not against the people. The fight is against the demons. The fight is against Satan. The fight is against the principalities. The fight is against the spirit of addiction. The fight has nothing to do with you and your mother. The fight has nothing to do with the pain that came from your mother because there's purpose in your pain. We go through things to get through things. But the thing is, the thing is a lot of us get stuck in what we get and what we're going through. And when we get stuck, we depend on the things of the world for healing. God is saying it's not, it's no longer time for you to depend on the things of the world for healing. Depend on me, the Lord, your father, because I know the plans that I have for you. So yes, you might have gone through something, but there is something greater than what you're going to, than what you went through. Jesus got crucified, crucified, died on the cross for the Lord to be able to see us, for us to be able to have a relationship with the Lord. He died on the cross. He went through being whipped. He went through being spat on. I mean like degraded, disrespected, violated. And something greater came out of that. Something greater came out. God said that it is finished. That means that you are already the victor in your, whatever you're going through, you have the power to overcome it. It says, do you want to get well? Do you want to win the fight? Do you want to win the fight? Are you tired of being in the same situation? It's a system. Are you tired of being in that system? Are you ready for God to rewire what you're going through? Allow God to rewire, allow him to renew, allow him to restore because it's important. It's not only important for you, it's important for the generations that's ahead of you. I'm 27. A lot of people that I know, y'all already, a lot of people already got kids. Set the tone for the children. Pick up the fight so that when you go, that they don't have to fight that same fight. Walk in your authority for what you already have here. Walk in authority for what you lost. This is for somebody who's ready to move forward. You're tired of being in the same spot. You're tired of letting the devil take from you. Man, I got to a point where I got tired of the devil stealing from me because he stole too much. He stole too much. He took my joy. He took my peace. He took, he tried to take my mental fortitude. He tried to, and one day I got up and I said, I'm not going to let the devil take from me no more because my Bible, my relationship with the Lord told me that I have authority over him. When Jesus sat on the cross, when God looked at, when God spoke and said that it was finished, it meant the fight was finished. All the devil can do is play you and make you feel like you lost when in all actuality the devil been defeated, but it's in you. Do you want to, do you want to show the devil that you're the winner? This is for somebody who's ready to get it back from the devil that you're ready to take back what it is that he stole from you, that you're ready to swing back because he's been swinging on you for too long. He's been swinging on your family for too long. He's been swinging on generations for too long. Are you ready to go get it back? Do you want to be well? Come on now. Are you ready to get up? Are you ready to pick it up and walk in your authority with your head held high? That's what it's about. That's what your relationship with the Lord is about. So stop letting society lie to you and make you feel like this is about religion. At the end of the day, this is spiritual warfare, but the thing is that you have the victory already. The thing is that you already won. The thing is what you're battling right now in the spirit, what you're battling right now in the physical is one in the spirit, but it's on you. It's on you. It's on you. Do you want to wallow? Do you want to get it together? Are you tired of being broke? Because let me tell you something. When God gets ready to bless you, the things that he gives you, no man can take it from you because he prepared you not to lose it. Okay? Anything that God has for you cannot be taken from you, but you have to allow God to prepare you for what he wants to give you because if God gives you things too quick, you're going to lose it and then you're going to be like, God, why did I lose it? Because you wasn't prepared. So what I'm saying is get right with God, get right with him right now, get right with him right now because this fight is bigger than just, oh, shorty slept with my mans. This fight is bigger than, oh, she said, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, like it's bigger than that. This is, it's, it's, it's deeper than my mother wasn't around. Yes, I understand all those things and those things are painful. I know I've been through some painful things, but it gotta be a point where you got to get up in your pain and say your pain is not going to define you, whose pain is no longer going to define you. Your pain comes with purpose. So are you ready to walk in your purpose, whatever your purpose may be, but you won't know until you decide you have to make the decision that you want to get well. You have to make the decision that you no longer want to be in the condition that you have been in. You have to be the one who say, I do know I no longer want to be in the condition of brokenness, but you already forgot to make you whole again. Who is this for? Who is this for? Are you ready to be whole? Let God do it for you because he's done it for so many. Let God show you that he's a miracle worker. Let God show you that he is Jirai, Jirai the provider, Jirai, Jehovah Jirai, allow him to show you that he provides more than anything you can get up and go after yourself. The Bible says that with man, these things are impossible with God, all things are possible. That means that the thing, the vision that you're looking at where you're like, I don't know how I could do that. I don't, I don't, I don't know. Some of y'all been stuck meaning like, yeah, y'all got a plan, but the plan only goes so far. You want to know why? Because with man, these things are impossible. Sometimes what it takes is that true and proper relationship with the Lord for things to take off for you, but they not going to take off. It's not going to take off because you're holding on to the wrong thing to help you get to that climax. So who is it? Are you ready to walk in your authority? Because you won, you got authority over all of this stuff. The battle was already won for you. You hold it, you fight him because you want to hold on to the fight. The Bible also says that the burden with me is lighter. So who are you trying to fight with? You're trying to fight on your own and for what? When there's an advocate for you. So like this life is short. We are temporarily, we only here for a moment, but after we pass where we go, we there for eternity. So what I'm saying is get right with God, get into your relationship with the Lord. Understand that Jesus Christ is not about religion. Jesus Christ is about you winning. Come on somebody, let go of the let go of the idea of religion. Jesus was about your win. Jesus was about your victory. Jesus was about defeat over Satan. Jesus, Jesus was the way to victory because without the blood, without the name of Jesus, without you being able to end your prayer in the name of Jesus, without you being able to bind up demons and devils without the name of in, in the name of Jesus. Because when he left here, he left us with the authority that he had here. That's why he said that you will see that the father was in me and that I was in the father because when he left authority was left here, but it was on you to use it. That's why he said, do you want to get well, come on somebody, I don't know who this word is for, but it is important for you to get into your relationship with the Lord because he knows the plans that he has for you. Are you ready to let go of the small plan that's in your hand and really let God show you what it is that he has for you? I know I'm ready. I've been was ready and what it is is that y'all, y'all need to, y'all need to stay ready so y'all don't have to get ready. Are you ready to stay ready? That's what I'm trying to, are you trying to, are you, are you staying ready so that you don't have to get ready? You want to be ready to bless you with something, but you're not ready yet. That's why you need to stay ready so you can receive the blessing. Stay in a place of you getting ready to be prepared. So like I said, I don't know who the word is for, but I said that I was going to just, I'm going to just let it go wherever it goes because I had, I didn't know I was doing this tonight. I did not know that I was going to be speaking on relationship building further, but you know what? It's important for people to know that your relationship with God is not based off of religion and Jesus Christ is also not based off of religion. Jesus Christ is based off of your freedom in this world. Jesus Christ is based off of chains being broken. Jesus Christ is based off of shackles being broken. Jesus Christ is based off of peace being restored. Jesus Christ is based off of love being restored. Jesus Christ is based off of the things that was stolen from you by the devil being restored. The things that he stole from you generations ago, generations ago because your ancestors came into agreement with certain things that they didn't even understand that what they was losing in the end, they didn't understand that what they was doing to the generation after them, they didn't see what they was doing, but this is the generation for you to see. You are going to make the difference. You are the chain breaker. You are the light. You are the salt. Stop letting people play with you with the name of Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with relationship. The same Bible tells you that this has nothing to do with religion. This has everything to do with relationship. Are you ready to be in a relationship with the Lord? Are you ready? Because let me tell you, it says even in the Bible, taste and see that the Lord is good. You will not regret it. You will not regret it. But I know one thing I'm always regret is the times that I should have been obedient and I was not. And I let the devil come and take again, whether it was through relationships, whether it was through friendships, whatever it was through. But I said, 2023, the devil is not taken from me anymore because I have authority to trample over scorpions and serpents. God said that he seen when the devil, um, he flew, flew from heaven, like lightning departed from heaven, like lightning. He watched him depart. Is this your season where you're going to see the devil depart from you and your family? Is this going to be the season where you see the devil have to depart from your children? Is this going to be the season where the devil has to depart from your finances? Is this going to be the season where the devil departs from your heart? It's on you. Do you want to get well? Are you ready for your condition to change? Are you ready for your heart condition to change? Are you ready for your financial condition to change? Are you ready for your mental condition to change? Let me know. Let me know if you're ready for it to change. I got a prayer for you. Father God, I thank you for whoever this message was for. I thank you that they stayed the whole 43 minutes to hear what you had to say about the authority that you have given them. When Jesus left this earth, Father God, I pray that you will open up their eyes and their ear gates, Father God, so that they can see you, Lord God, so that the message can be received, Father God. I'm praying over this whole entire message, Lord God, that even though I didn't even pray in the beginning that the one that needed to stay stayed the whole time, Father God, I pray that you are getting ready, that you will show them that you want to restore their peace, Father God, that you want to restore their finances, Father God, that you want to restore the love in them, Father God, that you want to restore their heart again, Father God, that you want to help their heart posture be in the right place, Father God, that you want to give them the desires of their heart, Father God, that you are a Lord that's worth trusting, Father God, that you are worth giving it all to, Father God, that you are the only thing sanctioned, Father God, for anybody to come seek understanding from, Lord God. You said to seek the kingdom first, seek your righteousness first, Father God, and all things will be added onto your people if they seek you first, Father God. I pray that this message will help somebody seek you in a way that they have never seeked you before, Father God. I'm praying that this message will inspire somebody to break the chains and break the shackles off of their life in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you for what you're doing. I thank you for what is already done in their life, Father God. I am excited to see what you're getting ready to reveal in them, Father God. I thank you for the strength that you're going to give them, Father God, so that they can fight the good fight, Father God. My Lord, I thank you. I thank you for the Holy Spirit that you have left here, Father God. I thank you for coming here and canceling out religion, Father God, and showing us that the relationship is the way to go with you, Father God. So I'm praying that after the person who needed to hear this the most on this Monday evening, Father God, that you will do it for them, Father God, because I know that you are a miracle worker. You are a way maker, Father God. And I thank you for the way that you're about to show them that you have for them the whole entire time, Father God. I'm praying for a spirit of forgiveness over their heart, Father God, so that they can seek you in genuineness, Father God, that they will come and that they will get healing from you, Father God. And that you will align their footsteps, Father God, and you will bring them to where they need to be, Father God, so they can continue to get closer to you. Because you said, keep on knocking, and the door will be open, Father God. I'm excited to see you open up the doors for those who need the doors to be opened up, Father God. I'm excited to see the people who need to stand up in their authority finally stand up in their authority, Father God. I'm excited to see the people who need to let go of the spirit of religion let go of the spirit of religion, Father God. I'm ready to see the victory that the people are getting ready to walk into, Father God. So I thank you for you being concerned about us, Father God. I thank you for your love that you have for us, Lord God. So I'm praying for peace. And I bind up every single plan of the devil right now in the mighty name of Jesus, because I know he's mad and he's going to have to stay mad because the devil is a hater and the devil is a liar. But I bind up every single plan that he has, Lord God, for the person that listened to the message and for me. I bind up every plan that he has for me for the message that I have gave. Lord God, I thank you and I love you and we need you and I pray that you continue to move the way that you're moving in Jesus mighty name, I pray, amen. I love you all on free for free and on purpose and go, go get it. Use your authority, stand up, get up, pick up your mat, stand up in your authority and walk in it. Have a good night, y'all. I love y'all and I will see y'all next week.

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