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Prove Your Trust

Prove Your Trust




To what extent do you trust God? In this message, titled Prove Your Trust, we are challenged to put actions to our faith in God. For more spirit-filled content, kindly listen to Radio HCI Today by downloading the RadioKing app or following the link https://bit.ly/hci-radio

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The speaker begins by thanking the listeners for participating in a prayer startup and welcomes them to a morning devotion. They discuss the importance of trust and obedience in one's relationship with God. They read from James chapter 2, emphasizing that faith without actions is worthless. They use the example of Abraham's obedience to God's command to sacrifice his son Isaac to illustrate this point. The speaker encourages listeners to examine their own trust and obedience to God and to act on God's word. They conclude with a prayer and invite listeners to join them for future devotions. Music Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey Shalom beloved, God richly bless you for participating in the Just Ended Prayer Startup You are warmly welcome to this morning's Glory Devotion which is coming to you from the Harvest Chapel International Kumasi airing on Radio HCI today Facilitating today's edition are Pastor and Mrs. Boafo You will be blessed that you made time to depart Please let's kindly share a word of prayer Father in the name of Jesus We are grateful for the privilege to listen to your glorious and gracious word Please cause us to be built up and established in you as your word comes to us Amen Beloved, let us kindly take our confession from Joshua 1 verse 8 This book of the law shall not be passed out of my mouth But I shall meditate in it day and night That I may observe to do according to all that is written in it For then I will make my way prosperous and then I will have good success Amen The title of today's message is Prove Your Trust And our reading will be taken from James chapter 2 verses 17 to 24 I'll kindly read from the Uemot translation So also faith, if it is unaccompanied by obedience, has no life in it, so long as it stands alone Nay, someone will say, you have faith, I have actions Prove to me your faith apart from corresponding actions, and I'll prove mine to you by my actions You believe that God is one, and you are quite right Evil spirits also believe thus and shudder But, idle buster, are you willing to be taught how it is that faith apart from obedience is worthless? Take the case of Abraham our forefather Was it or was it not because of his actions that he was declared to be righteous as a result of his having offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You notice that his faith was cooperating with his actions and that by his actions his faith was perfected And the scripture was fulfilled which says And Abraham believed God, and his faith was placed to his credit as righteousness, and he received the name of God's friend You all see that it is because of actions that a man is pronounced righteous, and not simply because of faith Beloved, here ends the reading of the word of the Lord Thanks be to God Prove your trust It's quite easy to say you trust God But do you really trust Him? What's the proof that you trust God to do all the things He has promised to do? Can you, or better still, have you ever stood a test of your trust in God? Beloved, anyone who claims to put his faith in God needs to prove it by his ways, daily decisions, actions and inactions, and broadly, his lifestyle In our opening text in James chapter number 2, reverence was made to Genesis chapter 22 where God threw a challenge to Abraham after patiently waiting for 25 years before giving birth to a promised son He told him to sacrifice his precious child through whom the prophetic promise of being the father of many nations was to be fulfilled Many questions could have shrouded Abraham's decision Was it really God who spoke, demanding the sacrifice of Isaac, the son Abraham loved? How could he request for such an action? What would happen to the promise if Isaac were no more? What would Abraham's relatives have thought and done, if they heard of his actions? Maybe many more questions clouded Abraham at the instance of making this critical decision to heed to the voice he heard But just one answer satisfied all the probable questions and compelled Abraham to proceed with God's request God is able to raise him up We are told in Hebrews chapter 11 the verse 17 through 19 It was because Abraham trusted God that he was ready to kill his son Isaac as a sacrifice when God tested him This same man to whom God promised to give a son was going to sacrifice that same son, the only son whom his own wife had borne It was to Abraham that God said, it is only from Isaac that I will consider your family to descend Abraham considered that to fulfill that promise, God could make Isaac live again even if he had died after Abraham sacrificed him The result was that when Abraham did receive Isaac back after God told him not to harm Isaac, it was as though he received him back even after he died Precious one, it would have meant nothing if Abraham stopped at just knowing that God has power to do what he says he will do It wasn't enough just knowing God could raise up Isaac even if he sacrificed him He needed to prove his trust in God by actually going ahead to sacrifice the promised son at God's request Just pause to think, to what extent do you trust God? Just take a retrospective examination of your actions so far Have they been in line with God's word? Have they been in sync with the voice of God in your spirit? Has your obedience to God been at your convenience or at his request? Are you really doing what God has asked you to do? Beloved, don't just say you trust God, you must prove it by your daily obedience even when it is difficult and seemingly humanly insane to do so Remember, Abraham was approved as a father of faith as a result of his actions, not just words Your standard of approval will not be any different You can't prove your trust until you begin to act on God's word It is my prayer that God will empower us to be fully obedient to him, now and always, in Jesus mighty name, Amen and Amen Beloved, please let's take our memory verse together from James chapter number 2, verse 17 From the way mouth translation It says, so also faith, if it is unaccompanied by obedience, has no life in it, so long as it stands alone I take it again, so also faith, if it is unaccompanied by obedience, has no life in it, so long as it stands alone Beloved, let's share a word of prayer together Our Heavenly Father, we give you praise this morning for exposing us to your truth That we need to accompany our faith with actions of absolute obedience unto you We pray for your grace to obey your word at all times and in all circumstances of our lives In Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen and Amen Beloved, has your obedience to God been at your convenience? Remember, you can't prove your trust until you begin to act on God's word Do all you can to make sure your works, daily decisions and actions and your lifestyle all make a bold statement that you really trust God Please join us again same time tomorrow for another edition of the Morning Glory Devotion And continue to keep your dial right here on Radio HCI today So you will be blessed by spirit filled content God be with you, keep you and preserve you Have a blessed day, Amen

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