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Five CHEAP DATE nights for couples

Five CHEAP DATE nights for couples

Hello MorkieHello Morkie



Doing fun things with little to no money, is often pretty tricky. Whether you're just bored and broke, or wanna take someone out on a date, we've got you covered with these five tips. Couple Tries Indian Snacks https://youtu.be/UHedpyjDmfE @hellomorkie on TikTok / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Twitch

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You can have a cheap date night or outing with these tips: 1) Have a drink and watch the sunset or stargaze. 2) Follow local Facebook groups for inexpensive events. 3) Do a landmark photo scavenger hunt. 4) Pack a picnic and go to a local park. 5) Go for a walk in nature. These activities are fun and budget-friendly. Do you have a special someone in your life, but not much in your wallet? Or if you're just looking for a few cheap outing ideas with your friends, or your family, or even with yourself. Well then we've got you covered. We have got five tips for cheap date night and activities you can do. So let's get right into it. These are no particular order, but the first tip that we want to tell you is taking some hot chocolate in a service or whatever, and going and watching the sunset or stargazing. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean it doesn't even have to be hot chocolate. Whatever is your favorite drink. And for us, we prefer like a warm drink, but you know some people might like an iced latte. Iced lattes, or you fancy people, or coffee, tea, whatever it is. I can't for a Canadian. Whatever is your favorite drink, you know, drink it out and go to either watch the sunset or look for some good stargazing spots. And just a quick tip for you guys is to check your weather app. Usually it will tell you when the sun sets, and then make sure you factor in the time it takes to get to that location. So that you're able to actually watch the sun go down, and not just arrive there, and it's pretty much already set. Bonus tip, if it is Christmas time, you can do this and go drive around your neighborhood, or community, or city, and look at Christmas lights instead. So my number two tip for you guys is follow your local Facebook groups and town pages. So, you know, wherever you live with, they usually have some sort of social media. So follow them because they usually have events posting, and a lot of the times these events are highly sponsored or highly subsidized. So you can get in with just, you know, a low cost or sometimes even free. So I'll tell you guys, you know, just an example, because I follow, you know, our local town pages, and also like the surrounding towns, the areas that are close for us to access. And so we've gotten, honestly, like free kombucha tasting, like free wreath making workshops, and also just the time spent with each other, or with your friends or family. So that in itself is, you know, a treasure. Definitely, you know, follow those groups and keep an eye out. And if you're more old-school, or you're just somebody who's not very comfortable with social media, that's totally fine. If that's you, though, what I would recommend is look in your grocery store, or look around your community, and you'll usually find a community newspaper that's most of the time free, and there'll be events listed in there that you can do that are coming up. So there's usually even an events, community events section. Or even like, honestly, your local coffee shops, a lot of the times they have posters kind of posted up there. So, you know, don't just rush right through, take a quick glance at them, and that might spark a few ideas for you. And I know a lot of you guys love free things, so it's also the thrill of like getting a good, like a free item. Yeah. It just makes it that much better when it's free. Exactly. If you, if you like paying for things, you'd be watching Netflix right now. Not this free YouTube video. Yeah. So for number three, a landmark photo scavenger hunt in your area is something you can do. For an anniversary of ours, we did a photo scavenger hunt. So basically, I went out ahead of time, and I either googled interesting landmarks, or I noticed certain landmarks that I saw in my area, and I saved a list on my phone of these kind of landmarks. Some of them were like different like statues or things like that. There's, where we are, there's a lot of these like dolphin statues, or whales, or whatever. And so some of those are just interesting sculptures, or interesting place, or just maybe a natural feature, like a mountain, or something like that, or just like an old government building in your area, or something like that. Anyways, I made a list, and then when we went around, and we had to take a photo of ourselves, or of that, at that place, or of that thing. Yeah. Sort of a self photo scavenger hunt. So I mean, this would be something that would be a little tough to do if you're just going by yourself. But basically, he made a list, and then I was able to look at that list, and just kind of guide him like, oh, we should drive to this area to see if this item is there. So it just gives you a chance to just explore your city. If you are doing this with another person, bonus points if you know a kind of food that they like, and you want to try and incorporate that in. So in our case, like part of it was to find a certain kind of snack. So we had to go down by that snack, and eat it. Speaking of which, if you guys love food, you should definitely check out another video we did. We'll put a link up here somewhere of us trying Indian snacks for the first time. So when you're done watching this video, go watch that video. And if you haven't already, please give us a thumbs up, and subscribe, and drop us a comment of maybe some of your own ideas of free or inexpensive things that you can do as activities. So Hannah, why don't you bring us number four? So the fourth idea that you can do is to pack a picnic, and then go to just one of your local parks with your friends or family of your significant other. So a picnic is great, because you guys can decide what you want to bring for it, and it's usually pretty inexpensive. So like honestly, just get yourself a big bag of like chips, candy, whatever you want, and just like make it a day out. Go for a picnic, and it's also the food. I mean the food is great too, and cheap food even better. And then also just like getting to explore that park and so forth. It's just a really nice, chill day. You could even bring some cards, a board game out, some trivia. Drop us a comment if you want to hear about what some of our favorite board games and card games are, now that we're talking about that. Yeah, like the possibility is endless with that. You guys can make it whatever you want with it, however long you want, and so forth. So number five is honestly just going for a walk. If you guys are more like a nature walk kind of person, we can show you some pictures of some walks that we've done. For me, I like, I prefer going out for walks in nature, because it's pretty relaxing, and you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk in nature, you can really choose the difficulty of the walk that you want to go, so if you're going out for a walk

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