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The speaker discusses the topic of aborted fetuses and where they go after the procedure. They mention that some hospitals dispose of the fetuses while others bury them. It is also mentioned that some fetuses are used by wastage companies as fuel in some countries. The speaker then discusses an American biotechnology company that uses kidney cells from aborted fetuses in food additives for flavor enhancement. They also mention that fetal tissue is used in medical research and advancements, such as the development of vaccines and treatments for diseases. The speaker expresses their shock and concern about these practices and questions the ethics of using fetal tissue in such ways. They also briefly mention the disposal of deceased bodies in mortuaries and the government's responsibility in providing a proper burial. The speaker expresses a desire for a more humane approach to handling bodies and questions the sustainability of meat and produce supplies. Greetings, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Sanbonani to my dear listeners. It's another delightful week for meaningful conversations. And for those who don't know me, my name is Akela Zianda Mube, all the way from Pietermaritzburg. Right, it's your sister from another mister, bringing it to you live, raw and full of understanding. Well, I thought of today's topic, and like I said, I wanted this show to be about conversations that we don't get to hear of every day, and conversations that are, you know, also educational. So, which brings me to the topic of our discussion. Where do aborted fetuses go? And I wanted to structure my conversation as per my investigation and my research, but I didn't want it to seem so boring and laid out and structured and full of so many statistics, right? And I just wanted to, you know, get right about to it in a conversative manner, of course, as in a way that's not going to bore you. So, let's get to it. Hmm. I've been at this research for a couple of days, and it's something that most people don't ask, and I was like, I think I need to be brave enough, you know, to convey this information to you all. So, basically, we all know the process of abortion, you know, and the circumstances that it happens. And because I have listeners who are multi-religious, I would like to just, you know, brief it through, you know, because of our different views. My aim here is not to promote anything related to abortion, and I quote. But, you know, also, you know, try to bring out the effects that it has in our environments, in our daily-to-day lives. And it's quite interesting, actually. It's quite interesting. Well, some of hospitals actually dispose of baby fetuses. Some bury it, you know, from the research that I've had. And, mind you, this information is very sensitive, so I will not be naming any, you know, brands, companies, and I will not be naming, you know, anyone for that matter. It's just for, should I say privacy? Yeah, if I could put it that way. But to continue off, right, I think what makes it more interesting is that some of these babies are actually used, right? And they go, and they do reach, like, wastage companies, and these wastage companies actually burn these babies for fuel in some countries. And it's just disgusting, you know? And this conversation just gets more interesting. See, no mix, right? I don't know if some have heard, but to those of us that haven't heard, you know, this company or this world, this word, it's spelled S-E-N-O-M-Y-X, right? It's an American biotechnology company that develops food additives, right? When you speak of additives, I want you to think of flavor enhancements, you know, talking stuff like aromas, you know, and all that stuff. And this company claims to have reversed, right, engineered, you know, the human taste and aroma, right? Yes, as I've explained, they work with flavor enhancement products for companies, right? This is where it gets interesting, people. So they grab kidney cells from aborted fetuses, and they put them, yes, people, they put them in our products. And unknowingly, we are participating in this, in the insane ritual, people. And I choose not to, you know, give out any names or any further names, but it gets a little more interesting than that, right? They are actual buyers of medical, you know, of people who are like from medical researches, you know. They buy these fetuses, right? And if a mother gives consent, you know, but I don't know, like, the status of, you know, that information, you know, because I don't think, you know, anyone could give, you know, consent to such, you know. And it is said that fetal tissue is helped in the development, right, of sick people, you know. And the development of polio virus, or should I say vaccines, sorry, the treatment of diseases like AIDS, pockinesses, and molecular biologics, right? They're used for fetal tissue, right? And I won't mention his name, but this scientist, and I quote, he said, he felt that we benefit from it, right, from many advances, right, that may have come up from the research, right, into fetal tissue. Advances like pregnancy tests, biomarkers, which is used for early detection of cancer, treatments of sickle cell anemia, and as well as fetal cells are grown and can replace cells to actually sick people who cannot produce, whose bodies cannot produce furthermore cells. And I've been watching, you know, documentaries, live documentaries online, you know, about this, and it is so, so petrifying. I remember there was this one video, and I'm so glad this is not a live show, because I have literally tried my best to convey this information as much as possible. So there is basically these bags of fetuses and babies that are stillborns on some, and, you know, babies that are, you know, they're present, they're there, lying on the floor, and it is so sad, because in them lying like that, there is a medical practitioner there who is assorting them in categories, according to, you know, their duration, or like size, or example, like, how old do you think this fetus is, like six weeks, you know, eight weeks, 12 weeks, you know, 26 weeks, and they just putting them in assorted packs, and they put them in plastics, ready for them to be delivered. And you just think of basically how much of an inhumane thing this whole research actually turned out, and it's petrifying. It's petrifying, like literally petrifying. Like, guys, I advise you to go and check it out yourselves. Like I said, I don't think I have done justice to this topic, because it is so petrifying. And to think that we humans are being carnivalized, and I said it, carnivalized, because in the cells that are extracted, or they are grabbed by these scientists to make our food tastier, like, for what reason? Is tasty food, like, that important that we have to, like, extract it, you know, for, like, our fellow, like, human beings? It is scary. It is so scary. And you think of parallel stuff, you know, to this topic, and the amount of people that go missing, and, you know, and in my research, you know, it actually boils down to me thinking that there is no way that each plant planted on this earth can feed the entire mankind in a day, in a week. You know, and at the rate at which, like, the meat is being, like, you know, I don't know, produced, help me make, help me, like, for it to make sense to you as well. Like, I'm talking, you know, there's a production supplier for KFC, there's a production supplier for McDonald's, there's a production supplier for all these franchises, and each day they have to meet, you know, these requirements of, you know, these purchases of meat. And where are these meats coming from, you know? Where are these meats coming from? Even with vegetables, I think that in people, we have fruits and veggies that sometimes are out of season, but they have, you know, using biotechnology have found methods into them being, like, available, like, throughout the year. And I'm thinking to myself, but what is their system for being able to keep up with this, you know, should I say, meat production, meat supply, you know, and why is it that they don't run out? It's supposed to be that they should. I mean, it's only natural. But why is it not natural for us to not, you know, run out of supplies? And it's so normal for us to have, you know, a supply of meat at this quantity. And have we consumed any, you know, human, or should I say, have we practiced any unknowingly, you know, cannibalism, you know, and it's scary. Like, it is so scary. Like, I, like, after this research, I've literally had to, like, compose myself because my mind has been, like, literally over the place in disbelief of the information that I have. But I said to myself, you can't take this information as opinionated, even though it's factual. You know, some things are just too good to be true and too good to believe, but I feel like someone just had to do it, and it just was me in this particular point. And speaking of medical waste and where does it go, another aspect of my research, you know, was branched through, and I got a little information about mortuaries and, you know, people who are deceased, right? So this is the layout, right? If a person dies, they are taken to a mortuary, right? And surprise, surprise, I don't know if the ruling is different, like, from country to country, but the government keeps them in these mortuaries for at least a month, right? And in this month, and if no family members, like, identify the deceased or come to looking for them, then it's the responsibility of the state to take these bodies and give them, like, a proper, like, burial. And I was relieved at some point, you know, until I watched the videos again of how do they actually conduct these things, and I don't have a solution for it, but I've seen them dig out graves and take out the coffins of, obviously, you know, anonymous bodies, or should I say the John Doe's or the Jane Doe's, whatever they're called. They are piled up, right, in one grave, right? So they dig a grave, you know, deep enough to accumulate as much coffins as possible, and they are piled up in one grave. But I thought of it, and I was like, it's good, you know, that the government does, you know, offer a burial, but I feel like they can be a more humane manner. But at the same time, I'm like, it's natural for them to actually treat, you know, a body to that extent, at least to show them, should I say, to show the deceased bodies a form of, you know, respect. But I feel like they should, they could do more, you know, there is literally no priest, nothing, they just play from the ground, you know, and, but at least the bare minimum, you know, they are provided, like, coffins, you know, respectively, of course. But, yeah, I thought, I thought maybe like a month, maybe it's too little. I don't think that we detect our missing, you know, families or spouses, like, at the same amount of time, which is like 24 hours, or like 48 hours. No, like, for some people who travel a lot, like, it's a norm for them, you know, to move up and down. So it might, what if, like, it takes time for family members or for loved ones to detect, to know, like, this person was supposed to be here by now, or was supposed to be at this place, you know. And what if the deadline of the government trying, you know, to preserve this person in this mortuary, or should I say keep them, is, what if it ends before the family could actually start looking for them, you know. But in this video, or in the videos that I saw, I did see that, you know, a form of DNA, you know, is kept for the family members, you know, to be able, like, to, you know, track them down. Because they can't say, hey, Sissy, you know, I'm here, come look for me this side. So it's kind of like, you know, relief that there is, you know, some sort of means that they try to, you know, contact family members, but, like, is it enough? I don't think it will ever be, because there is no such pain greater than not knowing whether a loved one is still alive or dead, you know, and we live in a very multifunctional country, and it occupies a lot of people. And, you know, in some of the programs that I was watching, there were even some immigrants, you know, who were deceased and they had to be buried, and I felt sad because I was like, if only, you know, their family members, you know, could, you know, try and come over this side. You know, what's the ruling, actually? Like, I think I need to do more research on that. Like, what's the ruling, you know? Or how do they even get the bodies? Oh, my God. You know, it's so, it is so scary. So, people, you know, if you're traveling and you are going away, or a loved one is going away, be it for business, for work, I don't know, trip, vacation, try by all means to keep tabs, you know. Two days without communication, for me, is too much. You know, we need to know where we are, we need to know what we are up to as, you know, loved ones, and communicate, because you never know. Some accidents are fatal, some people just, you know, meet death at the most random places, you know, and going back to our topic, I hope I've done justice, and yeah, it's a very sad, you know, to learn these things, you know. I want your opinion, though. What's your take? You know, is these, are these biotechnology, you know, labs actually good for us, bad for us? But I think, personally, you have no right to make me eat something that I have no knowledge of, you know. And to some cases, to think at the rate, at the scale, at the quantity of the products that were mentioned in that site, I was shocked. I was shocked. Oh, I can continue as long as I could, people, but unfortunately, our time is up. It's your sister from another, Mr. Akilah Zienda Nubes, signing out to you, saying peace, assalamualaikum. Assalamualaikum. Assalamualaikum. Assalamualaikum. Assalamualaikum. Assalamualaikum.

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