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Greg Alabi



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In this Bible study episode titled "Crossing River Jordan, Part 3," the speaker encourages listeners to take a step of faith, knowing that victory is ahead, even in the face of challenges. They discuss the lessons learned from the Israelites crossing the Jordan River and arriving near Jericho. They emphasize that where you find yourself is not a mistake, but part of your journey, and there are blessings to be found in that place. They also highlight the respect and value that comes when you take bold steps and advance in life. The speaker mentions the importance of rededicating one's life to God and walking in holiness to remove disgrace and move forward to possess blessings. The episode ends with a prayer and an invitation to request copies of future episodes and visit the speaker's website for more. Hello, we welcome you to join this chariot for a 5-minute Bible study. This sixth episode on A Step of Faith is titled Crossing River Jordan, Part 3. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. There is a song that says we are able to go up and save the country, to possess the land from Jordan to the sea. Though the giants may be there on our way to hinder, our God has given us a victory. Victory ahead, victory ahead. Dear friends, taking a step of faith is a journey that we already know the outcome. Victory ahead. Even if there may be giants or challenges on our way to hinder, we know that God has already decided the outcome. We will possess our possessions. A preacher once asked the question, how many things will you attempt to accomplish if you know for sure that there is a guarantee that you will succeed? Then why do we allow temporary challenges along the way or ahead of us to discourage us? If we say we are not doubting Thomas nor a skeptic, then let's do it. Let's get started. Let's get going. Let's take that step of faith and God will step in to assist us. In the previous episode we said we will discuss and learn some valuable lessons from the last line of Joshua chapter 3 verse 16 where the Bible says the Israelites crossed over River Jordan and arrived right against Jericho. Of all places, the place they first landed was around Jericho. Yet their journey was to the promised land. The lesson? When you take a step of faith, we must not be surprised or disappointed when we discover where we find ourselves. Remember, it is a journey, not a destination yet. When things don't appear like what we desired or prayed for, it is not the time to cry or to regret. My point? Where you are is not a mistake, rather it is part of your journey. In fact, can I tell you something? There is something there for you. There are blessings in that place that God has destined for you to pick up in Jericho. Now let's learn some valuable lessons, some more valuable lessons on what was on the other side of Jordan when we take that step of faith. Joshua chapter 5 verse 1 is our first lesson. When all the kings and rulers of the towns and cities across River Jordan heard that God has cut open and dried up River Jordan for the Israelites to cross over, they all became terribly afraid of the Israelites. They lost their courage and confidence. The lesson? Unknown to you is this fact. Once you have that faith and boldness to take a step of faith and you finally advance your life, some people, your contemporaries and even some of your seniors, your superiors, will start to respect you differently, afraid of you and agree that the Lord is obviously with you. For example, you take the bull by the horn, start a new business or you go back to school to get some more education or relocate or you start a new career or even accomplish a great project. Trust me, your value will suddenly increase. People will respect you much more than they previously did. Even the people you meet on top will sit up knowing that a man on a mission or a woman on a mission is in town. Second lesson. Now, let's pay close attention to verse 2 to 9 of Joshua chapter 3. The Lord told the Israelites to circumcise the children of Israel the second time. Verse 5, they were all circumcised. And verse 8 to 9, after the circumcision, God told Joshua, in the Good News Bible, it says, Today I have removed the disgrace of being slaves from your life in Egypt. I have removed from you the disgrace of being slaves in Egypt. The lesson, circumcision symbolizes entering into a deeper covenant with Jehovah. My point, when we cut off the flesh, I'm not speaking about our physical body, but our carnal, sinful nature, the Adamic nature, the works of the flesh. When we remove it from our lives and rededicate our lives fully to God, then God will remove every disgrace that makes us second class people in society. My advice, let's rededicate our lives to the Lord and walk in holiness and righteousness. Then we can move forward to possess our Jericho. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for the lessons we are learning. Father, we pray that you give us the faith and the courage to take a step of faith in Jesus name. Amen. You may request for subsequent copies by sending an email to greggalaby at gmail.com. Please visit our website greggalaby.com and go to the podcast for previous copies and subsequent copies. Share these messages with friends and family. You will richly be blessed. God bless you.