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cover of 37-A-Step-Of-Faith-Talented-Team


Greg Alabi



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The speaker discusses the importance of having a talented and dedicated team when taking a step of faith towards achieving something worthwhile. They emphasize that these team members are a blessing from God and should be valued for their skills and contributions, despite their imperfections. The speaker also highlights the lessons that can be learned from how Jesus worked with his disciples, showcasing how ordinary men with shortcomings can accomplish great things when empowered and given opportunities. The main message is to focus on the strengths and abilities of team members and to receive them as gifts from God. Hello and welcome to Join This Chariot for a 5-Minute Bible Study. This 37th episode on A Step of Faith is titled, Talented Team. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. One of the greatest assets anybody can have when you want to take a step of faith to achieve something that is worthwhile is to have a talented and dedicated team of people. They probably know a few other people who can help out and who would gladly invite them over to get the job started up. They know where to find the materials you need. They know how to get it at an affordable cost. They work with little or no supervision and they are not in for their personal selfish gains. Dear friends, if you have one or more of this type of people with you in your team when you want to take a step of faith to start some projects, you are so blessed by God with men as angels. My advice, since nobody is perfect, we must not get discouraged by their personal shortcomings but focus on why God brought them over to us and what they are in to do and what they bring to the table. 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 says, We have this treasure in earthen vessels. The message translation puts it this way, If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious message around in the unadorned clay pot of our ordinary lives. 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 16 says, Henceforth know we no man after the flesh. The New Living Translation says, We have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. The message translation puts it this way, We don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. The lesson, we ourselves are not perfect neither. But God sends us skillful men because iron sharpeneth iron, so we all can grow together unto perfection as we work together. So like Paul repeatedly told Philemon about Onesimus in verse 12, verse 15 and verse 17, Paul said, Receive him, receive him, receive him. The lesson, we must receive the people God sends to us. Now let us learn some valuable lessons from Jesus Christ himself. Hopefully the lessons learnt will help us to focus on the strength and the abilities of the people God brings to us and how ordinary men, despite their shortcomings, can accomplish great things. Now let us look at how Jesus worked with his twelve disciples. First lesson here, John chapter 1 verse 40 to 42, Andrew, who used to be a follower of John the Baptist, on his own volition, came over to follow Jesus and then he brought his brother Simon Peter to Jesus. The lesson, when we want to start up a project or an assignment, the project itself will start attracting the right people, receive them. God is bringing them over for a reason or for a season. Please let us give them an opportunity. Second lesson, the twelve disciples had their shortcomings but God used them despite. For example, Simon Peter denied Jesus, Andrew not only was not very visible, he was also not very vocal. James and John, remember them, they once asked Jesus to evoke thunder to strike and kill all the people who were preaching the gospel but were not part of their team. Philip, after three years, told Jesus to show him the Father. He doesn't know God the Father, even having been with Jesus for three years, but he left me very quiet in the gospel. Thomas doubted his resurrection. Matthew, who was supposed to be a Levite in the temple, was working for the Roman government as a tax collector. James and Simon were not very visible or even audible in the gospel. Nathanael once said, can anything good come out of Nazareth? Judas the twelfth one betrayed him. Yet despite their shortcomings, Jesus empowered them and gave them opportunities to be in his team. Acts chapter 17 verse 6 says, These men turned the world upside down. The lesson let us focus on the strength and the ability that each member of our team brings to the table and not just judge them by what they cannot do. They are there as a gift to you. Receive them. Pray the Lord for us to see what they bring and give them the opportunity and for them to be useful in our teams. In Jesus name, Amen. I invite you to please visit our website gregalabee.com, look for the podcast, listen to them. God bless you.

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