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Cougar Crash Episode 1

Cougar Crash Episode 1

Grace WhitingGrace Whiting



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with our first episode of Cougar Crash. This is a course about the best way to have the best freshman experience at UIU. Let's get started. Okay, so first we're going to start off with our backstory of why this is called Cougar Crash. Why would this freshman experience be called this? So our, one of the first football games we went to, we, it's a tradition freshman year is to hike the Y. And after a football game we decided we were going to hike the Y in the dark. Which was not the most responsible thing to do, and then we talked about rolling down, and then we talked about starting at theme parks. I don't remember how those two are related, but they were. They were. And so we were going to call our theme park Cougar Crash, because we were going to crash down the hill. But this is our crash course on how to have the best UIU experience your first year. Oh yeah. So we're just going to dive right into it and talk about like, this episode is mostly focused on your freshman year and like what to expect when you're coming in at first. So we're just going to dive right into it. So first thing you're going to expect is everyone goes to the Neuston Orientation, or the NSO, before coming in on campus. And so, Grace, do you want to explain like how NSO kind of works? Like where do you house when you're at NSO? Yeah, so for NSO, the goal is like you're supposed to be moving in before NSO. So like we all got our stuff, got our parents, and like moved in. You go upstairs to the big central building if you're in Heritage Halls and you get your keys, you get your ID, and you're just a scared little freshman with your backpack and your suitcase. Then they show you where your room is and you move in, you meet your roommates, and then you're supposed to start NSO the next day. I guess one thing that's helpful to know is like you don't have to go to NSO if you don't want to. Like one of our roommates, Kirsten, she ended up not going to NSO because of doing some stuff for her family instead. So it's totally an option, but it's something that both of us would recommend just with adjusting to college life. Oh yeah, for sure. And NSO usually happens like the week before semester starts. So like that Monday or Wednesday or something, you'll start NSO and then that'll go till Saturday and then you start school Monday. So you don't have to be in your dorm like a lovely freshman not knowing what to do for a couple days. I mean, I did that, but... Anyway, with NSO, some of the things you can expect are you're going to... One thing I wasn't expecting is I thought that all of our roommates were going to be in the same group together because that's what my parents had done, but then we got out on the field in the morning and they separated all of us. And I was like, what the heck? You're like, wait a second, I just met my roommates and now we're gone? Yeah, so just be ready. When you're at NSO, you are going to meet a lot of new people and it's okay if you don't make friends because I never see those people anymore. Yes, same. I mean, sometimes you see them walking to class. I mean, I get to see Ashlyn because she's your friend, but I don't see those kids. So there's no pressure to make friends if you don't want to, but also I think it's a good opportunity to get out there. Like, I definitely felt like I broke my comfort zone a little bit, which is good because now I've made really good friends, but it's going to feel overwhelming and there's going to be a lot of different people. But yeah, just take it slow. Definitely a big icebreaker for sure. Yeah, super fun. Yeah, so where does NSO happen? It happens everywhere around campus. So since it kind of depends on where you live, because if you're in Helaman Halls, then you go to a different field to start. But we were in Heritage Halls. Did you do those separate? I didn't realize. I think so. That's a good fact to know. Yeah. You'll just be with Helaman or Heritage. Oh, wait. I think they were together actually. Never mind. Because Ashlyn was in Helaman. Ashlyn was in Helaman. Okay, never mind. They do combine you. They do combine. All the freshmen in Heritage Halls, which is like northeast of campus, and then also Helaman Halls, which is the northwest part of campus. Well, west part of campus. Yeah. Those are like the two on campus. The freshmen hubbubs. Yeah. Freshmen hubbubs for that. Yeah, so you go to those fields. They'll show you exactly where to go and everything. But you check in. You get into your group. It kind of feels like FSY or EFY vibes. Yeah. It low-key does give those vibes that everyone's trying to be an adult. Yeah. But like just starting type thing. Yeah, so we checked in. We kind of got to know everyone. And then the first few days, you're just walking around campus kind of getting to know where everything is. And they gave us a giant pep rally, which is honestly really fun, like vocal point thing. And there's something else in the Marriott. We had a devotional. That devotional was cool the first time. Because there's like that first day most kids come. So there's like thousands of kids. And you guys first sing the opening hymn. And you're like, whoa, there's like thousands of us. Yeah. It's kind of cool. It's super cool. I would say like the nice thing with that is like it's super organized, but there's no pressure to be there. Because like, oh, yeah, there was like an hour and a half break for lunch. But like if you want to go home and eat lunch, you are welcome to. Because like you're an adult. And like I think take power in that. Like if you really want to do something else or have a plan to see something else or need to get something done, you're an adult. Do what you want. Yeah. Take charge. Literally you have no obligation to go any day at NSO if you don't want to. Yeah. Which is so nice sometimes. Okay. So, oh, another thing you do at NSO is find out about the free food. They just give you so much free food. And they said like especially for freshmen, you just, I don't know, they go crazy and give you as much free stuff as possible. Because I don't know. It's kind of fun. Yeah. And even like even after NSO, they are really good at handing out food at random times. But at NSO, you learn like you learn which creamery flavors are good. You learn the ins and outs of the kugri. Like food is a plus. I can confirm. Yes. The creamery ice cream. Oh, my goodness. We'll have to have a separate episode just for that. The creamery ice cream is a wonder. Oh, my. The graham candy for me. Oh, Hannah always has graham candy. Yeah. It's so bad. It's so addictive, but also so good. What else is addictive is NSO. I'm kidding. What? Hold on. I'm kidding. But, yeah, so with NSO, you get like a counselor basically that's like your EFY mom, but like NSO counselor. And they'll like they'll walk you through campus. And then they also have like little spots where you stop. Like there was one point like we all took a turn stopping at the testing center and like took like a practice exam. Whoa. Practice. Practice. What is that word? Practice. Practice exam. Sorry. I can't speak today. And like you just get to learn like the ins and outs of campus. And what else did we do? There was like a meeting in the Wilks. There was a meeting on the lawn and the library. There's so many cool tools about the library. Like I feel like we have to have an episode about that eventually. The library is like a maze, honestly. It's huge. So many good tools. Yeah. They have so many resources for you. Like you can rent out special equipment like mics or speakers. You can also rent out like, I mean, books, obviously. But there's, I don't know, there's so many options in there. And it's super awesome. And they also have like library help people for your major or like if there's a specific subject you want more research on for one of your classes, you can totally meet with a professional about that. Anyway. Yeah. There's a lot of stuff about that. Yeah. So NSO is basically just a really good way to get introduced to campus to be ready for class that first Monday. But I guess with our whole theme, this episode of moving in and starting new things, like what are some ways, Hannah, that you recommend moving in? Like what are things you're glad you didn't bring? What are things you're glad you did bring to college? Oh, that's good. Honestly, I'm, okay, I think I brought too many clothes, honestly. That's fair. That's fair. Like the dorms at Heritage, they only have room for about like 50 to 70 hangers, but more on the 50 side because. I don't think I even have that many in there. Yeah. But yeah, don't bring too many clothes because it just gets cluttered. And laundry is expensive. Laundry is expensive. Yeah. You pay for each load. If you have your BYU ID card that doubles up as a Cougar Cash, not Cougar Crash. Not Cougar Crash, Cougar Cash. Cougar Cash. And you can buy stuff with no taxes with that card, which is super nice for laundry because it goes from $1.50 to $1.00. $1.00, yeah. And then $1.00 to $0.50. I think so. I think it's like $0.75. Don't quote us on that. Use the Cougar Cash card. It's so much better than paying taxes because college students are poor. Yeah. What are things you're glad you did bring to college, like you would recommend for anyone starting? I'm not sure. Honestly, I swear by my Brita water filter. You never know what's in the water anywhere. True. And adjusting from my water at home to coming to a new state, the water tastes funny here. Yeah, the water does taste strange, but then you get used to it and nobody's dying from it. Yeah. It's fine. Water Brita filter, a heating pad that saved me when it is cold or when I'm not feeling good. Just plug that sucker in under your bed. Oh, yeah. So true. If you get sore a ton from walking a ton, because those first couple of weeks, you get sore from walking around campus. I got probably 25,000 steps every day. You're walking all over. Especially if you're getting lost, you first stay on camera. I got lost so many times. Can I tell you the story about my dad? Okay, this is what not to do, kids. My dad, on his first day at BYU, had made a map of where to get to each of his classes, and he was walking, and he was holding his map, and he looked up, and there's bushes. He was looking at the map, and he drew a straight line, but he looked up, and there's just a row of bushes through. No way. He's like, I don't know how to get around these bushes. I don't have time. And so my dad climbed through the bushes to get to class. No way. Yeah. Did he, like, fall in a hole or something? No, he just scrambled through the bushes. I don't know. I mean, I wasn't there, but. There are many entrances to buildings, so don't worry about that. Yeah. So another thing I would recommend taking is your parents, because it's a lot easier to walk through campus your first time with somebody. Oh, yes. Somebody, even if it's just a roommate. Yes. Like, just somebody else. Someone else so you, I don't know, are in it together type thing. Yes, look for your classes before you start. I still do that. Yeah, because, yeah, buildings can be on the other side of campus, and it's hard to get to class in 10 minutes in time, so. Yeah. Also, yeah, passing periods are 10 minutes, so you got to, like, I mean, I feel like college schedules are a little more flexible, and they don't care as much if you walk in late, but, yeah, you definitely got to be hustling if you're on South Campus, and then your next class is way up on North Campus. Like. Oh, yeah. You got to be. For sure. Got to be knowing where you're going, so. I like to schedule my classes kind of, like, close to each other, buildings-wise, if they're, like, in a row, but. I just sign up for classes. Also, that is another thing. When you're signing up for classes, make sure that you're really considering, like, how many credits you're taking your first semester, and, like, when those classes are, because, like, we were silly, and we decided to take a 7 a.m. workout class. Oh, my. It was a bonding experience. Yeah. Don't do it. Yeah. It's so bad. If you're not used to waking up, if you're used to waking up, great, but if not, then be careful about those early classes. Yeah, college hits you like a ton of bricks. It's hard to wake up early. Yeah. You tell yourself that you'll be able to do it, and I know everyone probably tells you this, that, oh, in college, it won't be easy, 8 a.m. is hard, but they actually do. Like, in high school, I woke up at 6.30, and now I can't wake up until, like, 9. Yeah, and it's mostly because you're staying up late trying to get the homework done from the last day, or, like, you're talking with roommates or friends. Or, yeah, you're doing something crazy. Yeah, just make sure you're scheduling in and accounting for all the fun you're going to have, because you're going to end up making a lot of fun and not a lot of work. Oh, yeah, for sure. Mm-hmm. What else do we need to talk about with moving in? I feel like there are... What not to bring. What not, yeah, what not to bring. Hmm. They say don't bring lighters or open fire. Oh, don't tell your RA if you do. Yeah, don't tell your RA if you do. Yeah, because... Yeah, no candles, no lighters. I heard one guy made, like, a rocket fuel. The rocket fuel guy? Yeah. Okay, you guys need to look this up. So there was a guy that was in the... What program was he in? One of the engineering programs, but he decided he wanted to try to make rocket fuel by himself, and he successfully, successfully made rocket fuel in his own apartment. Yeah. But blew up the kitchen. Yep. Insane. Like, crazy. So B.O., you decided not to expel him because he's a genius, but he's not allowed to live on campus anymore. At all. At least I think that's the story. That might be a legend. I would say look up the facts for yourself. Oh, look it up. Because it's a really good story. Yeah. Really good story. Anyway, great example of don't bring open fire. Or just be smart. Yeah, always be smart. Always don't bring what they tell you not to bring. Wait, let me rephrase that. Never bring things that are not allowed. That's a bad idea. Yes. Yep. Amen. What else not to bring? Don't bring all of your high school T-shirts. Like, if you have one on occasion, that's cool. That's chill. We're glad you graduated from high school. But don't be the kid that advertises your high school merch. Yeah. It's also like, if it has a year on it, that also like, It dates you. It dates you. That's horrible. Like, so, oh, you graduated in 22? Freak. Freak. You're too young. You're too, like, I don't know. Yeah. Be aware. Be aware. College is an entirely different atmosphere, and people don't really care where you went to high school. Yeah. What's also cool, though, is people are a lot more mature. Yes. Like, different phase of life entirely. Yeah. Like, in high school, a little less mature, a little more crazy. But in college, everybody's like, Eh, we're all in this together, we all get this, so we can say hi and move on, or something crazy happens, move on. Like, for example, like, wearing something crazy, like, walking around campus, like, super formal dress. Like, people aren't going to question because it's BYU, and everybody's, like, either coming from the temple, or. Yeah. BYU is a unique experience that way. Yeah. Like, you can kind of just wear whatever, and, like, be whoever. Like, I've met so many people who are just so unique to them. Yeah. But, like, they fit because they're BYU, and everyone's super unique at BYU. So, don't be afraid to just be yourself when you can. Like, I mean, as a little kid, I was obsessed with dinosaurs. Like, to an unhealthy extent. And I definitely have suppressed it since I've gotten older. I have other things I'm doing. Not majoring in anything involving dinosaurs. But my roommates decided that we should just sell it. So, like, my birthday cake had a dinosaur on it. Oh, yeah. We have plastic dinosaurs. We got plastic dinosaurs for Christmas. We found this song that's, like, about dinosaurs. Yeah. So cute. Yeah. So, like, just embrace what you love. Because there's something for everybody at BYU. Like, just a little niche piece of everything. And if your roommates, like, if you don't make good friends with your roommates, there are so many other people in your classes, walking down the street. Like, oh, and clubs, and, like, getting into that. Those can just help you find your friends and your people. Yeah. That's kind of the goal of our podcast is to talk about, like, the best ways to get involved and to feel belonging at BYU and to not feel so scared about a whole college experience. Because I know starting at a new college, especially if you're coming from a different state, can feel really daunting and really challenging at times. Especially when college content itself is a lot more challenging. Yep. Yeah, it's not like that high school class where you just go to it and you're fine. Yeah. It's a whole new ballgame. Is NSO worth it? I honestly would say NSO is worth it. I think at the very least you go and you decide that it's not worth it and then you say you tried it. But I think from 90% of freshmen coming in, it is a really helpful tool. And you learn a lot about the tools on campus and the people on campus and just, like, the atmosphere of BYU. Vocal Point comes and performs and you get a hype thing with Cosmo. And you meet people, even if you're not going to really be friends with them for forever. But it's just worth it to really dive right in, fully immerse yourself in BYU. Yep. And it's okay if nothing feels like it's sticking and it's all going over your head. I feel like that's what NSO is for, just to jump right in to college life and just get an idea. And then once you go into it, you can feel more comfortable finding your people, finding classes for you, finding clubs for you, things like that. I'd say, personally, I didn't go to Saturday because that's just a day where you go around and look for your classes with your group. And I felt like it was just easier to go, like, with a roommate or something to go look for my classes because that's, I don't know, that was just for me. Yeah. And, Gabe, I think Saturday is more of a chill day. You get more time to move in and get ready to meet your ward on Sunday. Also, fully take advantage of your ward. Yes. Get to know everybody in your ward right away and just dive right in because, honestly, our best friends are the people we've met in our ward. Yeah. And that can be such a safe space for you and such a good place, especially if you don't have good roommates. If you don't feel like your roommates are really clicking with you or things just aren't working, look for people in your ward because you can make really good friends. And there's also people assigned to minister to you and a really good bishopric that just wants to help. So just reach out. There are so many big tools and utilities at BOU that in future episodes we're going to talk about and just the best way to have a good time. Oh, yeah. I'd say the best advice for finding your friends is to get involved in your ward and go to all of those activities they have for you because they're legitimately fun. These are bishoprics that have been in single adult wards for a while, so they kind of have an idea of what we like and don't like. I don't know. They make things a party. So, yeah, super cool. Yeah, BOU is just the coolest experience, and I think you guys should be excited. Obviously, you're allowed to feel nervous. Nervous is a normal thing. Scared is a normal thing. Confused is a normal thing. But be a little bit excited. It's a cool place, and it's really cool that you get to go. Yep. Be okay with the unknown and the unexpected, and you'll do just fine. Yep. On our next episode, we're going to be talking about the clubs at BOU and how to get involved on campus and find the little niche things because BOU has a lot of club options. So we are excited to catch you next time, and have a great time with your week. Thanks for tuning in to Cougar Crash. Oh, yeah. Bye, guys. Have a great week.

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