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2023-12-31AM- I'm Going to Pray

2023-12-31AM- I'm Going to Pray

Gospel Light Holiness ChurchGospel Light Holiness Church



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Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and prepares Himself for the weight of the sins of mankind. He experiences extreme stress and agony, to the point of hematohidrosis, where blood mixes with sweat. The disciples, unaware of the significance of the moment, fall asleep while Jesus prays. Jesus serves as an example of prayer and the disciples ask Him to teach them to pray. It must have been amazing to witness Jesus pray and hear Him call out to the Father in Heaven. Matthew, chapter 26, and we'll read one verse here, and I'll try to preach this morning for the glory of God, understanding that my responsibility is to this church to minister the Word of God, be consistent, to be true to the Scriptures, to listen to the voice of God, but ultimately, I answer to God. And I've gone to Him in prayer many, many times and said, help me to never forget that I answer to God. Praise God. All right, Matthew, chapter 26, and verse 36. Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder. Jesus comes with them into a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto His disciples, Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder. I want to try to preach today, with the Lord's help, this for a title, I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. And before you sit down, before we pray over this message, I want to point out here what Jesus is doing here. He doesn't look at His disciples and promise them, hey, I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. There wasn't a prayer request that came to Him, and He said, that's all, I'm going to pray. No, He looked at them. Right now, I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. Father, thank You so much for Your mercy on us. Thank You for this service today. Thank You for the opportunity to honor You with song and music and testimony. Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to glorify You with giving God and blessing You with what You've blessed us with. And I'm praying today for that power, that precious anointing to light upon me and touch this congregation and lead us. Lead us, I pray, that we might be able to say when this service is over, I've been edified, Your will being done, in Jesus' name, amen. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. That's what I want to try to preach. My text here is Matthew's account of Jesus' visit to the Garden of Gethsemane. And we just read there in that short little verse, Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, saith unto His disciples, Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder. Matthew's launching into his account here of what happened when Jesus went into the Garden of Gethsemane just before He was to be crucified. Different Gospels give us different details concerning this scene that we're in. And you'll need to this morning. I won't be able to paint it as clear a picture as perhaps the Holy Ghost will give to you in your own minds here today. But go with me into the Garden of Gethsemane. John said it was a place that Jesus oft times resorted. This wasn't His first visit. He wasn't feeling His way around in this place. But this was a place that He often went to. Luke, he said that it was a place that He was wont to go or that He was accustomed to going. Jesus was prepared to go into a place that was already familiar to Him. And He was getting ready to do something that He had practiced many times before. John, He had oft times gone there. Luke, He was accustomed to going. It was a familiar place, a familiar practice for Jesus. And Matthew begins to tell us that as He went, He began to be sorrowful and very heavy or distressed. There was something that happened to Jesus as He left the company of those men and went further into the Garden. The Bible says that there was sorrow that began to take a hold of Him. That there was a great heaviness that began to take a hold of Him. Luke says that once He got to the place where He was wont to go, that He got down on His knees, that He knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane. And both Matthew and Mark tell us that eventually He got to the place where He fell down on His face in prayer at that place. Luke continues to describe Christ's experience as agony. Because right there, Jesus was facing the single most important event in the history of mankind. Jesus was about to change the future for every repentant sinner that would come to Him. In that Garden, as Jesus felt the sorrow and the heaviness and the stress upon Him. I want you to understand that He was beginning to feel the weight of your sin. That's what was happening when He went into the Garden. He wasn't going for a nice little conversation and some random thoughts in prayer. He was not setting Himself aside for a couple of minutes while His mind wandered to the things that He did yesterday and the things that He still got to accomplish today. He started piling upon His Divine Self the weight of your sin. Now you remember how heavy that felt? You remember when you got under conviction? You remember what you started feeling in your own heart? That was the weight of your own sins. Jesus was taking it upon Himself. It drove Him to His knees. It took Him to His face before God in prayer. It made Him very heavy and distressed in prayer. And as you and I can think about the weight of our own sins, because it's all we can compare to, multiply that times all the sins of every man that's ever lived that was being laid upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ. And despite the agony, despite the stress, despite all that He was going through, Jesus continued in prayer. And He continued to pray. And the Bible tells us in the book of Luke chapter 22 that His prayer became so earnest. It became so intense. His sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground. The National Institute of Health, a United States government entity, describes this condition and calls it hematohidrosis. It occurs when an individual is suffering from extreme levels of stress. And what happens inside the body when stress comes upon an individual so much that the blood vessels that sit near the sweat glands, that they begin to constrict and tighten down so bad under the pressure of the stress. Listen to me this morning. Pay attention to the preaching. God's wanting to take us somewhere. He was so under... that condition puts an individual under such stress. The blood vessels constrict. And as the anxiety begins to pass from the man, and those blood vessels start to dilate, and they get so big that they rupture right by the sweat glands, and the blood runs into those sweat glands, and as the sweat glands produce the sweat, the blood begins to run to the surface. The droplets of blood are mixed with the sweat. That's where Jesus was. It's a rare condition. I doubt anybody here has ever experienced it. I doubt anybody here knows somebody who's been in that condition. But Jesus was under such a load for you and for me that it put His body under such a stress load that it began to act in ways that it could not hardly handle. Remember, the Bible said the Word was made flesh. This was God Almighty, but He was in the robe of a man. He took not on Him the nature of angels, the Bible says, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham. He took on Him the form of a servant, as was made in the likeness of man. God Almighty was wearing the body of a human, and while His divine nature could uphold all the things, the problems, the sins, the terrors of the world Himself, the body that He was in was beginning to break down under the load as Jesus prayed. Now, this is what I believe. He wasn't just praying like that to prepare Himself to go to the cross. But I believe that there was a handful of men, just a stone's throw away, they knew what was going on in that garden. They could hear what was going on in that garden. They knew the prayer that was being prayed, and Jesus was serving Himself to be an example to the disciples. And some might wonder, how could these disciples sleep like they did? Jesus went and woke them up a couple, three times. How could somebody, when Jesus has gone into the garden and He's praying like that? The problem is, we know, we look back on what He was facing, they didn't know it. You know what it was to them? He's just going to pray again. This was common occurrence. This wasn't anything big to them. This wasn't anything special. They couldn't understand the time that they were living in. So when Jesus said, sit ye here while I go and pray yonder, the disciples easily fell asleep. It was just another prayer that Jesus was praying to them. But I want you to pay attention to what Jesus said to them. And let me paraphrase His words, I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. Please turn with me to Luke chapter 11. Luke chapter 11. I'd like for you to read along as I read this to you. Luke chapter 11 and verse 1. It came to pass that as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said unto Him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. Oh, it must have been something to watch Jesus pray. It must have been an amazing experience to be somewhere in the vicinity where Jesus was praying. It must have been wonderful to hear the Son of God calling out to the Father in Heaven as He prayed. Now, I've said myself, and I've heard other people say, I would love to have been there when Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. I mean, I can read it, and I think, wow, these are amazing words, and it impressed the people that were there. And I think, oh, it would have been great to be there, or to show up in a synagogue, even if I had to sit way in the back, and just was able to lean my head forward and hear Jesus in person teach out of the Scriptures. Or that day when He opened up Isaiah chapter 61, and He read from it, and He sat down and He said, This day is the Scripture fulfilled in your ears. And the place went silent. Oh, I would have loved to have been there when He raised the dead, and to see it with my own eyes. Or the other miracles that Jesus had performed. Oh, you know, all these different things that He did. I would love to have been there. The Bible records many of the miracles, and there are more miracles than that could have been recorded. The Bible tells us different ones. You know, when He calmed the storm out on the sea, the Bible says that they marveled at the command that He had over nature itself. They said, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? When Jesus taught in their synagogues, they were astonished at His doctrine. For He taught them as one that had authority, and not as described. The Bible said His Word was with power. Wouldn't that have been something to have been there to experience that. There were several times that Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and commanded, Hold thy peace and come out of him. They were able to witness as frustrated devils. Oh, they didn't know what to do but throw their subject to the ground and leave and obey the command of Jesus Christ. And the Bible says they were all amazed insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority commanded He even the unclean spirits, and they do obey Him. But while they marveled at His ability to take hold of all of nature, nobody stood up and asked, Would you teach me to calm storms? As amazing as it must have been, nobody said, Show me how to do that. And when they were astonished with His doctrines and the authority with which He taught, we have no record of anyone anywhere asking Him, Please, teach me how to preach like that. After hearing one of His amazing sermons. And when He cast out devils and they were amazed at His power over unclean spirits, nobody ever said, Teach us how to cast out devils. But when the disciples heard Jesus praying, we read there in chapter 11 of Luke, verse 1, in a certain place, when He ceased from praying. I get the impression that the disciples didn't want to interrupt Him. They waited until He was completely finished. I picture in my mind men that are spellbound by the way that Jesus is praying. How He's getting along with the Father. And He's not paying attention to anybody around Him. But He's calling on the lake. Nobody comes up, taps Him on the shoulder and says, Hey, you've got a phone call. Nobody taps Him up on the shoulder and says, Hey, why don't you... No, they're listening to the Master pray. And He must have prayed in such a manner. Listen to me, please. He's praying in such a manner that it prompts the disciples to say, Teach me how to do that. That prayer must have gone up so strong and so powerful and so amazing that men that were impressed with all the miracles, men that were impressed with the power over the devil, something rose up within them when they heard Jesus pray and said, Teach us to do that. I want to be able to cry out like you're crying out. If you teach me anything, God, teach me how to get along with the Father and cry out and pray. And we've got lots of examples in our Bible of prayers that are in the Scriptures. There was Moses. He was a praying man. Elijah was a praying man. David prayed. Jeremiah prayed. The prophets, they prayed. Daniel was a praying man. But who better to take as our example than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself? We can look at those other men and the needs and their failures and certainly why somebody like Moses would need to pray. He can't talk right. Moses can make terrible decisions at times, but he needed to pray. And we can understand that. But what about Jesus? I mean, what would Jesus pray about? He's not going to get a couple of sentences into His prayer and say, Lord, forgive my sins, because He was the sinless Son of God. He had no sin-sticking vows. He wouldn't have gone to prayer and said, I need healing in my body, or I'm not going to be able to continue. I'm not going to be able to take care of business. I'm not going to be able to go forward. He didn't have to pray for His own personal healing. So, brothers and sisters, if God on earth in the body of a man felt the need to seek the Father in such a way in prayer, how much more would it be that we should be falling before God and crying out and praying before our God? Jesus told His disciples, you remember, after He had washed their feet, He said, I've given you an example that you should do as I have done. Now let me point to Jesus as an example and help us to do as He has done. Can we not look at what He did and consider this for our own selves that we ought to pray? Philippians 2 and 5 says, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. There was a time that Jesus had come down from the Mount of Olives where He was oft times known to pray. It's where the Garden of Gethsemane was. It was at the foot of the Mount of Olives. And as He came down that place and He's looking out towards Jerusalem, He approaches Jerusalem and He begins to weep over that city. Now Jesus had a burden for this people. Jesus knew what was going on. But can I tell you, Jesus was not crying because of Roman occupation. Jesus was not crying. He did not weep because of the political turmoil that was in their days. He did not weep because of the poverty. He did not weep because there was scant opportunity for the youth to grow up and make something of themselves. It was not the condition of the educational system that Jesus was crying about. But He saw a people who had refused and rejected the only way to be saved. And the Bible says that He wept over the city. They had ignored every opportunity for themselves to be freed from sin. And He knew the future. He knew that that place was about to get wiped out. He knew that judgment was coming for those people as a direct result of them rejecting the truth that was presented unto them. Now can't we, as we approach our cities, recognize the terrible need that they're in? And instead of being concerned about who's in the White House and who will work to get put into our offices of representatives, instead of us being concerned about how many jobs are out there and how many opportunities and the sad state of affairs of our educational system, can we not look at the society we're around and say they have rejected Christ? And we know that when someone is without Christ, having no hope, without God in this world, they're in sad, sad shape. And the Scripture reveals to us, we know enough about the Bible, that there is a horrible future for those who have rejected Christ. And as Jesus wept over that city, we should be weeping over our cities, our own communities. There should be a lamentation. There should be a prayer for those who are lost because we know where they are headed. I want you to notice, too, just how Jesus practiced prayer. Jesus took time to pray. He was purposeful in His time to pray. In Luke chapter 5, there's a story. Jesus enters into the city. He's approached by a leper. He goes through the process and He heals the leper. Word begins to spread fast through that community. And the Bible says, great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by Him of their infirmities. And when all these people came together, no doubt Jesus had compassion. Here they were coming from every corner wanting to see this man that heals lepers. And as He began to touch and He began to talk to people, as He began to set people free, there came a point in that day that the Bible says He withdrew Himself into the wilderness and prayed. He purposely selected a time and He separated Himself from everybody else, went into a private place, and He prayed. In Mark chapter 1, we have the story of Jesus healing Peter's mother-in-law of a fever. Word again spread throughout the community. People were coming from all around and they came up to the house, knocking on the door, and He healed many of them. And He cast out a bunch of devils while He was there. But early in the morning, Mark 1 and 35 says, He went out and departed into a solitary place and there prayed. Now the Bible says Peter and the disciples, they start looking around. There's still people to be healed. There's still people that are possessed with devils. There's still needs that need to be met. There's people that are confused. They don't know the way. And they keep on coming. They're showing up at the house. And where is Jesus? So the Bible says they went looking for Him. And when they found Him, He'd been praying. And they said, All men seek for Thee. Well, all men might be looking right now, Peter. But I've got to spend time in prayer. There might be a lot of things that need to get accomplished right now while I'm here. But I've got to pray. I've got to withdraw. I've got to get to my solitary place. Not everybody got healed. Now there are places that you'll read He healed them all. But not there. They came looking for Him. We've still got needs here. Not everybody got delivered. But Jesus knew the importance of getting alone and praying. Now, we ourselves, you probably have made the statement yourself. Most of us probably have. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. But if we're going to wait until our tasks are completed, if we're going to wait until we have filled ourselves with pleasure and leisure, if we're going to wait until the time is convenient for us, there will never be a time sufficient that is given to us where we can truly get the praying done that needs to be done. Jesus purposefully set for Himself a time and He set for Himself a place that He would shut Himself away and pray. How much more ought we to recognize this need than if Jesus had to pull Himself away? He had all the power. He could command angels. He could calm the storms. And yet He said, I'm going away. Have God to pray. So I'm calling gospel light over this church. I'm not calling the walls. I'm not calling the new carpet. I'm not calling the fellowship area. I'm not calling the parking lot. When I say I'm calling gospel light over this church, I'm talking about the people. I'm talking about the older and I'm talking about the younger. I'm talking about the experienced and the experienced. I'm calling gospel light over this to prayer. To real separating prayer. To real prayer where we pray and bring things through. I want to be clear. I'm not talking about driving down the road prayer. I'm not talking about cleaning the house prayer or praying while I'm working, keeping my hands busy and doing what I need to do and saying, Lord, You know how to help. I'm talking about prayer that takes time out and seeks God alone where it's only You and it's only Him. No distractions. Not having other things that need to be given attention to at the same time. I'm calling gospel light to prayer. Our first year. Brother Anthony was talking about it here in Sunday school this morning. There's a lot of work that got accomplished. A lot of building projects. Drywall. All the drywall. New walls were put up that weren't there before. There were things that were torn down. We don't have a canopy out there anymore. Thank God. Walls have been taken down. Things have been removed. Electricity has been moved, removed, and changed around. We've tore stuff out. There's been cleaning in this place. The endless, never-ending drywall dust cleaning that would never go away. There's been flooring laid. There's walls that have been painted. And a lot of this is documented in Sister Andrea's book which she so graciously and generously gifted to every one of us. Next year, if we make it to December 31, 2024, I want us to be able to look back on this coming year and identify it as a year that is marked by prayer. Let this be a year in which we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Let this year be marked by growth in the Holy Ghost. James said, Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh unto you. We've talked about prayer. We've heard sermons on prayer. We've read books on prayer. We've chosen devotional matter on prayer. But it's time, brothers and sisters, to stop learning about what it is. It's time for us to stop reading about what it is. It was a couple of weeks ago in our Sunday School books, Brother Matthew Vance said, there's lots of material going on and we spend a lot of time learning about praying. But it's time to engage in prayer. It's a training time has come to the place where we put it into action and we pray. So here's what I'm asking, Gospel Lightholding Church. I want you to do as Jesus did. I want you to pick a place and pick a time where you're going to pray. I'm going to ask you something else here. And I want everyone to listen to me here, young and old, because I'm expecting it from everyone. This is what I'm going to ask you to do. That when you have chosen your time and you've chosen your place and you've got it made up in your mind, I'm going to consistently pray. Here's what I want you to do. You look at somebody in your house and you say, I'm going to pray. Tell Quentin it might have to be in a text message. I'm going to pray. Find somebody and say, if it's your dad, your mother, a friend, I'm going to pray. Not, I'm going to pray at some point. No, right now I'm letting you know I'm going to pray. Oh, I thought we were supposed to keep that all secret. He said, go to your Father which is in secret. Pray in secret. But what did Jesus say? I'm going to pray. That's what He looked at His disciples. You can stay right here. I'm going to pray. So I have this vision in my mind at the young household. I'm thinking of Callie Ann. When at some point, Callie, you walk by and it doesn't feel right at first. It's awkward. And you say, Mom, I'm going to pray. Callie, you spend time talking to God. I envision in my mind Landon saying, I need this room. I am going to pray. Lily, I want to hear you say, I'm going to pray. I'm going in this room so that I can seek the face of God. And if you don't have somebody in the house that you can tell, send somebody a text and let them know, I'm going to pray. Not just that when the text message comes in, Oh, please pray. This one isn't feeling well. Or do you know what their need is? So you just take care of it. I prayed for you. No, I'm talking about, Sister Glenda, I'm going to pray. That's where I'm going. I'm going in there and I'm going to pray. I'm not asking you to spend a certain amount of time. I'm not asking you to impress anybody. I'm not telling you to go in some place prideful and say, I'm going to pray. But what this does, it brings about an accountability. Instead of everyone just assuming that everybody's praying, somebody knows you're praying. Because you said, I'm going to pray. That's what I'm asking our church. It will also demonstrate, not only will it give accountability to yourself, I'm going to pray. You're letting somebody know, I'm going to pray. But it also, if my wife tells me, I'm going to pray. I haven't prayed yet. It reminds me to pray. And if somebody tells you, I'm going to pray. Maybe you can say, before you go, I've really had this on my heart. If you would carry this into your prayer closet and help me pray about this. Say, I'm going to pray. This is going to help you commit yourself to prayer and it's going to help somebody else know that you're praying. And when we get to the place where we say, there's no time for praying, Jesus found time. He had to stop what he was doing. Pull himself away. He went to a solitary place and he prayed. There's a story of Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley, that she had ten children in her house. It was a turmoil. Her marriage wasn't real good. She had a lot to deal with. She was a minister's wife. And there was always something going on. She needed to take time to pray. And the story says, her apron, at a certain point in the day, she would sit down in her chair, pull her apron up over her head. Everybody in that house knew, don't bother Mama. She's praying. She's telling everybody, I'm going to pray. There is time. It's essential for us to pray. In the last couple weeks, we heard a message, stop wandering and move forward. We heard a message, waiting for the promise. He told us, there's big things coming. While we're waiting, we are to pray. We are to pray. So close your door. Pray in secret. But pray. And I hope that I'm very clear here today, because I'm asking our church to take this on. I'm asking for a change to take place in our homes and in our church. I'm asking that this week we do this. I'm asking that this becomes a habit to us. Because oftentimes there are those opportunities where somebody gets up and preaches a message and we are on fire. How am I going to pray? And Monday comes and we're praying. And Tuesday we're praying. And Wednesday, there's not a whole lot of time between getting up and going to work and coming home and church. And then Thursday, right back in the same old routine, I'm asking for change. I'm challenging Gospel Light Holiness Church to change to make a commitment, I'm going to pray. Not, I'm going to pray. But right now, I'm going to pray. And I hope that you understand where I'm coming from. Will you stand with me? Michelle, would you come and play please? Lord, thank You so much for the opportunity to have preached this message. For laying it on my heart. My hope is, God, that it reaches hearts. You know our children that they need to develop a habit of prayer. God, You know our adults that need to develop a habit of prayer. And so I'm asking today that as this challenge goes forward, that You'll lay it on our hearts. And we'll be glad to do what's been asked of us. And I ask as we gather in the altar, Lord, that You'll meet with us, convict wherever conviction is needed. But hear us today. Make a commitment. I'm going to pray. Oh, hear from our hearts today, Lord. I'm going to pray. In Jesus' name, amen. It's that time of year where we commit to lose weight. And by February 1, all those dreams of being skinny are gone. Oh, that happens with prayer too. Oh yeah. We start looking fats and carbs. Exercise. Download the diet app. Follow it real good. Be careful what we buy. One cheat day turns into two cheat days. Slipping here and slipping there before we're back into old habits. I say for prayer that we develop a habit that becomes a way that we live from here on out. And then watch what God does with Gospel Light and Holiness Church. No longer will we have to tell what's going on someplace else. They're going to be talking about what's going on here. And I'm not saying that's why we want to get to where that is. That's just going to happen. When I heard Elam Holiness Tabernacle was seeing people saved, I rejoiced in my prayer closet. And I said, God, what are they doing that we're not doing? I thought about going over there and visiting and saying, I want to see what's happening here. You're seeing souls saved. I want to know what it is that we're lacking. But let it be that this year marks for us as individuals coming together as a church, I'm going to pray. And we're going to pray. We're going to find God in our prayer closets. We're going to set ourselves aside and things are going to change. Great things are going to happen. Come on into the altar. And let's make this commitment to God. Let's make this commitment to God. I'm going to pray. Children, let somebody in your house hear you say, I'm going to pray. Dads, let the child hear, I'm going to pray. Mamas, tell somebody, I'm going to pray. And pray. And seek His face. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to set the time. I'm going to find the place. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. I can't sing or teach. No title do I hold. Lord, what can I do? For I want to do my part. And I want to help the lonely. With all of my heart. But I can pray. Until the walls come down. And there's healing all around. That's something I can do. Oh, I can pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. I can pray. Family shows no interest. My child has gone so far. Though I've tried my best to reach them. Their hearts just seem so hard. What can I do? To help bring them back to you. My family's lost and dying. And my words just don't get through. But I can pray. Until the walls come down. Till there's healing all around. That's something I can do. I can pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I can pray. I can pray. Until the walls come down. Till there's healing all around. That's something I can do. I can pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I can pray. Oh, I will pray. Until the walls come down. Till there's healing all around. Thank you, Jesus. I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I will do. Oh, I will pray. I can pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. I can pray. Yes, Lord, yes, Lord. I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, I will pray. Oh, I will pray. In my secret place. Calling on your name. That's something I can do. Oh, so I'm counting on dads and moms to set examples for our children. I'm counting on older siblings to set examples. And I know Jetty slept through the message. He didn't hear what I had to say. But somebody show him. And he says, what are you doing? I'm going to pray. And maybe Judson at some point will say, Mom, I'm going to pray. I'm going to pray. Hallelujah. Yes. Prayer is vital. Study. It's right. It's right. I'm telling you. But we've got educated places out there that don't know God. The Bible says knowledge puffeth up. We'll be all glad to know more than somebody else knows. But prayer will put us in contact with God. I don't know of any other way to see Sister Glinda Maureen healed but by praying. I know no other way. I don't know any other way that Andrea Vinson will be healed, completely healed in her body. I'm not talking about a day of feeling better. I'm talking healed. I know no other way than for us to pray. Hallelujah. So let's prepare ourselves in prayer. And I started working in health care many years ago. And I remember being around doctors and being nervous because they would speak a language I didn't know. But the more time I spent with them, our language met up more and more. And it doesn't bother me now to go to one of them and say, Hey, this is what's going on with this patient. What would you like me to do in this situation right here? How do you want me to handle it? And when they say this and I say, Yeah, but have you thought about... And it's only because there's come a familiarity there. If you're unfamiliar with talking to the Lord, spend more time with Him. It'll get more comfortable and you're going to love that time that Brother Anthony was talking about that Sister Kelson talked about last week. I love my time in prayer. There is such joy in praying.

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