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ep2 interview

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All right, we're gonna get started. So yeah, all right. So as I said, we've got a special guest with today We have the whale of a wash as well as his stash is joining us And so we're gonna ask we're gonna ask whale some some questions lots of questions about the stash and We're gonna just see where this goes. So whale, how are you? I'm In my garage smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee Getting cold here. I don't know what the temperature is in burgers per bald eagle, but in Celsius, it's like Three degrees, so I don't know what that is. Either way. Yeah cold It's a little it's a little it's a little hoodie weather, I guess, you know, and yeah, it's Can't really smoke in the house because I'm not a degenerate so I don't know if anybody in the 83rd smokes in their house but that's like 1930s called and they wanted their cigarette stains on the walls back so Can't do that. But yeah Well, I don't smoke so I don't have to worry about that either but Well, no, you're a clean office working man. So, you know the blue-collar people gotta get our fucking addictions Prioritized I would I would say that's that's what we do. We work and die early. I guess that's our job well, that kind of brings me to one of my questions I guess because I've I've been around Smoking my whole life my dad smoked and all that kind of stuff and the smell of smoke as you talked about But I have a question then. How do you keep that stash? from smelling like mahogany and lavender Or I keep it from smelling like that or how do I keep it smelling keep it smelling so good not smelling like cigarette It does smell like cigarette smoke honestly, but here's before I go to cuddle up to the wife I think like, you know one of those what they call those Showers, so, you know try to get myself cleaned up so that maybe I can get myself a couple of chances, you know Maybe I can score but you know, who knows but yeah, yeah, that's that's pretty much it but you know, I'd have a vast collection of Traditional shaving stuff in my in my bathroom I've sent a few pictures on the hobby page with like a bunch of vintage safety razors and like about a zillion soaps and different brushes and Ton of different like You know artists are artisanal or whatever. They call them aftershave splashes that You know make me smell like not like a total hunk of shit so that that helps a lot But yeah, that's how I do it and the stash. I mean that that's been there for fuck. I don't know like Since I started having hair on my face basically and balls Like I don't know maybe I was like 15 years old I'm like half Italian so he got the Italian jeans in there that have some some nice beardage Like if you look at my family members, they've got you know, some decent beards and I'm rocking just a stash I used to have a stash in a little pinch, but then I kind of looked like like Bisexual Jack Sparrow and it looks weird and I'm too fat to pull that look off anyway So I had to shave it off. So now it's like stash only But I get a lot of nice compliments, unfortunately mostly from men, which is weird But they liked it a lot and it's like, okay, thank you dude, uh, all right and a couple of times I've gotten some comments from some some some of the dams, but they were Well, I mean like they were born in like the 50s So I guess I reminded them of one of their boyfriends from the 70s or some of the adult videos that they watched on You know film projector in their parents basement So like Jeremy Who is a bigger fan of the stash, is it the old lady or is it lieutenant first lieutenant Bruin or Starting first class gone back. Who do you think the bigger fan of the stash? You'd have to add around it in there too, man. This is happy around it every time I pop on to the party chat He's like, oh fuck you hear him fucking cream in his little shorts there. So, you know, I don't know He's got to be in there one of the three for sure Bruin definitely because I have a little Bruin and I kind of since we live in the same Socialist country communist country we have a lot of you know stuff in common in the cultural references are there so maybe him Maybe maybe Bruin, but now he's like a hotshot, you know officer So, you know, I can't talk to him as much Speaking of Bruin, you know Bruin told me that the part of Canada that he lives in Smells more like maple syrup than the part of Canada you live in. What's your response to that? my response is Maple syrup doesn't smell like anything unless your fucking nose is in it. So I don't know what he's talking about. I mean, it's it's not It's not like, you know, have you ever like somebody vaping? It's like, oh, it's cherry flavored and it's like nobody can smell cherries You know, I mean, it's what you think cherries smell like if it was a candy, but it's like no No, no, and you know what fuck him if he thinks his maple syrup is better than my maple syrup and you know, whatever His maple syrup is definitely woker. It's closer to the Parliament. So it's probably more woke maple syrup But mine is like, I don't know. It's French Canadian and upset about everything Not that I make maple syrup, but I have family members who that's obviously very very stereotypical I know people who make maple syrup. So that's fun. You get a nice good supply of maple syrup all year long Well, because we're gonna do sir. We're gonna have some stereotypical questions for for you here about Canada, but I want to jump back to the stash if the stash had a Voiceover like if the stash was in a movie and it had a voiceover who's playing the voice of the stash What celebrities playing the voice of the stash? You know what I Think you'd have to it has to be like it has to be It's kids like okay. There's two ways of looking at it. It could be completely Comedic so I'd have to say like Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool It's like I'm listening to it make funny comments about everything or it's got to be like You know, maybe it's Morgan Freeman or Sam L Jackson because it's so it's so aggressively It's not like a well, it's well Kemp, but it's like it's big right so it's it's got a presence Like if there's like I don't know if there's a picture of me without it on the discord But you'd like who the fuck is that guy? Who's that kid and like I was buying like to go back to the you know cigarettes But like I was buying cigarettes for kids in grade What would that be like in American ease for us? It would be secondary five. So that's like right like you guys I think you have Grade 12. Yeah, is it all the way to grade 12? That's high school. Yeah well, I think instead of us having wait what American high school goes from grade Okay You got like let's say the last grade right before I would say maybe grade 11 because we have in Quebec I don't know about Ontario. I think they may have some sort of similar system But instead of there being extra years in high school There's a an intermission like not an intermission, but a another school right before University that's usually two and a half to three years depending and That's a Jeff which is like basically like a prep college for University And I mean I was buying cigarettes for kids that age when I was in like grade nine so that shit was like Potent, you know, I mean like, you know, you'd get those you wouldn't go to like a 7-eleven corner store or a deck as we call them in Quebec, which is dip on our which is like That's that's the word for a dip on art is like a it's You know just a corner store of bodega I suppose and you'd go to the one of those corner stores that had a private ownership where it was You know lay it like an immigrant family that owned it and then they wouldn't really care to sell you cigarettes You know, I'd go there near my school pick up cigarettes for people and then nobody nobody asked me for any ID because like I Look like a 40 year old man, I suppose It's either a comedic thing or it's either relatively aggressive thing It's like Sam L. Jackson and Pulp Fiction just yelling at people And I just let it I let it do all the talking because you can't see my mouth if it's like combed down properly Is if I take a sip of something I gotta like do that really gross like, you know to get it off the tip I comb it back out, right? It's like it's it's it's covering my whole fit. My whole mouth is gone It's just it lives in the stash. I Don't think Bruin could handle a stash of your of your stature. I think it would wait him down He'd be falling forward all the time I Know I mean, I'm not a skinny boy. I'm not a I'm not a chunky boy either I'm like in the middle there. So I got some I got some acid a little keep me like, you know balanced out I guess I'm generally used to standing. I don't sit while I work. So I got a decent posture I suppose Well, I don't fall forward. I know the I know the stash was a big Emphasis on a guest to have come on first and that's why we all came on if you guys have some other questions You'd like to know about the stash Then drop some comments After this podcast is posted, but I got some real questions. I wanted to ask you well As well, not just not just mustache questions and giving you a hard time about being Canadian Oh, I do have a question though who would win in a fight a Mountie or a moose? I think moose are pretty blind. Honestly, they can't see very well and you know Mounties are Fucking stupid looking so I don't know. It's like I thought I heard I thought I heard Mounties are pretty tough Kind of come out like if you're looking at like I saw a video recently about like countries as video game stats And like I think Canadians when like like the northern countries like Norway and scandal like the Scandinavian countries would probably end up being like Nords in the Skyrim or they have like frost resistance right off the bat and I feel like that's what we are We're kind of like oh, it's negative 40 degrees below. It's like fuck I might as I think I might have to put on long sleeves shit Might have to take off these handles and put on some shoes. It's like so we're pretty tough and the RCMP before it was completely Fucking conquered by the Parliament and those woke ideas Pretty tough bunch of people and like the RCMP. They look like regular cops until they're in, you know uniform Parade uniform is the red outfit with the hat Yeah I don't think they patrol with those hats because it's really hard to somebody to take you seriously when you look like a like a big like Christmas tree with like a like a cavalry hat basically, so But I think maybe the RCMP might well, you know, we don't have any guns anymore So who knows it's a toss-up if you might have to go hand-to-hand with the moose probably I don't know What kind of weapons they're carrying might be like a Webley revolver in like 38 Webley or something And that might not do much to a moose. Those things are like at least almost a thousand pounds It's stupid. They're stupid heavy Maybe you know, it's a toss-up. Really? Yeah, I'm guessing that's why Bruin chose the moose as his mascot You want to get that? I thought it would be a bear. Well, I think you know to be a bear Like but around it's a bear and then somebody I think there's somebody else There's too many bears in this too many bears too many ducks That's why I said that's why a whale was my choice. I mean a whale Maybe I don't know whale was uh, I don't remember was it right after I switched from PlayStation to being whole heterosexual I got an Xbox and I Changed like I have to change my name now to make a new account and then my friend and I were like, oh Let's make names referring to like movies or stuff. We you know movies from our childhood or you know, our Late childhood, I suppose and like now There's a lot of different movie quotes and other whale you get a whale of a wash on the price Oh my gosh from what was that? I think it was Shark Tale. Yeah, I was from Shark Tales Where the two Jamaican jellyfish really couldn't get the? Couldn't get that that I can sales pitch out over the phone But it was always really fun. So and then he decided to call himself Lord Farquheef Which is a really funny name Lord Farquheef Which was? Phenomenal for him. I really am sad. I didn't think it out myself But I mean, it's kind of difficult to be like a Lord Farquheef in like in like squad chat I think whale is a little easier to say, you know, so that's good That's the key. You got to have some part of your name. That's just quick and easy to say Yeah, cuz there's a lot of I think there's a few people that I mean not on necessarily on the 83rd But I play with some people like on off nights where it's just like oh, let's get some some rounds in for fun And they got these long-ass names. You're like what part do I just say though? Like you have like a whole title. It looks like like the like the the the what is it called the You know the beginning of like a long essay you're like, okay, I don't know how to refer to this guy But we might just choose the you know parts of his name That'll be probably that that'd be a that might be a good episode of one of those podcasts is why people chose the game or take names they have No, you didn't I did when I started out there's a in content when I was I was sniping with cringe on Omaha and I and it was like a 400 meter shot on it on a tank crew member was trying to get to his armor Like there's pink stone from 450 meters and it's like you could tell the bottom is ice man and this and that and then I was Like everybody like it doesn't work with your gamer tags. I just put whale Another ice, man, I was ice man for like a hot second there and then I was like Gotta be whale. All right whale it is All right. I got some real questions Here's my first one What do you think is going on with? The hell that loose game the hell that loose community, where do you see it going? You know, where do you see that the game going with 83rd and like let's say a year Are we still playing this game? Are we playing a different game? Are we going to get private servers? Where do you think this this game goes in a year? Honestly, I think that what's really keeping the momentum alive From what I can tell Would be the clans not just ours, but many other clans that you see in the I mean I checked the reddit quite frequently To see what people are saying about the game and whatnot And I'm seeing a lot of people saying that like you play on an off and I forget it You're not getting you're getting squads. You're jumping into squads with no squad lead Yeah, and it's like you may that makes no sense And then you get in there and you may have you might have a squad with a squad lead but nobody's speaking and it's like, you know is obviously it's it's for sure people are gonna get frustrated with that because There's no If the game is it's a PC port right and PC ports have this sort of quality about them that It's much more well Button intensive and a lot more complicated a lot more Complex to play a match of it So you gotta those guys are really good about using Comms and and mics and light up keyboards and living in their mom's basement, which is fine for them But you know when you port over to guys who are like working like they have a job And they're like I'm gonna play a few hours tonight And then they like, you know, they don't really think about I'm gonna buy a mic or whatnot So you see that a lot of the off nights without a clan in it There's nobody playing with mics so people get fed up and they leave which is fine Make sense and also the game isn't really as polished as most people would want or the games Don't are not they're always glitchy. So people get frustrated and that's that's I mean That's understandable when you think that if somebody jumps into a game like I did when I first bought the game because I saw You know a couple Instagram posts about other that sounds that looks really sick. People are dying in one shot That's sound that looks realistic. That's like more my speed because I can't put the 12 year olds playing Call of Duty nowadays I mean, I'm like, I'm not an old man because I'm not an old man, but my ass is not gonna be able to like dolphin dive Weapon swap and then like a quick scope somebody in the face during a cod warzone game So I can't play that so, you know, you got people switching over to that and when I started hell let loose Was funny like that I played four or five matches I uninstalled the game out of sheer frustration and then I was bored I reinstalled the game and it just so happened. It was a Wednesday on a Charlie game night and I was recruited which was awesome Yeah, but people who don't have that who don't run into a clan that's gonna recruit them They mean the game isn't polished enough to warrant its player base It's the the dev support is pretty lacking in a lot of ways So the fact that the community is absent and or people aren't speaking during those games There's no real incentive for players to stay on with the game Do I think the 83rd will stay on as long as we can get opponents to play? I think the 83rd will still play hell let loose because we have a I Think a lot of us really enjoy the game and that would be myself included. I really do like the game I mean, it's frustrating as all hell. I mean forget having a kill death ratio that doesn't it's not even a stat worth looking at in this game because artillery and Whatever, but you know, I think the 83rd is gonna stick with it for a lot of a good while I think that there's a lot of people who in the reddit were theorizing that the devs were intentional intentionally under featuring the game so that the new publisher could come out with a A sequel or or something like that and it would reattract the old player base and they would like launch Immediately with features that people have been asking for which would recapture a big player base So I think that it's very possible that from what I understand people's theories are and these are always you know What conspiracy theories I suppose that they're intentionally holding back their sandbagging for the sequel which I think is kind of sucky, but That's that's a possibility that they're sandbagging for a sequel so that the next time they put something out It's it's really what everybody wanted and the new dev will make more profit than you know The half shared profits of the other dev team and all that whole process of buying and buying each other out and whatnot Yeah, I think the 83rd of the you know, I see a couple of No in the game that we're in the discord. You see a lot of different Channels for different games and they're not I don't see that many people on those channels a lot We might have other options like Arma Arma is coming out and it's sort of our speed I suppose with some some strategies some a little bit more Complex I think a lot of us appreciate that aspect of how let loose and that it should carry forward into Arma never really played Arma never been a PC user and early I have a NASA grade PC that was capable of running games other than RuneScape like at like low settings And that's pretty much all I ever had. So but I think the community is At least from what I have experienced in Charlie We're it's like you get back on a Charlie game night for Charlie members And it's like I'm home a lot of ways you feel you feel like you're where you're supposed to be So if we can take those same guys and move to a different game I don't think there's a massive risk that the 83rd collapses just because how let loose is not Running the way we wanted or whatnot. I think there's still a lot of flexibility left In our community to be able to to adopt a different game now battlefield 5 For me personally was not really a great I didn't really enjoy that game as much I didn't really like it that much Bf1 was a lot of fun, but it was it's quite limiting in a certain to a certain extent because it is more of a running run-and-gun sort of game and It's it's not really what I was necessarily looking for anymore. I was really happy to find a game that was like semi hardcore Milsim one round deaths All the infantry is really squishy. The tanks are relatively squishy They're not like taking seven RPGs like in bf5 or whatnot Yeah, so That's that's what I think. I really died I mean, I'm genuinely hoping that it stays running because I mean that's that's what I got I mean, I I go to work. I come home and I'm playing on Wednesdays and Sundays and You know if it's not there anymore, it's kind of lame But I really hope it sticks around. I think we have a good chance that we could we could We have enough flexibility to move somewhere else, I think yeah, I think Arma would be yeah a natural Transition to a similar game in the way it plays and militarily wise Even that one's not like really polished either. It's got its issues It's pretty good though Some of the charm of the games we play is kind of that. It's kind of like It doesn't have to be the Cod level polish you know, it's got it's as long as the gameplay is solid then the Shell around it doesn't necessarily have to be like 100% Triple A's, you know, it doesn't because it won't ever be that way Yeah, the community the developers that develop triple-a titles like Call of Duty And stuff like that their their market is not you see that the market for this kind of game like how let loose is a lot smaller than the markets for Call of Duty and battlefield although battlefield 2042 shit the bed. So who knows what that did to the community? They really didn't enjoy that game from what I understand. Yeah. Yep so One of my part of the podcast I'm talking about today is I'm talking about roles and one of the big roles that You play is squad lead. So I want to talk a little bit about your your squad leading What makes you so good at squad leading and I guess what is your focus? Like, what is it that that you're doing? Differently than maybe others that makes it makes it one of those things that you're just you're good at I mean, I used to squad lead a lot. I do it a lot less now But I still I'm planning on tonight Sunday would be Sunday game night, I'm gonna I'm gonna run the squad I Didn't really I I'm not former military. So it's not like I'm pulling out these really crazy well established strategies and tactics from some sort of military doctrine book or whatnot but When I when I was squad leading or when I do squad lead I make sure that My goal for the goal I set for myself is to make sure the guys in my squad and know what's happening on the map Because what I've seen a lot of times is that I'm playing a game It as a regular squad member and squad lead isn't telling me what's going on in command chat And it's not like he needs to tell me every little detail but I like to keep my squad informed that I let's say I'm hearing some things are going on on the Eastern side of the objective Well, I I make it a point to tell them that hey guys Keep your eyes open on that eastern side because I'm hearing things that I'm hearing a lot of contact East so, you know you spawn off Opie and the lag time between you Running to maybe a safer spot because some a lot of times Opie's are like they have eyes on So you got your guy who just spawns? He pulls out his rifle and then you get you getting prone and it's like, okay. Well, where am I running to now? That's what a squad member is saying to himself is like where where should I run to now? Where am I not gonna get completely? Machine gun to death immediately after Opie spawn, right? And I'm like, okay. Well look here. Here's what I've called out previous. It's like east side is getting hot Make sure you guys have your attention to that side. Here's what's been going on in school and command shot if anybody's ever played as a Squad lead. Well, I'm also squad leading. I don't a lot of people say that they like my call-outs So I like to my call-outs are pretty clean and that would be one of the more important aspects of running squads For the other players for the other the other people in command shot if you're not being clear and concise with your With your call-outs and you're cluttering everything up. Well, then you're not doing much of you're doing more harm than good so I mean if I if I see some armor and I know that I have like bliss for he's or Demigod or whoever's running tank. I mean I make it a point to call it out for them I'll use their name. I'll say let's say for he's you got armor on Southeast of objective on my ping on easy mark ping and I'll say that a couple times And then I usually get a response back saying copy that we hear you La la la and then I know I've done my bit at least for that moment to call out a threat Now if I'm running a squad, I generally like to have 80 players with me and an engineer So if I'm close to that armor I'm gonna try to get Mike depending on what my role is at the time what the roster is telling me I need to be Doing right or what other come at the commander or other squad leads in white chatter saying? Yeah Like I'm gonna put my guys there for to be able to put some pressure on the enemy armor So that's most of the time that would be the biggest that is the biggest factor of Objectives and capturing objectives is if you've got a tank somewhere absolutely obliterating squishy infantry If you're not sure if you're not eyes on immediately on that armor or you don't have somebody engaging at least just to break Contact so that doesn't mean that they have to destroy it necessarily. But if you put one rocket and like a Panther's ass, you know, he's might you might start moving around You might start you might move and he's not gonna continue engaging our friendly So, you know as long as they've been engaged and they can break contact and I've done my job to make sure that that threat Has been abated for like, you know a few maybe a minute or two So we can organize Friendly armor to move up or from the armor to maneuver around and then take some shots on And that's that's mostly what I think makes a good SL I mean if I'm a squad member and I know you've been a squad lead Well, I'm a squad member oftentimes if if we're not in the thick of something I'm keeping morale up I'm making jokes. Um, I mean, it's sometimes it's you know, it's counterproductive I'll admit that I could shut up maybe once in a while But the amount of laughs I get it's like I can't not do it like it's like come on I'm making everybody piss themselves in squad shots. That's my deal. That's my favorite thing to do. That's what makes me the happiest I'm not really a Not really a comp player. I'm there to have a good time and stuff like that But you know clean comms not cluttering up red chat Making sure that when you you call something out you would describe it cleanly concisely, but accurately so I'm not pinging An enemy steward like a jumbo 76 or if I have squad members saying I gave me armor here And then they they put their regular ping. I'm like, what kind of tank is that before I even switch off the red chat, right? I'm not gonna make two call-outs and be like, okay, this is enemy armor here then come back a couple days Okay, well, it's this kind It's like you gotta get that out like immediately one one shot deal so that the other people who are talking can Can get their messages across to so that's that's me I'm Also as a squad lead. I'm pretty What I said like I'm decisive in a sense where I'm like, hey, I see my guy in my squad is running the MG I'm like go here set up there and I have him covering this advance or I'm covering our advance Or I need supplies. It's supplies here or I need so, you know, all those things. I'm always And that comes from from what I do as a job like I mean, I work in a residential carpentry and if you're a Journeyman, which I am and you're leading an apprentice or a helper. You can't just be doing your own thing You got to be giving them something to do to be, you know productive You can't just be like cut me this piece Give it to me and then watch me install it for the next 15 seconds or 20 seconds or minutes or however long it takes It's like they cut me that give it to me and then okay go do this now So that they're occupied and their their time is well spent. Yeah, I feel like I brought that into squad leading as well So I'm not just like having everybody spawn on OP and then we kind of run aimlessly in whatever direction sort of is where there's Contact it's like hey mg go set up their Engineer come with me here. We're gonna try to put some wire there and then support like run east with me we're gonna go put up a garrison here or the using the The squad The squad comoros or whatever. I don't know if that's still called that or you just do your ping your ping wheel And you're putting markers and stuff like that so that your squad knows where the fuck they're going That's that's the most important thing. If you're just if you're not saying anything and you're quiet your guys are just kind of like Running around taking cover behind a wall and then like kind of aimed looking at a field until maybe one German guy decides to like Start moving your schnitzel across the open field. It's like, okay Well, you're not really using your time effectively there No I think you make a good point as a squad lead like You're directing guys and giving guys tasks and stuff to do and not just running aimlessly Through the game or just not just following you Into where you're going and stuff like that You're telling these guys to set up here do this or do that Because as you said it gives them something to do and I think that's that's the point, right? That's what they that's why they're playing those roles and stuff. They want to do stuff with it. They don't want to just Just follow you into a position and then get shot and spawn back in right back in the spot on again The job you do Yeah, but it's like I don't want my engineer playing rifleman. Well, he's occupying the engineers spot. You know what I mean? Yeah yeah, like rifleman is you get the Germans get the car or the conveyor 43 and the Americans the m1 Garand or the carbine and it's like Well, the engineer has those weapons too, but it's like your main focus isn't to be engaging infantry all the time, right? Like you have you have the wrench put some wire there We'll cover you for the for the time being my supply guy will drop you supplies I mean, I've occupied two roles there I have an mg on overwatch and have myself like talking with the other SL's and looking at the map to what I can put up next and Then maybe if there's like a recruit or something who's like pulling security with it with a rifleman class, that's fine But I'm not expecting I'm not expecting everybody to run Specific roles and then just be like well, I'm an infantry This guy identifies as an engineer or I'm an engineer that identifies as a rifleman. It's like no You need to do your job It's like yeah, that's literally what it is. Oh Man all right. Well, thanks Will for let me give you a shout and Talk a little bit about Canada about the stash about how loose and Squad leading all great information I'll let you get back to I interrupted you earlier of the message. You're doing a what what were you taking? I'll let you get back to that now that you've had your your cup of coffee Okay, thanks again enjoy your Sunday, I'll see you on game night. All right. Take care

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