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Trust in the LORD

Trust in the LORD

Frampton PaulFrampton Paul



Frampton Paul shares one of his holy promptings live. This episode is on Trust, but that's a different kind. It's the reliance and confidence that we develop over time in God.

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Tell the Lord exactly what you're dealing with and trust Him, rely on Him that He will give you direction, He will give you instruction, rely on Him, He will tell you what to do, rely on Him, He will show you where to go, rely on Him, He will direct you who to speak with, rely on Him, He will give you the time, the date, He will give you the information that you need, rely on Him, He will send the right people in your direction, when we trust God, we trust Him for the outcome, when we trust God, we trust Him because we are not in control of the unknown, when we trust God, His hands will work much better than our skin, far better than we can even think or imagine. Beloved friends, trust God, the decision is not too big for God, the situation is not too heavy for the Lord, trust Him, I want to pray with you, let us pray together. My Father, I thank you for the power of your word, I thank you that I have shared with your people exactly what you have placed in my spirit. It is a word to trust you, because sometimes we become so laden, so burdened, so overtaken and overwhelmed by life that we forget that you are still in control of every situation. There is nothing too difficult for you, there is no mountain that you cannot climb, there is no mountain that you cannot make into level plain, there is no valley that you cannot exalt, you can lift it up, even the deepest valley, you can walk through that valley, even the raging seas, Father you can step on that raging sea, we may not see it, we may not know how, even the situations that are way beyond our understanding, explanation and our imagination. When man have given us the final word, when they have said there is nothing that can be done, no change, the situation is beyond the ability to resolve or to fix, we trust you. I pray for every person connected now, and those who will be connected later, in the name of Jesus, I pray by the power of your spirit, God that they will lift up their eyes unto you, not unto man, not unto themselves, but unto you. Someone is standing in the doorway of decision, someone is standing in a situation that they are not even sure how they are going to make this, how they are going to do it, or what they should do next. Someone have received bad report and they do not know which direction to turn, but today we trust you. Holy Father I know that you are ministering to your people, you are speaking to someone now, and someone is going to discover this session and be encouraged even in the future. There is no hiding of your power. You have done it many, many times over, and you will do it again. You will do it again. Lord we do not know how you are going to do it, we do not know when you are going to do it, we do not know why you are going to do it, we do not know the people that you are going to use to do it, but we are confident in your voice, we are confident in your word. We are assured that you will do exceeding abundantly of all that we can ask or even imagine. Our imagination will fail us after you have done what you are supposed to do. Our asking will seem to be too small because you will go above and beyond what we have asked. I pray now as we learn to trust you, as we lean into you, the one who knows the future better than we know ourselves, teach us to lean upon you, teach us to rest in you, teach us to wait on you in the name of Jesus. Father, I pray for those persons at this time who are weary, they are anxious, overwhelmed, tired, have not been sleeping because they are trying to figure life out, they are trying to figure things out. You did it for Daniel. When the decree was signed, he trusted you. He was thrown in the lion's den, but nothing, not one lion attacked him. Teach us that kind of trust. Paul and Silas, they were arrested and thrown into prison, but they trusted you to bring them out, and at midnight you showed yourself mighty, you showed yourself strong. When Abraham was in trouble, he trusted you to deliver him. When Isaac did not know which way to go, he trusted you. My Father, my prayer today is that your people would learn to trust you. My prayer today is that your people would see the benefit and the result of trusting you, and your people be encouraged not to trust in their own strength, in their own efforts, because that will fail. But your word cannot lie. And Father, you cannot fail. You cannot fail. You cannot fail. And because you cannot fail, teach our hearts to trust you. Teach our minds to trust you. What we see now, it's not the end. What we hear now, it's not the end. As dark as it may be, as stormy as it may be, as gloomy as it may seem, we trust you. You're the one who turns tides around. You're still changing times and seasons. Doors have been closed in our face, but we trust you. We trust you. We trust you. Reports have not been favorable, but we trust you. Hallelujah! We trust you. Thank you that you're answering our prayers. Thank you that we're seeing a better way. Thank you that you will cause light to shine on the road ahead. The darkness that we see today will turn into light tomorrow. Weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning. The morning is coming. You will have us to exchange a garment of heaviness for a garment of praise, a spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise, because we trust you. The tears that run down the sides of our faces, Father, we believe that you will cause every tear to be dried, because we trust you. We don't know how. We don't know when, but our trust is in you. Our hope is in you. Our confidence is in you. We rely on the one who never fails. We rely on the one who never fails. Your word declares that you neither sleep nor do you slumber. I glorify you for this. I thank you. I praise you, the God who neither sleeps nor slumbers. You will open doors that men said would never open. We trust you. Today, let every hearer and those who will discover this session later on, may their faith be encouraged. May they look to you in their darkest hour. May they find hope when everything else is hopeless. May you be their guide when they have lost their way. In the name of Jesus, you will speak glory to God, to your messengers. You will speak to your angels. You will speak to people. You will inform people of what to do, when to do it, and for who to do it, because you are God, so we trust you. We trust the one who is mighty, the one who is strong. I thank you for answering the prayers of your people. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. Glory to God. You will lift burdens. Hallelujah. Yokes shall be broken, because we trust you. We'll see a total change, a complete change, a complete change in our situation. Glory to God. Glory to God. You will see a complete change in your situation. You will testify. You will have a praise report. You will let others know, see what the Lord has done. You will let others know, see what the Lord has done. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. The report will be different. It must be different, because we trust in the one who is mighty, because we trust in the one who is strong, because we trust in the one who never fails, who never fails, who never fails. So, I praise you, Father, and I give you glory. Thank you for hearing us, Lord. Thank you for hearing us. Thank you for moving by your Spirit. Yes, Lord, and answering every person that calls upon you. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. Beloved friends, I'm glad that I can be an encouragement to every one of you. I want you to lay hold of this Word. Lay hold of this encouraging few moments that we've had together. Come back to it and just play it over and over. Play it on your way to work. Play it, glory to God. Just play it again. Listen to it again and again. Let it encourage your faith. Let it strengthen your confidence and your trust in the Lord. Glory to God. Glory to God. I'll be starting my session, daily session, and it's going to be a time of teaching and preaching. There are many people who are hungry for the Word of God. There are many people hungry for the Word of God. I know you too are hungry, and I'll be teaching the Word, and I'll be sharing as the Lord leads me. So, I pray that you can join me on Monday morning at 7, and if you're not able to catch it at 7, of course, you can always listen to the replay at 7 p.m. on Monday. And that's going to be every weekday. So, that's going to be Monday through Friday. Praise the name of the Lord. I thank you for sharing the flyer. Every one of you shared it. Thank you so much for getting the Word out. Get the Word out to your in-laws, your brothers, your sisters, your cousins. Just help us get the Word out, because I know it's the Word of God that changes lives. I'll be preaching the Word of God. I'll be teaching the Word of God. Yes, I'll be reading from the Word of God. I'll be sharing from the Bible. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord. So, until Monday, God's willing, I want you to be encouraged, and be strengthened, and remember this. Trust in the Lord. I can't overstate this. Trust in the Lord. Wherever you find yourself right now, trust in the Lord. Rely on Him. He has the answer to every situation that you have encountered, or is encountering. I say shalom, shalom to you. That is my prayer for you. God bless you, family. Shalom. Shalom.

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